About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah, he seemed to imply something in the interview would give a reason. I didn’t catch anything, maybe I missed it. Care to elaborate, HW?

  2. Hmm. I’m running through my checklist.

    1.) Associate with known government informants (Hal Turner, Rounder, Dan Jones).

    2.) Allow agent provocateurs like Richard Warman to run wild on your site.

    3.) Associate with known domestic terrorists or people accused of domestic terrorism (Todd in FL, Rounder, Bill White).

    4.) Associate with people who make threatening phone calls and hint at assassinating the President of the United States (Bill White).

    5.) Associate with Neo-Nazi clowns (Bill White).

    6.) Release IP address information to the Feds (Bill White, Hal Turner).

    7.) Smear viable pro-White institutions. Target them for destruction (National Alliance, VDARE, Stormfront, Amren, TOQ Online, TOO, etc.).

    8.) Attack the best people in the pro-White movement (Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Peter Brimelow, etc.).

    9.) Stake out the most extreme positions possible to alienate ordinary, moral, decent Americans (Murder the Jews).

    10.) Advocate the destruction of Christianity.

    11.) Sow as much discord within the pro-White movement as possible.

    12.) Win the endorsement of Tim Wise for services rendered to the anti-racist cause.

    13.) Recruit as many kooks, sociopaths, and dysfunctional types as possible. Create a home for these lost souls.

    14.) Hitch the pro-White message to vulgarity and crudity. Heap scorn on the rational fact based approach.

    15.) Incite others to engage in violence. Praise lunatics like James von Brunn, the Holocaust Museum shooter. Meanwhile, the Feds turn a blind eye to you, unlike Matt Hale.

    16.) Bash attempts to reach out to the middle class as “conservatism.”

    17.) Redefine White Nationalism as extermination of the Jews.

    I’m no crime scene investigator … but is this a pattern of behavior?

  3. Another thing that strikes me as odd, Linder is always insulting the intelligence of his own forum members. Maybe he’s hinting that they are gullible and can’t figure out his true motives, as you just hinted at.

  4. HW and I share a similar personality type: rational, detached, inductive, slow to draw conclusions, slow to judge, slow to anger. But when the last bit of data falls into place, or when a final emotional line is crossed: that’s it. I think HW is there.

  5. Hey, HW gave Linder every chance to redeem himself, but it’s just a lost cause. It’s fight or flight now, and I’m glad to see HW is a fighter.

  6. Shock value should not be done under the banner of suit and tie activism.

    The mainstream and vanguardists should remain segregated. That’s my conclusion.

  7. Shock value still needs to serve a purpose, other than for the sake of itself or personal gratification. GLR for example used shock value in a productive manner.

  8. I forgot the most obvious one!

    18.) Attack people for using pseudonyms. Call them cowards. Demand they use their real identities for the SPLC can database them and contact their employers.

  9. Why is linder keeping IPs? Codoh Forum deletes them every three days, for example. Think about that one for a second. He also heaps scorn on all those who use pseudonyms. Is this normal? He obviously wants to hurt and expose those who are foolish enough to trust him. Additional evidence that points to linder working as a federal agent. How else could he make a living when any employer can google him in two mouse clicks. This loser is simply unemployable by any non-criminal outfit, except as an informer for the FBI. Linder is a fed. I’m pretty sure of it. Everything points in that direction. If it quacks like a duck…

  10. Here’s another:

    19.) Encourage dysfunctional behavior. Advise people to abandon what they are actually good at. Advise the writers to become grass roots activists, the activists to become writers. Throw a monkey wrench into the gears.

  11. Giles pressed the attack even further by repeatedly saying Hunter really didn’t believe that genocide was out of the question as a tactic to save our race, he was just feigning moral outrage because he had to to remain respectable; Hunter was forced to say multiple times he truly found the idea repugnant.

    I’ll put it in terms Giles may have a better chance understanding:

    Advocating genocide is not good for whites. See how that works? Nice and neat.

    HW, why did you close the Wise thread?

  12. The only reason I listened to this interview was the chance to hear Hunter speak but Giles allowed him few opportunities. Giles squandered great opportunities to interview men like Kevin Macdonald by repeatedly asking “Why aren’t you tough like Linder?” and “Why are you friends with homosexuals?”

    “Alex, uh, Alex doesn’t-Wyatt Earp came to me in a dream last night. He said Alex Linder doesn’t realize you don’t have to tell the posse who you going to hang, just get them to saddle up.
    *dead silence*
    Do you understand that?

    “Alex is a Navy Seal and he’ll smash your dick in the dirt but he isn’t a good singer.”

    “What would your parents think of you being friends with a homosexual?”

    ” I’m an objective journalist.”

    Mr. Giles, please stop making yourself look like an idiot. It’s amusing but… please stop. It reflects poorly on the rest of the ‘movement.’

  13. Iceman, I’m sorry to hear it. Did he tell you why he would not remove your name? Another act of treason. The baseness of that character is breath-taking. He obviously didn’t remove it because he wants to hurt you. Linder’s a classic asshole.

  14. The mainstream and vanguardists should remain segregated. That’s my conclusion.

    Yes. If Linder closed up shop his customers would all have to go elsewhere. Any guess where that would be? Linder definitely serves a useful purpose.

  15. Richard Warman and Alex Linder share a few character traits: both have a mean-streak, both get their jollies from destroying other people’s lives, both are fanatical in their self-righteousness, and both work for Jewish organizations and the federal government.

  16. He is seeing the light after this BS interview with Giles. Something felt off the moment I tuned in this morning. HW has so many topics that he has discussed on this site, yet Giles decided to jump right in and attack him with Linders’ charges (which have nothing to do with this blog) rather then discuss other important topics.

    For example, I was expecting a long exchange this morning about Tim Wise and Mark Potok, you know, our real enemies whom Giles had interviewed just days before. Instead we got more of the BS about Mr. Johnson being a homosexual and KMac refusing to debate Linder. Then we got the long diatribe about how writers are pussies and not warriors and all this other garbage.

    The whole thing felt like a setup to me.

  17. In his chummy chat with Tim Wise, Giles gave him a glowing introduction, teed up several softballs for Wise, and let Wise give lengthy, uninterrupted responses. Giles did not challenge or refute Wise at all. Instead, he repeatedly complimented, agreed with, and sucked up to Wise.

    By contrast, in the Hunter Wallace “interview,” Giles harangued Wallace regarding Linder, extermination, and Greg Johnson. He went on and on about how he wants to get his “posse” together to start “legally” going on a genocidal rampage.

    As The Admiral said, Giles does have quite a crush on Linder. He is quite enamored of the foul-mouthed VNN proprietor. It was also quite a laugh to hear Linder/VNN defectives described as “special forces” and “black ops.”

    Linder, Giles, the VNN defectives, and company have persuaded me that Arthur Kemp is right. The “cancers” must be marginalized.

    There is no comparison between Alex Linder/Jim Giles/VNN defectives on the one hand and people like Jared Taylor, Arthur Kemp, and Kevin MacDonald on the other. Any normal white person will be repulsed by Linder/Giles/VNN defectives/costume clowns. We need more Taylors, Kemps, and MacDonalds, and we need to distance ourselves from the “cancers.”

    Giles pressed the attack even further by repeatedly saying Hunter really didn’t believe that genocide was out of the question as a tactic to save our race, he was just feigning moral outrage because he had to to remain respectable; Hunter was forced to say multiple times he truly found the idea repugnant.

    This was similar to the Arthur Kemp interview when the 9/11 conspiracy kooks came up. Giles forced Kemp to reiterate that he actually did not believe in crazy conspiracies and wasn’t just pretending not to.

    The recent interview with Arthur Kemp was quite good, as Giles seemed to be intimidated by Kemp’s accent.

    Quite true. Maybe Hunter should have attempted to use a Rhodesian/South African accent. LOL.

  18. Linder isn’t a fed or a jew trying to sabotage the pro-white movement. But it really doesn’t matter what his motivations are. His belief that the only thing jewish activists and globalists will respond to is violence is wrong and intellectually lazy; just like they swayed popular opinion toward their side after WWII, so racial nationalists can swing the pendulum back with the strength of our convictions.

  19. If Giles’ intent is to perpetuate the msm stereotype that white nationalists are a bunch of profane, foaming-at-the-mouth rednecks, then he’s doing a fine job. Bravo, Mr. Giles!

  20. Hunter, I’m not entirely sure where you are going with this. You can draw up all of the lists that you want, but it won’t change the basic reality of the situation.

    Namely, Linder has created meme after meme of benefit to white nationalism. Putting all of the criticisms aside, legitimate or not, you yourself have acknowledged (correct me if I’m wrong) that he has been an intellectual influence upon you. Linder has in fact influenced many a smart and capable person. He has been a veritable idea and insight factory. Why would the enemies of white nationalism fund/support/facilitate such a thing, if that is indeed the conclusion that you are drawing? You don’t build up or facilitate an enemy idea factory, and most especially not a good one. The enemy could have accomplished everything on your list without paying the price of powerful memes created and spread.

    On the other hand, some quibbling aside, Linder has certainly engaged in any number of misteps. That’s a pretty damning list you’ve got typed up, I grant. Some of the points are weak, but others…not so much. My own take is that Linder is the real deal, the radical deal. As a “radical” myself (not to say that I don’t have substantial disagreements with Linder), I understand radicalism when I see it. Alex is a radical’s radical. It’s a certain type, and most people simply aren’t of that type. Therefore, perhaps they can’t fully “get it.”

    Some of the things that seem so damning from a more mainstream perspective in fact make perfect sense to the radical. This, combined with Linder’s not being able to play well with others, is I think a far more probable explanation of the situation than any sort of subterfuge or nefarious intent. I would damn sure hate to be proven wrong on this, but I’m confident that’s not going to happen.

    That’s not to say that there aren’t people who claim to be something other than what they really are. Of course such people are around, in fact I would bet money that there is one on this very thread. In my opinion, he should have been banned long ago. But Linder? Nah. Again, radical’s radical. He also combines a certain brilliance with a sort of myopic immaturity. This, combined with radicalism, can sometimes lead to some rather disturbing decisions. It can also lead to brilliant insights. With Linder, you’ve got to take the good with the bad…he’s not going to change. I gave him what I believe to be some sound advice in the other thread. Impact? Zero. LOL! It just so happens that, in my view, the good far outweighs the bad.

    Also, in retrospect, Kievsky’s Linder post on the other thread pretty much nailed it.

  21. You don’t know that, G.W. The evidence we have marshalled points in one direction: Linder, like Warman, works for Jewish organizations and the federal government. They are the flip sides of the same coin.
    I have asked Linder how he makes a living while advocating the mass murder of various identifiable groups, particularly the Jews. He has not replied. He has never been arrested or prosecuted in Holder’s America for calling for the mass murder of various groups and individuals. Does that give you pause for thought? I also would like to point out that no Jewish organization has paid him a visit with baseball bats or guns. I’m sure the JDL or the Betar know where he lives. Jews are a serious people who mean business. This indicates that he works for Jewish organizations and is on their payroll.

  22. Linder is a fed. I’m pretty sure of it. Everything points in that direction. If it quacks like a duck…

    I think he is a fed and a Jew. I’ll pay for the test.

    20.) Advocate the destruction of unions. Advocate the elimination of popular social programs. Alienate the working class.

    My union is ripe for conversion and pro-white activism.

  23. A good effort by Hunter Wallace in spite of one of Jim Giles’ weakest and nuttiest performances.

    Most of the time Jim does a pretty good job by not cloyingly dominating the dialogue or getting too hyper. One of the worst interviewers I’ve ever soon was a minister in NYC who has/had a long-running cable access show with some fascinating guests but then proceeds to utterly monopolize the conversation to demonstrate his supposed erudition and brilliance so we barely hear the guest’s thoughts! STFU already! (to the NYC minister, for Jim Giles I’d just say tone it down, please).

    The genocide campaign being waged against Whites is very clever, long-term and subtle enough that most Whites aren’t even aware it exists. Those waging it rarely, if ever, actually articulate their true intentions in plain language.

    Jews themselves also suffer blowback from their anti-White, multicultural policies, including non-White violent crime, murder and rape, including some of their elites, like Gerald Levin having his son murdered by a Black thug he was working with for charity. But obviously marginalizing, dispossessing and ultimately genociding Whites is worth it to them. Probably some fraction of Jews, maybe even most, don’t think in terms of White genocide.

    Jim Giles is living in a deluded fantasy world if he thinks mid-level officers are going to rally around exterminationist ideology and then mass murder the enemies of Whites “legally”. Far more likely is the labeling of exterminationists as “domestic enemies” to be imprisoned or killed.

    Also, why is Jim Giles obsessed with legality? Just because the USA is being transformed fully legally into a tyranny with lots of “legal” corruption doesn’t mean this is legitimate. The Constitution has essentially been overturned by Talmudic complexity, corruption and usurpation. The system is rigged against us. Maybe we can salvage it or maybe we can’t. I think it partially depends on what we do over the next ten plus years. The good thing is that trying to work within the system is the single best way to wake up our people either way. We need to prove to our people that the deck is malevolently stacked against Whites so there is no doubt. If the system flexes and meets our needs, then maybe we can salvage the USA.

    Exterminationist policy and rhetoric is millstone around White Nationalism and Advocacy as we try to rebuild White identity, culture and ethnocentrism. It is a massive loser on many different levels. First, it’s inherently immoral and evil. It’s damaging to the White spirit. On top of the built-in Christian beliefs abhorring such killing, our people have been conditioned into Holocaustianity for nearly 70 years, along with decades of full-court press in culture, media, education, etc. It also plays to the worst activist and paranoid Jews, letting them justify their interference, dominance and oppression of Whites beyond their natural supremacism.

    It’s such an damaging policy for us I seriously wonder if some of those constantly pushing this are agent provocateurs doing COINTELPRO.

    Alex Linder and VNN are a mystery to me. On the one hand Alex is an outstanding communicator with many brilliant ideas, observations and essays and VNN is a massive resource of nuts-and-bolts pro-White, anti-Jewish-supremacism ideas, information, analysis, etc and includes some fantastic commenters like Kievsky.

    On the other hand the site wallows in an ugly hatred of non-Whites and Jews and sometimes pushes exterminationist rhetoric. In hearing his interviews and reading some of his posts I don’t think his rhetoric is ironic or feigned. He seems to literally believe Jews are cosmically opposed to Whites and will always try to undermine and exterminate them, so that Whites must kill them first in order to survive. I think Whites must make much more effort to reclaim our public voices, identity, ethnocentrism and advocacy before arriving at such a radical policy. I think eventually the Jews will make a deal when we have enough power and then we can coexist peacefully.

    On the other hand Alex seems completely opposed to a constellation of pro-White organizations, web sites, leaders, etc, which span the gamut from radical pro-White to current mainsteam. As someone who used to be a color-blind, anti-immigration, neoconned conservative, I can say that I came to be pro-White, anti-Jewish-supremacism through stages including paleoconservatism (which is where is partially started), Lawrence Auster, AmRen and others that would be dismissed by Alex. The key point is that when Auster complains about “anti-Semites” or AmRen refuses to name the Jew, and then you start reading and researching the actual issues, then you realize what the truth really is. Because they try to obfuscate the truth to protect the Jews, an objective, truth-focused White will eventually discover sources, like KMac, Tanstaafl, OD or VNN that succinctly explain why their explanations aren’t quite right and they’ve had to build up a Rube Goldberg kludge to hide the truth.

    In the future, as we create a much wider set of professional public relations work products targeted to many different segments of the White (and non-White) communities, we can speed up the process of White ethnocentrism and awareness, and include more of our average folks currently brainwashed by talmudvision and the inauthentic and illegitimate “leadership” of “our” “civil society”.

    BTW. I completely agree with Fred Scrooby and Alex Linder that we must be thoughtful about our terminology and avoid using bullshit, incoherent terms constructed by our enemies to weaken us, like “antisemitism”. This term is essentially meaningless with a long, checkered history of conflicting meanings, and is used by most of organized Jewry to include not only those to have a genuine animus to Jews as Jews, but also those who merely legitimately criticize Jews for their supremacist or bad behavior. That’s why I think we should use a term like anti-Jewish-supremacism because it more accurately describes our objections while naming their rampant supremacism which is nearly unchallenged in “our” “civil society”.

  24. Hunter Wallace
    20.) Advocate the destruction of unions. Advocate the elimination of popular social programs. Alienate the working class.

    That one would condemn almost the entire WN movement, you and Tom Metzger are the only well known WNs I can think of who aren’t right wing. Whites are generally to the right end of the political charts, much more so than any other racial group. Eliminate the jewish media, jewish financial support for the Democrats and non-white voters and most of those programs never would have come into existence in the United States.

    Another thing, Alex Linder isn’t a fed. He doesn’t follow that pattern. He’s not broadcasting Hal Turner type threats and trying to entice people into committing crimes. All his talk about violence is theoretical and political, just like a thousand Marxist books about revolution.

  25. In the post-Holocaust one does not advocate on an almost daily basis the indescriminate mass murder of Jews with impunity. The fact that Jews haven’t taken him out yet militates in favor of this scummy character working for them as an agent provocateur. He absolutely follows that pattern. It’s a matter of time before the complete truth comes out. We already know that he refuses to take down the real names and addresses of his posters and keeps their IPs for the sole purpose of providing them to the federal government and Jewish organizations. If it quacks like a duck…

  26. Wise, however, draws a distinction between racism as an “ideology” and racism as a “system.” Whereas any individual can hold “racist” attitudes, non-Whites included, Wise argued that “racism” is also a “system of inequality” embedded in our national institutions. He used white supremacy in the Jim Crow South as an example.

    In a very clever way, Wise is trying to push at the margins of our national discourse about race. This is a classic example of “discourse poisoning.” Rewriting the definition of racism allows him to incriminate Whites who don’t necessarily believe in the superiority of their own race. The long term goal is to use this new rhetoric of “white privilege” and “systemic racism” to sow even more White guilt and to justify further anti-White discrimination and wealth redistribution.

    So-called “anti-racists” put their heads in a noose with this “systemic racism” and “white privilege” crap.

    If all whites are by default “soft racists,” then clearly the only way to save the poor “colored folk” is to keep them well away from whites. This is more humane to both sides than the Clockwork Orange fate psychos like Wise have lined up for us.

    Jews are the ones who cannot be criticized. In this country, you can discuss the Christian Right all you want, but not the Jewish Left. We should be talking about Jewish privilege, not White privilege.

    Yes, which means “crusaders” like Wise are bullies, picking on the weaker targets while ignoring the big boys.

    18.) Wise has probably become an anti-Zionist champion of the Palestinians because he knows Israel isn’t going anywhere. He gets to make a rhetorical point at little cost.

    Bingo. This should be pointed out by ethnopatriots every chance we get. How can Wise prove otherwise? By doing. By showing his “anti-racist” priorities are in order by shelving his opposition to Euro ethnopatriotism (a few voices in the wilderness) and getting to work on Jewish ethnopatriotism (a regional superpower ethnostate).

    20.) Wise doesn’t have any objection to imposing integration by force. He would force the races to mix, but opposes the use of force in separating them. This is hypocritical.

    To say nothing of the fact that whites=inherent soft racists, ergo, forced integration=deliberate harm to “colored folk.”

    24.) If lynching is a legitimate racial grievance, why not black-on-white rape?

    We already know Wise’s response. It will fall along the lines of his general excuse for blacks targeting whites via violent crime. He has some really choice snake oil for this one, a bunch of totally innumerate nonsense that the late Birdman Bryant effectively evaporated. Also, he says that blacks target whites because whites have money, and not because they hate whites, to absolve blacks of any taint of “hate crime.” Somehow this isn’t racist stereotyping (and it goes without saying that Wise won’t be pointing out this “disparate impact” any time soon), but presumably whites thinking blacks are less intelligent is racist stereotyping.

    Wise is not impressive. He’s a dodger. If he had true conviction he’d debate his opponents in a venue that would allow them to respond to all of his points. Instead he avoids them like the plague.

  27. (Sorry I didn’t name the quotes, there were too many for me to bother)

    Wise is an outrageous liar and general BS artist. For details search “A Word to the Wise on Race” by Jason Malloy. It’s on gnxp.com so I can’t provide a link- razib redirects to interracial porn for links from known WN sites.

    Yes, Wise is a 21st century snake oil peddler. Ever seen him debate in text format? I haven’t. In a bulletin-board style debate, opponents would have the time to run down and skewer his lies one by one. This is why Wise sticks to real-time debate, like Wise vs. Taylor, where his total lack of scruples (in particular, his willingness to lie) are an asset, not a liability, and one-way information flow, like essays. He’s smart and verbally facile, but he has to lie to get the job done because he’s on the wrong side of the issues.

    I hope HW is right that this guy is the gold standard of “anti-racism.”* In that spirit, I think every serious ethnopatriot who mentions Wise (other than in passing) should challenge him to a text debate where replies are reasonably assured. He won’t debate us, so we should at least mock him for ducking us as a matter of policy (What, he doesn’t have time? This is his JOB for God’s sake!).

    * (that term, if used as it applies to people like Tim “nobody here but us evil white folks” Wise, should always be scare-quoted)

    Checking to confirm Wise is a jew, which he is, came across this from jewish tribal review, chock full of telling stuff.

    Has there ever been a person named “Wise,” or “Bright,” or “Smart,” who wasn’t a Jew, or at least, didn’t get the name by being directly descended from one? Genuinely curious.

    That nothing I have said here will matter to those whose vitriol regularly fills my inbox is testimony to nothing so much as their deep psychological need to project their own authoritarian tendencies onto others.

    It just occurred to me that evidence of Wise’s true persona was revealed starkly at the late Birdman Bryant’s site, and that this evidence is probably now lost. A pity, because his nasty little psyche was exposed for all to see. It was also funny to see him repeatedly threaten Bryant with a lawsuit for publishing quotes from his emails (which revealed him for the nasty little Jew he really is).

    Edit: ah, I see Alex posted these priceless gems from Wise. Excellent! Quite the charmer, isn’t he? Doesn’t even have the sense not to act like a Covington character when corresponding with an ethnopatriot.

    Is he trying to implicate Hunter Wallace in the breaking of a federal statute?

    Linder got that from Birdman Bryant’s site, where it was posted for the world to see. Linder (and by extension, OD) is no more legally at risk than the MSM is for broadcasting the leaked AGW emails.

    I haven’t listened to the interview yet, but he should have asked him if he hates whites so much why did he marry and have children with a white woman.

    He’d reply that he himself is white, and that he doesn’t hate white people.

    What race is Tim Wise’s wife Kristy? If she’s caucasian isn’t he immorally bolstering the “artificial construct” known as “the white race” by marrying her when he could have married a Negro? If she’s caucasian what prejudices led him to marry her rather than a person of color? And is she Jewish? If so, all of the above questions apply, but doubled.

    Now we’re talking. 🙂

    So I feel sorry for his children who he probably subjects to his rabid anti-white beliefs.

    Nah, see, his kids will be indoctrinated, and so be anointed into the chosen race of “righteous, ‘anti-racist’ whites.” They won’t hate themselves any more than Wise hates himself; they’ll hate all the unwashed whites who won’t bend knee to them and theirs.

    I feuded with you, Linder, Miller, MuadDib and countless others.

    MuadDib, LOL, there’s a blast from the past. I got into plenty of scrapes with him on SF. What’s he been doing since his SF mod days?

    Right, even “disparate impact” is some invisible force of racism, cosmic racism!

    “Disparate impact” is the road right to Wise’s soft underbelly, since practically everything he advocates has “disparate impact” (in the rhetorical, rather than legal sense) written all over it.

  28. Jim Giles sounded unhinged in this ‘interview.’ This was less of an interview and more of a deranged monologue by Giles.

  29. RE: unrestricted warfare

    (1) I am sure all the files have been transferred up the chain of command to the appropriate people at the ADL, the SPLC, and the FBI.

    (2) The Giles interviews with McDonald and HW are also parts of the unrestricted war.

  30. All those who have given Linder their real names, addresses, etc. should know that the federal government and all Jewish organizations have them and act accordingly. Tim Wise is a pyker when it comes to destroying Whites. Linder does more to destroy White people than any single individual working and living in America today.

  31. You guys are concluding that Linder and Giles are working for people who hate racially conscious activists because Giles was nicer to anti-racist than to racialists.

    I don’t know if I can conclude it surely, but it is a theory I’ll have to examine.

  32. The only reason I am holding my fire is because I don’t want to agree with you and then end up being proven wrong.

    But I share your “suspicion.”

  33. Here is the piece Linder claims plagiarizes him. Note:

    (1) It appears on the Occidental Observer (edited by Kevin MacDonald), not TOQ Online (edited by Greg Johnson).

    (2) Connelly quotes (with full attribution) a comment by David Duke, which is clearly Connelly’s immediate inspiration: “Funny, there is no word for being anti-Gentile found in the dictionary as there is for being anti-Semitic.” I don’t think this is an impossibly profound or unique thought; but if Linder believes anyone who says something along those lines is plagiarizing him, he should be going after Duke (but Duke’s a “real white nationalist” to Linder).

    (3) Linder came up with a term for Jewish hatred of non-Jews: loxism. I’m guessing Linder is more offended because he “knows” Connelly knows this (because of course everyone reads VNN forum and hangs on Linder’s every utterance), yet ignored it and went in search of a better word.

  34. Jim Giles’ moral reasoning is baffling to be generous. A group of blacks kill Christian and Newsome ergo 7 year old Jewish girls are now fair game? What the? He also seems to equate or conflate legality with morality, as if “going after” people under the aegis of legal mandate excuses whatever excesses are committed. It’s like he’s stuck in concrete-operational mode. Now if Giles wishes to argue that morality itself is just an extension of preferences and has no substance in itself; that power and the exercise thereof should be our only concern, that’s all fine and dandy as long as he realizes the implications of that philosophy and is prepared to deal with it.

    A very disappointing interview overall I should say, and it’s a shame that Hunter wasn’t given the latitude allowed to Tim Wise, as I find Hunter’s historical perspectives very enlightening and would enjoy hearing him discuss the history of racial relations in the US very much.

  35. Linder has explained what he’s doing. He’s under the impression that everything between Zionism and anti-Semitism must be actively destroyed so the choice can be as stark as possible. You and MacDonald are the most immediate threats to this goal because you threaten to introduce resistance to Jewish domination which focuses on White self-determination rather than Jewish genocide.

    Giles has become persuaded to this line of reasoning. It naturally complements his own vision of a military officer using night vision goggles and oaths and honor and stuff to rescue us damsels in distress. To really understand where Jim Giles coming from, one need only sing along to the lyrics of “Bonnie Tyler – I Need a Hero”.

  36. I’m also sick of hearing about how tough everyone is or isn’t. I don’t care if Hunter Wallace or Alex Linder can beat up someone or bench 400 lbs. I believe in staying physically fit and strong, but this screaming “slam his dick in the mud” stuff is really unbalanced IMHO.

    BTW where was that bravado in the Wise interview? He’s one of the few people who actually gets me physically upset with his lies and hatred, but this man was treated as if he was being interviewed by NPR

  37. I listened to as much of the interview as I could stand. Around the third time Giles repeated his Wyatt Earp tirade about men with badges killing the enemy I gave up. Hunter, you have the patience of a saint. I would have hung up after his first monologue.

    Ironically, on those occasions when Alex Linder has confronted his critics on WN radio he’s been far less rude and obnoxious than Giles was in this program.

  38. The SPLC should hire Linder. He should reap a material reward for all the pro bono work he has done. Maybe Jim Giles can pass along the telephone number of his good friend Mark Potok (-Hunter Wallace)

    I don’t know who Hunter Wallace is but the above quote tells me he is a little man with a small intellect. He is no danger to the enemy and never will be. He has no understanding where people like Linder and Giles are coming from and he never will. That’s why Marks and Friedrich Brauns like him. His type is very easy to be neutralized and rendered impotent by the Jew. Not so for the types of Linder and Giles; that’s why I am certain that we’ll hear more and more about gentlemen like these two guys as the situation in US keeps deteriorating. Hunter Wallaces will simply disappear in obscurity when the hell breaks loose.

  39. “Jim Giles sounds like a dumb hick.”

    An arrogant dumb hick at that.

    He was so obviously against Hunter right from the get-go!

    Let’s see — he gives a softball interview to Tim ‘Wise-Ass’ … and can’t seem to stop praising Linder.


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