The Education Establishment’s War Against White Children: Part I

During the Cold War era, the leadership of the Soviet Union was charged with the crime of labeling those who disagreed with official state ideology as mentally ill.  The truth of this charge was confirmed following the rapid fall of the Soviet Union and the throwing open of state archives of all kinds.  Psychology and the powerful drugs associated with that noble practice of medicine was put in service to silence dissent and to punish dissidents.

Any serious deviation from the reigning belief system of the Soviet state, its elites and its powerful institutions meant in many cases that the unfortunate soul guilty of thoughtcrime would be tarred with the stigma of a mental illness or deficiency.  In some extreme cases, some such persons were forcibly hospitalized and drugged to alleviate their “illness.”  A drugged out zombie is many things, but one thing he isn’t is an effective dissident.  Not to mention the countless others who got the message to conform by example and threat.

American conservatives trumpet the fact that they carried that charge to the Soviet Union and used that weapon to help bring about the fall of one of the most monstrous tyrannies of the 20th Century.

And, yet….where are our famous conservatives now that the United States Government and the governments of the several states are doing the same thing to American citizens?  To children, no less!

The answer, as always when it comes to our pathetic Republicans and loser conservatives: nowhere to be found.  

When the name of the game was bashing Ivan, our brave National Review type warriors were on the front line.  When the name of the game is persecuting White children, these same warriors are silent.  Worse, they are silent because their so-called “conservatism” is nothing more than a slightly modified version of the dominant ideology of the United States Government, which is to permanently displace and dispossess this continent’s indigenous European-American population so as to fulfill its ideological agenda of America as the universal, egalitarian “last, best hope of mankand.”

This is no less a mad utopian ideology than that the Soviets attempted. 

Many people are unaware of our governments’ war against White children and, when informed of its scope and nature, most reasonable people react with a healthy skepticism.  Despite all that has happened over the past decades, the thought of our children being under assault by officialdom in the halls of our beloved elementary schools is unthinkable.   

Fortunately for our White Nationalist cause, this writer has cultivated a number of contacts in the education field.  Over the coming months, I will be outlining for you how—from the education grad schools all the way up to the U.S. Department of Education—the current illegitimate government is waging an active and effective war against White children.   

A contact who labors in a once White school district, one now in the process of being overrun with illegal Mexican settlers, has forwarded to me a school-generated “Request for Mental Health Services” involving a 9-year old White child in elementary school.  

The form states that the child is a 4th grader, 9 years old, and is “white.”  (Not “White” or “European-American,” but just “white.”  As an aside, other documents I’ve seen from this same school district always speak of Mexican settler parasites as “Latinos,” with the oh-so-respectful capital letter.)  He is a boy, his language is English. 

The state authorities are referring this White child to “Mental Health Services” for following five reasons.  They are:


1) Social withdrawal/Excessive feelings of isolation and rejection.


He is one of only a handful of White children left and my source informs me that he, like the other remaining White children, is actively ostracized and constantly harassed by the Mexican settler offspring.


2) Feelings of being picked on and persecuted.


He is being picked on and persecuted.  Instead of protecting him from quasi-feral packs of peasant children, the state is instead labeling him as mentally defective for having the nerve to feel persecuted.  Whites must never feel persecuted.


3) History of violent and aggressive behavior


Whites must also never defend themselves.  Submit to the Mexican pack or, well, you’re mentally ill and need services.  Imagine the message this sends to the White minority: resist getting pushed around and you’ll end up being called crazy.  Officially.


Now, imagine the message this sends to the Settler offspring: You rule!


4) Uncontrolled anger/Tantrums


What kind of a defective moron would NOT be angry at being dumped in such an alien environment and told to like it?


And, then, we get to the kicker, the most serious charge, the American version of Anti-Soviet Behavior:


5)  Intolerance for differences and prejudicial attitudes


While this district has had to hire “gang consultants,” post police officers in the middle and high schools, spend thousands per year on Mexican gang graffiti removal, hire “community outreach specialists,” and aggressively make sure everything from the most routine notice tacked to a bulletin board to permanent signs are bilingual…..none of this is considered abnormal.


What is considered abnormal by our government is a 9-year old White child showing signs of stress when dumped into a dangeous, foreign environment, left fighting fora normal childhood and a decent education in the name of the governing ideology and getting labeled—at nine!—mentally ill in the process by the state authorities involved.


We White Nationalists believe that a state that would act in this manner is illegitimate, that it has no right to subject our children to such outrages, and that Mexican settler brats should be educated in, say, Mexico.


Conservatives say….well, they don’t say anything, do they?


When the state is waging war against our children and labeling them mentally ill for not following in lockstep to the elite’s tune and for failing to recognize the authority of their new Mexican playground masters, it’s time for you to decide if that is a state that has your consent to govern.  I know it doesn’t have mine.


This is going on all over the United States.  The so-called conservatives haven’t even spoken on this issue, let alone led a fight against it.


The future of the White race in North America is with us, the White Nationalists, the only opposition that recognizes that a slow genocide is taking place and is determined to stop it.

Final note:  The child involved here suffered the death of his mother a few years ago.  The school district officials who drew up this list know that.  Apparently, when it comes to White children, the fact that a child doesn’t love Mexicans enough is more important an issue to child welfare than the death of a child’s mother.



  1. Nice essay. Just a couple of brief points here. First, the comparison of the modern US with the Soviet Union is completely apt, IMO. Like the USSR, modern America is a revolutionary multi-cult state based on ideology, not blood-and-soil. Dedicated to worldwide revolution, it exports (under the category of “freedom”) its nation-breaking propaganda along with actual flesh-and-blood imperial troops, while establishing a totalitarian regime at home. In the US this totalitarianism is “soft totalitarianism,” at least for now.

    Second, I would argue that attributing “mental illness” to little White kids is a stage in the gradual genociding of our people. First they delegitimize us. Then they marginalize us, isolating us, expelling us from what they consider normal society. Finally, they dehumanize us: Whites become less than human, monsters, crazies, “nazis,” sub-humans.

    Delegitimize –> Marginalize –> Dehumanize (Genocide)

    In the end, this will make it easier for them to slaughter us.

  2. Many White parents, when it comes time to send their kids off to school, will for the first time finally be forced to face one of the most devastating consequences of our country being flooded with invaders. is an invaluable resource. It reveals not only the breadth and depth of the invasion, but also the places that have so far escaped it.

  3. First, the comparison of the modern US with the Soviet Union is completely apt, IMO.

    Apt, or very popular with white nationalists. One of the two. Linder always assured us “Political Correctness” was got whole from the Bolshevik playbook; despite that one never found any direct links between the two.

    Like the USSR, modern America is a revolutionary multi-cult state based on ideology, not blood-and-soil.

    Despite the implanting of ethnic Russian colonies all over the Union to exploit its natural resources, I suppose. Any extremely large empire will contain many cultures, but it doesn’t make every such empire “multi-cult”. Granted, the USSR was grounded in an ideology, but there was absolutely no enforced miscegenation, nor did non-whites / Turanians seek to immigrate to white population centers en masse, as they do now to Moscow. Point being, the USSR was in effect Russian “blood-and-soil” ideology. That monstrous political empire should misunderstand itself and act the hypocrite is no surprise, nor should events with their basis in sound racial power politics — such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan — be construed as old-time Bolshevik “Weltrevolution”.

    Dedicated to worldwide revolution,

    No: dedicated to worldwide domination by Russians calling themselves Communists, as America seeks to dominate in the guise of “democracy” and “progress”.

    it exports (under the category of “freedom”) its nation-breaking propaganda along with actual flesh-and-blood imperial troops

    Well, now you’re describing imperialism itself more than you’re making an “apt” comparison of the American and Soviet systems.

    In the US this totalitarianism is “soft totalitarianism,” at least for now.

    So you call the murder of Iraqi and Afghan civilians “soft”? Huh. The “soft totalitarianism”, you mean, is directed against us, as a similar form was directed against the subject European populations. Fine, but again, this is the path of all empire — it goes no way toward establishing a “Sonderwesen” shared by the American and Soviet empires. On the contrary, this comparison is naught but a piece of rhetoric, a vestige of anti-Communist conservitardation in White Nationalism.

  4. Thanks for the great article, Matamoros. We need more material like this that relies on original research and current events to drive a point home.

    I’m going to have to take issue with your dig at conservatives, there. This conservative didn’t know anything about the incident. None of us did. I direct you to the CofCC’s popularization of the Belleville bus assault as evidence that the conservative wing of the movement has been trying to carry its weight. We could all do more. We should all do more. But can we faileocons catch a break?

  5. The dumbing-down process has been helped along by the feeling that learning should be fun. Children learn that immediate and emotional gratification is the most important thing in education and that if a subject is not fun, boring, or just too hard then they should give up. The needs of society, family, self-development, discipline are second to pleasure seeking. The overall effect is to cause schools to dumb-down their expectations, which allows the less cognitively able peoples to enter, which forces down expectations still lower. Schools, run entirely by women, work to adapt to the new student demographic, enforcing the downward spiral.

  6. The CoCC is shunned by the National Review right. The last traces of racial awareness were removed from the jewish controlled right when Joe Sobran and Pat Buchanan were purged in the early nineties. The appointment of jewish imbecile Jonah Goldberg as NR’s controller just made it more obvious.

  7. Oh boys: Back in 1975-1976 I myself was tormented in a school where many of my schoolmates were non-whites. And yes: the psychiatrists side the perpetrators. Have you seen my webpage on this very subject? Just click on my name above. Most of it is in Spanish but there’s an English translation of the main ideas.

  8. Chechar – Estoy preocupado que su sitio y su organisation anti-siquiatria es un parte de la iglesia “scientology”? O es su interes en la tema…
    Ah, lo siento. Ahora yo entiendo su interes. Usted escribia:

    “Pero mucho más nos disgusta cómo Ron Hubbard trató a la suya. Hubbard, el creador de la Dianética y la Cienciología, fundó una organización crítica de la siquiatría. Hemos escrito un libro entero para que no se nos vaya a confundir con esa secta.”

    Bueno. Voy a leer sus “links”.

  9. Hi Matamoros,

    On the contrary: I wrote an entire book debunking Scientology.

    Just click on my name above. Once my web page appears, see the blue letters at the top of the page “For English click here”.

    Although the general info against the cult of Scientology is in both sides of my bilingual web page, my anti-Scientology book is only available in Spanish.


    César (a.k.a “Chechar”)

  10. “Any extremely large empire will contain many cultures, but it doesn’t make every such empire “multi-cult”.”

    Of course it does. If the multi-cult is understood as a tool to create dissent and ethnic conflict, thereby cementing central rule, then the USSR was very successful indeed, particularly in the overseas provinces.

    “…nor should events with their basis in sound racial power politics — such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan —”

    The Soviet invasion of Afghanistran was a blatant failure of imperial policy. As it is today for the Americans. Again, note the similarities.

    “No: dedicated to worldwide domination by Russians calling themselves Communists, as America seeks to dominate in the guise of “democracy” and “progress”.”

    Wrong again. Domination by non-Whites calling themselves by various terms such as “democrats,” “freedom fighters,” “civil rights activists,” et al. See Rhodesia, Angola, Cuba, South West Africa, South Africa.

    “Well, now you’re describing imperialism itself more than you’re making an “apt” comparison of the American and Soviet systems.”

    What I’m doing is pointing out the similiarities between the old Soviet system and the American Multi-Cult system. That both were/are imperialistic, is self-evident. Indeed that is the point. What word didn’t you understand?

    “So you call the murder of Iraqi and Afghan civilians “soft”? Huh. The “soft totalitarianism”, you mean, is directed against us, as a similar form was directed against the subject European populations.”

    As I said, in the US it is a “soft” form of totalitarianism. For now. Please read more carefully next time.

  11. “he form states that the child is a 4th grader, 9 years old, and is ‘white.’ (Not ‘White’ or ‘European-American,’ but just ‘white.'”

    Although I am a white nationalist, and agree with your general point, I find the insistence on the part of some white nationalists on capitalising the word “white” to be absurd.

    There is no double standard concerning the capitalisation of racial designations.

    European is capitalised, but white is not.

    African is capitalised, but black is not.

    Asian is capitalised, but yellow is not.

    And so on.

    Latino is capitalised because it is names a language group – just like Germanic or England.

    ‘Jew’ is capitalised, just as ‘Christian’ is capitalised; ‘white’ is not capitalised just as ‘black’ is not capitalised, even though European is capitalised and African is also capitalised.

    There is no double standard.

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