The Dating Scene

It should be more accurately called the “hook up” scene. I spent the better part of yesterday evening/last night witnessing the demoralizing superficiality and gullibility of young women. Normally this doesn’t bother me, I’ve become acclimated to it, but this one incident in particular left me despairing for the future of the fairer sex. I found my more mature, adult instincts uneasily revolting against my sexual appetites. I remain unsettled by the experience.

Young women these days have been stripped of all culture, taste, and refinement. The last traces of respectability are quickly vanishing. It is harder and harder to find a mate who is intelligent, somewhat interesting, and isn’t a whore. Increasingly, I find myself entertaining the dark thought that women are only good for one thing, which is sex. Most of my friends have already arrived at this conclusion.

Hence, this post. Young women are suckers for cads. They deliberately seek out exactly the guys who are most likely to use them, treat them like shit, and dispose of them. They all entertain the same fantasy of being able to control males of this sort; often times in full knowledge of what they are getting into. The unfortunate issue of these “hook up” relationships grow up in broken, low investment, single parent households. I’ve lost count of how many times I have seen this happen.

As these women grow older, most of them divorced with small children in tow, they morph into gold diggers. They are unable to hold their marriages together because their expressivist, “me first” attitudes rebels against any form of restraint. So they end up pinning their hopes on landing a rich guy with an established household; the sort of men they would have overlooked ten years earlier.

Really, it is sad. Any of this sound familar?

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Women are attracted to cads because being exploited and mistreated enhances the subjective feeling of smallness, the feeling of being held in bondage to another, of being “captured”, which women find sexually arousing. Is it not normal, natural, and healthy for women to prefer strong, militant, and authoritarian men to effeminate weaklings?

    We don’t need to change women; we need to cultivate desirable qualities in the type of men that they naturally find attractive. We need to civilise the savages for whom their heart yearns.

  2. You need to find yourself a nice Christian girl.

    Where do you find a nice Christian girl? In church, of course.

    Don’t believe? Fake it until you make it.

    Pick a church that’s not too fundamentalist so you can tolerate living by its rules long term.

  3. Yosemite said “We don’t need to change women; we need to cultivate desirable qualities in the type of men that they naturally find attractive. We need to civilise the savages for whom their heart yearns.”

    This is a huge problem for our side.

    HW, throughout your post, you said “women” which I take to mean white women. Two generations of men have grown up as, well, feminizedwesternmales, and with so few men of character, females have degenerated as well. So far from the mark, the preponderance of the white folks in America are circus freaks in training, motivated by slovenly appetites and Mammon. I cite as exhibit A: .

    Obviously, it is more complicated than this, but it is rather repulsive to see so many whites without a shred of “class.” It is hard to imagine them embracing a cause greater than themselves.

  4. I would like to add that the typical modern White American male is a shameful sight to behold. Why would a woman be loyal if that loyalty won’t be returned? Why would a woman develop a habit of economic and emotional dependence when there are so few dependable men?

    I’m not trying to turn it around and say that degenerate men are the root cause. I think it’s a vicious cycle and that both genders are abdicating from their natural gender roles and sinking into the swamp of modernity in their own characteristic manner.

    I highly recommend the ArtOfManliness blog. It’s a great introduction to manliness for a generation of men that all too frequently have to rediscover the art.

    Oh, and OldRight is correct. There are exceptions, exceptions I’ve met, but most women who honor tradition and/or embrace their natural roles as wives, mothers, and muses can be found at church.

  5. “…but this one incident in particular left me despairing for the future of the fairer sex.”

    What incident was that?

    You are all starting to sound like that pile of compost Dr. Thomas J. Fleming.

    The fairer sex is simply showing us it’s true colors.Hidden from view for generations because of social conventions and mores.They haven’t changed one iota.Circumstances have.

    Nor is contemporary manhood at fault.It has been demotivated by a series of social changes brought forward in large measure by men from bygone eras.Men supposedly more masculine.Modern man is disillusioned and cynical.And he is perfectly correct to be so.

  6. Interesting observations Mr. Wallace,

    Wow, so much you could say. I’ll just say this. I once met a man, who changed my world, because he proved to me, that there are men of honour. To me honour, is the most attrractive aspect of man. Without honour, the rest is totally meaningless and plastic. With honour, he can be poor and ugly; I don’t care, he is worth every minute of time, I spend in his company.
    I had given up hope, that honour existed. For me, honour is simple honesty. If he is grumpy, or irritated, or needs space, or whatever, say so. As do I. No mind games, straight talk. No fake promises, no BS stories. He was a former Marine; and he gave me hope, not cause he told me what i wanted to hear, but because he refused to lie to me. But I also know that very, very few women consider ‘honour’ their top priority.
    Even women I consider my friends, have other priorities in their choices for what they find attractive in a man.
    Very, very few are remotely aware of the conscious gender roles shaping that has occurred, to weaken families; cause weaker families, make for weaker goverments. Of those very few they may know about Bernays, and Tavistock and Changing Images of Mankind, etc. etc.; but when it comes to applying how such social science engineering has affected their own decsiion making in whom they choose to consider quality male companionship, their 2 + 2 almost never equals 4.
    So, I appreciate you for speaking your mind. I hope you don’t give up hope that all women, are as you describe above.
    Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts though. Its an important and interesting conversation, I think.

  7. Are you still married, Fade? As horrible as this may sound, I don’t like today’s White western women for a panoply or reasons. They’re shallow, materialistic, opportunistic, egotistical, vindictive, demanding, neurotic, and frankly plain dumb harridans. I can hardly have a discussion with them about anything else than superficial banalities. Have you ever glanced at their magazines? One would think that your typical woman today is a sex fiend completely obsessed with the ever-elusive orgasm. You’re right, White women today are nothing but disgusting whores. I’d say they’re even more promiscuous than men. Who wants to be with a woman who’s been through a long list of guys? They totally lack self-respect. Most great men in history held women in very low esteem. If it weren’t for the politically correct lynch mobs in the media and academia, one would still hear such fair appraisals today. Nothing has changed, only their stupid whining has exponentially increased in shrillness and volume. I’m actually contemplating remaining single for the rest of my life. I just don’t like being around White western women; and non-Whites are of course out of the question for me.

    Here’s a good little post:

    The Feminist’s Guide To Debate Tactic

  8. “Stop being such a pathetic beta, and stop putting the pussy on a pedestal.”

    That’s right. I used to be all ’bout the bitchez and blunts, bitchez and blunts. I gave it up for the weed and money, weed and money. Deep shit. The ego ideal must not be kept at the level of the sublibidinal. E-mail me and I’ll invest your cash for you. Don’t worry, I know all things.

    Damn, those are some big shoes to fill. Where are you uh?

  9. White women today are nothing but disgusting whores.


    I’m actually contemplating remaining single for the rest of my life.


  10. My wife and daughters have none of the unpleasant characteristics you fellows have described. OldRight may be on to something. Where the devil are you guys looking?

    Perhaps you are setting your standards too high. Absolute sexual power corrupts as well as any other. Try looking for the girl next door. I found one, so can you. 🙂

  11. Prozium has in the recent past described himself as highly introverted. That’s not a good thing, as far as da bitches are concerned.

  12. Lots of men who can’t get laid in their twenties become problem drinkers (or drug users). If you take these habits up a notch, you’ll soon be able to honestly attend AA meetings. If I were single, that’s were I would go to try to find a decent partner. Particularly in a big city or college town, you’ll find lots of interesting young and middle aged women at AA meetings. And if they are actually trying to stay sober, you’ll find that they are forced to be fairly serious about life and non-superficial much more than the degenerates that are still drinking. As with church, fake it till you make it (but you really do have to try to quit).

  13. That’s hilarious. An AA meeting is about the last place where I’d go to find somebody. I’d need a lush with baggage about as much as another hole in the head.

  14. Going to AA just to meet women. That’s how absurd this has gotten. You’re not wrong, btw, but why bother? I wouldn’t trust some ex-drunk broad to be motherly material.

    Seriously, I’ve been around quite a bit and good women are damned hard to find. I second Friedrich Braun’s general opinion, it matches my experience with college age White women almost exactly. The paucity of intellect, the crass promiscuity, the unladylike conduct. But I add the qualifier that quality, virtuous women do exist. They’re just rare.

  15. I must be the only uber-putzfrau that reads this – LOL – it’s still the battle of the sexes. You find that special person when you’re not looking for him/her. If your witty/funny, can cook, don’t worry, and if you have a picture of a boat, post it. (Boating people make instant friends.) Also stop dissing the girls – our food/rent/car costs are equal to yours, plus we have the overhead of primping & polishing as the magazines show the males/females what is currently expected. Now-a-days us girls have to man-up because you men can’t be relied upon and always need your ego supported. BTW, it was you alpha/beta males sleeping at the switch (or with the girl), that let our politcs/finance/country become compromised!

  16. Celibacy isn’t an option. Neither is living a monastic life of secluded virtue. Men don’t have any choice but to adapt to the reality of the sexual marketplace. In that sense, I agree with Roissy and his followers. That said, it is still a sorry state of affairs.

  17. Sorry to contradict anyone but I can shed some personal experience on the conversation. In my CAD days, I found more church women, and usually married one’s at that, to fornicate with, than anywhere else. Once you peel off what is for most, a superficial church indoctrination, you find most of them are as big a whores as the rest of society. At least. Preachers daughters are usually the easiest of the lot, once you work your way in.
    They like that forbidden fruit. If you don’t know, maybe you just haven’t been looking in the right spots.

  18. I’m not saying men are any better. Actually, this thread was more of a commentary on “cads” than anything else. My best friend is the quintessential example of one. Girls literally throw themselves at his feet. It’s pathetic.

    They are always buzzing my cell phone. It is easy to get laid because there are plenty of them around. None of these whores are good for anything else though.

  19. I think celibacy is a perfectly good and realistic option. It will save you a lot of grief, money, and time in the long run. And frankly, I love the idea of doing what I like when I like it and there’s nobody to fucking nag. I thought you were married with kids, Fade, I guess that it didn’t work out; hence, I don’t know why you’re encouraging us all that take this same path. I know I guy whose wife divorced him, took the kid with her hundreds of miles away and is bleeding him dry. In his late thirties he had to move back him. He has no money at the end of the month. This will go on for the next two decades. His life if ruined. Why put yourself through such Hell?

  20. “Really, it is sad. Any of this sound familar?”

    LOL, all too familiar, my friend. Perhaps you can provide us with a sanitized version of what you witnessed.

    As a crusty thirty something veteran of the modern dating game you’re observations hit close to home. I’m at a point in my life where I have little respect for women and have also concluded they’re only fit for one thing and one thing only. This is because I’ve seen so many women willingly choose to be with men possessing of serious character defects or solely due to his income level or status. Don’t forget the Scott Peterson received hundreds of love letters from adoring females even though he was convicted of murdering his wife. If George Sodini survived his murder spree he would doubtless be getting love letters from witless women as well. Hell, Ted Bundy was still getting marriage proposals while on death row!

    I have my differences with Fred Reed but his observations of American women are spot on. He says most of them behave like male high school jocks and are equally libidinous and promiscuous. I’ve had several girlfriends tell me how their friends speak about their boyfriends and husbands and it isn’t flattering. Some of these poor husbands actually think details of their relationships is private. Little do they know.

    I guess I understand why women were repressed for much of Western Civilization. Perhaps the men of the past were more attuned to the nature of women and took measures to minimize their corrupting influences on cultural norms and institutions.

    Men should try finding the writings of Angela Fiori on the net. She lambasts women for their shallow and callous attitudes and places most of the blame for failed relationships squarely on women and their ridiculous expectations of men. She used to write for Lew Rockwell but I haven’t seen her writings in some time.

    Just my opinions and I could be wrong on some points. So nobody lecture me on being bitter or not practicing game. The fact that one must practice “game” to achieve a modicum of success with females is proof of how far we’ve sunk as a people and civilization. Given the mating preferences of most women, I doubt a higher type of man can come into existence.

  21. The thing is, I speak from experience. It’s not theoretical. Generally, White western women are just not the type I want to be around 24/7.

  22. In the forum, I started a post about the “ranking system” we use to evaluate women:

    A few days ago, I was hanging out with some friends and the discussion turned to the qualities that men look for in women. We came up with a short list (in no specific order) and ranked every girl that we knew. The higher the score; the higher the relationship/marriage potential. Unfortunately, we could only think of 3 or 4 who scored at least 5/9. We only knew of one girl who had all of these qualities.

    1.) Attractiveness
    2.) Good in Bed
    3.) Smart/Intelligent
    4.) Interesting
    5.) Respectable
    6.) Good Attitude/Personality
    7.) Has Money/Good Job
    8.) Same Geographic Area
    9.) Likes To Have Fun

    What qualities do you look for in a mate? Is there another quality that we have overlooked?

    1-3 = one night stand
    4-6 = girlfriend potential
    7-9 = marriage potential

  23. Francis,

    No, I haven’t given up hope on women in general. I know there are plenty of decent ones out there. The problem is this: they are incredibly hard to find, especially in my area, which is the Bible Belt of all places!

  24. BTW, it was you alpha/beta males sleeping at the switch (or with the girl), that let our politcs/finance/country become compromised!

    Yep. All our fault. Me, Captain, Mark, HW, Braun, the whole sausage gang. We’re to blame. We did it to you.

  25. The thing is, I speak from experience. It’s not theoretical. Generally, White western women are just not the type I want to be around 24/7.

    And this is why:-

    Also stop dissing the girls – our food/rent/car costs are equal to yours, plus we have the overhead of primping & polishing as the magazines show the males/females what is currently expected. Now-a-days us girls have to man-up because you men can’t be relied upon and always need your ego supported. BTW, it was you alpha/beta males sleeping at the switch (or with the girl), that let our politcs/finance/country become compromised!

    Reliably harpy-esque. This kind of sauce is unbecoming of any lady worthy of the name.

  26. Why, Fade? Do you really want to marry again? I assume you have joint custody and paying child support (at least). Why do you want to put yourself through this again, Fade? Are you masochistic?

  27. What we need to do is start a pro-white religious community, similar in structure to the polygamous communities or the People’s Temple of Jim Jones, but with a pro-white agenda. From this community quality women can be drawn, and we will have exclusive access to them as potential mates. Of course, we wouldn’t practice such immoralities as polygamy (monogamy is the best form of marriage because it allows for character development and a close mother-child relationship), but you get my idea.

  28. Quite a number of posts on this issue.

    I’m 47. I’ve had my share of women, back in the 80’s…before I married. I have 3 daughters, and watch despairingly, and at times with murderous intent, as I watch my 3 girls descend into the ‘culture’ the Jews and our enemies have prepared for us. Wallace is correct, and most of us here already know it….our women have been made our worst enemies – the proper attitude is, I believe, that they need to be saved from themselves.

    It is a hero’s attitude, and the only one which will keep us from despair. The entire goal of any push to eliminate our people necessarily involves the destruction of the ability to form lasting family unions…..the broken hearts of white children everywhere, seeing their families destroyed, should be enough to inspire thousands of White fighters to our cause.

    We must win this war.

  29. Here’s the gist of what happened: while the Cap’n was accusing me of being “uh” on Occidental Dissent and Majority Rights, I was offline throwing a party with some friends. We spent all of yesterday afternoon, evening, and last night drinking, watching college football, playing cards, socializing etc.

    A few younger girls came over. They got uproariously drunk. My best friend ended up having sex with one of them. I busied myself with another. Later, I ended up taking both of them home. They have been blowing up my cell phone all weekend.

    Today, I felt guilty about the one my friend got with, as I know tomorrow she will be yesterday’s news … like the one he was with last week, and the week before that, and the week before that. She’s neither smart, interesting, or respectable, but she is still a nice girl and I like her as a friend.

    I ended up feeling really sorry for her. She swallowed the bait – his bullshit/game – like a 15 lbs bass. That’s what led to these philosophical ruminations on the deplorable state of the sexual marketplace.

  30. Mormons have good family values. Unfortunately, they also have ridiculous beliefs. However, I must say that a Mormon girl would tempt me, if I weren’t an atheist who can’t stand religious rhetoric or a minute in a religious setting. I know it wouldn’t last. I can’t fake respect to a laughable cult.

  31. Being a cad is justifiable in today’s sexual climate. It is either that or constantly being shat upon. Well, the third choice is FB’s celibacy which is a taste some do not share. When the woman comes along who demonstrates virtue that is the day I will be a faithful gentleman with regards to women. Until then, I will remain a cheerful and unrepentant cad.

  32. Hunter, I’m not sure of your age…but your ranking system is reflective of…..well, not much at all in value of women. Attractiveness, yes, of course…first quality. Good in bed? Isn’t that the problem? Try a girl who’s not so “experienced”, and lead rather that be led. “Intelligence”? Overrated in women. Let’s put loyalty, or faithfulness in that spot. “Has money or a good job”…Jesus Christ fellas, think about being the breadwinner in your spot for a minute. Its not a partnership, marriage, YOU lead, OK? Your woman makes the money, she calls the shots – or thinks she should. Lots of niggers put this as number one or two, getting a woman who makes money (especially a white woman). Get this off of your list and man up.

    Wake up, you younger guys. The relationships between men and women are still, at their most basic level – the same as they have been for thousands of years. Stand up, and don’t be afraid to be an “ass”. Deep down, women are still looking for that same type of “man” that they have sought for millenia…..

  33. There is a lot of truth in friedrich’s remarks: young women are increasingly slutty, shallow, materialistic, egotistical, etc. There is always some dealbreaker. The smart, intelligent ones with money and careers tend to these “empowered woman” types.

  34. Why do you feel sorry for them? They had sex with guys they just met. Why feel sorry? If they act like drunken whores, they shouldn’t be surprised when they get treated as such.

  35. Mark, all women were sooner or later take your money and kids. Why put yourself through all that?

    This is a very real concern, don’t doubt I’ve considered these very things. Marriage is, I’m afraid, legally inadvisable to say the least. To say nothing of the hassle and the time and the…..

    “It’s madness. There is no consideration of the fact that we have no
    kids together, of who made the money in our marriage, or that I paid
    for a very expensive education for her son.”

    An all-too-common story. Who would want it when this is, statistically speaking, a very likely result?

  36. I’m interested to hear about differences between American and European women from personal experiences.

    A common problem I find, is that women have a better personality in their late 20s to 30s, but by that time they either have children already (no cuckoldry, thanks) or too much emotional baggage and have had too many sexual partners.

    I tend to like shy girls. I’m attracted to their vulnerability and there’s less of a chance they’ve been total sluts.

  37. C’mon chaps, it isn’t that difficult. If you desire female companionship without the hassles of marriage, there are plenty of opportunities (legal and illegal). But if you have your fragile heart set on marriage, there are alternatives: (1) Search out a woman in a conservative faith environment, such as a Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, or Byzantine Catholic church; (2) find a foreign woman from, say, Europe or South America; or (3) emigrate.

  38. Admiral….you’re more or less on track here…there’s lots wrong here fellas, know who your enemy is, and take measures to make him pay.
    The Jew and his White collaborators…

    For sexual relief, use prostitutes. Yeah! You heard me right. Dress for the occasion though (wink). Female companionship is overrated, find a good, solid male friend – and go out and have some adventures.

    For those of you who want children….consider a surrogate mother. They are out there, believe it or not.

    Guys..most of all, do not despair. Find a solution.

  39. “I ended up feeling really sorry for her. She swallowed the bait – his bullshit/game – like a 15 lbs bass. That’s what led to these philosophical ruminations on the deplorable state of the sexual marketplace.”

    And yet, you’re still friends with this guy, and you condone “game” yet resent the outcomes. Sounds contradictory to me.

    Don’t forget, part of the reason women are slutty is because of men like your friend… social predators, sociopaths.

    Does your friend’s adventures include non-white women as well? I hope you don’t keep that kind of company.

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