John Derbyshire on White Nationalism

Hat tip: silver.

Richard Hoste of HBD Books has a new interview with John Derbyshire that briefly touches upon White Nationalism. According to Derbyshire, he would like to live in an America where White Nationalism is rendered unnecessary because 1.) minority groups have forsaken identity politics, 2.) Whites have a “big, fat, and permanent majority,” and 3.) Whites have finally regained their cultural confidence.

This is the same bill of goods that Lawrence Auster has been trying to sell us on for years. The toothpaste is already out of the tube. In 2008, the Census Bureau found that nearly half of American children under the age of 5 are non-White. Congress threatens us every year with amnesty for illegal aliens and a drastic expansion of legal immigration. Having lost the “Culture War,” the conservative movement is afraid/ashamed of its own ‘implicit whiteness’ and positively balks at defending White racial interests. These worms now scamper about looking for every fresh non-White face they can find to represent them.

What incentive (financial, political, cultural) do minority groups have to give up racial consciousness and identity politics? What incentive does our Jewish cultural elite have to stop trashing White culture and history? What incentive does the business community and ethnic activist groups have to stop pushing for mass immigration from the Third World? None whatsoever.

The only conceivable force which could possibly rehabilitate a positive sense of White racial identity, instill enough fear into elite Jews to give up anti-White race baiting, and pressure non-White activist groups into making historic concessions … is a burgeoning and mature White Nationalist movement that has the support of millions of angry White men. Such a mass movement would have to be explicitly identitarian. It would be based less on science than on simmering racial grievances.

Once the genie is let out of that bottle, I seriously doubt it will stop at the racial minimum that John Derbyshire and Lawrence Auster seem to desire. The activist vanguard won’t be content to allow the chastised old gang to continue to lord over us with all their status, wealth, and privileges intact. After having come so far, a triumphant White Nationalist movement won’t plant its flag on top of a simmering racial volcano that could explode upon us at any moment. We’re not conservatives in outlook.

Jared Taylor has done a lot of fine work. In the 1990’s, he stepped into a vacuum and created a space in the ‘White Wing’ for disillusioned, middle class conservatives who otherwise would have been repelled by the existing vanguardist fringe scene. By the 2000’s, the oldline White Supremacists were dying off and fading into history. ‘White Nationalism’ had emerged as its rhetorical successor and was attracting a different breed of recruit among alienated, intelligent, college educated Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers. Taylor’s legacy as a major transitional figure in this gestational period is secure. But unlike Derbyshire, I don’t think “cloning” Jared is the way forward. Perhaps we ought to look further back into history.

Moving into the 2010’s and 2020’s, the Baby Boomer fight to influence national policy and conserve the historic American nation (through the conservative movement and the GOP as its vehicle) has been lost. With Barack Obama’s election as President of the United States and Sonia Sotomayor’s appointment to the Supreme Court, the much anticipated era of White dispossession is finally at hand and starting to accelerate. The last remaining recourse available to Whites is separate state action against the federal government.

Let the Feds use their mailed fist to coerce a Montana, Alabama or South Carolina into enforcing some hideous anti-White national policy. Have them send in the troops to depose a sitting Governor and haul him away in handcuffs. That would make for some wonderful television. Imagine what William Lowndes Yancey or Robert Barnwell Rhett could have done with the modern mass media.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Derbyshire and Auster (in particular) should be welcomed by all WNs. They are more-or-less mainstream commentators addressing white issues openly, respectfully, and that’s a welcome development. (It also takes courage.)

    Commentors in the earlier post were bemoaning the fringe wing-nuts that give WN a bad name. Neither of these guys are WNs, but they are advancing the movement in a positive manner, marshalling the forces, even if they won’t be on board when the train finally leaves the station.

  2. Derbyshire and Auster are about all we can expect out of that generation. They have lived most of their comfortable lives in an America (and Britain) that the younger crowd never experienced. Neither of them will live to see the monster that our children are inheriting.

  3. Derbyshire forever lost respect by his cowardly and opportunistic review of Kevin MacDonald’s work several years ago in American Conservative. He called MacDonald “the Marx of the anti-Semites” as a rhetorical flourish to place him outside the pale of “respectable” conservative thinking. I was so angry I canceled my subscription (not necessarily a wise move–there are things to learn in that venue).

    Derbyshire in that review explicitly acknowledged the “right” of “Jewish exceptionalism”. MacDonald, of course, had pointed to the “towering hypocrisy” of a Jewish ideological elite imposing anti-racialist (for whites only!) policy and attitudes on the West, while praising Jewish racialism in Israel.

    I agree that people like Auster and Derbyshire may be among the best available in the recent past, but that simply highlights the need for further development.

  4. It is all on the shoulders of the younger generation. Hitler was 30 when he began his political career, and it is the youth (in comparison to old me) who have the stamina, idealism, and faith to push things through. There are too many old voices appealing to grey hairs. We need matured youth talking to youth. They always are the future, not those with one foot in the grave. If you don’t fight for our youth who do you fight for? And the youth should fight extra strong, not only because they have the vitality of youth, but because they fight for themselves.

  5. If White Nationalism ever got its act together, it could seriously compete with libertarianism and conservatism among the Gen X’ers/Gen Y’ers. I like to think of this website as a small step forward in that direction.

  6. Our government panders to the 20 to 30 plus (?) illegal immigrants allowing them free subsidies from taxpayers in the US. California–a Sanctuary State has one of the worst records that currently languish under the immense burden of near bankruptcy, instead of –ATTRACTING–ICE to illegal business operations. Why wouldn’t certain legislators want health care for foreign labor, because they have an over abundance of illegal immigrant families to financially support? Our own government is so absorbed in protecting every other countries border? They remain unconcerned to our poor replica border fence that should have been a two-tier periphery, with border patrol surveillance lanes in between, as originally planned by Rep. Duncan Hunter. Every time a good enforcement plan is written, it’s methodically cut to pieces by pro-illegal worker politicians and open border fanatics. Though we spend billions on our armed forces in foreign lands, the rich countries in Europe just forward token troops and little money: while our nation is literary falling apart at the seams–or its rivets?

    Any moment now I expect to hear of yet another collapsing ailing city bridge, deteriorating waterworks, the underground pipes and eroding highway. Our cities are already exhibiting inward decay, but years of neglect by the very people who’s supposed to protect us do nothing? I have reiterated watch “The Crumbling of America” on the History (International) channel in the next few weeks and learn? This is where your tax dollars should be going? We must not allow the Administration as in previous times keep sending our precious tax dollars to other countries. These politicians are deaf, dumb and intentionally blind to the rigors our industrial nation is going through. Not just Democrats, but the Republicans have had their sticky fingers in the bad apple–SPECIAL INTEREST–barrel, where money is plentiful. It’s like they are intentionally trying to turn our magnificent country into a third world nation, while making other cheap labor countries, on an even par with our sovereign society as US wages tumble? Then Again the Council of Foreign Relations have been amplifying its agenda of free movement of cheap labor through North America for years?

    Most of these other lands have been at each others throats for centuries, so why do we expect any metamorphism into something any different? Only change can come from within, not by our nation expending billions of dollars, American lives? We must build our own borders fences, tall and strong and meant to keep out drug dealers, criminal aliens, terrorists and the never ending tracks of illegal aliens. Our politician’s noses are involved in too much foreign policy, while our aging infrastructure implodes. Trillions of dollars are spirited out the country, while we gain little in return. Washington–MUST–start giving back to the jobless American worker by placing a 5 year moratorium on all immigration, even legal? The next politicians should deliver us from any new sinister path to citizenship or better referred to as BLANKET AMNESTY? Follow the “Rule of Law” and not twist it into something else for their own convenience, as it will come back to haunt them at the voting booth. Unless ACORN steps-in with another fed contract and handles sign-ups for the ballot box? In that case will still see absentee ballots for the deceased people, pets and anybody who has learned that you need no government picture ID to sign on to vote.

    The 1986 immigration reform bill dismally failed last time and all we inherited was 5 million illegal immigrants that still keep on coming with their impoverished hands out. Anti-Illegal immigrant forces are growing in numbers to stop another travesty. They acknowledge it could end up costing billions, perhaps even trillions of dollars. Nationwide we have seen the advent of closing hospitals and emergency rooms that have been submerged everyday by swarms by penniless foreigners and their families. Yes! We need health care reform. Americans are dying, going bankrupt , falling under the spell of debt collectors. The special interest lobbyists are causing mass hysteria by lying to the people. Many insurance companies are under this bombardment in television, radio and mass media. Their Status quo wants no change to their profits or high flying CEO’s making millions of dollars. on patients backs? I want health care reform, for the sake of my step daughter who died of Cancer, because the insurers said it was a pre-existing condition and they couldn’t continue to insure her?

    It has become an enigma–THAT THE EMPLOYERS WHO HIRE THEM-LEAVE THE MAJORITY OF SICK PEOPLE ON THE STEPS OF EMERGENCY ROOMS. SO THAT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY ENDS THERE? THEY DRIVE AWAY WITH A CLEAR CONSCIOUS? THEN IS LEFT FOR THE TAXPAYERS CHECK BOOK TO PAY THE BILL? THOSE EMPLOYERS SHOULD BE HUNTED DOWN AND HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR EVERY CENT. We have already been warned by the census bureau of overpopulation in the not too distant future. WE now have a very unique deterrent called E-Verify, that is a part of the SAVE ACT and our lawmakers should stop procrastinating and make it permanent for every worker? Washington knows their walking on quicksand, if the try to under fund or spirit away E-Verify this time around? The corrupting influences from the special interest lobby, have failed to induce many lawmakers to table E-Verify. In our future it could have many other uses other than extracting unauthorized labor from the workplace. Once fully installed it could check state drivers license applicants, insurance, school and higher education registrations and hospital admittances.

    Americans have been unknowingly paying taxes to underwrite subsidies for the illegal population for decades. This is the biggest draw to American jobs, because the employers who hire them are sentient that taxpayers will foot the bills for education, health food stamps, housing and other government benefit consignments that even as citizens are denied. Keep the phone calls coming at 202-224-3121 LOOK FOR ANSWERS AT NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH & OVERPOPULATION AT CAPSWEB? These websites can identity politicians who actually work for the American people and others whose immigration grading level is unsatisfactory to stay in office? Have you heard about any large ICE raids lately? ICE got the order to cease and desist from the motley Democratic leadership. They are also using their influence to either weaken the federal training program 287 G that gives local police federal right to hold for questioning suspicious individual’s immigration status and to rescind the no-match-letter capability in determining a person’s right to work?

  7. Auster and Derbyshire are useful, as far as they go. But here they are simply pissing into the wind. As Prozium says, the toothpaste is out of the tube and there’s no way it’s going back in. Auster and Derbyshire, and older conservatives like them, are just a pit-stop on the way to a more mature understanding of racial issues, and of White Nationalism.

    I agree with the other posters, including Prozium, who focus on the WN need to appeal to intelligent, college-educated Gen X’ers/Gen Y’ers. This is crucial. It’s possible. I work with a lot of younger White guys in a professional office environment, and from their conversations I can tell they are more aware of racial issues than many people (including me) are willing to give them credit for.

    Where do we go from here? Eventually, White Americans will find ourselves in the same position the Palestinians were in, in 1948. There is no way to avoid what is coming. Perhaps as things worsen, young racially-conscious Whites, with no memory of an earlier, happier America, and less religious perhaps, will be more willing to adopt a worldview and politics that would shock and scandalize previous generations of conservatives. Maybe we should focus on how we can reach out to a new generation of American freedom-fighters, Palestinian-style?

  8. How can anyone take Derbyshire seriously? He’s an effete, philo-Semitic, sexual deviant. Guys like him are a perfect example of what’s wrong with whites and why we’re in our predicament.

    Why the hell does he care about a majority white America when he chose to sire non-whites with some submissive Mongoloid? What a hypocritical idiot.

    These HBDers think just because they can crunch statistics and put a few sentences together they’re something special. They’re a joke. They need to go back to fantasy football.

  9. How can anyone take Derbyshire seriously? He’s an effete, philo-Semitic, sexual deviant. Guys like him are a perfect example of what’s wrong with whites and why we’re in our predicament.

    Why the hell does he care about a majority white America when he chose to sire non-whites with some submissive Mongoloid? What a hypocritical idiot.

    These HBDers think just because they can crunch statistics and put a few sentences together they’re something special. They’re a joke. They need to go back to fantasy football.
    BTW I love your blog!

  10. Mark anyone who has any interest in preserving White Western Culture is of value and useful. Regardless of what we might consider hypocritical. Many useful and talented writes who support or write material supportive of White Western Culture are married to Asians and Jews.

    Mr. Derbyshire married many years ago, and I would dare say that at the time he was, as many in the 80s, not too racially aware or too concerned about the demise of White Western Culture. Why should he throw away his wife and children. They will already suffer enough from the mix marriage and offspring, for they are neither Chinese or White. That is his personal life.

    Freed Reed, Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire and others make useful contributions though they are married to others or Jews.

    Should we throw our Asian wives away and forever wallow in some kind of guilt or Jewish self-pity?

    Or more importantly does Mr. Derbyshire contribute to the cause of the White Western Man?

    Best Regards,
    Sherwood Smith

  11. So how exactly is a philo-Semitic miscegenator making useful contributions to our struggle?

    If David Duke was married to a black woman with mulatto children, could you take him seriously when he talks about preserving white people and culture? It would be the most ridiculous thing, laughable.

    So why are we entertaining these HBDers with their nonsense?

    How can you mix Taylor in with Reed and Derbyshire? The latter two are not white nationalists and aren’t white racial advocates. Reed actually advocates for white men to marry Asians.

    Too much hypocrisy and nonsense for me, no thanks.

  12. So how exactly is a philo-Semitic miscegenator making useful contributions to our struggle?

    Through his writing he is making ‘normal’ conservative whites see that non-whites are not victims of white racism and that being for immigration control doesn’t make you a hater. We may not care about being seen as haters but unfortunately your neighbours, co-workers, and most of the other >99% of whites who do not hang out at white nationalist sites do care.

  13. The honorable thing for a miscegenating White who has had a ‘David Duke style ‘Awakening” to White Nationalism would be to amicably divorce.

    If Derbyshire-types remain married to mongoloids, then what is next… are White Women married to negroes *shudders* also a-ok as well?!?!? Sheer madness!

  14. Mark I don’t want to get into a not down drag out over this, but at this time (in my mind) any person who advocates, educates, exposes, encourages, willing to debate, acknowledge, openly challenge, or contribute to:

    1- historical lies and misrepresentation of Whites
    2-exposure of White Ruling Elites who lead our country to death
    3-sheds any light on negative influences from Blacks, Jews, Asians, etc
    4-discuss the consequences of multi-culturalism and PC
    5-admit they prefer to live under a White Culture
    etc etc..

    should be accepted and encouraged to speak freely.

    Freed Reed has said many good things, but when asked about his Mexican wife replied: ” none of your damn business” if I remember correctly at a Amren conference .

    If you can’t learn to live with imperfection, you will never be a part any organization or movement that makes any enduring history. There is no such thing as perfect harmony and agreement on any major issue, when dealing with people. That is why Whites are so divided, not only does everyone think they are the only true ones, but that everyone else is damned. The Jews, Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, disagree on many things, but they ALL agree that their self-interest as a racial and cultural group is more important than differences among each other. White are the opposite. Every disagreement leads to a split.

    You can really see it in all the little insignificant churches created with the mentality only one group is the only true believers.

    Sherwood Smith

  15. The fact that Derby thinks non-whites have forsaken identity politics is proof of his separation from reality. Kosher cons like Derby have lived privileged lives and have never had to rub shoulders with murderous, ghetto blacks or have his neighborhood overrun with hordes of mestizos or Somalis. Often times the non-whites the Kosher cons come in contact with are highly educated and well behaved (and atypical of most minorities) which gives the Derbies of the world a warped view of racial reality.

    Conservatives are as hopeless as liberals in that they see the world not as it actually is but how they, in their wishful thinking, hope it to be. They imagine non-whites eschew race and racism as much as they do. Reading articles like this one from Derbyshire helps me understand why Alex Linder roundly rejects and condemns the conservative right as much as the anti-white left.

  16. “Auster and Derbyshire are useful, as far as they go. But here they are simply pissing into the wind. As Prozium says, the toothpaste is out of the tube and there’s no way it’s going back in. Auster and Derbyshire, and older conservatives like them, are just a pit-stop on the way to a more mature understanding of racial issues, and of White Nationalism.”

    Their end game is a loss, they are setting us all up for a checkmate.

    These conservatives and HBDers remind me of the type of contractors and laborers we have around here. You constantly have to supervise them and tell them what to do. If you don’t they do everything half-ass. They only have their own interests in mind, not yours.

    Hoste at least seems to have a tinge of nobler racialism in his soul, although the company he keeps is distasteful.

  17. Fred – Perry is a hispanophile and shill for NAFTA. All of what you are hearing are just appeals to populist conservatism.

  18. About Derbyshire: I think he can be very annoying, especially when he trashes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to please the Jews. But he is funny and interesting to listen to, even though he isn’t a WN leader.

  19. “The only conceivable force which could…instill enough fear into elite Jews to give up anti-White race baiting…is a burgeoning and mature White Nationalist movement…”

    Did International Jewry behave itself in the 1930’s after Hitler’s rise to power? Why would they do so during the rise of your burgeoning movement, particularly if it has leaders that openly muse about the necessity of getting Jews to leave this country?

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