About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2009/11/community-through-software-tools.html

    For example, say I wanted to run an insurgency against financial capitalism, and in particular an effort that specifically targets Goldman Sachs. The software tool approach offers a variety of entry points for this endeavor. One aggressive methodology that enables corporate targeting would involve:

    Assembling a public database of Goldman Sachs employees and alums. This database could either be unstructured data in a wiki, or more forcefully, a structured database that includes name, work title, e-mail, home address, phone number, etc. The key, in either approach is to seed the database with a critical mass of data to make it useful from the moment you launch it.

  2. We need a pro-White billionaire with the cojones to ignore the howls of the anti-White anti-racists, to provide the seed funds for a foundation / charity that would embrace as its explicit mission to provide economic help to struggling young (hence, fertile) White couples to be able to afford to move to the White nationalist colonies and support kids. I’d donate to such a charity.

  3. While this is a great idea, I see one major problem that must be overcome. High tech manufacturing – what Boeing and Intel do – require a critical mass and are the cornerstone of current and future military and economic power. I’m not sure a rural White community would be able to support it, and leaving it to Asians on the coasts is not an option. If there were a critical mass of highly educated Whites in some specific area I could see a company opening there.

    One significant advantage is the Electoral College; North Dakota’s few hundred thousand White people get the same Senate representation as all of California, in fact that’s probably the only way Republicans have been elected to the Presidency since Reagan.

    Also check out Christopher Donovan’s article on the front page of Occidental Observer right now; it’s discussing a related topic:

    “Consider going to church … In college I might have said that believing in God was more important than going to church. I now believe that going to church is more important than believing in God.”

    If I was a good writer I would have written that article myself.

    Anyway I’m off to the Tuesday night prayer meeting … I can be assured there won’t be a single Jew there.

  4. @Barb

    That would be ideal, I think the only people that come close are the Koch brothers, but they are at best implicitly white, mostly just conservative, and so pro-business that I don’t think they do anything useful on the immigration issue. I’m afraid the regular middle class Whites are on their own, we may just have to get a lot of people to donate a small amount on a regular basis.

    Also, that paragraph in my previous post should have read:

    One significant advantage is the Electoral College; that’s probably the only way Republicans have been elected to the Presidency since Reagan. North Dakota’s few hundred thousand White people also get the same Senate representation as all of California.

  5. @Barb

    “That would be ideal, I think the only people that come close are the Koch brothers”

    Mel Gibson, maybe? What would it take to recruit him? Having made Passion of the Christ, while laughing in the face of Jewish Hollywood, and his “drunken rant” about them, I’d think in another few years, as he gets to be curmudgeon age, he’d be just about ripe.

  6. We need a pro-White billionaire with the cojones to ignore the howls of the anti-White anti-racists, to provide the seed funds for a foundation / charity that would embrace as its explicit mission to provide economic help to struggling young (hence, fertile) White couples to be able to afford to move to the White nationalist colonies and support kids. I’d donate to such a charity.

    We’re working on it.

  7. If you are serious about doing something right now for yourself, your family, and your nation, then
    – turn off the video games and get away from the keyboard
    – homeschool,
    – get active in your church and other community orgs,
    – start your own little cultural or historical group;
    – join the Sons of the American Revolution,
    – join Sons of the Confederacy,
    – join the CofCC,
    – don’t just join something, be in charge, run for election,
    – start your own little business doing what the world needs now and what you can do now.

    Jews and quitters will tell you the above suggestions are not practical, naive, blah, blah, blah. B.S. They are the problem.

  8. Barb and White Non-Conservative — you wouldn’t even need billionaires, just fairly well-off people who have some property such as a few homes, some land for livestock and crops, and small businesses they’d be willing to loan or lease to us to get started.

    Recruiting White/European foreign governments for this would probably be easier than getting individual billionaires to sponsor it; the federal government of Norway, for instance, has many billions of oil money just sitting around unused. We wouldn’t even need half of 1% of that to get started.

    As usual, the problem with funding in the USA is the fact that international finance Jewry controls the American monetary printing presses (the FED and Treasury) and thus most of the banks too, investment and commercial. In the USA there is actually plenty of money available, much of it sitting on the sidelines just waiting for things to invest in — but of course they aren’t going to invest in pro-White/anti-Jewish White nationalist colonies, the Jews who control the money will only allow it to be invested in ‘approved’ activities.

  9. White communities are being built right now. Start something you enjoy and think will benefit your society. Invite whomever you want. Keep it informal, with you as the coordinator, the one who pulls it together. If that’s too much for you, be a supporter of an existing group that best suits your views. If that’s too much for you, it’s too much for anyone else and nothing will ever get done.

  10. Yosemite:”White Preservationist really needs an editor.”

    Then step up and edit it if the essay bothers you Yosemite. Copy/paste that essay in to an email, edit it however you prefer, and then send it to me: FreeSpeechForever1776@yahoo.com

    The reason it is rough and somewhat repetitive is that I wrote it very quickly, in about an hour. I need to reread it a few times and copyedit it as I go along.

  11. I can understand if you wrote it in only an hour, and I appreciate your efforts. Your ideas aren’t bad, you just need to be more succinct in expressing them. And one thing that really sticks out, aside from the repetitiveness, is your overuse of “/”.

  12. HW:”These colonies would disengage from the American mainstream as far as possible: economically, politically, culturally, etc…”

    Well, not precisely. I may need to go back and edit it to make it more clear. We’ll initially need to partially disengage from the mainstream for a few years to set things up, but not for too long because we’ll have to fully re-engage in the political realm in order to work to turn back the tide of non-White immigrants who have flooded in to the USA, repeal anti-White laws, etc.

    Otherwise, in another 50-100 years or so we would find ourselves safe, sound, and prosperous in our White nationalist communities/colonies, but outside of them we would be surrounded by tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of non-Whites who slowly but surely outbred us.

    It’s like the Amish or Mormons — they can reject the mainstream entirely if they want via running away from diversity and segregating themselves, but if the non-White tide which has flooded and still is flooding America is not eventually turned back they will have lost the USA as a whole in another few decades and thus would likely not be able to expand anymore, would face certain hostility from the seething masses of non-Whites, etc…they would become strangers and minorities in their own land.

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