About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. still listening to the interview. J. Giles, apparently needing to compensate for groveling at Wise’s feet, makes it clear he is one badass southern white Rambo Osama Hussien with the night goggles and the bowie knife covered with non-faggot sweat heading for the mutha of all non-homo battles. At the expense of a guest who happens to be, not a jew or SPLC lawyer, homosexual, but a decent white nationalist who will not engage in idiot diatribes.
    Where were the night goggles and the non-homo sweat when talking to Wise or the SPLC p.o.s? I must have missed the genocide baby part…..so what did Wise say?
    Bless Giles for fighting the good fight but he has proved himself an blow hard simpleton who doesn’t walk the talk. Giles has an excuse because as he admits himself, he’s not that smart. He needs to shine when he can shine, even if that means counting on the tolerance of his allies rather than the opposition of his enemies.

    Nice job Hunter. My guess is you didn’t expect to get bushwacked into a hour long diatribe about cutting throats, nightgoggles, genocide, homosexuals and LInders singing of tunes and a complete waste of time for the listener. The fact that an opportunity for an intelligent discussion was lost is down to Giles. At least this was an experience you can learn from.

    This anti/pro Linder thing is past boring. The people who hijack every thread to campaign against him are just as suspicious as they say he is. Not of being crypto jews or fed agents but of being fools who waste peoples time and degrade every thread for their own personal vendettas. A waste of time like Giles fantasies of a Linder covered in bowie knives rhetorically cutting throats/booting balls while Giles does play by play for Mississippi free radio.

    Every movement reaches a point where the war-clowns and the bloodred psychopaths have to be controlled and disciplined. They served a vital part holding the line when the battle seemed all but lost and at it’s lowest – and they deserve eternal respect for the courage and fortitude and plain craziness they brought to the table when it was needed.
    But they are going to have to take a backseat if this thing is going to gain purchase.

    I vote you moderate this forum, allow free speech but not personal vendetta’s
    or useless insanity that needs to be repeated again and again because people do not care.

  2. I have no doubt that Linder set up Giles prior to the interview with precise instructions on how to sabotage H.W. That’s how Linder operates and Giles is too stupid and ignorant to see what type of a game is being played around him.

    I note that Grimoire swooped down on this thread to declare his “boredom” at the the litany of points that have been raised regarding Linder’s low and vicious character and toxic presence for White Nationalists without addressing any of them, or the very strong likelihood that his an informer. I guess Grimoire isn’t too bothered by any of it. After all, these are just minor issues. Nothing to see, move along…Another imbecile.

  3. Hunter:

    I was highly impressed with your delivery…not much time to speak, to be sure, but for your age, you did fine.

    Careful, lad, the War exists on both sides of the aisle; Giles represents a segment of the WN’st community, you are beginning to represent another, a balance which, at best, is hard to reconcile.

    Be that as it may, the issue of homosexuality is quicksand, your personal cultural mannerisms, or sense of culture, not withstanding.

    Your words are speaking volumes…stand on your own…I would strongly advise you to stay away from overt inculcation within the ‘intellectual’ community, and their organizations; the OD is doing very well, and your following seems to be just as high-brow as these others.

    We will be following this interview issue with an Eagle-eye.

  4. Your almost right FB, these are not minor issues, they are non issues. The strong likelihood of his being an informer, is a stick smeared with shit that could be used on you, myself or anyone. You mention your proof is him turning over the ip log of his server on white- work on that….that is a good question…i’m interested in that.
    But making your point by polluting every thread with dozens of diatribes against Linder is not the same as proof. It is just you pointing a shit smeared stick that you will not put down, as a result you smell unpleasant.
    Do some legwork instead trying to just smear Linder from a distance. And not just crap about his character shows he’s a jew. That type of slander is exactly what they say jews do…..the jews aren’t men like J.GIles. Get out your night googles and get some info…..
    or take a shower, change your clothes and leave the shitstench outside because it’s distracting.

  5. re: Linder

    Wasn’t I saying it more than a month ago? Oh yes. Did anyone listen? No. But like FB says, better late than never.

  6. Shut up Braun. Seriously, if you could hear yourself you sound like a petty, vindictive, spurned lover. We get that you despise Linder, you don’t have to repeat it every half hour.

    Hey, why don’t you instead comment on my plan to create a white breeder organization – a “super-society” if you will – as a necessary preliminary step before launching into creating an actual white nation or ethnostate:

    The organization would explicitly define who is “white” and who isn’t. The members of the group, call them “Whitists”, elect representatives to make this determination (i.e. who gets admitted into the group and who gets expelled from the group).

    The two basic rules are as follows:
    1. Admission: Only persons with no descendants may petition to be admitted into the group. The earliest age at which someone can petition to join is 18. The offspring of two members is automatically a member at birth.

    2. Expulsion: A member is expelled from the group if he is shown to be guilty of having a descendant who is not a member of the group.

    What this means is that members must limit their procreation activities to other members of the group. In this sense the group defines a race, the “White Race.”

    And to ensure Whitists are singularly loyal to the White Race, they cannot have any non-Whitist descendants.

    The White Race should ultimately encompass all white people who feel it is important that their descendants stay white.

    The beauty of this plan is that it doesn’t depend upon creating a white ethnostate right off the bat, with all the attendant difficulties. At some later time, perhaps, the White Race can establish states, or take over the world, or whatever.

    Note that I hope the nations of Europe ultimately will become strict ethnostates, so this mainly applies to non-Europeans.

  7. Even if he’s an informant, it has to be studied how he got so much activity on his forum. What do people find so attractive about people who are cruel? Are white nationalists masochistic? I wonder if these big boards pay people to post.

    I know the only reason I was there was to refute what others said about me over another conflict.

  8. People, come on. There are too many “coincidences” here to ignore. Look at Hunter’s list again, at FB and Mark’s points. These things spell out a clear agenda. He’s a Fed agent provocateur. Beyond doubt. Take the blinders off.

  9. “Even if he’s an informant, it has to be studied how he got so much activity on his forum. What do people find so attractive about people who are cruel? Are white nationalists masochistic? I wonder if these big boards pay people to post.”

    No. They’re naive and angry. This leads them to play right into his hands.

  10. I now am taking the position that it should be assumed that he is a fed. In the case that he proves me wrong, I’ll apologize, which is very “fair” considering that I have every motive just to lie for self-interest.

  11. why not write up all the accusations you keep astroturfing the comments with, into a article:


    and put together your evidence, prosecution and defense in the comments section presided over by an elected Judge. Then a second comment thread for the jury where prosecutors and hostile witnesses are not allowed to intervene, the jury reaches a verdict – the judges passes a sentence or acquits.

    That would be more reasonable than the astroturfing going on, which just make the accusers look vindictive with no sense of honour (unlike J.Giles)

    Would J.Giles repeat endless catty diatribes on a comment board ? No cuz a superhero would put on night-googles and a badge and go straight for your balls….except thats illegal, and he may have a Wyatt Earp dream and wake up covered in non-homo sweat – he’d saddle up and bring in the traitor to sit in front of a judge and Jury to hang him.
    Anyway you can be sure men of action like J. Giles don’t go around spreading innuendo on bulletin boards or mouthing of how tough they are or what they’d do with a badge and night-googles on the radio for an hour and a half till everyone is sick of it.

  12. I believe in staying physically fit and strong, but this screaming “slam his dick in the mud” stuff is really unbalanced IMHO.

    I haven’t listened to the radio archive of the conversation, but notice how I sat there in silence listening to his monologue. I was stunned. He started coming on strong with all this bloodthirsty talk about thumping his dick in the mud, trained killers, physical brutes who beat up people, being vicious with a knife, etc.

    If I recall correctly, he kept talking about the need for rounding up a “posse” to go kill these people, not the Christian/Newsom murderers, whom I pointed out were getting either the death penalty or life in prison, but the black community per se. He denied he was hinting at the Klan, but that was exactly his drift. He went on about Alex being right about the need to exterminate the Jews and insinuated that I really secretly agree with him, but just can’t say so in public.

    I stood there with an incredulous expression on my face. I exploded on him.

  13. Does anyone know how Linder makes a living?

    I’m not trying to imply anything sinister here, I’m genuinely curious. I understand he doesn’t have a regular job. I think he has 1 or maybe 2 kids. Obviously he has medical bills to worry about – so how does he support himself? Is it all through donations? This must be a vary precarious way to live. Or does he have other sources of income? I have wondered about this from time-to-time…

    BTW – I like VNN and Linder’s broadcasts. I think Linder contributes a lot. But I don’t like his harping on “extermination” – it’s ridiculous and, as Hunter pointed out on Jim Gile’s show, simply immoral. Which reminds me – I don’t think much of Linder’s views on Christianity either – they are extremely facile, at best.

    Hunter – you’re doing a great job with this blog and I really don’t think Jim Giles did you justice during the interview. It wasn’t much of an interview really, it was more a rambling harangue on Giles’ part. I would like to hear you in another interview in which you’re given the chance to talk about yourself, your work and your opinions. That would be very interesting I’m sure.

  14. Giles has become persuaded to this line of reasoning. It naturally complements his own vision of a military officer using night vision goggles and oaths and honor and stuff to rescue us damsels in distress. To really understand where Jim Giles coming from, one need only sing along to the lyrics of “Bonnie Tyler – I Need a Hero”.

    In the South, we have millions of these yahoos. They were diehard George W. Bush supporters. Their animus is targeted at Muslims though, not the Jews.

  15. Wallace….you prick!……you got nuthin’ to say!…..you accuse Linder of bein’ “all talk & no action”, but, he’s got a good excuse…..his health!

    wtf is YOUR excuse, punk?


    ohh….thass-right….like most white ‘Kwans….yr a gutless rat!….right?

    Bob Matthews wasn’t much bigger than you….but at least he had a “GO”, eh?!?

    it ain’t the size of the dog in the fight…..it’s the size of the fight in the dog, champ!

    BTW: you got no right to criticise some-one like “Rounder”…at least he got in there & done some-thing….at least he got “physical”!


    the niggers are gunna EAT you gutless scum ALIVE!

    glad i ain’t a ‘Kwan!

  16. “This anti/pro Linder thing is past boring. The people who hijack every thread to campaign against him are just as suspicious as they say he is.”


    “I think he is a fed and a Jew.”

    Linder does look physically unimpressive (I think VNN jumped the shark about the time Linder posted a photo of himself in a tank top), but his look is an unfortunate German one, not a Jewish one.

    You can find photos of his parents online. He appears to have gotten the disharmonious features from his father and dark hair from his mother. Looking at Linder’s genealogy, I see no indication of Jewish ancestry. Of his father’s great-grandparents, 6 appear to be of colonial American descent, and 2 are mid-19th century German immigrants to the Midwest. Overall, his father appears to be about half-German and half-British. I found little on his mother’s ancestry; but she is probably of similar background, and his father is the jewier-looking of his parents.

    I did notice that Linder’s uncle appears to be married to a Jewess, and that Linder is not a direct descendant of Usher Linder, as I believe he has claimed (though he is related).

  17. Trainspotter,

    How much time did I spend on Alex Linder? In hindsight, I am reminded of the White liberals in the 60’s and 70’s who got involved with the Black Panthers. They tried to see the best in them. They also distinguished between the good and the bad. They worked to advance their cause. They saw themselves as reasonable and enlightened. That’s exactly what has happened here.

  18. 1st- I think you are making a big mistake in saying that genocide isn’t being committed against us. Sure, it’s not a quick massacre genocide, but there is a serious possibility of the white race becoming extinct
    According to UN resolution 260–

    “genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

    Are they not committing actions a, b, c, and d to us? Don’t be surprised if e eventually comes about.

    You can’t wake up enough people by saying “they’re trying to destroy our culture.” That’s conservatism right there– and you know it’s a losing game.
    Even philo-semitic Nick Griffin talks about this sort of genocide.

  19. In the interview, I cited “Jimbo” here (who is banned from Majority Rights) as exactly the sort of defective individual that VNN attracts. Behold everyone … the “vanguard” has arrived! Here’s your Black Ops, Navy Seals, Special Forces Unit in the flesh.

  20. ski,

    I clearly said in the interview that we are experiencing genocide in the cultural sense, but not the physical sense. To be sure, Whites are the victims of random negro violence, but the Carr brothers or the Christian/Newsom murderers didn’t commit their crimes under orders from Z.O.G. headquarters.

  21. agreed on cultural sense, but you should add economic, psychological, moral and social etc. sense. Genocide is really not too far a stretch from the truth. It has become a meme among the hypnotized to openly state they forsee the end of the white race in a few generations, and they mean it, and they mean to see it through. Think of Bill Clintstone’s statement. What term would you use to describe the eradication of European people’s from their homelands and the world. It sounds sensationalist and exaggerated… but think honestly about it – does cultural genocide or simple genocide describe it better. Imagine the above conditions applied to hopi indians or mid channel leprechauns.

  22. re: “George W”……Dubya!…..nah…….cheque’s in the mail!

    Hunter W….you frickin’ talk too much!…..if you went into any public bar in any pub’ in Ozz….you’d have yr “dental bills” re-arrandged for you in abt five minutes flat!

  23. “I clearly said in the interview that we are experiencing genocide in the cultural sense, but not the physical sense. To be sure, Whites are the victims of random negro violence, but the Carr brothers or the Christian/Newsom murderers didn’t commit their crimes under orders from Z.O.G. headquarters.”

    It is not whites that are experiencing genocide in the cultural sense, it is the third worlders that completely loose their culture.

    What whites are loosing is mainly our Christian flavor. Just like the Church in it’s time never managed to get rid of Yule/Saturnalia by introducing Christmas, Yule/Saturnalia will come back stronger, when Christmas is weakened. Examples being the Christmas trees, Yule log, gifts giving, etc.

    The same pattern can be seen with the national state, where a downplayed shared national identity, makes room for a larger part consisting of a white identity of choice.

    Just like the road to hell is paved with good intention, might the road to heaven be paved with bad ones, or at least that is how we are forced to play the game.

  24. Not a regular reader of the blog. But did catch the interview. My take is the same as everyone else’s. It droned on and on about homosexuals and genocide. My suggestion is never do an interview without a proper agenda. You should have a definite idea of what you want to accomplish with each interview and have talking points to back it up. That way you won’t be at the mercy of someone else’s stupidity. If you’d had your own agenda you could have moved the discussion forward by simply saying, “That’s my opinion. If you have a different opinion that’s fine but I’m here to talk about X, Y & Z.” And then just not let him bait you and drag you back to the same old cesspool. Also I think anyone who says “All publicity is good publicity” is mistaken. NO publicity is better than bad publicity. Always take the high road.

    As for homosexuality, no one likes militant in-your-face queers. But if one is discrete and conducts themselves with dignity and integrity then it’s not an issue. In other words, people need to keep it in the closet and Giles needs to get over it.

  25. When I picked up the phone, I assumed this interview would be like all the previous ones. I’m sure everyone else who tuned in were expecting the same thing.

    It would be a friendly exchange of views about Alex Linder and a few other topics. I had written reviews of over half a dozen other guests who had appeared on the show. I expected to talk about Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald, Tim Wise and Mark Potok, Robert Campbell and Elizabeth Whitcombe. I wanted to talk about my own work and the future of White Nationalism.

    To my surprise, Giles announced that this interview wouldn’t be like previous ones. He was going to be tough on me. He had been friendly and nice, faking it all along, but now he was going to “shift gears.”

    From the beginning, I was caught off guard, but I am convinced I made my point: there are decent, normal, sane, moral people in the White Nationalist movement … reasonable and civilized people with legitimate grievances about Jewish power and their racial dispossession … and then there are psychopaths and defectives who fit every media stereotype and bring everything we are trying to do into disrepute.

    You should all be able to see now where I am going with this.

  26. In the interview, I remember comparing Linder to David Koresh of Waco fame. Jim Jones would be another. I was getting that starstruck vibe out of Giles. I was unsettled by it. Clearly, he had swallowed the kool aid.

    For a while there, I half expected Giles to fall down on his Baptist knees and declare Linder the Son of Man. Any minute now, I thought. I was glad to get out of there.

  27. One point Giles made is that Greg sounds like a homo, he has that gay sing-songy voice. I was wondering:
    1. do dykes have a characteristic voice? why do so many fags have that distressingly annoying gay voice? I don’t have that voice, I sound like a hetero man, and Hunter also sounds pretty hetero.
    2. can you get Greg to man up his voice a bit? maybe give him a three month supply of steroids or something to develop his larynx to masculine proportions.

  28. Hunter, that was funny when Giles started talking his big broad shoulders, and how he could whip 98% of the men out there; and then asked you how big you were. That was creepy.

    You should have been, like: well, when I’m wearing my heels…

  29. Hunter, that was funny when Giles started talking his big broad shoulders, and how he could whip 98% of the men out there; and then asked you how big you were. That was creepy.

    It was creepy. I was stunned. I’m sure plenty of the regulars here had the same reacton. Giles was dropping this fake persona of his; the one we had seen in previous interviews; the curious, but friendly good ol’ boy act.

    I made a mental note about plunging into the movement scene head first. Until recently, I had always kept my distance. I clearly see now why so many people choose to stay away.

  30. I was surprised too but I’ve got a thick skin. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before in life.

    Now you know why I spent so much time earlier saying that I’m HBD and race realist, but don’t like to be called “wn.”

    I can relate to your experience. I had a similar one listening to Christian Identity klansmen rally over radio, about the time I met you, predating my “philosemitic posting spree.”

  31. While at a David Irving conference, I asked him if he considered the atrocities committed against the Jews to be genocide. He threw out a word he had coined which I believe is helpful: innocenticide. Genocide is more of an epithet than descriptive term, without a common definition. Innocenticide is the killing of the innocent. It’s what you described in your examples, the old people in their homes, the children, and such.

    While you’re correct in rejecting “genocide” on moral terms, you should realize that to do so without flipping the terms and reframing is to forfeit the debate to Linder. You didn’t overturn the proposition that genocide is the solution, you just declared that you wouldn’t do it. You allowed yourself to be pinned in the corner as a cowardly academic type incapable of the serious “dick in the mud” work that must be done. A man who rejects morality and honor altogether can win any debate by pivoting behind a moral restriction, which is all that’s been done here.

    But genocide, defined by myself as “trying to kill them all”, can and should be rejected on amoral terms as well. It’s a bad idea. It’s a distraction from the important work of reconstructing a sustainable G.E.S and fighting for White self-determination. We must be anti-Semitic to the extent that they’re anti-White. To be one drop less is capitulation. To be one drop more is distraction.

    Monomaniacal anti-Semites often find themselves so eager in their anti-Semitism that they wind up on the wrong side of Whites. Why should we take a side on the Palestinian settlements? Why should we take the side of Black radicals who fiercely condemn Jews even though they condemn Whites with as much venom? Many casually associate with radical leftist groups. Many have non-White wives and children.

    A case in point would be VNN’s front page frequently linking to Bradley Smith’s work. His work is with the “Holocaust”, a tar baby with little if any useful value for the serious White Advocate. He lives with his Mexican wife in Mexico, surrounded by his non-White children, and gets the headline treatment. Hunter Wallace? Not hardcore enough!

  32. I was very surprised by the tone of the interview. At times it became almost hostile and it’s too bad it wasn’t a just a friendly exchange of ideas on the state of WN and some of its colorful (and not so colorful) personalities. On some subjects I agreed with Giles while on others I agreed with Hunter Wallace. Giles treated Mark Potok better than HW, an ally, and that’s most disconcerting.

    Will someone please document where and when Alex Linder advocated genocide of the Jews? I’m not a forum member but I visit the VNN home page regularly and have never seen any exhortations to kill Jews. I’m just asking for ironclad proof. Anyone who can’t produce it is just as low as the flakes, dregs, poseurs and undercover cops that troll WN blogs and sites to stir the pot.

    Some thoughts on the comments and discussion topics during the interview:

    1) Only Alex Linder knows how to fight (according to Giles)
    *While Alex is very effective with some segments of the white population, his rhetorical shock and awe methods aren’t the only viable methods of furthering the WN cause.

    2) Greg Johnson’s alleged homosexuality
    *Unless Greg has done something to harm WN, or is an informer it’s time to move on to other subjects.

    3) Hunter Wallace comment that the political campaigns of Duke, Ron Paul and Buchanan haven’t changed the system
    *True, so why take pains to be ultra respectable in the hopes that this will translate into near future electoral success? They system will not allow any racially conscious white person to crash the party, ever. The system is closed to us so let’s deal with it.
    Note: At times HW sounded garbled and distant so it’s possible I missed comments that would have put his statements into proper context.

    4) Giles charge of Jewish inspired and supported policies leading to the genocide of white Americas
    * HW disagreed with this charge but I believe it has some merit. Obviously whites aren’t being rounded up and shot. At least yet. But, feminism, mass immigration, racial desegregation of schools and neighborhoods, and affirmative action have lowered the birth rate and increased the death rate of white people which is the intended effect of these policies. On several occasions the Jewish owned mainstream media has celebrated the coming minority status of whites.

    As an aside former CIA agent Michael Scheuer coined the term “genocide through inundation” whereby the Chinese government is deliberately flooding the Uighur Muslim lands of northern China with Han Chinamen. How is this any different than our own government flooding this country with millions of non-whites annually?

    5) Individual Jews and Jewish organizations haven’t overtly called for the genocide of whites
    * Great, maybe they aren’t so bad after all right Hunter? While true this is only because they are clever enough and exercise enough self control to avoid concealing their real intentions towards us. They prefer the use of indirect strategy in promoting racial tolerance, equality and the concept of white guilt to batter our racial immune system. The result is a soft, slow genocide of white people.

    6) Tim Wise is an eloquent spokesman for the anti-racist cause
    *Appearances can be deceiving. Just because someone writes and speaks well doesn’t mean they actually do anything of value. Anyone with just a cursory knowledge of genetics, IQ, and violent crime rates will see Timmy for the anti-white buffoon that he is. Jewish anti-racist groups charge Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald with providing an intellectual facade for hate and racism but Tim’s false face of racial tolerance and advocacy of racelessness is just a mask for an abiding hatred of white people.

    7) White Nationalist don’t hate blacks or Jews
    * I don’t hate someone simply for their race. I don’t hate who they are but I do hate what some of them do to whites. Any black or Jew who hates whites will receive my hatred in return. I don’t hate any non-white or Jew who harbors no ill will against whites and is simply trying to go about his life in an honest manner.

    I’ll probably think of a few more things, but I gotta run some errands.

  33. I don’t debate sociopaths who propose mass murder as a solution to our problems. I don’t put the idea on a scale and weigh it. I flat out rejected the idea as immoral. Period.

  34. Giles’ tough guy act did not impress and served no meaningful purpose. Rest assured we can all sleep at night now that we know the height of HW and that Jim can whip the bejesus out of almost anyone.

  35. Mr. Dithers,

    I’ve lost count of how many times I have heard him say it. Here’s a recent example:


    Exterminate the Jews – a Question Seeking Answers

    Expulsion is the god that failed: You know as well as I do that the correct policy toward jews is to exterminate them – all of them. You know as well as I do that’s the only rational and effective response to their collective attempt to genocide our race. My question here, though, in this particular post, is whether I am the first in European history to propose this solution. I find that hard to believe, but I can’t think of an earlier proponent. The ‘Kwan fool will scream Hitler, but anyone here surely knows that’s not the case. So, please, help me out. Answer the question if you can, and use quotations and historical evidence if you know of any. Thanks, you virtual nation of round-eyed carers.

  36. Please note that Giles and Linder place none of the blame on Northern Whites. After the Civil War, Northern Whites abolished slavery and wrote racial equality into the Constitution. In the 1960’s, Northern Whites proposed, supported, and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration Act of 1965.

  37. Wikitopian, you see this most on VNNF where people refuse to criticize the muslim invasion of Europe because the muslims are the only ones fighting the jews. So they are willing to see Europe become non-white just to satisfy their jew-hatred.

    It is absolutely insane that they can be allowed to call themselves pro-white when the preservation of our european homelands should be the number one priority of any white movement.

    Basically, they use white nationalism as a guise for spewing anti-semitism.

  38. Condemn Alex all you wish, but here’s a little gem from Soviet Jewish propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg. Anyone familiar with WWII history knows that Soviet soldiers took these words literally and raped over two million German women when not murdering everyone else in their path.

    “The Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to use the most terrible oath. From now on the word German strikes us to the quick. We shall not speak any more. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day … If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part of the front, or if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another — there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometers. Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German — that is your grandmother’s request. Kill the German — that is your child’s prayer. Kill the German — that is your motherland’s loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill.”

    Jew Solomon Morel tortured and murdered German soldiers and civilians in the war’s aftermath. Jews celebrate Passover and Purim. The former celebrates the mass killings of Egyptians while the latter celebrates the murder of 75,000 Persians. What other people celebrate mass murder of their perceived foes?

    Why the double standard between Jews and Alex Linder? It’s time you hold Jews to the same lofty standards that Alex Linder is held to. Somehow Alex’s words tarnishes the character of all WN’s and harms our cause but the words and actions of Jews don’t cast aspersions on them. There seems to be some glaring inconsistency in logic.

  39. Hunter, that was funny when Giles started talking his big broad shoulders, and how he could whip 98%

    98% of smaller men who have no experience fighting no doubt. If he’s that talented he should join the UFC, he’d be a real contender.

  40. I made a mental note about plunging into the movement scene head first. Until recently, I had always kept my distance. I clearly see now why so many people choose to stay away.

    And they wonder why people use pseudonyms. I think you made the right choice Hunter. Don’t let others force you to do something.

  41. In the interview, I remember comparing Linder to David Koresh of Waco fame. Jim Jones would be another. I was getting that starstruck vibe out of Giles. I was unsettled by it. Clearly, he had swallowed the kool aid.

    I’ve said that for a while now, he does have a small cult-like following. However, cult leaders are usually charismatic, so it’s curious how Linder attracts people. I suppose his sociopathy and outrageous statements titillate certain types of people. It’s like those strange women that adore convicts and serial killers.

  42. “Did you hear his live broadcast this morning? He self destructed.”

    Jim Giles? No I didn’t. Is there a recording?

  43. I was listening to the live broadcast. He probably hasn’t posted the archive yet. I think he knew I was tuning in.

    He lost his marbles. He was screaming, yelling at the top of his lungs, cussing all of us out. He was blaming us for a black-on-white rape and murder of a nine year old girl.

    Giles is finished. After hearing that rant of his, no one in the movement, no one in their right mind will ever appear on his show again.

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