Can America Be Saved?

Arthur Kemp, author of March of the Titans: A History of the White Race, has written a new book about the failures of the White Nationalist movement in America. If this name rings a bell, it’s because he is the same guy who wrote about Nordics bringing civilization to China, Egypt, Greece, Italy, South America, and Easter Island. Now he is full of advice for racialists on this side of the Atlantic.

Kemp’s prescription:

1.) Strip the movement of “cranks and crackpots” who infest the American “right wing.” The short list includes Christian Identity nuts, Neo-Nazis, Neo-Confederates, the KKK, WW2 hobbyists, and skinheads … in sum, everyone offensive to the bourgeois sense of propriety.

2.) Reject the National Alliance vanguardist approach.

3.) Engage in modern democratic nationalism. Imitate the Ron Paul movement.

4.) Reject Judeo-obsessivism.

5.) Create a “European-American Political Action Committee.” Draw up an electable platform. Have EUPAC select and endorse Republican and Democratic candidates.

6.) Target state senate seats.

Five years ago, I would have found Kemp’s argument a lot more plausible than I do now. I’m not convinced the White Nationalist movement is marginalized because it is infested with kooks and fringe characters. If all of the above types were expunged from the White Wing, which is not really possible in a liberal democracy, I doubt that our media image would change. The BNP’s treatment by the British media is proof of that. Our enemies will continue to smear us regardless of whether or not we wear costumes.

Kemp’s caricature of White Nationalism is twenty years out of date. The typical White Nationalist isn’t an uneducated, hate mongering, tobacco chewing Christian Identity redneck. Even our professional monitors like Leonard Zeskind and Carol Swain are willing to grant that much. White Nationalists are usually middle class, college educated, white male professionals who have joined the movement out of concern about third world immigration, multiculturalism, or affirmative action.

The debate between the “mainstreamers” and “vanguardists” has been going on since the 1980’s in the United States. There is nothing original about any of Kemp’s observations. I’ve seen it all before over the years. David Duke famously took off the Klan robes and got involved in Louisiana state politics. He was running for president when I was eight years old. If there is anything to be said for the “mainstreamer” approach, it is that there wasn’t nearly enough follow up in the wake of the Duke campaigns.

White Nationalists targeting state representative and state senate seats is only plausible in the Deep South states (South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana) where White racial consciousness is still relatively strong. I’m not opposed to this. Building a base is a good idea. Unfortunately, no one except Jim Giles is doing it. I’ve complained before that there is no national organization on the ground trying to recruit explict whites into White Nationalism.

As a radical political movement, I also think our time and money is better spent trying to change the culture than engaging in expensive, fruitless political campaigns. The mainstream right dominated the U.S. from Nixon to Obama, but you would never know this from the state of our culture. If we can change the culture, political victories will naturally follow. Political victories that don’t capstone deeper cultural triumphs will only prove temporary.

Can America be saved? Possibly … but I remain unconvinced that plunging into mainstream democratic politics is the way forward.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I also notice that Yosemite is promoting the absurd Jewish-media created fairy tale version of the 9/11 attacks. Wow, another coincidence. 🙄

  2. Dasein
    By whom? Ian Jobling? Some Jewish musicology PhD?

    The only people who care about what Jobling and Auster are white nationalists hoping against all past experience that jews will, out of self interest, switch sides on the race question.

    Eight years after the WTC attack jews show no sign of switching. The jew organizations still promote open borders and the jew media suppresses all race realism, even when it’s promoted by jews.

    Pro-white jews no more represent jewry than Clarence Thomas represents the black community.

  3. There’s no reason a mainstream political strategy shouldn’t be pursued in tandem with more intellectual projects. Today however we have plenty of the latter and none of the former! Why is that? Is the soil not fertile enough yet? Are whites not suffering enough? Lack of money and resources?

    I’m not much interested in converting average whites to anti-Judaism; I take the Jewish role as a given, as perhaps many of us here do. I think the JQ should be approached with tact and subtlety. You would be surprised, I think, at how aware many whites are of Jewish involvement, but are afraid to speak out publicly. At this stage I would much rather concentrate on immigration, racial quotas, fighting anti-white hatred, publicising our writers and thinkers, building up organizations, and running activists and candidates.

  4. Hunter Wallace writes:

    I simply don’t believe they are the cause of our marginalization. If the NSM didn’t exist, the media would find some other way to smear us.

    I agree. The cause of our marginalization, and the blame for it, belongs with our marginalizers, which includes those who spark and fuel divisive debates about who to shun.

    Anyone who’s on our side and is so inclined can easily find themselves a target-rich environment in which to go about dividing and marginalizing our enemies.

  5. Can America be saved? That’s a loaded question and I don’t think the America we knew and loved can be saved. Our goal should be saving the white race (the healthy, racially conscious segment) and forming an all white ethnostate (or ethnostates) over the carcass of what used to be America. We are too racially diverse and politically divided to ever become one prosperous, united nation ever again. The racial spoils system is here to stay and non-whites get more demanding and radical with each election. Let’s start facing the facts.

    The BNP has rejected so called Judeo-obsessivism yet the British and European establishments aren’t any kinder to them and are still attempting to restrict or ban their activities. Jared Taylor has worked hard to make Amren as philo-semitic as possible but the ADL and SPLC still attack he and his followers as haters and bigots. Even with all his semitical correctness don’t expect Jared Taylor to be invited to the White House or the halls of Congress anytime soon.

    I would need to hear a more specific plan on just how WN’s could capture Federal House and Senate seats before I sign on to something like that. Kemp also needs to define just what makes a person a crank or crackpot. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are crackpots yet they enjoy the support of most blacks. It seems like WN’s are the only group that must operate within a very narrow framework to be deemed acceptable and fit for political office.

  6. Among the people who have actually read and studied MacDonald’s work, there are those who agree with MacDonald’s arguments, and those who disagree with or are unconvinced by his analysis and conclusions. Neither group will honestly label his work as “pseudo-scholarship.”

    Only Jews, anti anti-Semites, philo-Semites, etc., ever refer to MacDonald’s work as “pseudo-scholarship.”

  7. Quick point about Nick Griffin and the BNP. At first I was put off by his apparent reneging on past positions on Jews and Israel. He has obviously learned about PR and public perception somewhat because he has distanced himself from any anti-Jewish rhetoric and even mentions that the BNP has a Jew in the party (a token one in a non-policy making position, I believe). Also, the support of Israel during Question Time. Now I’m sure if someone put a gun to his head and asked him who was ultimately behind the dire situation Britain (and other Western countries) are in, he would certainly say Jews. But he has realized that a much better way of defeating these subversive Jews is to instead attack their interests and by proxy…them …not head on where it would cause too much backlash and fear. Also, the analogy of Israel protecting itself and being a Jewish homeland and the BNP wanting to do the same for indigenous Brits in Britain. Brilliant tactic and you know there many Jews gritting there teeth at the analogy but unable to speak up without showing their complete double standard.

  8. Thank you Mr. Dithers, Trainspotter, Old Right, and of course Hunter, your assessments and opinions on these matters are most logical and germane. Can White America be saved? Possibly, but the clueless white center is going to have to be pretty damned desperate and hungry, because they certainly never seem to listen to sweet reason alone. Their ignorance of vital issues is profound, to say the least. We will have to to save them from themselves, if that’s possible, by organizing, and using any issue or means that works. With the anti-white opposition entrenched in all of the centers of power and influence, it’s going to be a merciless, uphill battle royale.

    The current economic malaise, with 3% of the population now owning 70% plus of all assets, is a ready-made issue, waiting to be exploited by White Nationalists. The plutocrats have strip mined the economy and the middle class to the point where the system is breaking down. White resentment and envy are starting to bubble up already, with the so-called ‘tea parties’. When the social and financial pain really takes hold, watch the sparks fly! No group of people is more radical than those who have been robbed of what they once had, nor those who realize that they have been lied to, humiliated, and gamed. The unique opportunity (and danger) that this presents should be coldly evaluated by those who will hopefully be there to guide that shower of sparks in the right direction. Despite the efforts of many good people, conservatism will be a discredited and lost cause, for many reasons. Judging from past history, and my read of the current Anglo American mentality, I feel that an ethnocentric populist approach would be the most expeditious and sensible path to pursue.

  9. Kemp is the last person who should be talking about “cranks.”
    His March of the Titans is an ignorant Nordicist rant.

    As for America’s salvation,what we need is to promulgate a brand new policy with mass appeal-debt relief- that will win us attention and support amongst a broad swathe of the White demographic.With this support we can seize power and begin to implement other measures of our program.

    Also we must coinvolve our European brothers,pursuing a policy of drawing ever closer to Europe.Using her as a counterweight to domestic enemies-White and non-White.Much in the way Marxists used the Soviet Union as a counter to their domestic foes.

  10. I’ve received evidence via email that “Yosemite” is an Asian sock puppet.

    Asian philo-Semite/crypto Jew who considers MacDonald’s work to be “pseudo-scholarship.”

    Marcus Epstein, is that you?

  11. Even Rush Limbaugh is labeled as a racist so all this talk of distancing from fringe elements is almost laughable.

  12. “Asian philo-Semite/crypto Jew”

    Why do you say I am a philo-Semite? I am an anti-semite, by Jobling and Auster’s standards. I just don’t believe that the white nationalist obsession with the Jewish question is capable of yielding fruitful gain.

  13. Busted: “Yosemite” here posts on another forum as “japanese anime” with “Asian Unity” as his custom title. He claims to be a non-racist over there. Apparently, he has been trolling Occidental Dissent pretending to be a White Nationalist. A commentator spotted him crossposting his comments and sent me an email about it.

  14. “It rather biases your perspective, no?”

    My only bias is that I want the white race to survive and dominate the globe. Being half Danish and half Japanese certainly does not impair my judgment on the Jewish question. If I were a Jew, the case would be different.

  15. Hunter,

    “‘Yosemite’ here posts on another forum as’japanese anime’ with ‘Asian Unity’ as his custom title.”

    Yes, I believe that Asia is for Asians, and Europe should be for Europeans. What’s wrong with that?

    “”He claims to be a non-racist over there.”

    “Correct, I am not a racist. I am a racialist. A racist, in the popular mind, is someone who hates other people because of their race. What I advocate is the scientific analysis of racial differences, and the preservation of evolutionary superior types. There is no ‘hatred’ involved in such a belief.

    “Apparently, he has been trolling Occidental Dissent pretending to be a White Nationalist.”

    I’ve always told you my true beliefs, both here and on the other forum. I just haven’t had an occasion to reveal my ancestry here. I didn’t regard it as relevant to the arguments I was advancing.

  16. “My only bias is that I want the white race to survive and dominate the globe.”

    “Yes, I believe that Asia is for Asians, and Europe should be for Europeans. What’s wrong with that?”

    Glaring contradiction.

  17. “Glaring contradiction.”

    No contradiction. I don’t believe that Westerners should colonize Asia. I believe that America or Europe must be the dominant superpower. I don’t want to see communist China as the world’s main superpower.

  18. First of all, I am still very critical of Jewish influence in Western society. I am just not an extremist on the Jewish question. I consider myself half-way between the viewpoints of Auster and Kevin MacDonald on the matter; I believe the latter overstates his case, and the former is too soft on Jewish liberals and Marxists. Second, it’s true that I changed my mind to some extent, although I haven’t done a 180 degree turn. What brought about this change? First, I was impressed by the recent successes of the European nationalist Right, new information, as compared with the failures of the old anti-Semitic nationalism. Second, simply debating the matter with other bloggers. I am not afraid to change my mind as new information and new arguments become available to me.

  19. “I’ve always told you my true beliefs, both here and on the other forum. I just haven’t had an occasion to reveal my ancestry here. I didn’t regard it as relevant to the arguments I was advancing.”

    You’re full of shit. You wrote this earlier:

    “It’s better to do nothing than to discredit the movement by promoting the sort of pseudo-scholarship peddled by Kevin MacDonald. Doing nothing is better than subjecting us to ridicule.”

    To whom were you referring when you wrote ‘us’? You knew full well that the people here, the people for whom this forum exists, are not a group of Negroes, Mezzies, Pakis, bi-racials, etc. You’re not White. You’re a confused liar.

  20. Yosemite
    Yes, I believe that Asia is for Asians, and Europe should be for Europeans. What’s wrong with that?

    There’s nothing wrong with that, but that does bring up a problem. Where do you get to live?

    The goal of white nationalists is a white ethnostate in which minorities are excluded. In most white ethnostates you would be deported or sterilized and your parents would be regarded as a race traitor and an alien race traitor and subjected to public shaming or worse.

    How can you take our side when our victory means your exile and your parent’s humiliation?

  21. I agree:

    It’s the Culture, Stupid!

    We have to take it back, the same way it was taken from us and then some. Or, we have to change the way we work within the existing system. That would require a more involved post, so I just want to hit on a few areas.

    We need white women on our side and in order to win over white women, what we promote has to be marketed as more “fun, hip, cool, caring, compassionate” than the current leftist marketing. Certainly, a high standard to set.

    What are white women loyal to? Anything and everything except their race and white men in particular.

    Why do white women embrace leftism like stink on shit? Because, with little or no effort, they can call themselves “progressive” and instantly be part of the in crowd. There’s literally no thinking involved and they get to be considered cool and acceptable! They think and perceive what they’re doing is right in the eyes of society. That’s all they care about.

    Woman’s greatest fear is being excluded from the group. In their mind leftism is emotional, that is to say, “cool, hip, fun, feels good, is compassionate, caring, elite, evolved, intelligent” and it’s what all the other women are so that’s THE GROUP they want to be a part of. They want to be a part of the in crowd. White nationalism is PERCEIVED as none of these things to them. Or, at least, it’s marketed as none of these things to them.

    Our cultural ethos is leftism and that’s what white women embrace. We have to change this. Without gaining support from white women everything else is irrelevant, IMO.

    My observation is that anything pro-white is obviously and overwhelmingly supported by white males (duh!). White females are so, so far gone these days that they’re anti-white and proud of it! They are totally out of control. Nobody is really too sure what they are.

    Ultimately, we have a marketing problem. I repeat, we have a marketing problem. WE NEED PRO-WHITE MARKETING EXPERTS. We have plenty and perhaps too much white male intellectualism. Women are gullible and suckers for marketing. They are followers. Look at how overwhelming the marketing is for everything related to Cultural Marxism (multiculturalism, feminism, miscegenation, political correctness, etc). It permeates every aspect of culture in the USA (Western World) and it’s all white women are ever exposed to. Yes, we know who’s responsible for this and who controls the power centers of media, law, education, finance, govt. etc. But, we have to start hitting back with our own impressive marketing of all things pro-white. WE HAVE TO WIN OVER WHITE WOMEN. We have to get creative at this.

    Girls just want to have fun and leftism = fun and “empowering” for white women. Leftist marketing implants, promotes, and confirms this constantly to white women. Being pro-white brings their fun to an end. It requires them to take pride in their race and embrace the responsibilities that go along with it. This requires renouncing much of modern culture. They’ll always make the easy choice of fun/leftism and the law won’t allow white men any control over their women. In the minds of white women, they always win under leftism. You have to get white women to understand that they’re actually losing under leftism and if they really want to win then being pro-white is the way to go. It must be marketed as fun and empowering. Again, they have to believe they’re winning under the pro-white way otherwise they’ll stick with leftism.

    IMO, anything pro-white will gain support if you can accomplish the following:

    1. Make it appealing to modern white women. It would be optimal to get white women to renounce leftism, feminism, statism, liberalism, progressives, etc. However, my experience is that many, if not most of them, haven’t even considered the negatives of such ideologies. So, I’m being overly optimistic, to say the least. Many of them don’t even realized they’re brainwashed by these ideologies. They blindly embrace them 100% because “that’s what everybody else is doing” and “it’s fun, cool, hip”. They do so without even thinking about the pros/cons. Unfortunately, using logic and reason doesn’t seem to really work here. It may work on a few white women but my experience is that using logic and reason to disprove feminism/leftism doesn’t prevent them from continuing to believe in it because they are “emotionally” invested in it. You have to change their emotional beliefs. We have to apply a strategy based on emotional marketing/psyops that educates white women about the negatives of cultural marxism and makes being pro-white EMOTIONALLY attractive to white women.

    2. There’s an abundance of white men out there who know things are wrong. They may even go so far as to denounce Cultural Marxism, political correctness and feminism; however, there’s an overwhelming number of white men who won’t renounce multiculturalism and miscegenation (roissy in dc, mgtow, “game” crowd, and the men’s movement are a few examples). This means entering into these spheres and educating about the deleterious effects of multiculturalism and miscegenation. You’ll most likely get banned from their forums which means the men’s movement is part of the cultural marxist establishment, IMO. These men are being led to believe that they should unite with men of all races to fight discrimination against men, instead of putting their own race first.

    3. Arranged marriages amongst strong pro-white families. Leaving this area to “chance” is a massive mistake. Pro-white families then instill the pro-white viewpoint into their children or at least get them to think critically about the endless cultural garbage around them.

    So, #1 requires a lot of effort because I’ve never encountered a white woman in my life that isn’t completely brainwashed by leftist ideology. I used to be #2 where I hated everything about feminism and political correctness. It wasn’t until I understood the negative effects of multiculturalism and miscegenation that I became extremely pro-white. #3 if I could find a pro-white woman, I’d marry her and have 10 kids. She doesn’t exist out here.

    White women pledge allegiance to their religion of Cultural Marxism/leftism and pop culture. These ideologies make white women FEEL GOOD. They CONTROL white women and are overwhelmingly anti-white. We must win a decent number of white women over to our side. It’s simply amazing that they aren’t on our side to begin with but that’s the power of social engineering and the BIG J.

    So, I suggest massive PROFESSIONAL marketing of all things pro-white to white women. It must be BETTER than the current leftist marketing that permeates our culture. Taking over the power centers is also necessary, but much easier said than done.

    Out West in NV surrounded by Mexicans.

  22. ‘How can you take our side when our victory means your exile and your parent’s humiliation?”

    I will gladly accept whatever is necessary to preserve the white race, even if it means by sterilization or deportation because I am of part Asian ancestry. In the mean time, I will do everything I can to advance the cause of white nationalism, including that which I cannot do if I lived in Asia, where I equally do not belong.

  23. Arthur Kemp and White Nationalism « Guy White: Making Sense On Race:

    Kemp is right about what he terms “cancer”. The deranged wing of White Nationalism must be eliminated or at least isolated. The Progressives on the Left couldn’t move forward until the Communist extremists were isolated and largely taken out of their movement. The WN on the Right will similarly never move forward until the extremists are no longer able to speak for the movement.

    Just in case anyone here wasn’t already clear on far Guy will go in the service of jewish interests.

  24. Uvanimon: “Small steps, people! White Americans have had an artificial cultural consciousness from the beginning, you can’t expect it to develop overnight! It will probably take hundreds of years for a true White American ethnicity to emerge. But ending insane policies like those mentioned above is attainable.”

    Unfortunately, we don’t have hundreds of years. It is questionable whether we even have a few decades. The reality is that the struggle is going to be conducted by those who are now alive, or are just being born. We’re it, disturbing as that may be to hear. Nobody is coming to rescue us. We’ve got to develop strategies and tactics that can work in a matter of years, maybe a few decades at the outside. The reality of our situation rules out many possibiities, but there are still strategies open to us. Some of them aren’t pretty, but everything needs to be on the table.

    dagezhu: “Systemic failure will render the town councils of aldermen, the state legislatures, etc. rather pointless.”

    I think we are using the term “systemic failure” a bit differently. In my use of the term I was contemplating the strains and pressures that will be placed upon large, complex, centralized systems – in particular the federal government. I do not necessarily mean a total social breakdown. The latter is possible, but I’m not predicting it. I’m predicting a long, groaning strain…not a sudden collapse. Kunstler calls it The Long Emergency, not Rapid Meltdown. I think he’s right, though I have different ideas as to how things may pan out.

    If I’m right, local government will actually become more important over time, not less. Small, flexible organizations that can make things happen – and keep their promises – will have increasing advantages. The key question for us is: how many of those flexible organizations will be white nationalist in nature, or at least in sympathy?

    Ongoing social strain (again, not necessarily in the form of a cataclysmic, horrific collapse) will therefore provide us with the last opportunity to beat the demographic clock. Has this last opportunity been provided by Providence, fate, random luck, or the gods themselves? Who knows? But we’ve at least got something to work with as we move further into what for us is the eleventh hour.

    This provides an opportunity for marginalized groups and ideas to gain an audience and following. In other words, it’s an opportunity for white nationalism, IF we have the intellectual, cultural, and political infrastructure in place to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, right now, plenty of other marginalized groups have more infrastructure in place than we do. That’s what needs to change. Significant numbers of potential converts are on the way in the coming years. Will there be anything for them to support, or will they become mere grumblers or, worse still, get coopted by some other group that is antithetical to our interests?

    We don’t have a whole lot of time to answer and address these questions.

  25. ‘We need white women on our side and in order to win over white women, what we promote has to be marketed as more “fun, hip, cool, caring, compassionate” than the current leftist marketing.’

    Can you get the endorsement of Winthrop P. Snuggles, the bear of white compassion?

    Make cute cartoons. Sponsor decorative art by reliable artists. Get some music other than death metal. (Symphonic metal? Folk?)

    Revive Western art:

    Make more movies like “A Conversation About Race” and “Demographic Winter.”


    ‘… I was contemplating the strains and pressures that will be placed upon large, complex, centralized systems – in particular the federal government. I do not necessarily mean a total social breakdown. …I’m predicting a long, groaning strain…… Kunstler calls it The Long Emergency…Small, flexible organizations that can make things happen – and keep their promises – will have increasing advantages. ‘

    Many scholars in the mainstream military sociology community have been talking about this for years. They refer to 4GW, meaning “Fourth Generation Warfare.” Of course, since these thinkers are mostly employed by the USA military, they present themselves to the public as adhering to conventional USA ideology – which is to say, they are apparent enemies of white nationalism.

    Some thinkers have predicted the rise of “resilient communities.” Notably, Jeff Vail has spoken of the “rhizome” communities.

  26. @OnOurOwn
    ‘ there’s an overwhelming number of white men who won’t renounce multiculturalism and miscegenation (roissy in dc, mgtow, “game” crowd, and the men’s movement are a few examples). This means entering into these spheres and educating about the deleterious effects of multiculturalism and miscegenation. You’ll most likely get banned from their forums ….if I could find a pro-white woman, I’d marry her and have 10 kids. She doesn’t exist out here.’

    Many of these sites appear to be smart enough to know the score but too culturally conditioned to challenge the race taboo. Some prominent writers in that movement, notably Roissy, have been alleged to have anti-white ethnic genetic interests.

    “The Spearhead” is an interesting site with nebulous policies against “race-baiting.” Alexa ranks it as more popular than “Occidental Dissent,” although other ranking sites disagree. Roissy recently did a post at “The Spearhead.” I think there still might be time to change its course, but at the moment, it appears to be lurching toward an anti-white mental paralysis.

    ‘No contradiction. I don’t believe that Westerners should colonize Asia. I believe that America or Europe must be the dominant superpower. I don’t want to see communist China as the world’s main superpower.’
    In other words, your Asian sympathies are only for your Japanese genes, not for Asia in general. Japan could prosper nicely if someone other than China or Korea were to rule the waves.

  27. I’ve mentioned Fourth Generation Warfare on this site any number of times. While not advocating anything, I suspect that FGW will play a major role in the creation of the coming white nation. I don’t think most people understand just how vulnerable the current system is. Those who grasp FGW, on the other hand, are quite aware of system vulnerabilities, or at least they can easily guess.

    Putting on my prognosticator’s cap, I don’t see massive bloodbaths and Rwanda style genocide, or our own version of the Killing Fields. I don’t see costume clowns marching around in torch lit columns. There may be some of that, but I suspect Fourth Generation Warfare provides a more accurate picture of what can happen. Add this to the Kwa’s current racial/political/cultural divisions, and it is easy to see a balkanization/sorting out process taking place once the party gets started. Part of the power of Fourth Generation Warfare is that it does not require many people, yet it can have enormous impact. Talk about leverage.

    The trend is our friend: existing nation states losing legitimacy against a backdrop of ongoing crisis and lack of internal racial/cultural cohesion; rise of Fourth Generation Warfare which rewards intensity of belief rather than large numbers; complex, interdependent society that has numerous vulnerable points without sufficient resiliency.

    Again, just speculating here, but it would seem that the Kwa is basically an accident waiting to happen.

  28. ‘”Many of these sites appear to be smart enough to know the score but too culturally conditioned to challenge the race taboo. Some prominent writers in that movement, notably Roissy, have been alleged to have anti-white ethnic genetic interests.”

    What is the allegation concerning Roissy?

  29. ‘What is the allegation concerning Roissy?’

    In a conversation concerning Jews, a blog commenter alleged that Roissy was “of a certain race,” which I assume was meant to indicate Jewish. I have no idea whether the allegation can be substantiated; it seemed to have been intended seriously, rather than as a flippant stereotype.

    ‘The trend is our friend: existing nation states losing legitimacy against a backdrop of ongoing crisis and lack of internal racial/cultural cohesion; rise of Fourth Generation Warfare which rewards intensity of belief rather than large numbers; complex, interdependent society that has numerous vulnerable points without sufficient resiliency.’

    The trends are indeed powerful, and the trends point to a decline of USA hyperpower status. However, the demographic trend of declining births among high-intelligence humans worries me. Not only are high-IQ whites failing to reproduce, modern civilization seems to blight any race prosperous enough to master the use of technology.

    If the white race were to go extinct, one might envision a high-IQ Chinese person reading Schiller and wondering how the inscrutable Occidentals vanished. If *all* the high-IQ strains go extinct, one might envision low-IQ strains that cannot teach their offspring to read.

    As was said earlier:”We’ve got to develop strategies and tactics that can work in a matter of years, maybe a few decades at the outside.”

    Just a few decades with no white babies would be the extinction of all whites. Personal reproduction is political, as Steve Sailer has said in his work on “affordable family formation.”

  30. “In a conversation concerning Jews, a blog commenter alleged that Roissy was “of a certain race,” which I assume was meant to indicate Jewish.”

    I’m a regular reader of Roissy’s site. Recently, a poster asked Roissy point blank if he was Jewish. Roissy said “no.” When I read that, I said “Thank God.” LOL

    “Not only are high-IQ whites failing to reproduce, modern civilization seems to blight any race prosperous enough to master the use of technology.”

    Indeed. Modern civilization, in its present incarnation at least, appears to be unsustainable on numerous levels – some more obvious than others. Yet I am hopeful that, with certain reasonable modifications, a white ethnostate could avoid most of these pitfalls and instead chart a course that is sustainable in all of the ways that modernity is not, including demographically. I think it’s doable.

    As to whether I am right or wrong in my view, one of the key questions is this: is liberalism (which I’m using as a blanket term for a whole host of maladaptive behaviors and beliefs) separable from modern technology and economic prosperity? In other words, does modern technology and prosperity inevitably lead to liberalism, or does it merely ALLOW it? I’m very much in the latter camp.

  31. HW:”[Kemp] is the same guy who wrote about Nordics bringing civilization to China, Egypt, Greece, Italy, South America, and Easter Island.”

    Check this sequence out:

    + 1- “YDNA Haplogroup I (the letter I, not the number 1) represents nearly one-fifth of the population of Europe. It can be found in most present-day European populations, with greatest density in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Sweden, Norway, and Sardinia. The haplogroup is almost non-existent outside of Europe, suggesting that it arose in Europe.” – – see maps on concentrations of YDNA Haplogroup I in Europe

    + 2- ‘Was Megalithic Culture Earth’s First Empire?’

    “According to the International Society of Genetic Genealogy, “Y-DNA haplogroup I is a European haplogroup, representing nearly one-fifth of the population. It is almost non-existent outside of Europe, suggesting that it arose in Europe. Estimates of the age of haplogroup I suggest that it arose prior to the last Glacial Maximum. Probably, it was confined to the refuge in the Balkans during the last Ice Age, and then spread northward during the recolonization of northern Europe following the retreat of the glaciers.

    There are two main subgroups of haplogroup I: I-M253/I-M307/I-P30/I-P40 has highest frequency in Scandinavia, Iceland, and northwest Europe. In Britain, haplogroup I-M253 is often used as a marker for “invaders,” Viking or Anglo-Saxon. I-S31 includes I-P37.2, which is the most common form in the Balkans and Sardinia, and I-S23/I-S30/I-S32/I-S33, which reaches its highest frequency along the northwest coast of continental Europe. Within I-S23 et al, I-M223 occurs in Britain and northwest continental Europe. A subgroup of I-M223, namely I-M284, occurs almost exclusively in Britain, so it apparently originated there and has probably been present for thousands of years.”

    What this seems to suggest is that not only is a pan-European common megalithic ethinic culture not far-fetched, but even quite likely, based on the Y-DNA evidence. In fact, given the significant presence of Haplogroup I in Sardinia, which spread along the northwest coast of continental Europe – often considered the “heartland” of megalithic culture we may even be able to infer links to the Mediterranean megalithic culture.

    If this is true – and only further research will tell one way or another – the implications are manifold. For one thing, later Bronze Age migrations (not to mention predations) of the Sea Peoples (which were thought to contain a significant Sardinian and Corsican continent), demonstrated the relative ease with which a population in this portion of the Mediterranean to easily influence culture in the Aegean, Crete, Malta, the Phoenician / Lebanese Coast and even as far south as Egypt. Given this, perhaps hyperdiffusionist theory needs to be considered once again.

    This would mean that the megaliths of Malta, Brittany, southern England, the Orkney Islands, Crete, Lebanon (Baalbek) and even Nabta on the Egypt/Sudan border really are far-flung outposts of a common cultural empire.

    And if that can be established, how likely is it that other megalithic cultures – for example those in China, India and Japan – that existed at roughly the same time, and built similar structures, are completely unrelated?

    (Hat-tip to Mr Robert Lindsay)

    + 3 – Learn about:

    + 4 – Watch or re-watch 2001: A Space Odyssey…just for research purposes of course:

    + 5 – Alieeens!?!?!


  32. Differential breeding with low breeding of the brights and higher breeding of the dumbs was noted as early as the Roman Empire. The Empire went on for quite some time. It’s thought to be simply a feature of civilization more than anything else. ATM, there is nothing to worry about as IQ’s are rising in the West and everywhere else anyway for some reason.

    However! The US IQ may have declined by 2 points in the past decade or so, as seen by the renorming of IQ scores. IQ scores used to be set at 100 = US White average. Well, now they are set at US national average. I don’t really understand it all, but the US White IQ is now 103 and the US national IQ is now 98. That 98 score would not be there in a US that was 90% White (1965).

    Kemp is wrong, for assuming it was “Nordics” doing all this civilizing stuff. My reading is that this culture started in Malta, spread to Corsica and Sardinia (Sardinia is the site of the most ancient existing Europeans) and then spread up the coast to England, etc.

    Those ancient Brits were swarthy, had dark hair and eyes. They looked like Turks, Maltese, people of the Caucasus, Sardinians, Basques, etc = Meds. Nordics don’t really arise in large numbers until later. Blond, blue, redheads, etc. come later with the advent of the IE people.

  33. It looks like this typpycull whigger nutsionalist edjewmacated idiot Kemp, like most whiggers with a pretense to ‘larning’ is yapping about things the highly edjewmacated have no idea about. Edjewmacated idjits ‘think’ that because other edjewmacated idjits told them that ‘they’s smart’ that they know something about everything as opposed to everything about nothing.

    This whigger fuktard has no experience in running for sheriff, or even dogcatcher. Thus the edjewmacated fuktard has no practical experience in how to get publicity — and there is no such thing as ‘bad publicity’ when running for pub[l]ic orefice. Because if you have no publicity then you are just another whigger fuktard running against an experienced politician with plenty of money behind him for ‘business as jewsual’ and thus going to go down electorially without even a whimper being noted.

    And, I’d just like to see one of you anonymous ZOGling whigger nutsionalist cum out from behind jewr keyboreds to a NSM or skinhead or CI rally yapping some stupid shit about “How they make anonymous ZOGling whigger nutsionalist ass-clowns look bad.” The skinhead will probably assume that you shitheads are some sort of kike faggot and give you a few lumps or loosen a few teeth in order to show who really looks bad. Me, if you disrupted my rally or cross lighting ceremony, I’d simply find out who you are and where you lived so that you could someday discover within jewr whiggerself a highly advanced case of Piglice Testicle Eating Syndrome.

    It is violence or the threat of it which makes you shitheads credible. Nothing more. The pub[l]ic ‘mind’ ASSociates White Nationalism with Nazis, Christian Identity, Klansmen, and skinheads. Otherwise, you stupid whigger faggots too chickenshit to put it on the line are simply deemed as stupid whigger faggots too chickenshit to put it on the line.

    I got in the Movement as a militia leader back in 1994, before the Internut. And yes, I’ve used the Internut to propagandize and publicise. But the reality is that just as before the Internut came around, if you want to be a leader, then the White Nationalist activists — and the public — have to know who you are. And if they don’t, then chances are great that the clown trying to take down this leadership from behind Internut safety is a kike or Euranusian mamzer like ‘Yosemite’ trolling what the White Man is supposed to do.

    And, who exactly among you ZOGling whigger Internut faggots are going to ‘bell the cat,’ i.e. tell the skinhead, NSM, Nazi, and Christian Identity leadership and their followers to leave the bowel Movement to you ZOGling whigger, mamzer, and kike anonymous Internut faggots? An edjewmacated whigger ass-clown like Dokturd Kemp might or might not be able to learn from a good ass-whupping if the goofy faggot were to try to ‘remove’ from White Nationalism the primitives who make being an edjewmacated ass-clown so em-bare-assed to be ASSociated with such amongst his fellow edjewmacated kind, but I think that the idiotic pussy is much too chickenshit to even try the first step to political supremacy, i.e. intimidation. Just as power is the rate at which work is accomplished, political power is measured in terms of ability to accomplish political (and WN racial) goals by means of violence or the threat of same. But like whigger pussies everywhere, whigger nutsionalists are desperately seeking a Fearless/Dickless Leader who will give them something — racial survival/supremacy — without having to do something, like exterminate jews, muds, and most of the diseased whigger herd animals supporting ZOG/Babylon. A real White Nationalist leader needs a backbone, not a wishbone, and followers with spine as well.

    Now lest you whigger fuktards yapping on-line say — not that anyone with sense much cares what yapping whigger fuktards say — that Christian Identity has no program, let me say that we indeed have a program. Since ZOG/Babylon the Third is doomed to collapse, we simply go with the flow of History and let it.

    And if the NSM and the skinheads and Klan and Nazis want to have a little costumed fun, then we sure are gonna let them. The jews, niggers, beaners and faggots as well as the whiggers need to see the stick of Racial Holy War before we even bother to show them the carrot of rebuilding a White Civilization after the collapse exterminates all the jew muds & cruds and 90 percent of the whigger herd animals.

    It is not the ‘nuts’ who are destroying the shit edifice of whigger nutsionalism. Like I said on numerous occassions when I was imprisoned in the NutHouse, “Us Christian Identity and Nazi types may be crazy, but you ZOGling whigger ass-clowns are typical. And I’d far rather be jewdged insane by you whiggers than judged ‘typpycull’ by the flow of future events.’

    What is keeping the White Nationalist Movement from advancing is cowardly typpycull whiggers too chickenshit to do anything to save theysselfs. Such need to die, one ass-raping, killing, and skinning & eating by beaners and niggers at a time.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri


    257. EVERY elevation of the type “man,” has hitherto been the
    work of an aristocratic society and so it will always be–a
    society believing in a long scale of gradations of rank and
    differences of worth among human beings, and requiring slavery in
    some form or other. Without the PATHOS OF DISTANCE, such as grows
    out of the incarnated difference of classes, out of the constant
    out-looking and down-looking of the ruling caste on subordinates
    and instruments, and out of their equally constant practice of
    obeying and commanding, of keeping down and keeping at a
    distance–that other more mysterious pathos could never have
    arisen, the longing for an ever new widening of distance within
    the soul itself, the formation of ever higher, rarer, further,
    more extended, more comprehensive states, in short, just the
    elevation of the type “man,” the continued “self-surmounting of
    man,” to use a moral formula in a supermoral sense. To be sure,
    one must not resign oneself to any humanitarian illusions about
    the history of the origin of an aristocratic society (that is to
    say, of the preliminary condition for the elevation of the type
    “man”): the truth is hard. Let us acknowledge unprejudicedly how
    every higher civilization hitherto has ORIGINATED! Men with a
    still natural nature, barbarians in every terrible sense of the
    word, men of prey, still in possession of unbroken strength of
    will and desire for power, threw themselves upon weaker, more
    moral, more peaceful races (perhaps trading or cattle-rearing
    communities), or upon old mellow civilizations in which the final
    vital force was flickering out in brilliant fireworks of wit and
    depravity. At the commencement, the noble caste was always the
    barbarian caste: their superiority did not consist first of all
    in their physical, but in their psychical power–they were more
    COMPLETE men (which at every point also implies the same as “more complete beasts”).

  35. Is this Pastor guy for real, or a parody of some sort? I’ve heard only vaguely positive feedback to what he posts here, are people being sarcastic when they do this? Or is he a respected member of this online community?

  36. I agree with Arthur Kemp’s main point:

    American White Nationalists should clean up our house, stay clear of cranks and kooks and present a positive image that will attract the larger White public.
    Populists/nationalists are now doing very well in most European countries, the BNP has had breakthroughs this last year. American WN should work to achieve similar successes here in the USA.

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