Grant Havers on Hitler

At Takimag, Canadian paleocon Grant Havers chides Adolf Hitler for misunderstanding Britain and condemns the Third Reich as “an untrustworthy and murderous regime.” In a certain sense, Havers is correct: Hitler suffered from the misconception that British foreign policy was still based on realpolitik rather than fidelity to highminded liberal principles. As Churchill himself admitted, Britain had no material interest in fighting a dangerous three front war in Europe, the Mediterranean and the Pacific over Poland’s independence. This geopolitical misconception deluded Hitler into believing he could reach an understanding with Britain.

British public opinion was outraged in the aftermath of Munich when Hitler occupied Bohemia and Moravia. In establishing German rule over Slavs, Hitler violated the liberal principle of self determination. His persecution of the Jews, a violation of the liberal principle of religious tolerance, also excited British public opinion against the Third Reich. These were fatal blows against Chamberlain’s policy of peace through appeasement. The hardening of British public opinion in 1938/1939 resulted in the extension of official war guarantees to a number of countries including Poland.

By 1939, the British Empire was already in decline. The White Dominions (South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) had been extended self government and often balked at going along with British foreign policy. Ireland had been lost to the Empire. India had been granted Dominion status and was on the road to independence. The rest of the Empire was held in “trusteeship” until such a time that its constituent elements were deemed capable of responsible self government in Britain’s estimation. Until the mid-1930s, Britain had committed itself to the liberal fantasy of disarmament and collective security through the League of Nations. Economically, “free trade” Britain had long been eclipsed by the United States and Germany.

In The Retreat of Scientific Racism, Elazar Barkan makes it clear that a parallel movement to Boasian anthropology existed in Britain before the Second World War and had largely succeeded in throwing traditional conceptions of race into chaos. Unlike the U.S., which adopted a number of sterilization laws, the eugenics movement had been stymied early on in Francis Galton’s homeland.

Contrary to Havers’ assertion, Hitler was correct in his diagnosis of the degeneration of the British public and ruling class. Correlli Barnett documents this process in detail in The Collapse of British Power, The Audit of War, The Lost Victory and The Verdict of Peace. The British ruling class squandered their racial inheritance. They were only capable of fighting with “blood, sweat and tears” for the liberal principles that were driving their decline.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Q – What about Churchill? Was he a tyrant?

    A – He was a corrupt politician. He did what the Jews told him to do, and he replaced Neville Chamberlain, who was a man of peace. He pushed the UK into the war and destroyed the British Empire. Churchill was in the hands of the Jews, and if he’d surrendered [actually said: accepted Hitler’s 1940 peace offer] he’d have gone down in history as a failure. People would have laughed at him. The war was a personal matter to Churchill.

    Q – So should he have done a deal with Hitler?

    A – Of course. We were very close to ending the war in 1940 and then there probably would not have been any Holocaust. Because you can do such things only under cover of the smoke of war.

  2. “India had been granted Dominion status and was on the road to independence.”

    This is incorrect. The Government of India Act 1935 did not grant dominion status to India, nor did it ‘set it on the path to independence’. Some measure of self-government had been granted to certain Indian states, but that is all, there was no ‘road-map’ to independence implicit within the Act.

    The fact that on September 3rd, 1939 India was declared to be at war with Nazi germany by Lord Linlithgow, the imperial Viceroy, on instructions from London tells you everything you need to know about the state of India’s independence.

  3. “The White Dominions (South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) had been extended self government and often balked at going along with British foreign policy.”

    Not really true for New Zealand. NZ almost declared war on Germany before Britain because of the time difference. The real break from the Commonweal came about because Britian joined the ECC in the 1970’s which deprived NZ of uncompetitive access to Britain’s markets for agricultural products.

  4. I don’t understand how Dan Dare is talking nonsense about India. India didn’t become a Dominion until 1947, and didn’t become fully independent until 1950 when it became a republic.

  5. Had National Socialist Germany been victorious, and redefined the zeitgeist, India never would have gained independence. Hitler was even willing to volunteer German divisions to help defend the Empire.

    By the way, Dare does not even believe Jews suffer from a genetic compulsion to subvert to dominate host societies; in other words, what Jews do is merely culturally conditioned. What the fuck is Dare smoking?

  6. Do you also have the uncomfortable feeling that Jews do not seem to like the idea that peace could have been made with the Third Reich and thus the Holocaust (whatever it was) avoided?

  7. “–In other words, Churchill was in it for himself…not for the British Empire or the British people.–”

    Perhaps the British nation intuitively understood this and the fat-troll alcoholic Winny even had to face the shame and embarrassment of losing an election BEFORE the conclusion of the war, whereas his four-term contemporary across the ocean had to die in office in order to be removed.

    Clement Atlee sat in for Winny at the final conferences with Truman and Stalin. 😀

  8. Jews would never have been truly satisfied with anything less than Germany’s total destruction. Nor should Whites be satisfied with less than the total expulsion of Jews from White lands. It would have been better for our race that Germany won its Final Victory in war than had the war never been fought (e.g., complete expulsion of the Jews from Europe would have been achieved).

  9. “Do you also have the uncomfortable feeling that Jews do not seem to like the idea that peace could have been made with the Third Reich and thus the Holocaust (whatever it was) avoided?” ( — FB)

    Isn’t it clear that that’s the case? The Jews obviously couldn’t let what was going on in Germany stand, especially after the 1935 Nuremburg Laws. If that kind of thinking spread it would have been catastrophic for them, unthinkable. They had to go all out, use every ounce of their influence, to bring Germany down. Right from the moment they “declared war on Germany” in 1933 they saw National Socialist Germany’s destruction as their goal.

  10. The US public was outraged regarding Hitler’s actions, but it, by no means, meant they wanted war.

    1. (US Sept 23 ’38) Do you think England and France made a mistake in agreeing to Germany’s demands on Czechoslovakia? ( aipo) Yes 52% No 30% No opinion 18%

    2. ( Great Britain Oct ’38) Hitler says he has “no more territorial ambitions in Europe.” Do you. believe him? ( bipo)
    Yes No
    7% 93%
    (Sept 17 ’38) 8 92

    3. (US Oct 1 ’38) Do you think that Germany’s demand for the annexation of the Sudeten German areas in Czechoslovakia was justified? ( aipo) Yes 23% No 77%

    4. (US Oct 1 ’38) Do you believe that England and France did the best thing in giving in to Germany instead of going to war over the Sudeten German areas? ( aipo) Yes 59% No 41%

    5. (US Aug 17 ’39) Would you like to see England, France, and Poland agree to Germany’s demands regarding Danzig? ( aipo) Yes 12% No 88%

    6. (US Aug 17 ’39) Do you think Hitler’s claims to Danzig are justified? ( aipo) Yes 13% No 87%

    7. (US Aug 17 ’39) Do you think Hitler’s claims to the Polish Corridor are justified? ( aipo) Yes 14% No 86%

    8. (US Sept 11 ’39) If Hitler offered to make peace in exchange for part of Poland, should England and France accept? ( aipo) Yes 16% No 73% No opinion 11%

    9. (US Sept 11 ’39) If Hitler offered to make peace in exchange for all of Poland, should England and France accept? ( aipo) Yes 12% No 76% No opinion 12%

    10. (US Oct 3 ’39) Hitler says that the Polish question is settled and England and France have no reason to continue the war with Germany. Do you agree? A comparable crosssection was asked: The German government says that the Polish question is settled and England and France have no reason to continue the war with Germany. Do you agree? Results were combined. ( aipo) Yes 14% No 86% = 100% Don’t know 13%

    11. (US Oct 10 ’39) Hitler says that because the Polish question has been settled, the British and French have no real reason for continuing the war. Do you agree or disagree? ( aipo) Agree 9% Disagree 79% No opinion 12%

    12. (US Feb 20 ’40) If peace could be reached by letting Germany keep Poland, would you favor this? ( aipo) Yes 30% No 70%

    13. (US Feb 20 ’40) If peace could be reached by letting Germany keep Czechoslovakia, would you favor this? ( aipo) Yes 38% No 62%

    14. (US Feb 20 ’40) If peace could be reached by letting Germany keep Poland and Czechoslovakia, would you favor this? ( aipo) Yes 19% No 81% = 100% No opinion 17%

    15. (US Apr 9 ’40) Do you think Germany was justified in marching into Denmark and Norway and Sweden? ( aipo) Yes 7% No 93% = 100% No opinion 7%

    16. (US Apr 9 ’40) Should the United States do anything about Germany marching into Norway and Denmark? ( aipo) Yes 21% No 79% No opinion 9%

    What [should the United States do about Germany marching into Norway and Denmark]? Asked of the 21% of the sample who thought we should do something about it. Fight Germany 3.7% Should not fight Germany 96.3%

    Public Opinion, 1935-1946
    Book by Hadley Cantril, Mildred Strunk; Princeton University Press, 1951

  11. By 1939, the British government had offered Dominion status to India on several occasions. It was rejected by the Indian National Congress which insisted on full independence. Britain had long been loosening its grip on India by the outbreak of the war.

  12. While the rest of Europe was losing the colonial fight, Hitler was smart to carve Germany East, because he knew colonies would gain independence at some point. Polish have a right to a smaller Poland, they aren’t a great people like the Germans were.

  13. Race liberalism has cost the British their homelands and their future. However, their loss of empire was an historical inevitability that could not have been forestalled for long no matter what they believed.

    @Apocales: “Hitler was smart to carve Germany East…” Yeh, that worked out real well.

  14. “In The Retreat of Scientific Racism, Elazar Barkan makes it clear that a parallel movement to Boasian anthropology existed in Britain before the Second World War and had largely succeeded in throwing traditional conceptions of race into chaos.”

    Speaking of “scientific racism,” it has been largely lost knowledge that the founder of scientific racism was one Moses Maimonides (also known as Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon or Rambam) who laid out in the 12th century the earliest scientifically racialist analysis and viewpoint in his “Guide for the Perplexed.” Read it and see.

  15. Prozium:”The British ruling class squandered their racial inheritance.”

    As has been discussed here and also at Majority Rights, the British [and most especially English] upper-classes and aristocracy has been infested and soiled with Jewish blood, so much so that it can no longer be called simply the ‘British aristocracy’ but instead the ‘British-Jewish aristocracy.’ This was discussed a bit in the book TWILIGHT OVER ENGLAND by Joyce that was recommended to you Prozium recently, and also by quite a few other researchers and writers.

    And in case y’all missed it, read page 107 from the book Studying the Jew by Steinweis [JEW] to learn more about how the British upper-classes have greedily turned their backs on native British Whites by intermarrying with hostile anti-White Jews –;=“The+Penetration+of+Jewish+Blood+into+the+English+Upper+Class”&source=bl&ots=9283NoPH1s&sig=SnndmEPdP7Ts9LMKWaF1UiUBnO8&hl=en&ei=BFdzSuGVAozClAfhnbHMCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1

    Friedrich Euler was a German specialist in genealogy who wrote a long article [148 pages] in 1941 entitled “Das Eindringen jüdischen Blutes in die englische Oberschicht” (“The Penetration of Jewish Blood into the English Upper Class”) which proves that ethnic Jews have infiltrated the royal/upper/aristocratic classes of the UK (especially England). That fact fully explains the hostility of the British elite toward normal White Britons and the policy of race-replacement pushed for by the Judaized elite of the UK.

  16. “the British [and most especially English] upper-classes and aristocracy has been infested and soiled with Jewish blood”

    True., though it’s also been invigorated with German blood. The present British monarchy is a German-British hybrid aristocracy, with some plutocratic Jewish admixture. But then, the same may be said of all the aristocracies of Europe, without exception. The true British aristocracy is the Stuart Dynasty, which continues to exist to this day, but obviously it is not in power. It is they who are entitled to rule England. Charles I was the last legitimate British monarch.

  17. “True., though it’s also been invigorated with German blood. The present British monarchy is a German-British hybrid aristocracy, …”

    […] The kings of England from the 1730s on have been Germans themselves (or of German blood) from the House of Hanover (named after the capital of Lower Saxony). Though no longer speaking German after the time of King George III (who lost America in the Revolution), the House of “Windsor” (so-called since World War I) is nearly 100 percent Protestant German.13 The motto on the coat of arms of the princes of Wales, the heirs to the throne, is “Ich dien,” i.e., “I serve.”) […]

    Of Teutonic Blood – Early Contributions to Civilization of Germans & German-Americans ~ John Nugent

  18. You might’ve already read it Prozium, but the Jew Kunstler is still rambling on about “corn-pone Nazism”; from his most recent entry:

    One unfortunate result is the evaporating legitimacy of anyone or anything in authority, and that is extremely dangerous at a time like this because it creates the perfect opportunity for the rise of a corn-pone Hitler who will beat a path straight into a national ordeal-by-fire, and make everybody feel better by telling them clearly what to do. –

  19. + ARTICLE – ‘Israel gets tough on intermarriage’

    – NAZERETH, ISRAEL // The Israeli government has launched a television and internet advertising campaign urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying non-Jews.

    The advertisements, employing what the Israeli media described as “scare tactics”, are designed to stop assimilation through intermarriage among young diaspora Jews by encouraging them to move to Israel.

    – continued @

  20. White Preservationist,

    There is a great debate going on over here on the question of HBD and RR, and how ‘superior’ jews are to ‘gentiles’, and I think you need to way in and bring some of your expertise on the subject, since the “pro-white” jew can’t seem to control his bragging.

    It is a real gem of an admission on his part. 😉

    Come many, come all.

    “The True Implications of HBD”

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