Some Changes

I have switched from “Prozium” to “Hunter Wallace.”  I also changed the site avatar from Father Knows Best from Equilibrium to Domenico Piola’s Daedalus and Icarus. Clean out your cache and reload the site and it should appear. In my mind, this change has several advantages over the old set up:

1.) It sounds more mature. Hopefully, I will be taken a little more seriously.
2.) The Father Knows Best avatar was creepy and people often erroneously assumed that I was the guy in the photo.
3.) It quickly became clear over the weekend that everyone hasn’t seen Equilibrium. Hence, lots of people were unable to grasp the meaning of the avatar or username.
4.) The “Prozium” username and the Father Knows Best avatar were in an aesthetic clash with the School of Athens banner.
5.) The Daedalus and Icarus avatar suggests that we are in the process of creating something here. It is more appropriate for a multiple contributor site and works better with the banner.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My problem with Christianity – and thus Kinism – is that if you take it literally – all of it, not just the parts you prefer – it becomes nonracial socialist liberalism. I have no objection in principle to “Church”, but it had better not be an explicitly Christian Church. Doesn’t need to exclude Christians either, but the ideology needs to stand on its own. The Unitarians are a good example (except for the bit about being dying liberals).

  2. Good points there by the commenter ‘uh.’

    A major problem is that Jewry, in comparison with almost all White ethnic groups, has a solid head-start of a few centuries in regards to widespread high-level literacy, very rigorous textual criticism/analysis, sharp debating skills (verbal and written), and all other verbal/textual/language-related skills — blame it on their ultra-insular/hyperethnocentric Talmudic-obsessed bookish culture which has dominated the Ashkenazi/Ostjuden elite for a very long time now. I mean, many of these people lived as hyperparasitic bookworms and did literally nothing of any real value all day/every day for their entire lives except study their dusty old Talmudic volumes on trying to figure out new-old ways how to rip-off and deceive the gullible goyim; they have continued to cling to this culture of outright lies and deceit…they consider ripping us off, looking down upon us, and talking down to us as a primary part of their culture! And they just keep churning out more and more and more of these hideous rat-faced nasal-voice Talmudic drones by the day…it’s a futile battle for Whites trying to catch up with them fully in the matter of a few decades of mass-White-literacy when they’ve been at all this for many centuries now, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep striving and moving forward. Just think: just a few of our profound White/European geniuses, visionaries, and leaders who have profoundly altered the history of the world since just around about the Renaissance put the millions of petty Jew journalists and lying ‘cultural anthropolgists’ and greedy Jew bean-counters to utter shame, and they know it.

    While average Whites might not be able to out-learn, out-write, and out-debate an average Jew, we can ‘beat’ Jewry on the ground on an even playing field that includes the mental PLUS the physical/realistic, in things that matter a whole lot more than obscure textual criticism or shuffling endless amounts of paper — we clearly excel in the more courageous, the more technical, the more practical, the more active, the exploratory, the natural, the hands-on, and the outdoor-related activities, the types of things that grow and put food tables, that build homes, that raise healthy families, that discover and tame and settle distant hostile lands (Jewry always coming us behind us…later on though), and create healthy cultures and nations. We are in all respects stronger and more solid and more rooted, and though they are generally smarter they are also very weak indeed compared to the overall White/European physical + mental collective. So we ought to just stop trying to beat Jews at their worthless and pathetic Talmudic word games — they must ultimately be removed from our cultures, our nations, our politics, our media, our educational systems, and so on. If they do not respond to our courteous written and verbal requests to vacate our territories in an orderly fashion, as history has shown we will be forced to get physical with them as we have done many times in the past; then they will again know who the real bosses are. They have no right whatsoever to continue living amongst us, especially considering they have their own Jewish nation now.

    Jews are clever and full of endless snappiness that in the past would’ve gotten them pounded in to the dust had they talked to us that way, but they are rarely very possessed of any real knowledge and wisdom — true geniuses and leaders very rarely arise from their heavily corrupted and maggot-infested Jewish corpus or Jew hive-mind drone-collective. They are a people devoid of true race, and they are homeless — you take their books and their papers and their uptown apartments and their laughable films and their bogus JEWDEBT fake paper money away from them, and they are hollow shells, a bunch of adrift homeless nomads, a people of endless lies and illusions: they’re rotten and we can’t stand the stink of them anymore.

  3. “4.) The “Prozium” username and the Father Knows Best avatar were in an aesthetic clash with the School of Athens banner.”

    So is Hunter Wallace.

    Prozium fits your personality. Hunter Wallace sounds too aggressive. I see you more as a Gatherer Wallace. 🙂

    Both are better than Fade the Butcher.

    You struck me more as an anarchist type back then. I recall you stating conclusively that you believed the Holocaust actually happened from your research. You’ve certainly come a long way since then.

  4. @Rollory I *strongly* disagree with your entire post.

    “if you take it literally – all of it, not just the parts you prefer”

    Why would anyone do that?

    “nonracial socialist liberalism”

    not really

    “it had better not be an explicitly Christian Church”

    It had better be. Christian means no Jews.

    “the ideology needs to stand on its own”

    No it doesn’t.

    And for the record I have no problem with “neo-pagan” White people and I consider Irish and Italian Catholics my brothers in every sense.

  5. Mark:”I recall you stating conclusively that you believed the Holocaust actually happened from your research.”

    Mark — something definitely happened to lots of those Commie Ostjuden in those still-foggy WWII years, and it certainly wasn’t pretty … let us just say they were publicly warned loud and clear and well ahead of any overt hostilities that if they continued to provoke yet another anti-White fratricidal war there would be utter hell to pay for their actions. You need some proof? Here you go, from the mouth of the man himself:

    “If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!” – Adolf Hitler: major speech on 30 January 1939 – – VIDEO OF SPEECH:

    If the situation warrants it, the enemies of the Occident will be ruthlessly and mercilessly stomped in to submission and/or oblivion. Cornered animals are the most ferocious of animals. There will be no backing down from further provocation, and we will never surrender; we will fight to the last White man and even the last White woman if needed. Warrior values trump all in our Occident: win or die, we either win or else we’ll become slavish serfs of the neo-Communistic White-extinction Panmixia globalJewmachine. In our West, our brute Occidental strength must triumph over their cowardly Jewish cunning or else … or else we will altogether perish.

  6. I’ve never written much about the Holocaust. I tried to research it on a few occasions, but found the topic incredibly boring. The only aspect of the Holocaust that has ever interested me is the gap between 1945 and 1970 when little was written about the subject.

  7. White Preservationist, I take it you believe the Holocaust happened and approve of genocide. Don’t you think that kind of language is fantasist and instantly repulses people?

    The only people you’re going to recruit with that are sociopaths. We have too many of those already.

  8. The head of any pro-white organization will have to be paid a decent salary because he will become unemployable for life in every institution controlled by jewry, which means he will never be published, never be hired by any corporation, university or the federal or state government.

    Someone capable of running an effective white organization will be sacrificing millions of dollars in lifetime earning potential by taking up this challenge, and providing them with some reasonable compensation, rather than leaving them to their own devices (frying hamburgers by day and leading the vanguard by night) is the only decent thing to do.

    We have to stop being so judgmental. Yes, William Pierce made a living off the movement. A lousy living in the middle of the woods in a shabby double wide. The man was a physicist, for god’s sake!

    Anyone willing to take on the power of world jewry deserves better than that.

    “Uh”, there’s no jewish Mencken, no jewish Dickens, no jewish Shakespeare. For that matter there’s not a jewish Tolkien! They can’t even find a jewish Walter Cronkite or Johnny Carson! The greatest media successes have almost all been gentiles. The jewish inferiority in connecting with the mass audience is proven by their need for shabbas goys like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. They can’t even find a jew capable of drawing the audience of a mediocrity like Sean Hannity.

    Now I may be misunderstanding you, maybe you refer only to the jewish capacity for nitpicking and hair splitting, in which case I concede the point. But in terms of reaching our own people we are way ahead of the jews. For that matter, almost every other race is ahead of the jews. I’d say that negroes are better at connecting with white audiences than jews are. Is there a jewish Oprah Winfrey or Will Smith? None that I can think of. Not that I’m a big admirer of those two jew media tools, but it’s telling that they haven’t been able to turn Jon Stewart into Eddie Murphy, or even Arsenio Hall.

    The jews aren’t nearly as intelligent or talented as they’d like you to believe. They’re just better at lying about themselves.

  9. The holocaust is a sink hole. It’s a real non-starter for bringing people around. It’s also a big reason why we have to be so stealthy about race realism. Apparently, we have a genocidal gene. We’re like epileptics, subject to seizures during which we decimate the exotic fauna that spices our snappy society up and then spend a century feeling such a sense of remorse about this that we give every tool in the shed away.
    Germany just presented israel with the gift of another nuclear submarine. That’s three so far. “Take them, they’re yours!”

    I’m a holocaust addict. I don’t know why if Friedrich Braun was tired of managing The Civic Platform he couldn’t have just left it up for the history buffs who used to visit. The WN blogosphere is already minuscule. When a site like that goes down it’s like losing a limb.
    To be be perfectly honest, I’ve probably confused some of his postings here with the raison d’etre he gave me for pulling the site. The “repeating himself” reason sounds more plausible in retrospect than my memory of an email about anti-Semitism.

  10. “…to Domenico Piola’s Daedalus and Icarus… The “Prozium” username and the Father Knows Best avatar were in an aesthetic clash with the School of Athens banner.”

    Funny how all the “Anglo-Celtic” fellas turn to Italian art when they need something to highlight their racialism.Anybody else catch the irony in that?

  11. “Funny how all the “Anglo-Celtic” fellas turn to Italian art when they need something to highlight their racialism.Anybody else catch the irony in that?”

    Yeah, I guess.

    Anyway, whether we are “Anglo-Celtic” or “Greco-Roman”, we are still EuroChristian Brothers One and All.

  12. Have you determined your specific target audience yet, your goals, policies and guidelines?

    1.) The material I post seems to attract a certain type of individual: intelligent, educated, racially conscious Whites between 21 and 45 years old. I’m guessing this is my demographic. There are also a number of older readers and commentators here now. I’ve attracted more of those as I have gotten older and wiser myself.

    2.) I haven’t had to do much in the way of censorship. The commentators here share a lot in common. We haven’t been inudated with the expressivist tards that infest the major forums. I’m guessing this is because they have to read through my blog entries and are unable to post their own topics.

    3.) The long term goal I have in mind is to see Occidental Dissent evolve into the Daily Kos or Lew of the White Nationalist movement. Stormfront is one of the biggest forums of its kind, but we don’t have a major presence in the blogosphere.

    The first baby step towards this goal is to increase our traffic, expand our community, and attract new contributors. I try to post something new daily or every other day. If we had more contributors, the site would be updated more frequently. Readers would stick around longer and check back more often. This would create a virtuous cycle and the site would really begin to take off.

  13. “I’ve never been dismissive of the Italians.”

    Your so right, Hunter. Additionally, you never really emphasized one White ethnicity over another, be it “Anglo-Celtic” or whatever else.

    Sometimes our Southern Euro Brother’s should not be so quick to think or project that North Euro-Americans don’t care or appreciate them.

    I certainly do. Deeply.

  14. “I’ve never been dismissive of the Italians.”

    No you haven’t.But what I was refering to was a tendency among American rightists to clothe themselves in European garb (think Buckley Jr.,Pat Buchanan even George Will) only to end up taking some form of extreme anti-European position ( “America First,” “Axis of Weasel,” neo-confederatism etc.).

    If we’re going to be serious about being Europeans lets not play the ‘ol bait and switch game.Lets follow through to logical conclusions.

  15. Euro,

    Operating primarily at the racial level is suboptimal. I fully agree that we should abstain from “friendly fire” and that we should foster a sense of unity with our racial relatives. But humans are tribal critters and sharing a racial heritage is a necessary but insufficient condition. It’s a prerequisite, but the tribe/nation/ethnicity/language groups within the race are the optimal level to operate at.

    It’s probably confusing for you, as a genuine racist from a European context, to encounter all of these Americans who describe themselves as racial while behaving more like nationalists. That’s because they are nationalists. It’s just that the Anglo-American nationality is so pervasive here that an American nationalist can go on for months thinking he’s a racist without needing to grapple with the distinction.

    As a proof of concept, I would ask how American “racists” would react to tens of millions of Russians (actual Russians) flooding into our cities and refusing to assimilate. I suspect they would go Wolverine-style on their co-racialists.

  16. Unless “Hunter Wallace” is your true name, wn-formerly-known-as-prozium, the change is a bad idea. It is disruption of your “brand” for no good reason. Have you ever noticed that some men have the courage of their convictions? Think about it.

  17. “Uh”, there’s no jewish Mencken, no jewish Dickens, no jewish Shakespeare. For that matter there’s not a jewish Tolkien! “

    Mencken, Dickens, Shakespeare and Tolkien belong to a different caste, or castes, not responsible for modern media. Comparison is moot. I’m not trying to get into a debate about fetishized cultural achievements, here.

    Now I may be misunderstanding you, maybe you refer only to the jewish capacity for nitpicking and hair splitting,

    You are misunderstanding me, for It’s much more than that — it is a racial caste in command of vast resources, financial and human, with more than a century of practice in constructing and pitching seductive propaganda from the Thames to the Banat and beyond. And because it is not mere “nitpicking and hair splitting”, or “talmudry”, it is foolish and unrealistic to imagine we can copy it; they do what they do by virtue of race (essence and history), which cannot be replicated. The danger of K.Mac’s analysis is that, reifying the evolution of the Jews as “strategy”, the belief is strengthened among white nationalists that this “strategy”, taken well out of historical / organic context by reification (effected by merely writing about it, collapsing all the complexities of evolution into a case study in evolutionary success), can simply be “applied” to our peculiar historical situation. This is absurd. Rusty has good ideas, but Jews didn’t decide to be good at media to capture the mass-imagination — they adapted to media, and adapted media to themselves. Very few social movements of immense historical consequence started by this kind of fiat.

    Anybody else catch the irony in that?

    Ah, but all the masters — “ethnic Teutons”!

  18. “It is disruption of your “brand” for no good reason.”

    Drats, now you tell me.

  19. As a proof of concept, I would ask how American “racists” would react to tens of millions of Russians (actual Russians) flooding into our cities and refusing to assimilate.

    Really, tens of millions? That sounds inflated to me, despite having lived in the “Two Brightons” (Coney Island / Boston) with all their Russians and Ukes. Anyway, we shouldn’t feel obliged to welcome invasion by any foreign ethnic group, white or unwhite. Foreign is foreign. White groups are assimilable over time, unless the “dominant metanarrative”, like the one today, favors assimilation by the invaded to the culture of the invaders, or indefinite cultural stalemating in a social environment where the goal of assimilation for all is a corrupt anti-culture.

    Fuck, who cares. Avg American whites are more foreign to ME than Russians or Mexicans.

  20. Have you ever noticed that some men have the courage of their convictions? Think about it.

    As pompous as everything you’ve ever written. Your whole shtick seems to be this obnoxious, and what you believe to be sagely cryptic, pomposity. Who the fuck are you, though? Some skinny dude with an ugly beard and a nasal voice who once actually used the phrase “the answer to Habermas”. You’re on the same internet ego-trip as your mentor, Big Von. It’s a shame a level-headed guy like GW is taken in by your superficial posing, which can only mean GW isn’t as deep as he is well-spoken.

  21. “Fuck, who cares. Avg American whites are more foreign to ME than Russians or Mexicans.”

    It is that kind detachment from and disdain for the rest of your racial/ethnic kinsman which has lead us to where we are today. Your house will not stand without a solid foundation, and that foundation can only be constructed a certain material, your co-ethnics.

  22. It is that kind detachment from and disdain for the rest of your racial/ethnic kinsman which has lead us to where we are today.

    A deeper look might reveal that I, myself, am not to blame for the present state of affairs, and that precisely this desire to condemn every slightest departure from orthodoxy and blame it for much broader social ills stems from the same “altruistic punishment” which has led whites to flagellate each other over how ecstatically they welcome aliens. In this case, I’m flagellated for not blurring my vision to the point where these goofy post-white Americans can be perceived as my “kinsmen” (in effect for perceiving myself as “the Other”, or vice versa). No, that isn’t how sociology works. You can’t feign a tribe or tribal feeling, no more than you can feign the works of a tribe resulting from its tribal feeling.

    Your house will not stand without a solid foundation, and that foundation can only be constructed a certain material, your co-ethnics.

    My “co-ethnics” have nothing to offer me, nor I them. You believe in a mythos of numbers: I don’t. I behold the progressive enslavement and self-oblivion of white races and see the intractable pitiless march of history, where you see a kind of leisurely stroll that can be directed anywhere with enough preaching. My “co-ethnics” — who are they? Carthartt-wearing laborers? fat girls in scarves at Starbucks? cheerful anal-retentive blond soccer moms following their tiny dogs with plastic bags around their hands to “pick up poop”?

    No, that is your race: not mine! I don’t resemble them, I don’t think or act or feel like them, and I refuse your pushy preaching to the contrary. It flies in the face of observable and scientific differences no less than blurring distinctions between white races and the black or brown races. Not all whites are equal. Not all whites are the same. There is not one white race. The dominant white race in America, the post-Nordic, is a worthless congeries of clownish conceited morons.

  23. You are misunderstanding me, for It’s much more than that — it is a racial caste in command of vast resources, financial and human, with more than a century of practice in constructing and pitching seductive propaganda from the Thames to the Banat and beyond. And because it is not mere “nitpicking and hair splitting”, or “talmudry”, it is foolish and unrealistic to imagine we can copy it; they do what they do by virtue of race (essence and history), which cannot be replicated.

    Actually they do what they do because they control banking, and when you control banking you can get the financing to buy up anything you like, and deny financing to anyone outside the tribe who tries to muscle in on your racket.

    For the most part jew propaganda consists of concealing the facts by owning almost every newspaper, magazine, book publisher, television station and movie studio. They have no ethnic aptitude for creating great films. There is no racial soul to the jew that makes it a master of propaganda. The jew is a glib liar, which makes it a good lawyer and an untrustworthy business associate.

    Jew propaganda, despite having control of almost all media outlets, still can’t convince whites to favor open borders, and one of the top priorities of the jews – miscegenation – is still rare among whites.

    Jewish power comes down to one thing – money. They bought up newspapers, radio stations, jumped in on movies early and created network television. The root cause of jew power is their obsession with money and their racial aptitude for getting a lot of it.

    That’s the root cause of jew media control.

    Can we replicate it? Well, when it cost millions of dollars to produce and distribute propaganda we couldn’t. Now there are $35,000 digital cameras that are equal to what Hollywood was using five years ago, and distribution can be done online.

    Gentile D.W. Griffith created the god damn feature film, damn right we can equal or exceed the sleazy jews in propaganda!

    Don’t be such a defeatist.

  24. Note: I changed the blog subtitle from “White Racial and Cultural Preservation” to “Western Racial and Cultural Preservation.” It means essentially the same thing and works better with the School of Athens banner.

  25. “The “intellectual dregs”, as someone called them (can’t remember who), don’t really frequent this site.”

    Or just plain dregs.

    The key is that Prozium sets a positive tone and the bar high. He’s one of the more rational and socially graceful white nationalists I’ve met. He’s the kind of guy you want to be around.

    You wonder why some groups fail and the people are dysfunctional, look at the leader. It’s more than quality and quantity, it’s also toxicity. Can you honestly see a community built around people at VNN for instance? Absurd.

  26. I’m not thrilled with the design, it’s just old hat, it’s been used and reused. There’s too much pretense with it. I like something with a bit more edge to it.

  27. Actually they do what they do because they control banking

    I did say “resources, financial and human”. I’m trying to suggest a more holistic view of their abilities to point out that we lack this order of social structure, a lack which prevents us from imitating their “propasphere” (per Rusty’s OP). That’s all.

    They have no ethnic aptitude for creating great films.

    “Greatness” is irrelevant here. Again, this isn’t an artistic equivalence game; leave that to the IQ-worshipers, conservatives and Traditional Christians. Our whole worldview should not be reduced to quick references to Renaissance masters and “Jewish nitpicking”.

    There is no racial soul to the jew that makes it a master of propaganda.

    I don’t believe in “the soul”, but I suppose what you’re trying to say is that the Jew is somehow empty; this is absurd. If it were not absurd, MacDonald’s analysis, in fact all analysis of Jewry as a cohesive and purposeful ethnic group, would be meaningless, because only a coherent race — coherent both objectively and to itself — can achieve important social aims as the Jews have. The Jews are not inwardly “free”, but it is this inward unfreedom, precisely, that propels them ahead and above us in society. As someone put it on one of uhh, Hunter Wallace’s old forums: “Freedom or cohesion: you decide.” Anyway, talk of Jews lacking a soul, or being feminine, etc., is fin-de-siecle rhetoric of debatable value. The very fact that we’re here bitching about Jews is proof enough that they have something compelling them to win, and whether we call it soul or not, they are creators in a gruesome dadaesque way.

    Jew propaganda, despite having control of almost all media outlets, still can’t convince whites to favor open borders,

    Does that matter when it has convinced the great majority of whites — per OD’s recent post — that miscegenation is acceptable? In fact it’s one of a handful of warped victories in mass-psychology: strenuous objection to one race-destroying matter, self-consciously ecstatic acceptance of another still more dangerous.

    Gentile D.W. Griffith created the god damn feature film, damn right we can equal or exceed the sleazy jews in propaganda!

    This sounds like Rusty’s “we’re Europeans!” Unfortunately, folksy affirmations of cultural superiority and appeals to the past amount to nothing politically. I contend we cannot rival the Jews in media because their prowess is based in highly specific (or specialized) racial caste and, of course, in the threads of history. Rusty says we can “if” this and that. We can’t be other animals than we are, and that’s all I gots 2 say bout dis shit.

    Don’t be such a defeatist.

    It is what it is. Pretend if you like.

  28. “A deeper look might reveal that I, myself, am not to blame for the present state of affairs,”

    Well, nor is any singular White, or Jew for that matter, though there are obviously varying degrees of responsibility. Those with more power to prevent what has come but did nothing, and those with more power to prevent that but used it to facilitate the process of our deracination and dispossession are more responsible than those that had less power.

    “…the same “altruistic punishment” which has led whites to flagellate each other over how ecstatically they welcome aliens.”

    The mechanism is plastic and has no fixed object or goal of focus. So?

    “In this case, I’m flagellated for not blurring my vision to the point where these goofy post-white Americans can be perceived as my “kinsmen” (in effect for perceiving myself as “the Other”, or vice versa).”

    You implicitly admit here that the mechanism of altruistic punishment could be redirected towards enforcing ethnocentric behavior.

    “No, that isn’t how sociology works.”

    I suggest you acquaint yourself with social identity theory.

    “You can’t feign a tribe or tribal feeling, no more than you can feign the works of a tribe resulting from its tribal feeling.”

    But you can rekindle a fire. You can facilitate to consciousness that which has been driven into the unconscious.

    “My “co-ethnics” have nothing to offer me, nor I them.”

    Given what you have written here, and I presume on other racialist blogs (in part intended as psyops no doubt), that is probably true. Although you may find you appreciate White policemen, firemen, construction workers, electricians etc. much more when there are fewer of them.

    “My “co-ethnics” — who are they? Carthartt-wearing laborers? fat girls in scarves at Starbucks? cheerful anal-retentive blond soccer moms following their tiny dogs with plastic bags around their hands to “pick up poop”?”

    Yes, they are. You cannot choose your ethnic genetic interests, the social cohesion and livability of a society the product of that, nor can they.

    “There is not one white race.”

    The idealist prism that you filter our race through itself distorts scientific findings and classifications. As our nations descend towards the Third World you will see ‘what’s in it for you’, I can assure you of that.

  29. “The very fact that we’re here bitching about Jews is proof enough that they have something compelling them to win,”

    The very fact that Jews so desperately depend on the constant and total saturation of our people in guilt associated with the most muscular historical incarnation of tribalism on our part, and correspondingly, the most muscular response to the machinations of Jewry by us – I speak of none other than National Socialism – should tell us something.

  30. “Given what you have written here, and I presume on other racialist blogs (in part intended as psyops no doubt), that is probably true. …”

    Thank you Captainchaos, your analysis hits the proverbial nail squarely on the head.

    Psyops, no doubt indeed.

    How and why any of the rest of you are taking this guy seriously is beyond me. Can’t you all tell he is here to demoralize US?

  31. I can only laugh to myself at the prospect that the kikes think they are smarter than the best of us. Btw, wasn’t Goebbels a White man?

  32. How and why any of the rest of you are taking this guy seriously is beyond me. Can’t you all tell he is here to demoralize US?

    I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. His later posts have convinced me that there’s nothing to be gained in arguing with him. Dogmatic defeatism is the last thing we need.

    In fact I think people who believe that Whites are destined to lose should be excluded from these discussions. At a bare minimum you should have some slender hope that we might win.

  33. @Captainchaos
    “I can only laugh to myself at the prospect that the kikes think they are smarter than the best of us. Btw, wasn’t Goebbels a White man?”

    “In fact I think people who believe that Whites are destined to lose should be excluded from these discussions. At a bare minimum you should have some slender hope that we might win.”

    Exactly guys, exactly!

    This is one of the MAJOR PROBLEMS with Northern/North-West Europeans and NWE Americans — their UTTER LACK OF GUILE.

    I suppose most of you do this cause many of you are frank and honest men, and have sincere intentions, and, oftentimes, wrongfully ASSUME that everyone else does as well.

    Y’all way to quick to give just any ol’ snake oil salesman the ‘benefit of the doubt’, and wish to be ‘nice’ and ‘polite’.

    Save that behaviour for your true friends and family — not for anonymous strangers, especially online. The stakes are just too high.

  34. @Uh & Rusty;

    Thank you both for the homeschooling information. It is very much appreciated.

    This, to me, is a taste of what a pro-active racialist site could deliver. Whites actually working together, sharing knowledge, building a formidable media presence, etc.

    And shockingly, I haven’t been called a “looser” (sic) or “Jew!”

  35. Y’all way to quick to give just any ol’ snake oil salesman the ‘benefit of the doubt’, and wish to be ‘nice’ and ‘polite’.

    The few minutes I gave “Uh” the benefit of the doubt were not a major loss. Besides, it gave me a springboard to make my inspirational speech advocating banning defeatist posters.

  36. Whiteness is more biopolitical concept than race. It is comparable to latino or jew. Just because we ally politically doesn’t mean we must intermix and obliterate our ethnic-genetic uniqueness.

    Our enemies really don’t want us to think too deeply about this and prefer us to keep squabbling amongst ourselves, refusing to cooperate and coordinate with each other. They do what they can to encourage division, playing on our ability to discriminate.

    Keep this in mind whenever the Nord/Med shit starts to fly. Nords and Meds don’t have to share their daughters with each other. They just need to realize that they’re both on the regime’s shitlist and neither is in the favored class: “people of color”. Likewise Slavs.

  37. “Keep this in mind whenever the Nord/Med shit starts to fly. Nords and Meds don’t have to share their daughters with each other.”

    Someone should tell Silver…oh, never mind.

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