Friedrich on the Jewish Question

At Majority Rights, friedrich braun has outlined his new stance on the Jewish Question, which is a 180 degree turn from his old material at The Civic Platform. Needless to say, I disagree with a number of his points:

1.) friedrich says that only a “Right” friendly to Israel and the Jewish community can succeed in the political arena.

In the United States, the “Right” has been defined by the philo-Semitic conservative movement since the 1960s. It has had a lot of electoral success … but so what? White Americans are worse off in every single way, racially and culturally speaking, than my grandparent’s generation.

Voting for conservatives isn’t an option for the pro-White movement. We get absolutely nothing in return but the scorn of these people and the tireless promotion of Jewish and non-White interests at our expense. It is better to do nothing at all – retreat from the public sphere and enjoy the pleasures of private life – than to support conservatives.

2.) friedrich claims that anti-Semitism is a political loser.

I’m not so sure. I don’t think the American public cares nearly as much about “anti-Semitism” as the philo-Semites insist they do. David Duke won the majority of the White vote in Louisiana. In Alabama, the race-mixing Holocaust denier Larry Darby won 43% of the vote in the 2006 Democratic Party primary for Attorney General.

In the popular imagination, I live in the heart of the Bible Belt. Everyone around here is supposed to be uber philo-Semitic evangelical Christians. I know my peers fairly well and this couldn’t be more untrue. Most of them are either irreligious or outright atheists. None of them care about the Jews. They don’t have any opinion on the issue.

3.) The Right should put Jews in position of authority.

We already have the neocons in control of the conservative movement. A Right that puts Jews in a position of authority will never be anything more than a front group for Jewish interests.

4.) There are plenty of racialist and rightwing Jews with whom we can build alliances.

Name them. I don’t think all of them combined could fill more than half of an Applebee’s restaurant. What’s more, these racialist and rightwing Jews are more interested in “fighting anti-Semitism” than any other pro-White cause. Bringing them into White Nationalism is tantamount to creating just another ideological vehicle for the promotion of Jewish interests.

5.) White Nationalism hasn’t accomplished anything in the postwar era.

There is a good reason for that. After the demise of segregation, racially conscious Whites flocked into the aracial, philo-Semitic conservative movement where they became steadily deracialized. friedrich is advocating more of the same. It will produce exactly the same result.

6.) A friendly disposition towards Jewry will get us into the media and political area.

No, it won’t. It will get us about where Jared Taylor and American Renaissance are now. Jews will persist in their hostility to us. They will continue to relentlessly push their interests at our expense. We won’t get anything in return for abandoning our hostility to the Jews.

7.) We must counter the Nazi image.

I disagree. We should wait for the “Greatest Generation” to die off and the Boomers to retire. Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers don’t care nearly as much about the Jews.

8.) Jews will bring vast resources into our movement.

No, they won’t.

9.) Jews are moving to the Right.

No, they haven’t. See Steve Sailer’s recent column about American Jewry.

10.) We should emulate Vlaams Belang, the BNP, the Front National, and Geert Wilders.

Why? They haven’t accomplished anything. Muslims continue to settle to Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and the UK. The only thing they have accomplished is watering down the “Right”; thereby pushing the next generation further to the “Left.”

11.) It is time to adopt a winning strategy.

The conservative movement has already adopted the philo-Semitic strategy. Its existence is arguably the single biggest cause of White racial decline since the 1960s.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Working with other groups to achieve certain goals is not necessarily problematic. Nazi Germany allied with Imperial Japan while firmly in pursuit of decidedly racialist goals. This didn’t mean that Japan and the Japanese would have had some rights to Greater Germany.

    Similarly, ultimately Jews have no right whatsoever to a jew-free White ethnostate. It goes without saying. Just as Whites have no right to Israel or any other potential Jewish state.

    Thus in theory working with Jews, or any other group for that matter, could work. Though in practice of course it is a much more difficult problem, especially when it comes to working with Jews. All sides of this discussion can probably agree that with Jews, considerable risk is involved.

  2. the Jewish Question cannot be openly addressed, because anti-semitism is themark of the loser in today’s world.

    there are only three ways to indirectly address the Jewish question:
    – point whenever it is possible how non-white women are ugly
    – fight taxes
    – defend the palestinian people, not because you worry about them, but to lead the masses towards connecting the dots

  3. I never got such a beating, it indicates that there’s a lot of fear and bad blood on both sides. Whites blame Jews for their dispossession, Jews fear WNs.

  4. You did a great job handling yourself during that NS pile-on, Fade. I could discern in those debates a genuine intellectual curiosity that I was convinced would eventually lead to a reversal of your position at that time. I have not been disappointed.

    It is my hope that FB will eventually come to his senses, also.

  5. “I.e., Jews are grown-ups and Whites are children. Is it any wonder who must govern and who must submit? LOL”

    You have a strange notion of adult behavior.

    Not really. It’s the classic behavior of elites behind closed doors, so as not to scandalize the lower orders. But, since the Jews do not truly consider the stupid goyim even to be human, they can be as publicly shameless as if they were performing in front of cattle.

    For most of their history jews have been exiles. The advantages of being a scheming, greedy pervert are short run at best.

    And yet various forms of addiction will always overtake the lives of a minority of individuals.

  6. FB’s powerful advocacy and respected erudition should make many thinking WNs pause and consider a revaluation of the JQ. I believe, however, that HW is correct in his analysis.

  7. Fred,

    I don’t think you missed the problem or that we’re at odds on this. Jews are not simply Europeans with a strange religion; they are an ethnic entity of their own, and they must be treated as such. It doesn’t matter how you explain their actions: metaphysically (spawns of Typhon-Set waging Occult War, as per Radical Traditionalism), psychologically (Macdonald), etc., the reality is that the Jews work as a team and we don’t. Linder hammered this point home quite well in his recent interview with GW.

    Crypto-Aryan argued:

    “The best way to ensure that mon-religious Jews retain strong Jewish identity is a continuing environment of anti-Semitism. For when Jews are not being persecuted, they begin to assimilate. They marry Gentiles and produce offspring like me whose connection with Jewish identity is extremely tenuous – excepting situations in which people smoke me out as a Jew, accuse me of being biologically programmed to seek the destruction of the white race, and call for my deportation.”

    It is relevant to note that at Amren, where they have been “accepted” as Whites, and where they ostensibly work for pro-White interests, they maintain ethnic cohesion. They do not, as Danny “The Believer” Burros argues above as Crypto Aryan, assimilate into normality, even when they are welcomed with open arms, as Jared Taylor does.

    In a seeming testament to the sagacity of the “one droppers,” CryptoAryan tells us that as a result of being a mischlinge, he has no connection to Judaism other than his fiery, atavistic reaction to anything that threatens Jewish interests as a whole. I would not be surprised if Guy White were of similar breeding; I began to strongly suspect that he is when I saw his reply to Kemp’s comments on American WN. Outwardly pro-White and non-Jewish, at the end of the day, what matters to both of them is one thing: “Is it good for the Jews?”

    I would never turn away help from ANY source that offered it genuinely, as long as that source did not place conditions upon me which negated the purpose of the mandate I pursued.

    Jews don’t belong in a European organic state any more than negroes do, but they are not the single cause of our misfortune. Hunter is right in urging a middle ground and that’s one of the reasons I find this blog refreshing.

  8. I can’t wrap my mind around the idea that we should give something for nothing. That’s not cutting a deal. It is surrender.

    The Geert Wilders model isn’t going to work in the United States. In the Netherlands, most immigrants are Muslims. In the United States, immigrants tend to be Asians and Hispanics.

  9. The something is access to MSM and inoculation against the most terrible charges. Jews get a pass on anti-Semitism. Many Jews don’t like living among Negroes and Hispanics and suffer from affirmative action.

  10. Thanks for the feedback on my questions about alternative explanations of the Holocaust. I’m still looking into the story. I was very disappointed with the Germar Rudolf book, supposedly the best one there is. I just couldn’t get past all the blatant obfuscations at the beginning of it.

    I would second the Captain’s question about “obfuscations” – but would suggest that Rudolph *did not* engage the most convincing aspect of the gas chamber issue. Namely, the vital ventilation structures of the facilities that are purported to have been the mightiest engines of human destruction in recorded history. Ironically, it is closely-held documents upon which the Exterminationists have relied, and which they have obviously failed to analyze, that most convincingly serve the demolition of the myth structure that has been erected around Auschwitz, when they are challenged to produce such evidence in behalf of their case.

    And once one has realized that the alleged deportations of hundreds of thousands of persons to Auschwitz, in which facility they neither died nor from which they departed, did not take place, one has struck from the hands of the Exterminationists their main evidentiary device, the putative authenticity of mutually-supportive records as to deportations thereto from various European nations.

    And I say this from personal knowledge, having confronted the champions of the Hoax with the challenge to produce their evidence – which evidence proved to be an embarrassment to the very thesis they hoped to defend therewith. One such champion was reduced to indefensible silence, when repeatedly challenged merely to identify the known date when cremations were finally initiated in Krema II, in 1943, lest that date imply, according to his own argument and the official account, that Bischoff’s incriminating “letter” to his superior, Kammler, was a clumsy forgery and that there was no “Vergasungskeller” in the mighty engine, Leichenkeller I. Lacking that appliance, hundreds of thousands of allegedly exterminated victims thereof are revived by history to be accounted for by other than the Holohoax tale of evil-doing.

  11. “Crypto Aryan is unnecessarily inflammatory and a little dense. He needs to clean up his act, starting with a serious effort to pay attention to what’s being said.”

    Jew Advocate is to Occidental Dissent as Lady Raine was to Roissy’s blog: Ineffectively punching his self-created wet paper-bag, while everyone nods at the spectacle that confirms their view’s.

  12. As FB noted, “many Jews don’t like living among Negroes and Hispanics” and this Republican victory in heavily – Jewish and liberal Westchester County, NY would indicate such :

    As some wit observed, a liberal’s education must provide both the capacity for sympathy towards Third World immigrants and the financial means to avoid living near them.

  13. If Jews were serious about helping WN and combating anti-Semitism, then they would spend their time working on their fellow Jews to dissuade them from the behaviors and policies that are destructive of the White race. After all, it is these behaviors that force all honest and informed WNs to conclude that Jews are our principal racial enemy and that we will never save our race without breaking Jewish power. Is there any evidence that Michael Hart and Laurence Auster are doing anything of the sort?

    Instead, all I see is Jews who claim to be on our side working hard to exclude and suppress criticism of Jews in our circles, just as Jews work to exclude and suppress criticism everywhere else. The obvious conclusion is that these Jews are not our friends. They may say that they are our friends, but they behave like the Jews we know to be our enemies. Therefore, they are our enemies. They are enemies seeking to undermine our movement from within, working in tandem with their cousins attacking us from the outside.

    One way they seek to undermine us is to seduce non-Jewish WNs by offering them money, expertise, good publicity, electoral success, etc. in exchange for purging anti-Semites from our ranks. Braun’s document is valuable as an outline of the kind of pitch that these Jews make.

    But as Hunter Wallace points out: allying ourselves with Jews has never delivered anything of value to our people. What kind of fool makes a deal with a Jew and does not get any political payoff up front?

    One more point: in all my years with the movement, I have never met a single person who seriously claimed that “race is everything” or that “the Jews are the sole cause of our problems.” These are straw men created by our enemies. When our enemies demand that we defend or disavow these straw men, they are simply trying to force us into a defensive posture in a debate about chimeras. Well, I have no time for such foolishness.

  14. Greg Johnson, it’s hard for me to view Auster as an enemy when he wants essentially everything we want racially including not just an end to incompatible immigration but steps taken that would lead gradually and perfectly humanely to a restoration of the racial/ethnocultural status quo ante. Yes he does level the charge of “anti-Semitism” (whatever that term is supposed to mean!) way too freely, but in response to his doing that, we should take exactly his advice in regard to how to react when other Jews do it: stand our ground calmly when we know we’re in the right, don’t back down an inch, and keep right on going.

  15. Israpundit thinks my article reeks with racialism and antisemitism. That’s interesting. As KMac noted, the Jews should be the first to acknowledge the attraction of an ethnostate. I see that the entire site is dedicated to Jewry and their nation. As to racialism, Israel is the most racialist state in the world. Typical Jewish double standard. These people have no shame. I have little patience for such scummy, double talking Jews as that guy. It’s funny that he calls my post antisemitic [?] Well, here you have a prime example of a Jew who spits in your face when you extend your hand. I hope he knows what he’s doing. He’s a poster boy for anti-Semites.

  16. When Michael Hart made an intemperate and foul-mouthed stink at AmRen 2006 because David Duke asked Guillaume Faye if Jews played the same role in Europe in opening the floodgates of Third World immigration as they did in the US, it was Auster who demanded that Duke and other anti-Semites be banned from AmRen and that Jared Taylor publicly denounce anti-Semitism, etc. Auster apparently thinks that it is not enough for AmRen to have Jews as speakers and guests. He also thinks it necessary to keep anti-Semites away. Is Auster’s goal to make AmRen more effective? I think not. Auster may talk the talk, but in terms of his proposed actions, is he any different from the ADL and the SPLC and others who seek to marginalize and suppress criticism of Jews?

    Whites did not need Jews to create our civilization. We do not need them to save it. This is something we have to do for ourselves, and by ourselves alone.

    In pursuing a Jew-free, whites-only ethnostate in North America, I do not oppose temporary and tactical alliances with non-whites who show by their deeds that they believe the right of all peoples, including my own, to pursue their own destinies in their own homelands. If a Jew wants to convince me of his good faith belief in ethnonationalism, then he can contact me from his new address in Israel. I would be the biggest Zionist in the world if Jews would all go there.

  17. Friedrich,

    You can’t really blame Jews for failing to jump at your invitation. It’s apparent that you’re coming at this as somebody who’s strongly imbued with anti-Jewish attitudes and opinions. They see you as an anti-Semite who’s proposing that a “deep game” be played. I see where you’re coming from, and see the progress that the European nationalist parties are making, but there are some real problems with your proposal.

    Personally, I believe that Ashkenazi Jews are a sort of “killer bee” hybridization between Northern Europe’s aristocrats who were powerful but broke and its Jews who were powerless but wealthy. To stand athwart such a terrifying combination of intelligence and alien tribal identity is probably a bad idea. But as long as they see us as “them”, and themselves as “us”, I don’t think there will ever be the sort of reconciliation that you and Geert envision.

    There are large and successful White groups that have remained relatively free from Jewish influence. The whole problem isn’t nearly as hard as the anti-Semites make it out to be. As that BNP guy said in the interview, the anti-Semites make a very nice bed for themselves to lie in. I applaud you for being open-minded enough to explore alternatives to ramming your head against the (wailing?) wall, but I don’t believe you’re proposing a winning strategy yet.

  18. Comment 174, by Friedrich Braun:

    Israpundit gives more credibility to David Duke than the anti-Semites themselves, in the field of Jewish double-standard and other aspects.

    Israel is an ethnostate! Don’t let any smooth-talking Jew tell you otherwise.

  19. Friedrich Braun:

    So, if we go with your strategy, it would probably be a great idea to let the Holocaust obsession fade away. The Holocaust was 2-3 generations ago, and is no longer relevant to Western or World Politics.

    We Gentiles and Jews would benefit from letting the Holocaust obsession go; we should move on. And as such, this would be an important step, if we partake in your strategy.

  20. FB:”You know that Jews founded Fascism in Italy…”

    Jews didn’t “found Fascism in Italy,” they merely contributed a bit to its development — Fascism in Italy was founded by real ethnic Italians, not ethnic Jews living in Italy.

    Mussolini turned on Jewry later on when it became clear that WWII was a Jewish-fomented war; he knew what the real deal was about international Jewry:

    SPEECH DELIVERED BY PREMIER BENITO MUSSOLINI – Rome, Italy, February 23, 1941: “Let me say now that what is occurring in the United States is one of the most colossal mystifications in all history. Illusion and lying are the basis of American interventionism-illusion that the United States is still a democracy, when instead it is a political and financial oligarchy dominated by Jews, through a personal form of dictatorship. The lie is that the Axis powers, after they finish Great Britain, want to attack America.” –

  21. “In pursuing a Jew-free, whites-only ethnostate in North America, I do not oppose temporary and tactical alliances with non-whites who show by their deeds that they believe the right of all peoples, including my own, to pursue their own destinies in their own homelands. If a Jew wants to convince me of his good faith belief in ethnonationalism, then he can contact me from his new address in Israel. I would be the biggest Zionist in the world if Jews would all go there.”

    A very rational, intelligent and productive proposal. Who better to corral non-whites and organize a movement to repatriate them to their respective homelands than their own people.

  22. “We Gentiles and Jews would benefit from letting the Holocaust obsession go; we should move on.” ( — Steve in the Swamps)

    You’ve got to be kidding. The Holocau$t obsession is here to stay. It’s not going anywhere. It’s part of the Jewish religion. It is never going away. Come back in ten million years, it’ll be as entrenched as ever. Even more so. Whites have to accept that as a given and just ignore the Holocau$t propaganda. The Jews would as soon drop the Holocau$t as drop the Old Testament. They’re never going to “let the Holocaust go and move on.” You can forget that.

    Something tells me it’s time for you to dust off your Plan B, Steve.

  23. 12Hunter Wallace

    friedrich is a friend. I’m not sure what prompted this change on the Jewish Question. I think he will come to his senses eventually.

    Maybe he got himself a cute little Jewish girlfriend. 😉

  24. “We Gentiles and Jews would benefit from letting the Holocaust obsession go; we should move on. And as such, this would be an important step, if we partake in your strategy.”

    I wouldn’t touch Revisionism with a ten-foot pole, if I were a politician. However, I have nothing but admiration for Revisionists and I’m glad there out there digging and asking questions. They’re the most courageous people around, no doubt. Their work is very useful for our purposes.

  25. Let’s not jump to unconfirmed conclusions-regarding another commenter’s motive- Fred.

    I didn’t say the Jews will voluntarily drop the Holocaust, or even drop it at all for that matter. I am only saying the Holocaust SHOULD be dropped as a primary issue-especially in the context of Mr. Braun’s strategy. And, I am not so naive about the Jews, even if you proclaim otherwise.

    I am neither suggesting we should ally with Jews, nor that they will drop their overused victim status and the Holocaust story. I was just adding a perspective if Friedrich Braun’s approach had to be taken.

  26. “129 Kasimir Petrenkov

    Friedrich Braun, Iceman and Mark are embarrassing philosemites, disgraces to the cause (if there is such a thing as a pro-white cause; that has yet to be proven).”

    Quote one philo-Semitic thing I’ve said?

  27. I do agree with you, Fred Scrooby, that Whites must start ignoring the Holocaust propaganda. It was 2-3 generations ago, is totally irrelevant to contemporary politics, and is used to turn Whites against themselves.

  28. “133 Fred Scrooby

    Excellent comment by Robert Campbell #118 in its last two paragraphs (as for the first two: I see nothing wrong with Jews or anyone else sticking together in a cluster, moving around in groups, or sitting at a table together discussing things).”

    Sounds like jealousy.

    Jews haven’t lost their ethnic integrity, as most Americans have.

    I see nothing wrong with whites being loyal to their ethnic heritage, it’s natural.

  29. “Jews are grown-ups and Whites are children. Is it any wonder who must govern and who must submit?”

    NN of course states the truth. The lack of realistic insight or self awareness is endemic in these circles of twelve or fifteen. You – we – are pwned like no people have ever been in the history of the world. There is no uniting language, history, culture, outlook – no shared past (unless we count our vaunted forest days), thus no future. Every job we do, every Euro we spend, every breath we take, benefits our masters. Our money is owned, our livelihood is owned, and it makes no difference if you’re a billionaire or laying low on the dole, we’re all little lonesome things scrabbling around the Occident beneath the sometime gaze of those who worked long and hard to fuse themselves into an organism. Jews made themselves. Remember that. We just happened. There can be beauty in sheer natural selection, but it won’t cut it when the robot comes pounding through.

    There is no politics to yank us out, no matter if we slave in Kwa or Albion or the graveyard of Germany or that mighty hope Russia, with its whores and orphans and junkies. Politics in a democratic plutocracy don’t mean dick. Lowly heilôtai back in the day had more than us – at least they could acknowledge the degree of their bondage. A gaggle of frustrated men writing in a language that tribes in Nigeria are taught, on a medium that can be accessed by fourth graders, is not going to change the world or their own situation, no matter how many books they’ve read or historical insights gained.

    It’s nice to see NN writing like a man. It’s rare in our long “Western” culture, where there’s so much of Jebu this and morals that and talk of heaven and soul and rights and those dang-blamed Jews with their lack of morality (fist shake), blah blah. From our dipshit fairytales to our stupid women to our automatic killing of whoever we’re told to kill, from our Benny Hinn conferences to our lousy diets to our debating angels and their pin dances, the writing’s been on the wall for a long time – we’re marked for extinction.

  30. Auster calls for “the majority” to re-assert ourselves while simultaneously sniffing out and denouncing any sign of such assertion. He does not want essentially everything we want racially. He wants us silenced. He wants jewish hegemony preserved, albeit with a nominal return to the days when everything bad could still plausibly be blamed on “the majority”. He’s a conscious dissimulator and an inveterate dissembler.

    The idea that everything is all our fault, that we haven’t tried hard enough to make jews feel safe and welcome, is not new. The idea that Braun is suggesting anything innovative or bold makes me retch.

    I don’t want anything from jews. Not their moralizing, their rationalizing, their complaining, their opinion, their art, their law, their money, their approval. Nothing. I think the spread of that idea is what frightens them most.

  31. That was an eloquent post Curious Vojtech, but you are too much the defeatist and negativist. I agree that things look rather bleak, but that is no reason to completely give up.

    Never give up hope — if things are as bad as you say they are, we may as well just go ahead and commit suicide right now, but of course that isn’t going to happen. Extinction of the White race is not going to happen, not even close. We may dwindle, but that doesn’t mean much because quality always trumps quantity. Right now Whites are merely resting, taking a breather if you will after the incredible Western tumult of the 20th Century. We will rise again, as history has shown time after time. Whites do not long submit to slavery.

    “Politics in a democratic plutocracy don’t mean dick.”

    I agree, but haven’t you ever read Spengler? Democracy will be destroyed, as will money/plutocracy. Blood/race will triumph over both. It’s inevitable, just a matter of time. “Ride the tiger,” man.

  32. Friedrich seems to be regaining his senses already, realising that nothing but Talmudic hatred awaits his overtures. The surest way to become an “antisemite” is to actually have dealings with Jews.

  33. I should also add that the Jewish mass-consumerist economy in The West is currently falling apart…haven’t you noticed? Organized Jewry is tying to import millions of non-Whites in to White nations to bolster up mass-consumerism and also to dilute the potency of White blood, because a mongrelized people are a weak people.

    Simultaneously, Jewish control of the mass-media and other channels of information is being hugely lessened via the proliferation of the internet.

    There are a lot of things to be hopeful for. This is merely the beginning of the long struggle which is to come. Keep you head up.

  34. NeoNietzsche and Curious Vojtech boast of their utter lack of morality, and jeer and gloat at the foolishness of anyone raising moral issues in the cultural war between jews and mankind, yet at no time in the history of cultural warfare has any side won that declared itself immoral or amoral.

    They are demanding that we discard one of our most powerful weapons, the moral case against the jews based on our white moral instincts of honor, courage, fair dealing and self control, and instead either surrender and admit our worthless failure and unfitness to exist, let alone rule, or become as vile as the jews to beat them.

    Evil white men like them, assuming they are white, are spiritual jews and in a white ethnostate they will be treated the way the Inquisition, peace be upon it, treated heretics.

    Burned alive in the public square as an example to others.

  35. Curious Vojtech,

    Do you have a blog or some other place where you’ve posted similar material, perhaps in more depth? I think we must face our desperate and humiliating situation for what it truly is if we can have any hope whatsoever of assuring our survival. I know you don’t see any hope. I don’t, either. But I haven’t given up looking.

  36. robert — I wasn’t saying that you wanted to drive out Jews, I meant that the Jew you were talking to at the AmRen conference was probably freaked out because a lot of people, not neccessarily you, don’t feel that he should be either at the conference or in this country. What do you think is the proportion of AmRen attendees that have a Stormfront/VNN/”name the Jew” perspective? My guess from only one conference is probably a third or so. The only reason I wasn’t freaked out was because nobody could tell I was half-jewish and I certainly didn’t mention it.

    feminized — i am evidently too dense to understand your reference to lady raine and roissy though a search takes me to both of their blogs. please explain.

    i happen to think i make decent contributions to the comment section. if i make one person slightly less sure of their strongly held opinion, then i’ve done ok. i hope i get at least one vote in your “favorite philosemite” contest.

    i didn’t support hart or auster or jobling in the 2006 duke/amren kerfuffle; Jews are frightened of anti-Semites, but that’s no excuse for throwing a temper tantrum and demanding special privileges, such as demanding that no one criticize Jewish behavior. Sam Francis as in so many other areas, had the right idea. The book of essays that he edited just prior to his death has a whole range of articles on the roots of the white dilemma and right there, one article — not five of them or all of them — is a long piece by MacDonald. That is the proper perspective.

    my request is different from hart or auster and has nothing to do with refraining from criticism of the jews. i want unqualified acceptance into the white race. if you disagree with me, talk to me like you’re talking to a fucking unitarian, nothing more and nothing less.

    if this is not possible, then maybe it is time for a break-up in the pro-white movement. it seems as if the natural breaking point is not between philo- and anti- semites, but rather between those who want a white ethnostate, and those who are content to live in a pro-white majority state.

  37. Wikitopian
    I know you don’t see any hope. I don’t, either. But I haven’t given up looking.

    Jews have been driven out by mass uprisings before, even when the elite sided with the jew parasites.

    Jews are physical cowards. From that fact you can easily deduce the solution.

  38. “200White Preservationist

    Whiny hubristic Jews. Seems like about the only way you can shut a Jew up is to put an ice-pick in their goddamn skull.”

    Is this acceptable language on your blog, Hunter?

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