Elite Status

Who should rule?

Logging on this morning, I see that this has once again become a burning issue among the commentators. So far, I haven’t had much to say about the topic. I don’t aspire to rule over anyone. Becoming a politician isn’t a good fit with my introverted personality type. It is a task that I would prefer to leave to others. We have already had one commentator storm off the site because of a controversial turn in this discussion. It is better to discuss the matter now (in its own definitive blog entry) than to have it continue to spill over into unrelated threads.


As everyone here knows by now, NeoNietzsche is a passionate admirer of Friedrich Nietzsche and subscribes to a peculiar interpretation of his theories. He believes in a caste system (warrior, cleric, peasant) and sees himself as part of the elect few who should rule in a White Nationalist ethnostate. Following Nietzsche, NN believes everyone has an essential orientation, master or slave, dominant or submissive, and that different moral systems correspond to this primordial mammalian division. As an advocate of “master morality,” he would abolish liberal democracy and confer elite status upon the “higher types” who are naturally born to rule.


In the United States, Jeffersonians are the most numerous in White Nationalist circles. In their view, the best type of government is the one that governs least. These people don’t see anything essentially wrong with the American system. They believe in state and local government and instinctively oppose the consolidation of power in Washington. Jeffersonians like to attribute our racial decline to the corrupting influence of outside forces, namely the Jews, and argue that racial sanity would quickly return to America after the excise of this cancer. Under the Jeffersonian system, elite status would be conferred through local elections and the private accumulation of wealth in a capitalist economy.


Like the Jeffersonians, the Hamiltonians still believe in republican self government, but prefer a strong, centralized state to a weak one. Instead of free trade, they want an America First trade policy. Hamiltonians support a strong public sector and a regulated market economy to ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth. They believe a few constitutional reforms will be sufficient to reverse our racial decline. In their ideal White ethnostate, elite status would also be conferred through elections and wealth accumulation in the private sphere.


The libertarians are a subset of the Jeffersonians who believe in a minimal state. They believe the only function of the state is to protect individual rights: military, police, courts. The libertarians would scrap the entire ediface of twentieth century progressive reforms in the name of liberty. In a libertarian White ethnostate, elite status would be conferred through participation in the market economy, as government would be hamstrung by a strict constitution.


The fascists (this includes National Socialists and related species of fascism) want an authoritarian state headed by a dynamic leader with near absolute power. They would dispense with liberal democracy entirely and replace it with a racialized bureaucracy. This concentration of power would be used to rid the fascist ethnostate of Jews and other undesirable elements. Elite status would be conferred through rising in the party and pleasing its established leaders.


For lack of a better word, the “Platonists” are White Nationalists who advocate rule by a Guardian caste or order. These Guardians would be chosen through breeding and merit. Exemplary Whites imbued with an unusual dedication to their race would enjoy rights and privileges that other citizens would not.

Christian Nationalists

The Christian Nationalists believe a strong, rejuvenated Christianity is a necessary component of a White ethnostate. In essence, they want an ethnostate based on Christian moral values. Some Christian Nationalists want a republic; some a monarchy; some a theocratic dictatorship. In all cases, elite status would be strongly connected to religious piety.


The monarchists want a king and hereditary aristocracy. Elite status would be conferred through the possession of royal blood.


The anarchists want to dispense with government entirely. In their proposed ethnostate, as there would be no government, politics would not exist and there would be no mechanism for selecting elites. In theory, everyone would be equal in this classless society.

Where I Stand

So, after all this, what is my answer to this question?

Politically, I stand between the Hamiltonians and Platonists. I think that government can be a force for good and that White Nationalists will need a strong central state to repel invasions by our multitude of enemies. The republican system is a proven model for ensuring continuity and the peaceful transfer of power. I think we would be unwise to dispense with it in pursuit of some of the more outré, untested ideas discussed above.

The worst aspects of republicanism can be dealt with through constitutional reforms. For one, I don’t believe in universal voting rights. In my ideal republic, the franchise would only be extended after certain conditions are met. Voters would be required to demonstrate they are intelligent, competent, and moral enough to enjoy the privilege of selecting our leaders. I also believe that the Guardian caste should have more sway than the average citizen. A real electoral college could be set up in which the Guardians could exercise a veto over bad popular selections.

Morally, Alasdair MacIntyre has been the major influence on my views. Like MacIntyre, I believe that morality is only logical within the context of established traditions. There are a number of moral traditions out there, each of them with their own history, each of them having different premisses as their starting point. It is impossible to properly reason across these incommensurate traditions.

I believe our moral discourse has been the victim of the catastrophe described by MacIntyre in the Preface of After Virtue : we only possess fragments of a coherent moral framework, terms which have lost the context which once made them plausible, and that rational people are diverted into nihilism by this disarray. There are no universal, objective moral principles analagous to the laws of science. Instead, moral philosophy is a practical science like Aristotle always claimed it was: it is a how-to guide for actualizing some given ideal. In other words, I believe that morality (at some level) is reducible to aesthetics. That’s a topic for another day.

These are only my answers. What are yours?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So you believe in moral relativism? Who’d have thunk it?

    Schopenhauer pointed out that all through history three elements spring to life with every action depending on a persons character:

    1. Egoism – the common element in which personal weal is forefront. If you do good actions to go to heaven then it is egoism. If you sell your grandmother for a bottle of liquor, it is egoism. If you are altruistic to get a good reputation it is egoism.

    2. Malice – when someone enjoys the sufferings of others even to the point of causing suffering to enjoy it.

    3. Compassion – when someone works for the weal of others without regard to personal benefit or disadvantage.

    In all societies in which we would want to live, malice would be at a minimum and be controlled through counter motives like prison and execution. Compassion would be at a maximum, and egoism, as always, the norm.

    By compassion, I mean mature, well adjusted, adult compassion. Jews like to give monologues to child-murders, sexual perverts, etc to try and make us identify and feel compassion for them. The proper response is to put pervert murderers, rapists out of their misery with a bullet to the head. That is compassionate. To cleanse the environment of wilding negroes who attack or pull down spiritually our children is compassionate. To not pollute our children’s blood so that they become some wierd mix that has no cultural and racial identity and are more likely to suffer some strange medical condition is compassionate.

    If you have children you know you sometimes have to force them to take medicine. You don’t like to but you understand having a “bleeding heart” is not the same as being compassionate. It is a mature, adult judgement.

    So yes there are real moral standards which have been understood by all the more developed peoples. The jews are the race of malevoence, of malice. They pretend their malice is compassion and white people buy it. They buy the pretended compassion. Why? Have they

  2. [Thanks to Hunter for the temperate remarks regarding (the correctly spelled, for a change) “Nietzscheans”. Since said remarks identify me with, and impute to me, a certain interpretation of N. requiring qualification as to my own perspective, I’d like to examine the paragraph, point by point, in avoidance of confusion of Nietzsche, Hunter, and NeoNietzsche with one another.]


    As everyone here knows by now, NeoNietzsche is a passionate admirer of Friedrich Nietzsche….

    Though not to be confused with an *uncritical* admirer, since I recognize the unsystematic, self-contradictory, and epistemologically-questionable aspects of some of his work

    …and subscribes to a peculiar interpretation of his theories.

    One that I believe is courageously forthright amidst bowdlerizations of N. that permit discussion of N. without violation of PC proscriptions. And I would be pleased to respond to translation of “peculiar” into “specious” if some supportive specifics are supplied.

    He believes in a caste system (warrior, cleric, peasant) and sees himself as part of the elect few who should rule in a White Nationalist ethnostate.

    This is incorrect. The caste system is an aspect of the past that must be understood for its illustration of politico-economic principles that are inescapable. For the future, I am hopeful that a well-advised, pro-White, military dictatorship will save your bacon. I will be dead well before that happens, if it happens, probably around the time of a mid-century global military catastrophe.

    Following Nietzsche, NN believes everyone has an essential orientation, master or slave, dominant or submissive,…

    To speak of “submissive” is incorrect. Slaves may well be rebellious and full of “ressentiment” – against which sentiment Nietzsche preached as conducive to a slave mentality. The contrast is, rather, between a realistic view of reality (that of the predator/warrior/master who rules with violence and in relative prosperity) and a delusional and mendacious perspective born of the prey/peasant/slave’s contemplation of the diabolical nature of reality in so situating him with respect to the ‘evil” master and of his refusal to acknowledge it as perpetual/inevitable.

    …and that different moral systems correspond to this primordial mammalian division.

    The correspondence is rather as to the contrast described above.

    As an advocate of “master morality,” he would abolish liberal democracy…

    This would be to abolish an illusion. The elimination of a plutocratic theocracy would be the objective of substance.

    …and confer elite status upon the “higher types” who are naturally born to rule.

    Not really. I don’t know who would be doing the “conferring” and where one is going to find and qualify “higher types”. The only future hope is military government – a mildly meritocratic institution in present times.

  3. The only way to end a debate with the mendatious jew is to simply say, “You have been discovered. You are a jew.”

    You have been discovered. You are a lying sexual pervert.

  4. @Anthony

    >mature, well adjusted, adult compassion

    >The jews are the race of malevoence, of malice.

    Yes, sir.

  5. God forbid perverts like the neo-nietzscheans ever get their S&M empire of “superhumans” and “slaves” or potheads forget to protect the homeland because they “got high”.

    Well, intoxicants have always been a part of Aryan and European culture. Drinking soma or beer or wine never stopped them before, and very often helped them on their way, as reflected in hymns and historical accounts. The Germans lost because of Hitler’s monomania, not because Germans like to drink a lot. Don’t be obtuse for the sake of the feeling you get from browbeating others for a pretty harmless activity, and one with ample precedent in the history of our kind. Which is not to excuse modern potheads and the entire pothead subculture.

    WN tend to be anti-marijuana, although in my opinion it is just posturing.

    Sure, but let’s not discount its deeper root in tuff-guy American puritanism. Note the long paean to the harmlessness of alcohol, and utter fatality of marijuana, by Felim. This is cowboy mentality — immensely ironic considering the original cowboys, the Aryans, certainly drank something like (though undoubtedly stronger than) the Indian bhang, and probably contributed to the cultivation of P. somniferum for its narcotic effects. Hence the largest poppy-growing region in the world today is in the Helmand valley of Afghanistan, quite close to historical “Ariana”, and the location of the Vedic river Sarasvati.

    I don’t believe guys like White Non-Con are merely posturing. On the contrary, the eagerness to perpetuate silly kwan attitudes, and bully others in their enforcement, is very obvious in the type. Boozing is ok, toking is hippie, nigger, dirty, stupid, etc. As a “lifestyle”, of course, neither is defensible, and conflating all use of marijuana with the hippie lifestyle is obviously fallacious.

    Fact is, this type doesn’t care what the Indo-Europeans were doing — because they’ve never bothered to read or think about it, as in a way they’re to not do, because it would threaten their militantly “egalitarian” racialism : we’re not Indo-Europeans, and as the “pervert” NeoNietzsche points out, the Indo-Europeans weren’t romanticists of the soil and peasantry like the Nazis and Soviets — they were a predatory race which exploited settled races, most of them the very same European stock from which we’re drawn, “enfranchising” them with Aryan speech, myth and folkways. The last gasp of this spirit in Europe was the late German bid to swallow Europe whole. In the East it is presently being shot to death by the Pakistani army in South Waziristan.

    It’s no wonder the aforementioned doesn’t care about that stuff. It’s too cerebral, too removed from us in real culture. We’re not Aryans. We’re not warriors. We’re kwans. To the puritan imagination of the old kwans, smoking cannabis (or opium) was a strange slothful cop-out from fealty to the American Way; this attitude would be carried over to the Inevitable Reich, where such fealty (enforced participation / subjection) would take on perverse forms as under the Soviets and other Eastern despotisms. Hence whomever’s preference for the draconian measures against cannabis-smugglers in Japan and Southeast Asia.

    Marijuana is a disgusting and dangerous drug.

    This is clearly over the top. You have a strong personal grudge against cannabis and its users, and that’s fine, but in a rational society we couldn’t continue this bizarre hypochondriac attitude toward the smoking of what, ultimately, is just a sweet-smelling plant. You’re channeling kwa, not reason.

    The myth that marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol has been aggressively promoted by the international drug cartels since the 1960s.

    Well, I would hope that in the Inevitable White Nationalist Reich of Soren Renner, we wouldn’t worry ourselves so much about being “safe”. A masculine society, run by whites, should consider abandoning hypochondriac attitudes and regulation. If the object is to keep up the babying of our kind in the interest of “being safe” and punishing “disgusting” malefactors for infraction against inherited values, your Reich will not have advanced much beyond the spirit of kwa. In many respects your Reich will still be kwa. There’s room for a little enlightenment even in an ideology which has fetishized “the Enlightenment” as a demon that has destroyed the West.

    The rest of your post, while exhaustive, was also exhaustingly wrong-headed. You make alcohol sound like a pleasant diuretic, while all the ills of cannabis take us back to Reefer Mania. No argument from me that overuse of cannabis leads to a kind of idiocy: but please, don’t pretend alcoholics aren’t much worse socially than potheads. Booze reduces much if not most of our kind to white trash — our men to slobs and bullies, our women to whores. You’re whole argument is an exercise in distortion. I don’t think even White Non-Con will agree with your absurd portrait of alcohol consumption as an easy harmless affair.

    The hangover that lasts a day or so after heavy drinking is caused by poisons generated by alcohol in the body, not by the alcohol itself.

    Which “poisons” (humors?), of course, would not be “generated” if alcohol were not immoderately consumed, as it often is. Ah what’s the point.

    Anyway, conflating all consumption of booze or use of cannabis with CHRONIC DEBILITATING USE is nothing but moralistic lobbying got from the Amurrcan narrative — so to answer my joking question, that’s why cannabis would remain outlawed in the Inevitable Jeffersonian Reich.

    (I have not yet read his Imperium Europa.)

    Ironic for a book billed as having “Changed The World”.

  6. *they’re right to not do

    One that I believe is courageously forthright amidst bowdlerizations of N. that permit discussion of N. without violation of PC proscriptions.

    Walter “I didn’t know I’m a Jew” Kaufmann.

    The only future hope is military government – a mildly meritocratic institution in present times.

    I too am a fan of Pervez Musharraf.

  7. @uh

    No, I do not care about white people drinking or smoking pot.

    I care about freeing our country and culture from degenerate Jews.

  8. But I shouldn’t blame cowboys. It’s known that cowboys, during the Gold Rush, partook of the Chinaman’s opium. The cowboy still had one foot in the Old World and could assimilate new experiences without the urban bureaucratic desire to outlaw and punish.

  9. uh:”Booze reduces much if not most of our kind to white trash — our men to slobs and bullies, our women to whores.”

    True…in THE PASSING Madison Grant wrote:

    “At the present time the Nordic race is undergoing selection through alcoholism, a peculiarly Nordic vice, and through consumption, and both these dread scourges unfortunately attack those members of the race that are otherwise most desirable, differing in this respect from filth diseases like typhus, typhoid, or smallpox. One has only to look among the more desirable classes for the victims of rum and tubercule to realize that death or mental and physical impairment through these two causes have cost the race many of its most brilliant and attractive members.” – http://www.churchoftrueisrael.com/pgr/pgr-04.html

    Also: has alcohol-peddling Jewry intentionally turned Sweden in to a nation of effete liquor-swilling drunks?

    “Sweden is deeply worried. In the 19th century, a lethal cocktail mixing the misery caused by industrialisation with cheap spirits helped to set off endemic alcohol abuse. Total prohibition was only narrowly defeated in a referendum in 1922. Alcohol was rationed until 1955. Strong beer, wine and spirits remain heavily taxed, and retail sales are still conducted through a limited number of state monopoly stores. Similar systems exist in Finland and Norway. Temperance movements have a strong political foothold in all three Scandinavian countries … Hakan Leifman, a researcher at Stockholm University, says Swedes over 15 now consume around ten litres of pure alcohol a year, still well below the 14-15 litres per year in Ireland, but closing in on the EU average of 12. Other measures aimed at limiting sales have also fallen foul of EU rules. Earlier this year Sweden’s ban on the advertising of strong beer, wine and spirits was overruled.” – http://www.gnxp.com/MT2/archives/001341.html

    I am not anti-alcohol or a Prohibitionist, as I much enjoy good ales and occasionally a bit of wine myself in moderation (no hard liquor though). However, overconsumption of alcohol is indeed too frequent amongst too many Whites worldwide, and it is very detrimental to White culture. Jews have long been major producers and distributors of alcohol in many White nations (in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc); for instance, by using alcohol they were able to keep the Slavs of Eastern Europe pacified and under their thumb for centuries by keeping them perma-drunk and thus weak/stupid with endless amounts of cheap vodka.

    Like beer or wine, marijuana use is OK too in moderation, maybe once in a blue moon. However, its use is pretty rampant amongst far too many North American Whites in modern times, mostly the bunches of bored White suburbanites. This constant haze isn’t good for the advancement of the White race nor White individuals, so the overuse of it should be discouraged. Overconsumption of anything isn’t good — everything in moderation is the best policy.

  10. If drugs are to be used by well-meaning pro-White activists/White nationalists seeking to advance White interests worldwide, they ought to be these newish “nootropic” drugs which are basically legal low-dose stimulants/speed. A lot of people in the modern West use them, especially in the media, business, politics, academia, and so on. They are a much safer alternative to cocaine, very strong illegal speed, or other powerful stimulants. The degenerate Jews in the cities, the media, and academia are hopped up on them 24/7 just as some unfortunate White American rural-dwellers enjoy the crystal-meth — the mass-use of these legal and illegal stimulant drugs by degenerate urban-Jewry is one of their “dirty little secrets.”

    All you have to do to get them is to have a doctor prescribe them to you via your faking of ADD/ADHD. If you do, start with the lowest time-released dose available (research it), a child/teen dosage, and take only one a day when you wake up. They are semi-addictive and if you take them for long periods you will form a dependency and partially deplete or tax natural levels of important neurotransmitters. Low-dose nootropics, or “cognitive-enhacing drugs,” have been tentatively endorsed by modern medical science, see: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v456/n7223/full/456702a.html

    I took them a few times in college because someone told me they were good for writing long/boring term papers overnight at the last minute (they indeed are), but I don’t take them anymore. I likely will though as I get older and my mind and body starts naturally slowing down with age.

  11. More from the traditional agrarian/pastoral American anti-urban decentralists:

    “The fear of the great metropolitan city is so ingrained in the thought of the [American] people, writes Mr. Richard Neuberger in “Free America,” August 1940, in a quite triumphant article from which I have taken my information, that during the struggle over the Bonneville power rates, the words of President Jefferson (1743-1820) appeared in many local papers: ‘I view great cities as pestilential to the health, the morals and the liberty of mankind.’ That saying was directed against financial and industrial magnates, ambitious politicians and demagogues, who arise in cities and only by cities are made possible. The logical end of metropolitan civilization, and its most complete, one-piece form, is totalitarianism which is confessedly and in action ‘pestilential to the liberties of mankind‘. In this scheme in the Pacific North-West, men and women have now the opportunity to combine manufacture with a home partnership with the soil. The soil, once again now, and yet more in the future, will be their associate and instructor. There is a grandeur about the scheme, which belongs to a great country that can still revive its epic character.” – http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/Wrench_Recon/Wrench_Recon_20.html

    Even that Jew-stooge FDR still had a bit of traditional White America left in him:

    “In September 1937, it was this leader, President Roosevelt, who delivered a speech of dedication beneath the dark crags of the Columbia Gorge, the river of which in its change now foretold a change for the mighty stream of the American people.

    The North-West, consisting of the States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and the section of Montana west of the crest of the Rockies, offers an opportunity, said the President, ‘to avoid some of the mistakes and wasteful exploitation of resources that have caused such serious problems in other parts of the country’. The North-West should not be a land of new ‘Pittsburgs’. The President continued: ‘It is because I am thinking of the nation and the region fifty years from now that I venture the further prophecy that as the time passes we will do everything to encourage the building up of smaller communities of the United States. To-day many people are beginning to realize that there is an inherent weakness in cities which become too large, and inherent strength in a wider geographical distribution of the population.’ ” – http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/Wrench_Recon/Wrench_Recon_20.html

  12. “Cousin Charles’s feeling about the depression is that it serves the “industrialists” right. He pointed out in a magazine article seven years ago that the present trouble with the country was that the cities were getting overgrown – Megalopolis, as Spengler calls it. Strange that it should have been left for a German to diagnose our American disease. But the effect of the depression should be salutary, because it ought to make the government get rid of the high tariff and send people back to the land. There’s always a living on a farm – and he himself has been a dirt farmer, not a white-collar farmer.” – http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA01/White/anthology/tennessee.html

    Read some more related material @ http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA01/White/anthology/agrarian.html

  13. Brilliant post by Felim. Marijuana — like cocaine and coffee — is a foreigner, an upstart. It has no place in a white ethnostate. Our people need to go back to the good old STRENGTHENING beverages of our forefathers — ale and light wines.

  14. It’s not like libertarians, lotus eaters, and layabouts will have to really be dealt with by a traditional, disciplined, focused, and robust movement. Populations that refuse to breed, feed, and lead future generations deal with themselves. Modernity is self-correcting.

    The “War on Drugs” is overwhelmingly a war on ethnic youth gangs under a politically correct flag. My feeling is that manufacture, distribution, and usage of drugs outside of the pharmacy cartel would be best dealt with as a misdemeanor issue and as a health issue. Make it just illegal enough to keep it from the public eye, refrain from playing cops ‘n robbers with them, and offer help to the ones who request it.

  15. Our people need to go back to the good old STRENGTHENING beverages of our forefathers — ale and light wines.

    Cannabis is native to eastern Europe and the Himalayas — precisely the expanse inhabited by our earliest forefathers. Before our kind was making ale and wine (neither of which have a reflex in Proto-Indo-European, by the way), they were crushing up C. ruderalis and sativa and straining the mash into cups, possibly even inhaling the smoke in ritual.

    Anyway, one hopes that in the Inevitable Ethno-Reich, wherein all able-bodied men & women will obv. we part of a vast standing army to be kept on its toes by Captainchaos at all times, that even there, we’ll be permitted some down-time from the ruthless nationalizing of all life when we can do more or less what we please. Or is that not the intention? I thought the ethnostate fantasy was supposed to be about, you know, greater freedom for whites. Why not permit moderate (or intelligent) use of narcotics into your fantasy Reich?

    they ought to be these newish “nootropic” drugs which are basically legal low-dose stimulants/speed

    Well, that would be a good idea if racial propaganda really should or could be the whole content of our lives — which it can’t, for the same reason I said we can’t rival the Jews in media — or if propaganda of that sort were really effective, which it isn’t. Never in all history has a worldview, precisely counter to everything the populace knows, been transmitted by spectacle of drug use.

    They are a much safer alternative to cocaine,

    Very many Europeans are recreational cokeheads, and they manage. You see, this stuff is produced outside the ideal sphere of white geopolitical control — Afghanistan, Turkey, South America. In your Fantasy Rennerian Reich you couldn’t restrict some flow of product without in effect making your own citizens prisoners and/or controlling production centers. The reason those dink states are so harsh with smugglers and users is that their borders are so porous and their officialdom corrupt. India’s nominally a dry state, but it doesn’t stop production of moonshine or smuggling by Muslims over the Khyber Pass.

    The degenerate Jews in the cities, the media, and academia are hopped up on them 24/7 just as some unfortunate White American rural-dwellers enjoy the crystal-meth — the mass-use of these legal and illegal stimulant drugs by degenerate urban-Jewry is one of their “dirty little secrets.”

    Yea, no disagreement there. You understand I’m not arguing for any of that — just making a case for a more enlightened policy in the Coming Inevitable Reich. In any case people will do what they’re used to doing, and at this level of population management we couldn’t hope or expect to make pre-1945 Germans of Americans, nor should we want to — which is why you would have to accommodate yourself to prevalent appetites in some way.

  16. Make it just illegal enough to keep it from the public eye, refrain from playing cops ‘n robbers with them, and offer help to the ones who request it.

    Very sensible, as your suggestions tend to be. All I’m saying is that the “lotus-eaters and layabouts” shouldn’t be shot. Let’s be reasonable, yanno? Shooting potheads is worse than kwa. The White Nationalist fantasy hasn’t yet descended to social minutiae like this, but it’s precisely the minutiae which determine the character of an empire. Presumably, High Guru Renner will, when not broadcasting his pig riddles, not want His Highnesses Guessedworker and Wintermute to spend too much on the enforcement of a blanket policy on narcotics — or in detaining, re-educating, etc. perpetrators. That’s a lot money and work. Seems like you could cut out a good chunk of that money and work by admitting cannabis isn’t as bad as meth, or booze industry / culture. Conserve strength for more meaningful social projects, no? Shoot some kid for lighting up a joint and I’m preeeetty sure your Inevitable Reich will collapse as quickly and easily as you all imagine it will come.

  17. uh,

    “Anyway, one hopes that in the Inevitable Ethno-Reich . . . we’ll be permitted some down-time from the ruthless nationalizing of all life when we can do more or less what we please.”

    Exactly so! That is why I am in favour of the use of ale as the staple drink of the nation, in place of tea and coffee. Ale has been praised by our best poets for its sterling and life-enhancing qualities. It’s been the staple drink of our people for ages. It was thanks to ale and its life-enhancing properties that our ancestral country enjoyed the title of ‘Merrie England’ during the Middle Ages, an era characterised by cheerfulness, high spirits, and picturesque country festivals among our lower classes. Good Queen Bess consumed almost exclusively ale and bread from cradle to grave (the bread of the Tudor period, by the way, was also of excellent quality).

    “I thought the ethnostate fantasy was supposed to be about, you know, greater freedom for whites.”

    Freedom, if it has any meaning at all, is the state of living under a bondage that is compatible and harmonises with the most vital instincts of one’s being. Our people need to escape from a bondage that is uncongenial to their deepest instincts — egalitarian democracy — in order to fall into a bondage that harmonises with their instincts.

    The desire for “freedom”, in the sense of being able to pick and choose whatever one wants to do, is invariably associated with weak and useless personalities. Strong men do not “choose” anything. They have no choice. They are driven to their actions by an iron necessity.

    The proper role of government in a healthy nation is that of a parent. It exists in order to set a “good tone” to the nation, to ensure that the people are healthy, tasteful, and sound in instinct. Our people have been deprived of that wisdom and guidance from above which only an aristocracy of taste can provide.

    “Why not permit moderate (or intelligent) use of narcotics into your fantasy Reich?”

    Why not permit moderate use of narcotics for our children? Because children are irresponsible. Most people can’t handle their whisky, never mind marijuana, cocaine, and heroine. Ideally, the use of narcotics would require a license, the standards for which would be so high as to exclude 99 percent of the population. But that is not a practical solution to the drug problem. A better solution is to ban the drugs altogether, give psychiatric assistance to drug abusers, and publicly execute those peddlers of insidious poisons, the drug dealers.

  18. Freedom, if it has any meaning at all, is the state of living under a bondage that is compatible and harmoni[z]es with the most vital instincts of one’s being. Our people need to escape from a bondage that is uncongenial to their deepest instincts — egalitarian democracy — in order to fall into a bondage that harmoni[z]es with their instincts. (Yosemite)

    Beautifully formulated and expressed!

    A new “superhuman” thought for the day!

  19. When the restoration comes, it will manifest as an absurd parody of America’s golden age, as an explosion of fifties superficialities and kitsch. The National Socialist rejection of modernity was more of a Prussian bureaucracy than the original thing. The Russian rejection of modernity has its own quasi-czar and is returning to its traditional priesthood (Eastern Orthodox Church). The American rejection of modernity will be more of a fifties sitcom than a fifties sitcom.

    It will consist largely of superficialities. The past can’t be duplicated, only parodied. But that will be the zeitgeist. The redeemer will be more like Bob Dobbs than Adolf Hitler and the priesthood riding a wave of religious rebirth dwarfing the previous ones will try to impose a regime of constitutionality, limited government, and well-paid factory jobs for all.

    In the future regime, people who say things like “drug dealers will be publicly executed” and propose solutions to the drug problem like “ban drugs” will be looked at like they’re stupid. They will be driven by an iron necessity to do so.

  20. So, who here is going to sign up to fight to install a totalitarian state managed by obsessive compulsive control freaks? Oh yeah, they’re WHITE control freaks!

    It would be well worth risking my life to reach that promised land.

    But all kidding aside, NN has clarified how the master caste will gain power, in a military coup. Then the masters will impose their sadistic will (no doubt cackling with glee and counting their shekels… dollars… doubloons?) on the slave caste – the American people.

    Now, am I the only one who sees a tiny problem with this utopian fantasy, this wonderful dream?

    How do two million soldiers subdue 150 million armed civilians? Armed civilians with automobiles? (see Buda’s Wagon) Armed civilians with no concept of the divine right of kings or anyone else?

    The American military can’t even subdue Iraq or Afghanistan.

  21. If a totalitarian were not in effect, White gangsters would fill the niche once occupied by non-White gangs. We’ve been there before with Prohibition.

  22. But all kidding aside, NN has clarified how the master caste will gain power, in a military coup. Then the masters will impose their sadistic will (no doubt cackling with glee and counting their shekels… dollars… doubloons?) on the slave caste – the American people. (Oldright)

    I’ll leave this Crayola Creation, as it stands, as a testament.

    Let’s hope that the gods *do* take pity on little children and a nation of ‘tards. (I finally yield to resonance with “uh’s” formulation.)

    Now off to the Fortress of Solitude.

  23. OldRight:

    You seem to have a fear of a “master caste” coming to power. What makes you think you wouldn’t or couldn’t be a part of it? You’ve shown enough concern for your people to come onto this board and post, this during a time when most people are too drugged by their televisions to care. That shows forethought. Now, I assume you’re White. With your forethought, I also assume you’d strive to be a landholder, if that was a prerequisite to being able to vote.

    Which brings us back to the point of this article. The major question we need to look at when determining who a ruling class is, is who a citizen is. There needs to be a clear demarcation. If you cannot determine who your people are, you cannot govern in their interests.

    Land ownership and race tie a man to a nation just as a renting existence and a dysgenic populace distances a man from a nation. Land ownership, if required for a citizen to become a voting citizen, will become highly sought after and hard to obtain. The obtaining of land will prove that one values the right to vote. (That being said, there are details which need to be addressed first, such as land ownership by foreigners and corporations.)

    Now, not everyone is wise enough to govern a nation. Some people aren’t wise enough to govern themselves. People will naturally sift according to their abilities. Intellectually shallow or incurious Whites, if given the right to vote, are libel to be tricked or fooled by forces outside the race. Turn on the television and you will see these forces at work. Jealousy and mistrust is inflamed in the under-achieving class and directed at the over-achieving class. The end result is that both sets –the entirety of the race– collide and destroy each other.

    There is no reason for the average 400-pound WalMart shopper to be able to vote. Its cruel to assume that such a person should be burdened with the running of a state. Such people, through their gluttony, have proven that they are unfit to rule themselves, let alone their neighbors. The same is true for the lotus eaters, those whose ambition was with destroyed marijuana, alcohol, video games, etc. I don’t think anyone on this forum is seriously calling for these people to be shot. What I hope they are calling for is to let them fall to their natural station in society.

    As to your earlier statement that you didn’t want to become a serf, ask yourself, are you a serf now? Do you truly own your own home, or like many Whites, do you rent or pay a mortgage? Think about it. Your leaders are Jewish or directly controlled by them. Your children are influenced by Jewish-authored textbooks and media. Your vote counts for nothing. The nation is not governed in your people’s interest. The national wealth you inherited from your forefathers is being squandered in overseas wars for Israel. Your ancestors are defamed. You carry a blood libel.

    How could you be more of a slave in a white aristocracy?

  24. I would ask the Jeffersonian folkists posting on this topic to consider who Jefferson was. He, and the other founding fathers, were either aristocrats or aspiring aristocrats. They were the “best” (in Greek “aristoi”) of the people in the colonies at the time, and through their wisdom, lead the whole of the people to victory.

    Now consider this, the population of the colonies was roughly 2 million people during the revolution. Today we have roughly 180 million Whites in America. The pool of high IQ Whites is greater than it’s ever been. While intelligence doesn’t equal wisdom, a quick mind applied over a lifetime does much to make one wise. The problem we have today is that these Whites are not heard or are not educated for leadership. They are not heard because they’ve been excluded from politics via Jewish tribal nepotism and repulsed by the utter inanity of current intellectual dogma. They’ve been educated incorrectly because they have little or no familiarity with the cannon of Western Civilization.

    There are thousands of Jeffersons in our midst. They just need to be put in the proper place, with the proper knowledge, and with the proper social function to enact our liberation.

    …but I have the feeling our current iteration of founding fathers is instead busy writing menial code and pleading cases for our indigent classes.

  25. National Socialism and Nietzschean Ubermenchery are sufficiently discordant with the historic American experience – certainly as inculcated presently – to find resonance with contemporary White Americans and past American populist movement which are and have been ‘Kwanish.

  26. JTaverner, you’re not saying anything I would disagree with. The universal franchise is overrated. But limiting who can vote isn’t what NN is proposing. He’s proposing slavery. When he says that he intends to be the master and that I am to be a slave (and yes, the crackpot posted a little list of slaves with me on it) I take him at his word.

    Naturally I’ve mixed in some humor with my criticism since his posturing is more than a little ridiculous, but that sort of thinking does turn up in WN circles from time to time and it needs to be stamped out.

    It shows a misunderstanding of what white men are. We make lousy slaves, and as I’ve said more than once we’re not in the position of disarmed serfs. Even the jews have more sense than NN. They understand that whites are too dangerous to keep as slaves, that’s why they’re working on replacing us with non-whites and promoting miscegenation.

  27. If a totalitarian were not in effect, White gangsters would fill the niche once occupied by non-White gangs. We’ve been there before with Prohibition.

    A bunch of them were Jewish gangsters no?

  28. Exactly so! That is why I am in favour of the use of ale as the staple drink of the nation, in place of tea and coffee.

    But the question is, will I be shot for preferring tea to ale.

    Ale has been praised by our best poets for its sterling and life-enhancing qualities.

    Maybe, but I imagine most of the best poems in our language were writ by pots of hot tea.

    Strong men do not “choose” anything. They have no choice. They are driven to their actions by an iron necessity.

    Ok. I feel you, really. But I still don’t think people should be shot or jailed for using cannabis. It’s an absurd Reich that feels “lotus eaters and layabouts” are worth such stringent measures. Stamp out hippie subculture, but the outlawing of plants is unworthy of a great republic.

    Most people can’t handle their whisky, never mind marijuana, cocaine, and heroine.

    Which is to assert that marijuana is worse than whisky, and only just better than cocaine.

    Ideally, the use of narcotics would require a license, the standards for which would be so high as to exclude 99 percent of the population.

    Ah. So the Inevitably Coming Rennerian Pig Riddle Saturday Reich will involve still more waiting and applying and licensing. Do shoot me forthwith when it comes to pass. I’ll make you all a nice resumé of my sins against White Nationalist Orthodoxy.


    So, who here is going to sign up to fight to install a totalitarian state managed by obsessive compulsive control freaks? Oh yeah, they’re WHITE control freaks!

    Now puff out your chest, and sigh manfully about subordinating yourself to the control freaks.

  29. Do shoot me forthwith when it comes to pass.

    I’m not gonna say I hate to agree with ‘uh’ since I haven’t really pegged him yet, and although I certainly am slightly reluctant to do so, I find myself agreeing nonetheless.

    Most WN’s throw around references to Tolkein’s LOTR all the time but seem to conveniently forget that the Wiz was constantly smoking that Shire herb.

  30. [Can’t let this falsehood pass:]

    But limiting who can vote isn’t what NN is proposing. He’s proposing slavery. When he says that he intends to be the master and that I am to be a slave (and yes, the crackpot posted a little list of slaves with me on it) I take him at his word. (Oldright)

    (Post “Some Changes” – Comment #135:)

    So, our cast of characters under Hunter’s Big Tent now includes:
    1) Erich von Stroheim (myself, NN, in caricature)
    2) Antonius Cincinnatus
    3) Oldright the Oldwhite
    4) Lena the Cleana
    5) *

    Not a word about slavery, implied or otherwise – on a list including myself. Incompetence or mendacity? In any case: someone not to be relied upon for the truth.

  31. JTaverner: “My political ideal leans toward that of an enlightened aristocracy.
    Voting would be limited to male, gentile, founding stock landholders of at least 35 years of age”

    I’m not saying you are wrong, but I think today’s politicians are mostly non-Jewish men who own their houses and are older than 35. Even so, they have not been able to prevent the immigration disaster. At the same time, I guess most white men under 35 who still do not own their house wish the immigration policy was reversed.

    When we have a revolution against today’s destructive policies, it will be purely based on ideology, uniting every one who is pro-white, whether they are rich or poor, young or old. The priority will be to neutralize the anti-whites. It won’t be done according to the rules of democracy. The pro-white ideology will surely remain dominant for a long time, and we will have plenty of time to think of a good system to ensure our prolonged existence.

    For the moment, we need a way to take power, not to keep it. The anti-whites are the ones who need to do some thinking about how to rig the system and ensure that the white majority remains powerless until it becomes a small minority.

  32. When we have a revolution against today’s destructive policies, it will be purely based on ideology, uniting every one who is pro-white, whether they are rich or poor, young or old.

    I’m not sure that something that encompasses so many vastly different ideologies (pro-white) can be considered an ideology.

  33. @Danielj
    I chose the wrong word. I will rephrase: When we have a revolution against today’s destructive policies, it will be purely based on an absence of ideology. I think it makes more sense that way !

    For white people, being “pro-white”, caring for one’s own people, is not an ideology but a natural position. (On the other hand, today’s anti-white activism sounds to me like an ideology.) We don’t need a particular ideology, we need to listen to our instinct. What we should expect from white people is a natural reaction against their displacement. I hope at some point, in the face of danger, a natural alliance will emerge among white people, and a few rebellions will occur, that will lead to a kind of revolution. I expect there will be some community of spirit among us, old and young, rich and poor, and I hope the revolutionary spirit will make it easy to take the necessary measures.
    It is only in the second stage that we will divide along different ideologies and different theories of governement.

  34. it will be purely based on an absence of ideology.

    Sounds wild. I can see it going from revolution and absence of ideology to the strictest ideology imaginable and its ruthless enforcement by the control freaks. In short, Animal Farm.

    See the pigs sloshing angrily in their sties
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    You won’t know whence the bullet flies
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    Guru Renner, Big Von, the Captain — all those guys
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    ‘ll have ya by the balls, ‘ll punish who defies
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    Know the answer? the correct line? You get one try
    In the Pig Riddle Reich
    In the Pig Riddle Reich

  35. Uh,

    “But the question is, will I be shot for preferring tea to ale.”

    Of course not. First of all, tea and coffee are minor poisons compared with marijuana and cocaine. Second, I have never advocated capital punishment for drug users – they require psychiatric assistance – I only favour capital punishment for the dealers of drugs.

    “Maybe, but I imagine most of the best poems in our language were writ by pots of hot tea.”

    No, tea is a relatively recent import. It was banned by the Tudors (who had always represented the healthiest instincts of our people, in doctrine as in diet). Our best poets, leaders, and men of letters consumed ale.

    “Which is to assert that marijuana is worse than whisky, and only just better than cocaine.”

    Correct. Marijuana is worse than alcohol, although spirits such as whisky are always associated with ages of decadence. Healthy nations, from Greece and Egypt to Tudor England, consumed light wines and ales.

  36. Second, I have never advocated capital punishment for drug users – they require psychiatric assistance –

    How creepy and unimaginative.

    Marijuana is worse than alcohol,

    There you have it.

  37. So, who here is going to sign up to fight to install a totalitarian state managed by obsessive compulsive control freaks? Oh yeah, they’re WHITE control freaks!

    White anything is better than what we have now.

    I would like to see the time and energy here being directed into finding fault with each other instead directed into finding faults in our enemies.

  38. NN:
    So, our cast of characters under Hunter’s Big Tent now includes:
    1) Erich von Stroheim (myself, NN, in caricature)
    2) Antonius Cincinnatus
    3) Oldright the Oldwhite
    4) Lena the Cleana
    5) *

    Not a word about slavery, implied or otherwise – on a list including myself.

    For some reason I didn’t interpret that as an endorsement of my upper caste status. However if you’d like to set the record straight and admit that I am your master and submit an application to be one of my groveling minions I’d be glad to put you on the waiting list, but be warned, when adding to my entourage I’m inclined to favor fertile vixens over embittered cranks.

  39. Mr. Wallace,
    I appreciate your blog. In regard to “Who Should Rule”, I think that you should consider the most practical method, rather than the theoretically best method. The most practical organization of the government would simply be to re-create that of the US from an earlier time, perhaps the year 1900, for example (with a few changes, such as re-establishing the nation’s first immigration law, for White Christians of good character). Why?
    1) Your governmental system will have roots, and White Americans will be able to identify it, and be more likely to want to support it.
    2) A nation organized this way comes with a long and proud history, and will have the loyalty of White Americans.
    3) We know that the system works, as it has been tried and proven (rather than an untested system based on theory).

    If you insist on attempting to form a new and untested form of government, you are guaranteed to turn off most of the people that have their own ideas. Therefore, choosing something that almost all White Americans can agree with (something from our great past) is probably the best course, even if it is not theoretically the optimum system of government.

  40. I would like to see the time and energy here being directed into finding fault with each other instead directed into finding faults in our enemies.

    You and every other featherless biped lighter than a paper bag. God knows our enemy could use being put on the defensive every now and again. But what we are seeing is par for the course for this “movement”: Partisanship and confusion. I expect that our enemies are whooping with laughter at how ineffectual we are with our circular firing squads. Here we are faced with the ultimate destruction of our people and still we cannot find common ground. It is too absurd.

  41. For some reason I didn’t interpret that as an endorsement of my upper caste status.

    Someone took it, rather, as a license to cretinously misrepresent another participant (with whom that someone has issues) to others who would not trouble to check the facts. I went back to check because I knew that I had neither written, implied, nor intended as was alleged:

    But limiting who can vote isn’t what NN is proposing. He’s proposing slavery. When he says that he intends to be the master and that I am to be a slave (and yes, the crackpot posted a little list of slaves with me on it) I take him at his word.

    My “word”:

    So, our cast of characters under Hunter’s Big Tent now includes:
    1) Erich von Stroheim (myself, NN, in caricature)
    2) Antonius Cincinnatus
    3) Oldright the Oldwhite
    4) Lena the Cleana
    5) *

    Perhaps someone’s own words shed some light on the difficulty that someone is having with the truth in this instance:

    NN ~ You want my response? Here it is: Fuck you. I’m not going to let you control the discussion here. You’re a pseudo-intellectual poseur, and possibly some sort of crypto-Jew, and I’ve called you on it. Now fuck off.

  42. Here we are faced with the ultimate destruction of our people and still we cannot find common ground. It is too absurd (Mark IJsseldijk)

    But well-precedented in history, due to class, tribal, and other differences *within* “racial” groups.

    We are witnessing an exemplary and unfortunately necessary class division here, since contamination with Volkisch stupidities cannot be permitted to fuck up yet another effort on our behalf (should it miraculously gain any traction). Better that we get some fundamentals straight, in the beginning, or drop the whole project as a fatuity.

  43. There will be no common ground until divisions are made. Take the turdlet. When OldRight mentioned the AK-47 turdlet started running around like chicken little going on about how him and the other superhumans need the military. What was it, “pay the soldiers and forget about the citizens” or some such, forgetting all historical perspective of time and place and results. However if they want merceneries the jews have deeper pockets and if they want to entice them with promises of plunder and rapine well the jews can beat them there too. The only way to attract military personal is through a call to the return of White values which include loyalty to home and hearth, duty and solidarity to racial kin.

    SO we see the fatuity making things up as he goes along and when the threat of white men with guns rears its head, the fatuity jumps to the next voodoo drum beat.

    Prozium mentioned a web-site for the young for them to discuss politics with anarchists et al. Well I must say most youth are not interested in such things. But the elite! The elite god-damn it! Having abstract concepts but no real world experience brings jack-shit to the table I’m afraid. Nothing teaches like experience.

    A better thought would be, as someone said, a distribution system for products made by young people. A web forum where young people can shoot the shit and also post their art, literature and music, the cream of which can be turned into product. The problem remains distribution, and the money to produce the product (recording studios, printing presses). It can’t be all White Power crap or even a large percentage, but real substantive creations by White kids for White kids.

    So money again becomes an issue (at the start as done well it could soon pay for itself).

    Or you could just set up a forum for intellectual masturbation.

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