Letter of Recommendation

If you’re from the Mossad, AIPAC, ADL, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Simon Weisenthal Center, SPLC, or the JDL and happen to monitor ‘anti-Semitic’ White Nationalist websites such as this one (speak up some time), I highly recommend you take up G.W. on his offer to work for your organization. I want to do my part to bring this fine obsequious philo-Semitic writer to your attention.

Over the past year, G.W. has been done an enormous amount of pro bono work for you promoting Jewish interests at the expense of White Americans. If he were on your payroll, he would have more free time to devote to research and preparation of anti-German screeds such as this one. You share a common interest: nurturing an innocuous brand of white racialism that can be controlled and directed by Jews.

Guy White: Good for the Jews. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Found these interesting posts on a thread over at Tan’s site:


    WhINOs: Whites-In-Name-Only

    [As the multiracial empire hatefully constructed by communist jews began to fall apart, Whites began to look beyond conservatism to racialism – only to find the same left-wing jews waiting like wolf spiders with sticky webs of kosher nationalism, to trap the unwary and the not-wary-enough. The good news, though, is that the WhINO wolf spider is identified easily enough. He is either a jew, or, if he is not a jew himself, he is a friend of the jew. While he affects to concern himself with the protection of the white race, it is the security of the jewish race that is his first concern. The WhINO can always be found urging whites to blame themselves for evil caused by jews, and using whatever he power he has — lies and misdirection if he’s on a discussion forum run by real White nationalists; suppression if the WhINO controls the site himself — to prevent any anti-semitism, which he assures us, will only undermine our cause.

    Don’t be fooled! If the jew is the problem, then not blaming the jew is not the solution.





  2. *And this post as well:

    Check out this latest piece of dissimulation from ‘Guy White’ –

    […] The claim doesn’t even depend on the fact that Communism was based on theories that were actually called “German historical school” and “German idealism”.

    Nor is it based on the fact that Germans in Soviet Russia were the single most privileged ethnic group during the 1920s and the 1930s, and to a lesser degree again after 1964. […]


    What a bullsh-t artist Guy WhINO is! Kevin MacDonald, in a review of Jew Yuri Slezkine book, ‘Stalin’s Willing Executioners’, shows how absurd this nonsense is –

    […] After the Revolution, not only were the Germans replaced, but there was active suppression of any remnants of the older order and their descendants. Jews have always shown a tendency to rise because their natural proclivities (e.g., high intelligence) and powerful ethnic networking, but here they also benefited from “antibourgeois” quotas in educational institutions and other forms of discrimination against the middle class and aristocratic elements of the old regime that would have provided more competition with Jews. In a letter intercepted by the secret police, the father of a student wrote that his son and their friends were about to be purged from the university because of their class origins. “It is clear that only the Jerusalem academics and the Communist Party members generally are going to stay” (p. 243). The bourgeois elements from the previous regime, including the ethnic Germans, would have no future. Thus the mass murder of peasants and nationalists was combined with the systematic exclusion of the previously existing non-Jewish middle class.[…]


    Nice try, ‘Lie Guy’!


  3. Good post. GW is owned. Identify the Jew (and friend of the Jew), name the Jew. And then replace the Jew. There can be no place for these poisonous insects in a WN revival.

  4. ” Nor is it based on the fact that Germans in Soviet Russia were the single most privileged ethnic group during the 1920s and the 1930s, and to a lesser degree again after 1964. […]”

    Yeah being a servile Prisoner of War in the Soviet Occupation Zone and later… Communist East Germany is some real great privilege!

    I don’t believe in furthering the fans of intra-ethnic tension, but there are places that, I as a very obvious German, avoid due to their amount of Russian immigrants. (Sacramento CA and Woodburn OR) Why get beaten down by Russian Gangs (and they do exist!) because of Operation Barbarossa or the Battle of Stalingrad… 60 years after the fact!

  5. Here are some other potential examples of ‘WhINO’s’ (LOL) –

    “… In fact, a quick search of the SPLC web site informs us that AR president Jared Taylor is “an opponent of anti-Semitism.” Shawn Mercer, the man in charge of the American Renaissance’s web discussion group, we are told, “deletes most postings excoriating the Jews.” This only confirms what we have learned from other sources. In an obit on Sam Francis which appeared in the American Conservative, we were told that Jared Taylor wanted to do for white nationalism what William F. Buckley did for conservatism. And what is that? Well, to subvert it in the interests of the Jews. One of the entries at the SPLC site claims that “It is well-known that the American Renaissance does not allow anti-Semitism; it is uptown, 100% clean WN [white nationalism]. Call it a first step if you like, but it is a very important first step, and Jared Taylor has had success.”

    “Success in what? The dirty secret of “uptown” racism is that it offers cover to revolutionaries by claiming that Jews are white—hence Sam’s question, hence the uproar my exploration of that question caused among the “uptown” race crowd. As I said in my talk, the real armature of the culture wars is ethnic not racial. The American Renaissance is exactly what John Sharpe said it was, although not quite in the way that he intended. The American Renaissance is the white man’s version of the NAACP, which is to say, one more organization which manipulates the race issue in the interests of the revolutionary Jews. The main purpose of the American Renaissance is to convince deracinated Protestants that Jews are white, and, therefore, no threat to their interests. In obscuring the problem by playing the race card, the American Renaissance engages in cultural mystification every bit as much as the NAACP and the Black Panthers, two Jewish-run operations, did before them. In obscuring the real nature of the culture wars, white nationalism becomes a form of political control and a worthy successor to the Jewish-led black operation known as conservatism. No wonder the race crowd was upset with my talk.”

    Guilt by Association
    ~ E. Michael Jones

    “… The American Renaissance is the white man’s version of the NAACP …” 😉

  6. Another term to describe such people is Judas goat.

    Guy White is easy to spot, he tends to go over the top with his BS.

    The more sly ones are the HBDers.

  7. Most of what gets denounced, by G. Faux-White and other anti-anti-semites, as “neo-nazism” or “anti-semitism” is more honest and less disparaging than what he writes about Germans and Germany. As with Auster, it’s both repulsive and instructive to watch faux-Whites assert the sloppiest, nastiest things about this group or that, White as well as non-White, and then get oh-so-offended in-what-circle-of-hell-do-you-reside insane with hate when jews get anything less than fawning respect and deference.

    They doth protest too much, in both directions.

    Projection certainly figures into it, along with a mind-blowing capacity for hypocrisy and a general incapacity for introspection.

  8. The American Renaissance is the white man’s version of the NAACP, which is to say, one more organization which manipulates the race issue in the interests of the revolutionary Jews. The main purpose of the American Renaissance is to convince deracinated Protestants that Jews are white, and, therefore, no threat to their interests. In obscuring the problem by playing the race card, the American Renaissance engages in cultural mystification every bit as much as the NAACP and the Black Panthers, two Jewish-run operations, did before them. In obscuring the real nature of the culture wars, white nationalism becomes a form of political control and a worthy successor to the Jewish-led black operation known as conservatism. No wonder the race crowd was upset with my talk.

    And what do we do with such a man and such an institution, class? Do we suck up to them? Do we say they’re just another way of addressing a common problem? Or do we reject and exclude and attack them as the enemy they are?

    The answer is obvious.

  9. “And what do we do with such a man and such an institution, class? Do we suck up to them? Do we say they’re just another way of addressing a common problem? Or do we reject and exclude and attack them as the enemy they are?”

    Does Jared Taylor or Peter Brimelow think that by having “positive” associations with Jews, that Organized Jewry is going to hate them any less???

    Perhaps they’ll be hated all the more, since they are seen as obsequious, supplicating fools.

    I like VDARE and all, but I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE THE OLD GEEZER GOAT BRIMELOW for turning it into nothing more than a BUSINESS!!!

  10. White nationalists having associations with Taylor, VDare, and conservatives has much more of an impact than avoiding them. It generates much more controversy in the media and from the left. They already want to exclude you!

  11. Alex,

    What is your opinion of American Free Press (formerly the Spotlight newspaper of the now-defunct Liberty Lobby), headed by Willis Carto?

    If anyone else has an opinion, go ahead and chime in.

  12. First off, Guy White should rename his site to:
    Guy White: You’re a big fat anti-semite if you don’t agree with me

    Concerning AFP newspaper, I believe they are sincere in their populist and anti-Zionist/Jewish convictions. While they aren’t white nationalist they have been very favorable towards issues of interest to pro-white groups. There is a diversity of pro-American opinions on a wide range of subjects and I usually learn something new with each issue.

    The one gripe I have is that they tend to go overboard with their pro-Muslim sentiment and seem to believe that they are the West’s natural allies against Zionism. We should have a policy of strict neutrality and good will towards the Muslim world, but otherwise Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization, populism or white nationalism.

  13. Has anybody read the entire “Guilt by Association” article referred to by Kulaks (Post #5)? The article lurches along, this way & that, but all in all not too badly until the author decides to bring in a character named Kristin Kazyak. Kristin is a convert who is apparently the daughter of the Ever Blessed Virgin Mother Mary. Her contribution is to cast forth twaddle that makes your average rapper sound like Shakespeare. And E.M.J. seems to view her in a positive light. Lower logis, higher logos, Angel w/the Flaming Sword, Treblinka, Auschwitz, Chaos. ?

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