Some Changes

I have switched from “Prozium” to “Hunter Wallace.”  I also changed the site avatar from Father Knows Best from Equilibrium to Domenico Piola’s Daedalus and Icarus. Clean out your cache and reload the site and it should appear. In my mind, this change has several advantages over the old set up:

1.) It sounds more mature. Hopefully, I will be taken a little more seriously.
2.) The Father Knows Best avatar was creepy and people often erroneously assumed that I was the guy in the photo.
3.) It quickly became clear over the weekend that everyone hasn’t seen Equilibrium. Hence, lots of people were unable to grasp the meaning of the avatar or username.
4.) The “Prozium” username and the Father Knows Best avatar were in an aesthetic clash with the School of Athens banner.
5.) The Daedalus and Icarus avatar suggests that we are in the process of creating something here. It is more appropriate for a multiple contributor site and works better with the banner.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There are two kinds of people who know as much as uh does about our concerns. Those who are on our side, and those who aren’t.

    Here we go again.

    If you really believe Whites are doomed, why are you here?

    Looked at another way: Aren’t you also here more because you enjoy the good writing on a subject dear to you than from this supposed high-minded belief in eventual recovery?

    Dogmatic defeatism is the last thing we need.

    There’s more dogmatism in what you and Captainchaos are doing, right now, than in anything I’ve said. I was challenging a WN dogma, that we “can” or “should” imitate Jewmedia. You are now huddling against me with the dismissals and accusations, precisely how dogmatists behave regardless of sect. Why? Because WN is a dogma and can’t tolerate a criticism too deep. The illusions of hope must be left standing. But that’s how faith operates. Do you represent an ideology — or a faith? OldWhite, you didn’t give me any “benefit of the doubt”; you consistently misunderstood my original challenge to Rusty’s post. Captainchaos, well, he pops up whenever anyone says anything too negative, always on sight to shoo away his crypto-Jew nay-saying double operatives. Self-appointed WN Cheka, what can be said about it.

    In fact I think people who believe that Whites are destined to lose should be excluded from these discussions.

    Never said anything about being “destined to lose”. If you insist on imagining that we’re engaged in a grand evolutionary game with the Jews played out in media for the minds of deracinated goyim, then I suppose we have already “lost”. But I don’t see it that way. In my view, we are x, they are y, and it’s unfair of someone from a subset of x, call it x1, to demand that the rest of x behave more like y and achieve the same results despite the greatly varied circumstances, etc. We can’t be what we are not.

    You implicitly admit here that the mechanism of altruistic punishment could be redirected towards enforcing ethnocentric behavior.

    It wasn’t an “admission”: I never denied it. It can be done, but is not done by you. No one needs you to herd them away from dangerous thoughts, which is exactly the role you fill. We’re here because we’re marginalized, and we can’t get much more marginalized than we already are. Maybe you should consider your likeness to the Commie speech-police. Maybe you should consider that you just don’t fuckin’ matter.

    But you can rekindle a fire. You can facilitate to consciousness that which has been driven into the unconscious.

    This is laughable. There’s nothing to “rekindle”; your consciousness is far more alien to American whites than the Jewish, with which they’ve lived for decades. They may be your kind genetically, but socially they are irretrievable — they can’t be “unconscious” of things they’ve never known, and “feeling of kinship” is not worth much at this stage of deracination; you could, in the best of worlds, seek to oppress them with your “consciousness” by trying to force it upon them, but that’s about it. Anyway, it’s best you steer very wide of such words as “consciousness” and “unconscious”, as your captaining ability is best plied in the shallower waters of sociobology.

    Although you may find you appreciate White policemen, firemen, construction workers, electricians etc. much more when there are fewer of them.

    See, your rhetoric is based on the threat. That’s your whole persona, as Renner’s persona is the guru, and Hoffmeister’s is the prophet or decadent poet, and Linder’s is the acerbic pedant, and OD’s is the “patient southern intellectual”, per ipse. That’s ok, people need their personae and cannot be expected to act otherwise. But it’s important you recognize this now before you commit some tragic gaffe like marrying or having children. Anyway, my internet connection was installed by a Haitian; service sucked, would’ve liked a white man, but that’s the way it is. I too lament the loss of the white world. But I refuse to construct fantasies about its revival, and expect others to believe in them on pain of ridicule.

    Can’t you all tell he is here to demoralize US?

    Can’t “demoralize” true believers. I’m sure you’ve tried talking goyim out of the gospel of equality. Did it work? no? Now you know how I feel, shmuck.

    Uh, What course of action to you recommend?

    Dang, I don’t know. Having a few kids and teaching them Right seems to be the best way to avoid hanging oneself. Obviously I don’t believe in schemes for mass-salvation. OD divides WNs neatly into their two most prominent camps: elitists and populists. But both ultimately the heads of the goyish masses clunking to the WN tune, in other words both want to capture the souls of the masses. This may be the unavoidable desideratum of all politics, but when it’s played out by a completely subordinate class of a disenfranchised race, it’s also unavoidably absurd. There is a third class: the “defeatists” — I am certainly not alone — who don’t have faith in these comforting soteriological scenarios, can’t find faith in the illusory communal ties archly insisted on by the likes of Captainchaos, once again the type to insist you step in line or stand against the wall, please. I don’t believe he’s your type of man, Rusty. You’re a good guy and, might I say, a learned one, and in a better world we WOULD need and make more use of your talents. YOU “bring something to the table”, like OD, but in this world getting them to sup is beyond the labors of Sisyphos. God, all I wanted to say was, maybe we can’t be all jewy in our propaganda because we aren’t Jews.

    <3 yall.

  2. “Looked at another way: Aren’t you also here more because you enjoy the good writing on a subject dear to you than from this supposed high-minded belief in eventual recovery?”

    No, look at it MY way, in the terms in which I expressed my original question: If you truly believe Whites are doomed, then why the f*ck are you here? Answer the question. I think you’re just a poseur, whose apparently fatalistic, elevated attitude actually discloses a shallow view on current processes.

  3. What’s more likely? A guy who writes and writes because he’s convinced we’re doomed, or a guy who writes and writes because he wants us to give up and die?

  4. That’s funny, it cannot be done because uh says it cannot be done. That really is what all his scribbling amounts to, one long vomit of ‘the hopelessness of it all’ that if you are sufficiently refined, having been drenched in his outpouring, you too will see wisdom and retreat into misanthropic reproachfulness. (And bite your hand to keep from crying as the Haitians install your fiber optic.)

  5. The defective individual signing as “Uh” most definitely is a defeatist and most definitely should be made to understand his kind are not welcome here. If he keeps coming he qualifies as a defeatist troll and should be ignored if he can’t be IP-banned. Don’t feed the trolls, defeatist ones included.

  6. Mark #104, we all know that but this depressed individual intends to keep dwelling needlessly on that simple truth (which no one denies but he thinks he’s the first one to realize) ad infinitum. No, we the non-depressed of this world reject that, as we recognize there’s work to be done and aren’t in the business of creating self-fulfilling defeatist prophecies here, but of exploring ways of actually changing the future defeatism portends into one optimism makes possible.

  7. What these defeatists like this person display is in part a kind of jealousy: they feel totally hopeless not only about what we’re discussing but about everything else in their lives, they look at us and see folk who clearly don’t seem as miserable as they feel, bogged down as they are with their own unfortunate biochemical depressive tendency, and part of what they feel in watching us is sheer jealousy that we don’t appear to feel miserable and hopeless while they couldn’t feel more miserable and hopeless. So they come here to torpedo what we’re doing so that no one will feel less miserable and hopeless than they. The old saying, “Misery loves company,” applies in this case.

  8. Just one more bit of clarification — there’s nothing wrong with giving a warning from time to time, giving a reminder, of our very bad situation and what will happen if white people don’t wake up pretty soon. But this troll wants to dwell on only that aspect, just that and nothing else, writing elaborate encyclopedia-length commentary on that and only that. Clearly he’s got problems of his own, a tendency toward depression being one of them, and is not capable of the appropriate sort of participation, and should be excluded or ignored.

  9. That really is what all his [“uh’s”] scribbling amounts to, one long vomit of ‘the hopelessness of it all’ that if you are sufficiently refined, having been drenched in his outpouring, you too will see wisdom and retreat into misanthropic reproachfulness. (Captainchaos)

    …but for the fact that someone of uh’s gifts is among us, refreshing and reviving one’s hopes by virtue of his example in ruthlessly facing and proclaiming the “truth” that the White-wing touts as its propaganda WMD (if it could just find that damned ignition key!).

    So, my thanks to “uh,” fellow arch-elitist and PPP antagonist, for giving me the lift that Fade/Prozium/Wallace’s reproach to Libertarian Linder once provided – and which provoked me to participation here, however briefly.


  10. P.S.S. And, in any case, one properly holds high the flag amidst evident defeat, as Sam Dickson once told the story, long ago, at a meeting of the (long passed) “Oakleaf Committee”.

  11. Personally, I have been through and beyond “defeatism” and “to hell with them individualism,” although it was in the offline world. It was a necessary stage of my development.

    uh’s presence here is a reminder of the legions of intelligent Whites that have been burned out by the demoralizing WN scene. I’m sure there are people browsing OD who can identify with his sentiments.

  12. @ Uh, I agree that generally the most influence a man can have on this world begins with himself and radiates outward to his family, community, city, country, state, country, and so forth, with influence decreasing as distance increases. That’s how I direct most of my time and energy.

    I still budget some time and energy for my “outer rings” because I think I have a duty to do so and because I plan to get something out of it, namely, improved discipline and personal development, quality professional contacts for myself and my children, and personal satisfaction from making friends and helping others. I have planned my outer ring work to be very similar to my inner ring work, so I waste little time and energy.

    Advertising, propaganda, or whatever you want to call it, works. I’m not advocating beating the Tribe at their own game of lying, cheating and mis-direction. I say we beat them with the truth, using every form of grammar, logic, and rhetoric we can command. I believe there are many millions of Whites hungry for truth and leadership and some of them will listen carefully and join our fight. Some of these men will be better leaders than we, they were just waiting for a group such as ours to lead.

    I have been where you are emotionally several times and I know I’ll be there again. I keep planning and working because have a duty to my ancestors, to myself, and my children. I tilt at a lot of windmills but I also have a few victories now and again. Most people believe that the big world-changing projects are foolish. But they forget that it is only the hard-working, dragon-fighting romantics who change the world.

    Perhaps these WN projects will come to naught, but I can’t win a race that I don’t enter. I know that even if I miss my big goals I will have learned a great deal on the journey, given others ideas and hope that something better might be done, set a good example, and fulfilled my duty as inheritors of a great legacy. I will have moved from an intellectual understanding of my ancestors’ “great project” to being a living part of it.

  13. I say we beat them with the truth, using every form of grammar, logic, and rhetoric we can command. (Rusty)

    But what is the “truth”?

    Is it the product of Nietzsche’s noble “conceive reality as it is, for only in that way can man achieve greatness”?

    Or is it Schopenhauer’s formulation for the peasants: believe as you will, for your Intellect is none but the masquerade of your Will?

  14. Which is to ask;

    1) Can you incisively use universalist principles, as does the worthwhile interlocutor, to rationalize your particularism (which otherwise appears to him as mere bigotry)?

    2) Or, are you content – and do you anticipate success – merely with an appeal to other bigots?

  15. uh’s presence here is a reminder of the legions of intelligent Whites that have been burned out by the demoralizing WN scene.

    That’s horseshit, man. The guy doesn’t hate the fantasiasts and costume idiots, he hates WHITES. Normal white folk. The people we fight for because we love them and our race.

  16. “Can you incisively use universalist principles,”

    It is important to utilize at least the veneer of universalist principles in constructing a new mental landscape for our people to occupy, for ‘fairness’ other-directed matters to them.

    “as does the worthwhile interlocutor,”

    It does not seem to me that duh does so sincerely, and if sincerely, then not with much precision. He ostensibly holds Whites to his standards, and does not hold non-Whites to his standards. Now, if he were sincere in doing that, he would most likely acknowledge the possibility of other Whites being able to realize his standards. The tone of his commentary suggests that he believes most Whites are not so capable, and never were, so what then is the point of castigating them for not doing that which they are not capable of doing? It has the patina of insincerity to me.

    “to rationalize your particularism”

    It is not fair that our people cede their existence for the sake of other peoples and yet other peoples guard their homelands and existence jealously. So, our particularism is rationalized in demanding the same particularism which is observed universally. Particularism as a universal principle.

    “which otherwise appears to him as mere bigotry”

    For ‘the people’ ethnocentrism will and has always manifested itself as “mere bigotry.” The corollary of in-group ethnocentrism is distrust of an out-group.

    “merely with an appeal to other bigots?”

    I suggest that the message be tailored to the audience, though conveying the same essential points.

    “Nietzsche’s noble”

    Is it not Nietzsche whom posited the people as the scaffolding on which great men stand? Well, great men should hope for firm footing, and do what need be done to attain it. Otherwise, failing that, couldn’t it be said they have grown weary of life? What if that means cultivating the “bigotry” of the rabble which is bubbling just beneath the surface as the only way of securing sound footing, or any footing at all for that matter? Uh oh.

  17. …the dominant white race in America, the post-Nordic, is a worthless congeries of clownish conceited morons. (uh)

    The guy doesn’t hate the fantasiasts and costume idiots, he hates WHITES. Normal white folk.

    Yes, the upstarts who have been (temporarily) elevated well beyond their station (in a sanely-configured geo-political world) by the Faustian Pact with megacidal and globally-ambitious Marxist crypto-anarchism that elite Jewry arranged in the World War to save Judeo-Communism and further cripple White Imperium .

    Indeed, much of the upstarts’ insufferable ideological self-satisfaction (if we may dignify it with that adjective) resides in the myth structure created for them in the Hollywood History of said World War. And, as the cattle that they are, they instinctively hate anything that smells of predation and subjugation, as in the popular synthetic cartoon image of Prussianized National Socialism.

  18. It is important to utilize at least the veneer of universalist principles in constructing a new mental landscape for our people to occupy, for ‘fairness’ [,?] other-directed [,?] matters to them. (Cc)

    Thank you. I will suggest, however, that a “veneer” will be easily seen past by those whom one would convert.

    “as does the worthwhile interlocutor,”

    It does not seem to me that []uh does so sincerely, and if sincerely, then not with much precision. He ostensibly holds Whites to his standards, and does not hold non-Whites to his standards. Now, if he were sincere in doing that, he would most likely acknowledge the possibility of other Whites being able to realize his standards. The tone of his commentary suggests that he believes most Whites are not so capable, and never were, so what then is the point of castigating them for not doing that which they are not capable of doing? It has the patina of insincerity to me.

    I see it as the disappointed lover syndrome – from which Nietzsche seemed to suffer in his castigation of the Germans.

    “to rationalize your particularism”

    It is not fair that our people cede their existence for the sake of other peoples and yet other peoples guard their homelands and existence jealously. So, our particularism is rationalized in demanding the same particularism which is observed universally. Particularism as a universal principle.

    But you fail to explain why particularism happens to be a universal principle. Why cannot one legislate and police it out of existence? That would be the nice thing to do. And you must further explain why the “Naturalist Fallacy” – to which you ostensibly resort – is itself (qualifiedly) a fallacy.

    “which otherwise appears to him as mere bigotry”

    For ‘the people’ ethnocentrism will and has always manifested itself as “mere bigotry.” The corollary of in-group ethnocentrism is distrust of an out-group.

    Of course. But the premise was that you are not addressing “the people” – but rather an individual of some intellect who is thus worth persuading.

    “merely with an appeal to other bigots?”

    I suggest that the message be tailored to the audience, though conveying the same essential points.

    Good idea. What is the most essential point when addressing a high-brow audience?

    “Nietzsche’s noble”

    Is it not Nietzsche who[] posited the people as the scaffolding on which great men stand? Well, great men should hope for firm footing, and do what need be done to attain it. Otherwise, failing that, couldn’t it be said they have grown weary of life? What if that means cultivating the “bigotry” of the rabble which is bubbling just beneath the surface as the only way of securing sound footing, or any footing at all for that matter? Uh oh.

    The Leader(s) must not fall victim to his own propaganda and thus misjudge his opponents in combat.

  19. Oldright
    The guy doesn’t hate the fantasiasts and costume idiots, he hates WHITES. Normal white folk.
    Yes, the upstarts who have been (temporarily) elevated well beyond their station (in a sanely-configured geo-political world) by the Faustian Pact with megacidal and globally-ambitious Marxist crypto-anarchism that elite Jewry arranged in the World War to save Judeo-Communism and further cripple White Imperium .

    No one is going to fight a race war to make you or anyone like you lord of the manor. If there is a new white aristocracy it will be founded by men who prove themselves in battle.

    So if you want to be in the upper class you’d better be a great leader of fighting men.

    Great leaders don’t insult their men. Just a helpful hint there, pal.

  20. No one is going to fight a race war to make you or anyone like you lord of the manor. (Oldright)

    Nor do I expect anyone so to do. You assume, in ignorance, that the challenge of the future is race war rather than class war.

    If there is a new white aristocracy it will be founded by men who prove themselves in battle.

    And you insinuate, again in ignorance, that I am not so prepared.

    So if you want to be in the upper class you’d better be a great leader of fighting men.

    I agree. And some intellectual gifts in the mix would be a good idea – don’t you think?

    Great leaders don’t insult their men. Just a helpful hint there, pal.

    Your credentials for giving hints are not in evidence – but thanks for thinking to my instruction on the point. You not aware, perhaps, of the famous use of the address, “Quirites!”.

  21. Fred Scrooby: “No, we the non-depressed of this world reject that, as we recognize there’s work to be done and aren’t in the business of creating self-fulfilling defeatist prophecies here, but of exploring ways of actually changing the future defeatism portends into one optimism makes possible.”

    Indeed, in many cases, what makes a policy possible is whether people think it is —and what they think other people think. Defeatism is self-fulfilling, especially in the fight against antiwhite forces. That is why the media spend huge amounts of money to kill our morale. They will try to make normal white people feel isolated. They will publish phony opinion polls showing that most white people think race replacement is a great idea. Opposing points of view will be banned. The brainwashing by the media is effective, and the whole race replacement policy depends on it. White people feel they are under siege. They will start any criticism of the mass immigration policy with the statement “I’m not racist, but…”. This is because they have been made to believe that normal people want to be replaced ! I think we’ll be out of trouble as soon as white people realize most other whites share the same opinion.

    Hunter Proze says it’s useful for white nationalists to meet each other. In fact, media-induced isolation is also a problem for normal white people who are not political activists.

  22. NN:”You assume, in ignorance, that the challenge of the future is race war rather than class war.”

    Wait a second NN … I thought you were a biologically-oriented racialist, not a ‘class war’ Marxist?

    Race/ethnicity, being very primal and biological, trumps highly variable and recent class status/castes by a long shot. That fact should, in my opinion, become firmly ensconced as one of the main tenets of racialism. I’ve written about this before here and elsewhere.

    To put it another way: would you rather marry in to a prominent family of Sub-Saharan African aristocratic billionaires (a neo-royal class) or a family of solid middle-class German-Americans from the Midwest? I think I know which one you’d choose, even though one clearly has a much higher class status than the other. Marrying in to one would lead to unalterable blood pollution of your Europeaness forever, while the other would preserve and strengthen it. Would you sell out your ancient racial stock just to move up the class ladder a few pegs? Nah, I doubt it.

    Or are you, NN, more of a ‘social constructionist’ rather than a ‘biological reductionist’?

  23. ME:”Would you sell out your ancient racial stock just to move up the class ladder a few pegs?”

    That’s actually been a major problem in the UK — many British (Anglo-Saxon) aristocrats/royals from long-time noble families often sold out their ancient bloodlines by intermarrying with wealthy Jew usurers in the last few centuries once their financial fortunes started to wane a bit.

    It seemed to work out well at first, with the financial fortunes of some Anglo-Saxon families restored and the spread of the British Empire, but eventually that Jew blood-taint reared its ugly little head again; many portions of the UK controlled by these Anglo-Saxon Jews are now in rather steep decline. Some other European nations also had this same problem, but not to the same extent as the UK.

    EZRA POUND: 15 March 1942 broadcast — “You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your [British] empire, and you yourselves out-jewed the Jew. Your allies in your victimized holdings are the bunyah, you stand for NOTHING but usury. … And the big Jew has rotted EVERY nation he has wormed into.

    And in your past a trail of blood and of infamy. You bought Hessians to kill your own blood in America. You bought ’em from a stinking feudal overlord, who was in the hands of the ROTHSCHILD; that is HISTORY. You stirred up the American savages against your own kin IN America. But now Eden and Cripps have called in the Muscovite, to bum and destroy all Eastern Europe, and kill Finland, for the sake of the stinking Jews nickel mines.

    Your infamy is bound up with Judaea. You can not touch a sore or a
    shame in your [British] empire but you find a Mond, a Sassoon, or a Goldsmid.

    YOU HAVE NO RACE left in your government.

    God knows if it can be found still scattered in England.

    IT must be found scattered in England. The white remnants of England, the white remnant of the races of England must be FOUND and find means to cohere; otherwise, you might as well lie down in your grave yards.

    Is there a RACE left in England? Has it ANY will left to survive? You
    can carry slaughter to Ireland. Will that save you? I doubt it. Nothing can save you, save a purge. Nothing can save you, save an
    affirmation that you are English.

    Whore Belisha is NOT. Isaccs is not. No Sassoon is an Englishman,
    racially. No Rothschild is English, no Strakosch is English, no
    Roosevelt is English, no Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Khan, Baruch, Schiff, Sieff, or Solomon was ever yet born Anglo-Saxon.

    And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you have murdered your empire, and it is this filth that elects your

    In the year 1942 Anno Domini, there is only one start you can make.
    And that is a start toward being England. A refusal to be a province
    of Israel, or an outpost of Yankee-Judaea.

  24. NN:”You assume, in ignorance, that the challenge of the future is race war rather than class war.”

    Wait a second NN … I thought you were a biologically-oriented racialist, not a ‘class war’ Marxist?

    I am not a Marxist, but I selectively take from Marx, as from all other investigators, that which I find to accurately characterize the phenomena under observation. Social phenomena, in my experience as an investigator and theorist, are not fully and accurately comprehended without both biological and cultural (i.e., minimally biologically-derivative and including class) analysis.

    Race/ethnicity, being very primal and biological, trumps highly variable and recent class status/castes by a long shot. That fact should, in my opinion, become firmly ensconced as one of the main tenets of racialism. I’ve written about this before here and elsewhere.

    Let’s grant that biology is the broad foundation of society – but that important details of the cultural superstructure cannot be deduced therefrom. Did “racial” considerations predict that the cause of the brothers Gracchi would be a losing one? Did racial considerations accord with the outcome of the Investiture Controversy? I could go on.

    To put it another way: would you rather marry in to a prominent family of Sub-Saharan African aristocratic billionaires (a neo-royal class) or a family of solid middle-class German-Americans from the Midwest? I think I know which one you’d choose, even though one clearly has a much higher class status than the other. Marrying in to one would lead to unalterable blood pollution of your Europeaness forever, while the other would preserve and strengthen it. Would you sell out your ancient racial stock just to move up the class ladder a few pegs? Nah, I doubt it.

    If I marry into the latter, in obligatory choice over the former, are you then going to prevent me from committing suicide?

    Or are you, NN, more of a ’social constructionist’ rather than a ‘biological reductionist’?

    Neither. I am as the pattern of evidence indicates.

  25. Mark:”White Preservationist, I take it you believe the Holocaust happened and approve of genocide. Don’t you think that kind of language is fantasist and instantly repulses people? The only people you’re going to recruit with that are sociopaths. We have too many of those already.”

    Apologies for the late reply; I’m still short on time lately, and wading through so many comments is already difficult as it is.

    I of course have many doubts about the official Holocaust narrative, as every thinking/skeptical person should. No, I do not believe that millions of Jews were “gassed” by “THE EVIIIIIL NAAAZIIS!!!” as the ratty hordes of Jewish liars continually screech everywhere they go. However, very many Jews (an unknown number; possibly over a million or even as many as two million) were indeed straight-up gunned down and buried in various mass trench-graves during the war; they are still coming across some of these mass graves to this day.

    You see, when the Germans invaded the USSR, they basically executed nearly every anti-German Commie Jew subversive they could get their hands on, while the other ‘normal’ Jews were at least imprisoned (put in to various city ghettos and/or Jewish ‘reservations’, AKA concentration camps). Especially in the Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic nations, and some other areas of Communist-controlled Eastern Europe, the populations of many major Soviet-controlled cities were often 40-50%+ Jewish — and thus the Commie Jews were pretty easy to track down when the Germans invaded because nearly all of them resided in those major cities wherein they were the primary bureaucrats and managers of the USSR.

    Every one of those Eastern European USSR cities occupied by the National Socialists during Operation Barbarossa had their entire Jewish population detained, deported, and sometimes entirely liquidated (AKA killed) or at least imprisoned in concentration camps where they often died of disease, malnutrition, etc. Basically, as far as I have been able to uncover, the area of what used to be the very Jew-heavy Pale of Settlement became almost entirely cleared of Jews by the National Socialists during the invasion of the USSR 1941-45.

    What exactly happened in what was then Poland was a ‘special case.’ I’m still trying to piece all that together; so many Jews lived there that it is near-impossible to pin down all the details. However, considering the grave threat that the Soviet Judeocommunist monstrosity posed to Western civilization, the Germans were even sometimes too accommodating to Jewry; for instance they built some entire Jewish-only cities for some civilized, elderly, and ‘good’ Jews — Theresienstadt is an example, though there were others scattered all over Eastern Europe. Most were just held in concentration camps where they often succumbed to disease and malnutrition as I noted above as the war kept on for years and years.

    Also, non-communist controlled nations in Eastern/Southern Europe under German control like Romania, Hungary, the Balkans, Greece, etc very often had their Jewish populations ‘eradicated’ through various means too. Most were just deported to concentration camp holding areas throughout Europe, but many of those Jews were indeed outright executed, especially if they were suspected of being Communists and/or Soviet-British-American sympathizers.

    It’s a little know fact that many thousands of Jews were still living in NSGermany when the Soviets and other Allies ‘liberated’ it; a Jewish source informs us that “By 1945, only 8,000 Jews remained in Berlin” – – now, if the Germans were trying to kill ALL the Jews in Europe, why in the world were thousands of Jews still living in the capital city of NSGermany (plus many other German cities) even at the war’s end in 1945? A lot of stuff just doesn’t add up in any way, thus my healthy skepticism toward the official Hollyco$t history as pushed by Jew academia, Jew ‘historians,’ Jew mass-media/Hebrewood, etc.

    I do not approve of genocide (expulsion and/or ghettoization is much more humane), though I still believe that during wartime [nearly all wars] many ‘bad’ things happen which are sometimes necessary in order to try and secure victory. I’m not a sociopath in the least, just stating facts along with some of my opinions.

    Yes, I sometimes tend toward “fantasist,” but I’d like to think of myself more as a quasi-utopian-type of Faustian/Western idealist though. I’m trying to get myself away from naive forms of idealism and adopt a more realistic, hyper-rationalistic, and hard-nosed view of things, but hey man cut me a little break…I’m still pretty young (in my twenties).

  26. Oldright
    If there is a new white aristocracy it will be founded by men who prove themselves in battle.
    And you insinuate, again in ignorance, that I am not so prepared.

    I’ve known fighters and I’ve known writers and you’re a writer.

    You’re all theory and no tactics.

    But personal insults aside, this gets to the heart of what the white revolution is about. It’s not to replace our merciless jew overseers with equally despicable sneering, sadistic white assholes (I won’t mention any names), it’s to free ourselves from jew tyranny and live as white men.

    White men don’t prosper under oriental despotism, even if it’s been given a coat of Prussian Blue.

    And Smith and Wesson assure that we won’t have to submit to it.

  27. @oldright is The Man

    “head of any pro-white organization will have to be paid a decent salary because he will become unemployable for life in every institution controlled by jewry, which means he will never be published, never be hired by any corporation, university or the federal or state government”

  28. Also, there is some evidence that after Hitler survived the assassination attempt on 20 July 1944 he may have ordered that large/industrial-scale killings to Jews to occur and/or ‘ramp up’ in some areas still under German occupation — he was quite a fatalist and often thanked ‘Providence’ for his survival of that bomb, and after that he became increasingly hard-edged toward the Jews who he saw as responsible for the war that the Germans at that point had no realistic chance to win. For instance, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were apparently rounded up and by all accounts totally wiped out from late 1944 through to the war’s end in ’45, possibly as some sort of ‘retaliatory’ measure due to the impending German defeat. Also mass executions of Jewish Communists and other Jewish subversives were seen as payback for the hordes of innocent German civilians (women, children, elderly, everybody) who were being killed in huge indiscriminate Allied air raids against German cities.

    It was all a very messy and chaotic situation, and all the details about the Hebrew Hollyco$t (TM) are impossible to fully know.

  29. If there is a new white aristocracy it will be founded by men who prove themselves in battle. (Oldright)

    And you insinuate, again in ignorance, that I am not so prepared. (NN)

    I’ve known fighters and I’ve known writers and you’re a writer. (Oldright)

    I’m confident that such is your experience, as it is mine. You thus allude to the serious challenge to our status, as faced by modern men, in which profound intellect is no longer combined with martial virtues – as it was in days of old. (With regard to my own combination thereof, it would be unseemly and perhaps unpersuasive of me to speak on my own behalf. So I suggest that you contact my old comrade, the luminary of our cause, Sam Dickson, for a report on my attitude and aptitude for armed and unarmed combat.)

    You’re all theory and no tactics.

    Tactic: persuade all military personnel of your acquaintance to read “Superhuman”.

    But personal insults aside, this gets to the heart of what the white revolution is about.

    Since you were predictably and profoundly mistaken in your assessment of me, you have only spoken to your own discredit. Thus, no offense taken.

    It’s not to replace our merciless jew overseers with equally despicable sneering, sadistic white assholes (I won’t mention any names), it’s to free ourselves from jew tyranny and live as white men.

    I smile at your ill-equipment to do other than be mastered by one or another variety of educated oligarchs.

    White men don’t prosper under oriental despotism, even if it’s been given a coat of Prussian Blue.


    And Smith and Wesson assure that we won’t have to submit to it.

    You’ve really got to stop with these poseur’s jests, Oldright – my tummy is starting to hurt!

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