Myth, Facts, Self-Interest

Michael O’Meara has responded to GuessedWorker. I was going to post my two cents over there, but the brief comment grew into a blog entry.

The most persuasive case for the efficacy of myths is the debate over “scientific racism” itself: the manner in which “progressives” will twist themselves into a pretzel to avoid even the most obvious facts (racial differences exist, at least in morphology). These people will undoubtedly respond to Salterism in the same Foucaultian manner in which they dismiss all of racial science (it’s a power grab by the white man, a discourse that justifies his domination over us!).

The myth of the colorblind society overpowers the facts cited by the race realists time and again. I’ve lost count of how many times I have seen it happen. The most notorious case that comes to mind is Robert Lindsay, a progressive blogger, who is honest enough to admit that the race realists are usually right on their facts. He has studied the IQ data and racial crime statistics at length (going into international comparisons), knows the score, but isn’t moved by raw data.

He says openly that he wants to believe the progressive line on race. It is too comforting of an illusion. In Lindsay’s case, which is about the best we can hope for out of a progressive, the myth of the colorblind society is powerful enough to override facts, self-interest, and critical thinking. It is always this way with these people. Their vision of  “social justice” (or whatever they call it) drives their behavior. It is primary; data points are secondary, and are molded and interpreted to fit the preconceived conclusion.

Here’s another angle to the race realist/human biodiversity community: the nerd factor. The Sailersphere tends to disproportionately attract a certain type of individual, the sort of people who really are driven by data points, or “nerds” as we colloquially call them. Sometimes when you see them parsing GSS data, you can almost hear Skolnick, Poindexter, and Wormser chortling behind their computers in the background. You can imagine a pin up calender of “Asian babes” hanging on the wall. I have long suspected that their defense of the Jews, attacks on White Nationalists and “Nazis,” their obsession and crowing about IQ might have more to do with nerd solidarity (social class) than anything else. I’m skeptical that HBD/RR will ever rise above being a nerd subculture.

Americans are not analytical/empirical/objective. I have mentioned elsewhere that Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind series has sold 65 million copies. Even within academia, the progressive mythos dominates entire disciplines, especially in the culture sensitive humanities. I just can’t see an appeal to science winning out (without substantial culture wind behind it); look what happened to James Watson (with all his prestige) when he stepped across the line of political correctness. Geneticists bend over backwards to avoid using the word “race” in lieu of Watson’s fall from grace. Most try to avoid it altogether (smart career move there). They bend to popular opinion and the progressive party line. Remember all that talk about how the Human Genome Project had discredited racialism? That and God talk has done wonders for Francis Collins’ career.

What can be said for self-interest? In our current political environment, it reinforces the LDC system. The career-minded, family-minded selfish individual prefers to go along with the flow. He is content to live in his whitebread suburb, shop at the Big Box stores for plasma televisions, pull the (R) lever at the ballot box in November. The first rule of conservative politics: Number One always comes first, second, and last. If such an individual is feeling really brave, he might go teabagging or do something really radical like visit a paleo website.

Just think about it: the tide of self-interest against us is so strong that White Nationalists have to cheer for a national catastrophe like a Second Great Depression, Hurricane Katrina or Kunstler’s Long Emergency to disrupt the status quo. Self-interest will come into play whenever our success appears plausible (think of the NSDAP) or catastrophic circumstances intervene. That’s when the opportunists and conservatives will flock into our ranks.

Looking at our situation objectively, even with the eye of an analytical empiricist (a bent of mind I share with GuessedWorker), what is needed right now (in the embryonic stage) is fanaticism. There are few incentives to join our movement. Racially conscious Whites are the most despised minority in America. I’m willing to wager we are hated even more than the atheists.

We need myths that are powerful enough to move a vanguard beyond their own rational self-interest. An alluring vision is needed comparable to the colorblind utopia that animates the left. It has to be expressed in art, literature, music and film; vehicles more accessible to the masses than academic texts. I have in mind the role played by the hippies and beatniks (and rock music) in the socialization of the counterculture’s cosmopolitan/expressivist mythos in the 1950’s and 1960’s. This is a task for artists, not intellectuals.

As for EGI, that ship will sail in the scientific community (only) when the headwinds of a popular movement are behind it. Myth, facts, self-interest — in that order, a mass movement progresses from infancy to maturity.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think deep down, those in the Sailersphere think in much the same way that you do. It’s just that as things stand today, you can only be just so explicit in trying to open comatose whites’ eyes before their “racist” antenna is fully activated and they flee the premises, or start shouting “guards, guards!”, and that outcome does nothing to open their eyes.

    I find that laying out the data, as Sailer and others have compiled and distilled into FAQs and the like on Race and IQ, that those facts are the most persuasive arguments that you can make to open people’s eyes to HBD. They know these things instinctively anyway (and in fact, generally speaking, passively acknowledge them by their self-segregation… SWPLs ain’t living in the hood), but have been inundated with PC relativist nonsense for so long, that, at least as an introductory breaking through the fog, presenting info as cold, hard, unassailable facts will sometimes penetrate their skulls. Even going the strictly data route is pushing the envelope far, far, further, in an attempt to explain societal differences in group outcomes, than 99% of cowed whites will go.

    For instance, when the Gates/Crowley issue was the rage a few weeks ago, deracinated whites everywhere would side with Gates. Even on non-racialist non-political blogs, this topic was front and center. Often the deracinated whites would point to the usual bogeymen, like legacy of slavery, white privilege, history of relations between police and blacks and the like to rationalize Gates behavior, which presented an opportunity to thoroughly debunk the ‘white privilege’ canard. If unequal social and financial outcomes are not the result of racism/white privilege, there must necessarily be some other reason.

    When you’re on a site that is not explicitly racial/political in nature, you have to parse out the info piecemeal (so as not to shock brainwashed minds of tender sensibilities), particularly if it’s a site you frequent regularly. I find that using the euphemism of academic achievement (as proxy for IQ) will open the door. Then you get all the usual arguments about environment being the cause for the discrepancies, which opens the door to point out that whites don’t even score the highest on all the various academic/IQ tests, etc. And you can point to how economic outcomes, and crime stats mirror group IQ levels, and that the same outcomes manifest everywhere in the world, in places that don’t share our ‘legacy of slavery’.

    Those arguments fall short of the kith and kin arguments that most of us favor, but they are part and parcel of the whole, and are effective in disproving the ‘blacks lag behind whites because of the legacy of slavery and white privilege’ that zombified whites spew out whenever the subject of group differences comes up. I think you must first pound them with data to get it through there brainwashed skulls that there are real differences between groups, and they manifest in obvious ways.

    I prefer putting them on the defensive by pointing out how despicable it is to malign an entire group (whites) with charges of racism and white privilege based on no evidence at all.

    The important thing is to challenge the nonsense when you see/hear it. Particularly, foolishness like white privilege, should be challenged and disproved ever time it is uttered. Make them feel like clowns for maligning whites instead of what they are accustomed to, which is to quickly call anyone who challenges their liberal orthodox views on race a “racist”, and for the accused racist to immediately start backpeddling. They are entirely unaccustomed to being put on the defensive, and when you keep it factual, they have no effective counterarguments to cold, hard facts. Their arguments are entirely emotional.

    IQ, while important, is not the heart of the matter. Kith and kin is, but IQ at least gets people to recognize that groups are different, and that it is not whites fault that other groups lag behind. There’s no logical reason for me to favor my own kids over others, but I do. They don’t need to be better than others for me to favor my own, but I do. Kith and kin is the real heart of the matter, but that is a later argument, after you’ve penetrated the fog enough for them to acknowledge that all groups are not the same in all respects, and that some differences (IQ) are of more important than others (skin color).

    I’d rather just cut to the chase when making these arguments to awaken deracinated whites, but if by cutting right to the kith and kin aspect they’ll shut down and leave, secure in their belief that they are morally superior to you, you’ve not accomplished a thing. That’s why opening their eyes only so far as you are able to at that moment is better. Maybe next time, you can be a little more explicit. Ultimately you want them to recognize that it is normal and healthy to favor your own, and that people have been tribal from the beginning, and that other groups still are tribal, and that only deracinated whites no longer are, and that not favoring your own is tantamount to racial suicide.

    All of which is to say that Sailer is a staunch ally, who uses his real name (not a shot at anyone who doesn’t… we have jobs and families to support) to publish his pretty explicit views.

    As an aside, Buchanon too receives flak from some to his right about not being explicit enough about racial problems, to which I say, there is probably no one out there using their real name (who is a working pundit) that has been more explicit. His books Death of the West, and State of Emergency spell out the impending demographic doom for whites and the West and for the societies they created in unambiguous terms.

  2. Forgot a main point I was going to make. It’s important to kill the whites as evil / white guilt memes that are inculcated in people these days. The recognition of HBD and IQ differences is a helpful tool in making them aware that group outcome differences are not the fault of whites.

  3. Prozium, I don’t know if it’s the water you’re drinking or what, but you really have been hitting them out of the park. Truly superb writing and insight, really the whole package.

    I know that not too long ago you despaired of blogging. Had you given in to that despair, a lot of great writing would have been lost.

    It occurs to me that some people were born to be teachers, whether in an ancient Greek city-state or on the internet. The talented ones draw interest, they draw students. They require no accreditation. People want to hear them, are interested in what they have to say. There are so few people online worth reading/listening to. I hope that you appreciate that you are one of these few, a teacher in the best sense of the word.

  4. “Myth, facts, self-interest, in that order”

    Christ, (immediate) Family, and Nation (Whites), in that order…

    says many things, has been many things (tradition), and I’d grab my gun tonight if called…

    I doubt it as likely, but for reasons different than most of you readers. Nevertheless, it bears exploring? I’d pay real money to see that show.

    Cheers, FWM

  5. What the race realists and especially the human biodiversity advocates want is white preservation without getting their hands dirty. They want to keep reviewing movies for the NYT, or, failing that, keep being invited to paleocon events. To advocate a white nation puts you outside the realm of acceptable discourse pretty much for life. After you “come out” as a white nationalist the only path back to respectability is as a weeping guest on Oprah repenting of your sins, hugging black gangsters and kissing Jesse Jackson’s behind.

    But that only explains the motivations of the professional writers among them. What about their followers in the nerdosphere? The anonymous ones don’t have to worry about their careers being damaged. So why endorse such a watered down ideology?

    I think it goes to the psychology of their social class, the unspoken assumptions of the nerdosphere. If we can achieve white preservation by arguing about HBD we can talk our way out of this. Nerds like to talk. If white nationalists are right and this is a struggle for survival against an enemy – jewry – that fully intends to wipe us out to the last man then there is no way to talk our way out of it. At some point, if we are to survive at all, we will have enough awakened whites to act, and that action will not involve voting.

    There is little place for number crunching nerds in that scenario, and if they ever acknowledged this they would feel like shirkers, cowards when it mattered most. Much easier to stick to their spreadsheets.

  6. “liberal democratic capitalist” system

    Which, if we were to use terms less popular but more accurate, would be called the “neoliberal plutocratic bolshevist” system.

  7. The most notorious case that comes to mind is Robert Lindsay, a progressive blogger, who is honest enough to admit that the race realists are usually right on their facts. He has studied the IQ data and racial crime statistics at length (going into international comparisons), knows the score, but isn’t moved by raw data.

    That’s not quite true. He has inched toward sanity as a result. Think what he’d otherwise be supporting. (Of course, being mugged three times by Mexicans also helped.)

    In Lindsay’s case, which is about the best we can hope for out of a progressive, the myth of the colorblind society is powerful enough to override facts, self-interest, and critical thinking.

    I don’t agree with your use of “myth” here, at least not if you’re attempting to equate it to the sorts of WN myths you’d like to see created and promoted (if myth even works that way). It’s more a case of any alternative being so horrible to contemplate that any philosophy, any ideology, any way of construing reality that allows one to believe the future is bright or at least not-so-bad is preferable. (Robert Putnam is another example, and there are countless others.) Calling this level of myth “myth” clouds the underlying thought processes in operation.

    Here’s another angle to the race realist/human biodiversity community: the nerd factor. The Sailersphere tends to disproportionately attract a certain type of individual, the sort of people who really are driven by data points, or “nerds” as we colloquially call them. Sometimes when you see them parsing GSS data, you can almost hear Skolnick, Poindexter, and Wormser chortling behind their computers in the background. You can imagine a pin up calender of “Asian babes” hanging on the wall. I have long suspected that their defense of the Jews, attacks on White Nationalists and “Nazis,” their obsession and crowing about IQ might have more to do with nerd solidarity (social class) than anything else. I’m skeptical that HBD/RR will ever rise above being a nerd subculture.

    Whiskey/testing99 for me epitomizes this “price of everything, value of nothing” mindset.

    Separation must overcome far greater inertia than RR so RR is likely to be the first port of call. Your problem is that RR can deliver; it could do a great deal to alleviate many of the problems typically discussed in these circles. If this works, separation will fail. There is good reason to think RR won’t work quite as advertized. But if certain RR policies are implemented they will have helped create momentum, with separation a reasonable expectation as a result of their failure. (This remains true even in the event of a spontaneous uprising (often hoped for/expected) the likes of which toppled the communist regimes.)

  8. Prozium: ” What can be said for self-interest? In our current political environment, it reinforces the [Neoliberal Plutocratic Bolshevist] system. ”

    The current system does not allow white interests to be put to the fore and acted upon. Acting upon our self-interest would not reinforce the current system, it would kill it. As white men, our self-interest is that immigration be reversed. At the same time, every white man’s self interest is to let others do the job for him. It is like resisting extorsion. We would rather let someone else denounce the extortioner. The solution is that every white man should contribute 10$ to the white nationalist movement every year. It is a small amount, but may be enough to reverse the situation. It woud be used to vilify our enemies, disturb their personal comfort, and eventually expel them to faraway lands. The problem is not only how to resist the intimidation by the anti-white forces, but how to do some intimidation of our own, so they will start thinking about the cost to their individual comfort when they attack us.

    Our problem is that our enemies are very good at mobilizing forces and troops. For example, the meat packing industrialists will give millions to buy the political machine, while private citizens and businesses that would fare better without immigration won’t give anything. The Jewish media will spend huge amounts of money in propaganda, whereas most race conscious whites will not contribute any money to the white nationalist movement. Vicious liberals will spend a lot of energy to vilify decent people, while decent people will just grin and bear it.

    I have come to the conclusion that what is needed, on this blog, is a list of white nationalist associations that have made fundraising appeals and are waiting for help.

    ” We need myths that are powerful enough to move a vanguard beyond their own rational self-interest. ”

    If we want more whites to sacrifice their individual comfort, so as to defend our collective self-interest, there is a simple solution: we should raise a fund to compensate hesitant heroes for setbacks suffered in the course of action against the anti-white forces.

    But the idea of myth is not to move beyond self-interest. On the contrary, it must put a romantic slant on the idea of preserving our collective self-interest. It is like romantic love. Love is largely based on self-interest and our natural instinct, but we would rather look at it in a more romantic way.

  9. Rhetoric trumps logic. The focus of too many White Nationalists or White advocates today is overly brainy and doesn’t connect with most people.
    Elections are not won by logic, they are won by inspiration. Social movements move by stories and emotion.
    If you personally really want to create a new White republic and new White nations, then start to learn rhetoric and persuasion techniques.
    Recent blogs on Roissy reveal a man who knows hard truths about how to get what he wants despite what other people say they want. This is exactly the same dilemma faced by White nationalists.
    It’s only when you can offer a compelling vision of why a White nation is better for almost all Whites that more Whites will move forward on this.

  10. The Future: ” Rhetoric trumps logic. The focus of too many White Nationalists or White advocates today is overly brainy and doesn’t connect with most people.”

    Maybe it depends whether you are speaking on an internet forum or on a radio station. But logic and brainy arguments are interesting in themselves, and not completely useless in winning some people over.

    I think the rhetoric of the race-replacers isn’t even good. Their persuasion technique relies mainly on intimidation and silencing critics. How can they persuade normal people that race-replacement is good for them? It doesn’t take brainy arguments to show that the race-replacers talk nonsense. They say things like: “race doesn’t exist, it is only a social construct.” Who can believe that? We don’t really have to convince anyone, we should just shout that the Emperor is naked. Normal people know the truth already. They just need to be nudged a little.

    ” Elections are not won by logic, they are won by inspiration. “

    People are not so stupid that they can be made to see the third-world invasion of their towns as an inspiring, compelling vision.
    I think elections are won by spending money, by controlling the mass media, by subverting the political process behind closed doors, by intimidating the opposition… Inspiring visions may work a little, but not as well as intimidation.

    A related question is who we most need to win to our side. Is it realistic to expect a rebellion at the bottom, from white voters? Is the rebellion more likely to come from an elite minority?
    When a nationalist organization starts a propaganda campaign, the proportion of logic and emotion in their rhetoric should probably depend on who is the target: everyone, or only an elite.

  11. I didn’t get mugged 3 times by Mexicans. I got ripped off by Mexicans, mostly for small amounts.

    I *believe* in race realism but I hate it.

    I *want to believe* in the liberal/Left line on race, but I know it’s a lie.

  12. RL:”I didn’t get mugged 3 times by Mexicans. I got ripped off by Mexicans, mostly for small amounts.”

    You might’ve only got robbed for small amounts, but White Americans have been robbed of vast White territories by Hispanics/Latinos, including the southern half of California, New Mexico, much of Arizona, and a lot of Texas. See –

  13. Rhetoric with an inspirational core is the most successful.
    This is the inspirational core of modern liberalism: that humanity is One; it’s inspiring enough to many that the facts barely matter. ‘Yes, WE can’. It is the WE that matters. Not based on exclusion, but rather on hope, idealism, inclusion, and optimism.
    People don’t see the inspiration as third worlders invading their towns, they see and vote the inspiration of human unity.
    WNs are seen as violaters, obscene profaners of this semi-religious human unity. Politically, division inspires division, unity inspires unity. Politically, a positive message is more powerful than just a critique.
    You can see this evolution in WN. It is becoming more accepting, not less. More peaceful, not less. More unifying, not less. And therefore slightly more successful.
    An inspirational vision is everything. It will reach the masses and it will reach the elite.
    So what is the WN inspirational vision?

  14. The Future: “WNs are seen as violaters, obscene profaners of this semi-religious human unity.”

    Normal people feel inadequate because they know they should not take their own replacement lying down. They see WNs as their betters, and they resent that. The easy way to take revenge on WNs is to denounce them as violators of the PC code.
    (Not sure if my theory is true ; at least, it is a theory).

    “So what is the WN inspirational vision?”

    Here is an inspirational advertisement for white nationalism: You like to break bones? Join us, and together we will teach the leftist traitors a few lessons.

  15. Splendid article, Prozium, really quite impressive. White Nationalism has made some progress in the last decade or so. Historically we have had on the one hand serious race realists doing good research on EGI and HBD, and on the other a bunch of semi-insane neo-nazi hobbyists and costume fetishists. The nascent WNism of today, I think, is starting to fill the gap. Practical politicians/activists and artists: this is what we need now.

    What does ‘teabagging’ mean?

  16. I don’t understand “The Future’s” call for an “inspirational vision.” Isn’t “not getting genocided” inspirational enough? “Vote for us and we’ll fight with you against your own genocide.”

    “The Future” says people don’t vote on the basis of non-whites invading, replacing them, and taking over, they vote on the basis of “the inspiration of human unity.” Well, Jews do because there’s the huge benefit, as Jews see it, that it gets rid of their age-old enemy whom they really cannot stand, Eurochristians, at little or no cost to themselves (they don’t see it at all as their country being obliterated or their race being genocided), and clueless female college sociology and English majors do who’ve been brainwashed by their Jewish college professors and obey in righteous-moralistic lockstep just like Catholic nuns. But most have the potential to see what’s going on, once it’s talked about more, and to find the prospect of stopping it inspiration enough. What the Jews have succeeded in doing so far is keeping any public discussion of it from taking place.

  17. “–What the race realists and especially the human biodiversity advocates want is white preservation without getting their hands dirty. They want to keep reviewing movies for the NYT, or, failing that, keep being invited to paleocon events. To advocate a white nation puts you outside the realm of acceptable discourse pretty much for life.–”

    Mmm hmmm, that about sums it up rather nicely.

    This is also why so many of ’em are ABSOLUTE SUPPLICANTS on the “JQ” — for they know, all wussy claims to the contrary, that Jews indeed are really the principal agents behind the forces of social decay they, the “RR’s”, claim to be so against.

    I suppose some of em foolishly think by ‘kissin some arse’ is going to buy em some ‘respectability’, you know, by getting some ‘kosher approval’ (heck, maybe some of em really delude themselves into thinking they’ll someday be writing for National Review or some other neoCON rag).

    This also presents a unique kind of danger, since HBD/RR is a vehicle likely to be hijacked (or carjacked?), into one serving simultaneously as a tool for the promotion of Jewish supremacy; AND as a justification for White genocide/race replacement (if it not already is).

  18. ‘Breaking bones’ and ‘avoiding genocide’ don’t qualify as inspirational to most, no. Are you for real? Come on.

    Re: breaking bones. Once you remove this kind of talk/joke altogether White Nationalism will grow faster.

    As for genocide, this is going to be slowest, sweetest genocide in human history if it happens at all. Most people know anything can happen in the 100+ years it would take to even come close. Hysteria aside, White people are not going to die out. What will happen is very likely the potential of White societies will be snuffed out by carrying the load of mass immigration.

    It’s just a fact of electoral politics that inspiration, rhetoric, and unity prevail over negativity and exclusion.
    You can accept or reject that, understand it or not.
    I agree that with the Internet as an alternate media, White Nationalism has significant room for growth.

    That being said there is probably no way to force faster growth, although I offer a few principles of political success. As people come together much of the hate and aggression will dissipate and a more workable, unifying vision will stimulate the White renaissance. A positive vision has historically been the most effective in galvanizing popular support.

  19. Get Real,

    Sailer makes his living as a writer in jew owned publications, he either kisses ass or he takes up a new (probably less lucrative and certainly less fun) career.

    I’ve long suspected that the race realist perspective was floated as a trial balloon in The Bell Curve (co-written by a jew and published by a neocon house) and Amren just in case multiculturalism turned toxic for the chosen people, or if it looked like whites might retake part of north america. Race realism, by using IQ as the standard, allows jews to join the “white side” in any future racial conflict. The realists among the jews are well aware that in a straight fight whites will win unless they’re outnumbered.

    Race realism is a sort of “hard neoconservatism.”

  20. ” Hysteria aside, White people are not going to die out. “

    Maybe a few specimens of white people will be kept alive, together with a few bald eagles and a few Chinese pandas. But the sad and unacceptable thing is not just that white people could die out. What is unacceptable is that millions of white babies have not been born in the last decade, due to third-world immigration. And millions of us can no longer walk safely in the street in the evening. And it is getting worse. If you are not worried by that, you have no business offering advice.

    ” It’s just a fact of electoral politics that inspiration, rhetoric, and unity prevail over negativity and exclusion. “

    Observing the far-left in action leads me to the opposite conclusion. They are the kings of negativity: their aim is to destroy everything. They are the champions of exclusion: no normal person will find favor with them. But they are doing very well. I think the key to their success is their over-developped aggression instinct.

    ” ‘Breaking bones’ and ‘avoiding genocide’ don’t qualify as inspirational to most, no. “

    If you are a grassroots white nationalist, you find inspiration where you can. But even if you are a big intellectual, you won’t come up with a magical myth that can rally everyone. The idea of waking up people through the power of myth is even worse than the idea that we can persuade them through the power of truth and intellectual arguments. In fact, saying the truth is easy. It will resonate with people, especially if they are suffering from the multicultural lies. By contrast, it must be very tricky to develop a mythical vision that will resonate with people. (Except if you own the media, in which case you can try forced resonance).

    The direct method of using common sense, stating the obvious and being brutally honest has nothing wrong in itself. Using that approach does not mean you are naive. It would certainly work if those views had a chance to be put across in the media.

    If some people choose to put less emphasis on bare facts (demographics, IQ data, crime statistics…), and try to develop a “mythical vision”, they will come across the same hurdle. They will have trouble getting media access.

    But I think after the next civil war, if we are the winners, we must encourage the development of an official mythical vision in order to prevent the resurgence of anti-white nihilism.

    A quote from M.O’Meara: “White nationalists pay homage to race realists less for validating the significance of racial differences and highlighting the dangers of miscegenation (whose obviousness needs no scientific elaboration), but for their often gallant effort to keep America white.”

    I agree with him that you need not be a rocket scientist to see what is wrong with race-replacement. In fact, he doesn’t say that white nationalists should stop stating the obvious and should start spinning myths. He mainly says that science is of limited use to our cause. As an example, he mentions Salter’s Ethnic Genetic Interests. So, not counting mixed methods, I would say there are at least 3 approaches: common sense (Fred Scrooby and others), science (Frank Salter and the Race Realists), and romantic quests.

  21. Seems to be lots of interest in various forms of ‘mythmaking’ as of late:

    “Civilisations live and die by their founding myths. Our myths tell us that humanity is separate from something called “nature”, which is a “resource” for our use. They tell us there are no limits to human abilities, and that technology, science and our ineffable wisdom can fix everything. Above all, they tell us that we are in control. This craving for control underpins your approach. If we can just persaude the politicians to do A, B and C swiftly enough, then we will be saved. But what climate change shows us is that we are not in control, either of the biosphere or of the machine which is destroying it. Accepting that fact is our biggest challenge.

    I think our task is to negotiate the coming descent as best we can, while creating new myths that put humanity in its proper place.”

  22. White Preservationist,
    I’ve noticed your comments at this and another site could easily constitute a blog. Do you have one?

    I particularly liked your post on White co-operation/collectivism, although I haven’t been able to find it again. The search function on this site is either inadequate, or not working via my computer.
    It would be helpful if many of your comments were in one place.

  23. Armor,
    All we are debating is where to place our focus. Use whatever approach works for you. If you find something particularly effective let us know.

    Based on studies to date an optimistic, inspirational message is what is the most effective politically so that is why I advise that approach.

    The more we offer on as many fronts as possible the quicker the tide of anti-White politics can be turned.

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