Powerless Jews

Guy White is doing a series on Jewish power. In light of his well known tendency to censor his critics, I will be running a series of parallel threads here at Occidental Dissent. I’m not going to let him pollute the blogosphere with philo-Semitic disinformation. I will be checking his facts, criticizing his reasoning, reviewing his conclusions. The commentariat is encouraged to join the fun.

There will be little in the way of censorship in these threads. I have always preferred the give and take of open debate. I will only censor out abusive and/or moronic comments. Although I doubt they will show up, G.W. and his choir of philo-Semites are invited to participate. They will be given the chance to confront their critics in an open forum.

Jewish sources can be cited on Occidental Dissent. These often include the best, most penetrating insights into the nature of Jewish power in the United States. Jewish authors cannot easily be accused of “anti-Semitism” either. Feel free to comment on all aspects of Jewish power in every thread. G.W. isn’t allowing this at this blog, but I see no reason to censor such comments here. They may potentially lead to new veins of fruitful inquiry.

The Facts: Jews

In 2009 …

1.) Jews are 1.7% to 2.2.% of the U.S. population.

2.) Jews are 15% of U.S. Senators. (Bernie Sanders, Al Franken, Michael Bennet, Ted Kaufman, Ben Cardin, Charles Schumer, Ron Wyden, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Joe Lieberman, Herb Kohl, Frank Lautenberg, Arlen Specter, and Carl Levin.)

Ted Kaufman identifies as Roman Catholic, but has a Jewish father, so we will include him. 13 of 15 Jewish U.S. Senators are Democrats. Bernie Sanders is an Independent Socialist. Joe Lieberman is an Independent Democrat. It is reasonable to say that the Jewish Caucus pulls the U.S. Senate significantly to the Left.

3.) Jews are 7.58% of the House of Representatives (33 of 435 members). (Henry Waxman, Barney Frank, Gary Ackerman, Howard Berman, Sander Levin, Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Illeana Ros-Lehtinen, Bob Filner, Jane Harman, Jared Nadler, Steve Rothman, Robert Wexler, Shelley Berkley, Jan Schakowsky, Brad Sherman, Anthony Weiner, Eric Cantor, Susan Davis, Steve Israel, Adam Schiff, Allyson Schwartz, Debbie Wassermen Schultz, Steve Cohen, Gabrielle Giffords, Paul Hodes, Steve Kagen, Ron Klein, John Yarmuth, Ed Perlmutter, John Adler, Alan Grayson, and Jared Polis.)

31/33 Jewish representatives are Democrats; 2 are Republicans. As with the Senate, Jews are overrepresented and their inclusion gives the House a leftward tilt.

4.) Jews are 8.97% of Congress (48 of 535 members). This is up from 6.9% in the 109th Congress (2005/2006).

5.) Jews are 6% of Governors. (Ed Rendell D-PA, Jack Markell D-DE, Linda Lingle R-HI).

6.) Jews are 22% of the Supreme Court. (Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer). Jews pull the SCOTUS to the Left.

7.) Jews are 9% of the Obama Cabinet. Rahm Emanuel (Chief of Staff) and Dave Orszag (Office of Management and Budget). There are a number of other important Jews in the Obama administration. Of these, the two most important would be David Axelrod (Senior Advisor to the President) and Ron Klain (VP Chief of State)

8.) Jewish mayors: Michael Bloomberg (NYC), David Cicilline (Providence, RI), Jerry Abramson (Louisville), Oscar Goodman (Las Vegas), Beverly Hills (Jimmy Delshad).

The Facts: Episcopalians

In 2009 …

1.) Episcopalians are 1.7% of the U.S. population.

2.) Episcopalians are 7% of U.S. Senators. (Evan Bayh, Michael Bennet, Saxby Chambliss, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Blanche Lincoln, John McCain, Sheldon Whitehouse).

Michael Bennet is counted as a Jew on Wikipedia, but as an Episcopalian in this tally. 4 Episcopalian Senators are Democrats; 3 are Republicans. Unlike the Jews, Episcopalians are a mixed bag.

3.) Episcopalians are 6.8% of the House of Representatives. (Aderholt, Andrews, Biggert, Bonner, Boustany, Burgess, Cooper, Crenshaw, Farr, Frelinghuysen, Griffith, Hensarling, Kingston, McDermott, Mica, Miller, Norton, Peters, Platts, Putnam, Rehberg, Roskam, Scott, Sensenbrenner, Shadegg, Schrader, Slaughter, Van Hollen, Walden, Young)

18 Episcopalian representatives are Republicans; 12 are Democrats. Unlike the Jews, Episcopalians give the House a rightward tilt.

4.) Episcopalians are 6.9% of Congress (37 of 535 members). This is down from 7.9% in the 109th Congress.

5.) Episcopalians are 10% of Governors. (Mike Beebe D-Arkansas, Jodi Rell R-Connecticut, Beverly Purdue D-North Carolina, Mark Sanford R-South Carolina, Dave Freudenthal D-Wyoming)

6.) Episcopalians are 0% of the Supreme Court. David Souter (Episcopalian) was replaced by Sonia Sotomayor (Catholic).

7.) I can’t find any information on Episcopalians in the Obama Cabinet.

Response to Guy White

1.) Guy White used outdated data in his post. It was drawn from the 109th Congress, in the Bush years, not the 111th Congress, which is now in Washington. It took me a little more time, but I had no problem tracking down the relevant information.

2.) Guy White claimed that Jews were “limited to back-bencher roles in Congress.” This is false. In the U.S., a “backbencher” is a new member of Congress. In the 111th Congress, there are 3 new Jewish Senators; 3 new Jewish Representatives. The rest are incumbents, not backbenchers.

Several Jews are the chairmen of powerful committees: In the Senate, Carl Levin – Armed Services, Barbara Boxer – Environment/Public Works, Ethics; Joe Lieberman – Homeland Security, Chuck Schumer – Rules and Administration, Economic Committee; Dianne Feinstein – Intelligence, Library, Printing; Herb Kohl – Aging.

In the House, Bob Filner – Veterans’ Affairs, Henry Waxman – Energy and Commerce, Barney Frank – Financial Services, Howard Berman – Foreign Affairs.

3.) Guy White used data from the entire span of American history to inflate the influence of Episcopalians and Unitarians. For example, the Unitarians haven’t elected a president since William Howard Taft. Kent Conrad is the only Unitarian in the Senate. In contrast, there are 13 to 15 Jews, depending on whether you include Kaufman and Bennet.

4.) Guy White claimed that Jews appear to be “permanently excluded” from the leadership of both parties. Is this an accurate description of Eric Cantor – the Republican Whip in the House? Does it describe Joe Lieberman – Al Gore’s Vice Presidential candidate? Is it an accurate description of Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel – the Jewish tag team that led the Democratic Party to victory in 2006 and 2008?

5.) Jews haven’t been less successful than Episcopalians or White Protestants in U.S. politics. Review the statistics above. In the last five years, Jewish influence has risen; Episcopalian influence has declined. The decline of Anglo-Protestant influence has been even more dramatic. Now that Souter is gone, the aging John Paul Stevens is the only Protestant left on the Supreme Court.

6.) As I have shown, the Episcopalian Caucus in Congress isn’t “very liberal.” It actually leans to the Right. The Jewish Caucus leans overwhelmingly to the Left.

7.) I can’t find any information on Episcopalian voting patterns. It is irrational to draw inferences from unrepresentative samples. Pointing to a few wealthy Episcopalian liberals proves nothing. It is equally irrational to assume the laity holds the same political views of the Episcopalian clergy.

8.) On immigration, the Episcopalians are a mixed bag: pro-amnesty in the Senate, pro-restriction in the House. The Presbyterians are the strongest advocates of immigration restriction. Guy White’s comparison fails: the Jews are strongly pro-amnesty in the House and Senate.

9.) If I believed in conspiracies, I would point out that Barack Obama’s closest advisors – David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel – are Jews. Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff – Ron Klain – is Jewish. Instead of claiming Axelrod and Emanuel are Obama’s “handlers,” which I don’t believe, I will just say that powerful Jews have the ear of the President of the United States. In 2006 and 2008, Schumer and Emanuel were in charge of the Democratic Senate and House campaign committees.

10.) Guy White’s claim that successful politicians are all Ivy Leaguers, top lawyers, or wealthy businessmen is a stereotype. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Charles Rangel, Lamar Alexander and countless other national political figures aren’t Ivy Leaguers. When you get down to state reps, this becomes even more obvious.


Jews are overrepresented in our political system. In recent years, they have done better for themselves than other intelligent, highly educated groups like the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Unitarians. There are key players at all levels of government – in the Senate, Schumer, Feinstein and Levin; in the House, Frank, Berman and Waxman; in the White House, Axelrod, Emanuel and Klain; in the Supreme Court, Ginsberg and Breyer. Collectively, they exert massive influence and pull America in a leftward direction.

The direct Jewish impact upon public policy is only one aspect of Jewish power. Arguably, it is the least important. Jews influence our culture and political system in many other ways. In subsequent posts, we will address the many other aspects of Jewish power and dispel the myth of poor, powerless Jews that Guy White is attempting to create.

Update: In the comments, I have responded to G.W.’s SCOTUS thread.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Ted Kaufman identifies as Roman Catholic, but has a Jewish father, so we will include him. ”

    Only your mother’s side counts. Nice try though.

    Also Jews hate one another. You must not know this about Jews in power. They do not operate as a single contiguous organism hoping to consolidate power for a bigger means. Nor are they aligned along a single banner. They are a fairly heterogeneous group.

    Your argument could be made of masons, too. Why not go after them? Thus I spake the baked goods.

  2. From the Jerusalem Post, Oct 12, 2007
    Jewish power dominates [the World] at ‘Vanity Fair’


    “It’s a list of “the world’s most powerful people,” 100 of the bankers and media moguls, publishers and image makers who shape the lives of billions. It’s an exclusive, insular club, one whose influence stretches around the globe but is concentrated strategically in the highest corridors of power.

    “More than half its members, at least by one count, are Jewish.

    “It’s a list, in other words, that would have made earlier generations of Jews jump out of their skins, calling attention, as it does, to their disproportionate influence in finance and the media. Making matters worse, in the eyes of many, would no doubt be the identity of the group behind the list – not a pack of fringe anti-Semites but one of the most mainstream, glamorous publications on the newsstands. “

  3. I doubt the validity of the 2% figure quoted for the Jewish population in the United States. It’s been 2% for as long as I can remember and I think this may be just another ploy to present themselves as a “poor powerless minority,” readily sucked up by Guy White and his twin apologist Ian Jobling.
    I also wonder about the DNA markers of these two “goys.”

  4. As alluded to by Rusty, Jewish power and influence is no hidden ‘secret’, but a rather open one. Jews literally brag about their power, though usually among themselves, for the most part. Still, their works, written for their edification, are available to all, who wish to be informed. David Duke’s book JEWISH SUPRECEMACISM, that shows the extent and nature of organized Jewry, is documented primarily from, what else, Jewish sources. Ditto for the works of Kevin MacDonald. This vital information is, of course, withheld from the general population by the Jewish controlled and/or dominated media; thus the public remains brainwashed & clueless, and those who are informed are branded as “anti-Semites”.

  5. Hunter, you definitely got the better of this exchange. White’s dishonest use of historical data vastly inflates the influence of Anglo-Americans, whose eclipse in favor of other ethinic groups, including Jews, is the point of the whole argument.

    I call on White to recognize this fundamental error and deal with data on the modern United States in the liberal era. Say, 1960 to the present.

  6. VP Biden was qualified to vote in the first elections in Iraq by virtue of his descent from Iraqi Jews. I well remember his photo in the paper showing his purple-dyed finger as well as the Jewish identity document that entitled him, by birth, to vote in Iraqi elections.

    This is no small thing. Then-Senator Biden led the initiative to divide Iraq into three autonomous regions, an Israeli-centric plan, and he is now butting into the Af-Pak theater of war with specific proposals the outcome of which are unpredictable to us outsiders. Perhaps he is concerned more about control of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons than opium-producing poppies in Afghanistan. Or he may have the more geopolitical motive to have bases from which to pivot into Iran from the east (Af-Pak) as well as from the west (Iraq).

    VP Biden should be on the list somewhere. Hope I didn’t miss the reference to him if it is there.

  7. The following article from Haaretz in 2006 is tangentially related but quite interesting nonetheless: “Questions of survival”


    “Two groups of Jews gathered together last weekend at Wye Plantation, Maryland for a long discussion on the situation of the Jewish people. The first group, which met Wednesday and Thursday, consisted of the heads of 15 Jewish organizations such as the Presidents’ Conference, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Anti-Defamation League, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, the American Jewish Committee and others. In the second group were the “thinkers,” as the organizers termed them: Natan Sharansky from Israel, Charles Krauthammer from The Washington Post, former Canadian justice minister Irwin Cotler, former Jewish Agency head Sallai Meridor and many others.

    The Institute for Policy Planning of the Jewish People had organized this gathering. It had a somewhat ambitious aim – a strategic debate about the future of the Jewish people. In actuality, it focused on three issues: the challenge posed by Islam, the situation in Israel, and the weighty question of whether the Jewish people are on the rise or on the wane.”


    “Several of his conclusions provoked disagreement. For example: “Getting all Jews into the same shape and country, even if it is Israel, as recently advocated by an Israeli [writer, A.B. Yehoshua – S.R.] is not the best survival strategy.” Some of the Israeli participants did not like that idea. Granting official legitimacy to the Diaspora would be a mistake, Meridor said, according to some of those who participated. That would be the end of Zionism as we know it.

    The fear expressed that “a real decline of the West, particularly the United States, would have dramatic consequences for the Jewish people,” also led to controversy. Brandeis University president Jehuda Reinharz agreed that this type of decline can be expected “in the coming two decades” – but Stuart Eisenstadt was less emphatic about it. He believes the United States will remain the leading power. In all events, it was agreed the Jews “should strengthen cultural links with non-Western civilizations, particularly China and also India,” powers that are on the ascent. This is not a question of preference or closeness; it is a question of survival, of readiness for the future. How should this be done? That will have to be the topic of discussion in the next gatherings already being planned.”


  8. Guy White’s aim is to please Jews and Philosemites. And he gets feedback from them that thank and encourage him to keep doing so.

    See this comment for a good example:

    “I’ve only just discovered this blog but I like what I see. Since Steve Sailer’s comment section is overflowing with bitter anti-semites – with whom he seems to sympatise – I expect I’ll be coming here more often. I appreciate the strong and well-argued stand you take against the anti-semites.”

    Setting aside for the moment any possible affinities, relations, or blood ties he may share with Jews, and solely considering GW’s personal self-interest, it’s clear that the positions he takes on this matter allow him to take a prominent role in this niche – philosemitic WN/race realism, etc., – that he’s carved out for himself, by virtue of the support expected from Jews.

  9. Hunter,

    Good work getting to the truth on this. BUT, how about the percentage of staffers? Staffers write, edit, and influence all political decisions AND regulations, laws, and bailout recommendations, tax structure, etc.

    I think we will find the staff position perecentage to be extremely high for the Jews.

    Best Regards,
    Sherwood Smith

  10. You’re right. We need more information about the staffers. According to Yglesias, there aren’t many Jews in the Obama cabinet, but the Obama administration is swarming with Jewish staffers. This is such a huge can of worms that it warrants a separate post.

  11. G.W.: “In fact, many of the the Supreme Court’s race-related decisions came from 1969 to 1994 when there were no Jews on the Court.”

    By far, the most important Supreme Court decisions relating to race relations were handed down between 1938 (Gaines) and 1967 (Loving v. Virginia). See the American Racial History Timeline. In this period, the SCOTUS gutted Jim Crow and affirmed the power asserted by Congress to impose integration on the recalitrant Southern states.

    The most important decision regarding race relations ever handed down by the Supreme Court was Brown which singlehandedly broke the back of segregation. Felix Frankfurter played a decisive role in that case. He was responsible for the phrase “with all deliberate speed” in Brown II.

    Jews played an important role in launching the Brown case in the federal courts. Jewish lawyers shepherded Brown to the SCOTUS. Jewish organizations wrote amicus curiae briefs in support of the plaintiff. All of this is well known. It can be found in mainstream books about the Civil Rights Movement.

    From the ADL website:

    1.) The amicus brief filed on behalf of the ACLU, AJC, and ADL.
    2.) Esther Swirk Brown’s role in fomenting the Brown case.


    The SCOTUS began to retreat from its extreme stance on “civil rights” in the 1970’s. This is documented in Klarman’s From Jim Crow to Civil Rights and Klinker and Smith’s The Unsteady March.

  12. G.W. has a new post up about Jews on the Supreme Court. I dealt with the Supreme Court in this thread and will respond to his arguments here.

    1.) I didn’t mention the Jewish role in organizing and financing the NAACP above, in particular, the Legal Defense Fund which spearheaded so many important “civil rights” decisions.

    2.) The dearth of Protestants on the Supreme Court and the overrepresentation of Jews makes a mockery of G.W.’s claim that White Christians have been more successful than the Chosen. Protestant influence has been declining at all levels of the federal government. See the link above.

    3.) Catholics are more overrepresented than Jews on the SCOTUS, but also constitute its entire right wing: Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy. The two Jews on the Supreme Court lean exclusively to the left.

    4.) G.W. creates and demolishes a straw man: “overrepresentation means domination.” That’s not the most powerful anti-Semitic argument which is simply that Jewish inclusion is always a “minus” for the pro-White side. If Jews were excluded from the SCOTUS and Congress, the federal government would lean far less to the extreme left than it currently does; for one, the Catholic majority might successfully abolish affirmative action.

    5.) As discussed above, the SCOTUS’s most important years regarding race relations were 1938 to 1967. The Supreme Court moderated its stance on “civil rights” in a series of decisions from the 1970’s to the 1990’s.

    6.) Once again, Guy White uses data from all of American history to mask contemporary Jewish influence, which is all we are concerned with. No one claims the Jews ruled America in the times of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

    7.) The analogy to Episcopalians is flawed: first, there are no Episcopalians on the Supreme Court; second, the Episcopalians don’t lean exclusively to the left; third, Episcopalians have nothing resembling the phalanx of pressure groups that the Jews have; fourth, Episcopalian’s don’t have an ethnic identity as salient as that of the Jews.

    8.) As Guy White notes, Jews are highly overrepresented in elite law schools, among both faculty and students. Their impact is probably greatest here where they have successfully incorporated anti-racism and civil rights into American jurisprudence. This is hardly a point in their favor.

    9.) Jews are only 1 SCOTUS seat away from 33% influence. The domination of America by the conservative right has held down their numbers on the SCOTUS. This could change in the Obama administration. Clinton, the last Democratic president, appointed two Jews.

    Note: Guy Whites uses the dishonest Rachel Maddow argument (including numbers from previous centuries) to mask contemporary Jewish influence.

    10.) G.W.’s argument that a small minority can’t precipitate political change is hypocritical. In the case of Episcopalians and Unitarians, he keeps making that argument.

    11.) In Congress, Jews leans almost exclusively to the left. The only exceptions are Eric Cantor and one other House rep. On the SCOTUS, both Jews are left leaning. All the Jews in the Obama administration are left leaning. While not “monolithic,” the weight of the Jewish community tilts the American political spectrum in one direction.

    12.) Frankfurter led the charge for integration on the Brown court. As noted above, Jewish influence in pushing for civil rights reform operated on many different levels, not only directly in the form of a SCOTUS justice on the federal bench.

    13.) I have never once argued that Jews are exclusively to blame for America’s racial decline. As a minority, they have always built coalitions with likeminded interest groups, whether they be Unitarians, Corporate America, Hispanics, or negroes. Instead, I have argued that their inclusion in the Republic is damaging to pro-White interests. Hence, we are better off excluding them.

    14.) Affirmative Action goes back to the Kennedy and Johnson years. See the American Racial History Timeline.

    15.) 1969 to 1994 wasn’t the most liberal period of the SCOTUS with respect to race relations.

    16.) It is entirely fair to “blame” Jews on the Supreme Court. Collectively, they have pushed American law in a more inclusive, anti-racist direction. How would we have not been better off without them? We will get to the Jewish voting record shortly.

    17.) Presidents often appoint SCOTUS justices to appease powerful constituencies. See Miers and Sotomayor for recent examples.

    18.) Jews can and have changed America through building coalitions with powerful allies: working to foment division between White men and White women, straights and homosexuals, Whites and non-Whites, the religious and atheists/agnostics. They have been very successful in this. Jews are the spearhead of the whole progressive coalition.

    19.) Jews don’t have to “run” an institution to “control” it. All they have to do is make enough noise and stir up enough controversy to make it politically worthwhile to appease them. The heart of their power is that it is easier to go along with their agenda than to oppose them.

  13. Jews are divided on some things, but they’re more unified than almost any other group. For example they voted 78% for Obama.

    Those issues that divide jews are of almost no relevance to us. They may argue about which neighbor of Israel should be bombed or invaded first, or whether sanctions alone are enough. Some pacifist jews even oppose invading middle eastern countries. But who cares? That’s not what’s threatening our survival.

    On issues relating to white race replacement – forced integration, political correctness, open borders, the morality and legitimacy of a white ethnostate – jews approach 99% unity, and the dissenters may be double agents.

  14. The Jewish record on Supreme Court decisions:

    Smith v. Allwright (1944) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Sipuel vs. Oklahama Board of Regents (1948) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Shelley v. Kramer (1948) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Sweatt v. Painter (1950) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Brown (1954) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Hernandez v. Texas (1954) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Bolling v. Sharpe (1954) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Brown II (1955) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism

    NAACP v. Alabama (1958) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Cooper v. Aaron (1958) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Boynton v. Virginia (1960) – 1/1 (Frankfurter) for anti-racism.

    Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. – 1/1 (Goldberg) for anti-racism.

    Katzenbach v. McClung (1964) – 1/1 (Goldberg) for anti-racism.

    Loving v. Virginia (1967) – 1/1 (Fortas) for anti-racism.

    Personally, I would love to see G.W. defend that record. In every significant case, Jewish inclusion was a “minus” for the pro-White side. It makes you wonder why he invests so much time in defending these people.

  15. G.W: At the very top, where it truly matters, nothing changed. So much so that on Prozium’s blog, they are now discussing that the way to respond to me is to list all the Jewish Congressional Aids.

    G.W. has a weird conception of political power. The U.S. is a liberal democracy, not a dictatorship. Not all of the important decisions are made at the top. The policy wonks and staffers that constitute the federal bureaucracy have enormous power and influence.

    While the politicians busy themselves with tracking poll numbers and looking pretty on television, the bureaucrats are in charge of the nuts and bolts of government. Any comprehensive review of Jewish power will naturally have to address the federal civil service and the whole symbiotic constellation of think tanks, institutes, and lobbyists that policy originates from.

  16. they are now discussing that the way to respond to me is to list all the Jewish Congressional Aids.

    There’s nothing Jews (and philosemites) hate more than a good, honest count. For example, just see how they reacted to some of Sailer’s most recent posts. Theoretical abstraction and verbal manipulation/chicanery is their game, and they know it.

  17. Post #9 by Bernard is very revealing. The “Institute for Policy Planning for the Jewish People” meets periodically to discuss Jewish strategy for survival. Shades of the ‘Elders’, evidently. Their hubris now seems to know no bounds, as their lock-down on their de-facto American colony, appears assured.

  18. Ten Questions and fourteen words
    1. What if Jews are (and always were) the root of all white societies’ problems?
    2. What if the Jews are not (and never were) the root of all white societies’ problems?
    3. What if whites are not universally or significantly more intelligent (excluding Asians) than other races?
    4. What if whites are universally and significantly more intelligent (excluding Asians) than other races?
    5. What if the Conservatives are not (and will never understand) aware of the real nature of the white races struggle?
    6. What if the Conservatives are not aware of the real nature of the white races struggle but will learn and eventually be helpful to that struggle?
    7. What if the enemies of white race (as they continue to out reproduce us) gain size, political strength, boldness, and economic gain through our government’s policy of discrimination and exclusion of whites?

    8. With five more years of the same will we have a chance in hell to survive as a race?
    9. Do you think in those five year whites will stop arguing among themselves about the first six questions and take steps to improve the situation for all whites before it’s too late?
    10. What do those first six questions have to do with the fourteen words?

    David Logsdon

  19. I keep asking this question at Guy White, but it always gets deleted. Can anyone tell me why?

    In the last 20 years, how many Jews have been Head of the World Bank or Head of the Federal Reserve, in proportion to Gentiles? If Guy White is right, it would just be 6 or 7 percent. What is the true percentage?

  20. Before you get started in this debate, please refer to Auster who is now discussing how to “properly” criticize Jews for the umpteenth time.


    Thank God for Auster. Finally we are given permission, by a marginal Jew who has no power what so ever among his tribe, on how to discuss Jews in a proper dignified way. However, as explained in the article, we must first disassociate ourselves with the anti-Semites such as K-Mac before we will have any credibility to discuss Jews in the first place.

    Did someone mention Hubris?

  21. Guy White is clearly too inept to be formally a Jewish agent – whatever it is he is doing, it is self directed (and more’s the pity).

  22. Bernard,
    How is White lying in that text you quote? It was asserted on this blog that Biden is of Iraqi Jewish descent by Don at comment #8. If this were truly the case I’m sure it would show up in a reliable biography of him. I hope you agree with me that making baseless assertions like Don make our side look bad.

  23. He took a random comment made by one individual in the thread without noting that nobody else even took it seriously, let alone agreed with it. He also ignored the following statement made in the original post that’s about Biden yet makes no such claims: “Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff – Ron Klain – is Jewish.” It’s misrepresentation and dissimulation to take a random comment made by an individual, and claim that the content of the comment is being asserted as fact by a larger entity, i.e. “Prozium’s blog.”

  24. I’m not sure if Biden is actually of partial Iraqi-Jewish descent, or if he truly voted in the Iraqi election of 2005 as some assert he did.

    But Biden’s son did marry in to a Jewish family, which suggests there is at least some Jewish ancestry in the Biden family:

    Biden’s son married into a Jewish family, but his keen interest in the region dates back to his first visit as a senator, not long before the 1973 Yom Kippur. He met Israel’s then-prime minister, Golda Meir.

    In an interview with Shalom TV last year, when he launched his own presidential bid, Biden said he came away from that meeting understanding that “there is this inextricable tie between culture, religion, ethnicity that most people don’t fully understand – that is unique and so strong with Jews worldwide.”

    “When I was a young senator, I used to say, ‘If I were a Jew I’d be a Zionist.’ I am a Zionist,” he said. “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.” – http://jta.org/news/article/2008/08/23/110060/bidenjews20080823

  25. I do think that the Iraq War and the subsequent murder of Saddam Hussein and his sons was mostly orchestrated by Jews and Israel-firsters in the Bush Admin. who were seeking to take Iraq and its huge oil resources back over. Jews had lived in Baghdad and other key Iraqi cities for many centuries, and they were very prominent there for a very long time — working in concert with the Judaized British Empire, Iraqi Jews largely controlled Iraq’s oil and other resources, money supply, trade/commerce, and other key sectors of the economy.

    However, the plutocratic Jews of Iraq were mostly ousted from power in the 1960s by Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party, which is technically called the ‘Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party’ — the Ba’ath Party was pretty much a ethnosocialist/National Socialist type of political party that worked on behalf of the ethnically Arab majority of Iraq and thus ousted the Jewish/British/Kurdish/etc ethnic minorities of Iraq who were hoarding all the resources/money of Iraq and impoverishing the Arab majority.

    The Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party is still in power in Syria — I bet most people didn’t know that Syria is a National Ethnosocialist nation!

  26. As much as I disagree with imperialism and thieving the resources of other nations, I think that in the future the Iraq War will be seen as a good thing for the USA and a very smart geopolitical move by the GW Bush Admin.

    You see, without a steady supply of oil/gasoline the American economy would utterly grind to a halt. If there were ever major oil shortages or an interruption in the oil/energy supply the USA as we know it would completely fall apart. This is now much less likely to happen because the USA has seized the oil supplies of Iraq. Thus, by invading Iraq and stealing its oil resources the Bush Admin. has secured America’s (and Israel’s) energy supplies for the foreseeable future until new alternative energy sources can be invented.

  27. Also, the invasion of Afghanistan was in my opinion launched to secure the world’s supply of medical-grade opium which is worth a many hundreds of billions per year on the world market. The USA/UK/Israel could care less about Islamic fanatics in caves with AK47s, what we are there for are the nation’s resources, especially its opium. The Jewish-British Empire had a monopoly on the opium trade for a very long time (especially the Jewish Sassoon family, originally from BAGHDAD), but that monopoly largely fell apart during the 20th Century for various reasons.

    Now the USA, the UK, and Israel/Jews are back in Afghanistan and again in the control of the world’s macro-supply of opium, and seeing as every single country in the world needs and uses opium for various medical reasons they now have to go through the newly established world-monopoly (the USA, the UK, and Israel/Jews) to get the needed opium for their medical sectors.

  28. Guy White is a jew using a funny pseudonym. Since many of you dullards don’t understand, let me quote the Great again:

    “The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.”

  29. It amazes me that intelligent people are arguing whether or not Jews have acquired a degree of power and influence vastly disproportionate to their demographic numbers. Of course they have. Next question?

    “Only your mother’s side counts. Nice try though.”
    If I understand the anti-Semitic argument correctly, dodheim, this is irrelevant.

    That is, Jewish ethnocentrism and the Jewish propensity to oppose white gentile interests is seen as genetically determined. In contrast, apparently, to those whites that have embraced liberalism and other forms of self-abasement. In their case, this has thought to have occured not through genetic compulsion but rather various forms of at least potentially reversible cultural Marxist brainwashing.

    Thus, it is important to them that the longed-for white ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest not include any Jews. This includes mischlings, even if they identify as white, and even if they were born to Jewish fathers having no interest in their Jewish identity or traditions. It even includes, one supposes, people like this guy David Rieff, whose famous Jewish mother called white people “the cancer of humanity” but who himself feels compelled not to genetically ape that viewpoint, but rather to do things like masterfully demolish the hateful anti-German and anti-European rhetoric of Daniel Goldhagen:

    The only thing in my mind more stupid than vulgar philo-Semitism is vulgar anti-Semitism. Unfortunately, I see a lot of both in the race realist and white nationalist movements.

  30. WhitePreservationist wrote:” You see, without a steady supply of oil/gasoline the American economy would utterly grind to a halt. If there were ever major oil shortages or an interruption in the oil/energy supply the USA as we know it would completely fall apart. This is now much less likely to happen because the USA has seized the oil supplies of Iraq. Thus, by invading Iraq and stealing its oil resources the Bush Admin. has secured America’s (and Israel’s) energy supplies for the foreseeable future until new alternative energy sources can be invented.”

    I don’t quite see that. We could have just bought the damn region for a hell of a lot cheaper than the money we spent on the war(s). As it is, we are wasting billions in military spending and we end up paying even more for the oil anyway.

  31. It amazes me that intelligent people are arguing whether or not Jews have acquired a degree of power and influence vastly disproportionate to their demographic numbers. Of course they have. Next question?

    Excellent point. It’s absurd to even be having this “debate.”

    The only thing in my mind more stupid than vulgar philo-Semitism is vulgar anti-Semitism. Unfortunately, I see a lot of both in the race realist and white nationalist movements.

    The fact of the matter is that most don’t want to be either philo or anti-Semitic. Most just don’t want to even think about them. They want to be free of them – that’s what “Jew-free” is all about. Most don’t have a problem with them as a people, as long as they are separated, independent, and kept at bay.

  32. dodheim, having a Jewish father is sufficient to obtain Israeli citizenship upon landing in the Zionist entity. True or false?

  33. Friedrich Braun — before 1970, no. after 1970, yes, provided they do not belong to another religion.

  34. Who Controls the Federal Reserve System?

    Board of Governors:
    Ben S. Bernanke(Jew) – Chairman
    Donald L. Kohn(Jew) – Vice Chairman
    Kevin M. Warsh(Jew Wife: Jane Lauder)
    Elizabeth A. Duke(White European)
    Daniel K. Tarullo(White European)

    Federal Reserve District Banks:
    Eric S. Rosengren(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
    William C. Dudley(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Charles I. Plosser(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
    Sandra Pianalto(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
    Jeffrey M. Lacker(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
    Dennis P. Lockhart(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
    Charles L. Evans(White European) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
    James B. Bullard(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
    Gary H. Stern(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
    Thomas M. Hoenig(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
    Richard W. Fisher(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
    Janet L. Yellen(Jew) – President, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

    Of the five(5) members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, three(3) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 60%. Of the twelve(12) Federal Reserve District Bank presidents, eight(8) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. This means that Jews are over-represented on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by a factor of 30 times, or 3,000 percent, and over-represented among the Federal Reserve District Bank presidents by a factor of 33.5 times, or 3,350 percent.

    This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve District Bank presidents cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the U.S. Federal Reserve System.

  35. Who Controls the U.S. Treasury Department?

    Timothy F. Geithner(Jew) – Secretary of the Treasury
    Neal S. Wolin(Jew) – Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
    Rosie Rios(Hispanic) – Treasurer of the United States
    Stuart A. Levey(Jew) – Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
    Alan Krueger(Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy
    Michael S. Barr(Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions
    David S. Cohen(Jew) – Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing
    Herbert M. Allison, Jr.(White European) – Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability and Counselor to the Secretary
    Kim N. Wallace(Black) – Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Legislative Affairs
    Daniel Tangherlini(White European) – Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Management, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Performance Officer
    George W. Madison(Mulatto) – General Counsel, U.S. Department of the Treasury

    Of the eleven(11) top officials in the U.S. Treasury Department, six(6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 55%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. This means that Jews are over-represented among the top officials of the U.S. Treasury Department by a factor of 27.5 times, or 2,750 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the top officials of the U.S. Treasury Department cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the highest levels of the U.S. Treasury Department.

  36. Who Controls U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner?

    Timothy Geithner(Jew) – Secretary of the Treasury

    Mark Patterson(White European) – Chief of Staff, Counselor to the Secretary
    Matthew Kabaker(Jew) – Deputy Assistant Secretary, Counselor to the Secretary
    Lewis Alexander(Jew) – Counselor to the Secretary
    Lee Sachs(Jew) – Counselor to the Secretary
    Jake Siewert(Jew) – Counselor to the Secretary
    Gene Sperling(Jew) – Counselor to the Secretary

    Of the six(6) counselors to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, five(5) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. This means that Jews are over-represented among the counselors to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner by a factor of 41.5 times, or 4,150 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the counselors to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the inner advisory circle of U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

  37. Who Controls the United States Economy?

    Benjamin S. Bernanke(Jew) – Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
    Donald L. Kohn(Jew) – Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
    Stephen Friedman(Jew) – Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Timothy F. Geithner(Jew) – Secretary, United States Department of the Treasury
    Barney Frank(Jew) – Chairman, United States House Committee on Financial Services
    Lawrence H. Summers(Jew) – Chairman, National Economic Council
    Christina D. Romer(Jew Husband: David H. Romer) – Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers
    Paul A. Volcker(Jew) – Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board
    Steven L. Rattner(Jew) – Director, Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry
    Kenneth R. Feinberg(Jew) – Special Master for Compensation, U.S. Treasury Department
    Jared Bernstein(Jew) – Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser, Vice President
    Peter R. Orszag(Jew) – Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
    Douglas W. Elmendorf(Jew) – Director, Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
    Douglas H. Shulman(Jew) – Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
    Jon D. Leibowitz(Jew) – Chairman, Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
    Sheila C. Bair(Jew) – Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    John E. Bowman(Jew) – Director, Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
    Karen G. Mills(Jew) – Administrator, Small Business Administration (SBA)
    Mary L. Schapiro(Jew) – Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    Gary G. Gensler(Jew) – Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
    Daniel J. Roth(Jew) – President and Chief Executive Officer, National Futures Association (NFA)
    Duncan L. Niederauer(Jew) – Chief Executive Officer & Director, NYSE Euronext
    Robert Greifeld(Jew) – Chief Executive Officer, NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
    Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

    Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. The probability that the heads of all of these organizations would be Jews is infinitesimally small. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so dominate all of these important and influential private and U.S. Government institutions.

  38. Who Controls Goldman Sachs?

    Executive Officers:
    Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew) – Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
    Gary D. Cohn(Jew) – President and Chief Operating Officer
    John S. Weinberg(Jew) – Vice Chairman
    J. Michael Evans(White European) – Vice Chairman
    Michael S. Sherwood(White European) – Vice Chairman
    David A. Viniar(Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
    Gregory K. Palm(White European) – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation
    Esta E. Stecher(Jew) – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation
    Alan M. Cohen(Jew) – Executive Vice President and Global Head of Compliance

    Board of Directors:
    Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
    Gary D. Cohn(Jew) – President and Chief Operating Officer
    John H. Bryan(White European) – Director
    Claes Dahlbäck(Jew) – Director
    Stephen Friedman(Jew) – Director
    William W. George(White European) – Director
    Rajat K. Gupta(Indian) – Director
    James A. Johnson(Jew Wife: Maxine Isaacs) – Director
    Lois D. Juliber(Jew) – Director
    Lakshmi N. Mittal(Indian) – Director
    James J. Schiro(Jew) – Director
    Ruth J. Simmons(Black) – Director

    Management Committee:
    Lloyd C. Blankfein(Jew)
    Gary D. Cohn(Jew)
    John S. Weinberg(Jew)
    J. Michael Evans(White European)
    Michael S. Sherwood(White European)
    Kevin W. Kennedy(White European)
    Richard A. Friedman(Jew)
    Timothy J. O’Neill(White European)
    Gregory K. Palm(White European)
    Masanori Mochida(Japanese)
    David A. Viniar(Jew)
    Christopher A. Cole(Jew)
    Esta E. Stecher(Jew)
    David B. Heller(Jew)
    Marc A. Spilker(Jew)
    Richard J. Gnodde(Jew)
    Richard M. Ruzika(Jew)
    Yoel Zaoui(Jew)
    Gordon E. Dyal(White European)
    David M. Solomon(Jew)
    Edith W. Cooper(Mulatto)
    Isabelle Ealet(White European)
    Edward K. Eisler(Jew)
    Gwen R. Libstag(Jew)
    John F.W. Rogers(White European)
    Pablo J. Salame(Arab)
    Donald R. Mullen(White European)
    Harvey M. Schwartz(Jew)
    Alan M. Cohen(Jew)

    Of the nine(9) Goldman Sachs executive officers, six(6) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the twelve(12) members of the Goldman Sachs board of directors, seven(7) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 58%. Of the twenty-nine(29) members of the Goldman Sachs management committee, seventeen(17) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 59%.

    Jews are approximately 2% of the United States population. This means that Jews are over-represented among the Goldman Sachs executive officers by a factor of 33.5 times, or 3,350 percent, over-represented on the Goldman Sachs board of directors by a factor of 29 times, or 2,900 percent, and over-represented on the Goldman Sachs management committee by a factor of 29.5 times, or 2,950 percent.

    This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews among the Goldman Sachs executive officers, board of directors, and management committee cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the American population could so completely dominate the world’s most powerful and influential investment bank.

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