This essay examines the role of Jews in the collapse of white separatism as a political insitution in both America and South Africa.
We will begin with two facts. First, the average IQ of African-Americans is 85, and secondly, the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is 70. If we take the average ‘White’ IQ to be 100, then Whites are vastly more intelligent than Africans. So, how did blacks overthrow the racial dominance of Whites in both the United States and other White nations such as South Africa?
The answer will surprise you: They didn’t. To clarify, there were indeed black political movements in these nations that abolished segregation and apartheid but these were not led by blacks – they were led by Jews.
In South Africa the most prominent anti-apartheid political group was Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress. The military wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), was created in 1961. Both of these organizations worked in coordination with the South African Communist Party.
When the South African police raided Liliesleaf Farm in 1963 they managed to arrest 19 members of the ANC and MK. Among those arrested were Denis Goldberg, Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Arthur Goldreich, Harold Wolpe, and James Kantor – all Jews.
Goldreich, with Wolpe, had bought Liliesleaf Farm with funds provided by the SACP. Wolpe, a lawyer, also worked with Goldreich to locate targets for the MK’s operations. Goldberg was a technical officer in the MK. Bernstein was a member of the South African Communist Party. Hepple was a lawyer who advised the ANC. At the Rivonia Trial their legal defence included Harry Schwarz, Arthur Chaskalson, and Joel Joffe – all Jewish.
Other Jewish activists like writer Nadine Gordimer continued their anti-apartheid efforts. Gordimer testified on behalf of the defendants in the later Delmas Treason Trial and would also meet with other anti-apartheid activists such as Helen Suzman at the house of her publisher Lulu Friedman. Suzman knew Mandela on a personal basis and would visit him in prison. Another activist, lawyer Albie Sachs, mounted legal challenges to apartheid in court. Joe Slovo continued his work as a leader of the SACP and Chief of Staff in MK. Ronnie Kasrils, a writer of film scripts, became the MK intelligence chief and eventually became a member of the ANC National Executive Committee in 1987.
Most of these individuals were rewarded for their efforts after the White government was finally overthrown in 1994. Kasrils was made the Deputy Minister of Defence from 1994 to 1999. Arthur Chaskalson was made first president, then Chief Justice, of South Africa’s Constitutional Court from 1994 until 2005. Albie Sachs was appointed to the Constitutional Court in 1994 and authored the decision in Minister of Home Affairs v. Fourie declaring a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.
While the anti-apartheid movement was gaining support, the ‘Civil Rights’ campaign was simultaneously unleashed upon the United States. At first this too appears a movement led by blacks such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa parks, and Malcolm X. Upon closer inspection this movement was also dominated by Jews.
On June 21, 1964 three young ‘Civil Rights’ activists were killed in Mississippi. These men were James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. Chaney was a black man from Mississippi but Goodman and Schwerner were Jews from New York. According to the PBS documentary From Swastika to Jim Crow, fifty percent of the ‘Whites’ who went to Mississippi in 1964 to challenge Jim Crow laws were Jewish. It is also estimated that fifty percent of civil rights attorneys in the South during the 1960s were Jewish.
Could those percentages be correct? Jews have never been more than 1-2% of the population of the United States. But, let us examine further. One of the most prominent African-American organziation is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The organization had numerous Jewish founding members such as professor Joel Spingarn, Rabbi Stephen Wise, banker Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, and Emil G. Hirsch. This organization was so thoroughly dominated by Jews that from 1915 until 1975 every president was Jewish.
Even Martin Luther King Jr., the figurehead of the movement, relied heavily upon his Jewish friend and advisor Stanley Levison for organizing fundraising and publicity. Levison was previously involved with the leadership of the Communist Party of America in the 1950s and was introduced to King by Bayard Rustin, a member of the Communist Youth movement. When Levison was brought before the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Defense, his lawyer was Jewish-radical William Kunstler. Kunstler later defended several high-profile defendants such as the Chicago Seven, a group of mostly Jewish agitators who were charged with conspiring to incite a riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
When we examine the role of Jews in anti-apartheid and desegregation activity we find that the Jews were not an oppressed minority acting in solidarity with blacks. The overwhelming majority of Jewish anti-apartheid and ‘Civil Rights’ activists were university educated and occupied good positions within the dominant White culture. Even the Communist Slovo was a university educated lawyer. Not being subject to the same travel restrictions and curfews as black Africans, they were in a unique position to subvert the apartheid society. Indeed, most of their intelligence, some of which included targets for the MK bombing campaign, came from official sources that may have been inaccessible to black South Africans.
In both South Africa and the United States the Jews played crucial roles in developing black political movements and bringing down the institutions created by Whites. Without the efforts of Jews, would segregation and apartheid still be with us?
Sources and Further Reading:
IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn
Armed and Dangerous by Ronnie Kasrils
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
The World That Was Ours by Hilda Bernstein
A History of Jews in America by Howard Sachar
From Swastika to Jim Crow: Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges by Gabrielle Simon Edgcomb
Gideon Shimoni’s Community and Conscience: The Jews in Apartheid South Africa is a gold mine of information. It was one of the texts that I encountered as an undergraduate at Auburn that pushed me in an anti-Semitic direction.
In the pre – 1994 South African parliaments the most powerful anti – apartheid voices were those of the Jewess, Helen Suzman and Harry Oppenheimer’s proxy and erstwhile son -in -law, the philo – semite, Gordon Waddell (“the member for Anglo American Corp”). The most famous trade unionist and Communist was, of course, Joe Slovo, also a Jew.
In the anti – apartheid business camp, Anglo American Corp, South African Breweries, Liberty Life Insurance and Sun International were run by Harry Oppenheimer, Tony Bloom, Donny Gordon and Sol Kerzner respectively – all vociferous opponents of apartheid.
After the fall of apartheid, the first three of these very large companies changed their tax domicile and headquarters location to UK and the founder of the fourth one emigrated to The Bahamas.
Let us not forget that both Afrikaners and Southerners treated the Jews well yet there was no reciprocity.
You could add many other names including Litvak (Lithuanian Jew) Solly Sachs. He was the General Secretary of the Garment Workers’ Union which included a lot of rural Afrikaner women and non-whites. Sachs used his position to try to agitate and divide Afrikaners and he often used the courts to successfully destroy his Nationalist opponents. After more than two decades of being a thorn in the side of the Afrikaners the Suppression of Communism Act in 1950 forced him to step down. In exile he continued his war against white South Africa.
@Matra Let us not forget that both Afrikaners and Southerners treated the Jews well yet there was no reciprocity.
Yet there are still those arguing that we should continue making the same mistake over and over again. “If we welcome them this time it will be different, besides what about the Muslims, or the Mexicans …”
For a truly enlightening look at how Jews have controlled nominally “Black” and “Civil Rights” organizations consider the contrasts between MLK and Malcolm X.
X was by all accounts a family man, a good husband and father. MLK was a notorious womanizer and very fond of prostitutes, especially White ones. X was self-educated and “wrote his own stuff,” MLK plagarized his way through an academic career and read speeches written by Jews. X and the NOI sought a partnership with the White Nationalists of the time, and were pro-segregation, MLK was basically a figurehead for Jewish organizations. X and the NOI started Black owned businesses while MLK was the figurehead for Blacks entering White institutions and affirmative action.
There’s a lot more to the story and it’s worth reading up on it.
Garfield Todd (Rhodesian politician)–Protestant missionary, staunch opponent of White rule in Rhodesia, not a Jew.
@Hunter – I’ll be sure to check out that book.
@Ross/Matra – Thanks for the information. I added it to my files.
Todd was a New Zealander who suffered from infantile paralysis of the cerebrum induced by his fanatical and unscientific Christian belief in ‘racial equality’
Great post Hunter. The evidence you present is clear and overwhelming.
Check the author. Sam Davidson, not me.
Duhhh…scrap my previous statement — great post Sam.
Very informative post and a riposte to Braun and others who think appeasement and coddling of Jews will encourage them to abandon their anti-white activism. White ruled S.Africa was very kind to its Jewish minority but eventually they stabbed their gracious gentile hosts in the back as they’ve done time and again throughout world history. The philo-semites seem unwilling to learn from history where Jews are concerned.
Mandela’s top advisor, Joe Slovo, was also Jewish and I pointed this out to Guy Blight several months ago, a fact that he glossed over since it didn’t fit his agenda. Posters may not realize that the FBI paid NYC mafia enforcer Greg Scarpa to travel to Mississippi to kidnap and torture a klansmen into disclosing the location of the dead bodies of Chaney, Goodman and Shwerner.
This is corroborated in the book “Unfinished Business” by undercover FBI agent Joe Pistone and was mentioned on Wikipedia. Go to wikipedia and type in “Greg Scarpa” and scroll down to “The Mississippi Three”. There’s a little more info in the included link “Mississippi civil rights worker murders”.
Lots of good stuff — generally an outstanding essay.
“According to the PBS documentary From Swastika to Jim Crow, fifty percent of the ‘Whites’ who went to Mississippi in 1964 to challenge Jim Crow laws were Jewish. It is also estimated that fifty percent of civil rights attorneys in the South during the 1960s were Jewish.
“Could those percentages be correct? Jews have never been more than 1-2% of the population of the United States.”
Jews are about 2.7% of the population now; they were about 3.7% in 1930.
“So, how did blacks overthrow the racial dominance of Whites in both the United States and other White nations such as South Africa?
“The answer will surprise you: They didn’t. ”
That was well done.
Two lessons we can learn from this: We should never allow the jews or any other tribe to use the courts or other instruments of the system to subvert us, and that Aryan Justice should be administered to all subversives of whatever tribe. What strikes me is that all the jews mentioned in the essay and comments basically got away with it with no consequences whatsoever.
South Africans should have ground every jew into the dirt, took over their businesses and started repatriating the negros back to wherever they come from. They should have instituted National Labor laws like the Germans did to make up for the shortage of labor and imported White labor to work the essential tasks, like mining, construction and civil jobs. They should have developed nukes and told the Great Satan to stick it where the sun don’t shine. Then they should have allied with Rhodesia and done the some thing. Instead, they betrayed them. But I digress.
South Africa would have suffered economically for awhile, but it would have all been worth it compared to what they are suffering from today. This is why I have no sympathy for most South African bloggers bleating about their condition because by and large, they refuse to acknowledge the role the subversive Yids played in their destruction. And screw Authur Kemp. Let him go back to South Africa and preach his screed about using politics to gain power. Hypocritical filth.
There’s a case to be made that Jews didn’t have a big enough stake in the survival of those two supremacist orders. The Spanish Inquisition cleverly used Jews such as Tomás de Torquemada to apply pressures on Jewish converso heretics and other opportunists who were undermining the system from within. I think an effective way of countering Jewish subversion would’ve been to place Jews throughout the system with the explicit task of dealing with their co-ethnics and countering their subversion. Another point I’d like to raise is that there’s often something fanatically self-righteous about the Jewish character – call it the “Tikkun Olam” factor. Note that the greatest opponents of the state of Israel happen to be Jewish. Chomsky and Finkelstein regularly compare Israel to National Socialist Germany. It’s principally Jews who call for the boycott of Israel or Israeli products (see Naomi Klein). Hence, it’s not so much that Jews wanted to overthrow White supremacy because it was White supremacy, but because it’s an aspect of Jewish culture to moralistically protest against what they perceive as social injustice. I’m sure that over two millennia of persecution based on their ethno-religious allegiance made them especially sensitive to the plight of the humiliated and insulted.
Wrong. What the Jews are mainly doing is not engaging in genuine humanistic altruism but fighting a tribal war against Eurochristians whom they see as their tribal enemy.
Do you think Abe Foxman, Morris Disease, Heidi Beirich, or the Jews running the New York Times give two squats about the Negroes? The use the Negroes as tools to batter Eurochristians with. Let the “poor, downtrodden, oppressed” Negroes get in the way of Jewish interests and Abe, Morris, Heidi, and the rest will squash them like so many bugs.
Will Linder’s Jewish groupie tell us whether Jews who attack Israel and call for its boycott are also engaging in tribal war or is there perhaps something deeper at play? Perhaps something fundamental to the Jewish character and self-understanding? A recurring humanistic thread present throughout Jewish history.
Jew Scroobie is a broken record. Like a trained monkey he regurgitates his lines without pausing to reflect whether his learned responses correspond to facts.
Friedrich, you’re correct that the Jews have intense internal tension and disagreement. The best analogy for internal Jewish disagreement is Plato’s description of the unjust man. The unjust man commits sins against others yet also himself. His nature is self-contradictory. The just man respects rules, laws, and boundaries. The just man does not feel the urge to trespass on his neighbor or take his neighbor’s wife. The unjust man is not satisfied with boundaries – he wants things that belongs to other people. But, as the unjust man trespasses against others he also trespasses against himself. He engages in self-destructive behavior such as gluttony and drunkeness.
The Jews are an inherently unjust people. They create social upheaval and revolution everywhere they go. They have an inner urge to acquire what is not their own. This expresses itself economically in the extreme avarice of the Jews. They work feverishly to dominate banks and money. Socially this expresses itself in the Jewish desire to overturn normal values and morality. The Jews dominated the pornography industry and also had a hand in alcohol production and distribution during the Prohibition era. Quite a few of the gangsters of that era were not Italian but Jewish. In everything they do, the Jews express their unjust nature. Today they fill the ranks of both violent Zionists and violent anti-Zionists.
I think, however, that there is a basic level of Jewish group-think, because most Jews tend to associate and marry other Jews – even those of a secular background.
Here’s what seems to be going on with that.
Some Jews are homozygous for the Jewish nation-destroying gene. That makes them unable to distinguish “self” from “non-self,” causing them to attack their own nation rather than reserving their nation-destroying attacks for the Eurogoy nations they live in, as heterozygotes do. In heterozygotes the urge to attack and destroy the surrounding society and nation is non-existent when the individual is living in his own nation, Israel – heterozygotes can recognize “self.” Homozygotes can’t, whence their attacks on all nations including Israel. The Jewish nation-destroying gene, like the anti-malaria gene and the Jewish smartness gene, is adaptive in the heterozyote – confers “heterozygote advantage,” making Jews attack and try to destroy all non-Jewish societies and nations they live in. But like the anti-malaria and Jewish smartness genes it can cause problems in the homozygote, respectively sickle-cell anemia, the hereditary Jewish neurological disorders discussed in the Cochran-Hardy-Harpending paper, and loss of ability to recognize “self,” resulting in attacks on the Israeli society and nation.
There are some Jews who are genuine “liberals,” such as Prof. Tony Judt, Prof. Norman Finkelstein, to an extent Prof. Chomsky (though not completely in Chomsky’s case, despite appearances), and others of course. They’re a minuscule fraction compared to the Jews who are not “liberal” but merely engaged in tribal warfare yet mistakenly called “liberal” instead of what they are, Jewish nationalists fighting to weaken what they see as their tribal enemy.
You can be fooled, because “liberals” and tribal enemies want the same thing, namely the eradication of everything normal and good in your society. The “liberals” want it because they’re wacko and degenerate, the Jewish tribal warriors because they want to bring your society down, out of:
1) sheer ethnic hatred (the sort of ordinary, garden-variety ethnic aversion/hatred which Jews decry as “ethnic prejudice” when they detect it in anyone else, but which they themselves are the unrivaled masters of);
2) a desire for revenge for what they tell themselves are past wrongs visited upon their ancestors by yours but is more from jealousy of your qualities (in general in life, not just with the Jews, it will be your qualities more than your faults that will excite hatred in others and a desire in them to take revenge on you);
3) they want to bring your society down so it will stop rivaling theirs, stop irritating them personally with things we had no idea annoyed anyone, for example the public communitywide celebration of Christmas and Easter which Jews find outrageous and intolerable;
4) they want to bring your society down so it will stop exciting their envy in many ways, so it will disappear as a potential threat to their group, and so as to free up your women, getting them separated from your men so they, the Jews, can take advantage of them, women who are more feminine, attractive, and sexually desirable than theirs, women whom Jewish men highly covet but not for honorable ends, only to use as girlfriends while in the process of finding Jewish brides or while married to Jewish wives, and to use in the porn industry both for making money and for personal Jewish voyeuristic pleasure at seeing them paired with Negro men, something Jewish men apparently derive immense voyeuristic sexual pleasure from, seeing blonde shiksas with Negroes (and just imagining it brings them immense voyeuristic sexual pleasure, which is why Alon Ziv went on in his book about his fantasy that white women [meaning, in Ziv’s mind, shiksas not Jewish women, make no mistake] supposedly get their best orgasms from Negro men, which is naught but a big voyeruistic sexual fantasy among Jewish men like Ziv).
So the Jewish “liberals” aren’t just tribal warriors, there are actual Jewish liberals (microscopic in number), and there are the homozygotes who attempt to destroy all nations including Israel, a Jewish disease analagous to sickle-cell anemia and hereditary Jewish lysosomal storage diseases.
Fred, you have been accused here of being, like me, a mischling. Is this true, or a lie?
Here, on the other hand, is the sort of righteous and infuriating observation (made here by Patrick Cleburne) that supports Friedrich Braun’s and Lawrence Auster’s exculpation of the Jews and places primary blame squarely at the feet of the U.S.’s wealthy Eurochristian élites, and I admit FB has a point:
”Yet again, the Swiss People’s Party, led by millionaire Christoph Blocher, has defended the Swiss nation. Where are America’s patriotic millionaires?”
( )
The problem is the millionaire/billionaire class in the U.S. is majority Jew — but still, how come there’s never so much as a ripple, not the most microscopic trace, of resistance to what’s going on? It’s enough to make you swear, if ever you came to power, to confiscate every penny of wealth held by every single Eurochristian millionaire in this country who could’ve resisted but stayed silent and didn’t lift a finger.
#24: 1) I don’t like your word “accused” there. 2) I guess it’s a fair question, and I guess I owe it to those who haven’t seen my million previous explanations to respond yet again although I’m sick of it, sick of the question, sick of the issue, and sick of responding to it, and surely 99% of everyone else is sick of it too. 3) Neither of my parents was Jewish. 4) I’m not Jewish. 5) I’m Catholic. 6) I have some Jewish grandparentage, from the former Austrian province of Galicia (Galizien), in a part of the province that has since been lopped off and given to Poland. The rest of my grandparentage is ethnic Russian, also from the Austrian Empire (same province, Galicia), and German Catholic from Germany. 7) I dislike the way you, C-A, dwell unnecessarily on claims of incompatibility between Euros on the one hand and white non-Jews who happen to have some Jewish ancestry on the other. I view you as stirring up conflict unnecessarily and I cannot understand why you do it — in almost every comment you post, to boot. Give it a rest, can’t you? Just shut up about it.
Believe me, I’m sick of the issue myself. I was given the impression by some people that having any discernable Jewish blood is a “deal breaker,” you’re out of the WN movement now, you’re out of the ethnostate in the future. Others, have implied more flexibility: if you act sufficiently pro-white and anti-Jewish, you might be tolerated. Others draw a distinction between between those who are quarter-Jewish, or less; and those who are half-Jewish. If the consensus is: “we would prefer you leave us and go talk to the Jews if in fact you are pro-white; but if you really do want to hang around, then act pro-white and anti-Jew and MAYBE we’ll let you in.” If this is what it comes down to, then there no further need for me to bring this up at all. Just wanted to get it straight.
The distinction that I was INITIALLY trying to draw, and evidently not successfully at all, is the same one that I believe Lasha Darkmoon is trying to make when she says that none of her criticism of what she calls “Organized Jewry” is to be seen as a judgment of those whom she identifies as “ordinary Jews.”
Fred, some good points. There are two “Eurochristian” elites in the US that deserve some serious scrutiny – Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. Perhaps the two richest Eurochristians in the USA and they have teamed up in the last decade and laundered all their money to the Gates foundation. They have so much money they are literally now making global plans and redesigning the entire world to their liking (curing disease in Africa for instance).
Bill Gates has decided to make the Seattle area a high IQ, mixed race international community. Microsoft *makes* immigration policy in the US and even decides who gets financial aid for college in Washington state.
Warren Buffet is a long time front man for the Jewish mafia, take a look at his long time partner Maurice “Hank” Greenberg – former CEO of AIG (yes, that AIG).
Yeah, it cannot all be blamed on the Jews, people like these two are arguably worse. But culturally at least, I remain convinced it’s a Jewish problem.
Fred: I dislike the way you, C-A, dwell unnecessarily on claims of incompatibility between Euros on the one hand and white non-Jews who happen to have some Jewish ancestry on the other. I view you as stirring up conflict unnecessarily and I cannot understand why you do it — in almost every comment you post, to boot. Give it a rest, can’t you? Just shut up about it.
Leafing through the von Hoffmeister thread over at VNN, particularly the posts surrounding kane123123, yielded a few insights. This is just speculation, but perhaps people like C-A, viewed with ambiguity by the Jewish community and therefore insecure in their own ethnicity, use the hostility to which they are subjected at sites such as OD to help develop or reaffirm their own sense of Jewishness. Here, they are Jews–period. Mind you, I don’t want to pick on C-A. He seems like a nice guy. I’m a real softie at heart and I’m inclined to give guys like him a pass. But the harping on Jewish ancestry gives me pause.
C-A, my advice is just drop it. The morons who harrass you about being a quarter Jewish can be safely ignored. They’re not “the WN movement.” The white race as we speak is being turned Negro worldwide at a gallop and no one’s doing a fucking thing about it, and you’re worrying about the fine print on some supposed new set of Nuremberg Laws some loudmouth is fantasizing about at VNN? Let’s stop the negrification then it’ll be time to decide “who’s in and who’s out.” Right now, the way things are going the only thing you’re either in or out of is the Negro race. Cool it please on that “who’s a Jew” shit.
Isn’t the obvious difference between Fred Scrooby and Crypto-Aryan the fact that Fred Scrooby is Catholic? Scrooby loves Jesus. Crypto-Aryan, like all Jews, hates Jesus.
Coincidentally – or not – Scrooby is simply open about his partial Jewish ancestry, is on our side on the JQ, while Crypto-Aryan is (or was) constantly sniffing out anti-semitism, telling us what Whites must do to accomadate Jews, demanding how we draw the lines, etc.
Christianity is an effective assimilating device for these cases.
Braun, interestingly enough, is pro-Jew and harasses Scrooby for “not being Jew enough” – in this, Braun is on the Jew side of keeping half-Jews from assimilating. I see Braun and CA as basically working two sides of the Jew fence, while Scrooby just strikes me as a regular Catholic White.
The Admiral —
“people like C-A, viewed with ambiguity by the Jewish community and therefore insecure in their own ethnicity, use the hostility to which they are subjected at sites such as OD to help develop or reaffirm their own sense of Jewishness.”
Bingo, Admiral. In my case, that would be to “develop” rather than “reaffirm” his Jewishness. And I still can’t understand for the life of me why it serves the White Nationalist cause to drive another person with Jewish blood “back” towards organized Jewry. Leave individual Jews alone, and many of us will drift away from the tribe. Give us shit, and we’ll go back. However, none of this precludes criticizing organized Jewry.
And I still can’t understand for the life of me why it serves the White Nationalist cause to drive another person with Jewish blood “back” towards organized Jewry.
Because of your blood. Materialism + Genetic Determinism. The real question is why you would align with us when you could assert your Jewishness and profit from it.
To clarify, Braun demands we let Jews in *as Jews* and chases out half-Jews by birth but Christian by culture Scrooby. CA demands we let in Jews *as Whites* and refuses to assimilate to White culture by converting to Christianity.
This mirrors the typical Jewish way of preventing Jews from assimilating to Christianity/Eurochristian culture.
Scrooby has no identity *as a Jew* – CA does, and Braun demands Scrooby identify as a Jew as well.
The real question is why you would align with us when you could assert your Jewishness and profit from it.
Well, yeah, that is the question. Why would he subject himself to this treatment, with no obvious reward? I think I may have partially answered the question (above), but I’m sure there’s more to it.
“The real question is why you would align with us when you could assert your Jewishness and profit from it.”
Love of the white peoples of the world, what they have been able to create for themselves and their posterity down through the ages. Desire to help them survive and thrive in the future.
Once again, I never brought up my Jewishness here until someone claimed that they knew I was a Jew. Then I told the truth.
Once again, I never brought up my Jewishness here until someone claimed that they knew I was a Jew. Then I told the truth.
I’m not a genetic determinist. I’m very liberal on the Jewish Question. In my opinion:
1) All the Orthodox should be shipped to Israel
2) All the Reformed should be pressured to leave
3) All the Reformed that choose to stay would be barred from law, medicine, teaching, etc.
4) All temples should be shut down
5) Judaism should be outlawed
6) Jewish organizations and public meetings should be outlawed
Somebody like yourself I would probably welcome with open arms. I have a very good friend who is a Jewish lawyer, whom I befriended after my awakening and he is well aware of my views. Jews aren’t unassimilable in my estimation.
“I’m not a genetic determinist.” Seems to be a contradiction for a racialist/white nationalist.
What an interesting situation. While many here support a single or main Jewish cause, they also consider half or quarter Jewish people to be white as long as their politics and outlook are white nationalist. I suppose they might also include fully Jewish people who believe as they do. So the argument with FB is perhaps one of semantics.
In turns out then that Jews do in fact get into our movement, one way or another.
Not all Jews are bad people by any means (I don’t buy into the Jewish genes = predisposition to bad behavior stuff either, btw).
The problem with these self-identified Jewish racialists or the interlopers in WN are that they have dual loyalties. That combined with the historical legacy of Gentile-Jewish relations means there will be extreme paranoid and doubt on both sides. That is very limiting for any sort of alliance of trust between the two groups.
The racialist/rightist Jews generally want some sort of agreement to ban all criticism and perceived antisemitism as a key requirement of their support and participation. That means no Kevin MacDonald and/or discussion of historical Jewish influence in our current racial and cultural predicament. The preferred mode of analysis is discussing “liberalism” and shifting the blame solely onto the WASPs. Of course, I find this to be very much unacceptable and downright dishonest, personally.
On the other hand, the WN’s have a habit of judeo-obsessivism – everything is blamed on the Jews (including things that can’t be legitimately blamed on them by any historical means) and other aspects of racial/cultural decline are ignored or not treated with seriousness. Calls for genocide don’t help the situation (points finger at Linder). Although this is not the sole reason for Jewish ethnocentrism, it is a significant reason for it. It fuels their persecution complex. It also promotes psychotic behavior (Jew-this Jew-that day in and day out tends to drive people mad)
My opinion is this:
(1) We do not need Israel. (Despite what certain philosemitic racialists want to say). Israel needs us, if anything, for financial and material support.
(2) What do Jews bring to WN that we can’t live without? I can’t think of anything. At best, maybe having some “we’re OK with Jews” planks in a political platform helps dispell the “nazi” image of nationalists parties, but beyond that, I’m not seeing it.
Conclusion: Jews need us (non-Jewish whites) more than we need them.
Any talk about accommodating Jews in a future WN ethnostate or WN alliance should be done on the basis of what concessions Jews are willing to make to us. Will they have some honesty and sincerity on the topic of the historical Jewish involvement in our current situation? Will they meaningfully and constructively discuss ways to address this negative influence going on today? Will Jews participate in WNism as a parallel culture with their own closed-off institutions, traditions, and etc. or will they freely participate as white people and mingle into the ‘white’ melting pot?
Seems to be a contradiction for a racialist/white nationalist.
Most of the Reformed Jews I know personally have obvious Euro admixture. I’m willing to bury the hatchet once for all and separate the “sheep from the goats” in a manner of speaking.
Do you disagree with my prescription? What if it turns out upon analysis that you have 10% Jewish admixture?
“I’m not a genetic determinist.” Seems to be a contradiction for a racialist/white nationalist.
Also, I’m not exactly a White Nationalist. I’m an Orthodox Presbyterian who believes race to be an issue of importance second only to theology. I’m an ethnic-nationalist by theological default.
It is over-simplifying to say, without qualification, that I’m not a genetic determinist but it will have to do on somebody else’s blog. Perhaps, I’ll flesh my thoughts out more at my own corner of the web someday.
So do you advocate E. Michael Jones’ position, that Jews need to be converted to Christianity?
By “Reform” do you mean simply not Orthodox, or do you mean someone who has been raised in a Reform Congregation, bar mitzvahed, gone through the whole nine yards of Jewish cultural exposure and training? I’ve never had any instruction in Jewish faith or traditions, either from a synagogue or from family, and I wonder if you draw distinction between non-Orthodox Jews that have and those that haven’t.
By Reformed I mean somebody Bar-Mitzvahed but it can be somebody who is only “culturally” Reformed. Most religious folk are half-hearted in this manner. I would also draw a separate distinction for somebody in your condition, somebody in the ‘tikkun-olam’ tradition of Michael Lerner and another one for Jews who seems to manifest a secular commitment to Judaism – that is, a “disguised Judaism” in the fashion of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, etc.
So do you advocate E. Michael Jones’ position, that Jews need to be converted to Christianity?
I believe everybody needs to be converted. It doesn’t mean that I want to live around them.
I agree with danielj’s idea, and find that his points bear a striking resemblance to Martin Luther’s proposals.
If a partial Jew refuses to convert to Christianity – specifically – I don’t trust them. Whites who are not Christians or religious are irrelevant, if a Jew can’t accept Jesus than he is refusing to assimilate, and must be excluded.
So do you advocate E. Michael Jones’ position, that Jews need to be converted to Christianity?
Takin’ the Scriptures as our guide, like any Christian should, it would seem that Jews should be committed to the salvation of their kinsmen. The Apostle Paul was special out of the Apostles in that he brought the Gospel to the Gentiles – him and only him. Paul then passed this tradition of evangelism onto mischlings and Romans. We should maintain genetic distinction.
(Again, all this needs to be qualified since I believe the “Jews” of today to be Khazars and not genetically related to the Jews of the New Testament era. So it is “simple” but maintains a complexity that can be addressed more formally.)
I’d like to read Pastor Martin Lindstedt’s take on this.
Maybe We should just adopt the Israeli state position on ‘who is a Jew’, which is determined by the Orthodox Rabbinate.
Kinda interesting, huh? Although Israel is considered a ‘democracy’, it has its ‘priesthood’ as its ethnic and cultural gatekeepers.
I guess that is why some have referred to Zionist Israel as a ‘secular theocracy’.
If a partial Jew refuses to convert to Christianity – specifically – I don’t trust them. Whites who are not Christians or religious are irrelevant, if a Jew can’t accept Jesus than he is refusing to assimilate, and must be excluded.
Even upon conversion I think I would still be hesitant to remove any of the above mentioned restrictions on career prospects for assimilated Jews. I think it would require many generations (of good behavior and interbreeding) before a sufficient level of trust was established to allow them to practice any sort of profession. Until that point I would say ‘aberit macht frei’ to all of them in the most compassionate manner that I could. If they were truly concerned about Christian society, they would understand that it would have to be done.
I’d like to read Pastor Martin Lindstedt’s take on this.
Me too!
(Sans all the vulgarity. It doesn’t help us to speak in that fashion.)
I’ve never had any instruction in Jewish faith or traditions, either from a synagogue or from family, and I wonder if you draw distinction between non-Orthodox Jews that have and those that haven’t.
Ironically, I’m probably more instructed in the faith then you. Generally, most christian pastors that attend seminar (of a rigorous and classical nature) are more knowledgeable in the Hebrew tradition than most “Hebrews” are as well.
Again, most of this stems from the fact that most people (not just religious people) are hypocritical and lukewarm. That is partially why WN doesn’t appeal to most folk – its zealotry. Most people want belief systems that require nothing of them and tax them lightly. WN is religious in this regard: it requires devotion where football and bar hopping and mindless sex require nothing.