About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This sort of thing may work on young high school and college kids in a high peer pressure environment, but there’s not two White adults in ten that would not simply be offended, if not outraged, by this.

    *This* is exactly where the JQ can be introduced to Whites, who do you think is behind this “white privilege” nonsense?

    Does anyone really think this kind of propaganda is effective on most White people? Without social pressure it’s the opposite of effective. In fact this may be one of our best tools to promote White awareness – just show them videos like this, and tell them who is promoting it.

  2. Guess what? “Mirrors of Privilege” was produced by one Shakti Butler, a “Filmmaker and Facilitator of Diversity Dialogues.”



    Dr. Shakti Butler is a multiracial African-American woman (African, Arawak Indian, and Russian-Jewish) whose work as a creative and visionary bridge builder has challenged and inspired learning for over two decades.

    Who could have ever predicted that?

  3. “Dr. Shakti Butler is a multiracial African-American woman (African, Arawak Indian, and Russian-Jewish) whose work as a creative and visionary bridge builder has challenged and inspired learning for over two decades.”

    Her ugliness could scare turds out of an outhouse. If I had to look at that in the mirror, I’d probably be a bitter, net-destroyer, also. Her head looks like an edematous voodoo doll, for crying out loud! Bet she can walk on all four without arching her back.

  4. “What is the legitimate role of white folks in social justice and race … My initial motivation actually when I got this job teaching was that I wanted to teach these white kids that they were racist. That’s another stage in white identity development .. you want to blame your own group. It’s a way of connecting with some sense of purity in myself is by rejecting my own community which is the white community. And we see white people caught in that.

    In other words, I had established my goodness by being embedded in a black community, Hispanic community, Asian, Native community. And I also demonstrate by distance from whiteness by rejecting my own group.”

  5. This is a good example of ritual shaming propaganda. The way it usually works is you get children or young adults at a school in a classroom or auditorium, prep them with a speaker or two, then show the video. It would be best to have one or two black kids there you can manipulate into being either sad or angry (always embarrassed) which then triggers sympathy and guilt in the white children. Far from being mean little racists, white children often go out of their way to include (assimilate?) the “other” and bullying triggers sympathy from all those “altruistic typed.”

    There are more sophisticated versions for college kids, and a different sort for the corporate world. The propaganda almost never works without the framing, the group peer pressure, the leadership/teachers, and ultimately, the implied and sometimes threats of explicit consequences for not toeing the line.

    This propaganda is not some crazy idea from some liberal, this has been developed and rigorously tested on large subject populations of youth and adults by highly paid specialists in academia and corporations.

    Of course this is crude and unconvincing compared to the much more sophisticated propaganda in advertising and Hollywood.

  6. It is important to understand that the funding for propaganda like this comes entirely from Jewish sources.

    This rabid anti-White activist Shakti Butler obviously wouldn’t have a ‘career’ in the anti-White propaganda ‘film business’ if it wasn’t for the monies she received from anti-White Jews to create this disgusting tripe.

  7. Dr. Shakti Butler is a multiracial African-American woman (African, Arawak Indian, and Russian-Jewish)

    So in other words, she’s a Jew. 🙄

  8. “One thing we don’t talk about very much is the pathology of Jewish people…there is a real pathology there… “


  9. “One thing we don’t talk about very much is the pathology of Jewish people…there is a real pathology there… “

    An obsessive fear and loathing of White people. An extreme feeling of alienation and hostility towards Western culture.

  10. “It is important to understand that the funding for propaganda like this comes entirely from Jewish sources. This rabid anti-White activist Shakti Butler obviously wouldn’t have a ‘career’ in the anti-White propaganda ‘film business’ if it wasn’t for the monies she received from anti-White Jews to create this disgusting tripe.” ( — WP #11)

    Exactly right. Bingo. WP puts his finger on it. Bullseye, dead-center.

    Exactly that is the story of all of this. Susan Sontag’s sicko “whites are the cancer of history” is so well-known not because that obscure nobody of a New York Jewish hack “wrote” it but because the universally pervasive, universally intrusive Jewish media picked it up, adored it, an hyped her attack to the skies for decades.

    In Sontag’s mind and the minds of the Jews who hyped her genocidal little quip, the “whites” referred to are strictly the white goys. Sontag and the other Jews were in no way attacking Jews in that. Its sole aim was to attack the Jewish tribal enemy — Eurogoys. That whole thing was and is a naked tribal attack.

  11. It’s Jewish money that funds it and also goy money comandeered by Jews who get positions in government and disburse funds from there (your and my tax money) and get positions in the big foundations (Ford, etc.) and disburse immense funds from there. It’s not true, as Lawrence Auster, Paul Gottfried, James Kalb, and Jared Taylor claim, that all this is the whites doing it to themselves. The bulk of this is a Jewish tribal attack: that’s who the attacker is. Guess who the attackee is.

  12. As for why whites fall for it, it’s like the old saying: “You can lead a horse’s ass to slaughter but you can’t make him think.”

  13. Dr. Shakti Butler has some Jewish blood? I’m shocked, SHOCKED! I mean, who would have guessed that the producer of an anti-white propaganda reel is part Jewish? I thought Jews were just interested in making money and only value the color green (like in dollar bill).

    Perhaps this Butler creature should learn a thing or two about her own history. Namely, that Israel was founded by genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs and Christians and maintains a ruthless system of apartheid reminiscent of the bad, old American South. That slavery, tribal warfare and ethnic cleansing are alive and well in Africa. Don’t even get me started on the amerinjuns.

    Nobody hold their breath on any documentaries about Jewish privilege in Israel or black murder and oppression of whites in South Africa.

  14. But it’s not “anti-Semitism.” Acquiescing in the other side’s dishonest terminology is certainly an error, one you’ll regret in the long run.

  15. It should be noted that most documentaries are break even propositions and the ones that do make money make so little that it hardly makes the effort worthwhile. The express purpose of this hate whitey documentary, therefore, is to spread anti-white propaganda and mount an attack on our racial character and pervert American history. Isn’t this how it all starts (the beginning of genocidal urges against a people)? Oh, that’s only where Jews are concerned and we aren’t that important.

    Taylor, Auster, Gottfried and the like would just have you believe that whites simply have taken leave of their senses and that the Jewish role is very minuscule if they even play a part at all. What an insult. Considering the bulk of the media, book and school textbook publishing industries are under Jewish ownership it’s easy to see why whites have lost their collective minds on race issues.

  16. “I thought Jews were just interested in making money and only value the color green” ( — Mr. Dithers #20)

    Of course that’s partly what this is. The Jews are combining tribal war with exactly the kind of money-making get-rich-quick strategy the televangelists employ, preying on the selfsame psychological/cognitive flaw found in the simple folk (the rubes, the dumb goys) which allows them to be duped time and again by the slickers (Jews; televangelists) into parting with their hard-earned dollars for “moral goals,” parting with it in the Jews case not just “Southern Baptistwide” but societywide: the gullible population approves the disgorgement of immense funds for this stuff at the government level, the big foundation level, as well as at the individual donor level. It’s Mark Twain’s “the King” and “the Duke” con men in Huckleberry Finn traveling from town to town up and down the Mississippi duping the simple folk into giving them money for “moral goals.” When that 70-yr-old televangelist’s wife with the purple beehive, three pounds of mascara, and false eyelashes a yard long, all tricked out in a lavender chiffon babydoll-dress-for-geriatrics looks into the camera close-up and starts crying, shedding bitter tears about Jesus or the poor starving children or what-have-you, it’s guaranteed good for millions in contributions pouring in that very same day. The Jews are doing their own version of that but working the race/discrimination angle instead of Jesus, and they’re milking the whole population, the entire economy, not just the Baptists.

  17. “Goy” and “anti-semite” are both offensive terms, create a hostile environment for white people, and are not used in professional situations or polite company.

    The constant smearing of diverse European peoples with animal-based slurs like “cattle” and “sheep” is an extremely offensive examples of anti-White prejudice.

  18. The point being the Jews are pocketing huge amounts of cash from this racket, exactly as the Rod Parsleys and Reverend Schulers are doing but in a much bigger league.

  19. #24: you’re right — I’m suggesting avoidance of “anti-Semitic” by others while using “goy” myself. That’s right, I do that. But the difference is I use “goy” sarcastically/satirically while HW uses “anti-Semitic” for real. He’s serious. I wouldn’t mind if his use of it were sarcastic/satirical like mine. But it isn’t. He actually means it.

  20. HW is not an anti-Semite nor are the positions he recommends anti-Semitic positions. He should stop calling them those things regardless of what the Jews call them. He should call them what they are, which isn’t those terms.

  21. For liberals this type of video is fried chicken – not just satisfying but fingerlicking good. Things like these are made by a formula.
    The inconsistent logic is almost rhythmic. A talking head describes their experience of racism for a minute or two – then you see the interviewee pause and strain to find words, and produces something completely inane. No reflection or pause on this. Two or three cuts of these inanities in a row, from different heads – then a cut to interpretive dancing, we doubt the dancer has any idea what her rubber stretching and curb stepping is supposed to mean. The other three actors are like something left on the beach at lowtide.

    It’s called ‘chickensoup for the soul’….yid schmaltz. Anyone who has had to sit through a girlfriends weeknight drama class has seen several iterations of this propaganda kit.
    This stuff works on Liberals. Some of us should get together with a video camera and produce a documentary using the same rhythms, the same sublogic or lack of, maybe a white interpretive dancer doing a ‘pygmies rip my butt’ in slo-mo….as in this documentary.

    The stuff works on people you want to reach. True, you might/would be called brainless assholes by non-liberals. But this film uses ‘art’ in a sense in inoculate itself from rational criticism. You should look at films like these and see an opportunity.

  22. I don’t have a problem with using the term “anti-Semitism” to describe my views. It means “hostility or prejudice against Jews. Discrimination against Jews.” I wish to exclude Jews from a White ethnostate. I’m biased against the Jews.

  23. “I’m biased against the Jews.”

    No you’re not. That’s not bias. Bias carries connations of lack of justification, connotations of unreasonableness. This isn’t any such thing.

  24. Even considering the advanced state of our highway system, I have to admit we’re running out of lampposts for the traitors. What ever shall we do?

  25. @Fred Scrooby

    HW is not an anti-Semite nor are the positions he recommends anti-Semitic positions. He should stop calling them those things regardless of what the Jews call them.

    That’s a good point, I am no “anti-semite” or “goy” or any such thing, and to characterize my opinions by these “smear labels” is offensive. Of course I understand your sarcasm, I’m sure you understand mine.

    I am not any sort of “anti-semite” (whatever that means) and speaking out against Jewish attacks on our diverse European people is simply a natural impulse for people of our tribe.

    Especially in the context of this hateful propaganda video.

  26. “speaking out against Jewish attacks on our diverse European people is simply a natural impulse for people of our tribe.” ( — Parler)

    Natural and wholly justified. What the Jews will claim in calling it “anti-Semitic” isn’t that such protests are unjustified where you’ve fingered the right culprit, they’ll simply claim that in this case 1) you’re fingered the wrong culprit — they’re innocent, it isn’t them doing it (they absolutely deny Kevin MacDonald), and 2) what made you finger the wrong culprit, namely them, is your anti-Semitism.

  27. The ones they and everyone else see doing it who, it can’t be denied, are Jews, they call not Jews but “liberals” and see as indistinguishable from generic garden-variety “non-denominational” liberals, identical to Euro liberals, and therefore it’s “anti-Semitic” to discern a Jewish pattern instead of a generic non-denominational “liberal” pattern.

  28. Of course there IS a Jewish pattern fundamentally distinct from the “generic liberal” pattern and it’s on that basis that our side rightly calls them on it.

  29. Unlike you, Fred, Hunter is being refreshingly candid when he calls a spade and spade and admits he’s an anti-Semite. When he cheerfully adopts the the term, he is just as transgressive against the Jews and much less phony than you . You sound like a dishonest …

    Edit: Flame deleted

  30. “anti-
    A prefix whose basic meaning is “against.” It is used to form adjectives that mean “counteracting” (such as antiseptic, preventing infection).”

    Anti-Semitic, preventing politically correct infection. 🙂

  31. Scene1

    A woman, in her late 40’s, early 50’s (babyboomer) struggles with a question, tears in her eye, wincing as she brings back painful memories to the surface…..

    “I was 15 when mom brought Mahummad Jefferson Uhmbaatzini back to our house with my sisters. She told us he was a Nigerian millionaire in exile. I remember the way he looked at us… like we were……(struggles to recall the memories….but only tears come to the surface)
    Later he would bring us strange clothes….plastic high heels and leopard print spandex hotpants….and said he wanted us to put it on……….(woman has to stop to deal with emotions ……there is a long pause)

    CUT TO:
    woman dancer with twirling interpretive scarf bends over backward till her hands rest on the floor. Straightens and begins gyrating with increasing abandon. Background music is tribal conga drums along the lines of ‘Natives Are Restless’ theme.

    CUT TO:
    An older man, 50’s. I was 12 when they moved to our neighborhood. It was a good place for working class people. So they said these people were ‘boat people’, i was too young to have done ‘crack’ before……

  32. I have such unpleasant memories of being forced to sit through these types of videos that I respond to them much like victims of the Ludovico treatment respond to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony on Kubrick’s adaption of the Burgess novel, Clockwork Orange.

    One of my undergraduate Professors is a professional “anti-racist academic.” He was on the PBS special, “Race: The Power of an Illusion” and he’s featured as an “expert” on their page here:


    After much arguing, I got this guy to admit that serious genetic differences do exist between populations of man, that these cleavages can be quantified scientifically, etc. He begrudgingly admitted this truth while adding, “however, that is ethnicity, and not race.” I replied, “So we’re not talking about a used car, but a quality, pre-owned vehicle. You can use whatever euphemism you want, Professor ___, but racial differences are real and the efforts of social engineers like yourself will never change that.”

    Needless to say, this Professor and I did not get along very well, and it was an unpleasant semester. It was a required course (American History 2), and not part of some ethnic studies program or anything, but this guy treated it like a lesson at the Highlander Training School. I still have the syllabus and occasionally show it to friends who don’t believe how insane this guy is.

  33. SceneII

    CUT TO:

    A man sits kneading his fist into one hand. he looks up at the camera with a look of frustration and suppressed rage.

    “I have such unpleasant memories of being forced to sit through these types of videos that I respond to them much like victims of the Ludovico treatment respond to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony on Kubrick’s adaption of the Burgess novel, Clockwork Orange………..”
    The man takes a drink of Jack Daniels and begins a tale of quiet horror.

    CUT TO:

    spotlight on two overweight black woman in black leotards and one skeletal asian dressed in brown stand facing a medium white woman in a white leotard who is down on her knees on a stage. The backdrop is a large Diego Riviera mural of an industrial holocaust scenario.

    “Black,Brown,Black,Brown,Black,Brown,Black,Brown,…….whitey ain’t got no
    Black,Brown,Black,Brown,” the colored women chant at whitey

    CUT TO:
    black hands beat the “natives are restless” theme on bongo drums

  34. #40: The term “anti-Semite” is fraught with all kinds of baggage implying unreasonableness, prejudice, Jew-hatred-supposedly-“because-when-you-were-seven-the-priest-told-you-they-killed-Christ-and-you’ve-hated-them-ever-since.” Adopt the term, adopt its baggage.

  35. You are quite right, as usual, Fred. Jewry has hijacked Marr’s term, and through repetitive propaganda and ‘programming’, have turned it into an ideological weapon in their arsenal. ‘Jew Wise’ is much more logical than the emotionally loaded Jewish canard of so-called ‘anti-Semitism’. Semites are a language group, including Arabic of course, so this term should be kept in perspective.

  36. Jews are the cancer of history. To eradicate jewness is so self evidenly desirable that only an utter reprobate could oppose it.

  37. “I have such unpleasant memories of being forced to sit through these types of videos that I respond to them much like victims of the Ludovico treatment respond to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony on Kubrick’s adaption of the Burgess novel, Clockwork Orange.”

    Oh yeah have had to sit through non-sense like this at the job I have on a Jew-niversity campus!

    Alot of this stuff that is going on in the ‘Diversity seminar’ realm is eerily similar to how my East German relatives described Communist brain-washing techniques!

    This totalitarianism must be fought!

    Indeed it is one of the reasons that have sparked me to becoming more active in White Nationalism and kick back some (soon to be worthless) ZOG Bux to the Occidental Observer anonymously. Wish I had a type of job I didn’t have to go sneaking around like some Crypto-Jew though but I try to do my part.

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