White Nationalism in South Africa

In the Guardian, David Smith is full of foreboding about Eugene Terre’Blanche, a “notorious white supremacist” who wants to  – hold your breath, the horror – create a breakaway Afrikaner republic. As the leader of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement, Terre’Blanche gained some notoriety in the 1990’s by opposing the end of apartheid. In 2001, he was spirited away to prison on the charge of attempted murder, but for some strange (and unexplained) reason was released a mere three years later. Now he is back on the streets “fomenting hate” with the rest of us.

For full visual effect, the Guardian has Terre’Blanche standing in front of the Boer swastika, which has been designated a “hate symbol” by the ADL. It was undoubtedly included to trigger the desired Pavlovian response: this man is a Nazi, the epitome of evil, dismiss everything he has to say. A similar picture of Nelson Mandela and Joe Slovo standing in front of the USSR’s hammer and sickle would have been given an entirely different treatment.

It would have been explained away as “resistance to oppression,” “solidarity with the working masses,” or some crap along those lines. The terrorist Nelson Mandela has his own statue in Parliament Square. He is one of the most revered figures in multicultural Britain. I shouldn’t have to explain the double standard: by definition, as oppressors of “people of color,” White Calvinists cannot be freedom fighters or a beleaguered minority worthy of our sympathy. 

Terre’Blanche’s proposal really sticks it in the liberal craw: he has disavowed the use of violence, plans to petition the United Nations, and wants to organize a referendum on secession. In some ways, this is not unlike what the NAACP was doing in the 1940’s.

Unfortunately, Terre’Blanche and the plight of the Afrikaners will continue to fall on deaf ears in the liberal West. No amount of rape, murder, theft and discrimination can make up for the crime of being born White in a non-White country.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The anti-apartheid campaigns in the 1980s were not about achieving universal standards of justice and ending oppression, but about sticking it to Whitey. It was all about kicking out the Whites. That’s it. Once the kaffirs were placed in power and Whites were the ones being oppressed and murdered, the West lost interest.

    I’m afraid the only thing that will make the West take notice is if Whites resort to violence. Or, if Whites are merely blamed for violent incidents. But the price to be paid by Whites, in this scenario, would be very costly indeed. I wonder, in the event of widespread violance in South Africa, would Western troops intervene? Would blacks in the US and Europe demand it?

    In the late 90s-early 00s, I spent a lot of time in South Africa (and Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique). I lived in Pretoria, learned some Afrikaans, took some courses at the University of Pretoria, dated some beautiful Afrikaner girls, and associated with violent far-right Boere activists. These guys were the real deal, very well-armed, some of them were ex-special forces (Recces, 32 Battalion), and they were prepared for when the SHTF.

    I suppose my experiences in Southern Africa helped open my eyes even more, and allowed me to understand where we are going. The end game for Whites in South Africa is the same end game for Whites in Europe, North America, Australia/NZ, and South America: humiliation, marginalization, oppression, dispossession, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.

    If you want to see where the US and Europe will be in, say, 15 or 20 years, if things continue as they are, then take a drive through downtown Johannesburg. (The director of the recent film District 9 made much the same point, in an interview).

    South Africa is our future. That is, if we don’t something to avert it.

  2. And another thing. The information I heard in right-wing circles in SA was that Terre’Blanche worked for the ANC government. Is it true? Who knows.

    About that Mandela statue in Parliament Square. I think some enterprising Whites should cooperate and pull it down. 😉

  3. You know Prozium, Israel was South Africa biggest supporter during aparthid. Israel even helped them developed nuclear weapeons, which seems to be a fact you never express in your blog. Israel’s love for the white race dominance in South Africa. Johnthan Pollard , an Israel double agent, was even caught stealing secrets for South Africa through Israel. What is your thoughts Israel and aparthid South Africa’s love affair with each other.

  4. @ Ron Paul is Hitler for nerds!

    If anything your point strengthens the argument that there is a real divide between the Israeli and Internationalist factions of Jewry. Israel seems to have a fair number of racialist elements. American Jewry, the heart of International Jewry, is 80%+ radical leftist.

  5. I didn’t write anything in this blog entry about the Jews or Israel. Anyway, the argument that Israel was a great friend of South Africa was debunked in Gideon Shimoni’s Community and Conscience: The Jews in Apartheid South Africa. You can find it on Google Books.

    Israel often sided against South Africa (and with its black African enemies) at the United Nations. Jews were also drastically overrepresented in the anti-apartheid movement. Shimoni’s book is a treasure trove of statistics in this regard. Reading it was a formative influence on my view of the Jewish Question.

  6. Israel worked with South Africa on military matters because they will work with anyone if it is to their advantage to do so. They are totally mercenary. It’s not because they were sympathetic to white supremacy or any nonsense like that.

  7. Singapore also forged a close relationship with Israel on the purely pragmatic basis that the two diaspora nations were surrounded by Muslim territories. I do know that the IDF introduced measures which toughened up the Singaporean armed forces and that it never hurt Singapore’s standing (pop. 5.5m) with the US to work closely with Israel.
    To give Singapore’s controlling Chinese majority their due, they didn’t require Israeli advice vis-a-vis the loyalty of their Muslim minority. Malay/Muslims were, and still are, exempted from military national service.


  8. ” The terrorist Nelson Mandela has his own statue in Parliament Square.”

    One is reminded of a short fictional story (forgot the title) written by National Socialist Colin Jordan (pbuh) which was about a future multi-cult Britain… anyhow he predicted a Statue of Mandela in Trafalgar Square!

    Looks like he was not that far off the mark!

    This is why I take the warnings of Thomas W. Chittum, Harold Covington, and even Patrick Buchanan deadly serious, they just might be right like Colin Jordan was!!

    “You know Prozium, Israel was South Africa biggest supporter during aparthid.”

    The vast majority of this has to do with the Diamond Trade.

    ” To give Singapore’s controlling Chinese majority their due, they didn’t require Israeli advice vis-a-vis the loyalty of their Muslim minority.”

    One is reminded that sometimes China-men are referred to as the ‘Jews of the Orient’ (fits in with Japans role in the Axis alliance as well…)

  9. Singapore also forged a close relationship with Israel on the purely pragmatic basis that the two diaspora nations were surrounded by Muslim territories. I do know that the IDF introduced measures which toughened up the Singaporean armed forces and that it never hurt Singapore’s standing (pop. 5.5m) with the US to work closely with Israel.
    To give Singapore’s controlling Chinese majority their due, they didn’t require Israeli advice vis-a-vis the loyalty of their Muslim minority. Malay/Muslims were, and still are, exempted from military national service.

    OH! You’re my new favorite blogger fyi

  10. “Many Israelis recoil at the suggestion of a parallel because it stabs at the heart of how they see themselves and their country, founded after centuries of hatred, pogroms and ultimately genocide. If anything, many of Israel’s Jews view themselves as having more in common with South Africa’s black population than with its oppressors. Some staunch defenders of Israel’s policies past and present say that even to discuss Israel in the context of apartheid is one step short of comparing the Jewish state to Nazi Germany, not least because of the Afrikaner leadership’s fascist sympathies in the 1940s and the disturbing echoes of Hitler’s Nuremberg laws in South Africa’s racist legislation.”

    “Torn between two struggles
    In 1940, an Afrikaans-speaking Jewish boy called Arthur Goldreich was living in Pietersberg, the brutally intolerant capital of the Northern Transvaal. Goldreich was 11 and South Africa was at war with Nazi Germany.

    One morning, his secondary school headmaster announced that students would be learning a foreign language, German. The implication was clear: many Afrikaners, including some of their political leaders, hoped and believed that Hitler would win the war. When Goldreich’s teacher distributed the German “textbook”, the Jewish boy found himself staring at a Hitler Youth magazine. He balked and wrote to the prime minister, Jan Smuts, refusing to learn German and demanding to be taught Hebrew. Goldreich got his way and was headed on a path that tore his life between two struggles; against white domination in South Africa, and for the survival of the Jewish state in Israel.

    In 1948, both of Goldreich’s worlds were transformed within a few days of each other. Israel declared its independence on May 14, a fortnight before the apartheid Nationalist party won South Africa’s election and the men who backed Hitler came to power. Goldreich had already determined to go to Israel and fight to save it from strangulation at birth. “The reason I went was the Holocaust and the struggle against British colonialism but, of course, the Nats winning the election left me in no doubt about what I had to do,” he says.

    Goldreich returned to South Africa in 1954 to join his other struggle. After a few years of political agitation, he became an early member of the African National Congress’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, led by Nelson Mandela. Goldreich wasn’t known to South Africa’s security police, so he was installed with his family as the tenant of Lillieslief farm in Rivonia, north of Johannesburg, where the underground leadership of the banned ANC met secretly.

    Mandela wrote in his autobiography how he turned to Goldreich as one of the few in the ANC’s nascent guerrilla army who knew how to fight. “In the 1940s, Arthur had fought with the Palmach, the military wing of the Jewish National Movement in Palestine. He was knowledgeable about guerrilla warfare and helped fill in many gaps in my understanding.””

    So we see Jews can at the same time be for their own racial state and be against white racial states. They are not ideologically consistent, as whites typically are, so this confuses whites. Jews are for themselves first and foremost.

  11. Thank you so much for posting about the plight of Whites in Africa. I hope that the predicament of whites in South Africa will serve as a warning to all countries that, for the moment, have a white majority. You can of course expect a similar treatment (as in the case of whites in South Africa) once you become a minority yourselves.

    Please consult the following article written by Dan Roodt (an Afrikaans intellectual of the Afrikaans-centric language website http://www.praag.co.za – English version at http://www.praag.co.uk) – regarding your president Obama and professor Louis Henry Gates Jr. The article also relates how black victimhood is instantly addressed in the USA (and worldwide), yet white victimhood is a misnomer.


  12. Israel often sided against South Africa (and with its black African enemies) at the United Nations.

    Can we consider the possibilty of U.S. pressure as a possible interpretation for the reasoning behind this?

    Thanks for the books on the subject. I’ve always been very interested in South Africa but the stuff I know is inconsistent, rough, and not integrated into any meaningful socio-political framework of understanding.

    So we see Jews can at the same time be for their own racial state and be against white racial states. They are not ideologically consistent, as whites typically are, so this confuses whites. Jews are for themselves first and foremost.

    That is absolute consistency when the ideology consists of a simple question: what’s good for the Jews?

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