Cyber Anti-Racism

In Arizona, a drive by shooting of an interracial couple already has the liberal blogosphere beating the “hate crime” drum. For the record, the police have specificially said: “we just don’t have enough information to call it a hate crime and isolate a single group.” The suspect, who has been described as white, heavily tattooed, and with a shaved head, allegedly walked up to the victims and asked, “what are you doing with that white woman” before stalking the couple and opening fire. Unlike countless other violent crimes, the preliminary information coming out of this case fits the liberal script of victimology, as with Tawana Brawley or Duke Lacrosse, and has quickly become a source of commentary for exclusively that reason.

Predictably, Jessie Daniels of Racism Review has the bit in the mouth and is running with the story. Although very little is known about the shooting, Daniels has jumped to conclusions on the basis of stereotypes about violent skinheads and prejudice against racially conscious whites males. If the roles were reversed and a black male had shot and killed a white couple after commenting on their race, Daniels would have either 1.) found the incident unworthy of attention or 2.) would be scolding racialists and conservatives for their bigoted assumptions about intrinsically violent black men.

When it comes to crime, this incident is but the latest reminder of the various anti-White double standards we live under. In 2005, 37,460 white women were raped by black men. In 2006, 32,443 more white women were raped by black men. Under Jim Crow, there were only 3,446 lynchings of blacks across the entire period. In 2007, the FBI Hate Crime Statistics show there were 2 forcible rapes and 9 murders; whites were perpetrators of 1 rape and 6 murders classified as “hate crimes”; this out of 90,427 rapes and 16,929 murders in total.

A 2007 Gallup poll found that 20% of White Americans disapproved of interracial marriage. According to the U.S. Census, there were 223,005,483 Whites in America at the time. In other words, around 44,601,096 White Americans disapproved of interracial marriage in 2007, but no one seems to have been murdered on account of that belief. Yet Jessie Daniels insinuates that anti-miscegenation sentiment is inherently violent and leads to murder.* The facts show otherwise. There is no causal relationship between the two.

Why then do anti-racists like Jessie Daniels dwell on so-called hate crimes? Why do they find a handful of obscure crimes to be so significant, but far more common ones (such as black-on-white interracial rape) unworthy of attention? Why do they demand state and federal legislation to penalize some crimes but not others? Why do they always assume the worst about white people; in particular, racially conscious white males?

Jessie Daniels and her colleagues subscribe to an anti-white multicultural worldview. For all their talk of “white privilege,” they are the ones who seek to establish and justify a formal system of privilege that benefits “people of color,” whether it be racial privileges in hiring or special penalties under the law for hate crimes. In the Arizona shooting, a deviant relationship – a privileged relationship, in her mind – was the target of a shooting. She saw it as an affront and an opportunity to further her anti-white agenda. Like every post at Racism Review, it was a dishonest excuse to beat the drum against the hated white man and reinforce the racial guilt complex.

I’ve often said that White Americans live under an inverted version of Jim Crow social etiquette. In the Old South, the lynching of an uppity negro for fornicating with a white woman would have been seen as race justice. Now, it produces just the opposite reaction: every white-on-black crime becomes a cause célèbre. The sacred has been transferred to its historical antipode. The uppity whites are expected to show the customary deference, nod our heads, put our hands in our pockets, agree what a horrible crime and racial failing this was, and acknowledge the need for legislation to prevent such an awful thing from ever happening again.

More on Jessie Daniels and Racism Review later.

Note: High five to the Cap’n for taking the fight to their comments.

* How many black males assault or murder their white spouses of girlfriends per year? If someone could produce the numbers, it would make an interesting comparison.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It doesn’t matter anyway. They keep systematically deleting my comments and there is nothing about hate in them at all.

    It seems futile to continue if they won’t even let the comments stand for the lurkers to read. After all, they are who we are really trying to capture anyway. The people that write that drivel are probably lost for good.

  2. “Kudos to the white man who shot the interracial couple. Blacks celebrate when one of their own ruthlessly torture and murders a white person, so all is fair in war.”

    This tends to be my attitude as well. I am completely unmoved by this incident. We are in a war and they had it coming. There will be many more events like this one, in years to come. We should not let it bother us.

    Oh, and another thing. If honourable, well-meaning Whites continue to “play by the rules,” we’re going to lose.

  3. The prospect of fighting the System and winning, so long as a critical mass of Whites are loyal to it – which may just be another way of saying they are dependent upon it – is sheer delusion. What did those men achieve by shooting those people? Dick squat. They could have actually put themselves to use in aiding their people, now, who knows, it may be a one way ticket to death row and a hot shot for them. Until a critical mass of Whites will stand for their interests, we can do nothing. Getting enough Whites on board is step one. That means duking it out in the meme war, the propaganda war. That means chiseling the message down, at least for public presentation, finding those few, critical points that resonate, and hammering them home again and again and again. In the beginning, that is how revolutions have always been made. No support, no ethnostate, no nada.

  4. Of course we cannot convince hardcore leftists. But we can convince John Q. Public, no? If not, then what is the point of any of this? And reminding him that ‘sometimes you just have to shoot some niggers’ and ‘you know, miscegenation used to be grouped with others paraphilias such as bestiality and coprophagia’ won’t accomplish that in the least. (And I don’t want to hear: ‘How dare you, that’s not what I said, nor intended to be conveyed at all!’ That will damn well be the decisive impact on the listeners we can convince in the present zeitgeist.) It is cutting not just our own throats but those of our people as well. Are we vanguardists or lemmings; leaders or emotional automatons? Time to knock the lead out if anything is to be achieved.

  5. I generally agree with you, up to a point. My concern is that we not expend too much effort in proselytizing. What I mean is, there is a natural trend in our favor. It’s happening. We can see it. Let’s go with it. Things are getting worse, much worse, but in this chaos there will be opportunities for us.

    And as things worsen, people will open their eyes. So in this way I think John Q. Public will be convinced, once blacks and mestizos start showing up in his neighborhood. Or when he sees his tax dollars go to support radical Marxist outfits like ACORN. Or, he might wake up when he discovers his beautiful 16-year old gang-raped by a pack of negroes from the local public school. He might get the message once gangs of mestizos start rioting in his city, or when he is forced to learn Spanish. Or when he notices that most of the managers in his office are Asian. Or… well, you get my drift.

    We need to be ready for these people, for they will be looking for friends and comrades, for structure and meaning.

    We don’t need to fight the System, at this time, if by “fight” you mean a physical assault. Right now we simply need to question it, ridicule it, undermine it. It is after all built on lies and deceit. Just by questioning it, and forcing it to reveal its flaws, is to effect a damaging blow.

    “What did those men achieve by shooting those people?”

    As I’ve said before, hopefully stupid White women contemplating an interracial relationship will think twice. There is a role for shaming, intimidation, and terror. Violence works. Let’s keep this in mind. (I know my sentiments here place me on the fringe, and maybe make me suspect, but I’m not advocating anything illegal–just making a point based on historical review).

  6. But it should be kept in mind that those who have suffered these pernicious trends for decades did not but endure it. I do not take it for granted that our people will not do so again up ’til the eleventh hour before doom, at which point it will be too late. Our enemies have nothing, read through those comments, I demolished them. Even the alleged Cornell graduate, whom scorns decency, laughs haughtily in the face of the irrefutable, and pelts her interlocutor with piddly questions that could only be salient to a moron. They haven’t got shit. We’ve got the truth, we don’t need to water it down, we’ve merely got to deliver it effectively. Of course we need to capitalize on the present unrest, and to co-opt it, and that is how I believe it can be done. If the Ron Paul movement had been our movement we would be but a hair’s breadth from victory.

  7. I don’t advocate violence against miscegenists, but I understand the righteous indignation. I consider miscegenists to be casualties in the culture war.

    The birth of a racially mixed child from a white parent is denying life to a white child.

    That poll is probably more broken down like this, 20% are brave enough to admit they don’t like interracial relationships, 60% are too scared to admit they’re against it, 10% don’t care, and 10% think it’s a good thing.

    Many white people can be so hypocritical. They can claim to be for diversity and then call blacks niggers and speak ill of them. What people say and what they do are two different things.

  8. “That poll is probably more broken down like this, 20% are brave enough to admit they don’t like interracial relationships, 60% are too scared to admit they’re against it,” ( — Mark)

    I think you must be right — it’s hard to believe only 20% are against it.

  9. “A 1958 Gallup poll showed that 96 percent of white Americans disapproved of interracial marriage.”

    The 4% there was probably largely Jewish.

  10. Pace Shamir, an identity can be forged. It all depends on the context, polacks and Germans never really got along in central Europe, but throw them in the middle of Zimbabwe and they’ll be forced to work together to survive. Prior to the Third Reich, Germans viewed themselves as Bavarians, Prussians, Hessians, Swabians, etc. first Ditto for the French, we had Bretons, Normans, Corsicans, etc. The same can be send of other European countries; however, the Third Reich forged a new exclusively German identity and the French Revolution did the same for the French. I’m not breaking new ground, Wilmot Robertson and Richard McCulloch have both suggest that the American majority is composed of mostly Nordic or Nordish elements. Primarily, Northern Europeans and assimilable Eastern Europeans and Balts. Wilmot Robertson excludes Meds on racial grounds. Although he admits that some Meds are indeed assimilable. Richard McCulloch mostly follows Robertson’s analysis. Their definition of a White America seems very good to me.

  11. I’d also add that no sane White person gives a fuck about Jones’s religious mania and gobbledygook; and those who do are more often than not low I.Q. childish neurotics. Don’t need them.

  12. Wilmot Robertson and Richard McCulloch have both suggest that the American majority is composed of mostly Nordic or Nordish elements. Primarily, Northern Europeans and assimilable Eastern Europeans and Balts. Wilmot Robertson excludes Meds on racial grounds. Although he admits that some Meds are indeed assimilable. Richard McCulloch mostly follows Robertson’s analysis. Their definition of a White America seems very good to me.

    – F. Braun

    This is a very sound definition in my opinion also. Slavs and Balts are similar enough to Germanic peoples to freely assimilate with them in America. Meds who are obviously Aryan/white ought to be welcomed as well, but all Meds who are wogish ought to be excluded. Indeed the more swarthy southern Europeans are so because of Semite/Turk/other admixture.

  13. Apparently, the smug Tim Wise commented on the article. He thinks there is absolutely no difference (even superficial) between the various races and sub-species of Homo Sapiens! He also wants to curtail the free speech of those who support the preservation of Whites.

    Maybe we should have him permanently live in (a Black ghetto part of) the inner city of Baltimore or Detroit. Then, he can shout there is no inherent difference between black gangs and mainstream Whites/North Asians.

  14. He said our genetic differences reult from “meaningless junk genes.”

    This is unscientific and very unlikely to be absolute. I would imagine there are many “junk genes” between a dog and a cat. Even assuming they do, they are very different. There is also a good 15% that is directly race or sub-species related. That beats even 85% “random” genes. I have also heard humans are 96% or 98% genetically similar to chimpanzees, yet we can’t even reproduce together.

    So, it can’t be overall genetic similarity or “junk genes” that most matters.

  15. “He said our genetic differences reult from “meaningless junk genes.””

    Tim ‘Wise-ass’, the ‘Mischlinge Mamzer’, is a result of meaningless ‘junk genes’ himself.

  16. Actually, that link from Mark is doubly instructive. In addition to exposing Wise’s nonsense, it illustrates the mediocrity of the critique of White Nationalism by the GNXP crew, in particular their inability to effectively critique Salter’s work. This Malloy fellow, in his haste to expose big bad WN Taylor as an ignoramus on genetics, says that in 1/3 of cases a random pair of Africans and Europeans will be as similar to one another genetically as to another member of their race. And this after he references Edward’s paper and criticizes Taylor and WN for not considering genetic structure (a lie)!

    And if he’d take a page from WNs, he wouldn’t say naive stuff like this:

    ‘But Wise omits or is just too thick to realize the fact that racial ancestry is not a social label but a verbalized statistic that can be precisely measured and accurately reported with a DNA test.’

    Wise is not thick. He’s a cunning Jew engaged in tribal warfare, using any dishonest tactic he can to racially obliterate Europeans.

  17. To Dasein: right, in that rebuttal Jason Molloy doesn’t bring in what should by now be glaringly obvious to everybody, the Jewish factor as THE primary explanation of the otherwise ultra-bizarroid Tim Wise phenomenon. He does say a number of times, however, that Wise is either ignorant or willfully ignorant, so he’s not totally fooled by this Jew. He detects that there’s something wrong with the Jew’s underlying honesty. The other thing is, this was posted in 2005. That’s sort of “early days” where figuring the Jews out is concerned no? In 2005 I myself wasn’t clear about the right weight to assign the Jewish role in all this. My own perception of that only really first gelled somewhere in the first half of 2006 (and has continued to become clearer and clearer in my mind ever since). A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the year 2005 — maybe Jason Molloy sees the Jewish factor more clearly now? (I wouldn’t know, since I never read any more, after realizing that under Witless Crapitalist’s control it was a Euro-race-loathing, anti-white, pro-genocide-of-whites, “FUCK YOU, Whites!”, Desi-and-yellow-nationalist site where verbal shitting on whites by browns and yellows was actively encouraged, warmly welcomed, and considered great but any white defense no matter how meek, mild, appropriate, patient, called-for, legitimate, and polite was streng verboten! on pain of eliciting a lengthy psychotic outburst and tirade from GC and IP-banning. Once a regular reader, I completely swore off that site early on, around 2003.)

  18. What one has to realize is the Jewish academics who deny race know perfectly well there are races. Lewontin, Gould, Montagu, Diamond, Kamin, Ignatiev, this new one Goldstein I think his name is down at Duke, Pinker who doesn’t outright deny race but acts all coy about admitting it and will never admit it but will act all coy about it if he lives a thousand years, the whole Jewish lot of them know/knew perfectly well there are biological races. What they’re doing with their “academic race-denial” is playing word games for political purposes, and seeing how far they can get with them. The Eurogoys, being an extremely thick-skulled race, get taken in. These Jews feel like in the olden days when they went on foot from goy farming village to goy farming village with a peddlar’s pack on their back talking farm wives into buying junk they didn’t need, using verbal sleight of hand, while eyeing the farm wife’s comely German or Polish daughter and rehearsing the verbal sleight of hand they’d shortly use to get her to take a roll in the hay before moving on to the next village. That’s all that’s going on with these Jewish race-denying academics. Nothing else whatsoever. It’s pure politics aimed at weakening the goys, taking them down a notch, or taking them down completely if they can.

  19. Bundesamt Braun
    I’d also add that no sane White person gives a fuck about Jones’s religious mania and gobbledygook; and those who do are more often than not low I.Q. childish neurotics. Don’t need them.

    Do need them. Jones achieved the useful two-fer of pointing up Vdonate’$ Brimelow for the status-obsessed scaredycat he is, in his spitting-spluttering reaction to straightforward jew-crit; second, and even more importantly, he pointed out that Jared “Polished Turd” Taylor is nothing but the head of a White NAACP, serving jewish, not White, aims.

  20. Friedrich Braun: By itself, I could care less about what Tim Wise says. But it’s relevant, because he has such mainstream influence. Like the Jews in Fred Scrooby’s post, Timmy Boy (Wise) is fooling many guilible Whites!

    I think he’s in it for the money.

  21. I posted yesterday on Jesse’s blog and not surprisingly it was removed. I tweaked Timothy Wise and Ellen and the blog owner must not have liked that too much. I told Timmy that he needs to spend some face time with black and brown racists since they are unaware that race doesn’t exist.

    As has been mentioned he’s just a cunning Jew waging war and vending poison to hated white gentiles. Tim shrinks from and honest debate since he demanded all of us be censored or banned from posting comments on her blog.

  22. Sure Steve, Jews just do it for the money and not out of any age old grievances against Europeans in particular. That’s why Jewish media moguls keep churning out interracial romance themed movies (non-white male with white female) even though most are a flop at the box offices and making little money if at all.

    Are we to believe if there was money in white nationalism Jews would become, presto chang-o, into hardcore white nationalists? With their control of the media they could easily transform WN into a winner and thus cash in on the movement but they continue to defame and marginalize it.

  23. Dithers makes a point: jews are driven by politics first and money second. This is easily demonstrable, and its truth destroys the left’s claim that the way to understand the media is to see it as giant corporations purely pursuing profit. Of course, being judeo-left, it lies, and it has no interest in evidence. Jews, like those running MTV, always claim they are simply giving the market what it wants, but that is not the case. Jews make billions offending and attacking their target market, and the fact they could make X more is irrelevant, since the attacks serve their political agenda.

    Are we to believe if there was money in white nationalism Jews would become, presto chang-o, into hardcore white nationalists?

    They get into WN not for money but for insurance. Their vehicle is Turd Taylor and AmRen. When not even shrewd fellows like Prozium and Scrooby can make this out, you begin to see why jews usually win and we usually lose.

    The jews well know what they are doing, yet it’s a subject of continual ass-headed discussion among WN whether they really are aware. It would be funny it weren’t pathetic and its effects disastrous. Jews know they’re killing us. They know we don’t like it. They know at some point the graph lines will cross, and enough will rise up to be worth worrying about. As a protective measure they set up some front groups to lead this potential opposition. Too many WN seem to have an utter inability to question motives, even when you have thousands of years of history showing exactly how the enemy operates.

  24. ”Dithers makes a point: jews are driven by politics first and money second. This is easily demonstrable, and its truth destroys the left’s claim that the way to understand the media is to see it as giant corporations purely pursuing profit.” ( — Alex Linder)

    Not just correct but blindingly obvious. The Jews spat on the 500 million dollars they could have pocketed by working with Mel Gibson. Why spit on 500 million? Would you? Would anyone here? They did because more than anything else Jews loathe Jesus Christ, loathe the New Testament, and loathe Christianity. That loathing is a matter of deepest, deepest, deepest principle to them. If you wouldn’t touch something for half-a-billion dollars, that’s some big-time loathing and that’s some very serious principle. And that’s exactly what they did – refused to touch it. That’s not called putting profits first or “only giving the public what it wants.” The public wanted “The Passion of the Christ.” As far as the Jews were concerned it wasn’t going to get it. And the public won’t get an English translation of Solzhenitsyn’s book either. It can want it all it wants: it’s not going to get it. Those are just two examples of what could be cited along the same lines a trillion times a microsecond. Examples are literally everywhere you look and continuously happening anew.

    ”The jews well know what they are doing […]. Jews know they’re killing us.” ( — Alex Linder)

    Absolutely correct. They know exactly what they’re doing. Not all the Jewish footsoldiers know, far from it. Jews have their dupes who buy the propaganda just as we do. But all the central Jewish players are very deliberately, very methodically going about engineering our genocide in a tribal war they see themselves as having been born into and Euros don’t even realize is being waged. The Euros are continually bashed in the side of the head with a club, and keep looking around and blurting out with a pained look, “Who did that? Who just hit me in the head?” Their brainwashing is such that they can’t see who keeps clubbing them.

    ”They know we don’t like it. They know at some point the graph lines will cross, and enough will rise up to be worth worrying about.”

    They’re of course aware that that’s very possible and are watching out for the first serious signs of it.

    ”As a protective measure they set up some front groups to lead this potential opposition. Too many WN seem to have an utter inability to question motives, even when you have thousands of years of history showing exactly how the enemy operates.”

    Linder here is barking up the wrong front-group tree. Not every style, not every approach, can fill every front-line post that has to be manned. Linder’s style and approach fill some, Brimelow’s style and approach fill some, Taylor’s some, Guessedworker’s some, Prozium’s, Greg Johnson’s, Tom Sunic’s, Ian Jobling’s some, yes Auster’s some, and the list goes on. It’s more than wrong, it’s senseless, to attack men who are dutifully out there courageously manning their posts merely because their style is their own and not yours or someone else’s. Their style and approach are needed. All are necessary. Linder with his approach can no more man every point along that front than Brimelow can. Why the attacks? Why not thankfulness for the hardworking allies and get on with the task at hand? Our side is advancing, by the way, not stagnating.

  25. Within the last 18 months or so, Mr. Brimelow stated on VDARE that “any person of any race can become American.”

    He received a scathing e-mail.

    >>I arrived at WN about 10 years ago. I was a subscriber to Horowitz’s Heterodoxy. One issue had an ad for a Taylor book (The Real American Dilemma, I think). Then on to VDARE and VNN and Birdman Bryant (RIP). I look at AMREN and VDARE once in a while, and see the Lying-by- Omission. I see fake opposition. rr

  26. Yes, any person of any race CAN “become American”, i.e, obtain citizenship. In this case PB may just be describing the situation as it is. He didn’t say he liked it. Or maybe he does like it, I don’t know. Let’s see the whole article, okay?

  27. Peter Brimelow, as I said before, has done a good deal popularizing racialism and its importance in the third world immigration tsunami, particularly its rather unique role as a trailblazer in this respect. However, like *some* paleocons, he seems to think that he can serve two masters simultaneously.

    He may be a great man personally, and what he says also may be interesting; but I disagree that he or any other man is somehow above reproach, and/or that he somehow ‘deserves’ to be compensated by the WN/anti-immigration crowd for his losses in his stint in ‘mainstream’ journalism.

  28. Thanks to Get Drool all the creepoids are flocking to the thread now. Prozium I strongly recommend you delete this entire thread from the point where Get Drool posted his first Brimelow comment on down, unless you want this place rapidly turned into another Phora disaster.

  29. Speaking of Jews and whether or not they ‘really’ understand the significance of the biology of race, do any of you get the impression that with many of the HBD/RR type sites, most of ’em seem to be rather anti-White, anti-European, never pointing out or highlighting anything positive regarding Whites, just emphasizing the supposed ‘strengths’ of other races?

    Many of them claim how much they ‘looove’ Asians (as compared to those ‘yucky’ “NAMs”) while some outright seem to have an Asian fetish and obsession, with a few calling for America to become ‘at least’ 20% Oriental.

    This is genocide of our people either way — either from the so-called “NAMs” from below, or from the Asians, Indians, Jews and other ‘market-dominant minorities’ from above.

  30. “Thanks to Get Drool all the creepoids are flocking to the thread now. Prozium I strongly recommend you delete this entire thread from the point where Get Drool posted his first Brimelow comment on down, unless you want this place rapidly turned into another Phora disaster.”

    What the f-ck did I say that was so ‘bad’ or ‘disrespectful’ of your ‘hero’ and ‘dear leader’?? What are you, a twelve year old?

    Are you really this insane over the guy?

    Better question: Are you really this INSANE?

    “…Brimelow, who is as honest and as dedicated as the day is long, …”

    “It is a faultless outfit, utterly without blemish.”

    Spoken like a true cult-follower.

    You are behaving like ‘Apollonian’ when you rant like a childish imbecile and lunatic, and attack people who have a differing opinion than yours.

    I agree Brimelow is on our side, and that he and Vdare does a lot of good for the cause, but you going into HYSTERICAL POLEMICS because some of us wish to question him is outright insane.

    You are really beginning to look like a ‘patriotard’ fool there Scrooby.

  31. Deleting an entire thread because Brimelow is under scrutiny doesn’t seem partcularly transparent and open-minded.

  32. Let’s face it, a man with Brimelow’s profile and ego is going to demand financial gain for his troubles. Its just how these “leader” types are. Come to do good, stay to do well. Duke and others haven’t been immune to it either.

    At the very least we can thank Brimelow for getting the message out to a much wider audience than we have here.

  33. Mr. Dithers, I did not say the Jews lacked hatred for us, or only cared about money.

    Where did I claim that “the Jews just did it for the money?” Can you show me anywhere in this thread, where I claim the Jews lack historical hatred for us?

  34. Their style and approach are needed.

    It’s not a matter of style and approach, it’s a matter of irreconcilable differences in aims and intentions. The principle that will protect our cause is complete exclusion of jews and the ostracizing of those who defend or front for them.

  35. Steve,
    #73: Like the Jews in Fred Scrooby’s post, Timmy Boy (Wise) is fooling many gullible Whites!
    I think he’s in it for the money.

    #74: Tim Wise obviously hates Whites, too. But, money is never a bad incentive.

    You seemed to imply that Jew Tim Wise promotes the lie of racial equality primarily for financial gain and not out of a deep seated hatred and resentment that he and his people have for whites. Timmy will become a shape shifter and begin supporting the theory of racial differences and white racialism only when racelessness and race equality are no longer perceived to be in Jewish interests. This is similar to David Horowitz who supported the Black Panthers and the black power movement but is now one of their biggest critics.

  36. Dithers: In comment #73, maybe I wasn’t clear enough; I apologize if I wasn’t. My true implication was that he apparently hates Whites, and money is not a bad bonus.

    (comment #74) Again, I did not say or imply that money was most important to Tim Wise. I only intended to say that money is not a bad extra. One may like to help people or animals medically, but a solid salary doesn’t have to negate their love of helping others with medical issues. As with many other professions (including Tim Wise’s), one can like his job and salary.

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