Fort Hood Massacre

Today’s big news: a Muslim Army psychiatrist – Major Nidal Malik Hasan – went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood in Texas. He killed 11 people and wounded 31 others. It is all over the evening news. If Muslims were excluded from the military, this incident would have never happened. Yet again, the liberal principle of non-discrimination translates into terrorism.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, that may be…but that’s not how the Jewish-run mass media outlets will play it. The focus will be primarily on the danger that MUSLIMs pose to all of us….and there will be planted nagging fears that our own homegrown terrorists-most-likely, those crazy white nationalists, are not above these types of actions.

  2. This incident will be blamed on, variously:

    (1) alleged harassment by Hasan’s white colleagues; (2) George W. Bush and the wars in Iraq and Afgfhanistan; (3) Islamophobia; (4) Israeli Mossad false-flag ops; (5) Hasan’s mental state as a result of being 40, unmarried, and childless, etc., etc.

    It is a kind of curse, I think, to be able to see through the media’s lies so readily and so thoroughly. As WNs continue to embrace the truth, our isolation increases.

  3. It will take a muslim terrorist assault on a gaggle of liberals to wake them up. The Obamedia doesn’t give a hoot about soldiers. They will spin it to make this muslim look like a victim, the way they do whenever some minority commits an atrocity.

  4. We got the Arabs blasting us every chance they get, and the Jews economically raping us…oh those silly Semites!

  5. This massacre is courtesy of the 1965 immigration reform act and subsequent reforms that further liberalized our immigration policies. The 1986 family reunification act (thanks Ronny Reagan) has given us chain migration on steroids.

    Contrary to the kumbaya, weez all the same blather, non-whites feel alien and uncomfortable in Western nations. They are not assimilating and feel as repulsed by us as we do by their presence.

    The neo-cons will attempt to link the shooter to radical Muslims and shill for war with every Muslim nation on earth while the left will use this as a cause celebre against American “intolerance” and to change our middle east policy. Don’t expect any mainstream media outlet will pin the root cause on our insane immigration policies.

  6. “If you were forced to fight against your own people what would you do?”

    The sandn-gger actually joined OUR army … he wasn’t drafted or forced too.

  7. I’m sure that most of you have now seen one of the signature photos to emerage from this incident – the burly black sargeant with the young white female grieving/nestling in his arms.

    God, the Kwa is a nauseating monstrosity.

  8. “Trainspotter

    I’m sure that most of you have now seen one of the signature photos to emerage from this incident – the burly black sargeant with the young white female grieving/nestling in his arms.

    God, the Kwa is a nauseating monstrosity.”

    Because interracial interaction only happens in America, and one brief moment after a tragedy somehow defines a whole country as a “nauseating monstrosity.”

  9. Mark: “Because interracial interaction only happens in America, and one brief moment after a tragedy somehow defines a whole country as a “nauseating monstrosity.”

    Blatant trolling. Nobody made or implied such a ridiculous assertion.

  10. I say partly as a joke: no one mentions that he’s a psychiatrist.

    My own opinion of psychiatrists is that they are people with some sort of personality disfunction that have taken up psychiatry to figure themselves out.

  11. Trainspotter apparently was hit by a train and suffers from recurring amnesia as well as other mental difficulties.

  12. Psychiatry is a branch of medicine. At which medical school did this hero of the Muslim world qualify as a doctor and take the Aryan – invented and obligatory Hippocratic oath?

  13. Mark, seriously, there is something wrong with you. Anyone who can read the simple sentence that I wrote, and interpret it in the bizarre fashion that you did, is either a few cards short of a full deck, or just a plain liar/garden variety troll. No mentally normal, honest person would interpret it the way you have.

    To Hunter: it is clear that the rising of Occidental Dissent has not gone unnoticed. Make of that what you will. Obviously, it is entirely up to you as to how to run your site. But I do have an opinion, for what it may be worth. I believe that the educational value of this site will be harmed if people can’t post without being immediatey trolled, misrepresented, and lied about. See what Mark has done above as a case in point.

  14. Trainwreck, you obviously can’t handle criticism. Your post was full of inaccuracies, misspellings, and had no substance.

    Do us all a favor and stop posting so much nonsense.

  15. “The Admiral

    This incident will be blamed on, variously:

    (1) alleged harassment by Hasan’s white colleagues; (2) George W. Bush and the wars in Iraq and Afgfhanistan; (3) Islamophobia; (4) Israeli Mossad false-flag ops; (5) Hasan’s mental state as a result of being 40, unmarried, and childless, etc., etc.”

    Indeed, and he is also quoted as saying that “I’m a Muslim first and an American second.” Which is typical of non-whites and Jews, they have their racial/ethnic identity first.

    His militant ethnic/religious identity, social isolation, and probably genetic predispositions led him to act as he did.

  16. Mark, people can read the exchange above and decide for themselves. It is obvious to me that you are either a few bricks short of a full load, or just a liar/troll. No normal, honest person could interpret my post the way you did. Your posts certainly are not legitimate criticism, that’s for sure. Thanks for flagging yourself.

  17. @Tom
    My father (an M.D. but not a psychiatrist) once told me that every
    psychiatrist he new was a little nuts. At the time I thought it
    hyperbole. I’ve since come to agree with him.

  18. Mark: “Trainwreck, you not only post nonsense, you go on to repeat yourself. Stop wasting comment space”

    LOL! You don’t warrant any original material. Mentally ill/troll/liar…sorry, that’s all you get. Maybe I should add faggot?

  19. The commentary here on this topic is not substantially different from that on a Neocon board. I have a different take on it. If he was going to play right into the hands of those who want to continue the war for Israel in the Middle East, pre-empt possible sympathies among Americans for possible mutinies, take personal guns away from GIs and veterans and increase security for the brass, one would think someone smart enough to make it through medical school and psychiatric residency would target the leadership instead of a bunch of easily replaceable grunts.

    Sirhan Sirhan had a similar profile. It’s not debatable that he was a patsy and obvious that the CIA killed Robert Kennedy.

    This is the typical MO and has false flag written all over it.

  20. Why are the targets of “Islamic extremist suicide attackers” always of tactical and strategical low value (and sometimes even strategically advantageous to their opponents e. g. Bhutto) and a PR disaster (to their friends and enemies audiences).

    Anyone remember the Lavon Affair? The USS Liberty? The Mexican Parliament bomb plot where in October, 2001 a Mossad Colonel who had entered Mexico illegally and his Mexican sayanim accomplice were caught with detonators, plastic explosives and Pakastani passports and ended up both being quietly deported to Israel?

  21. Jews pass 1965 Immigration Act. Hasan’s peeps get here in 1969. Not a single syndicated opiner makes the connection.

    “Why are there Muslims in America, mommy?”

    “The jews let them in.”

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