Elite Punditry

Hat tip: Tanstaafl.

An excellent post by Steve Sailer has revealed that 50% of America’s most influential pundits are Jews. As Tanstaafl notes, the list understates Jewish influence: virtually all of the elite pundits are philo-Semites. In 1974, Charles Kadushin found that Jews were 50% of America’s intellectual elite and 15/21 of the most highly rated public intellectuals. I have a hard time believing that Jews haven’t become even more influential since then.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m certain we’ve been lied to about the number of Jews who left Germany and East Europe before, during and after WWII that settled in America. Senator Lyndon Johnson was providing them with papers and sneaking them into Texas via Galveston. He’s been deemed a Righteous Gentile Among the Nations for this illegal activity. How many other politicians and influence peddlers were doing the same thing either out of a sense of charity or for profit? Johnson was the grandson of Zionist Christadelphians. His mistress was Jewish and his wife was probably a crypto-Jew. I’m certain, too, that The Jackson-Vannick Act, which was supposed to facilitate the immigration of Russian Jews to Israel, was a smokescreen for more Jewish immigration here. Many never quite made it to Israel and many of those who did used their connections to get the hell out of there ASAP and into the USA. I’m convinced, too, that the census has been tweeked every which way to make it easy for Jews to avoid getting counted. The 2%-3% of the population meme is as zombified as the 6,000,000 meme. These are urban myths. BTW can anyone provide me with the current address of James Von Brunn? I’d like to send him a “Get Well” card.

  2. It’s often retorted that other political leaders are white. They fail to mention that they are egalitarian (read anti-white) philo-Semites. They do not represent whites in any positive way. They are bought and paid for shabbos goyim.

    The better question is how many pro-white political elites are there? Zero.

    Sailer engaged in some heavy-handed obfuscation there.

    Sailer’s definition of white is extremely broad. Without the category of Jewish, you’d think politics was dominated by pro-whites.

    The Jewish category frames it better. In addition he should add a category for multiculturalist and pro-Israel or philo-Semitic. Now we understand what kind of political tyranny we’re working under.

  3. I would say 50% Jewish is a conservative figure, since Sailer and others don’t count partial Jewish ancestry as Jewish, including himself.

    “Sailer: The Jewish figure may go down a little as I hear about more individuals with Jewish surnames who are actually half-Jewish. And there are all the questions about what to do with adoptees, cuckoos’ eggs, converts, and so forth.”

    Jewishness is like a potent toxin, it’s efficacious even when diluted.

  4. A side note about Sailer, I was reading his blog and came upon a rather funny post about Tim Wise (http://isteve.blogspot.com/2008/06/uncle-tim.html) and I posted this:

    I’ve read Sailer off and on, and just browsing through his posts, he made a comment about his wit.

    Well, I had never really experienced it up until a few minutes after I read that and came upon “Uncle Tim.” That is brilliant and so true, especially about Tim Wise.

    I myself came to this realization some time ago. This behavior of servile pandering to non-whites by whites is very common, but unlike an Uncle Tom, which is viewed as negative for blacks, Uncle Tim is a positive for whites and is both expected and demanded as normal.

    Tim Wise however must suffer from some kind of personality disorder, this guy is way out there. He’s more like an Uncle FrankenTim. A monstrous creation of all the worst elements of liberalism and anti-white self-hatred. His own image fuels his anger! Tim mad! Tim smash racism!

  5. ” Johnson was the grandson of Zionist Christadelphians. His mistress was Jewish and his wife was probably a crypto-Jew. ”

    The further one goes down the hole they will find that there are really alot of crypto-Jews out there. Think Madeline Albright, Wesley Clarke…. so taking those examples into account the following is entirely plausible:

    Johnson himself was a Jew! Here is a link:


    The United States under-went a massive Jewish assault in the 1960s, and part of it was the fact that the 1964 election was nothing more then a false flag battle of ‘Jew vs. Jew’ (Goldwater vs. Jewish Johnson).

    Either way Whites were going to lose! This is how far back the rot extends and how deep entrenched it was… even decades ago!!!

  6. Johnston was not a Jew and Jews are not more than about 2-3% of America’s population.

    That link is a joke and doesn’t provide any evidence, it just makes false assertions.

  7. It’s a virtual certainty that there are considerably more than the official 5½ million Jews in the United States. I’d say somewhere around 8 to 10 million, maybe more.

  8. If you count areligious and partial Jews then their population is definitely higher, though by how much is the question.

  9. “Uncle Tim” doesn’t fit Tim Wise, though Wise would certainly like you to think it does. Wise isn’t a race traitor, he’s a Jew.

  10. It’s a virtual certainty that there are considerably more than the official 5½ million Jews in the United States. I’d say somewhere around 8 to 10 million, maybe more.

    Yockey said 10% of the population was Jewish, and that was in the forties. Now they most certainly number over 10 million and maybe some areas of the US are as much as 20%+ Jewish. Even here in flyover country, I see hordes of Jews and the amount of synagogues in my area tells me that the 2-3% figure is a mendacious lie. It is safe to say that America has the largest number of Jews in the world.

  11. ATBOTL,

    The official number of Jews frankly is not credible in light of the past 100 years of migration. The number of Jews was, “according to official sources”, 6 mil in the 1960s (and there is reason to believe it was even then much higher – as I said, Yockey reported 10% in the forties and the guys at FAEM corroborated this by sorting through historical census data which I will post if I can find it). For the 2-3% figure to be true it would mean the population here has stayed steady since then. Which is impossible since, after the USSR collapsed, many more Jews flooded in.

  12. In terms of the number of ethnic Jews in the USA, there is no way to know for sure. All of the numbers released by various Jewish organizations are outright lies as they generally go by religion rather than ethnicity.

    I do know that there are very many ethnic Jews (both full blooded and partial) in the USA, and still growing. An unknown amount of Ashkenazi ‘Ostjuden’ (many millions) arrived here in the late 19th-early 20th century. A lot also came over during the 1930s-1950s fleeing Nazism/WWII and its aftermath, and many immigrated here after the collapse of the USSR too. They generally settled in the quickly industrializing Northern cities. They were of course typically clannish for 1-2 generations, but the very strong solvent of American assimilation and the “melting pot” mentality (an phrase of the Jewish writer Israel Zangwill) amongst White ethnic groups broke a lot of that down except among the most religious/clannish Jews. Here in the USA the Ashkenazim encountered little native anti-Semitism, along with a measure of economic prosperity/security, for the first time ever. They were often seen and accepted as just another White ethnic group, because here in the USA the main racial/ethnic divide has always been between Whites and Blacks/Amerindians and not amongst all the various White ethnic groups. In America there were also no natural anti-Jewish defenses against them either like those that evolved in Old Europe since the USA was and still is a very young and immature nation.* Many of these new American Jews intermarried with some of other newly arrived White ethnics living in those cities like Irish, Italians, Poles/Slavs, Germans, etc. Also note that many that came over were Russian Jews, many who were eager to assimilate and were actually progressive about such matters, having abandoned Judaism and then adopted communistic universalism (radical politics) when they were in Russia. They also often had a lot of Slavic and Northern Euro features and genes as opposed to other Jews like some Polish, Ukrainian, or Lithuanian sects who were much more religiously fanatical and Semitic-looking. Overall, quite a few of the Ashkenazim who came to the USA were actually eager to leave their Jewish identity behind and thus intermarried with non-Jews here in the USA at the first chance they got. Elsewhere, some Jews who were very successful slowly started marrying in to various elite and prominent Old American families so that nowadays, like in the UK, there is a kind of hybrid Old Stock American plus vaguely Jewish overclass running the nation.

    Here in the mid-Atlantic American South (VA, NC, SC), starting about 20 years ago a lot of Northerners started moving down here. From what I’ve seen of them, many of them were clearly of at least partial mixed Jewish heritage. They’ve built and now live in huge suburbs around many cities where before none existed. Populations of some cities here in NC have doubled or even tripled in just the past 20 years since the arrival of all these people. They are often bringing destructively liberal Northern policies down here with them, too. The politics of these states have changed a lot since their arrival; for instance, notice how VA and NC actually went for Obama in the last election.

    If I had to take an educated guess, I would say that anywhere between 10-20% of America’s White population has at least partial ethnic Jewish background. The number of very religious ‘pure’ Jews is probably no more than about 5% of America’s overall population though.

    Once could also look at some physical evidence to see how many Americans have at least partial Jewish background. America’s non-Hispanic White population has actually been getting shorter and fatter (like Jews) in the last few decades, whereas in the past before the major Jewish influx and subsequent assimilation White Americans tended to be some of the tallest and trimmest people on Earth.

    It’s complicated even more by the fact that people have often remarked how English Anglo-Saxons, particularly those who trend more Med than Nord, often act and sometimes even look similar to Jews. And the USA of course contains a whole lot of people of ethnic English descent.

    * “the USA was and still is a very young and immature nation” – I think that this is a main cause of the current racial troubles wracking the nation; the USA is becoming internationalized and even more ethnically/racially diverse before it even had a chance of becoming fully nationalized and racially homogeneous!

  13. “Texan

    “Uncle Tim” doesn’t fit Tim Wise, though Wise would certainly like you to think it does. Wise isn’t a race traitor, he’s a Jew.”

    That is a good point, he is half Jewish. However, he’s married to a Northern European woman and has children by her (hypocrite). So he’s a traitor to her and their children.

    His biography is pretty disturbing. His mother was an absolute crazy liberal who raised him to be like that. Funnily enough, she had some kind of separation anxiety when he left the house and to hurt him she said the most unholy of unholies: Nigger!

  14. Mark:”The number of Jews was, “according to official sources”, 6 mil in the 1960s (and there is reason to believe it was even then much higher – as I said, Yockey reported 10% in the forties and the guys at FAEM corroborated this by sorting through historical census data which I will post if I can find it). For the 2-3% figure to be true it would mean the population here has stayed steady since then. Which is impossible since, after the USSR collapsed, many more Jews flooded in.”

    Mark is right. Millions of Jews came to the USA between the late 19th Century (persecutions of them in Czarist Russia) to the 1930s/40s (fleeing Nazism/WWII) to the time of the slow-motion dissolution of the USSR beginning in the 1970s. A lot of Jews also escaped WWII by fleeing to Latin America when the USA barred them from entering, and they then immigrated in to America during the late 40s/50s/60s or just stayed on there as plutocratic overlords.

    There is no way that the ethnically Jewish population of the USA has only doubled in that long span of time. More likely it has at least quadrupled (or more) as have nearly all of America’s other various ethnic groups.

    There are likely at least 15-20 million ethnic Jews living in the USA, and maybe even more than that if you are counting all of the partially ethnic Jews.

  15. Could it also be that the many millions of Americans who claim they are part Irish are unaware that they are actually part Jewish instead? I once knew a person whose parents/grandparents were apparently perpetuating an old family lie that they were part Irish because they were trying to cover up that they were partially Jewish even though it was only a very small and distant amount.

  16. Thanks, WP. I wanted to get into all the migration/upheaval details but I see you’ve done that for me.

  17. There is no basis to what any of you are saying. You are just speculating. If there really are as many Jews as you think, then Jewish representation among elites isn’t that big of a deal. Don’t you realize that if there were more Jews in America, Jews would make sure everyone know so it seemed they were more important and less “over-represented?”

    There is some truth to the idea that there are people with partial Jewish ancestry who aren’t counted as Jewish, but there aren’t tens of millions of those people.

    Anyone who would claim that Lyndon Johnson was Jew has permanently marked themselves as a retard in my book.

  18. There is no basis to what any of you are saying.

    Yes there is. It is called taking a skeptical view of gov’t approved statistics which come from a people well-known for their lies.

    You are just speculating.

    No, I’m not just speculating. What WP and I laid out is that the official numbers of Jews claimed are far too low in light of what we know of the last 100 years not to mention in light of our personal experiences. It was a case of calling BS.

    If there really are as many Jews as you think, then Jewish representation among elites isn’t that big of a deal.

    I agree: If they are 10-20% of the population, then their amount of influence here makes much more sense in fact.

    Don’t you realize that if there were more Jews in America, Jews would make sure everyone know so it seemed they were more important and less “over-represented?”

    No. Jews like to cultivate the image of a small, powerful group. Mind games to mess with the Goyim.

    There is some truth to the idea that there are people with partial Jewish ancestry who aren’t counted as Jewish, but there aren’t tens of millions of those people.

    How do you know? You’re just speculating.

    Anyone who would claim that Lyndon Johnson was Jew has permanently marked themselves as a retard in my book.

    I don’t believe he was Jewish but he might have had a Jew in the woodpile. Hell, any of us might have. Jews were everywhere in Europe.

  19. No, I’m not just speculating. What WP and I laid out is that the official numbers of Jews claimed are far too low in light of what we know of the last 100 years not to mention in light of our personal experiences.
    There are no official US government statistics on the number of jews. The jews successfully lobbied to stop the census from counting them after WWII.

  20. There are no official US government statistics on the number of jews. The jews successfully lobbied to stop the census from counting them after WWII.

    This is a little known fact, but fact it is. There used to be a census category of “Hebrew”, but as Maguire of FAEM pointed out this classification and all records of who was included in this category were expunged. And we’re to believe that this was not deliberate?

  21. You ARE just speculating. You provide no evidence at all for your claim that that there are millions of uncounted Jews in America. Your evidence is that “you see synagogues everywhere.” That’s not evidence.

  22. This is a little known fact, but fact it is. There used to be a census category of “Hebrew”, but as Maguire of FAEM pointed out this classification and all records of who was included in this category were expunged. And we’re to believe that this was not deliberate?

    Of course it was deliberate. You’re only restating my point, jews lobbied to stop the census from counting them. There is no current census count of US jews.

    However multiple private surveys have confirmed that people who know they’re jews are no more than 2% of the US population. While I believe jews are naturally dishonest, I don’t think the jews during the golden age of philo-semitism (about 1960-2001) were insecure enough to collectively conceal their ethnicity to every pollster and social researcher.

    I do think it’s possible that the 2% of jews is backed up by a large population of half jews, however that’s a mixed blessing. On the one hand you have millions of hard to detect jew sympathizers, on the other hand their jew parent could have married another jew and produced more virulent full-blood jews.

    From personal observation half jews are often much less jewish in their personality, and tend to marry non-jews.

    Intermarriage and low jewish fertility are an adequate explanation for the low population growth in the US jewish population reported by almost all sources.

  23. “Intermarriage and low jewish fertility are an adequate explanation for the low population growth in the US jewish population reported by almost all sources.”

    Not in my opinion. Again: Waves of Jewish immigration from Russia c. late 1800s, waves c. post-WWI, and c. post-WWII, and post-USSR. I do not believe the official numbers are credible in light of those migrations. Continually referring to official statistics to “disprove” this is, as ATBOTL does, is an appeal to authority which is meaningless.

    Nor has my personal experience with Jews led me to believe that they have low fertility rates. All Jewish families I’ve encountered have 2-3 children which is at or above replacement level. Of course, that may not reflect the population at large but I still doubt the fertility rate is below replacement judging by how many Jews there seem to be hanging about.

  24. All Jewish families I’ve encountered have 2-3 children which is at or above replacement level. Of course, that may not reflect the population at large but I still doubt the fertility rate is below replacement judging by how many Jews there seem to be hanging about.

    That’s a fallacious argument. In Europe there are plenty of white people hanging about, yet almost every European country has a below replacement birthrate.

  25. Is it true that there are more Jews in the United States than anywhere else in the world now? Private survey companies, like the Gallup poll, are
    often founded and owned by Jews. I wouldn’t trust them anymore than I’d trust a govt census which apparently counts all religious affiliations except Jews. What’s up with that?!

  26. Citing statistics is not “appeal to authority.” You are misusing that term.

    In NYC, where about half of all Jews in America live, there are huge numbers of middle aged childless Jews, not counting ones who retired to Florida. Who do you think lives in those tiny expensive apartments in Manhattan? It’s largely childless Jewish adults. Some of them get married and have one child when the woman is in her late thirties. All the evidence suggests that Jews have a lower birth rate than non-Jewish whites.

    I grew up in an upper middle class suburb of NYC that was about 25% Jewish(20% Jew-families and another 10% mixed families). I went to a University that was about 30% Jewish. I’ve lived in predominately Jewish areas of the city and near the large ultra-Orthodox colony in Rockland County, NY. Other than last group, they all had small families and few children. That’s my anecdotal evidence. Where do you live in “flyover country” that you “see synagogues everywhere” and are such an expert on Jewish demographics?

  27. However multiple private surveys have confirmed that people who know they’re jews are no more than 2% of the US population. While I believe jews are naturally dishonest, I don’t think the jews during the golden age of philo-semitism (about 1960-2001) were insecure enough to collectively conceal their ethnicity to every pollster and social researcher.

    Even they do comprise 12-15% of the population, (I tend to agree with ATBOTL that there is no way this is possible even considering migratory patterns when we take into account that this would meant there are more Jews than blacks in the country) we know they congregate in cities and professions where their influence will always be felt in a manner out of proportion to their percentage of the population and that is the real key.

    It Jews composed 15% of the population and were just bag boys at grocery stores, minor league baseball players, waiters and flight attendants and lived predominantly in rural areas they wouldn’t be a problem even at that high of a percentage of the populous. The trouble is they are probably more likely around 5% of the population but they are urbanized, cosmopolitan, highly literate, erudite, wealthy and influential.

  28. Sorry about all my spelling and grammar errors. I’m on a British computer and keyboard for the next few days and it is driving me crazy.

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