Changing Racial Attitudes

At Majority Rights, Desmond Jones has argued that “There was no broad transformation of racial attitudes post WWII.” My response:

Reviewing trend data on whites’ beliefs regarding the intelligence of blacks, Miller (1995) reports a series of surveys beginning in 1939. In 1939, more than 5,000 Americans surveyed by Roper for Fortune magazine were asked, “Do you think Negroes now generally have higher intelligence than white people, lower, or about the same?” According to Miller, “about 71 percent of those interviewed indicated that they thought blacks were less intelligent than whites, 22 percent indicated that they thought blacks and whites had about the same intelligence, less than 1 percent indicated that blacks were more intelligent than whites, and 6 percent indicated that they did not know” (179). Follow-up questions ascertained that “47 percent of the entire national sample of Americans held the view that blacks were innately less intelligent that whites” (179). Beginning in 1942, periodic national surveys of the attitudes of whites toward blacks were conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago. In 1942, only 42 percent of whites indicated “that they thought blacks were as intelligent as whites” (179). “By 1956, 78 percent of the whites indicated that they thought that African Americans and whites were of equal intelligence, and only about 20 percent of whites indicated that they thought blacks were less intelligent than whites” (180).

In 1939, 22% of whites thought blacks were of equal intelligence. By 1956, 78% of whites believed that blacks were of equal intelligence. Looks like a broad transformation of racial attitudes to me.

Update: I did some further digging and turned up the source of the quotation.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Goes against your assertion that all or most whites today know blacks are less intelligence, more crime prone, etc, and facts about racial differences don’t need to be discussed.

  2. That would be true if the popular premise indicated low intelligence causes more criminality. That is not the popular premise. We live in a social determinist world, where it is believed upbringing, education, the hood you grew up in and the therapeutic state essentially shape us.

    Our host’s argument’s have consistently been biological determinist in nature. I.E., our biology / genes play the greater role in giving people their intelligence potential among other attributes. Biological determinism is generally not accepted in a mainstream sense.

    Thus, it remains consistent that the public can still believe blacks are badly behaved. The public will blame society / environment, but not heredity.

  3. Popular only among the left and our media masters that minority dysfunction and lack of success is only because of racist discrimination against them, both historical and current, that has left them poor and uneducated.

  4. ” Popular only among the left and our media masters that minority dysfunction and lack of success is only because of racist discrimination against them, both historical and current, that has left them poor and uneducated.”

    Yes and this is popular amongst ONLY the left for a reason… their have been literally DECADES of programs to try and bring the coloreds up! The Great Society and the Civil Rights acts were passed in the 1960s! Forty years ago! The Bakke decision was in 1978.. THIRTY YEARS AGO!

    How many more decades of this social engineering is going to be required to bring up ‘our equals’?!?!?!

    In the mean time that one troublesome group leftists like to ignore, Asians, have entirely rebuilt a war-torn and NUKED Japan!!! The place literally had nuclear bombs dropped on it, but has come back, meanwhile the dark realm of Detroit remains an Urban Blight upon the land!!

    Clearly there is a hierarchy amongst the Races.

  5. Wow. I really have to question the statistical methodology used. I can’t really believe that that many whites fell under this lie so early. Most of the heaviest media conditioning came about in the 70’s and 80’s, according to these stats – therefore, it wouldn’t have been necessary.

    My own life was spent in the company of union, blue collar folks. You can bet THEY weren’t running around believing that blacks were as intelligent as whites…in fact, wasn’t the 60’s where these folks showed their faces (Nixon’s Silent Majority, The Southern Resistance)

  6. Wow. I really have to question the statistical methodology used. I can’t really believe that that many whites fell under this lie so early.

    The post addressed transformation of racial attitudes. It’s that people felt compelled to claim they believed these things that is important, not whether they actually believed them.

  7. I don’t believe the poll accurately measures racial attitudes so much as the social pressure to conform to the anti-racist line peddled by our elites.

  8. As long as the mass media, video games, and the education system promote the lie that all races are of equal ability, potential, and historical accomplishments, the White Man will continue to decline until he is completely incapacitated by this new belief system.

    As long as the mass media, video games, and the education system promote the lie that White Men are cowards, effeminate, girly boys, and unable to protect or take care of their women, the White Man will continue to decline until he is completely incapacitated by the new belief system.

    As long as the mass media, video games, and the education system promote the lie that salvation, heroism, clarity, and honesty will only come from the Black Man, the White Man will continue to decline until he is completely incapacitated by the new belief system.

    As long as the mass media, video games, and the education system promote the lie that the White Man is a destroyer of worlds instead of a builder of worlds, the White Man will continue to decline until he is completely incapacitated by the new belief system.

    It does matter what White Men believe whether true or false. No great civilization has endured after losing of its original beliefs. The White Man and America will eventually fail unless the core beliefs and purposes for existing and building and conquering are established again. It doesn’t matter whether these core values are underlying Christianity, Atheism, or Deism. No group can survive without a beneficial purpose and belief system.

    Until the White Ruling Elite who finance, promote, encourage and use this destructive against the common White Man are exposed and removed from power. The future of the White Man AND the White Ruling Elite, the real destroyers, will eventually come to a tragic end.

    I say White Men, because we live in a “Woman’s World.” Almost all stores, all inventions, all products, music, etc is ULTIMATELY geared towards pleasing a woman OR a man who wants to please a woman. And nothing is more difficult to correct or tame than a spoiled, self-indulgent woman or child.

    Sherwood Smith

  9. “I don’t believe the poll accurately measures racial attitudes so much as the social pressure to conform to the anti-racist line peddled by our elites.”

    Then we could equally say that previously whites were only abiding by pro-white social pressures and didn’t know if blacks were inferior either.

    In either case an objective study to discover facts is necessary.

  10. In either case an objective study to discover facts is necessary.

    Has anyone ever objectively studied White Flight? For instance, identifying the causes without pathologizing the White participants as either insane or cowardly.

  11. Changing racial attitudes in Congo –

    “Le Blanc and I are into our 500th kilometer on the river when he turns my view of modern African history on its head. “We should just give it all back to the whites,” the riverboat captain says. “Even if you go 1,000 kilometers down this river, you won’t see a single sign of development. When the whites left, we didn’t just stay where we were. We went backwards.”

    “On this river, all that you see — the buildings, the boats — only whites did that. After the whites left, the Congolese did not work. We did not know how to. For the past 50 years, we’ve just declined.” He pauses. “They took this country by force,” he says, with more than a touch of admiration. “If they came back, this time we’d give them the country for free.”,8599,1713275,00.html

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