Friedrich on the Jewish Question

At Majority Rights, friedrich braun has outlined his new stance on the Jewish Question, which is a 180 degree turn from his old material at The Civic Platform. Needless to say, I disagree with a number of his points:

1.) friedrich says that only a “Right” friendly to Israel and the Jewish community can succeed in the political arena.

In the United States, the “Right” has been defined by the philo-Semitic conservative movement since the 1960s. It has had a lot of electoral success … but so what? White Americans are worse off in every single way, racially and culturally speaking, than my grandparent’s generation.

Voting for conservatives isn’t an option for the pro-White movement. We get absolutely nothing in return but the scorn of these people and the tireless promotion of Jewish and non-White interests at our expense. It is better to do nothing at all – retreat from the public sphere and enjoy the pleasures of private life – than to support conservatives.

2.) friedrich claims that anti-Semitism is a political loser.

I’m not so sure. I don’t think the American public cares nearly as much about “anti-Semitism” as the philo-Semites insist they do. David Duke won the majority of the White vote in Louisiana. In Alabama, the race-mixing Holocaust denier Larry Darby won 43% of the vote in the 2006 Democratic Party primary for Attorney General.

In the popular imagination, I live in the heart of the Bible Belt. Everyone around here is supposed to be uber philo-Semitic evangelical Christians. I know my peers fairly well and this couldn’t be more untrue. Most of them are either irreligious or outright atheists. None of them care about the Jews. They don’t have any opinion on the issue.

3.) The Right should put Jews in position of authority.

We already have the neocons in control of the conservative movement. A Right that puts Jews in a position of authority will never be anything more than a front group for Jewish interests.

4.) There are plenty of racialist and rightwing Jews with whom we can build alliances.

Name them. I don’t think all of them combined could fill more than half of an Applebee’s restaurant. What’s more, these racialist and rightwing Jews are more interested in “fighting anti-Semitism” than any other pro-White cause. Bringing them into White Nationalism is tantamount to creating just another ideological vehicle for the promotion of Jewish interests.

5.) White Nationalism hasn’t accomplished anything in the postwar era.

There is a good reason for that. After the demise of segregation, racially conscious Whites flocked into the aracial, philo-Semitic conservative movement where they became steadily deracialized. friedrich is advocating more of the same. It will produce exactly the same result.

6.) A friendly disposition towards Jewry will get us into the media and political area.

No, it won’t. It will get us about where Jared Taylor and American Renaissance are now. Jews will persist in their hostility to us. They will continue to relentlessly push their interests at our expense. We won’t get anything in return for abandoning our hostility to the Jews.

7.) We must counter the Nazi image.

I disagree. We should wait for the “Greatest Generation” to die off and the Boomers to retire. Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers don’t care nearly as much about the Jews.

8.) Jews will bring vast resources into our movement.

No, they won’t.

9.) Jews are moving to the Right.

No, they haven’t. See Steve Sailer’s recent column about American Jewry.

10.) We should emulate Vlaams Belang, the BNP, the Front National, and Geert Wilders.

Why? They haven’t accomplished anything. Muslims continue to settle to Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and the UK. The only thing they have accomplished is watering down the “Right”; thereby pushing the next generation further to the “Left.”

11.) It is time to adopt a winning strategy.

The conservative movement has already adopted the philo-Semitic strategy. Its existence is arguably the single biggest cause of White racial decline since the 1960s.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How pushy were jews in junior high school? Not at all, at least not when I was there. What changes for them when they get older?

    They stop being beaten regularly.

    A jew wrote a book about Evel Kneivel. Evel didn’t like that book so he beat the jew with a baseball bat so badly that the jew ended up in the hospital. The jew then sued and won a large judgment which Evel refused to pay. The jew never took any serious action to collect. Why, because he knew that Evel was the kind of man who’d beat you senseless with a bat if you crossed him.

    Now that Evel is safely in the grave the jew is going after Evel’s family for the money, of course.

    Evel’s son never convinced the jew that it would be a mistake to cross him.

  2. RE Tanstaafl @ 193: You said it brother! Jews are terrified that whites will awaken to the fact that we just don’t need them. But why is that? Because they need us.

  3. It is necessary to distinguish cause and effect. Put simply: Jews are the cause and mass immigration the effect. Whatever kind of pro-White activity you’ll do, the organized Jewry will be there with their army of organizations trying to ostracize, forbid, demonize and persecute you.

    I know of several people, in Sweden, who’ve been as kind, hard working, decent and rational as you could possible get and who has been blissfully unaware of the JQ; these people were working to restrict mass immigration and criticize political correctness.

    Suddenly, they found themselves crushed, censored and ostracized by, in their language, “some higher power.” They simply didn’t know what hit them.

    If you are interested in decency, preserving White/European culture, removing political correctness etc., they will be after you and if you don’t know about JQ, you’ll just stand there flabbergasted wodering what happened.

  4. “205The Admiral

    @ 203 Mark ~ You sound like that Zionist prick “Fjordman” over at Gates of Vienna.”

    What a strange response, but expected from the wackos around here.

    I sound like a “Zionist prick” because I wonder why Hunter allows statements of graphic violence? You sound like a paranoid fool.

  5. “NeoNietzsche and Curious Vojtech boast of their utter lack of morality, and jeer and gloat at the foolishness of anyone raising moral issues in the cultural war between jews and mankind, yet at no time in the history of cultural warfare has any side won that declared itself immoral or amoral.”

    What a weird thing to say. Just because someone doesn’t share a pathetic slave morality doesn’t mean they “lack” morals, even though muddled types will always think that. I see lots of moral “whites” (um, “Whites”) all around me, adopting Korean castoffs, sniffing out racism, killing Pashtuns, setting up Nativity scenes on their overly large suburban lawns, clamoring for war with Iran, and buying flu shots. Guess what – they’d be the first to attack you for visiting this blog, OldMan, fervently pointing out your “lack of morality”.

    “No time in the history of cultural warfare has any side won that declared itself immoral or amoral.”

    What does that even mean? Yeah, no time in this supposed history of cultural warfare has any side won that declared itself totally supportive of gang rape either.

    Jews, on a whole, are the most moral of people, just like they tell you all ad nauseam. OldMan just can’t understand that because Tel Aviv brothels and Bernie Madoff are an affront to his sensibilities. Get a different word for your sense of aesthetics, pal.

    As for boring WP, your “hope” was identified millennia ago as an enormous sin. Hasn’t changed.

  6. Evil white men like them, assuming they are white, are spiritual jews and in a white ethnostate they will be treated the way the Inquisition, peace be upon it, treated heretics.

    Burned alive in the public square as an example to others. (OldRight)

    OldRight has done us wonderful service with this shameless self-illumination.

    Is it any wonder, in this glaring light, that the WASP establishment, confronted at the beginning of the last century with an organized mass of fanatics of this stripe, decided that turning over the nation and culture to the eager Jews, who were well versed in the manipulation of OldWorld morons, was a wealth-conserving and self-preservative NewWorld idea?

  7. They are demanding that we discard one of our most powerful weapons, the moral case against the jews based on our white moral instincts of honor, courage, fair dealing and self control, and instead either surrender and admit our worthless failure and unfitness to exist, let alone rule, or become as vile as the jews to beat them.

    We are suggesting that, in a context where inescapable mastery is currently based mainly upon the wielding of lies and illusions, the old aristocratic virtues of honor, etc., are now childish lower-class attributes, if solely relied upon.

    So we are following the logic of that observation in further suggesting that you grow up without further delay, in order to meet your opponent on ground that is not to your disadvantage.

  8. NeoNietzsche and Curious Vojtech boast of their utter lack of morality, and jeer and gloat at the foolishness of anyone raising moral issues in the cultural war between jews and mankind, yet at no time in the history of cultural warfare has any side won that declared itself immoral or amoral. (OldRight)

    I’m “curious”: how does one evaluate Julius Streicher and “Der Stuermer” in terms of “white moral instincts of honor, courage, fair dealing and self control” and the imperative of political success?

  9. I have an idea that can perhaps benefit all involved:

    FriedrichBraun should convert to Judaism and move to Israel. He’ll get to live in an ethnostate among his newly-favorite people. From there he and Jobling can help convince the Jewish Messiah Race to save their racial prodigal-sons in Europe and North America.

  10. Friedrich Braun is going through the kind of gyrations that one goes through in the EXTREMELY rare event that a WN attempts to actually envision a roadmap to success. I don’t support his conclusions, but I think more people need to be grappling with what he’s grappling with: the actual dismal situation.

  11. Greg Johnson says he would be the world’s biggest Zionist if the Jews would leave for Israel. This is only the second time I’ve ever heard someone say this, Revilo Oliver wrote it once as well. It makes sense. And the fact is that more Jews would leave for Israel if the Zionist state received the green light to secure its territory, to remove non-Jews from all lands held by Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza. This is the Kahanist position. Kahane as far as I remember also thought that aliyah (Jews moving back to Israel) was a duty.

    Why don’t more anti-Semitic White Nationalist make clear that they have no brief against Jews as long as they stay away from Aryans, by expressing support for Jewish ingathering in Israel, and supporting policies that will make this happen? This is what the Christian Zionists do in hopes of Armageddon. In the case of Anti-Semites, it ought to take the form of attempting an alliance with Jewish Defense League and Kahanism, and if they don’t go along (they won’t), nevertheless publicly supporting Israeli efforts against Palestinians, with the goal of an eventual Jewish state that has pacified its neighbors enough that the rest of world Jewry can join.

    Palin mentioned this the other day — Jews should not leave the West Bank because “more and more of them will be going there in the coming years.” In this instance, Palin is being more objectively White Nationalist than anti-Semites who ally themselves with anti-racist, anti-white activists, self-hating Jewish anti-nationalists, and Islamic supremacists calling for the destruction of Zionism. Why do they do this? My guess is because they would rather see Jews hurt than see the “Jewish problem” resolved.

  12. So, how many Muslims are we prepared to exterminate in perpetual “pacification” of Islam, with the prospect, and then the reality, of millions of Jews added to Palestine? As many as it takes?

    How much of a domestic police state, such as will be *actually* needed in that event, does one wish to tolerate? What about the expense of policing the whole Muslim Middle East, once every such regime is destroyed by revolt or by Zionist Imperialist invasion?

    (Check with your local recruiter for compulsory national service, young man and young woman! And forget about your retirement fund meeting your budget, senior citizens – check out your local McDonalds for hiring opportunities.)

    Why would Jewry trust to the vigilance of a Judenfrei Western world as to their preservation, with these considerations in prospect? I mean, why would one think the Jews, other than the fanatics among them, would be so suicidally stupid as to go for this?

  13. NeoNietzsche — the goal is not pacificying the Islam, simply securing a all-Jewish state. Once all the Arabs have been induced to leave Palestine for Jordan or Syria or the Arabian Peninsula, they will be little threat. I wonder, did you or would you have opposed attempts by Rhodesians, Afrikaners or British South Africans to secure their nations? Israel is no different, just Jewish cowboys rather than Anglo-Saxon ones. What do you care about Arabs anyway, unless you’re someday planning on changing your handle to “NeoGuenon”?

    As to the financial, logistical, moral and practical difficulties of moving non-Jews out of Palestine, compared to the difficulties of moving non-whites out of your proposed “jew free White ethnostate,” it is like the Wright Brother taking off at Kitty Hawk versus flying to the moon.

    So…my proposal is directed specifically to those who seek a “jew free White ethnostate.” Why don’t you consider repeatedly attempting to attend pro-Israel rallies, just like Neturai Karta goes to the anti-Zionist rallies and a few black separatist groups work with the Liberty Lobby. Carry signs in support of the Jewish state along with some flag or banner identifying you as White Nationalist (no swastikas obviously, this is a serious proposal). You will gather a tremendous amount of publicity for your cause. You will be given the opportunity to explain that you seek a jew-free White ethnostate in America, and that supporting Israel and expressing goodwill towards Jews who want to live their in peace and security is part of this effort. The only POSSIBLE down side I see is you might get spit on by a lot of beady-eyed Jews at the rally. The point is you would get publicity, you would be intellectually consistent, and you would show sceptical people (including myself) that you’re interested in actually solving the Jewish problem, not just pretending you’re Evel Knievel (my hero as a kid) with both arms in a cast, beating on Shelly Saltman with a baseball bat.
    (Get your kicks here, cowards:

  14. “awaken to the fact that we just don’t need them”

    Why does anyone believe that jews are needed in the first place?

  15. JA,

    Greg Johnson wrote: “I would be the biggest Zionist in the world if Jews would all go there.”

    Johnson’s support for Israel is predicated on Jews actually going to or at least seriously committing themselves to go to Israel.

  16. Mark ~ Your comments sounded like those of that Zionist prick Fjordman, who is constantly asking the powers-that-be at GoV to cleanse the comments section of posters he deems unacceptable. He’s a prick and a coward.

  17. NeoNietzsche — the goal is not pacifying Islam, simply securing a all-Jewish state. Once all the Arabs have been induced to leave Palestine for Jordan or Syria or the Arabian Peninsula, they will be little threat.

    Where did you get the incredible idea that the Palestinians are the only, or other than the most minor, threat to Greater and Lesser Judea?

    I mean, even the 911 propaganda credits the *Saudis* with the event. The invasion of *Iraq* was for the sake of neutralizing a threat to Lesser Judea. And the Lesser Judeans are chomping at the bit for favorable pretexts toward an attack on *Iran*.

    And all of Islam is in a state of humiliation and militant resentment at being treated and regarded thus as aborigines to be swept aside and crushed for the sake of Zion

  18. I wonder, did you or would you have opposed attempts by Rhodesians, Afrikaners or British South Africans to secure their nations? Israel is no different, just Jewish cowboys rather than Anglo-Saxon ones.

    Except for the oceans of oil involved and the technology of the present day that makes man-portable nuclear weapons possible.

    And you make my point about the understandably hostile general attitude of *all* Islam – and not just the Palestinians – as a once-great people now being regarded as the equivalent of Amerindian or African primitives to be likewise despised and disposed of at the whim of Western colonialists.

  19. Bernard, Christian Zionists don’t have a problem supporting and working with Jews even though they have entirely different goals in mind. You claim you have no animosity or hatred towards Jews, don’t wish them ill, only seek a peaceful separation based on irreconcilable differences, only want to the freedom for your people to develop on their own free of Jewish interferance. When you make these claims, you have a gigantic credibility problem. Most people think you’re lying. Most people think you simply want to see kikes get the shit kicked out of them. Many here do — OldRight, White nonconservative, White Preservationist, Z.O.G. and others.

    If the Jewish state was secure, more Jews would leave for it voluntarily, particularly if your agitation efforts toward a jew free White ethnonationalist state at the same time are successful in the coming years. But if Israel goes the route of Rhodesia and South Africa, there is no place for the Jews to go to voluntarily here on earth. All remaining options are involuntary and/or vertical. Prove to me that is not what you want by saying that you hope Israel survives as a Jewish state and you support its colonialist efforts. Hitler himself thought that Zionism might be a potential ally of National Socialism, at least before he realized that the British were going to be implaccably opposed to Germany.

    (And my name is not “JA,” Bernie, I thought I had discerned some mutual respect in our prior posts, despite our differences. I’m disappointed. Calling me “WA,” “White Advocate” or “Crypto-Aryan” would be appreciated)

  20. “221The Admiral

    Mark ~ Your comments sounded like those of that Zionist prick Fjordman, who is constantly asking the powers-that-be at GoV to cleanse the comments section of posters he deems unacceptable. He’s a prick and a coward.”

    It’s a shame you’ve approached me this way, I thought you were one of the more sane posters here.

    I never asked Hunter to cleanse anything, I am curious about his stance is all. He has expressed the need to censor types of language before, so it struck me as odd that statements of graphic violence would be tolerable. It’s obvious there’s a lot of favoritism at play here.

  21. “Are you a student of Guenon, CA?”

    Not yet, but he and the other traditionalists are on my list of writers to check out.

  22. I don’t want anything from jews. Not their moralizing, their rationalizing, their complaining, their opinion, their art, their law, their money, their approval. Nothing. I think the spread of that idea is what frightens them most.


  23. Mark and others — obviously I wasn’t being serious with my above ice-pick statement, it was merely an allusion to the 1940 assassination of that mad-dog international Jewish Communist Trotsky; this is the internet, obviously I’m not going to put a cyber ice-pick in the skull of some internet Jew. If I ever met this Jew in person and he kept running his mouth like this, obviously I wouldn’t seek to kill him but rather I’d just smash his jaw so that he could not continue to inanely prattle on regarding things he has no reason or authority to speak of. Why should we allow Jews tell us about White Nationalism? It is obvious that we shouldn’t.

    I was merely attempting to point out the laughable hubris and chutzpah of this Jew who is claiming that he wants “unqualified acceptance into the white race,” that he wants to be accepted in to the White Nationalist fold. He apparently misses the entire point of White Nationalism, that it is for Whites/Europeans only, not Jews — that is one of the main problem with Jews, they are always trying to slither their way in to White movements, White nations, White finances, White media, etc. And once they manage to slither in and establish themselves in a White nation, a White movement, a White bank, etc, they are like termites who end up destroying it.

    Jews already have their own ethnonationalistic movement, it is called Zionism. Regarding Zionism, I fully and wholeheartedly support it, and I hope that the Jewish state of Israel survives forever — I also support all other ethnic/racial nationalist movements worldwide: Black Nationalism, Asian Nationalism, Mestizo Nationalism (as long as it is taking place in Latin America), etc…it would be very hypocritical for me as a White Nationalist to deny other peoples their same rights to ethnic/racial determination in their own nations or continents.

    I hope to have a post up later today on my blog about how we White Nationalists should support Black Nationalism since it is the most humane solution to the Black problem in White North America.

  24. Jew Advocate,

    The Christian Zionists believe that by supporting Israel they are ushering in the eschaton. Their eschatology says that most Jews will perish during the “end times,” which they believe is near.

    You hold these assumptions that somehow Whites are obligated to Jews, that we owe them something, need to compensate them, etc. Just in order to exercise our rights to independence, sovereignty, self-determination, free-association.

    No. We don’t have to prove anything. We don’t have to appear “credible” to Jews.

    Like Greg Johnson said, support for Israel is predicated on the condition that Jews actually go, move permanently, to Israel. The Jews that enjoy the fanatical support of Christian Zionists don’t feel obligated to return the favor by permanently moving to Israel. Rather, they feel entitled to having the right to an ethnostate “homeland” in Israel and the right to live in the White West and anywhere else for that matter.

    Regarding your name, you change it so often that it makes sense to refer to you as that which you most consistently are.

  25. TabuLa:”Why does anyone believe that jews are needed in the first place?”

    We don’t need them, and we never have. Jews obviously need us much more than we need them, that is crystal clear — they are the bloodsuckers, whilst we are the ones having our blood and life-force drained from us by them. Jews are nothing more than a dead albatross around our necks, a major burden that we didn’t ask for and never wanted. It is not our responsibility to prop up Jewry, to mollycoddle this unstable international race just because they are too weak to stand on their own.

  26. White Preservationist — I had a nice talk with a couple Black Nationalists at the most recent Liberty Lobby/David Duke event in DC. One said that he had been going to their events for years. They are, of course, demanding mucho reparations money in exchange for leaving Babylon.

    Just wondering, will you do a similar post on Zionism as the most humane solution to the Jewish problem in White North America? And don’t you think my idea of White Nationalists attempting to march in pro-Israel rallies would be useful for the cause from a public relations point of view? Just make sure, if this does happen, to give due credit for the idea to some online kike that wanted to be accepted by the White Nationalist movement:)

  27. Steve — I do not support creating a Black ethnostate in North America unless it is temporary; I say that we should propagandize the Black masses of North America with the ideals of Black Nationalism, meaning repatriation and ‘Back to Africa’ — we will help them to get back over there, providing the transportation of all their goods; before they go we will train all of them in the necessary skills for maintaining a decent civilization, and once they are back in Africa we will help them to build roads, start schools and hospitals, sustainably farm the land, build up their military forces, etc.

  28. Bernard,
    regardless of what Jews want today, and regardless of what you do or do not owe the Jews, if you want them to leave America some day, it will be a lot easier for this to happen if the State of Israel exists and if it has the room to accept several million more citizens, like it did in the early nineties with the huge immigration from Russia. This is why I think you should support Zionism in its present form today, while working to change the dynamic that allows Jews to prefer to live in the West while keeping Israel as their insurance policy.

  29. “before they go we will train all of them in the necessary skills for maintaining a decent civilization, and once they are back in Africa we will help them to build roads, start schools and hospitals, sustainably farm the land, build up their military forces, etc.”

    So…maybe IQ isn’t such a barrier to success anyway? Would you suggest a White Nationalist Peace Corps as well? Maybe they can organize a midnight basketball league?

    Sounds like one big fat reparations check to me.

  30. It is not a mere “reparations check” signed by some Jew at the FED, it is giving them the tools, ability, and know-how to rebuild their people after centuries of exile from their African homeland.

    And don’t think that we aren’t going to let them know that the people who brought them over here were international Jews who ran the trans-Atlantic African slave trade.

  31. “And don’t you think my idea of White Nationalists attempting to march in pro-Israel rallies would be useful for the cause from a public relations point of view?”

    Yes, that is a good idea and I support it.

  32. Mississippi’s Theodore (”The Man”) Bilbo arose in the Senate one day last week to display a bulky petition. It bore, said he, the names of 2,500,000 U. S. Negroes who would prefer to live in Africa. For three-and-a-half hours and 26 pages in the Congressional Record, he expanded on a way to make this possible: let the Government establish a Greater Liberia for “repatriated” blacks.

    Mr. Bilbo thus returned to a favorite theme and revived an idea older than the U. S. itself. By subsidizing a Negro exodus to Africa, he maintained, the U. S. would rid its whites of a depressed and depressing race, save itself from racial “amalgamation.”

    “By this separation,” droned little Mr. Bilbo, “the blood stream of the white race shall remain uncontaminated and all the . . . blessings of the white man’s civilization shall forever remain the priceless possession of the Anglo-Saxon. . . . There is an overmastering impulse, a divine afflatus among the mass of the Negroes of the U. S. for a country of their own.”

    In support of his bill to create Greater Liberia, Senator Bilbo quoted Thomas Jefferson, founder-hero of the Democratic Party. He declared that 20,000 mulattoes annually “cross the color line” (pass for whites). If miscegenation goes on unchecked, he predicted the U. S. will become a land of decadent mongrels, “a yellow race yet to come.”

  33. I think Norman Lowell has the best idea for Negro population transfers. Create camps that distribute free food (booze, etc.) and keep moving them 50 miles each year in the direction of settlement.

  34. Comment #235, White Preservationist (WP):

    Ok; that’s much better! I am just uncomfortable with several people, like Thomas W. Chittum-ironically a favorite among Southeastern WN’s-advocating that the whole Southeast (or at least close thereto), and yet more (including Maryland) going to an exclusive Black ethnostate.

    Thank you for clarifying! I am opposed to a Black ethnostate in the Southeast also.

  35. RE: Crypto-Jew

    Isn’t it amazing that Jews, who are the richest and cleverest nation in the world, cannot discuss their own homeland for more than two sentences without raising the question of what we gentiles need to do for them? Elegant proof that we are dealing with a nation of parasites.

    Hitler was prophetic in his view of the Zionist project. He said that Israel was never intended to be a homeland for Jews, but merely a headquarters with sovereign status to serve as a refuge for scoundrels on the run and a training academy for new generations of swindlers and nation-wreckers.

    I wish that Jews would prove Hitler wrong. I think that they will need a firm nudge from WNs before they do it, though. I am willing to grant them that favor.

  36. I think it is a very dumb idea for WNs to march in pro-Israel rallies, since in the present context that just allows them to batten on to us more tightly.

    I will march in my first pro-Israel rally when all the Jews have left the US.

  37. GJ:”Hitler was prophetic in his view of the Zionist project. He said that Israel was never intended to be a homeland for Jews, but merely a headquarters with sovereign status to serve as a refuge for scoundrels on the run and a training academy for new generations of swindlers and nation-wreckers.”

    Yes, it was all predicted:

    “Of course, there is a danger that such a Jewish settlement area would become a world-famous El Dorado of criminality, given the deep moral decay of a large part of Jewry. There will have to be a force to provide just and honest supervision. This would also be possible, and details could be worked out.” –

  38. I haven’t run across that quote, Greg. Regardless, he was generally supportive of Jewish emmigration to Palestine in the thirties. I know the Stern Gang wrote a very warm letter to him, saying that Zionism and National Socialism should be allied. Apparently it was never answered but I think that was because war broke out. In my mind, it was one of those tactical alliances with European Jewry, or parts thereof, that the National Socialists could have taken which might have led to a different turn of events, a turn more favorable from the pro-White perspective. If the British and Germans and Poles and radical Zionists could have all agreed to ship a few million Jews from Poland to Palestine…

  39. I said: “…while working to change the dynamic that allows Jews to prefer to live in the West ”

    Dasein: “Could you elaborate on this?”

    Most Jews prefer to live among other peoples. Several millenia of experience doing this has given them good survival skills for this task. And generally, they’ve been welcomed, especially in America. If you’re looking for a recipie and incentive for that preference to change, at least among white-majority nations, I would think that your two necessary elements would be a rising tide of incorrigable anti-Semitism by whites, and an available and secure Jewish majority state.

  40. In the future we’ll recruit people like Obama and his ilk to spearhead Black Nationalism; Obama should be the President of Greater Liberia, not White America.

    Obama is only useful to blacks insofar as he is capable of extracting from whites. He will not lead or spearhead any black nationalist movement because he isn’t black.

  41. Full comment here:

    Actually, Ask-a-nutzi Asswipe, the whigger nutsionalist [bowel] Movement is loaded with ZOG false-front organizations, be they the David Duke/Don Black geezergelt/whiggaz-mites $permFront false front, or the gut-sick guido-weasel with jew ass-cancer Alex Linder accepting ZOG-bux from TraitorGlenn Miller, the longtime drunken mamzerizer ZOG rat and running a den of these whigger nutsionalist ass-clowns and petty snitches.

    You ZOGling whigger feeb-fuktards act, time and time again, as if an internal switch was turned, and this unknown jew or shabbes whigger ‘blondist’ faggot F-W ‘Braun’ decided to let its kikesucker nonsense let fly in late June and early July of 2009. In actuality, you whigger feebs simply do not understand jewrselfs, which is why this act of racial betrayal is not really a surprise because this F*cked-Witless (up the mental ass by jews and mamzers) ‘Braun’ didn’t really turn on a dime. Rather, this is a shabbes whigger in itz thirties or forties with ‘punk in itz heart,’ not really a White Man, but rather a typpycull ‘intellecshul’ sans intellect, simply flipped itz little switch when itz master called.

    You ZOGling whigger ass-clowns playing at White Revolution are simply a racially treasonous ‘accident’ waiting to happen. An ‘accident’ being defined as the pissin’&moanin’ that takes place after the inevitable occurs. A whigger in itz 30s or 40s or older is not able to learn from anything whatsoever. So when a shabbes whigger flips, or a secret jew does, the other whiggers immediately yap about “What for?” You stupid shitheads.

    There is no political solution other than to let Nature take its course. The fact that jews, niggers, beaners and typpycull whiggers are allowed to live among us and even breed has a simple reason: Ninety percent of you whiggers are diseased, mentally fucked-up-in-the-head typpycull whiggers and nothing will get better until all of you are dead or becum White men by exterminating the whiggers without and amongst you AND extinguishing jewr inner whigger, mamzer and kike.

    This F.W. Braun was NOT ‘trolled’ at VNNF anny more than a whore is ‘prostituted’ in a whorehouse. If you are on VNNF, knowing that it is a ZOG false front, it is because you are a treasonous and stupid whigger. Unless, of course you are a mamzer wanting to pretend to jewr mamzerself that jew’re white and validate it by fooling idiot whiggers. Or you are one of the one-third who are spying on VNNF because you are a jew or shabbes whigger or mamzer spy. I got around three spies and a few sockpuppets myself, and when I get too many, I burn off one or activate an “Operation Mamzer Mayhem” sockpuppet. F.W. Braun is as common as dog-shit under the kennel cages — the shabbes whigger or jew spies the whigger nutsionalists shall have among theysselfs always. The kikeazoid or shabbes whigger eventually explodes when it hears whiggers playing whigger nutsionalist disrespecting the apple of D-g’s one-eyed snake, and the kikepiss then flows like skunk spray.


    No critter can forever deny itz inherent nature. There was no ‘change of heart’ for the Braun-eyed mamzer with a Hitler Yoot avaturd. A Law of whigger nutsionalist forums is that the more messed up the mamzer, the more it tries to hide behind a Hitler avaturd. jews and mamzers think that they can forever fool whiggers — and they are right!!!

    The White Man knows — from the heart because he is a White Man — that it isn’t really ever a matter of edjewmacation but rather a matter of blood. Race/genetics trumps all. If you are not White, then you cannot please YHWH, any more than Cain, the first jew mamzer, could please YHWH and be allowed to live peacefully among Whites. So Cain had to force itzself upon the Adamites, and thus bring about their demise by deluge upon the First Babylon set up in Genesis Chapter Six.

    There is nothing more pathetic than a racist proclaiming hisself a liar by denying the reality of what he supposedly believes: the immutability of race.

    * There can be no peace with jews. They are the literal spawn of Satan.

    * There can be no peace with mamzers. They are soulless animals and the literal Beasts of the Field who have no business in a White society.

    * There can be no peace with whigger nutsionalists. They are deranged or bought-off race traitors who need to be made examples of in order to coerce any surviving whiggers into absolute terrorized submission.

    Genuine Racial Revolutionaries are not interested in ‘reasoning’ with idiot whiggers. All that is needed is for them to know what is expected of them if they wish to survive and live in a White social order. With these few iron laws that they must obey, they will have freedom, far more than they will ever be able to create for theysselfs, and far more freedom to live well with good behavior than they do under this so-called ZOG/Babylonian dem[on]ocracy.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

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