Interview: Simon Darby

According to Dan Dare, Simon Darby is the BNP’s official party spokesman. He recently did an interview with Jim Giles of Radio Free Mississippi. I will update this post with commentary after I finish listening.


1.) Contrast the Simon Darby interview with the Søren Renner one. Darby comes across as intelligent, articulate, and sympathetic. He was never irritable or evasive. He answered all of Mr. Giles questions. This interview was worth listening to. The only criticism I have is that Giles didn’t pepper Darby with enough hard hitting questions, particularly on the recent membership change, or the BNP’s stance on the Jewish Question.

2.) To his credit, Giles went straight to the top and asked Darby, the BNP spokesman, whether or not the constitutional change regarding membership would translate into long term deracialization. Darby said there would not be any “sea change” in the BNP’s message or policies. It will continue to promote itself as the party for indigenous Britons.

3.) The BNP needs to reign in Lee John Barnes before he creates even more confusion in the blogosphere. I retract my previous comments which were based on his misinformation.

4.) It is one thing to say that Jews aren’t responsible for all of America’s problems. That’s a reasonable criticism. It is quite another to argue we should avoid the Jewish Question entirely. I hope this is not what Mr. Darby is suggesting. A serious American nationalist party can’t avoid the Jewish stranglehold on the progressive left.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Have you thought of doing your own interviews? If Giles can do it…

    Darby is entirely correct not to mention Jews. Talking about Jews in a negative way by a Right-wing racialist party is simply the kiss of death in Europe (and in the West in general). Are you that detached from practical politics, Fade? My own approach, were I to enter European politics, would be to imitate Wilders. I think he basically has it right. I would further racialize my discourse and include Jews at the highest levels of the party. Why? In part to neutralized the inevitable name-calling and ostracism but also to show the Jews that they shouldn’t fear the Right. Additionally, the game has changed and I don’t regard the Jews as a threat to our civilization – we’re no longer in the 1920’s. The world has changed and a recycling of European anti-Semitism from the last century is an anachronistic folly. The hard Right can only gain power today if it works with Jewry. That’s practical politics, Fade, as opposed to blogging from your bedroom. If Darby understands that, the BNP has a future.

  2. >include Jews at the highest levels of the party … Jews that they shouldn’t fear the Right … don’t regard the Jews as a threat to our civilization … world has changed … recycling .. anti-Semitism … anachronistic folly.

    >The hard Right can only gain power today if it works with Jewry. That’s practical politics, Fade, as opposed to blogging from your bedroom.

    The rhetoric never changes. We will only “be allowed” power if the Jews approve. The only “serious” people are pro-Jew. I’m surprised the Freudian “childish” angle isn’t used more often.

    Perhaps an alternative would be to discuss how Jews can change their behavior and their organizations to be more pro-White? If the Jews are “serious” about getting along with White people, what do they need to do? Would converting to Christianity be enough? Do we accept a one-quarter Jew? Only those half-Jews with a White mother?

    Let’s talk about what Jews need to do if they want to “get serious” and work with us.

  3. To what end? The Jews are the most ethnocentric people in the world. They come from a highly authoritarian culture. Islam and Muslim immigration might not yet be an existential threat in the U.S. but it certainly is in Europe. We know what a Muslim Europe would be for Jewry.

  4. Though I’m all about brutal honesty and being entirely above-board, I actually agree with Mr Braun that, for the sake of garnering more ‘mainstream’ acceptance, the Jewish problem ought not be discussed fully in public aside from a few cryptic catchphrases related to ‘international bankers,’ ‘insane warmongers,’ ‘Goldman Sachs scum,’ ‘greedy hoarders,’ and so on. The generally ignorant masses (of all races) aren’t intelligent enough to understand the sickening extent of the Jewish problem. That doesn’t mean that we should not try to inform them of the JP on the internet and such, but raving like a maniac about Jewry in public will get one pegged as a loony-toon real quick.

    However, in private and amongst people who are more cognizant of these issues, possible solutions to the Jewish problem ought to be openly and fully discussed. Since this is not a website which gets hundreds of thousands or millions of daily hits, I thus consider this a generally private website where brutally honest discussion can take place.

  5. All people in the highest levels of a possible pro-White American political party ought to be subject to DNA tests in order to detect any possible Jewish DNA, Asian DNA, African DNA, and so on…a few possible exceptions could possibly be made for exceptional people who have been thoroughly vetted, but they would be rare.

    Nowadays genetic testing is so specific that it can be used to detect all possible Ashkenazi Jewish DNA going back generations; see –

  6. That was an excellent interview. I’ve only listened to a few of these talks by Giles, but this is the best one yet. A good introduction to the BNP for American listeners. I agree with FB and WP, an obsessive focus on Jews will only turn off potential recruits and voters. American voters by and large, when it comes to racial issues, are concerned about negroes and mestizos.

  7. Right night the only western politician with a shot at saving his country is Wilders. His party is actually the strongest in the Netherlands all other anti-immigrationist parties are fringe outfits without a prayer. That includes the BNP. The usual anti-Semitic approach has been a thorough failure for W.N. since W.W. II. Persisting in error is the definition of insanity. I guarantee that only my approach can actually save the West. Otherwise we face extinction…we will go the way of dodo. What should matter is RESULTS and nothing else.

  8. @WhitePreservationist

    >Jewish problem ought not be discussed fully in public aside from a few cryptic catchphrases related to ‘international bankers,’ ‘insane warmongers,’ ‘Goldman Sachs scum,’ ‘greedy hoarders,’

    I can agree with this for the most part, however I would say that the people that put together “Goldman Sachs” and “insane warmongers” and “Jews” are a lot more numerous than you may think. I agree ranting to mixed and nominal audiences about “The Jews” is counter productive, but certainly when Jews are advocating anti-White policies they should be *named as Jews in public* – anything less is accepting second class citizenship.

    Consider: the Jewish Communist movement specifically organized the non-White population against Whites and infiltrated their leadership with Jews. (See MLK, most Black leaders of the last 100 years, the Chicano movement, etc.)

    Blacks, Chicanos, Arabs, and pretty much everyone else in the world all hate Jews. Why let the Jews threaten us with hordes of non-Whites? They should be in fear, not us. What would happen to Israel if it was flooded with Arab immigrants? Who are the Muslim’s first targets?

    Jews made a coalition with non-Whites against Whites and have been very successful. They did not “integrate” with them or miscegenat with them. Just a wild shot out there, why can’t we rile up the Blacks and Chicanos (not to mention Chinese, Japanese, and Indians) against the Jews?

    Chinese, Japanese and Indians certainly have no love for Jew bankers at Goldman Sachs at the like that have ripped them off for trillions of dollars.

    Why are we kow-towing to Jews? What do they have to offer us exactly?

  9. WP, I’m awaiting the results of your tests. We’re talking about surviving into the next century and this teenager comes up with DNA testing. It doesn’t matter how impractical that would be or that all Whites have some extra-European DNA, even Nordics:

    Taking your idea at face value would mean the exclusion of about EVERYONE.

  10. I must respectfully disagree, FB.

    1. ‘The Jews’ are responsible for our current race problems (in America) by their constant lobbying (See – Celler, Javits, etc.) for decreased immigration control and forced integration. They also supplied most of the financial and legal support for the ‘Civil Rights’ movement in the 1960s. The NAACP had Jewish presidents until the 1970s, I think. (See – Springarn, Kaplan) They also overwhelmingly vote for socially-liberal politicians. They dominate the ownership of mass media. Their propaganda-like broadcasts portray non-whites as anything but the violent low-IQ underclass they truly are.

    2. The Jews are still a threat to White people. They have hijacked the American foreign policy for their own aims. (See – The Israel Lobby) Any group that can successfully steer a White nation’s foreign policy into a war of aggression is not a benign entity.

    3. We have nothing to gain by ‘going easy’ on the Jews. They have no reason to support us, because they already dominate us financially and culturally. Furthermore, anti-racists and social-liberals will still call anything that remotely resembles a pro-White party “racist” and “supremacist.” Lou Dobbs has always been called a racist despite the fact that he’s married to a woman of Mexican descent. Our public image will still be smeared by our enemies regardless of what we say about Jews.

    4. WN’s can be straight-forward about the Jewish Question without acting like lunatics and mental defectives. WN’s can discuss the JQ intelligently and clearly without having resorting to shadowy conspiracy theories. We have enough facts, especially from Jewish sources, to make a powerful case against them.

    5. Anti-semitism is actually a very effective political weapon. It’s not uncommon for someone to become a rabid anti-semite within a week of being introduced to the Jewish Question. In fact, this is the first response that most people exhibit. Being exposed to the Jewish Question is often a shock to most people and they respond with fierce curiousity. Often it’s the only thing that someone wants to talk about for weeks. It’s easy for newcomes to get obsessed with anti-semitism. But – we need to make FACTUAL and WELL-REASONED arguments against Jewish influence to gain supporters.

  11. Our favorite wop Uh has observed that the current system is closed to us. To proceed from where we are requires innovative ideas and the chances of us actually changing anything are slim to none.

    James Bowery’s idea of using the citizen’s dividend to capture Euro-Parliamentary systems is worth considering. NeoNietzsche’s idea of propaganda focused upon bringing about a military coup is worth considering. Right-wing populism has not been effective, now is the time to consider something new.

  12. In the 21st century, any political party that isn’t explicitly anti-Jewish is a Jewish false front. And you can take that to the bank.

  13. “n/a” of race/history/evolution notes mentioned the political concept of the “Overton windon” recently in this thread.

    It’s a useful concept that must be utilized. There’s no reason for the main WN leadership to rant and sputter about the Jews in public and look like lunatics in the process. There is, however, an important and useful role for those who might be outside of the main WN leadership and can focus on and hammer away on the JQ, such as Linder. These “specialists” help frame the debate and open up the space for possible policies, making the main WN leadership look more respectable and reasonable, and giving them room to maneuver.

    If, say, Linder calls for sending all the Jews to the moon or something, then the main WN leadership will sound reasonable by calling for settling them in a nice part of South America. If Linder calls for sending them to a nice part of South America, then the main WN leadership might have to call for settling them in some part of the US. And if there is no “specialist” like Linder out there, then the main WN leadership will be attacked as being extreme (at least initially) for calling for any kind of action at all on the JQ.

    The key course of action seems to be threefold:

    1. The leadership should avoid the JQ for the most part (at least initially) in public and avoid appearing like ranting, foaming Nazis obsessed with Jews.

    2. Disseminate knowledge and information about Jews to the populace behind the scenes and through private channels.

    3. Utilize “specialists” who are outside the leadership and the movement (and explicitly characterize them as being outside the leadership/movement) that can take extreme positions and expand the Overton window, expanding the range of possible “reasonable” and “acceptable” positions.

  14. Even I, a bigger philosemite than Freidrich Braun, do not “avoid the Jewish question entirely.” The difference is that I carefully direct my criticisms at particular Jewish organizations and individuals, whereas you attack all Jews on the basis of their Jewishness.

  15. Prozium, do you support a Jewish exclusion from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean, coast to coast in north America, or do you support setting up a smaller white state and not inviting Jews in?

    When you talk about a Jewish exclusion, how extreme are you?

  16. I guarantee that only my approach can actually save the West. Otherwise we face extinction…we will go the way of dodo. What should matter is RESULTS and nothing else.

    Mr. Braun, You have a very versatile mind and I thought you might be someone else for a bit but when you say “I guarantee that only my approach . . .” I conclude that I was mistaken about you.

    I would love to have had you say that in an interview so everyone could hear how you enunciate such an idea. I cannot think of any Hollywood actor who could utter that line convincingly. Long day?

  17. @Sam Davidson

    >Anti-semitism is actually a very effective political weapon.

    I couldn’t agree more, and Whites do not have to partner with Jews against, say, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, or Indians.

    There is no reason Whites have to allow Jews to corral Black, Latinos, or others into the Democratic party, anti “hate” groups, or even disallow those racial and ethnic groups to define their own identity and fate independent of Jews.

    The only people so infatuated with – and cowering before – Jews – are so-called “serious” “White Nationalists” that are afraid that if we say one bad thing about Jews Guy Weiss and Jew Advocate – or Goldman Sachs – will saying something bad about us.

    Meanwhile EVERY SINGLE TRIBE on earth HATES Jews.

    Who are we afraid of exactly? Woody Allen?

  18. Mr. Giles, one day I’m going to write an essay fully explaining myself. I can’t do it in a little post. I observe what works and what doesn’t. I maintain that anti-Semitism, among other things, is no longer a potent force politically speaking. On the contrary, any racialist party that adopts it is destined for marginalization and obscurity. I stand by that judgment and that’s what I meant. Thank you for your time but I’d rather read books than say the same thing over and over to stangers.

  19. “I guarantee that only my approach . . .”

    ..will restore hair to bald heads – vigor to manly members – and even remove bunions from sore feet when applied as directed. Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen…

  20. “WP, I’m awaiting the results of your tests.”

    I’ll go ahead and reveal half of my DNA results — though since I am doing this I expect you do as well. But rest assured both sides of my family/DNA is thoroughly European — hell, no one on either side of my family (immediate and extended family) stretching back as far as anyone can remember has even had so much as brown eyes.

    My mother’s side comes from mtDNA Haplogroup T (subclade T2), which is the main genetic line of the Aryan peoples in Europe and eventually also in parts of Asia (it is present in the parts of India and Pakistan where the Aryans built their high culture a few thousand years ago).

    MtDNA Haplogroup T, especially T2, is/was also common amongst European royals; see — — including the Russian Romanov royal family, and I actually look a bit in face like Tsar Nicholas II who was murdered by Jewish Communists in 1918 — — in the face I also look a bit like the famous American ‘outlaw’ Jesse James, who was also of Haplogroup T2:

    People bearing the genetic signatures of Haplogroup T2 are thought to be the people who brought settled agrarianism and pastoralism to Europe proper around 10,000-12,000 years ago, the ‘Neolithic Revolution’ or what Cochran and Harpending call “The 10,000 Year Explosion” — see: — hence my personal affinity for settled agrarianism and pastoralism.

    FB:”We’re talking about surviving into the next century and this teenager comes up with DNA testing.”

    Please, no personal insults; I guarantee that you wouldn’t dare call me a “teenager” in person, so don’t do it on the internet.

    And why are we now worried about surviving in to the next century Mr Braun? Let me tell you why: it’s because in the last few decades international plutocratic Jewry has advocated and succeeded in flooding various White nations with tens of millions of new non-White consumers in order to keep their unstable and fake hyperconsumerist economy ‘growing,’ just so that the Western GDP keeps rising by a few percentage points a year. They also want to dilute the White/Western gene pool and mongrelize us as much as possible because a mongrelized people are a weak people.

    Now I await your DNA results — revealing the DNA of only half your family line is fine since that is all I’ve done.

  21. “Contrast the Simon Darby interview with the Søren Renner one. Darby comes across as intelligent, articulate, and sympathetic. He was never irritable or evasive. He answered all of Mr. Giles questions.”

    A huge difference in maturity and class for sure.

  22. 25 Friedrich Braun

    Mr. Giles, one day I’m going to write an essay fully explaining myself. I can’t do it in a little post.

    Nobody gives a shit, you Jew-loving fake WN. 🙄

  23. If anything the Jewish Question is MORE relevant now than it was in the 1920’s-1940’s.

    Jewish power has grown by leaps and bounds since that time period. They are much stronger now than they were back then.

  24. >I can’t believe I’m more insane than Z.O.G.

    says the half-jew

    The new government in India especially has a problem with Jew criminals, the Jew Mafia, which has attempted to loot their country of vast amounts of wealth.

    Of course, pro-Indian Indians are under no illusions about Jews or half-Jews. White Americans and White Europeans should consider an Indian-style approach to these things.

    Or we could all just grow up and learn from the Japanese who sure as hell don’t take shit from Jews.

  25. Friedrich Braun
    To what end? The Jews are the most ethnocentric people in the world. They come from a highly authoritarian culture.

    That is why they’re such a problem. To jews we are not jews, we’re not even human. They hate us. They want revenge on us for 1900 years of humiliating defeat which started with the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. Begging that we’ll be good boys now, that we’ll never do it again, isn’t going to cut it.

    You think jews are like whites, willing to forgive, willing to negotiate, practical and reasonable.

    Jews are not like that at all. Right now organized jewry, its leaders well aware of the threat that blacks and Muslims present to their future, is fighting for amnesty in the US and against anti-immigrant movements in Europe.

    Jews hate whites more than they like being alive. The US has been their lifeboat since the end of WWII and they’ve spent incalculable amounts of time, money and effort since then working to sink it, to turn it into an uninhabitable post-apocalyptic nightmare like Detroit. Their hate is in effect suicidal, but it’s the only thing that can explain their behavior.

  26. White Non-Conservative:”The new government in India especially has a problem with Jew criminals, the Jew Mafia, which has attempted to loot their country of vast amounts of wealth. Of course, pro-Indian Indians are under no illusions about Jews or half-Jews. White Americans and White Europeans should consider an Indian-style approach to these things.”

    Well now, this is delightful news. I haven’t heard about this. Can you tell us more, provide weblinks, etc? What is the “Indian-style approach” to which you refer?

    I have a hunch that the instability in Pakistan (the so called ‘Islamic insurgency’) is a kind of ‘peasants revolt’ against the entrenched Jewish plutocracy there, who are mostly Sephardic but probably also a bit Ashkenazi too. Sephardic Jews have been in Pakistan and India for a while now, a few centuries at least — they went to India first with the Portuguese (Goa, etc) and later on with the Dutch (Dutch East India Company) and British (British East India Company), among others probably.

    Hopefully the Indian and Pakistani leaders over there will do what they can to root out the international Jewish Mafia and prosecute them just as we will eventually do here in the USA.

  27. “Let’s talk about what Jews need to do if they want to ‘get serious’ and work with us.”

    Outbreed. To the extent that no one is more than 1/4 Jewish. Only then will they be trusworthy.

  28. Ukraine OKs presidential run for controversial mayor – “A Ukrainian mayor who said Jews are to blame for all of the country’s problems can run for president.

    Ukraine’s Central Elections Committee last week authorized the candidacy of Sergey Ratushniak, the mayor of Uzhgorod, for the Jan. 17 elections.

    On Wednesday, 20 Israeli parliament members sent a letter to Ukrainian officials condemning the decision, the Jerusalem Post reported. The letter expressed concern that there is a “wave of anti-Semitism in the Ukraine that has come to a peak with the authorization of Ratushniak, the current mayor of Uzhgorod, to run for President…” –

  29. Bernard: “1. The leadership should avoid the JQ for the most part (at least initially) in public and avoid appearing like ranting, foaming Nazis obsessed with Jews.”

    At the very least, in the name of “equality”, the respectable “leadership” of the anti-immigration movement should complain incessantly about the over-representation of Jews in the media and in Western central institutions, and ask that action be taken to correct the problem. What would be wrong with that? Is it too extremist?

  30. Iceman(23): “I carefully direct my criticisms at particular Jewish organizations and individuals, whereas you attack all Jews on the basis of their Jewishness”

    You can use the same rhetoric about immigrant crime: “Don’t blame immigration, as most third-world immigrants have never killed anyone”. But I don’t think the problem lies with individuals. The real problem is immigration from the third-world by and large. By the way, blaming immigration is not the same as attacking immigrants.

    In the case of the Jews, the problem is Jewishness. How do you explain the fact that Jewish anti-White activists usually spring up from the Jewish community? Is there nothing specifically Jewish about Jewish anti-White activism? Do you think if you put every Jewish activist on the moon, the rest of the Jewish community will turn pro-white? By the way, blaming Jews collectively for Jewish anti-western activism is not exactly the same as blaming each Jew, or “attacking” each Jew, as you would put it.

  31. You can use the same rhetoric about immigrant crime: “Don’t blame immigration, as most third-world immigrants have never killed anyone”. But I don’t think the problem lies with individuals. The real problem is immigration from the third-world by and large. By the way, blaming immigration is not the same as attacking immigrants.

    If immigration was limited to small group of elite people who were brought in for specifically vocational reasons, then that argument might work. This is how it was before 1960. There were some immigrants but they were brought in very selectively for very specific reasons. The problem isn’t 1 or 2 Mexicans. The problem is millions upon millions of Mexicans flying in.

    In the case of the Jews, the problem is Jewishness. How do you explain the fact that Jewish anti-White activists usually spring up from the Jewish community? Is there nothing specifically Jewish about Jewish anti-White activism? Do you think if you put every Jewish activist on the moon, the rest of the Jewish community will turn pro-white? By the way, blaming Jews collectively for Jewish anti-western activism is not exactly the same as blaming each Jew, or “attacking” each Jew, as you would put it.

    We must first realize that Jews identify with their Jewishness in different levels of strength. Most Jews are weakly identified and atheistic. Jews supported both Italian fascism and Soviet Communism (initially), but both went against the interests of Judaism. Jews remain in USA when they could go to Israel and intermarry. Because Judaism is inherited like Hinduism (with the exception of converts), Jews can indeed “dissent” from the party line. There should at least be a separation between a strongly identified Jew and someone of Jewish ancestry who is less strongly identified.

    For strongly identified Jews, the ones who consider their Jewish identity to be the central focus of their life, I explain their fear of the majority religion and fear of racially conscious activism (from Blacks too) by the fact that they practice a religion which exalts obsessing with one’s persecution as the highest value, and to the fact that they really were persecuted. And to general political correctness. The leaders of Jewish organizations make more money if they create a climate of persecution. If strongly identified Jews can be convinced that bigger threats exist, the potential exists for them to shift alliances. As I said earlier, Jewish organizations should be criticized too if they operate under a specifically anti-nationalist platform. But not for their Jewishness, for their politics. Both individuals and organizations. It should be clear that if they switched their politics, then they won’t be criticized.

    It can’t be emphasized enough that most people are are not in lock step with right wing views, even non-Jewish people.

  32. Remember being Jewish is a nationality, so that means being Jewish doesn’t necessarily mean sharing opinions with other Jews.

    It isn’t like being Islamic, where you have to accept a belief platform to get in.

  33. Jewish politics comes from Jewish genetics.

    I’m surprised that I would even have to point this out on a WN blog. 🙄

  34. I’d like to know how the Indians and Pakistanis are handling the JQ. As far as I can tell India is rife with Mossad, rife with vacationing pre and post IDF service men and women and other young Israelis, in bed with Israeli banking, business, arms dealing, tech companies and welcoming Chabad Lubavitchers in every major city. Where can I read about anti-Zionist Indian and Pakistani activists, intellectiuals and politicians?

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