The ADL on Occidental Dissent

We’ve made the ADL! They picked up my post on the H.L. Mencken Club. I have always suspected that I was being monitored. The selection of the “Prozium” username and the Father Knows Best avatar was always a sleight aimed at the Tetragrammatons at the ADL and SPLC.

John Preston: “I’m alive… I live… to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.”

Well, this is quite an accomplishment, I’m proud to say. We’re officially “big time” now. In real life, I joke around with my friends about being the “Kos of Hate.” Occidental Dissent is now ranked #220,329 on Alexa in the United States. A week ago, this site was around #350,000. We’re moving up the charts fast.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The ADL write-up is very unfair. They neglect to point out that both Gottfried and the organizers of the Preserving Western Civilization conference are Jewish White Americans.

    I keep thinking about the suggestion that I talk to liberal Jewish American groups about immigration. Everytime I talk to Jewish friends about my interest in anti-Jewish thinking, they are surprised to hear that a major beef white nationalists have with the Jews has to do with their support for the 1965 bill. I must say this is almost always something they are entirely unaware of. They assume people who hate Jews do so because of Israel, and because of Jewish control of banking industry or whatnot.

    Do you think it would be helpful to argue in Jewish American forums that taking a hardline anti-immigration stand would reduce hatred against them? Would this in fact be the case?

  2. Outstanding.

    Well we’re movin on up,
    To the east side.
    To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
    Movin on up,
    To the east side.
    We finally got a piece of the pie.

    Fish don’t fry in the kitchen;
    Beans don’t burn on the grill.
    Took a whole lotta tryin’,
    Just to get up that hill.
    Now we’re up in the big leagues,
    Gettin’ our turn at bat.
    As long as we live, it’s you and me baby,
    There ain’t nothin wrong with that.

    Well we’re movin on up,
    To the east side.
    To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
    Movin on up,
    To the east side.
    We finally got a piece of the pie.

  3. White Advocate, I think anti-Jewish memes are sufficiently widespread within the White Nationalist movement that there is little chance for incorporation of Jews into a White nation, and any cooperation with Jewish groups will be very difficult. Perhaps you consider this unfair, but that is, I believe, the reality of the situation. As for the position of mischlings in a White nation, I could see them being allowed to remain, provided there were controls to ensure they were not forming an ingroup (forced exogamy- Torquemada with a DNA sequencer), and those lacking a sufficient degree of admixture would be ineligible for some (e.g. political) positions.

  4. Hunter, it would be interesting to see how the popularity of your site takes off. I don’t suppose you’ve been keeping track of number of hits, users online, etc? I notice these days that there are a lot more users online.

  5. Jews could easily reduce anti-Semitism. All they would have to do is act differently.

    Exactly. But that will never happen. 🙄

  6. “Do you think it would be helpful to argue in Jewish American forums that taking a hardline anti-immigration stand would reduce hatred against them? Would this in fact be the case?”

    -White Advocate

    I believe this might help.

    When a new White ethnostate is born, fighting bad ideas, multiculturalism, for instance, may be more achievable and sustainable than overturning every rock in search of crypto Jews.

  7. “Jews could easily reduce anti-Semitism. All they would have to do is act differently.”

    Are you forgetting the fable about the scorpion and the frog? Jewish behavior is what Edgar Steele observed as “culture gone to seed”, so don’t expect Jews to suddenly snap out of it or change for the better anytime soon.

  8. Oh, and congratulations on the milestone of showing up on the ADL’s radar. Maybe Guy Blight reported you to his superiors.

    Once you see Morris Dees and Mark Potok lurking in the bushes outside your dwelling then you’ve really hit the big time.

  9. You guys are doing great work at Occidental Dissent. Between your site and my long-running subscription to the Occidental Quarterly I feel I am fully armed to defend myself, my family and my people. White Nationalism has never been more stylized and intellectually sound thanks to people like you. I post your essays and articles on my Facebook account continuously. People are waking up! You all should think about doing some type of print media. Or maybe you already have something out there. Anyway, good luck and take care. You have my support!

  10. Ahh, Cyrillic doesn’t work here.

    Translation of the above:

    You’ve made the CHEKA’s list. You’re not long for this world, comrade.

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