About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mr. Bodeker (who is part Jewish, by the way) will be a speaker at the next American Renaissance conference.

  2. He used that as a defence against the charge of racism. “I’m not racist; I’m part Jewish, and my ancestors didn’t even own slaves.” In my opinion, it is fruitless to deny that we are racists. We just need to change the meaning of the term. There is no reason why it should have a negative connotation.

  3. Did Bodeker literally call ‘racism’ a myth?

    I watched the above video he only gives us the impression that racism isn’t a “real issue”, not that the concept doesn’t exist in some form.

    It seems to me that the SPLC and this hackjob of a news article are grasping at thin straws.

  4. “I watched the above video he only gives us the impression that racism isn’t a “real issue”, not that the concept doesn’t exist in some form.”

    Once completely unplugged from the matrix, the charge of racism becomes meaningless. Whether it exists as an ill for society becomes number 5671 on the list of priorities that need addressing.

  5. I saw that film and one needs to be a complete wackjob to call it White supremacist. But to the Jewish Bolsheviks at SPLC any deviation from their established party line is inadmissable and a horrible thought crime. As to charges of racism, we should always demand a definition. It’s an elastic term used as an ideological weapon against any manifestation of race consciousness, however feeble, on the part of Whites. The primary purpose is to intimidate Whites. Of course, the only people discriminated against today are Whites. It’s not only legal but mandated by the government and a host of private institutions to discriminate against White people. Their dispossession and replacement is celebrated with wild joy and glee in the media and on campuses. One has a better chance of finding a moderate Muslim teaching at a Pakistani madrassa than coming across a White male at an Ivey league college.

  6. His comments on Facebook were stupid and revealed a lack of self-control. William Pierce never called anyone a “monkey” or “fag”

    The film is good and he had potential cross-over appeal as a non-bigot, someone who could speak to regular white people without coming across as a hater. Now that’s gone. Looks like he’ll be stuck in the white nationalist ghetto.

  7. “The primary purpose is to intimidate Whites.”

    Yes, exactly. Ignore and dismiss all charges of “racism.” The first step to white racial-consciousness is to reject any and all accusations of “racism.” It is used by our enemies as a political weapon.

  8. The main reason the SPLC hates him is because he is a talented producer/director who exposes how shallow, hypocritical, anti-white and outright silly political correctness and accusations of racism are. He’s operating outside their control and having an impact.

    He also looks like an average middle class white guy, not someone on the fringe. The kind of guy we need to attract to the movement.

    I think it’s hilarious to listen to liberal whites catch themselves having “racist” thoughts. The pretty blonde in the documentary said she sees blacks acting obnoxious and talking loudly on a regular basis, and thinks she shouldn’t think of them that way. It’s a denial of reality. I say pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence.

  9. He used that as a defence against the charge of racism. “I’m not racist; I’m part Jewish, and my ancestors didn’t even own slaves.” In my opinion, it is fruitless to deny that we are racists. We just need to change the meaning of the term. There is no reason why it should have a negative connotation.

    Source please? When did Bodeker say this? He mentioned that his family did not own slaves in the movie but never said he was partly Jewish.

  10. ” We just need to change the meaning of the term. ”

    Yes! It can be ‘taken back’ so to speak!

    Negroes have taken back the word nigger and refer to each other with it all the time, thus lessening its painful sting.

    Homosexuals have taken back the word fag and use it to refer to each other all the time, thus defanging the term.

    Racially conscious Whites should do a similar thing with Racist: I am a Racist… so be it!!

  11. I agree with everything you said, Balror Lucivras, except that your advice, while sound, only applies to American conditions. Imagine of European nationalists referred to themselves as ‘racists’! They would be charged with hate crimes. It’s important for strategic purposes that Europeans deny that they are motivated by racism. American nationalists, on the other hand, should use racism as a badge of honour, just as homophiles call themselves ‘queers’ and negroes call themselves ‘niggers’.

  12. Attorney General Holder wanted ‘a conversation about race,’ so let us take him up on the offer.

    Whenever someone accuses me of being a racist, I just say: “Nah, I’m not a racist, I’m a REALIST.” Sometimes I’ll also claim to be an “ethnocentrist” instead of a “racist,” and just because “ethnocentrist” sounds more academic/PC more people will accept it as being OK as compared to the term “racist.”

    As for the director of this film being partially Jewish, I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m increasingly of the opinion that possibly as many as tens of millions of ordinary ‘White Americans’ are partially Jewish in an ethnic sense, having an ethnic Jewish ancestor somewhere down the line, usually one or two grandparents (or great-grandparents, or a great-great grandparents, etc). I say this because UNKNOWN MILLIONS of Jews immigrated to the USA all throughout the 1800s and deep in to the 1900s as well — yes, MILLIONS of Jews came to the USA hiding behind various European/national labels (they didn’t say they were ethnic “Jews,” they claimed to be “Poles,” or “Italians,” or “Irish,” or “Russians,” etc), and all those ethnic Jews didn’t just disappear, many of them fully assimilated ethnically in to the general White American populace because they were seen as just another White ethny here and they encountered virtually no anti-Semitism or other discrimination because the USA was still a very young and disorganized nation with no natural defensive reactions against destructive Jewish machinations as the older European nations has.

    However, the relatively small amount of ethnic Jewish ancestry in these unknown millions of slightly Jewish White Americans is now sufficiently ‘diluted’ that they are barely Jewish at all and may in fact be entirely unaware that they have one or more ethnic Jews in their distant or even recentish family’s past. However, some physical evidence of this amount of ethnic Jewish blood in many modern White Americans can be seen by the increased tendency toward overweightness/obesity in many White Americans (Jews often tend toward fatness), the decreasing height of White Americans as compared to the Whites of America’s past, and the rise in levels of various ‘Jewish diseases’ like diabetes, some cancers, farsightedness, certain mental disorders, etc. Also, notice how many more White Americans tend toward the pro-multiracial left-wing nowadays as compared to the past, and these people are probably the partial Jews. Also, the increasing aversion toward technical or manual labor (Jews hate it and expect Blacks, imported Hispanics, or lower-class Whites to do it all) and the sneering, snide, entitled, and elitist looking down upon ‘White trash,’ hillbillies, rural Southerners, White ‘proles’ (that dissimulating Jew Half Sigma), and even just many White blue-collar workers probably reflect a lingering distrust and even hate of the White working-classes and lower-classes amongst many people of the partially Jewish urban/suburban White American populace.

  13. Also, the massive increase of geographic mobility, general ‘nomadism,’ and ‘rootless cosmopolitanism’ of the White American populace in the past few decades suggests an increase of definite Jewish traits.

    For instance, parts of upper/Mid-Atlantic South is currently under invasion by ‘Yankee-Judea’ as more and more of these people are moving here down South. Maryland is already real far gone, the Mason-Dixon is unfortunately shifting southward. Any further attempt by these people to move further south must be checked immediately. Notice how Virginia and North Carolina went for Obama in the last election — pure insanity. The only reason that happened is because of the huge influx of these Judaized Yanks in to these parts in the last 10-20 years. It’s terrible because these people wrecked their own sections of the USA with their own pro-multiracial, Democratic, and far-leftist/anti-racist politics, and now they are moving down here and trying to impose the same disastrous multiracial anti-White politics upon us which will of course eventually bring similar racial ruination upon Dixie as is evident in the parts of the North they have so often fled specifically because of the horrors of multiracialism.

  14. The only reason that happened is because of the huge influx of these Judaized Yanks in to these parts in the last 10-20 years.

    Nonsense. There has been no “influx of Judaized Yanks”, or any such ad hoc explanation why whites in that region don’t vote the way you want. The Blue Ridge belt has long been Democratic, and NC in particular was home to some very active abolitionists; this arose from the older, impoverished Scots-Irish settlement which saw itself in opposition to coastal “blue blood” landholders / merchants. H.R. Helper is a classic representative of this mentality.

    Don’t mistake all the NY and PA plates you see speeding down 95 for urban exodus. They’re either on holiday or going to their trailers in Del Boca Vista Phase II, and in any case have every intention of returning to their boroughs. Besides, VA and NC cities are all majority negro — hadn’t you noticed? — and I’m not convinced whites are still the majority in either state; if they are, they’ve been thoroughly deracinated — and that, that alone, is why they voted for Obama. You have to accept that whites everywhere are now ecstatic for the negro. “Yanks” are judaized, but the hillbillies are proletarianized.

    the sneering, snide, entitled, and elitist looking down upon ‘White trash,’ hillbillies, rural Southerners, White ‘proles’ (that dissimulating Jew Half Sigma)

    White trash existed long before Family Guy. Long before America, in fact. You must accept that not all whites, in fact a vast majority of whites, are racially suspect, inferior, or outright cretinous in composition. The ship of kin hath some barbarians in town. What to do with them in the white nationalist Reich-in-der-Luft?

    Yes! It can be ‘taken back’ so to speak!

    Oh how brilliant. No one’s ever thought of this. Hop aboard the empowerment goywagon! we’re taking back our wee badges of honor! enfranchisement now!

  15. duh: “Nonsense. There has been no “influx of Judaized Yanks”,”


    “But not all big cities had an exodus of white families.

    Las Vegas, Austin, Texas, and Charlotte, N.C., for example, all posted gains in minority and white population.”


    More people are leaving some regions of the country such as the Midwest, Upper Midwest and several Northeastern states than are moving in, based on a study of personal property moves. Meanwhile, states in the South and West are gaining populations.

    “The study was produced by the American Moving and Storage Association, of Alexandria, Va., a big partner in the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command’s personal property moves. It was based on 600,000 personal property moves by the association’s members in 2002.”


    “People are leaving Michigan at a staggering rate. About 109,000 more people left Michigan last year than moved in. It is one of the worst rates in the nation, quadruple the loss of just eight years ago. The state loses a family every 12 minutes, and the families who are leaving — young, well-educated high-income earners — are the people the state desperately needs to rebuild.


    “…Internal Revenue Service records show that the population decline is a result of two disturbing trends: The number of Michigan residents leaving the state rose 25 percent between 2001 and 2007, while the number of new residents moving in plummeted by nearly one-third.


    “Those leaving Michigan had incomes 20 percent higher than those who moved here ($49,700 to $40,000), a disturbing reversal of a long-standing trend.


    Gina Damuth’s husband, Fred Damuth, was laid off from Pfizer in 2007. Later that year, they moved from Farmington Hills to North Carolina.

    Now, Gina Damuth has convinced her parents to move to North Carolina, too.

    “I feel so bad for the people stuck in Michigan,” said Damuth, 34. “I was in the Detroit area recently and I didn’t realize the number of people who walk with their head down. You can see it if you pay attention — nobody smiles, everybody looks depressed. My dad says it’s scarier now. People are talking about how they don’t know if Michigan is going to recover this time.”


  16. “uh,” Obama did not carry anywhere near a majority of the white vote in either Virginia or North Carolina. A substantial majority of whites were willing to vote for a complete piece of shit like McCain rather than vote for the Holy Negro. This after eight years of a disastrous Republican administration, not to mention an economic collapse that was revealing itself as they drove to the polls.

    Yes, a lot of northerners have moved to Virginia or North Carolina. I don’t know if their voting habits are meaningfully different from the native born white Virginians and North Carolinians. I suspect that they are a bit different, but not radically so. In any event, I haven’t seen any stats one way or the other.

    What has definitely changed is the proportion of non-whites in both states. Northern Virginia is pretty much the Third World now, with huge numbers of hispanics and assorted mystery meat. It is certainly not at all representative of Virginia as a whole, but it has a huge population. Enough of a population to swing elections, that’s for sure. Frankly, with a historic economic collapse underway, an awful incumbent administration, and a complete joke of a candidate in McCain, I’m amazed that whites nationwide voted against the Holy Negro as much as they did. Had it only been whites voting, Obama would have been absolutely crushed.

  17. You have to accept that whites everywhere are now ecstatic for the negro.

    This much is easily visible if you are a college student as I am. The amount of negro-worship in Whiteland is sickening. I can’t offer any rationale for it, I just gape in awe and fascination that such an obviously low form of life can be idolized by so many.

    White trash existed long before Family Guy. Long before America, in fact. You must accept that not all whites, in fact a vast majority of whites, are racially suspect, inferior, or outright cretinous in composition. The ship of kin hath some barbarians in town. What to do with them in the white nationalist Reich-in-der-Luft?

    If this is your opinion, why are you even here? We are dedicated to the preservation of whites. This sort of misanthropy toward our kin is not warranted or welcome.

  18. “Except perhaps, Frey said, in the Deep South states where Obama fared so poorly. Those states, Frey said, remain the most culturally Southern and demographically unchanged.

    Frey said that 57 percent of all eligible voters in Louisiana and 60 percent in Alabama are Southern-born white people. In North Carolina, the percentage is only a little more than half, and in Virginia, Georgia and Florida, it’s well below half.

    Obama won North Carolina with 35 percent of the white vote. He won Virginia with 39 percent of the white vote. And he won Florida with 42 percent of the white vote. He lost Georgia with 23 percent of the white vote.

    Meanwhile, in every state with a large enough black population to create an adequate sample for exit polling, Obama’s black support was above 90 percent, often in the high 90s. In Alabama and Mississippi, Obama won 98 percent of the black vote; in Louisiana, he won 94 percent.

    In Orleans Parish, according to a precinct analysis by University of New Orleans political scientist Edward Chervenak, white voters behaved very differently than white voters in the rest of the state.

    According to the national exit polls, Obama won 14 percent of the white vote in Louisiana — 10 percentage points less than Kerry won in 2004 — and a lower percentage than in any state except Alabama, where Obama carried 10 percent of the white vote, and Mississippi, where he won 11 percent.”


    It’s always fun to contrast duh’s assertions woven out of whole cloth with, er, the truth.

  19. “This much is easily visible if you are a college student as I am. The amount of negro-worship in Whiteland is sickening. I can’t offer any rationale for it, I just gape in awe and fascination that such an obviously low form of life can be idolized by so many.”

    The world of college is not particularly representative of the broader world. Nevertheless, I have to ask, how bad is the worship of the Holy Negro on your college? It would be helpful if you could tell us, without specifying the exact location, the general region of your college and its demographic makeup.

    Some questions:

    1. As to the Holy Negro in particular, are white kids still worshipping this guy as much today as all too many were just a year ago? Even as it begins to dawn upon them that they aren’t going to get jobs when they graduate, and that Obama has done nothing to improve their prospects?

    2. As to Negro worship in general, just how strong is it as of October 2009? What percentage of white females on your campus do you believe have been involved with or are currently involved with a non-white?

    As for myself, I’m not a student, but I live near a couple of colleges (mid-Atlantic region). If anything, I’m starting to see less Negro worship, not more. It’s still bad, don’t get me wrong, but it would appear that the bloom is coming off the rose.

    Hard to say, though. I think the next few years will tell the story. My tentative opinion on the matter is that the whole black thing is losing its charm, and that Obama is speeding that process up. Maybe you have a different perspective.

  20. You have to accept that whites everywhere are now ecstatic for the negro.

    Even whites who are ‘conservative’ love negro-dominated sports and speak fawningly of crooks like MLK. It isn’t just on liberal campuses where negroes are looked upon as princelings. Many ‘conservative’ parts of the country have Christard do-gooders who love to bring sub-Saharan ‘groids and other assorted “wretched refuse” into white living spaces.

    I don’t divide America into liberal/conservative. I divide it into the Judeo-Negrified group and the non-Judeo-Negrified group.

  21. The world of college is not particularly representative of the broader world.

    I know that, I should’ve phrased it differently.

    1. As to the Holy Negro in particular, are white kids still worshipping this guy as much today as all too many were just a year ago? Even as it begins to dawn upon them that they aren’t going to get jobs when they graduate, and that Obama has done nothing to improve their prospects?

    Yes, especially white women. You can’t get through a politics class without hearing how “inspirational” his “great ideas” have been. We’ll see how it continues.

    2. As to Negro worship in general, just how strong is it as of October 2009?

    Strong, but I’ll concede that there is a growing current of resentment.

    What percentage of white females on your campus do you believe have been involved with or are currently involved with a non-white?

    I don’t want to guess. I won’t date girls from my school because the risk of them having been sullied by some piece of excrement is too high.

    My tentative opinion on the matter is that the whole black thing is losing its charm, and that Obama is speeding that process up.

    I agree. But I wish it would hurry up…

  22. I want the exact place and in what video or interview Craig Bodeker said he’s part Jewish. I didn’t notice it in the documentary.

    You’re not going to change the meaning of racist. You can’t take something back that was created against you. The best thing to do is tell others who created it and for what purpose.

  23. “Even whites who are ‘conservative’ love negro-dominated sports”

    Yeah, I don’t get it. The enthusiasm for professional sports teams and negro players is incredible. It is mind-blowing. I remember working at a bank in Manhattan after college in the late 90s. My colleagues were educated white guys from good schools who made loads of money. Yet during lunch and after work the only things these guys could talk about was ‘fantasy football’ and basketball. At some point you just have to write such people off.

  24. Captainchaos,

    Yes, his assertions have little to do with the actual facts on the ground. See this chart of white racial support for Obama, broken down by state:

    Now, there is no doubt that the proportion of whites who voted for Obama is way too high. Hell, one white vote for the bastard is one too many.

    But the reality is that he only won a majority of the white vote in a minority of states, and when one considers that many non-whites are labelled as white (Jews, Arabs and so forth) it should be clear that the actual white percentage would be even lower than the chart suggests. In many states, white support for Obama would be much lower if only actual euro-whites were counted.

    If you look at the chart, and subtract the non-whites from the white percentage, it is clear that Obama only won a majority of the white vote in a handful of states. These tend to be concentrated in New England, though there were a few outliers.

    Even in California and New York, Obama only got 52 percent of the white vote according to the chart. But if you then subtracted the Jewish voters, middle easterners and other assorted mystery meat that are running rampant in both of those states, and who were counted as white for purposes of the chart, there can be no doubt that Obama lost a majority of the real white vote in both of those states. No question.

    One again, uh gets things, uh, wrong. This doesn’t mean that we don’t have a real problem, we certainly do. But frankly, given the disastrous Bush administration, the economic collapse, the truly awful McCain, and the unprecedented propaganda campaign that has been waged against them for decades, I’d say whites didn’t do too badly. Certainly not as badly as “uh” suggests.

  25. The JYT on Obama’s win in NC:

    …”Mr. Obama won early voters by 178,000 votes –and actually lost on Election Day by 165,000 votes, said Tom Jensen, a Democratic pollster based in Raleigh.

    Across the board, Mr. Obama out-performed Senator John Kerry, who lost the state by 12 percentage points to President Bush in 2004. Both blacks and suburban voters came out in record numbers this time. And he cut the Democratic losses in some of the state’s most Republican counties.

    Most of Mr. Obama’s margin of victory came in the state’s seven urban centers. This year, 22 percent of the total electorate was black, according to Mr. Jensen’s analysis, compared with 18.6 percent in 2004 (the 2004 figure comes from the state elections board; the exit polls that year were wrong). Mr. Obama won about 35 percent of the white vote. Given the numbers, Mr. Obama’s total was about one-third black and two-thirds white.

    In a highly unusual display of monolithic voting, virtually every black woman who voted did so for Mr. Obama, according to the exit polls. Black women made up 14 percent of the vote, the exit polls said, and 100 percent of those surveyed said they voted for Mr. Obama.

    Black men made up 9 percent of the vote, and 87 percent of them said they voted for Mr. Obama.

    Among whites, Mr. McCain won them overall, but Mr. Obama did much better than Mr. Kerry. Mr. Obama won 37 percent of white voters, compared with 27 percent for Mr. Kerry.

    In addition, he improved on Mr. Kerry’s margins among younger voters. Exit polls show that 74 percent of those between 18 and 29 voted for Mr. Obama, while Mr. Kerry drew 56 percent.

    Ferrel Guillory, an expert on Southern politics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said that the influx of new voters was also an important component of Mr. Obama’s coalition in North Carolina, as it was in Virginia and Florida.

    “These states are the most robust in terms of population growth and economic diversification,” he said. The new population gives Democrats a larger pool of “persuadable” voters that Mr. Obama tapped into, he said. … – http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/06/obama-wins-north-carolina/

  26. “Yes, especially white women. You can’t get through a politics class without hearing how “inspirational” his “great ideas” have been. We’ll see how it continues.”

    Follow up question. Sure, you’re going to have at least a loudmouthed lib or two in any given class. What I’d like to know is whether the “average” white girl, the typical white girl, is engaging in worship of the Holy Negro. In other words, is it a mass thing, or is it just another case of a minority of brainwashed morons who feel free to speak up and blather on, while the silent majority is either not interested in politics at all, or simply disagrees in silence?

    One of the problems that we face is that the anti-whites have a pride of place, a sense of ownership in our society – especially on college campuses. They know that they have the Jewish/anti-white establishment in academia and media behind them. They feel perfectly free to preach on, knowing that they will face absolutely no negative consequences for doing so.

    Normal whites with healthy views, on the other hand, have been clearly taught to keep their thoughts to themselves. Being open only causes hassles for them. Better to just study quietly in the library, or in the alternative to hit a kegger.

    My view is that this leads to the distorted impression that white worship of the Holy Negro is more common than it actually is.

    One of my dearest dreams is to see the smug pride of place of the anti-whites taken from them.

  27. “Yeah, I don’t get it. The enthusiasm for professional sports teams and negro players is incredible.”

    There is no choice. If a White NFL existed, and then some whites continued to watch the negroes, it would raise some good questions.

  28. “As for the director of this film being partially Jewish, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
    I watched the movie a couple of times and he definitely never makes any references to himself being partly Jewish. That would have scotched the whole thing for me. I don’t remember the words “Jew” or “Jewish” even being uttered, but don’t quote me on that. It’s a very good entry level introduction to race realism. However, I recently tried to get a girlfriend to watch it and just the word “race” in the title set off her uber liberal “let’s-give-the-store-away” alarm system. So, we settled for one of those NPR reports where they duct tape microphones to their shoes and go stomping around inside a sharecropper’s cabin down South while reporting on the big mother’s milk draught in that county.

  29. “One of my dearest dreams is to see the smug pride of place of the anti-whites taken from them.” ( — Trainspotter)

    It won’t ever be, because (except for the Jewish ringleaders) they’ll simply switch from a smug look of anti-white pride of place to a smug look of pro-white pride of place when they see the tide has shifted — and to see them you’ll think you’re back in the 1950s.

    They’ll always have a smug look of pride of place, “whose place” being determined by whatever the current fashion happens to be, on campus or elsewhere.

  30. Captainchaos: speaking of American Whites shuffling from state to state … Americans Whites continue to flee increasingly multiracial states like California, Florida, and so on — if I remember reading correctly, since the Great Recession started, both California and Florida are actually losing Whites who are fleeing the increasing ‘diversity,’ ‘vibrancy,’ and fiscally-disastrous anti-White welfareism found in those states. Even before the Great Recession began, California was already losing Whites who were leaving for greener (Whiter) pastures. And I read recently that for the first time since 1946, Florida’s overall population declined!

    From first hand knowledge, in the past 10-20 years urban/suburban NC has had a huge influx of people (mostly Whites, but also many Hispanics) from all kinds of states, especially CA, NY/NJ, MI, PA, OH, IN, IL, and a few others. Even some people from crazed-liberal states like MA are fleeing the Jewish and quadroon crpto-Commie dictatorship that prevails there. Especially in the past 10 years or so, during the housing bubble, huge suburbs have been newly built in rings around many NC cities where before there was nothing but forests, farmland, ranchland, etc (the same is true in No. VA and some parts of GA, I’ve seen and heard)…I’d say around 75% of the people in these newly built cookie-cutter suburbs are Whites from the aforementioned states, some of them seeking those so called ‘Whitopias’ that Negroid journalist has been talking about lately in the mass-media. And as I stated above, these people are often bringing their liberal/multiracial politics down here to Dixie with them even though many of them are refugees of liberalism and multiracialism. For instance, I know a White woman from Black-wrecked Detroit who moved here to NC in the late 1990s for less crime and better economic opportunities — and in 2008, guess what she did? She worked for the Obama campaign! So many clueless Yanks are utterly brainwashed by the Jewsmedia that it isn’t even funny anymore.

  31. Yet during lunch and after work the only things these guys could talk about was ‘fantasy football’ and basketball.

    Plant a seed. Let slip an “oh, you like watching negro men run around in tights?” The thought comes back to them later and sours their enthusiasm.

    I respond to fantasy league invites like so: “No, thanks. See http://www.castefootball.us/

  32. WP,

    Your observation of the frequency of American Whites with Jewish ancestry jibes with my own experience in that I’ve several times had it announced to me unbidden by those I would never have suspected of having said. Of course Whites frequently claim to be of partial Amerindian ancestry when in fact they are not, so who knows. If I were to discover one or both of the aforementioned in my woodpile it would not change my convictions one iota, however.

  33. “It won’t ever be, because (except for the Jewish ringleaders) they’ll simply switch from a smug look of anti-white pride of place to a smug look of pro-white pride of place when they see the tide has shifted — and to see them you’ll think you’re back in the 1950s.”

    Fine by me, so long as the particularly egregious cases are prosecuted, and the less egregious but still very serious cases (garden variety mudsharks, lower level anti-white media personalities, lower level anti-white academics, lower level people directly involved with importing non-whites, the scum that dressed as clowns at Knoxville, and so forth) get the boot and are exiled forever, to spend the rest of their lives in the diverse slums of Brazil or some other third world shithole. They can live – and die – under the very conditions that they sickly demand of other whites.

  34. “Fine by me, so long as the particularly egregious cases are prosecuted, and the less egregious but still very serious cases (garden variety mudsharks, lower level anti-white media personalities, lower level anti-white academics, lower level people directly involved with importing non-whites, the scum that dressed as clowns at Knoxville, and so forth) get the boot and are exiled forever, to spend the rest of their lives in the diverse slums of Brazil or some other third world shithole. They can live – and die – under the very conditions that they sickly demand of other whites.” ( — Trainspotter)

    I think I can live with that.

  35. And that is the proportion of miscigenation that wil happen in a world where blacks donot have legal support

    Well, the ultimate goal is complete partitioning and separation and not segregation or multiracialism sans affirmative action. In the ideal world there will be no opportunity for miscegenation outside of a fling on a vacation.

  36. I don’tknow how much I’ll last in this forum until I get banned b ypopular demand……..

    but to be against mass-sports because of black players is loserism at its best. Guys who share this view won’t have much success with ladies, I bet. You can’t have a movement of losers.Period.

    Guys, to have blacks as pets, playing for white’s amusement, is COOL. Unlike many here, I acceptthat thereis an upper caste amongblacks that will be able to marry white women, even in a wold without afirmative action. I am cool with 1 in 1000 blacks marrying whites. And that is the proportion of miscigenation that wil happen in a world where blacks donot have legal support

    Fuck off, troll.

  37. I have the comment filter set to trip on a few keywords to prevent trolls from infesting this site. Sometimes the Akismet sucks up comments for no apparent reason. I check the filter daily and approve comments that get held back.

  38. “Well, the ultimate goal is complete partitioning and separation and not segregation or multiracialism sans affirmative action. In the ideal world there will be no opportunity for miscegenation outside of a fling on a vacation.”

    Absolutely. These “a little bit of race mixing is o.k.” types completely miss the point. Once the camel’s nose has made it into the tent, well, why not a little bit more? And then a little more? And then…welcome to 2009. Fuck that shite. We didn’t get into our present dire straits overnight. We got here on the margins, with those margins always being pushed a little closer to white genocide. One crummy marginal behavior is accepted, and then the next, and so forth. You end up at a place that you could not have even imagined when you started. The lesson: marginal changes add up.

    Back in the nineties I remember white guys rationalizing the exploding miscegenation that was cropping up all over. It was always something like, “Well, the white girls who do that are fat morons. No loss.” And while there is some truth in that, and I do believe that race mixers are more likely to be defectives in one way or another, the plain fact is that this marginal acceptance of miscegenation has directly led to where we are today.

    As to the fling on vacation thing, I’m o.k. with that. As long as it’s a permanent vacation. The last thing we need is for skanks to go overseas to bed down with Rufus the Rastafarian and then come back to the white ethnostate and spread their bevy of newly acquired exotic diseases on unsuspecting whites. Not to mention the possibility of pregnancy, leaving the white ethnostate with the unpleasant task of expulsion. And lest I seem to have blinders on, there would still be the issue of white guys vacationing to get a little “boom boom” in the land of the Yellow Peril. The latter is less fraught with problems, but it should still be considered unacceptable.

    I’ll have to say, though, that in a healthy white culture such a thing would be exceedingly rare.

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