Friedrich on the Jewish Question

At Majority Rights, friedrich braun has outlined his new stance on the Jewish Question, which is a 180 degree turn from his old material at The Civic Platform. Needless to say, I disagree with a number of his points:

1.) friedrich says that only a “Right” friendly to Israel and the Jewish community can succeed in the political arena.

In the United States, the “Right” has been defined by the philo-Semitic conservative movement since the 1960s. It has had a lot of electoral success … but so what? White Americans are worse off in every single way, racially and culturally speaking, than my grandparent’s generation.

Voting for conservatives isn’t an option for the pro-White movement. We get absolutely nothing in return but the scorn of these people and the tireless promotion of Jewish and non-White interests at our expense. It is better to do nothing at all – retreat from the public sphere and enjoy the pleasures of private life – than to support conservatives.

2.) friedrich claims that anti-Semitism is a political loser.

I’m not so sure. I don’t think the American public cares nearly as much about “anti-Semitism” as the philo-Semites insist they do. David Duke won the majority of the White vote in Louisiana. In Alabama, the race-mixing Holocaust denier Larry Darby won 43% of the vote in the 2006 Democratic Party primary for Attorney General.

In the popular imagination, I live in the heart of the Bible Belt. Everyone around here is supposed to be uber philo-Semitic evangelical Christians. I know my peers fairly well and this couldn’t be more untrue. Most of them are either irreligious or outright atheists. None of them care about the Jews. They don’t have any opinion on the issue.

3.) The Right should put Jews in position of authority.

We already have the neocons in control of the conservative movement. A Right that puts Jews in a position of authority will never be anything more than a front group for Jewish interests.

4.) There are plenty of racialist and rightwing Jews with whom we can build alliances.

Name them. I don’t think all of them combined could fill more than half of an Applebee’s restaurant. What’s more, these racialist and rightwing Jews are more interested in “fighting anti-Semitism” than any other pro-White cause. Bringing them into White Nationalism is tantamount to creating just another ideological vehicle for the promotion of Jewish interests.

5.) White Nationalism hasn’t accomplished anything in the postwar era.

There is a good reason for that. After the demise of segregation, racially conscious Whites flocked into the aracial, philo-Semitic conservative movement where they became steadily deracialized. friedrich is advocating more of the same. It will produce exactly the same result.

6.) A friendly disposition towards Jewry will get us into the media and political area.

No, it won’t. It will get us about where Jared Taylor and American Renaissance are now. Jews will persist in their hostility to us. They will continue to relentlessly push their interests at our expense. We won’t get anything in return for abandoning our hostility to the Jews.

7.) We must counter the Nazi image.

I disagree. We should wait for the “Greatest Generation” to die off and the Boomers to retire. Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers don’t care nearly as much about the Jews.

8.) Jews will bring vast resources into our movement.

No, they won’t.

9.) Jews are moving to the Right.

No, they haven’t. See Steve Sailer’s recent column about American Jewry.

10.) We should emulate Vlaams Belang, the BNP, the Front National, and Geert Wilders.

Why? They haven’t accomplished anything. Muslims continue to settle to Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and the UK. The only thing they have accomplished is watering down the “Right”; thereby pushing the next generation further to the “Left.”

11.) It is time to adopt a winning strategy.

The conservative movement has already adopted the philo-Semitic strategy. Its existence is arguably the single biggest cause of White racial decline since the 1960s.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I don’t think so. I think FB was trolled over at VNN Forum and was pushed into an extreme position. Given enough time, I think he will come to his senses.”

    I don’t see my position as extreme. Most rational observers would regard your position as the extreme one.

  2. “Hunter Wallace

    I haven’t changed my position on the Single Jewish Cause. I’m just equally adamant that the JQ has to be addressed. It is an important factor in our decline, but not the only factor.”

    Lately it’s taken more of a SJC direction. I hope you have other ideas in mind.

    One of the reasons I liked your blog when I found it was because you discussed issues that others were not.

  3. “I think AmRen had potential, but Taylor couldn’t bring himself to drop perennial losers like David Duke.”

    I think AmRen showed that there is no middle ground. Taylor tried to bring both sides together and it just doesn’t work.

  4. In why race matters, levin said something to the effect that the reason to be against blacks isn’t an obsession with racial purity but the legitimate fact that blacks are more violent. In other words, he attributes certain traits to blacks and discriminates against them because of those traits.

  5. page 344 …of being hassled, not out of a lunatic concern with purity, but it is still race he notices. Nobody would care about race if blacks…

  6. Very good post #24 from Trainspotter.

    History shows the Jewish hostility to our cause. History shows that no accommodation, no sacrifice, no kingly ransom can dissuade the Jew from his attempt to genocide the white peoples of the planet. We have absolutely nothing to offer the Jew that hasn’t been offered on an infinitely greater scale before, all to no effect whatsoever. Or, I should say, no positive effect from our point of view. The only result has been to push us further along the road to marginalization and extinction.

    Many people have compared the Jews to one of the characters in the old parable of the scorpion and the frog. No prizes for guessing which character.

  7. Highly Recommended Book YOU GENTILES by Maurice Samuel

    This is an amazing book. I don’t agree with everything he says,
    particularly my experience of the God of Yisrael is not gloomy,
    intense and demanding, yes, gloomy no, but, in the main, he is right
    on target. It is significant that it was written in 1924, while the
    world was still deeply traumatized by WWI, but had not yet experienced
    WWII and the State of Israel was not in existence.

    This quote:

    “In everything, we are destroyers–even in the instruments of
    destruction to which we turn for relief… We Jews, we, the
    destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will
    do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own.”
    – You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.

    is taken out of context by anti-Semites.

    What Samuel is saying is not that the Jews are deliberate destroyers,
    or want to be. He is saying that we inadvertently destroy Gentile
    society, which is nothing but pageantry and spectacle, because we
    demand a seriousness, a reality and a morality from life that is far
    greater than gentiles can ever provide and so among the gentiles we
    are forever trying to create moral structures that, as gentiles are
    not able to bear them, break under the weight of them.

    One of the most remarkable things that Maurice Samuels says in his
    book YOU GENTILES, and which has been my experience too, to my chagrin
    is that the Jewish radical is no less unlike our gentile counterpart
    than the Orthodox traditional Jew is like a believing Xian.

    In both cases, our conception of righteousness, of morality, is so
    very much more sincere and profound as conceived by the Jew that we
    are wholly misunderstood.

    It is not the Jewish Socialists who degraded Socialism, as it is not
    the Jewish Anarchists who degraded Anarchy. It was the gentile
    Socialists and Anarchists who made compromises with absolute justice,
    morality and concern for the other needed for those systems to work
    who degraded them.

    Then the Jews were blamed for the fact that Socialism is, in practice,
    a totalitarian system. Gentiles made it so, not we.

    Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

  8. Let me elaborate on why jews don’t want to make common cause with whites. We whites have a moral instinct, a conscience, that is in absolute opposition to the jewish way of life. Jews are naturally dishonest schemers. Most of them only care about sex, money and tribal power. The conflict between jews and whites has two sides. Whites offend jews with their white moral code. Especially regarding sex. Jews offend whites with their shameless greed and polymorphous perversity. (Old Right)

    I.e., Jews are grown-ups and Whites are children. Is it any wonder who must govern and who must submit? LOL

    [My new STFTD, thanx!]

  9. Re Hunter Wallace in #25:

    When Alex Linder says Death to the Jews or the NSM parade around in costumes, I look more reasonable. The Left understands this. The Right does not.

    The Left hardly ever attacks its fringe. The Right constantly pronounces anathema on its own. The Left stakes out new territory. The Right waters itself down.

    This analysis is wrong. The reason your/our positions are marginal has nothing to do with “Racialists criticizing their fringe”. Respectability is conferred by the arbiters of the Ruling Ideology, the discourse setters. The only time something akin to what you describe would hold true, is when there is no firm Ruling Ideology: A sociopolitical Wild West, a free-for-all. Much of Europe in the decade-plus after 11-11-1918 would fit the bill, but no European society on Earth today would.

    The real reason for our marginalization and the steady leftward drift of discourse of the past decades is, basically, 1945. The Western world invested so much in anti-racialism/anti-nationalism to fight/win the war, that all that followed was sort of inevitable. I mean, our post-1945 Ruling Ideology has used anti-voelkisch-ism as a tremendous negative-legitimacy. It’s pretty obvious that this is the case. We would be in a lot better shape if the European voelkisch movements post-1918 had never gotten off the ground, preventing this fight between Capitalist-Liberal-Democracy and Voelkischism (with Communism a third player, marginal, and hating and being hated by both the former Ideologies… yet suddenly controlling half of Europe post-1945).

    In light of 1945, whatever European “voelkischists”/racialists did or said was demonized and marginalized, EXCEPT when what they did was water down the message or do something like descend into pathetic Philosemitic fervor.
    Also in light of that, whatever universalists or non-Europeans in European societies did was excused or supported. Cultural-Farleftists were seen as simply super-patriots in this new Weltanschauung. The marginalization of racialists / legitimization of anti-Europeanism, it’s the product of the ultimate outcome in the West of the ideological dogfight of post-1918 Europe.

    It is simply the wheels of history in motion. We all live in the shadow of 1945. I can only hope that with time, the Holocaust Myth will finally start to crumble in the popular mind. (It has been academically and scientifically thoroughly refuted since the 1980s, especially in light of the Walter Sanning study. But the Ruling Ideology naturally forbade this to seep into popular consciousness, to the point of jailing investigators into the question).

    In short, when the NSM parades around, no one looks respectable. If European-racialism ever recovers, it will need more serious banner-carriers than the reprehensible “costume-clowns”.

  10. What [Maurice] Samuel is saying is not that the Jews are deliberate destroyers, or want to be. He is saying that we inadvertently destroy Gentile society, which is nothing but pageantry and spectacle, because we demand a seriousness, a reality and a morality from life that is far greater than gentiles can ever provide and so among the gentiles we are forever trying to create moral structures that, as gentiles are not able to bear them, break under the weight of them. (Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel)

    Unlike the righteous Jews of ancient Israel, who well withstood the rigors of righteousness as Zealots, Sicarii, messianists of various other stripe, Pharisees, Saduccees, et al., and thus are recognizable as shining examples of the possibilities for such society that the Gentiles perversely refuse to emulate?

    It would seem, rather, that the Gentiles must remain skeptical of this thesis – since “reality,” to judge by all historical example, including the aforementioned, evidently cannot accommodate “a seriousness, a reality, and a morality from life that is far greater than gentiles can ever provide,” – and since the destructive effect of that inevitable and predictable failure to bear up looks suspiciously like the after-effect of deliberate subversion hiding behind a sanctimonious pretense and pretext. Beyond that consideration, the Gentiles have this perverse tendency to note that the proclamations of the Talmud do not lend themselves to the notion that moral solicitousness for the welfare other other than Jewry is involved in Jewish moral motivation.

    And, deliberate or not, the righteous Jewish agenda simulates a termite-like effect on the political and cultural structure involved – whether a Jewish entity or that of others. So, what’s a righteous Gentile to do with the Jew – or the Jew with himself, in the light of the *real* reality that is evident from investigation thereof rather than from rabbinical moral pretense and nonsense?

  11. Tabu LaRaza, that character from the Yahoo Discussion board, one “Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan of Tzfat, Israel” is not a typical Jew. She is a typical Jew in the same way that “Old Right” or “Z.O.G.” is a typical White. Most Jews are moderate. They instinctively put Jews ahead of other Whites, but they are not going to sell out Whites as long as the two are not in conflict. And the point is that objectively speaking they DON’T intrinsically have to be in conflict. Both groups are intelligent and have lived side by side for millenia. Both would live better in an affluant homogeneous White majority society, rather than a multiracial battle zone. And there has been mutual social and cultural and ideological interaction between the two for a long time.

    When I thnk of Whites and Jews, it is not like two alien groups that have been forced together. Or maybe it was, but this was a long time ago. Now, it is more like a family with one difficult sibling. Still, he is part of the family, and he has his good points and bad ones.

    Wanderer, do you really think the Holocaust myth has been refuted? Nothing would be better for restoring White-Jewish relations to a better equlibrium than if Jews were forced to admit that yes, the Nazis were bad but they didn’t plan and carry out an attempt to industrially exterminate us; and if Whites found out that Germans trying to save their race where not as barbaric as they seem to have been. However, I must say, I am very disappointed with the revisionist lit I have read so far. Lots of beating around the bush, bringing up irrelevancies such as the fact that there were no extermination chambers in Germany, or that Polish communists later claimed falsely that 4 million were killed in Auschwitz (they made that number up so that non-Jews could feel that they were also victims, it had nothing to do with inflating Jewish numbers). What no one has ever been able to do as far as I tell is plausibly explain what else could have happened to the approxomately three million Jews that were in Poland on the eve of the war in 1939. Because by the time the Germans left, there was only about 300,000 alive and accounted for. In order to make it work, you have to try to prove that there were many, many fewer Jews in Poland in the thirties than even Poles (who were fairly anti-Semitic themselves) believed. This leads me to believe that yes in fact, the conventional Holocaust story IS correct.

    And what a shameful part of our history it was, if you believe that Jews are fully human. But if you don’t, why do people care?

  12. I don’t know why Friedrich writes this stuff, as he knows better. As Hunter said, he’ll come around.

    I suspect he has had some difficulty in his life recently.

  13. What no one has ever been able to do as far as I tell is plausibly explain what else could have happened to the approx[i]mately three million Jews that were in Poland on the eve of the war in 1939. Because by the time the Germans left, there was only about 300,000 alive and accounted for

    According to the “Polish communists [who] later claimed falsely that 4 million were killed in Auschwitz” and who were, of course, counting the raised hands of Jews in self-identification as such after the war.

    Or was this in fact a *Russian* Communist survey or a Judeo-Communist survey, in which we must place implicit trust, since that’s all we would have as to the measure of their value?

    Or were millions of Polish Jews elsewhere after the war, refusing to be identified as such, perhaps with the complicity of governments who had a tremendous stake in the maintenance of the myth structure that justified the war?

    Or were these the revelations of “German” documents in the hands of Show Trial impresarios, agencies known to have fabricated and extorted multiple false documents and testimonies crucial to the interpretation of the events in question?

    It would seem, rather, that there is *no* reason for believing in *any* figure as to the number and whereabouts of Polish Jews after the war, unless one is a fool in trusting to the assertions of dedicated prevaricators.

  14. By the way,

    I saw Michael Hart and Levin at the last AR conference, which you claim they’ve abandoned. Will I see you there this year, Friedrich?

  15. “(1) Wilders-style anti-Muslim populism.
    (2) A party that expouses explictly WN views (does NL have such a party?).
    (3) Do nothing.”

    The Dutch WN party is the NVU. Voorpost is a WN organization not linked to a party.

  16. Anyone who has attended AmRen conferences can tell you that the Jews who attend this meeting stick together in clusters, move in groups, and obviously place their Jewish identity first.

    When I walked into Amren last time, Michael Hart and his group of “Jew racialists” were clustered around the conference table, chatting amongst themselves, looking like they leaped from the pages of Der Stürmer.

    I did have occasion to chat with a Jewish attendee while we were both checking e-mail in the hotel’s business center two years ago. He told me that his entire family had been appalled by the fact that he attended Amren. While they are all hardened Zionists, they oppose any other form of racial collectivism and they felt as if he was acting as a “traitor” by even attending the meeting. His brother was particularly vociferous about this point, spending hours explaining why Jewish ethnocentric behaviour is natural, but any other ethnocentric world-view is antisemitic poison. These are not “born racialists,” but born tribalists, and we will never be part of their tribe, period.

    If Geert Wilders were to get elected, and expel the muslim population while enacting no other measures to protect the native Dutch population, this would be a victory for the Jews. The muslim immigrants would be replaced with non-Dutch who are also non-muslim, the race-replacement of Europeans would continue, and the only lesson learned would be that the only thing more important than unfettered diversity is Jewish well-being.

  17. “When I walked into Amren last time, Michael Hart and his group of “Jew racialists” were clustered around the conference table, chatting amongst themselves, looking like they leaped from the pages of Der Stürmer.”

    Isn’t that natural behavior at a meeting in which perhaps a quarter of the attendees or maybe more don’t think they should be there, and fantasize about deporting them to Israel?

    “I did have occasion to chat with a Jewish attendee while we were both checking e-mail in the hotel’s business center two years ago. He told me that his entire family had been appalled by the fact that he attended Amren. While they are all hardened Zionists, they oppose any other form of racial collectivism and they felt as if he was acting as a ‘traitor'”

    And you wish to drive this traitor and White ally — who is evidently being a hell of a lot more brave and sacrifing more by coming to an AmRen conference than you are — out of the White Nationalist movement? Why?

    Hatred begets hatred. Jewish anti-White behavior has a symbiotic relationship with Delusional Anti-Semitism. If you welcome Jews CONDITIONALLY, they can be a positive, pro-White force.

  18. If Geert Wilders were to get elected, and expel the muslim population…

    …a Judeo-Nato army would be inside Holland, next day, enforcing the “repatriation” of the Muslims and show-trying and hanging the offending elements.

  19. “And you wish to drive this traitor and White ally — who is evidently being a hell of a lot more brave and sacrifing more by coming to an AmRen conference than you are — out of the White Nationalist movement? Why?”
    Cowards go after easy targets.

    Just like serial killers go for prostitutes.

  20. “What no one has ever been able to do as far as I tell is plausibly explain what else could have happened to the approxomately three million Jews that were in Poland on the eve of the war in 1939. Because by the time the Germans left, there was only about 300,000 alive and accounted for. ”

    One of the most interesting, intelligent and overlooked books in the revisionist cannon is The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes: An Attempt at a Literary Analysis of the Holocaust Gassing Claim by Samuel Crowell. Chip Smith at
    has been writing about it as he prepares to publish a new edition with a forward by Crowell that apparently addresses demographics. There has yet to be any follow-up to the Walter Sanning’s study

  21. Thank you, Neo-Nietzsche, for once again injecting a dose of realism and skepticism into this philosemitic “body politic.” Jesus. You’d think that given the Jews’ genocidal, foaming-at-the-mouth desire to eradicate us from the face of the earth, some perceptive folk might make objection. Some do, but a great many others bray sanctimoniously about “morals” wrt Jews as if those false hermaphrodites (morals) have anything to do with our fight for survival. When are the supposed “pro-whites” going to realize that the world is not big enough for the both of us (by the admission of our enemies)?

  22. Hunter Wallace, I agree essentially with all your positions in this tread but I strongly disagree with your use of the terms “anti-Semitism” and “philo-Semitism.” I would strictly avoid them. Simple truth and ordinary facts correspond with neither the way you’ve been using both. The way you use both terms leads to misunderstandings. You are no “anti-Semite.” Neither am I. Neither is one single solitary person on our side who is rational and responsible. Neither is any of us a “philo-Semite.” We are normal, reasonable people. That’s it. Nothing else, no special names.

  23. While I do think FW Braun’s strategy can have some succes, by allying with Kahanist Jews like
    or the HBD-sphere like
    an even more succesful trick would be allying with the most anti-Jew elements of the invaders like some Mexicans or some Muslims against Jews. When the multicultural society ends in another Holocaust, it won’t be repeated.

  24. Crypto Aryan is unnecessarily inflammatory and a little dense. He needs to clean up his act, starting with a serious effort to pay attention to what’s being said.

    Iceman, as always, can be completely ignored.

  25. “According to the “Polish communists [who] later claimed falsely that 4 million were killed in Auschwitz” and who were, of course, counting the raised hands of Jews in self-identification as such after the war.”

    I don’t understand why Jews liberated from work camps by “Judeo-Bolsheviks” had any incentive not to identify as Jews?
    Anyway, the problem is not so much what happened to the Jews at the work camps. As I understand it, the Nazis kept pretty complete records of what happened to the Jews once they got to these places. Those people were accounted for, many died of illnesses and so forth. The problem that remains unaccounted for is what happened to Jews in Poland who DIDN’T make it to the work (concentration) camps. And the explanation that only some were sent to work camps, while many were sent to take a “gas shower,” unfortunately is a very plausible explanation. Are you suggesting that the Jews that didn’t go to the work camps stayed in the ghetto, and then after the Soviet liberation they choose not to identify as Jews? Even though they were liberated by “Judeo-Bolsheviks”?

  26. Friedrich Braun, Iceman and Mark are embarrassing philosemites, disgraces to the cause (if there is such a thing as a pro-white cause; that has yet to be proven).

  27. KP is welcome and thanked, in turn, for his kind words.

    I might have been reproached, come to think of it, for failing to mention to Ms. Bell-Dotan, she of Tzfat, Israel, that We Gentiles, are also suspicious of the coherence and sincerity of putative Jewish motives, in view of the oft-noted characteristic of her brethren in acting like Nazis in their own country and like Commies in someone else’s.

    My apologies for having overlooked this important consideration, in response to Ms. Bell-Dotan’s remarks.

  28. Monday, November 23, 2009
    Mad dogs in the airports

    Israel, and Jew-controlled companies working largely for Jewish supremacist racist interests, have systematically worked their way into airport security operations all around the world, and are using their access for motives against the national motives of the countries in which the airports are sited (this type of thing was probably first noticed in the wake of September 11, where the airports involved in the attacks all had significant Jew-controlled security). I’m not singling Israel out – no other country comes even close to having this kind of operation (run by the ‘dual loyalists’ in each country whose only loyalty is to Jewish supremacism). Note that the Jewish operations break most modern human rights laws.

    The reason? Israel perceives, correctly, that its motives run counter to the motives of all the good and decent people in the world, and therefore needs to get a leg up on everybody else by conducting extraordinary spying operations. It really comes down to the Jews on one side, and the whole world on the other. Yet another reason why Israel, out of all the countries in the world, is uniquely evil, and needs to be put down like a mad dog.

  29. I don’t understand why Jews liberated from work camps by “Judeo-Bolsheviks” had any incentive not to identify as Jews?,/i>

    Do you know how many were “liberated’? And why were any left alive to be “liberated”? And how do you know? How many of such Jews were Communist sympathizers such that they would trust “Judeo-Bolsheviks” with their identity? What might Jews have known of deteriorating relations between Stalin and the Jews around him at the time?

    Anyway, the problem is not so much what happened to the Jews at the work camps. As I understand it, the Nazis kept pretty complete records of what happened to the Jews once they got to these places. Those people were accounted for, many died of illnesses and so forth. The problem that remains unaccounted for is what happened to Jews in Poland who DIDN’T make it to the work (concentration) camps. And the explanation that only some were sent to work camps, while many were sent to take a “gas shower,” unfortunately is a very plausible explanation.

    You contradict yourself, in that the Germans *did not* keep complete records at the work camps, because there is where the supposed homicidal chambers were in which the supposedly unaccounted-for supposedly perished. And, again, you merely assume that the Germans were responsible for the supposed transport of unaccounted-for Jews, where Jewish retreat from Soviet Poland (and prior Jewish infiltration thereof) before the advancing Germans fairly explains such an event, apart from the continued residence, in Poland, of Jews who remained unidentified as such, before and after the war.

    Also, the only case that Hoax defenders can now make is with regard to shootings in Russia. Auschwitz has been shown, from every angle, not to have contained structures suitable for mass homicide. I dealt successfully with this issue personally, as linked over at “superhuman”.

    Are you suggesting that the Jews that didn’t go to the work camps stayed in the ghetto, and then after the Soviet liberation they choose not to identify as Jews? Even though they were liberated by “Judeo-Bolsheviks”?

  30. Excellent comment by Robert Campbell #118 in its last two paragraphs (as for the first two: I see nothing wrong with Jews or anyone else sticking together in a cluster, moving around in groups, or sitting at a table together discussing things).

  31. Are you suggesting that the Jews that didn’t go to the work camps stayed in the ghetto, and then after the Soviet liberation they choose not to identify as Jews? Even though they were liberated by “Judeo-Bolsheviks”?

    I’m suggesting that those that didn’t go to the work camps had quite sensibly fled the ghetto before they could be located therein. And that where one’s identity as a Jew was believed to be a penal sentence, one became sensibly and sensitively discreet. Until years later, of course, when the innumerable “survivors” could be portrayed as “heroes” in victim culture.

  32. The JQ doesn’t have to be a political loser. Bernie Madoff, Goldman Sachs and the banker bailout, and now Obama is going to hire the Jewish CEO of JP Morgan Chase to replace Tim Geithner (non-Jewish). Here’s a whole line-up of Jewish criminals that can be used as the public face of the Jewish problem. This is a political loser? They are so exposed on this issue that they immediately screamed “anti-semite” when Matt Taibbi wrote his famous “vampire squid” article, and he didn’t even mention the word “Jew” This is a political loser?

    Jewish double-standards on every issue in Israel vs. America, not to mention their absolute inhumanity towards Palestinians, is a political loser? The anti-war left wouldn’t respond to that?

    The only reason anti-Jewish rhetoric is a “loser” is because Jews own the media, but no about of ass-kissing is going to make them give WN a fair treatment or any good press anyway, so why bother?

    We have absolutely nothing to gain by remaining silent on the Jewish problem.

  33. Jews are pushing us into war against Iran. Millions of families in the US have had relatives and friends killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Obama won almost exclusively because he was the “anti-war” candidate.

    Pointing out these neo-con Jewish warmongers is a political loser? I don’t see how. Publicizing the well known cases of Israeli spying, subversion and pro-war lobbying of the last decade is a political loser?

    I say that anti-Jewish rhetoric could easily be a winning strategy once we find a way to bypass the Jewish media. Take the Tea Parties and the FOX News crowd, all they need is a little push to make that “liberal = Jew” connection.

    What are we so afraid of? They might call us Nazis? They call anyone who doesn’t support Obama a Nazi anyway. They will call us racist? Don’t they do anyway? If you want some protection from the racist accusation, why not get a Black or Mexican as a front man? They all hate Jews too.

    One thing sure won’t do any good – wasting time in endless blog sniping with half-Jews and half-Whites about why we have to be nice to Jews otherwise we’ll be called nazis, etc.

  34. No, no, HW, don’t compromise your perfectly fine site for the sake of losers like Turncoat Mark, [Splic]Iceman, and Frederick HALBJUDE Braun. Their compromise hinges upon the fact that they’re HAAAAALBJUDEN or white genocidalists. Fuckin’ scum.

  35. lol

    why don’t we go on the forum and take a poll for which one of us is your favorite philosemite.

    I haven’t read this turncoat guy. Maybe I should now.

  36. While I respect Friedrich Braun for staking out such an unpopular position, I fear he’ll be disappointed in his efforts to find “white Jews”. Not only did 78 percent of Jews vote for Obama in 2008, but of the 44 Jews in Congress, 43 of them are Democrat, with the lone Republican, Eric Cantor, rumoured to be a go-fer for AIPAC. “White Jews” don’t yet have much incentive to flock to our cause.

    And those who do aren’t exactly overflowing with gratitude. Remember the example of Michael Hart at the 2006 AR Conference. Consequently, I suggest it’s up to the Jews to make the next move by demonstrating through their own pro-White activism that they can be Whites first and Jews second.

  37. why don’t we go on the forum and take a poll for which one of us is your favorite philosemite.

    It would be an academic question, shithead. All decent people regardless of ideology wish the death of your worthless (non)-“race.” No, I don’t care what Jew Brownstuff says, “when I am King you will be first against the wall.”

  38. “Crypto-Aryan:”

    I said nothing about “driving out” anyone. I am not a “single-causer” and my conversation with the aforementioned Jew at Amren was polite and civilised on both sides.

    Moreover, I have suffered tremendous backlash from liberal family members who are opposed to my world-view. Thus, your extrapolation that my activism has been “easy” in comparison to that of the Jew in question is incorrect.

    You imply that I am a coward. Do you have any factual basis for that assertion? Are you in the habit of leveling ad hominem attacks at people you don’t know?

  39. Jew Advocate:”What no one has ever been able to do as far as I tell is plausibly explain what else could have happened to the approximately three million Jews that were in Poland on the eve of the war in 1939. Because by the time the Germans left, there was only about 300,000 alive and accounted for.”

    When the Germans invaded Poland in 1939, many Jews (perhaps as many as 2 million or even more) fled east in to the USSR as well as Soviet-occupied Poland. When the Germans invaded the USSR in 1941, many Jews fled east yet again — the Soviet government is known to have consciously moved as many Jews as they could as far east as the Urals or even beyond them, where they worked in munitions factories, tank factories, airplane factories, and so on. Remember that there was a nearly 2 year gap between the German invasion of Poland and the USSR, plenty of time for millions of Jews to flee the German onslaught or expected German onslaught merely by moving in the USSR.

    Mass-population movements of Jews are rarely discussed by (Jewish) Holocaust scholars. Many of them happened during the WWII years, including the mass-movements of millions of Jews far in to the USSR to escape the advancing German armies as I wrote above. Many Jews of course weren’t able to escape, and yes they were indeed gunned down as pro-Communist partisans in Poland, Belarus, the Baltics, Ukraine, etc, or they were put in to camps where they died of disease and so on…but as I wrote, many MILLIONS of Jews escaped the Germans merely by fleeing deep in the Soviet Union as soon as they could.

  40. Fred,

    That was my point: it is natural for people to cleave toward association with their co-ethnics.

    The vast majority of Jews see themselves as Jews first, and everything else a distant second. When you do what FB says, and bring them into our fold, this doesn’t change them, it changes us.

  41. ”The vast majority of Jews see themselves as Jews first, and everything else a distant second. When you do what FB says, and bring them into our fold, this doesn’t change them, it changes us.” ( — Robert Campbell)

    I’m not sure I follow the reasons for this concern in regard to “letting Jews in the movement.” I would have not the slightest hesitation to work with any Jew who agreed with the aims of opponents of government-enforced race-replacement of whites. If a Jew pretended to agree with those aims then went back on his word, kick him out. If he said at the outset he agreed with the aims it’s unlikely he’d change his mind in midstream. But if he did, no problem, just kick him out.

    Or am I missing the problem?

  42. Thanks for the feedback on my questions about alternative explanations of the Holocaust. I’m still looking into the story. I was very disappointed with the Germar Rudolf book, supposedly the best one there is. I just couldn’t get past all the blatant obfuscations at the beginning of it.

    “The vast majority of Jews see themselves as Jews first, and everything else a distant second. When you do what FB says, and bring them into our fold, this doesn’t change them, it changes us.”

    As I said there is a symbiotic relationship between Jewish ethnocentrism and extreme anti-Semitism. The best way to ensure that mon-religious Jews retain strong Jewish identity is a continuing environment of anti-Semitism. For when Jews are not being persecuted, they begin to assimilate. They marry Gentiles and produce offspring like me whose connection with Jewish identity is extremely tenuous – excepting situations in which people smoke me out as a Jew, accuse me of being biologically programmed to seek the destruction of the white race, and call for my deportation.

  43. NeoNietzsche
    I.e., Jews are grown-ups and Whites are children. Is it any wonder who must govern and who must submit? LOL

    You have a strange notion of adult behavior.

    For most of their history jews have been exiles. The advantages of being a scheming, greedy pervert are short run at best.

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