Fog of War

This will be the first installment in a series of posts over the next week.

If I learned nothing else from my sojourn away from home, I came away with the impression that the White Nationalist movement suffers from an egregious lack of communication between its scattered and isolated activists. Speaking out about this was at the top of my “to do” list on the ride back. I’ve misjudged several people (to my surprise and relief) and correctly judged several others. This is nothing that an email, a phone call, or a few drinks at a bar could have avoided. We need to start talking to each other to avoid friendly fire of this sort.

The problem arises from the reticence of a few of our number to lay their cards on the table. Everyone who reads this site knows what I am about. I state openly that my ultimate goal is a Jew-free, White ethnostate in North America. For strategic reasons, some of us believe in adopting a more moderate posture and gradually weening Whites off their anti-racism and philo-Semitism, step by step. They are afraid that Whites will reject our “racial medicine” if they ingest it “straight up.” We are like two doctors who agree on the diagnosis, but prescribe different plans of treatment.

This difference in strategy doesn’t make us enemies. We’re all holding the same cards, but in order to know this, communication within our ranks is absolutely essential. I can’t emphasize this enough: if you suspect someone within the movement is not who they appear to be, attempt to talk with this person in private before jumping to conclusions about them.

In the future, I am going to quash destructive rumors, conspiracy theories, and personal attacks as they appear here, especially those about people who I know are solid. I’m also going to assume the best (instead of the worst) about those who I suspect are with us; if nothing else, until I have more accurate information. This will help lessen the damage done by the “fog of war” on our side.

Note: For the record, I haven’t changed my mind a jot about Jews or the worthlessness of conservatism. I will continue to be an outspoken critic of both.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In the future, I am going to quash destructive rumors, conspiracy theories, and personal attacks as they appear here…

    Good idea, unless there is overwhelmingly confirming evidence like in the cases of Gliebe and the Florida bomber-rat at VNN. No doubt
    most of this stuff comes from ADL/SPLC/FBI operatives or free-lance Antifa.

  2. Welcome back, Proz. I enjoy your site immensely, precisely because you do attempt to cut through the fog and enemy dissimulation that pervades “our” inter-racial societal madhouse, in general, and RR and WN in particular. You do this very well, and in a well spoken and quite measured way. As a part of the problem of separating who’s who within the political/ideological movement, and their real net worth, have you discussed Michael C. Piper’s book JUDAS GOATS yet here on your blog?
    Regarding ‘friendly fire’, everyone has their favorite icons, their favorite issues, and their own strong opinions, to be sure. We are all examples of the walking wounded, having been nicked at one time or another by the confusing internecine cross-fire. Many of our people are their own worst enemies, unfortunately, and that fact is hard to miss. However that may be, the larger problems at hand are the kosher conservatives, decoy institutions, usurpers, infiltrators and right wing bums who have crippled and negated organized white advocacy groups for decades. The important issue is: how to deal with and overcome the foibles of our race, and to identify and support genuine racial-political leaders. Cadre and organization are essential, and I wish you well in your quest for the keys to white success.
    Let the learned discussions roll folks, but diplomatically, please.

  3. I think we safely assume where Steve Sailer stands now too:

    “But what about Mitch Daniels, the Republican governor of Indiana and a potential 2012 Presidential candidate? Is the blue-eyed Daniels an Asian? After all, he is of Syrian Christian descent, and Syria is in Asia.

    Well, of course not! Everybody knows that West Asians aren’t whom we are talking about when we talk about “Asians”.

    Then, how about Bobby Jindal, the Republican governor of Louisiana? He is of Asian Indian descent. Does that make him an “Asian” Asian?

    Funny you should ask. See, Jindal was officially Caucasian for the first decade of his life. But then the Reagan Administration changed him to an Asian. So now he’s an Asian.

    To begin at the beginning: originally, the concoction of the overall “Asian” category was another folly of the Nixon Administration. Rather than simply continuing to tabulate separately each of the mutually antagonistic East Asian nationalities, with their lurid histories of aggression and atrocity against each other, Nixon’s Office of Management and Budget lumped them together into the single racial category of “Oriental Americans”, making them a legally-protected class able to sue for disparate impact.”

    Yawn, peddling his “citizenism,” looking to expand the definition of “White” so as to co-opt cog-elite non-Whites into CONservatism. Steve Sailer, in effect if not by intent, an anti-White genocidalist (oops, did I say that out loud?).

  4. @TabuLa Raza: Sailer most definitely is half Jewish. He told me so in an email. Several years ago I emailed him recommending Kevin
    MacDonald’s trilogy. He wrote back something to the effect that
    based on what he’d heard he was sure he’d disagree with it given that he was half Jewish.

  5. “I have heard rumors that Mr. Sailer is half-jewish, from his mother’s side.”

    Just to be fair, Sailer speculated that he is possibly half-Jewish, since he was adopted early at birth and doesn’t know his actual birth parents.

  6. “That means he would only disagree with half of MacDonalds’s stuff.”

    Ha ha. Actually, Steve seems to have come a long way from his (seemingly) philo-semitic past. A few years back, it felt like a week wouldn’t go by without his ‘lauding’ Jews on their supposed ‘massive’ intellect.

    He is very fair on allowing postings on his site from a very ‘diverse’ spectrum of commentators, if you will.

  7. There is a parasite that eats the tongue out of a fish and then replaces the fish’s tongue with itself. (I’m not making this up.)

  8. He has stated based his research into his biological parents that he’s half Jewish.

    His views on racial categories are not accurate.

    “Indian and Pakistani immigrants and their offspring were legally considered racially Caucasian, in accordance with the general findings of physical and genetic anthropology.”

    Indians are not Caucasian, no more than Obama is a Caucasian. Indians are a Caucasoid hybrid.

    He seems to be saying that we should give West Asians white status just so they don’t get benefits of a protected class. Which is ridiculous on a number of levels. If we had that kind of power we would just dismantle the whole protected class system anyway.

  9. Here is a good example that the HBD/RR crowd not only fails to address, but is perhaps partially responsible for due to their sometimes excessive philo-semitism and asiophilia –

    Harvard Hates Whites—Does America, Too?

    Edmund Connelly

    “The United States is well on the road to being dominated by an Asian technocratic elite and a Jewish business, professional, and media elite.”

    — Kevin MacDonald

    […] Unz noted that whites Gentiles were getting heavily squeezed by mandatory enrollment goals for blacks and Hispanics on one end and high performing Jews and Asians on the other. Of course we are familiar with the way affirmative action has worked for four decades to advance blacks and Hispanics to positions not warranted by their efforts or achievements. But Unz opened up the Pandora’s Box of talking about Jewish overrepresentation.

    Unz, himself Jewish, noted that at his alma mater, “Asians comprise between 2% and 3% of the U.S. population, but nearly 20% of Harvard undergraduates. Then too, between a quarter and a third of Harvard students identify themselves as Jewish, while Jews also represent just 2% to 3% of the overall population.” Not only was he so blunt about this, he took the step — rare in the mainstream media — of drawing the logical conclusion: “Thus, it appears that Jews and Asians constitute approximately half of Harvard’s student body, leaving the other half for the remaining 95% of America.”

    To no one’s surprise, that bulldog of the right, Patrick Buchanan, pounced on this juicy bone and gave it a good shaking. A week after Unz’s article appeared, Buchanan had penned a response titled “The Dispossession of Christian Americans” and concluded, “Talk about underrepresentation! Now we know who really gets the shaft at Harvard — white Christians.” […]

  10. There is a difference between being critical of the Jews and opposing their own selfish national goals and being a crazed anti-Semite finding adopted crypto-Jews behind columnists with whom one disagrees with.

    Ireland is so crazed leftist PC that they’re IMPORTING Muslim Nigerians on purpose, in order to be more modern and more European. Now, tell me, which of Ireland’s 15 Jews pulled off that feat?

    The problem is bigger than Jew this or Jew that. The problem is that the West’s twin successes of democracy (secular equality) and a certain type of Christianity (spiritial equality) has led it to the point where self-negation and self-destruction are seen as altruistic, moral and desired goals.
    The Jews profit from this, handsomely. And they goad it along. Why wouldn’t they?
    But they didn’t introduce the idea of secular equality into European politics and they didn’t reform Christianity along modern lines, so our problems are bigger than that.
    And, in any case, you think SAILER is the enemy? For God’s sake people, if you want a movement with a chance, recognize a comrade. We can break into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks AFTER the revolution.

    Right now, no enemies to the Right.

  11. As Matamoros points out, the Single Jewish Cause is absurd. It doesn’t suffice to explain the decline of all Western countries. The various cocktail of factors changes across national lines. Jews are heavily concentrated in the U.S. and their poisonous influence has played a bigger role here than elsewhere.

  12. Now, tell me, which of Ireland’s 15 Jews pulled off that feat?

    The last time I saw you use that fallacious argument Hybernia Girl listed the television shows in Ireland. It was almost 100% straight out of LA.


  13. Jews are an alien elite. They’re only in this queer situation of being our elites because our own elites failed us. Our aristocrats were bought and bred away. Our priests refused to breed or lead. All that’s needed to thwart the Jews is nothing more than an indigenous elite protecting its flock. To blame the Jews for our destruction is like blaming the maggots for our demise.

    Don’t you find it odd that Jews can’t infiltrate and control Islamic civilization, Indian civilization, or Chinese civilization? That’s because the mullahs, brahmins, and mandarins politely disallow it. There are Jewish colonies in all of those societies but they are devoid of influence, just as European Jews were devoid of influence before the church and the aristocracy imploded.

    This problem isn’t nearly as intractable as it’s being made out to be. The solution isn’t nearly as difficult as it’s being made out to be. Some sort of priesthood, vanguard, or elite of some kind needs to emerge from among our own and the loyalty of the people must be transferred from the Jewish elite to them.

  14. “Jews are an alien elite. They’re only in this queer situation of being our elites because our own elites failed us. Our aristocrats were bought and bred away. Our priests refused to breed or lead.”

    Not to mention, millions of good White men have been forced or manipulated into slaughtering one another in White civil wars over the last century or so. Tragic.

    “This problem isn’t nearly as intractable as it’s being made out to be. The solution isn’t nearly as difficult as it’s being made out to be. Some sort of priesthood, vanguard, or elite of some kind needs to emerge from among our own and the loyalty of the people must be transferred from the Jewish elite to them.”

    I agree. We are not in an impossible situation, if Whites understand that we are about to be involved in one hell of a firefight and the conventional moral thinking will be of no use. Out of this conflict, I believe, a new elite will emerge.

  15. Due to time constraints, I no longer visit many Web site; however, Sailer’s blog continues to be one of my favourites that I regularly visit. I first started reading Sailer at the beginning of the century. I find him to be very useful. I also read his excellent biography of Obama.

  16. “He wrote back something to the effect that
    based on what he’d heard he was sure he’d disagree with it given that he was half Jewish.”

    This is very troubling if true. How can you disagree with someone without reading the primary source for yourself? Secondly, how can you disagree with somebody’s arguments just because you’re of a certain ethnicity? Saying that you disagree because you’re half Jewish is not an acceptable counterargument for an intelligent person like Steve. Unless you post your correspondence, I’ll remain doubtful that this is exactly what Steve said.

  17. “He wrote back something to the effect that
    based on what he’d heard he was sure he’d disagree with it given that he was half Jewish.”

    So he’s probably changed his mind since then. Big deal. People change their minds all the time. In fact, that’s precisely what you’re relying on — that people do change their minds.

    I emailed him some years ago with a link to a search page of the electronic catalogue of my university’s library on some American society/sociology topic. He’d made some point about Jewish cultural clout, and what was supposed to stand out about this link was the preponderance of Jewish surnames next to the titles (one after another after another after another etc, much more than even an ‘antisemite’ might expect). His response was yes, it’s a ‘culture of critique.’

  18. Sailer makes his recommendations under what he calls the “Sailer Strategy.” It is his earnest policy recommendation. His proposals if carried out will only lead to the further dispossession and ultimate destruction of our race. He knows the truth, and gives us shit like that. It is intolerable. The psychological urge for one’s popularity points not to drop, for one’s “respectability” not to be lost, are little substitute for fucking loyalty, or for failure to make just criticism.

    “We can agree there are no enemies who are White without adding apologia for jews.”

    Okay, so the likes of Bill Clinton, Rupert Murdock and Bill Gates are our friends only they don’t know it yet? Because “White” rhymes with “right”, and we have “no enemies to the right”? Mere cant.

    One litmus test: Either one is for the genetic preservation of our race, and supports our people in attaining the necessary conditions to secure that, or they are not. Period.

  19. Yeah, uh … no enemies who are white? I don’t agree with that at all. In fact I have trouble seeing how anyone could seriously propose that idea.

  20. Okay, so the likes of Bill Clinton, Rupert Murdock and Bill Gates are our friends only they don’t know it yet? Because “White” rhymes with “right”, and we have “no enemies to the right”? Mere cant.

    The idea isn’t that if a person has white skin they’re automatically our friend.

    The idea is that if a person is not explicitly pro-non-White or anti-White then think twice about treating them like an enemy.

    This is based on the principle Prozium expressed in his post:

    I’m also going to assume the best (instead of the worst) about those who I suspect are with us; if nothing else, until I have more accurate information.

    My suggestion isn’t that Clinton, Murdock, and Gates are friends, it’s that we shouldn’t direct fire at people like Taylor or Sailer. There are two explanations for why peopl
    e do anyway: 1) they have a sincere belief, correct or not, that the person is an enemy, or 2) they’re an enemy deliberately trying to foment division.

    One litmus test: Either one is for the genetic preservation of our race, and supports our people in attaining the necessary conditions to secure that, or they are not. Period.

    That’s a good litmus test for an ally and complements “no enemy who is White” rather than excluding it.

  21. @Friedrich Braun: Remain doubtful if it pleases you. This exchange occurred several years ago and, believe it or not, I’ve not hung on to that and every other email I’ve gotten since so I’ve no way of proving it to your satisfaction. But, as I said, believe what you find congenial.
    Most people do.

  22. Steve Sailer’s goals and ours are not the same, imho. Neither he nor any of the HBD crowd would support the expulsion of minorities. They are ball-less, not serious allies. They’re only good for their intellectual output, which I cannot disrespect.

    I’m not up for an “apartheid America” where other races remain but separate. I want them out and am not willing to compromise, not one bit. After experiencing years of Semitic, Hispanic and Negroid bad behavior, I refuse to give them an inch if the situation reverses.

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