Imagine 2050 on White Nationalism

At Imagine 2050, an anti-racist activist notes the difference between old fashioned white supremacy and White Nationalism. I respond:

I would only dispute the third criterion. White Nationalists don’t necessarily believe that non-Whites are racially and culturally inferior.

Most WNs admire Japan and consider it a model worth imitating. I believe Japan is superior to the United States in almost every way.

Here’s a more accurate list of our key beliefs:

1.) We want to create a White ethnostate in North America. Race would be the basis of citizenship in this republic. All non-Whites would be excluded.

2.) We believe multiracial societies are inherently unstable. Racial diversity is strongly related to social fragmentation. See Robert Putnam’s research. We would rather live in tight knit, homogeneous communities than diverse ones.

3.) We don’t believe in racial or cultural equality. Instead, we believe in a spectrum of racial and cultural differences.

4.) We believe Jews should be excluded from our proposed White ethnostate. For various reasons, their inclusion would be detrimental to our racial ideals.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. White Advocate, Whites obviously have a wider range of possible collective behavior. I mean, we had National Socialism, and we have Amerikwa, don’t that say it all? Jews have never given up the ghost, and they never will. Look at history.

  2. In other words, your repated claims that I was in disagreement with the Captain were false.

    No, they were the implication of your misunderstood misstatement of the issue.

    Further, perhaps you should strive for more clarity in your writing.

    Good advice, but inapplicable to the present instance.

    It was quite clear in my post on the issue (which you quote above) what my interpretation of “democratic delusion” was.

    Then you confirm that your misunderstanding of the discussion with the Captain was negatively motivated as I described it, whereas I was then granting you at least an honest understanding of the terms of the discussion and a mere mis-attribution of perspectives.

    Such a phrase can mean any number of things; there is no one definition carved in stone. If my interpretation was other than you meant it, you could have easily clarified the situation. It would have taken a competent writer approximately one sentence to do so.

    As above, the issue was then one of apparent misattribution, not misinterpretation. Clarification in the latter sense was thus not called for.

    But could you do that? Of course not. That would have been too clear, too substantive. Instead you’ve got to go on a long parade of bungled assertions and fallacious posts, all as part of the show.

    Whatever of this is true is to your account.

    Clarity is a virtue, NN. But costumers prefer the show, as form is worshiped over substance

    And so you continue to conduct a pathetic attempt at a face-saving recovery from your malicious misconstruction and disruption of the discussion with the Captain. Do the cause a favor in not further enhancing doubts about the honesty and quality of the personnel who are to conduct the “revolution” a’la Trainspotter.

  3. But if that isn’t your position then why all the doom and gloom?

    Carefully read – and reflect upon – the whole of “superhuman” for your answer. And for a correct characterization of my “thinking”.

  4. White Advocate:
    Old Right, are you saying that you believe that while Jewish behavior is genetically determined, non-Jewish behavior is not? That Jewish behavior is innate, while white behavior is learned?

    No, I believe that both white and jewish behavior is genetically determined, with most whites genetically benevolent towards white interests and most jews genetically hostile towards white interests.

    If I had to put a number on it I’d say 85% of whites are basically pro-white absent jew control, whereas 99% of jews are anti-white and evil.

    Jews are hated for many good reasons. Jews relish the most abominable crimes, raping and murdering children for example. See jewry’s despicable defense of rapist Roman Polanski and rapist murderer Leo Frank for examples of the typical jewish mentality.

    Jews are so pleased with the rape and murder of Mary Phagan by the demonic monster Leo Frank that they are still making excuses for him almost a century later. See the recent PBS special for the latest spin by the congenital tribe of murderers.

  5. “No, they were the implication of your misunderstood misstatement of the issue.”

    ” your misunderstood misstatement” ….gotta love that. A misunderstood misstatement. There are so many things wrong with that phrase, and it is typical of how you write, that it boggles the mind as to where to begin. I won’t bother.

    Dude, you are a sloppy, extraordinarly imprecise writer. As a costumer, again, you put form over substance. You try to hide the sloppiness and lack of clarity in your writing by putting on a show. It’s wearing thin, and this pissing contest has gone on a long enough. Given your nature, you will of course need the last word. I may change my mind, but I’m inclined to let you have it. But before that happens…

    Here is the high clarity, high definition version of what happened, it’s very simple and easy to understand: I made it perfectly clear what my position was. If my use of the term “democractic delusion” was different from yours, you could have easily clarified that by the use of a simple, clear sentence. But that would be too easy, and would interfere with the pissing contests and cyber costume clowning that you so dearly love.

  6. Narrator: “Meanwhile, back at Occidental Dissent, the wheels were coming off JunkFoodNietzsche’s “Sooper Jew” routine for lack of original content. JunkFoodNietzsche typed furiously between greasy bites of chimichanga, trying desperately to convince the Nazis that resistance was futile and they would never prevail against a race of omnipotent Jewish Soopermen like himself! Unfortunately for JunkFoodNietzsche, the Nazis remained unimpressed: JunkFoodNietsche’s garbled and belabored comments contained no evidence of sooperjewman intelligence…”

  7. I made it perfectly clear what my position was. If my use of the term “democractic delusion” was different from yours, you could have easily clarified that by the use of a simple, clear sentence.

    This has already been explained to your disadvantage. You used my term, clearly defined from an extended, multi-paragraphed context, to which we now realize you did not pay attention, in your haste to discover error that you misidentified as such in merely one paragraph. Thus there was no presumption of a misinterpretation needing to be clarified. Rather it appeared that a misattribution was involved, and you now either stupidly or dishonestly fail to own up to a malicious intrusion into a discussion to which you implicitly admit to not having given due attention.

    Thus I am forced to quote myself:

    “And so you continue to conduct a pathetic attempt at a face-saving recovery from your malicious misconstruction and disruption of the discussion with the Captain. Do the cause a favor in not further enhancing doubts about the honesty and quality of the personnel who are to conduct the “revolution” a’la Trainspotter.”

  8. ” your misunderstood misstatement” ….gotta love that. A misunderstood misstatement. There are so many things wrong with that phrase, and it is typical of how you write, that it boggles the mind as to where to begin. I won’t bother.

    I was reading recently that the inability to understand or correctly use certain words and phrases characterizes persons of well-defined intellectual limitations in IQ level. I think that in this instance we can grant you such incapacity rather than impute the dishonesty that otherwise permeates your remarks. In any case, the general combination of these attributes in your inept responses disgraces the cause you profess to champion.

  9. Would you characterize “NeoMachiavelli” as below, at, or above average, as a “white person”?

    Think carefully about your answer, as the dispelling of doubts otherwise well-founded, depend[s] thereupon.

    Perhaps the Captain is thinking *very* carefully about his tardy response.

  10. Dude, you are a sloppy, extraordinarly imprecise writer. As a costumer, again, you put form over substance. You try to hide the sloppiness and lack of clarity in your writing by putting on a show. It’s wearing thin, and this pissing contest has gone on a long enough. Given your nature, you will of course need the last word. I may change my mind, but I’m inclined to let you have it.

    For those whom it may concern as to “sloppy” and “imprecise,” here were the *first* words:

    For example, above, I stated simply and plainly the ultimate objective of the white nationalist movement – a white nationalist state. This should be self-evident, and it was pretty much just a springboard for the actual point I was making. It was also obvious to any normal person (read: not a fantasy fag playing superman) that it was not meant to be exhaustive or precise. You then call my formulation “moronic.” LOL! I also breath oxygen. Is that moronic too? Yeah, I’m sure it is. [Train]

    “imbecilic” [as previously labeled] – and I would also say, “dogmatic” – thus not suggestive of qualifications to follow, as you now plead was your “obvious” intention. [You might go back and check, to your embarrassment, your characterization of your proclamation: “What is the cause? Simple, the fourteen words: to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. *That’s it*”. (Emphasis mine, NN)]

    Were you the “Admiral,” – T’ – I would have remarked, at this point, that you have sent your own battleship to the bottom – after those mighty salvos about “misrepresenting and misinterpreting”. [NN]

  11. Silver “It’s ‘take it all back’ that creates the marketing problem. The heart of the marketing problem is that the only thing anti-racists hear when racialists talk race is that white racists hate non-whites so much that they not only don’t want to live around but never want to see or even hear of non-whites ever again and they demand every single non-white be expelled from every square inch of sacred White Land.”

    Methinks you are being too generous with our anti-racist friends. The problem is not so much that they fear we want to take it all back and regain every square inch…the problem is that they wish to deny us every square inch. They want it all, and they mean us ill.

    As for the more normal whites who are not quite so insane, and therefore might be part of our target market, we do indeed have a marketing problem. We can quibble about the size of the white ethnostate, and exactly what size is optimal from a marketing standpoint, but I suppose the real point is this: normal whites see no way that we can achieve a white ethnostate without violence and chaos. And, frankly, I agree with their assessment (though with Fourth Generation Warfare, the casualties need not be extreme). Hence our marketing problem – the conflict between what is appealing versus what is actually going to happen. The conflict between the desire to market a peaceful transition to a white ethnostate versus the reality that the system will not let us go, no matter how fair our proposals.

    Silver: “I have a hunch that if they believed a better deal was possible and that the only thing preventing that better deal being realized was a pack of jewish megalomaniacs they’d almost run the revolution for you.”

    That would be wonderful, but we can’t count on it. I see no evidence of this happening.

    Silver: “Ah, but “most” is not the same as “all.”

    Certainly, agreed. I personally would be more than happy for the libs/non-whites to have the BosWash corridor, while we take the vast hinterland. I’ve explained this in other posts. The problem, as I’ve also explained earlier, is that I don’t believe that the System will let go of the hinterland (or a single square inch of territory for whites anywhere) until it is reduced to a powerless rump, or gone entirely. BosWash, if an independent nation, would still be quite powerful. It could be very powerful, in fact. Would it let flyover go, even if it lost control of flyover for a certain period of time? I have serious doubts.

    So again, we come to the issue of marketing versus reality: taking it all back may be tough marketing, but as a practical matter, it may end up being an “all or nothing” proposition. Either we can deny strength to the enemy, or it will be used against us. Fourth Generation Warfare offers the solution to this problem, though of course I am speculating and not advocating anything.

    Silver: “We disagreed that multiculturalism [or if possible multiracialism] was a good idea, but since America insists on pursuing it, we want to do it correctly, and that requires granting peoples the living space required to be who they really are. Ethnic conflict results from contact, not from ignorance. Granting peoples the permission to live apart will reduce conflict, and reducing conflict will lead to a greater appreciation of the lives of others. No other force tears at the seams of delicate multiracial social fabric more powerfully than interracial crime so we propose sterner punishments across the board for any instance of it, regardless of whether or not it was motivated by racial hatred.”

    Yes, I like that – as good marketing. Unfortunately, as explained above, there is a conflict between good marketing and what is likely to be the reality of the situation. The anti-whites mean us ill, they are not interested in an equitable distrubution of land/cultural space. So, as a practical matter, I believe it will come down to “You or I.” Let us hope that I am wrong and that a peaceful solution can be worked out…but realistically that ain’t gonna happen.

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