Friedrich on the Jewish Question

At Majority Rights, friedrich braun has outlined his new stance on the Jewish Question, which is a 180 degree turn from his old material at The Civic Platform. Needless to say, I disagree with a number of his points:

1.) friedrich says that only a “Right” friendly to Israel and the Jewish community can succeed in the political arena.

In the United States, the “Right” has been defined by the philo-Semitic conservative movement since the 1960s. It has had a lot of electoral success … but so what? White Americans are worse off in every single way, racially and culturally speaking, than my grandparent’s generation.

Voting for conservatives isn’t an option for the pro-White movement. We get absolutely nothing in return but the scorn of these people and the tireless promotion of Jewish and non-White interests at our expense. It is better to do nothing at all – retreat from the public sphere and enjoy the pleasures of private life – than to support conservatives.

2.) friedrich claims that anti-Semitism is a political loser.

I’m not so sure. I don’t think the American public cares nearly as much about “anti-Semitism” as the philo-Semites insist they do. David Duke won the majority of the White vote in Louisiana. In Alabama, the race-mixing Holocaust denier Larry Darby won 43% of the vote in the 2006 Democratic Party primary for Attorney General.

In the popular imagination, I live in the heart of the Bible Belt. Everyone around here is supposed to be uber philo-Semitic evangelical Christians. I know my peers fairly well and this couldn’t be more untrue. Most of them are either irreligious or outright atheists. None of them care about the Jews. They don’t have any opinion on the issue.

3.) The Right should put Jews in position of authority.

We already have the neocons in control of the conservative movement. A Right that puts Jews in a position of authority will never be anything more than a front group for Jewish interests.

4.) There are plenty of racialist and rightwing Jews with whom we can build alliances.

Name them. I don’t think all of them combined could fill more than half of an Applebee’s restaurant. What’s more, these racialist and rightwing Jews are more interested in “fighting anti-Semitism” than any other pro-White cause. Bringing them into White Nationalism is tantamount to creating just another ideological vehicle for the promotion of Jewish interests.

5.) White Nationalism hasn’t accomplished anything in the postwar era.

There is a good reason for that. After the demise of segregation, racially conscious Whites flocked into the aracial, philo-Semitic conservative movement where they became steadily deracialized. friedrich is advocating more of the same. It will produce exactly the same result.

6.) A friendly disposition towards Jewry will get us into the media and political area.

No, it won’t. It will get us about where Jared Taylor and American Renaissance are now. Jews will persist in their hostility to us. They will continue to relentlessly push their interests at our expense. We won’t get anything in return for abandoning our hostility to the Jews.

7.) We must counter the Nazi image.

I disagree. We should wait for the “Greatest Generation” to die off and the Boomers to retire. Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers don’t care nearly as much about the Jews.

8.) Jews will bring vast resources into our movement.

No, they won’t.

9.) Jews are moving to the Right.

No, they haven’t. See Steve Sailer’s recent column about American Jewry.

10.) We should emulate Vlaams Belang, the BNP, the Front National, and Geert Wilders.

Why? They haven’t accomplished anything. Muslims continue to settle to Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and the UK. The only thing they have accomplished is watering down the “Right”; thereby pushing the next generation further to the “Left.”

11.) It is time to adopt a winning strategy.

The conservative movement has already adopted the philo-Semitic strategy. Its existence is arguably the single biggest cause of White racial decline since the 1960s.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I thought no one was more dedicated to The Cause than I. I have to admit, whoever wrote that PMLDL post would be pretty stiff competition.

  2. Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    The kikeazoid or shabbes whigger eventually explodes when it hears whiggers playing whigger nutsionalist disrespecting the apple of D-g’s one-eyed snake, and the kikepiss then flows like skunk spray.

    You must give one hell of a Sunday sermon, pastor!

  3. Mark ~ My apologies. My anger was directed at Fjordman. I’ve participated at Gates of Vienna for the last year and a half or so, and have been banned 3, now 4, times, for remarks that would barely be noticed here at OD. I depise Fjordman and his type.

    The more I learn about WN, and get involved in it, the more I’m convinced that our true enemies are Jews and our fellow Whites–Marxists, Multi-Cultists, Antifas, Neocons, Christians, Christian Zionists, Austerites, soccer moms, regular Joe Sixpacks–whom I regard as collaborators. Traitors. The negroes, mestizos, Asians, Muslims–these people are little threat to us, once we mount the counter-offensive. But it is our fellow Whites who hate us with a burning hatred.

    There are some impending exciting developments on the national WN “scene,” I am led to believe, and OD is in the vanguard.

  4. Curious Vojtech
    Jews, on a whole, are the most moral of people, just like they tell you all ad nauseam.

    Thanks for proving my point.

  5. “230Dasein

    Was your comment insulting blue-collar Whites censored? Do you favour Jews over Whites? Stop acting like a baby (or worse), Mark.”

    It’s not an insult to point out the truth, people, not just Jews, have self-interest at heart. They often go about this in devious ways. The thing about Jews, is that they are just an extreme version of this.

    Your behavior, like some others here, is like that of Jews. You act paranoid and demand strict adherence to the group. Any deviation is viewed as a threat and met with derision and accusations of being an infiltrator, traitor or a Jew.

  6. “256The Admiral

    Mark ~ My apologies. My anger was directed at Fjordman. I’ve participated at Gates of Vienna for the last year and a half or so, and have been banned 3, now 4, times, for remarks that would barely be noticed here at OD. I depise Fjordman and his type.”

    I’m not him and I am not a Zionist, other than to say that I feel Jews should be in a Jewish homeland. It’s quite funny actually that people are accusing me of such things. It’s of course an emotional response rather than a factual one.

    “The more I learn about WN, and get involved in it, the more I’m convinced that our true enemies are Jews and our fellow Whites–Marxists, Multi-Cultists, Antifas, Neocons, Christians, Christian Zionists, Austerites, soccer moms, regular Joe Sixpacks–whom I regard as collaborators. Traitors. The negroes, mestizos, Asians, Muslims–these people are little threat to us, once we mount the counter-offensive. But it is our fellow Whites who hate us with a burning hatred.

    There are some impending exciting developments on the national WN “scene,” I am led to believe, and OD is in the vanguard.”

    I agree with a lot of what you say. No honest person can look at history and our current situation and say that organized Jewry isn’t part of the problem.

  7. Fred the mischling, you’re behaving like a child. If you have a proper argument make one, don’t just call names.

  8. This sort of filth never lasts long at a site, you just have to wait it out, till it melts away. It always does.

  9. Fred, you began with insulting me unprovoked at MR, and now you’re doing it here. I am just responding to your nonsense.

    So again, make a cogent argument or STFU and stop wasting space.

  10. Crypto-Jew,

    You want in, here’s what you do: Stop acting like a fucking kike and start acting like a White man. Set an example for your kids.

  11. I think I understand what FB is getting at, but we have to pull back and ask ourselves, who would we benefit more from in an alliance? Who do we have more in common with? Let’s look:

    Black Nationalists:
    Goals – Separate state, physical separation from Whites.
    Rejection of Judaized culture and mores. Answering the Call of Africa.
    Strong awareness of the jewish role in subverting peoples.

    Mexican Secessionists:
    Goals – Separate State, physical separation from whites.
    Rejection of Judaized culture and mores.
    Strong awareness of the jewish role in subverting peoples.

    Goals – to live in peace among their own people, in their own land
    Rejection of Judaized culture and mores.
    Strong Anti-jewish sentiment and awareness of the JQ.
    To maintain their cultural and religious identity free from outside influences.
    All the groups mentioned hate the Great Satan as much as we do, for the most part.

    So, aren’t these the same goals we want? Rejection of judaized culture that is subplanting our own? Living space of our own? To create and build a society free of the drags we currently have?

    We have a few more goals, like improving the gene pool and creating a civilization with the right balance of technology and tradition, and all that can be worked out. But if we ally ourselves with the jews, we will have none of it, and will instead be head to toe with the above mentioned groups, eventually as slaves, instead of working together to rid the world of it’s misfortune.

    Just my thoughts.

  12. “I think I understand what FB is getting at, but we have to pull back and ask ourselves, who would we benefit more from an alliance?” ( — Orion14)

    You can save your time, because you’re not going to get an alliance. The Jews don’t like “white nationalism” and are no more going to ally with it than with the Taliban, Hamas, or Hesbollah. There are three Jews total in the Milky Way galaxy who even admit races exist let alone agree with “WN,” and those three are completely powerless, and an “alliance” with them will get you precisely zip, zero, nada.

  13. The longevity of this thread is proof that the Jewish issue is an intense issue for WNs.

    If Friedrich Braun came out praising Catholics or “Blacks who hate other Blacks,” I doubt there would be 268 comments.

    The Jew issue really is a fire button issue. Even the people who say they are against the single Jewish cause still consider it the main cause.

    Right wing Jews, WNs and philosemites will probably never be able to ally. You’ve got to make a decision. Either you are with the Jews (ie, you want to befriend Jews) or you are against them.

    And my decision is to be with them.

    (never mind the double post)

  14. “Your behavior, like some others here, is like that of Jews. You act paranoid and demand strict adherence to the group. Any deviation is viewed as a threat and met with derision and accusations of being an infiltrator, traitor or a Jew. –Mark”

    Can’t handle criticism? You acted like a baby- accept it. If you interpreted WP’s comment as an exhortation to start killing Jews with ice picks, this suggests problems with psychological disposition, knowledge of basic history, or reading comprehension. It was more likely a (perhaps tasteless) joke. If you were confused, you could have asked him what he meant, instead of running to HW: ‘Mr. Wallace, look at what WP wrote!’. Then you complain that “there’s a lot of favoritism at play here”. Strange choice of words. Mark, stop whining and think a bit more before you type.

  15. “There are three Jews total in the Milky Way galaxy who even admit races exist let alone agree with “WN,” and those three are completely powerless, and an “alliance” with them will get you precisely zip, zero, nada. –Fred Scrooby”

    The comments at David Kelsey’s Jewcy piece didn’t get beyond the “race doesn’t exist” stage. Guys like him will need the patience of Job to continue; it’s like herding cats. In the end, Zionism is the only solution that has any hope of broad persuasion.

  16. Translation from the insane fantasy world that Dasein lives in: “I, Dasein, create straw men, act like a child because that’s my mental age, and then pretend I won an argument.”

  17. Curious Vojtech does a better “uh” than “uh”. How cool is that. Thanks, dude. What do you think of heuristic biases and the nucleus accumbens?

  18. The Admiral:
    I depise Fjordman

    I thought he was moving more towards racialism in recent years? I agree that “let’s-tiptoe-around-race”-style philosemitic neoconservatism is ineffectual-Cowardice — ineffective if it ends there that is.

    There is benefit in the Fjordmans of the world, in terms of “gateway politics” : Bringing people slightly out of the mainstream, hopefully leading them down the path towards Hunter-Wallace-esque, non-clownish, intelligent racialism. Many reading these words right now probably went through a similar “awakening”.

  19. Dasein, stop projecting your own faults onto others.

    You must be another mischling trying to convince everyone you’re white. There’s a lot of those around here.

  20. Mark, what should one think when you complain about Alex Linder’s behaviour, yet you yourself are perhaps the biggest creep in the WN blogosphere?

  21. Dasein, for insults to work they must at least carry some truth. You’re just making things up and repeating yourself. It’s very juvenile and ineffectual.

    Complaints about Linder’s behavior are nothing new. It happened before I showed up and will continue. Even his fans criticize his behavior. Don’t pretend otherwise.

  22. Mark, your criticism of Linder would be more effective, and less hypocritical, if you yourself weren’t so rude. Maybe you take exception to that characterization. Maybe I’ve read an atypical sampling of your posting. But you strike me as one of the rudest posters I’ve come across, and I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that. I’ll admit to being rude to you here, and the last 2 comments were a bit much. You can be rude all you want, I don’t really care. It’s none of my business. My criticism was of your reaction to WP’s comment. I’m not interested in continuing this discussion. You can have the last word.

  23. The longevity of this thread is proof that the Jewish issue is an intense issue for WNs.

    No, it’s proof that promoting jewish interests is an intense issue for jews and philo-semites, because that’s what the bulk of the comments and responses to those comments concern.

  24. Hunter Wallace(91): “All of this discussion is theoretical. Where are your Jewish allies? Where are the Jews who are willing to work with you?”

    I agree the discussion is theoretical. Jewish fake conservatives will refuse to be part of an alliance with White activists who explicitly defend their right to live among other Whites.

    Hunter Wallace(71): “Excluding Jews will have the effect of decapitating the head of the beast in a single stroke.”

    Here, you mean excluding them from various spheres of decision-making, not simply from the White nationalist movement. That sounds theoretical too, because you make it sound too easy and simple. How are you going to do it ? The reason for seeking an alliance with Jews is precisely because we cannot get rid of them. I think we should denounce the Jewish overrepresentation in the media and many institutions, and we should try to create our own media, schools, and so on, but it looks like a long process. Still I hope the process will speed up if the economy and civil order break down.

  25. Dasein, it’s nice to finally see a more reasonable side of you.

    By your statements you have obviously held a grudge for a while now and it finally came out. I don’t think any of your statements were productive, just emotive. It’s at least been cathartic for you.

    I am not a rude person, quite the opposite. If you follow the history of my comments you refer to that are disagreeable, you will know that I did not initiate the disrespect. It usually goes like this: I make an argument or statement on the subject and then someone dislikes it so they indulge in ad hominem attacks. In that case, turnabout is fair play and one has the right to self-defense. You’re an example of that. I never said anything to you. So take your own advice and avoid hypocrisy.

    My comment about his statement of graphic violence was not rude. Perhaps that kind of language is normal for you and you think it’s a healthy dialogue for OD. I was merely curious what HW thought about it. Your comments against me on the other hand were rude, inaccurate and unprovoked.

  26. RE Tanstaafl @ 193: You said it brother! Jews are terrified that whites will awaken to the fact that we just don’t need them. But why is that? Because they need us.

    And we need the Chinese and the rest of the “tigers” just to clothe ourselves…

  27. “Curious Vojtech does a better “uh” than “uh”. How cool is that.”
    One in the same???

    Curious Vojtech has an air of autodidact about him. If he has a degree it is in mathematics and his “philosophy” was earned up on his lonely mountain. Uh definitely has a degree in psych or sociology. They are therefore, not the same person in my opinion.

  28. Kike/Whigger Nutsionalist Amity? Ain’t Gonna Happen.

    It is idiotic enough that whigger faggots like Fuck-Wit Braun from such ZOG false-fronts like VNNF, paid for out of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity by means of TraitorGlenn Miller, get the cold shoulder from Troll Central, but he cums to this phorafaggot/fuktard place and the equivalent to idiot discussion by five-year old whiggers ends up in taking this nonsense seriously.

    The only idiots who did take it seriously are jew mamzers and idiot whiggers. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what is discussed on this blog or forums when the posters are anonymous whiggers and mamzers playing at whigger nutsionalism.

    Are any jews that matter going to take Fuck-Wit Braun, Koonstipation von Kikenmamzer of the anus-ant farm, Ixabert, Kane/Zyklon B fleabag12345666 or any of you seriously? There is not any individual genuine jews who are going to make a ‘peace treaty’ with Internut whigger nutsionalists. Nor are any White Nationalist warlords or Christian Identity pastors going to make peace with jews. Simply put, there is “No One In Charge” on either side who can sit down to a piss/peace table and make any agreement binding upon anyone.

    Even if there was somebody able to cut a deal, it won’t apply to most of the combatants. I myself might love it if you whigger nutsionists can bring jews to the table, lull them into disarmnament, and then the DSCI clergy and warlords slaughter both the defenseless and idiotic kikes and whigger nutsionalists, but it ain’t gonna ever happen.

    So, you feebs can contemplate your navels or look into jewr own pussies and anuses, but regardless of how much you want it to happen, it ain’t. You are fucked up in the head to even consider making deals with jews, and all you will accomplish is to get shot at from both sides.

    Why not wish to fly to the moon by flapping your arms as well as jewr gums while you are at it? Why not go looking for a Coupe de Ville hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box for that matter? A Caddy rides almost as well as a blond lot lizard and when you get done wishing in one hand and shitting in the other and figuring out what hand has the most ‘stuff’ in it, you might as well wish for something useful and that somebody wants, unlike a bogus peace/piss process between jew parasites and clueless idiot whiggers.

    Neither the White man nor the jew wants peace. Both sides are locked in Genesis 3:15 enmity and desire the extermination or slavery of the other. Whiggers yapping about a ‘piss process’ between the two shall be met with derision, and justly so.

    Anonymous whiggers hiding behind a fake name tapping upon keyboards decide NOTHING. For they’s safety, they must hide because of fear of getting their own name revealed and being marked for a well-deserved ass-whupping, gelding and liquidation by anyone of the warring sides, neither of who want peace.

    That this idiocy is taken seriously, as in not laughed at when it shows itz circumcised head, goes to show that the [bowel] Movement is brain dead as practiced by whigger nutsionalists.

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  29. 1.) Friedrich says that only a “Right” friendly to Israel and the Jewish community can succeed in the political arena.

    Dunno. Things can change. At present, explicit opposition to forced race-replacement (I don’t like the terms “right” and “left”) can’t succeed in the political arena, and the main reason is decades of Jewish control of the mainstream media and virtually non-stop propagandizing so that for one thing, people are well and truly brainwashed; for another they’re scared to open their mouths to say what they think; and other reasons.

    2.) Friedrich claims that anti-Semitism is a political loser.

    Last I heard, no one here was out on the campaign hustings. Is one of the regulars running on a campaign platform of naming the Jew? I hadn’t heard about that. Not a good strategy. Otherwise I though we were gathered at places like this to talk frankly and thrash out the truth, not to write up a script for tomorrow morning’s campaign hustings.

    3.) The Right should put Jews in position of authority.

    I believe FB means simply letting qualified Jews have what positions they’re qualified for (I didn’t know anyone was stopping them and if they’re qualified I don’t see why anyone should stop them — has a “WN” stopped a Jew from doing what Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, or Kevin MacDonald is doing?), but hasn’t FB also said something about Jews in “WN” immunizing “WN” from attack by Jewry? 1) Welcoming qualified Jews in high positions is perfectly fine with me as long as said are solid on the issues and I would be very surprised if there are a lot who are. I think there are three in our galaxy (in the Andromeda galaxy there may be two or three more). Friedrich saying we’re keeping Jews out of such positions is like leftists saying we’re keeping Negroes out of Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals – there’s a thing called “being qualified.” Qualified means they have to be solid on the issues otherwise you’ll have plenty of “conservative” Jews like David Brooks who sooner or later will turn on a dime and start watering down the core issue which is race, and the second in importance, ethnoculture. 2) FB is dreaming if he thinks Jews in “the movement” will partially immunize it against Jewish attack, which is like thinking Italians in the mafia would immunize it against attack by the Italian Rudi Giuliani (who put them all in jail), or Germans in the Wehrmacht would immunize it against attack by the German Eisenhower, or Anglo-Saxons in George Washington’s Revolutionary Army would immunize it against attack by Anglo-Saxon Great Britain.

    4.) There are plenty of racialist and rightwing Jews with whom we can build alliances.

    No there aren’t; more like next to zero.

    5.) White Nationalism hasn’t accomplished anything in the postwar era.

    Nothing accomplishes anything till it accomplishes something. Tautology.

    6.) A friendly disposition towards Jewry will get us into the media and political area.

    That must be why we keep seeing Lawrence Auster and Ian Jobling discussing immigration on all the Jewish-owned TV channels and constantly getting recruited to run for elective office.

    7.) We must counter the Nazi image.

    Here’s one of the instances where FB really hasn’t a clue about the Jews: a Euro who questions his race’s genocide already, through that fact alone, exemplifies “the Nazi image” in the Jewish mind. If you’re a Euro and have any racial consciousness whatsoever you’re already as good as a Nazi.

    8.) Jews will bring vast resources into our movement.

    The Jews with vast resources hate us and will never come into our movement under any circumstances. The other Jews, namely Lawrence Auster, Paul Nachman, and Professor Levin, don’t have vast resources. (Has one of them won the Powerball that I haven’t heard about? ……)

    9.) Jews are moving to the Right.

    Here’s the syllogism for those who haven’t gotten it:

    Major premise: To the Jews, the right is the Jewish neocons, the most fanatical open-borders race-replacement advocates on the planet.
    Minor premise: The Jews are moving to the right.
    Ergo: The Jews are moving toward closing the borders and undoing race-replacement.

    (That’s OK, I’ll wait while you think about that — it’s a revolutionary new kind of logic FB has been working on.)

    10.) We should emulate Vlaams Belang, the BNP, the Front National, and Geert Wilders.

    As far as public politics is concerned, that’s correct. Blogs aren’t in the business of directly doing public politics or directly engaged in political campaigns. They’re trying to get at the truth, something different.

    11.) It is time to adopt a winning strategy.

    Figuring out the truth and how to get from where we are to where we want to be — in other words, that which blogs are right now in the process of doing — it the only roadmap to a winning strategy.

  30. Scrooby-jew, since you’re a mischling yourself, and you think being half or quarter Jewish means you’re white, do you advocate assimilating Jews?

  31. The only people who seem obsessed with Scrooby’s background is everyone else, not Scrooby himself. Its getting ridiculous, especially coming from Herr Braun who wants us to accept Jews.

  32. “The only people who seem obsessed with Scrooby’s background is everyone else, not Scrooby himself. Its getting ridiculous, especially coming from Herr Braun who wants us to accept Jews.”

    Seconded. Friedrich, why are you so obsessed over Fred and his alleged ‘Jewish’ ancestry when indeed you want us to accept Jews into the movement??

    Definately a contradiction.

    Furthermore, why, if you are so concerned with WN shedding its supposed ‘anti-semitism’, are you personally saying such dispariging things about Jewry in your gratuitous, personal attacks against Fred?

    Actually, Fred Scrooby is one of the most consistent and thoughtful posters and commenters in the WN movement online. His commentary never once betrayed any smack of anti-White or anti-Euro rhetoric, and never once (at least that I remember) did he ever advocate a position that was essentially ‘good for the Jews’ or anything that was primarily in their interests. He always puts Our interests ahead of all others, and for this he should be commended.

    So whatever issue you may have with him Friedrich, at least be fair and consistent in return.

  33. I think Scrooby’s Jewishness is material when he’s comfortable with the sociopath Alex Linder’s mass murdering rhetoric; and I don’t disparage Jews when I ask him questions about his Jewish family, unless just mentioning Jews is to disparage them. I’ve been around W.N. for 10 years now and I’ve noticed that the greatest anti-Semites are more often than not the biggest dregs and overall assholes around. Beyond my position or shift, anti-Semites tend to be ugly individuals. Take Linder for example, there’s no doubt that he’s got nasty mean-streak. His outing of Greg Johnson is one of the most treasonous and morally reprehensible acts I’ve seen online. I’m still in awe at his perfidy. Have a look at his shit board and see what happens to posters who don’t toe his ludicrous party line. Look how he treats them. Do you see a spectrum of opinion on the J.Q. on there? He laughably whines that N.S. want to impose their will and are too controlling, etc., etc. while he allows no dissent in his little sandbox. That’s just one little incoherence. He’s the biggest scumbag I’ve come across in ten years of online activism. If you don’t feel that he’s morally damaged than we don’t have anything to talk about. I think it relevant that Scrooby sucks up to a guy who says over and over that he would wipe all Jews if he could – Scrooby’s family members. Scrooby thinks it’s just fun and games and nobody really means it. The fool. I take Linder at his word.

    From M.R.:

    Fascist is correct. The real culprit is close racial proximity and not the Zhoos, to the chagrin of simpletons, sociopaths, and known liars like Linder. The exogamy rate for Jews during the Weimar republic was similar to the current rate in the U.S. Racial mixing occurred in apartheid South African (remember, South Africa has a “mixed” population), not because Whites – the poor mindless lemmings without a will – fell victim to Jewish propaganda but because racial proximity = race mixing. Therefore, the only solution that will work is complete racial segregation. Now, there’s no doubt that the there’s truth to what Wanderin is saying and popular culture, and political correctness accelerates race mixing and makes is not only socially acceptable but in some cases socially desirable – it’s a way to prove that one is not racist but progressive and open-minded, and racism is the greatest of crimes, of course. However, I would agree with Fascist that in the real world any hint of White Nationalism or even of race consciousness on the part of Whites has you marked for extreme opprobrium and personal and professional ruin. Never mind Linder’s genocidal speech about exterminating all Jews. This type of banter does more to turn Whites away from White Nationalism than a million Frankfurt School Jews working overtime. The quicker we isolate and exclude the Linders from polite company, the better off all of us will be and the idea of building a White biosphere might yet stand a fighting chance. In ten years of activism the only thing that Linder has accomplished is a small forum with a handful of low I.Q. sociopaths. American White Nationalists won’t have anything to do with him. Duke? Nope. Black? Nope. They won’t even talk to him. His rhetoric turns 99.9999% of Whites away. Why would a sane White person be attracted to a morally repulsive individual and his one-note solution to all of our problems? No matter the question “Jews” is ALWAYS the answer. That might work with his tiny coterie of mental defectives on VNNForum but is a loser in the general population. His Jewish monomania is not only empirically false but a poor propagandistic strategy. The J.Q. is too complex to be readily understood by the average White person. You’ve got to be able to reach folks who don’t read T.O.Q. or MacDonald, i.e. practically everyone.

    I don’t mind a discussion of the Jewish role if it’s done in a nuanced and scholarly fashion, but that’s obviously not what we’re talking about with Linder and his approach. I actually believe that White Nationalists should make a case study of Linder to see what not to do and doesn’t work.

    The path that I pointed out a few days ago in my little essay is the only way that can actually offer concrete results. I believe that Wilders will be the first anti-liberal politician to be elected as the head of a European country since W.W. II. I want to imitate want works and not what fails. He’s not perfect, but he needs to be carefully studied.

  34. Fred: “Is one of the regulars running on a campaign platform of naming the Jew? I hadn’t heard about that. Not a good strategy.”

    Maybe not a good strategy if you plan to get elected. Did David Duke name the Jew before he got elected in Louisiana? In France, an anti-zionist party, led by the Black entertainer Dieudonné, ran in the European Parliament election, last June. He didn’t get any positive coverage from the media, but I think his work is useful to try to maintain some (very limited) freedom of speech.

    “I thought we were gathered at places like this to talk frankly and thrash out the truth, not to write up a script for tomorrow morning’s campaign hustings.”

    I agree. In places like this, you talk frankly, whereas, when you are out on the campaign hustings, you try to strike the right postures, and you don’t have to be explicit and coherent about everything (except about our opposition to race-replacement).

  35. “He didn’t get any positive coverage from the media, but I think his work is useful to try to maintain some (very limited) freedom of speech.”

    He accomplished exactly NOTHING. He got 1.30% in Paris, the sole place his anti-Zionist joke of a party ran.

    I’m going to hammer this until the cows come home: anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are political losers in post-W.W. II West. And not only that, any association of White Nationalism with anti-Semitism is a recipe for marginalization and oblivion. I’m not asking you to love the Jews, but for practical politics’ sakes or to achieve any W.N. goals, overt anti-Semitism will result in total, abject failure.

  36. 1) Blogging and commenting in blog threads aren’t running a political campaign.

    2) It’s absolutely essential to discuss the Jewish role openly and frankly at blogs and other places where people’s understandings are refined and theories formulated.

    3) Since I’m not an “anti-Semite” none of Braun’s exhortations to “avoid anti-Semitism” apply to me.

    4) Yes it is my view that Linder’s call for a certain treatment of a particular group is pure rhetoric. It is rhetoric which I condemn. But it is rhetoric. It should be obvious that if he somehow obtained power he would no more act that way than I would.

  37. “But it is rhetoric. It should be obvious that if he somehow obtained power he would no more act that way than I would.”

    I can’t believe this stupid, spamming Jew. Linder’s been saying that he wants Jews killed for years now, but to Scrooby it’s just “rhetoric.” Sometimes wishing for something to be mere “rhetoric” doesn’t make it so. But self-haing Jew Scrooby is a mind reader. All we have to go buy is Linder’s often repeated words. But at any rate, what about the rhetoric? Even if it were only rhetoric, what does it say about an individual to repeatedly engage in that kind of rhetoric, eh, Scrooby? You fucking loser.

  38. Hunter Wallace, also clearly not even remotely an “anti-Semite,” should stop using the terms “anti-Semite” and “philo-Semite” to describe people on our side of the race issue — terms he’s used quite a bit. We are neither one nor the other, neither anti- nor philo-Semitic. We’re ordinary folk who have no quarrel with any group that doesn’t give us a reason to have a quarrel. Criticisms aren’t “anti-Semitism.”

  39. “should stop using the terms ‘anti-Semite’ and ‘philo-Semite’ to describe people on our side of the race issue” ( — my comment)

    I’m sorry, I should have said the terms he uses are “anti-Semitism” and “philo-Semitism,” not anti-Semite and philo-Semite.

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