Can America Be Saved?

Arthur Kemp, author of March of the Titans: A History of the White Race, has written a new book about the failures of the White Nationalist movement in America. If this name rings a bell, it’s because he is the same guy who wrote about Nordics bringing civilization to China, Egypt, Greece, Italy, South America, and Easter Island. Now he is full of advice for racialists on this side of the Atlantic.

Kemp’s prescription:

1.) Strip the movement of “cranks and crackpots” who infest the American “right wing.” The short list includes Christian Identity nuts, Neo-Nazis, Neo-Confederates, the KKK, WW2 hobbyists, and skinheads … in sum, everyone offensive to the bourgeois sense of propriety.

2.) Reject the National Alliance vanguardist approach.

3.) Engage in modern democratic nationalism. Imitate the Ron Paul movement.

4.) Reject Judeo-obsessivism.

5.) Create a “European-American Political Action Committee.” Draw up an electable platform. Have EUPAC select and endorse Republican and Democratic candidates.

6.) Target state senate seats.

Five years ago, I would have found Kemp’s argument a lot more plausible than I do now. I’m not convinced the White Nationalist movement is marginalized because it is infested with kooks and fringe characters. If all of the above types were expunged from the White Wing, which is not really possible in a liberal democracy, I doubt that our media image would change. The BNP’s treatment by the British media is proof of that. Our enemies will continue to smear us regardless of whether or not we wear costumes.

Kemp’s caricature of White Nationalism is twenty years out of date. The typical White Nationalist isn’t an uneducated, hate mongering, tobacco chewing Christian Identity redneck. Even our professional monitors like Leonard Zeskind and Carol Swain are willing to grant that much. White Nationalists are usually middle class, college educated, white male professionals who have joined the movement out of concern about third world immigration, multiculturalism, or affirmative action.

The debate between the “mainstreamers” and “vanguardists” has been going on since the 1980’s in the United States. There is nothing original about any of Kemp’s observations. I’ve seen it all before over the years. David Duke famously took off the Klan robes and got involved in Louisiana state politics. He was running for president when I was eight years old. If there is anything to be said for the “mainstreamer” approach, it is that there wasn’t nearly enough follow up in the wake of the Duke campaigns.

White Nationalists targeting state representative and state senate seats is only plausible in the Deep South states (South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana) where White racial consciousness is still relatively strong. I’m not opposed to this. Building a base is a good idea. Unfortunately, no one except Jim Giles is doing it. I’ve complained before that there is no national organization on the ground trying to recruit explict whites into White Nationalism.

As a radical political movement, I also think our time and money is better spent trying to change the culture than engaging in expensive, fruitless political campaigns. The mainstream right dominated the U.S. from Nixon to Obama, but you would never know this from the state of our culture. If we can change the culture, political victories will naturally follow. Political victories that don’t capstone deeper cultural triumphs will only prove temporary.

Can America be saved? Possibly … but I remain unconvinced that plunging into mainstream democratic politics is the way forward.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There are a number of problems with Kemp’s advice. For one thing, the electoral system in the United States is much different than the parliamentary representation in much of the world. If a party gains 1% of the votes they typically gain 1% of the seats in parliament. In the United States it’s a ‘winner-take-all’ system. This makes our politics heavily biased against third parties.

    Kemp’s solution? Put White Nationalist candidates into the Republican/Democrat parties. The problem with this is that if we actually did run an explicitly WN candidate as a member of either party, they would quickly withdraw their support FROM THEIR OWN CANDIDATE and endorse the other party. It has happened before. In David Duke’s 1990 campaign for the Senate, notable Republican politicians endorsed the Democratic candidate instead of David Duke.

  2. The successes of the BNP and other European nationalist parties, who adopt that Kemp describes (except adapted to European conditions), prove that Arthur Kemp is right.

  3. Kemp is right. It’s time WNs get involved in mainstream politics. Practical politics.

    Trying to change the culture (whatever that means), is an almost impossible task. What is more, I suspect this route appeals to the aspiring eggheads, introverts, and self-styled virtual elites who would rather sit around penning online essays basking in the glow of their cyber-admirers, than actually getting their dainty hands dirty in the rough-and-tumble environment of real world political activism.

    Moreover, I think the point of expunging the nutcases and misfits from the WN movement isn’t merely to improve the media image, but to improve the voting public’s perception of WNs and thus gain $upport and (horror of horrors!) votes.

  4. What sense does it make to spend thousands of dollars trying to get elected (and failing) as a city councilman or state rep? Even if you win, you won’t be in any position to change things. It is a waste of limited resources.

  5. “There are a number of problems with Kemp’s advice. For one thing, the electoral system in the United States is much different than the parliamentary representation in much of the world.”

    Right, which is the main reason they have been more successful in Britain.

    From your past posts, it seems that you agree with Kemp more than you disagree with him, Hunter. Just a short time ago you were saying how counterproductive the NSM is to our cause.

    If Duke had never been in the Klan, would he have been more successful? I think so. He certainly wouldn’t have to be harangued for it in every media interview.

    I’m going to have to side with Kemp on this one.

  6. What nonesense! The BNP’s experience to date shows that even if nationalists adopt and play by all the agreed-upon rules, they still will have the law and the entire mechanism of the state and media against them, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    And, for what? To elect this or that councilor? This or that MP?

    And if the BNP ever truly gained “power” through elections, do you think the entrenched interests would just walk away, wiping their hands of the matter and declaring “fair is fair.”?


    We are well beyond the time when reform could have mattered. There are only two outcomes at this point: WNs fail, and the system degenerates to South Africa like White minorityhood and the prospect of a re-birth, or WNs succeed and, before that point, are able to move a decisive minority of Whites to action.

    Either way, we win. It’s just a question of time.

  7. I’m not endorsing the fringe organizations like the NSM. I simply don’t believe they are the cause of our marginalization. If the NSM didn’t exist, the media would find some other way to smear us.

  8. Hunter, you are right about the need for cultural progress. We may not be able to achieve this on a massive scale, but there are certainly things that can be done. For example, Linder keeps hammering on the idea of a white home schooling curriculum. He’s right about that. That’s a solid idea that is doable even with our meagre resources. We can better develop the blogosphere, expanding on the work done by people like McDonald, Greg Johnson, and others. There are probably many other things that are reasonably achievable to enhance our numbers and develop a better sense of ourselves.

    But, at the end of the day, we’ve also got to start getting explicitly involved in the real world. Whether it’s Kemp’s idea of a political action committee, or Linder’s idea of a white ADL, something else entirely, or all of the above, I think we are either at or getting to the point where we can start building at least something of an explicit, real world, visible infrastructure.

    My analysis is based on particular premise: the Kwa is facing sytemic failure. There are so many things wrong with it, so many things that are unsustainable, that discontent and lower levels of system legitimacy seem highly likely. Even if the system weathers the current crisis, there will be more problems right around the corner (unsustainable entitlements, unsustainable debt, reserve currency issues, you name it).

    The Republicans overextend us with massive spending on neocon inspired foreign adventures, and the Democrats do the same on domestic spending. Neither party undoes the damage that the other party inflicts (Dems keep the empire going, Repubs keep in place the domestic programs), it’s just that each party specializes a bit in the particular brand of destruction that it inflicts on the society.

    Point is, it now doesn’t really matter who rules, the loss of legitimacy and prosperity will likely continue, perhaps subject to mild upswings. I know you’ve read a bit of Kunstler, and I would say that we are entering The Long Emergency. It may not play out the way he predicts, but I think it is clear that the System has entered a period of prolonged rough water, with perhaps the occasional calm. This will create an unprecedented opportunity for us, but the problem is that we don’t currently have the infrastructure, whether that is measured as cultural or organizational, to capitalize on the opportunities that are coming our way (and in some cases, have already arrived).

    In short: we need infrastructure, of various sorts, against this backdrop of ongoing systemic crisis. Right now, we just don’t have it, and it’s a damn tragedy.

    Finally, Kemp is absolutely correct about getting rid of the nutjobs. Bad money drives out good, not the other way around. This goes for costume clowns, fantasists, and garden variety internet trolls/liars/disruptors. The movement is plagued with these sorts and is not going to get anywhere until the problem children are purged. There is no getting around this. On this very site, numerous threads that could have had tremendous educational value have been ruined by trolls and defectives posing as white nationalists. At a certain point, it’s not worth plugging a given site to newbies, because you know what they will find: pissing contests between trolls and those that are sincere. The sincere end up wasting time in pissing matches, when they could be making quality posts. The educational/promotional value of the read is ruined.

    The question should always be asked: what would a newbie think of this? Will it make him more or less likely to develop into a white nationalist? The troll puts the quality poster in a truly shitty situation: if the quality poster ignores the lies/misrepresentations/insults, then the newbie may assume that the trolls lies are true. Yet if he engages the troll and puts him in his place, then you just get a pissing match. It’s lose/lose for white nationalism. Only the troll wins if he is allowed to infest and pollute white nationalist space. Same thing with costume clowns and other assorted misfits and losers.

  9. I’m not opposed to real world political action. 20% of White Americans disapprove of interracial marriage. There is already a large audience of explicit whites who are receptive to our ideas.

    I said above that this could work in the Deep South states. It is my understanding the CoCC has the ear of sympathetic state and local politicians in Mississippi and Alabama.

    We should only invest scarce resources where we have a realistic chance of winning. Ron Paul never had a chance of capturing the Republican nomination.

  10. There isn’t much we can do about the nutjobs. We can exclude them from our organizations, but that’s about it. They still have all the rights we do. They will always be around.

  11. Hunter Wallace wrote,

    “The BNP is attacked round-the-clock for being “fascists” and “racists” in Britain.”

    Right. And this only goes to show that Kemp is right! Why? Because Nick Griffin used to be a fascist, a Nazi sympathizer, and a Holocaust denier. Griffin is probably kicking himself in the teeth right now for his former associations with neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers.

    If Nick Griffin had never done these things, would he have been more successful? Undoubtedly. He certainly wouldn’t have to be harangued for it in every media interview.

  12. Kemp’s political advice is for Europe. I’m not going to go into the “nutjobs” issue for now, let’s just look at his political advice and how it applies to us here in North America.

    Let’s say for a moment that a white nationalist party in the US elects a state senator to office. What would happen? Would this offical get anything done? Would anyone work with him/her? Could he/she get anything passed that would be in our interest?

    Okay, let’s say we elected a majority to the county commission. They then pass county ordinances contrary to federal civil rights laws. What do you think would happen?

    Of course, these scenarios will never happen because the enemy has a stranglehold on all forms of mass media, and the mass media by and large controls who gets elected.

    Sorry folks, the time for utilizing the ballot box to effect change is over. That train left the station 20 years ago. There are other options but we’ve been putting that off for even longer.

  13. “Sorry folks, the time for utilizing the ballot box to effect change is over.”

    Therefore (O Zeus!) we need to embrace the KKK, the NSM, neo-Nazis, Holocaust denial, and VNN! Yes, because that’s been working very well for the past 40 years. It’s really advanced our cause.

  14. Nick Griffin would still be attacked if he never had any of those associations. I’ve never been a fascist, Nazi, or Holocaust denier, but the ADL calls me a “racist” and an “anti-Semite.”

  15. No, we don’t need to embrace any of those groups. It is foolish though to assume the NSM is holding us back and that everything would change if they would only go away.

  16. “the Kwa is facing sytemic failure. ”

    In that event, local government positions will be of little use. Systemic failure will render the town councils of aldermen, the state legislatures, etc. rather pointless.

    On the other hand, police officers, paramedics, and firefighters might suddenly GAIN social status in the event of social breakdown.

    I do not know that the USA will really break down. But if it does – the group that is best positioned to reap political benefits is at:

  17. “Nick Griffin would still be attacked if he never had any of those associations.”

    The issue is not whether he would be attacked by liberals, but his public perception. Yes, liberals would continue to attack him, but there can be no doubt that his general public perception would be far better if he had never had those associations, because liberals can use them to discredit him before the public.

  18. “It is foolish though to assume the NSM is holding us back and that everything would change if they would only go away.”

    No one is claiming that everything would change without the KKk, the NSM, Holocaust denial, neo-Nazism, and extreme antisemitism, but certainly one shackle holding us back would be broken. It would be a big step in the right direction, but we would still have much progress to make.

  19. Virtually nothing would change if every Neo-Nazi, CI follower, Klansman, Neo-Confederate, and skinhead in America were to disappear tomorrow. These types are already marginal in the White Nationalist movement. The media coverage wouldn’t change a bit. We would still be denounced as “racists” and “anti-Semites.”

  20. I seriously doubt it. If Nick Griffin had never been a fascist, he would still be called a fascist anyway by the British media. The BNP would still have overwhelmingly negative media coverage. It would still be taboo to vote for or sympathize with the BNP.

  21. ‘Virtually nothing would change if every Neo-Nazi, CI follower, Klansman, Neo-Confederate, and skinhead in America were to disappear tomorrow.”

    It’s not their mere existence that I’m concerned with. It’s the fact that even our most moderate white nationalists are not distancing themselves from them, excluding them, and publicly denouncing them. And by ‘them’ I mean: Nazi sympathizers, extreme antisemites, Holocaust deniers, Klansmen, conspiracy theorists, and skinheads. Instead, they allow them into their own ranks, pretend the problem doesn’t exist, and evade the issue altogether.

    “These types are already marginal in the White Nationalist movement.”

    NSM is marginal, but William Pierce? Not at all — and he represents the sort of quasi-Nazism that I think we should distance ourselves from. We need more Jared Taylors, Sam Francises, Nick Griffins, Arthur Kemps; we need less William Pierces, Kevin MacDonalds, and Alex Linders.

    “If Nick Griffin had never been a fascist, he would still be called a fascist anyway by the British media.”

    Enoch Powell didn’t have the sort of quasi-Nazi past that Nick Griffin had, and he retained a considerable amount of respect even in the establishment media when he died in 1998. UKIP isn’t called fascist, and its policies on immigration are identical to the BNP. No, the BNP is denounced as fascist because of its real past. It cannot be dismissed as mere liberal propaganda. Nick Griffin really was a Nazi sympathizer, a Holocaust denier, and he really did associate himself with Klansmen and skinheads. And Nick Griffin would have a much better public perception if he had the background of, say, Enoch Powell or Lord Pearson.

  22. 1.) Guy White and Ian Jobling attack Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites all the time. Lawrence Auster has them under anathema at View From the Right. This trio isn’t anymore mainstream than I am. If anything is true, David Duke has more followers and notoriety than all of us combined.

    2.) I don’t waste my time denouncing these fringe characters. There is nothing to be gained in doing so. I’ve been dismissive of the NSM, but it hasn’t changed the ADL’s attitude toward Occidental Dissent. I’m still attacked as a “racist” and “anti-Semite” and expect as much.

    3.) The problem is that our privileged enemies get to set the ground rules of what constitutes “respectability” and “high social status” in our culture. The problem isn’t a menagerie of kooks and fringe characters who possess neither wealth, influence, or power.

    Blaming these people for our misfortunes is little more than middle class scapegoating and status anxiety. No one is pro-White and respectable/mainstream in the eyes of our elites, period.

    4.) William Pierce has been dead for years. The National Alliance ceased to be a viable organization years ago.

    5.) For the same reason, Jared Taylor doesn’t waste his time denouncing the fringe scene either. Sam Francis didn’t obsess over them while he was alive.

    6.) Kevin MacDonald is a scholar and a credit to his race. Who are you to attack him? What have you done?

    7.) Enoch Powell still has a reputation as a demonic figure in the multicult UK.

    8.) The British media is neither fair or objective. The BNP is smeared because it is a threat to the status quo. The UKIP isn’t identical to the BNP either.

  23. “Guy White and Ian Jobling attack Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites all the time. Lawrence Auster has them under anathema at View From the Right. This trio isn’t anymore mainstream than I am. If anything is true, David Duke has more followers and notoriety than all of us combined.”

    But you are comparing mere bloggers with politicians. Instead, it would be more fruitful to compare people of the same class: pro-whites leaders (as opposed to bloggers and internet personalities) who adopt the approach advocated by Arthur Kemp, with similarly minded politicians who adopt the approach of William Pierce or Lincoln Rockwell. There can be no doubt that Nick Griffin (BNP), Bruno Valkeniers (Flemish Interest), Le Pen (National Front), Geert Wilders, Jimmie Akesson (Swedish Democrats), Enoch Powell in his heydey, etc., have enjoyed far more success than William Pierce, Lincoln Rockwell, Glen Miller, David Lane, and other pro-white Nazi sympathizers with politican aspirations.

    “I don’t waste my time denouncing these fringe characters. There is nothing to be gained in doing so. ‘

    The public have been told that we are Nazis. We have many sympathetic readers who visit our websites, read our blogs and our periodicals, and too often find the allegations to be true. Quite naturally, these potential recruits quite naturally leave in disgust. There is certainly nothing to be lost by countering liberal propaganda. Yes, the liberals will continue to denounce us as Nazis, but those who read our publications from the horses mouth as it were will be left with a quite different impression.

    “Sam Francis didn’t obsess over them while he was alive. ”

    I am not saying we should obsess with Nazi sympathizers; I am saying we should exclude them and publicly distance ourselves from them in an explicit way.

    “Kevin MacDonald is a scholar and a credit to his race. Who are you to attack him?”

    Kevin MacDonald only serves one purpose: to distract our attention from where it needs to be (building racial consciousness among our people, Islamic terrorism, the role of capitalism in our racial decline, etc) to the “Jewish question”.

    “What have you done?”

    I have done as much as someone in my position and with my abilities can do, but let’s assume that I’ve done absolutely nothing. It’s better to do nothing than to discredit the movement by promoting the sort of pseudo-scholarship peddled by Kevin MacDonald. Doing nothing is better than subjecting us to ridicule.

    “Enoch Powell still has a reputation as a demonic figure in the multicult UK.”

    Which is why Tony Blair attended his funeral? If the BNP had a leader like Enoch Powell, with the respectable (i.e. non-Nazi) past of Enoch Powell, the BNP would enjoy greater success; of that there can be no doubt. Nick Griffin is kicking himself in the teeth right now because of his associations with the National Front and David Duke.

  24. Yosemite
    NSM is marginal, but William Pierce? Not at all — and he represents the sort of quasi-Nazism that I think we should distance ourselves from. We need more Jared Taylors, Sam Francises, Nick Griffins, Arthur Kemps; we need less William Pierces, Kevin MacDonalds, and Alex Linders.

    Are we supposed to pretend that jewry isn’t working against us?

    What part of MacDonald’s argument that jews work to undermine the culture of white countries do you disagree with?

  25. Kevin MacDonald only serves one purpose: to distract our attention from where it needs to be (building racial consciousness among our people, Islamic terrorism, the role of capitalism in our racial decline, etc) to the “Jewish question”.

    Islamic terrorism poses less of a threat to our race than cigarettes and drunk driving do.

    The problem with Muslim immigrants in Europe isn’t that they’re terrorists (very few are) it’s that most of them are non-white and have more children than native-born whites do.

  26. We need more activism, less playing the ‘blame game’. The voting public are not intelligent enough to make a distinction between mild and tolerant criticisms of Jewish liberalism, and the neo-Naz desire to exterminate the Jewish race. It’s better to avoid the issue altogether. It serves no practical political purpose. It’s a scholarly question for historians, obscure and irrelevant to the man on the street. It’s not an issue for those seeking to build a pro-white mass movement. Bottom line: It has yielded no fruitful gain whatsoever.

  27. “Therefore (O Zeus!) we need to embrace the KKK, the NSM, neo-Nazis, Holocaust denial, and VNN! Yes, because that’s been working very well for the past 40 years. It’s really advanced our cause.”

    If you had read the post, I didn’t even address the “nutjob” issue. I merely pointed out the futility of ever aspiring to change the system though the political process by using some examples.

    Using the political process for our purposes can be beneficial, if we had the right people and money to do it. Currently, this is an identified weakness, classed critical.

    Goals and expectations along with strategy and tactics would also have to set. but to do that, the corn must be all one sheaf, the grapes all one vine. This is all old hat to veterans of the movement. Can it be done? We don’t have much time.

  28. “Islamic terrorism poses less of a threat to our race than cigarettes and drunk driving do.”

    Sometimes you need to choose your enemies more carefully than your friends. Muslim terrorism is such an obvious and dramatic example of the destructive effects of immigration that it can now be regarded as THE issue with which to gain public sympathy. Nationalists in Europe have been riding the anti-Islamic hysteria that followed 9/11, the Mohammed cartoon controversy, etc., with considerable success. American nationalists need to do the same, instead of being sidetracked by the Jewish question.

  29. As for the “nutjobs”, they can be utilized. It’s simply a matter of a little disscussion, some reasoning, a little intimidation and some muscle to get them in the right state of mind and assigned to the right billets. It’s all about getting each person in the right position. Everyone has a job, from the office worker to the moneychangers to the security people to public affairs. It can all fit and work like a well oiled machine.

    Don’t forget, there are probably thousands of young white men, a lot of them out of the service, with a unique skill-set that can be assigned to um…classified positions.

  30. But you are comparing mere bloggers with politicians.

    The point stands. In the blogosphere, the noisy philo-Semitic, anti-Nazi race realists are as marginalized as anyone else on the pro-White scene. Their absurd position on the JQ hasn’t won them anything in the way of public notoriety.

    Instead, it would be more fruitful to compare people of the same class: pro-whites leaders (as opposed to bloggers and internet personalities) who adopt the approach advocated by Arthur Kemp, with similarly minded politicians who adopt the approach of William Pierce or Lincoln Rockwell. There can be no doubt that Nick Griffin (BNP), Bruno Valkeniers (Flemish Interest), Le Pen (National Front), Geert Wilders, Jimmie Akesson (Swedish Democrats), Enoch Powell in his heydey, etc., have enjoyed far more success than William Pierce, Lincoln Rockwell, Glen Miller, David Lane, and other pro-white Nazi sympathizers with politican aspirations.

    Their “success” at the ballot box pales in comparison to that of the mainstream conservative right. If you want to go mainstream, why not go all the way? The Republicans dominated American politics for decades. You would never know this though from the state of American culture.

    There are more illegal aliens in America than ever before. AA is more widespread than ever before. Multiculturalism is more entrenched than ever before. All those political victories translated into nothing because the left solidified and extended its control over our culture.

    Every few decades, the conservative right waters itself down to remain “mainstream”; the progressive left shifts further toward the fringe. The European politicians you mention above are more “moderate” than their counterparts were two decades ago. This is more a symptom of retreat, deracialization, and decline than anything else.

    The public have been told that we are Nazis. We have many sympathetic readers who visit our websites, read our blogs and our periodicals, and too often find the allegations to be true. Quite naturally, these potential recruits quite naturally leave in disgust.

    The most popular White Nationalist site is Don Black’s Stormfront, not Ian Jobling’s White America. The former is thousands of times more active than the latter. The audience for philo-Semitic race realism is actually quite small. I haven’t seen any evidence of legions of pro-Whites turned away by any so-called Nazi image.

    There is certainly nothing to be lost by countering liberal propaganda. Yes, the liberals will continue to denounce us as Nazis, but those who read our publications from the horses mouth as it were will be left with a quite different impression. I am not saying we should obsess with Nazi sympathizers; I am saying we should exclude them and publicly distance ourselves from them in an explicit way.

    I’m not buying into the conservative game of denouncing everyone to my right. The mainstream left doesn’t nearly as much time attacking its communist/socialist fringe. We should imitate winners, not losers.

    I don’t see small groups of kooks and fringe characters as a social problem. 99.99% of these people are harmless. They have just as much right to act silly and express their views as anyone else.

    Kevin MacDonald only serves one purpose: to distract our attention from where it needs to be (building racial consciousness among our people, Islamic terrorism, the role of capitalism in our racial decline, etc) to the “Jewish question”.

    If memory serves, you showed up here a few months ago and attacked me for not being anti-Semitic enough on the Jewish Question. I was the one critiquing the Single Jewish Cause theory.

    I have done as much as someone in my position and with my abilities can do, but let’s assume that I’ve done absolutely nothing. It’s better to do nothing than to discredit the movement by promoting the sort of pseudo-scholarship peddled by Kevin MacDonald. Doing nothing is better than subjecting us to ridicule.

    How is Kevin MacDonald a pseudo-scholar?

    Which is why Tony Blair attended his funeral? If the BNP had a leader like Enoch Powell, with the respectable (i.e. non-Nazi) past of Enoch Powell, the BNP would enjoy greater success; of that there can be no doubt. Nick Griffin is kicking himself in the teeth right now because of his associations with the National Front and David Duke.

    The BNP is a pro-White political party and will be relentlessly attacked for that reason alone. You are arguing here that the British media is reasonable, objective, and fair. I haven’t seen anything from them to suggest that is the case.

  31. Honestly … does anyone have to denounce the NSM? Haven’t they done enough to make themselves look retarded? Is anyone reading OD thinking about joining the NSM? I doubt it.

  32. “Their ‘success’ at the ballot box pales in comparison to that of the mainstream conservative right.”

    Their success may not be as high as the mainstream conservative right, but it is certainly higher than the Nazi sympathizing, Holocaust denying, militantly anti-Semitic Right.

    “If you want to go mainstream, why not go all the way?”

    We don’t want to go mainstream merely for the sake of it. Bluntly put, we want to gain power so that we can deport foreigners. And to do this we need to further distance ourselves from Nazi sympathizers, conspiracy theorists, and other embarrassments.

    “The most popular White Nationalist site is Don Black’s Stormfront”

    That’s part of the problem. The public face of white nationalism continues to be Nazi sympathizers, Holocaust, and other crackpots. Potential recruits are told that we’re all a bunch of Nazis; they google us, find Don Black’s website, and discover the allegations to be true. That’s the problem, my friend.

    “I don’t see small groups of kooks and fringe characters as a social problem.”

    They may be small in the sense that they only represent a small portion of the population, but they are an embarrassingly visible and vocal presence in our own ranks. I saw a lot of them at the last American Renaissance conference within the audience.

    “If memory serves, you showed up here a few months ago and attacked me for not being anti-Semitic enough on the Jewish Question. I was the one critiquing the Single Jewish Cause theory.”

    Correct. I’ve changed my mind on the Jewish question during the last couple of months.

    “The BNP is a pro-White political party and will be relentlessly attacked for that reason alone.”

    Correct. They will still be attacked by liberals regardless of their policies on the Jewish Quesiton. It’s not the liberals that we are trying to convert, though; it’s the man on the street. And the man on the street will never vote for a quasi-Nazi party. He may be convinced to vote for a pro-white party, but he will never embrace Nazism.

  33. ‘Black crime is far more of a social problem for White Americans than Muslim terrorism.”

    Yes, the Negro problem can be effectively utilized by white nationalists, especially in areas with relatively high black populations. My point is that Muslim terrorism is such an obvious and dramatic example of the destructive effects of Third World immigration that it can now be regarded as THE issue with which to gain public sympathy. And it’s one of the few issues where mainstream conservative interests overlap with our own. We need to take advantage of that. We need to choose the right enemy: the enemy that will get us the most votes. We need to choose Muslims and Arabs rather than Jews and conservatives. That’s the bottom line.

  34. Disclaimer: looking at this from an American perspective.

    You can’t build a whole political philosophy around one issue- race- and expect it to gain popularity. There’s a lot more to society than just race, like getting the trains to run on time… like good schools for your children, like economic security, like order, like healthiness. This is why White Nationalism fails, because it’s composed of intelligent but marginalized individuals with one overriding obsession, not healthy and well-adjusted community leaders.

    A saner approach is to get intelligent people into office whose goal is presiding over a healthy, functional society; and who realize that enforced diversity is at odds with that goal. Affirmative action is at odds with that goal. Welfare is at odds with that goal. Unchecked immigration, as well. Small steps, people! White Americans have had an artificial cultural consciousness from the beginning, you can’t expect it to develop overnight! It will probably take hundreds of years for a true White American ethnicity to emerge. But ending insane policies like those mentioned above is attainable.

    Focus on your local or state politics. The federal gov’t is done for. It’s not really as hopeless as it seems if you make your goals realistic. Most intelligent and successful leadership-oriented people understand these concepts on a basic level even if they don’t yet realize it. It’s our job to nudge them towards understanding (or run for office yourself, if you’re capable).

  35. …but it is certainly higher than the Nazi sympathizing, Holocaust denying, militantly anti-Semitic Right.

    Why are you allowing this obvious Jew Yosemite to post on your blog? 😯

  36. Their success may not be as high as the mainstream conservative right, but it is certainly higher than the Nazi sympathizing, Holocaust denying, militantly anti-Semitic Right.

    Why are you allowing this obvious Jew Yosemite to post on your blog?

  37. ‘…And by ‘them’ I mean: …conspiracy theorists, and skinheads.’
    I just shaved my head this morning after a long night of trying to convince people to listen to my conspiracy theories. It’s like you’ve got a webcam of me…

    ‘…we need less … Kevin MacDonalds…’
    If you don’t want him, there’s a waiting list of folks who would like him to lead their seminars…

    ‘Kevin MacDonald only serves one purpose: to distract our attention from where it needs to be (building racial consciousness among our people, Islamic terrorism, the role of capitalism in our racial decline, etc) to the “Jewish question”.’
    Kevin MacDonald is very educational on topics such as the role of capitalism, IMHO.

    Also, quoted for truth: “Islamic terrorism poses less of a threat to our race than cigarettes and drunk driving do.”

    “Sometimes you need to choose your enemies more carefully than your friends. Muslim terrorism is such an obvious and dramatic example of the destructive effects of immigration that it can now be regarded as THE issue with which to gain public sympathy.”

    Publicity on that issue might cause public sympathy to be extended to Israel.

  38. Indeed, with the Islamic terrorist attacks of 9/11, white nationalists are finally in a position where their interests overlap with mainstream conservative interests. We should take advantage of this situation. This does not mean that we must openly ally with neoconservatives, but we can certainly use their anti-Islamic propaganda to add mainstream credibility to our anti-immigration agenda.

  39. ’embrace … Holocaust denial, and VNN! Yes, because that’s been working very well for the past 40 years. It’s really advanced our cause.’

    You’re being sarcastic, but I think this website owes a big debt to the issues that you’re mocking.

    Like millions of other people, I’m interested in conspiracy theories like JFK, William Cooper, whether Alex Jones’ wife is Jewish, that kind of thing.

    I never noticed White issues until Jeff Rense linked to Holocaust inquiry (I don’t think “Holocaust denial” sounds right) and VNN.

    Jeff Rense has a LOT of readers. Jeff Rense linking to guys like Zundel actually has had a huge effect. If Jeff Rense links to this website, the traffic will spike.

    Whatever political strategy you end up embracing, do not underestimate the mighty audience demographics of Jeff Rense.

  40. Yosemite,

    I am just not an extremist on the JQ.

    any longer. But you sure were one of the more extreme AS at one point. That’s okay. People can change their minds, especially WNs. I doubt there’s one who hasn’t swung back and forth between extremes of other-hatred and a tamer pro-selfism around. That’s why it’s a good idea to err on the side of caution; if you’re going to be in it for the long haul it pays to minimize your potential errors and potential regrets. A good question to ask in order to help you achieve that is, “What is the minimum that will secure the existence of my people in or all or most of what I regard as their rightful territory?” Once you have your answer, be very cautious about venturing beyond that.

    I agree with you that hot-button issues should be pursued: Islamic intransigence; black crime; immigration; and some form of cultural argument (official English, maybe). But Wallace is right that for any hope of serious change you have to own the culture. Currently, and somewhat unbelievably (considering what incredible degenerates they are), the left dominates. Still how can having pro-white officials elected, powerless to effect the desired changes on their own though they may be, be a bad thing? It lets whites know there are voices out there speaking out on their behalf and that having a pro-white political position or opinion is completely legitimate. I don’t see any downside to it.


    The most popular White Nationalist site is Don Black’s Stormfront

    Right. Now compare that to Huffington Post or Daily Kos.

  41. [i]I have done as much as someone in my position and with my abilities can do, but let’s assume that I’ve done absolutely nothing. It’s better to do nothing than to discredit the movement by promoting the sort of pseudo-scholarship peddled by Kevin MacDonald. Doing nothing is better than subjecting us to ridicule.[/i]

    By whom? Ian Jobling? Some Jewish musicology PhD? It’s wishful thinking. MacDonald’s work is based on mainstream, and often Jewish, scholarship. And even, for the sake of argument, let’s say that Jewish ethnocentrism does not have a substantial hereditary component (or is not widespread throughout the Jewish population- though it could still be high among the elites), this would not have much, or any, impact on MacDonald’s thesis. Dr. Music and Jobling hope that if they can find one valid criticism, they can ignore the whole body of work. Sorry, doesn’t work that way. Let’s see you offer something substantive, Yosemite.

  42. Oldright
    “Islamic terrorism poses less of a threat to our race than cigarettes and drunk driving do.”

    Sometimes you need to choose your enemies more carefully than your friends. Muslim terrorism is such an obvious and dramatic example of the destructive effects of immigration that it can now be regarded as THE issue with which to gain public sympathy. Nationalists in Europe have been riding the anti-Islamic hysteria that followed 9/11, the Mohammed cartoon controversy, etc., with considerable success. American nationalists need to do the same, instead of being sidetracked by the Jewish question.

    Stirring up anti-Muslim anger has been used by the jews who own the media (or the culture as Hunter says) to entrap us in the Iraq tar baby. Almost no whites turn against immigration because of the abstract threat of terrorism, which is uncommon. It’s having their neighborhoods overrun by noisy, criminal aliens who assault, rob, rape and murder them that radicalizes whites.

    By refusing to publicize the connection between open borders and potential future waves of Muslim terror attacks the jew owned right has nullified your strategy.

    The jews want to destroy whites. That is their top priority, much higher than preventing Muslim attacks. National Review and the Weekly Standard will continue to channel the anger at Muslims into support for Israel because that’s why the jews created those publications.

    White annihilation is their purpose, none of this is an accident.

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