About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW,

    Everything I had to say was in the Tim Wise thread but I’ll go ahead and copy it over here. It was more or less an exercise in live blogging on my part.

    “Giles is f**kin up his interview with HW by banging on about Linder and the possible homosexuality of Johnson. Ridiculous.”

    “Giles wants to act as if this is the dark ages and that reclaiming our civilization is a simple matter of assembling a barbarian horde and charging. If nothing else, that’s clearly what he identifies with.”

    “It is manifestly ridiculous to say that all that needs to be written has already been written. In point of fact, any kind of White ethnostate that we may dream about will face extremely complicated political questions that we haven’t even begun to solve. Who is going to solve these kinds of questions? Ex-football players who’ve been trained to slam someone’s dick in the ground?!

    There’s also a recruiting element to this as well. Writers and thinkers can create the requisite intellectual space needed to attract more people.”

    “Still discussing the dysfunctional internal politics of WN’s recent past…”

    “Giles still can’t get beyond the potential sexual orientation of Greg Johnson. Need I say more…”


    “Next time I would suggest Hunter prepare a list of topics he wishes to discuss because letting Giles control the interview is a disaster.”

    While I agree with this suggestion I am not sure that it would’ve made that much of a difference. Giles seemed determined to talk about Linder and his hangups with Johnson. Even if HW had managed to talk about the possible future scenarios under which a White ethnostate could be birthed I am confident that Giles would somehow steer the conversation into an aside about Johnson’s sexuality.”

    “I got the sense that Giles was so taken with Linder’s style that he turned off his more critical faculties.

    For that matter, why is Giles doing radio if he’s naturally repulsed by intellects? Now that’s a disconnect.”

  2. HW,

    I also greatly appreciated the opportunity to hear your voice and style of conservation.

    Just listening to you I felt like I already knew you. The intellects of our race all speak the same language.

  3. And yeah, Lindstedt vs Linder, now that would be a debate. I think Lindstedt is more than a match for Linder. Jim Giles you should set that up.

    That will be like an episode of Deadliest (Internet) Warrior, Christian Identity vs The Anti-Semitic Exterminator.

  4. My last comment.

    On the matter of pseudonyms, it is clear to me that the effectiveness of our message is independent of our online handles (so long as they aren’t ridiculous). In most cases, the only thing that we accomplish by dropping our pseudonyms is that we reveal our identity to those who might do us harm, winning the respect of proto-stormtroopers like Giles doesn’t offset this.

    Pseudonyms also encourage people to engage in a dialectic that would otherwise incur upon themselves various social costs. More than anything else it is the anonymity of the internet that allows our message to enter mainstream discourse.

  5. “And yeah, Lindstedt vs Linder, now that would be a debate. I think Lindstedt is more than a match for Linder.”

    LOL! Now that’s funny. I agree btw. Lindstedt gives the impression of craziness, but he’s no fool.

  6. All this posturing to force people to reveal themselves reminds me of that Israeli Jew from VNN that kept doing that.

  7. (1) I was not particularly impressed with the way Giles conducted the interview. As always, he sounded unprepared. There does not seem to be much focus or structure to his interviews. But maybe that is on purpose. The recent interview with Arthur Kemp was quite good, as Giles seemed to be intimidated by Kemp’s accent.

    (2) The sound quality was less than ideal, at least on my end. HW sounded as though he was calling from someone’s basement.

    (3) I had the impression HW was frustrated by the much of the discussion (on homosexuality and exterminating Jews) early on, and had a lot more to say in a more considered manner, but was prevented somehow from doing so. Towards the end it improved, but it should have been less Giles, more Hunter.

    (4) Giles’s remarks on Linder again. That whole dynamic reminds me of high school nerds who look up to the cool kids, the rebels. Giles clearly, IMO, has some kind of ‘crush’ on Linder.

  8. I’ll listen again tonight and rethink some of it. And, like many people hearing their voice over the line and finding it doesn’t sound like they hear it, it is always embarrassing to hear your own voice.

    I think you were doomed from the start, ‘Hunter.’ There are a lot of good reasons why Resistance support personnel shouldn’t give their own real names. I use the example of ‘Luke LaVellian’ as an example. He used his real name and the jews in California screwed him over but good. Which goes to show my position for decentralization in that if ZOG doesn’t need to know any names, ZOG doesn’t get the intel freebie.

    But of course not giving your name makes you sound evasive because it is evasive.

    Hunter also suffers from the same thing Jim Giles suffers from. A wish for a Whigger on Whorseback to save the whigger race from itz own ZOGling whiggerdumb. Not having a backbone they have a wishbone hoping that they will have a homeland of their own without parasitic jews, niggers, and beaners and beg like pussies for these vermin to please stop wanting to live where their White slaves live and slave for them under ZOG. At one time, it seemed surreal with the jews taking the part of the Egyptians and whiggers in the place of the Ancient Israelites. Imagine, jews as Egyptians and whiggers, as the descendants of the Israelites, whining like they would do to Moses about how YHWH drug them out to die in the wilderness — and YHWH granting theys slavish wishes. But then again, only a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity pastor can appreciate the irony of History repeating itself.

    If you are unwilling to kill jews, niggers, beaners — and, most importantly whiggers in order to save the overall White Race, then you are hardly serious. You are playing at Revolution. And thus Jim Giles and Alex Linder will eat your lunch.

    Way back in May 2005, I predicted how a Fade/Linder debate would wind up:


    Neither one is an effective debater. Great Master Debaters in they’s own minds, yes. Effective in real debate, no.

    Fade/Cunter/Brad has the tendency to post reams of the most oblivious shit like he was regurgitating for a political ‘science’ exam what he thinks are the correct answers. I’ve never seen any ability on the part of Fade to set up ‘killer’ questions, much less close the trap. Thus Fade is not much of a defender and is hopeless on the offense, like the Iraq Army, without evenas much as the typical A-rab’s ability to mount an ambush. Fade in debate is still Fade in real life: a rich whigger kid who has been crippled by too much of a rich lifestyle untempered by no adversity or anything that
    daddy’s money wouldn’t buy him. In a debate Fade would end up damaged but Fade wouldn’t realize it, Fade would think that he came out on top, simply because Fade has no ability to think of anyone other than himself. Linder would win any debate with Fade and Fade would be oblivious, as would most of the whigger pups here on phorafags/feebs.

    Linder is very good at haranguing on his own others. However, Linder cannot take a debate punch, like me bringing up on the Peter Shenk show that his supposed White Freedom Party wasn’t going to get the 60,000-100,000 ZOGbux needed to get 10,000 petition signatures to become a real political party in Missouri. Then when I asked where the money would come from and did it
    come from Traitor Glenn Miller, Linder was saved by Shenk’s cutting me off, as the liar did indeed use censorship to avoid a valid hard question: Who funds VNN/TGMNN if not ZOG through Traitor Glenn Miller?

    Linder comes across as nothing more than a devious guido to the Movement. Linder, unlike Fade, is smart enough to understand when he is in danger and when he has been wounded. That is why I am de facto banned from VNN/TGMNN and not oafishully banned from the Lindermiller rat’s nest.

    Linder is really, when it comes down to it, no more real or substantial than the piss-froth on top of the toilet bowl or one of my jugs when a man has to get up first thing in the morning and empty his bladder and fart. One of a man’s favorite sensual pleasures in life is getting up in the morning with a full bladder, going to the toilet, whipping up the water in circle eights into a fine head of piss-froth and then cutting loose with “The Great Fart of the Day.” That is what passes as mindless instinctual entertainment for normal ZOGling whigger herd animals across
    the fruited & nutted ZOG plains. However, for a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance activist like myself, one of whose inherent commandments is: THOU SHALT NOT WASTE SO THOU SHALT NOT WANT, I find myself pissing into jugs so as to fertilize my garden and cut down on my water and sewer bill paid to the Shitty of Granby. Thus I do not find piss-froth amusing nor can I afford to make circle-eights due to chancey jug/penis co-ordination. Piss-froth is for me a real pain in the ass. It keeps a piss jug from being completely full and makes me have to open up another
    reconditioned one too soon.

    Likewise with the [bowel] Movement. Contrary to what the ADL/SPLC/FBI tells their jews and whigger feeb followers, the Movement is not filled with SS strosstruppen. Far from it. The bowel Movement is filled with paytriots, jews, mamzers, rats, faggots, shitheads, and most of all, ZOGling whigger ass-clowns, absolutely without any discipline or good sense or even the survival instinct of a cockroach. One has to work with what they got, as I figured out a decade ago in the militia movement. Thus, the Movement finds
    me, again, pissing in a jug, trying to at least manage efficiently some waste product for the good of the racial garden. And therefore I say unto you again: Linder is flashy, Linder is foamy, Linder is nothing more than the piss-froth atop the bowel-Movement toilet bowl. Having to deal with piss-froth is a thankless task.

    I wrote the above on May 5, 2005 and not a single thing has changed.

    What your strengths are, Fade/Hunter, is running a forum or web page wherein a number of people with different views can debate the matter.

    My argumentation is about as subtle as a battleaxe in the pointed head. TraitorAlex LinderMillerwitz is a data-mining ZOG false-fronter and a rat. He ratted out that piece of shit Bill White/Weiss.

    So Fade/Hunter/Brad, you are good at what you do, but not a street fighter or warlord. If I were you, I’d simply open a forum wherein the White Nationalist Movement can have real “Free Speech For Whites” and let the chips fall where they may. Which is what StumbleInn is, and phorafags/feebs ain’t no more like it was after the Christmas Coup of 2004.

    I will ALWAYS, absent any future racial treason, love you as a brother for the generousity and decency in which you treated myself and Pastor 6Killer when we were kicked out of VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF after the Christmas Coup of 2004 five years ago.

    But a fighter you ain’t, Fade.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  9. Hunter Wallace runs Occidental Dissent.

    Is all the description he gave to Hunter, yet gave Wise a page and everyone else the proper amount. What’s the deal?

  10. I left the interview after the first 40 min or so. I really just got sick of Giles and his BS. I think Giles is a decent man and all, but his style of focusing on things that do not matter one bit is annoying. I do not care about Duke being a mony grubber nor do I care about all these litle WN soap operas.

    I’ll listen to the rest later where I can just jump over Giles BS and get to what Hunter is saying.

  11. I tried to post this in the other thread but it never made it and now that thread is closed so I’ll post it here, sorry if it ends up as a repeat.

    I’m going to speculate a little on why Linder stored Bill White’s IP and complied with the subpoena to hand it over.

    Almost ten years ago Linder went on the attack against the jews under his real name. That has ruined any chance he had of going back to the professional conservative movement and becoming one of the jew’s kept hacks.

    While he portrays this as a matter of personal morality, and to some extent it probably is, it’s also at least partly due to Linder’s stubbornness and hate for authority. In that way he’s like Jim Goad, who, given the chance to become a smartass anti-white satirist by compiling a “Redneck Encyclopedia”, found that he simply could not bring himself to do it.

    Linder was forced out of the (relatively) lucrative conservative racket by that same instinctive, stubborn integrity. He just couldn’t stomach being one of the big jew’s waterboys.

    As a result Linder has been condemned to a life of poverty and obscurity, with the authorities just waiting for him to make a mistake so they can give him the Bill White treatment and throw him in the gulag. And in return for this sacrifice the other people in this so-called movement side with the jews in attacking him.

    This is the source of his passive aggressive demand that people write under their real names. If he’s going to be crucified for it, damn it, he doesn’t want to be stuck hanging on the cross all by himself. He wants company, even if it is the company of thieves. Linder wants you to take up the cross and follow him up to Golgotha, praise the not actually existing Lord! But he isn’t exactly an inspiring leader, what with that ornery tendency to insult everyone and everything, so there he hangs all by himself, and he becomes increasingly bitter about his lonely vigil up on that old wooden cross.

    But if he can’t inspire others to follow him up there he can damned well make sure that anyone who gives him half an excuse is dragged out of their safe haven and nailed up beside him. So he makes use of his giant hoard of information gathered during his long years in the wilderness and every so often he shouts an accusation or an IP logfile to the crowd and a few bored Roman centurions gathered to watch him rot on the cross.

    That’s why the unseemly outing of Johnson, and the storing and releasing of White’s IP.

    He might not be so bitter if he had more fellowship with the flock.

    Brethren, won’t you take up your cross and follow him?

  12. You know of course, Hunter that I’m far removed from Linder ideologically.

    One thing you’ve got to consider though is that shock value sells.

    Look at gangster rap, heavy metal, satanism etc. It’s all more popular than white nationalism. More people are anti-establishment then you think. They may be all bark and no byte. It’s not necessarily a bad strategy to bark, but I hope Linder doesn’t really want to kill every person of Jewish ancestry. To make a large understatement, that’s unnecessary. Marginalizing Jewish political opponents should suffice.

  13. I did on mp3.

    The beginning is screwed up tech-wise but I think I can understand what you are trying to say. I listened to the whole thing.

    If you want me to promote it, I will.

  14. Is all the description he gave to Hunter, yet gave Wise a page and everyone else the proper amount. What’s the deal?

    Listen to the Wise and Potok interviews. Then listen to mine.

  15. Of course the most inappropriate part of the interview (and also when I turned it off) is when he asked Hunter if his Mom and Dad approved of him associating with a homosexual.

    It had already been 40 min into the interview and he was still harping on Johnson’s supposed homosexuality. Why is it Hunter’s problem if Johnson is gay? He just wouldn’t get off the damn subject. I personally would never waste anymore time on that radio show again and if I did, I would have prepared discussions ready to go. If he wasn’t willing to go along with my controlled discussion then I would not waste my time.

  16. If memory serves, I told him my parents don’t have the slightest problem with homosexuality. We have a few gay neighbors in our community. No one has a problem with them. In the event of a family emergency, I know they can be relied upon. They buried their little dog in the cemetary of our local Methodist church.

    OTOH, my parents would be deeply concerned if they knew I had been talking to people on the internet who support mass murder, people who want to exterminate young children because they are Jewish. They would freak out. Those are the kinds of sickos who get featured on MSNBC and Court TV.

  17. You don’t like the negative publicity strategy it seems. It isn’t so much that the media is consciously anti-white and therefore only displays crazy people. I believe it’s more that these crazy people are “more interesting” to the average person. Only introverted intellectuals enjoy suit and tie debate. If you are a person looking for some stimulation in your life, then a KKK rally attracts your interest more than Jared Taylor does.

    I enjoy your style better Hunter, but I think the wildman strategy is more likely to attract attention. And negative attention is better than none at all.

  18. Listen to the Wise and Potok interviews. Then listen to mine.

    Meaning what? I’ve listened to those and am listening to yours now.

    I don’t understand why Giles thinks he should be nicer to his enemies, and then goes on to say they deserve to be killed. He’s nice to their face, but talks tough behind their back?

    I’m with Giles about under circumstances of self-defense, a direct threat to yourself or someone you love you can use lethal force. But to somehow murder innocent people based on the actions or policies of a minority is absurd. Anyone who is responsible for policies that are against our people should be held accountable.

    There are plenty of examples of intelligent people who are also physically powerful. The military has plenty of them. It’s just that intelligent people usually aren’t brutes and care about their own well-being, they have something to lose, such as brain cells.

  19. I only listened to the later part of the interview, but it seemed more like a platform for Jim Giles to express his belief that pro-whites need to have the guts to be able to contemplate genocide if they want to save the race.

    Hunter was repeatedly forced to defend his view that you can be pro-white and still be a kind, decent, conventionally moral person; being pro-white does not consign you to having to have the heart of a killer.

    Giles pressed the attack even further by repeatedly saying Hunter really didn’t believe that genocide was out of the question as a tactic to save our race, he was just feigning moral outrage because he had to to remain respectable; Hunter was forced to say multiple times he truly found the idea repugnant.

    It was kind of awkward, because Hunter’s main point was that he wanted to move white nationalism away from being cruel and extreme characterizations like Giles’/Linders’ genocidal temperaments, and toward a more intellectually sophisticated, reason-based ideology (while still acknowledging uncomfortable truths about Jews and others who would stand in our way).

  20. OTOH, my parents would be deeply concerned if they knew I had been talking to people on the internet who support mass murder, people who want to exterminate young children because they are Jewish. They would freak out. Those are the kinds of sickos who get featured on MSNBC and Court TV.

    They should freak out. That kind of a sicko is one such person you call a friend. So it’s a peculiar situation you have yourself in.

  21. On the matter of pseudonyms, it is clear to me that the effectiveness of our message is independent of our online handles (so long as they aren’t ridiculous). In most cases, the only thing that we accomplish by dropping our pseudonyms is that we reveal our identity to those who might do us harm, winning the respect of proto-stormtroopers like Giles doesn’t offset this……

    All this posturing to force people to reveal themselves reminds me of that Israeli Jew from VNN that kept doing that…..

    Yerp. Martyrdom isn’t cool.

  22. LOL, I like how Giles labors under the delusion that we all agree with him and Linder that we should commit genocide, but we’re just being nice. I can’t help but think Giles has some serious issues.

    The real Litmus test is that if someone supports Linder they’re probably extremely unstable. I exclude Hunter because he doesn’t support Linder, but he is his friend for whatever reason.

  23. Which is pretty hilarious considering his strong opposition to homosexuality.

    Not to get too psych 101 on yeah, but don’t they often go hand in hand?

  24. I think the big mistake is in the use of the words “extermination” and “genocide,” when we really should be talking about war (as danielj points out above). Our enemies are actively trying to genocide us, so I certainly do not have an issue if the waging of war on our enemies leads to their disappearance. Does anyone today mourn Carthage?

  25. Linderite:
    …Almost ten years ago Linder went on the attack against the jews under his real name. That has ruined any chance he had of going back to the professional conservative movement and becoming one of the jew’s kept hacks.

    While he portrays this as a matter of personal morality, and to some extent it probably is, it’s also at least partly due to Linder’s stubbornness and hate for authority…

    Mr. Linder doth project. He kicked me from his sandbox, saying it was because I’m “anti-authoritarian,” among other nonsense.

    I haven’t listened to Hunter’s interview, but I will. Giles once challenged me on VNNF to come down to Mississippi and fist fight him over some slight, I forget what. I have listened to a couple of his interviews and he’s mellowed. From the little I’ve heard I like the way Jim comes across, though, like someone said, he could stand to be better prepared. He’s a one-man operation, unfunded. He’d be hell with a little assistance and some resources behind him. How many full-time staffers does Larry Ziegler have? Bobwa Walters?

    Hey, Fat man! You haven’t lost your touch since May of 2005. You are still the best, bar none, at whatever it is you do, praise YWHW!

    I saw somewhere that you had called Giles the “Dick Cavett of the Bowel Movement.” You’re nobody in the Bowel Movement until nicknamed by the Master. Your line, “Billy Roper, leading the “Come Meet Pastor Butler Before He Dies Tour” tore me up.

    Pray for me…

  26. When David Duke talks about his klan past and how it ruined him, he’s full of crap. The whole reason people find him interesting is that the klan is considered exotic. Duke knows this and denies it only to be provocative.

    While I think David Duke knows that’s bs, I think you really believe it Hunter. That the media is responsible for making “wn” look bad whereas in my opinion, it’s just that human beings are bored idiots who need crazy things to stimulate them.

  27. VNNF represents the apex of anti-semitism; the folks there, for the most part, see destroying Jews as one in the same with saving the white race. They truly have genocidal rage for Jews. You are not going to convince them with any number of rational arguments that genociding Jews is separate from saving whites.

    Unfortunately, Hunter, you can’t have it both ways: you cannot stay friends with Linder when the core of his being is tied to the annihilation of Jewry, unless you, too, make it the central purpose of your existence. Either Alex goes, or the Jews go. You gotta decide.

  28. The “Johnson is gay” has evolved into quite a meme on here and on VNNForum. Ditto “I’ve been plagiarized by a T.O.Q. writer!”

    Linder has produced ZERO evidence to back up either charge. What nonplussed amusingly called his own personal “no holes, no Holocaust” moment. He can’t even link to the Connolly article where he uses “loxist”- Linder’s obviously copyrighted pride and joy! What a budding Hemingway Linder is, no? Pure genius!

    Linder has been very good over the years at planting unsubstantiated charges and repeating them ad nauseum until they stick. It’s a shabby tactic, form a shabby individual with a mean-streak and a seared conscience.

  29. My first impression of Jim Giles was that he is a jock-sniffing dullard too easily impressed with Alex “the colon” Linder’s macho big talk about courage, honor, and the virtues of hatefulness, polarization, extermination, etc. But within the first minute of this interview, you can hear the malicious self-satisfaction, the evil gloating in his voice as he prepares to set upon HW. This will be the last Jim Giles interview I listen to.

    Giles and Linder: I think they are both a bit too obsessed with buttsex. They protest too much. Repression has addled their brains. They need to give in to the temptation. This is a match made in the devil’s anus. You boys need to stop this long distance affair. Jim needs to dim the lights, put on some slinky banjo make-out music, kick the hound dogs out of the bed, then invite Alex over to the trailer and consummate this.

  30. The SPLC should hire Linder. He should reap a material reward for all the pro bono work he has done. Maybe Jim Giles can pass along the telephone number of his good friend Mark Potok.

  31. What Giles needs to do is have as much courage when he interviews the enemies he claims to want to kill as he did when interviewing his racial brother and political ally HW.

  32. Linder has produced ZERO evidence to back up either charge. What nonplussed amusingly called his own personal “no holes, no Holocaust” moment.

    What happened to the ultimatum to come clean in 24 hours or he would commence total warfare? If he can’t come through with that meager effort certainly all his bloviating about Jews is just hot air.

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