In Defense of America

In The New York Times, Roger Cohen defends America from hundreds of Jewish critics. The U.S. is a fundamentally good country, Cohen says, because the last Gentile law firm, country club, eating club, and suburb has been closed down, quotas have been eliminated at Ivy League universities, White children have been forced into integrated schools, and third world immigrants continue to pour into America. In spite of all this, America remains a “flawed country.” There are still “imperfections” to overcome.

See also: Weisz and Stereotypes and Jimmy Carter: Please Forgive Me. It has been a big day for Jewish power.  The facts of the matter haven’t changed. There is another developing story in the news, but I will get around to that one tomorrow.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. More interesting is the comments section, in which dozens of (probable) gentiles accept the fundamental premise of his argument. Which is that America ought to be a capitalist meritocracy. One in which miraculously no group does better than any other! It is not a group of people with a common identity.

    As an exercise, Hunter, why don’t you get a NYTimes ID and go comment there? After all, thousands of (non-Jewish) whites will read it.

  2. My experience at Princeton in the Fifties was horrendous. My name was Cohen, so I was banned from most the exclusive eating clubs and had my room trashed. I did finally get into a decent club but only because a friend intervened on my behalf.

    Oh my, what terrible oppression, going to Princeton yet not being invited to exclusive private clubs and subject to pranksters trashing his room! Why Jews have had it harder than Blacks!

  3. Europeans took the future USA from the ‘Indians’. Now the Jews are taking it from the Whites. Pretty soon, Jewish kids will modify the childhood game of Cowboys and Indians and will play Chosen and Goyim.

  4. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the government and ruling elites of the US became openly and permanently hostile (not just discriminatory) to whites, but the process was certainly complete before BHO took office.

  5. “Europeans took the future USA from the ‘Indians’. Now the Jews are taking it from the Whites. Pretty soon, Jewish kids will modify the childhood game of Cowboys and Indians and will play Chosen and Goyim.” ( — Al Ross)

    Right, but the Jews are doing something a little different: whites replaced the Indians with themselves but the Jews are replacing whites with a third group, namely non-whites, whom they’re importing en masse expressly for the purpose of replacement.

    People are scratching their heads wondering why the Jews are doing this. It must be in part they don’t want a population with the potential to revolt as they’re in the process of taking what they want in terms of land, wealth, and the more attractive females: they want something easy to control that won’t ever pose a threat to their hegemony.

    Then, too, they may want a population of slaves as Emanuel Swedenborg and any number of others have pointed out over the centuries, and have decided with justification that non-whites are better for that purpose.

    I think some of the rarissme Jews who oppose this plan are individuals who appreciate that Jews are part-white genetically, who are satisfied with that and see no reason to change it, and are concerned that with whites gone from the picture and Jews surrounded by non-whites, non-white genetics will inevitably start entering the Jewish gene pool notwithstanding Jewish arrangements to keep segregated from their non-white slave populations. I’d say that’s part of what motivates some Jews to question race-replacement.

    Another thing making some Jews question it could be that some Jews sincerely appreciate Euro-race culture and see the link between genetics and culture (i.e., no more whites, no more white culture: culture isn’t transferrable). Someone like Abe Foxman loathes Eurochristians and everything about them to the marrow of his bones and would be profoundly relieved if every last shred of Europe’s three thousand years of culture vanished, to be replaced by Jews dancing the horah in a circle, verbally duelling each other over the Talmud, and writing backwards. Someone like Lawrence Auster and Prof. Hart, on the other hand, would very much regret the disappearance of Euro-race culture. Whence part of the split among Jews, what little split there is, over the advisability, the wisdom, of pushing race-replacement literally to the bitter end.

    There are other reasons as well, I suspect, why certain Jews question race-replacement. For aught I know, Prof. Hart has come out and stated the above sorts of genetic and cultural concerns in plain language in his book — I haven’t read it.

  6. There’s also the motivation, of course, that Jews want to punish Euro-race peoples for past meanness to Jews by turning them into Negroes. There’s no question whatsoever but that the thought of exacting vengeance in this way brings the most intense pleasure and satisfaction to a great many Jews who are powerful enough to actually help transform it from dream to reality.

  7. The fatal combination of Judeo/Globalist Capitalism and Jewish – invented Cultural Marxism is approaching its grand payoff. The latter is a sine qua non of the former because the new Jewish rulers require all of their subject races to be equal under their governance in order to maintain the necessary stability for efficient and optimum exploitation.

  8. Ephesians 6:12 (King James Version)

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  9. Good catches, Hunter.

    I rarely read the “Jew York Times,” but when I clicked the above link to Cohen’s laughable op-ed I noticed the following popular article in the sidebar…the millions of Jews living in NYC and NY State have surely played a huge role in turning that state and general region in to the most unhappy one in the entire USA:

    The Jewish suburban spillover in surrounding states doesn’t help either; that article wrote: “At least New Yorkers can take comfort in knowing that their immediate neighbors in Connecticut (No. 50) and New Jersey (No. 49) are not appreciably happier.”

  10. Re:Grimoire #10 — great quote Grimoire…I’ve always especially enjoyed that particular NT verse myself.

    I also often view the struggle against world-wrecking Jewry as a ‘spiritual war’ of sorts, with Whites and others fighting against the Jewish “rulers of the darkness of this world” and Jewish “spiritual wickedness in high places.”

  11. @White Preservationist

    I differ with you on whether it is a spiritual war of sorts. it is spiritual war almost in entirety. All other matters are just pawns in the game. Symptoms, not Causes. We will find no headway, until, leaders and fighters understand this.

  12. Yes, it is a spiritual struggle of inimical racial souls; based on genetic/racial dynamics. Grimoire, you might re-visit the Review: Blood & Politics topic, from a week or so ago. I had a question for you in my comment #24, which you may have missed.

  13. I agree Grimoire.

    I am not an atheist or an agnostic; I am a Deistic pantheist/panentheist, and I definitely believe in a Higher Power or Powers and a ‘Cosmic Order’ of sorts. However, at the same time though I am a very rational, empirical, and scientific-oriented person, and so I have a hard time fully accepting this idea about ‘spiritual warfare’ or ‘occult warfare.’ Plus, ‘occult’ sounds to me too much like crystal balls, Tarot cards, ‘magick,’ and the like, though I know that an alternate definition of ‘occult’ is something which is hidden or closed off from empirical view, obscure/mysterious/secret knowledge, things beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or rational intellect/observation, etc. But again, I do fully agree with you that this struggle against Jewry is indeed a ‘spiritual war’ of some kind, even if I cannot fully put my finger on what that means exactly.

    I am generally more in-tune with biological explanations of Jewish virulence and criminality, as in Jews and Whites (plus other ethno-racial groups) are locked in a Darwinian struggle for world-dominance and survival over which human ‘species’ (racial/ethnic group) will eventually triumph or come out on top biologically here on Earth. Hence also I am a strong proponent of “biological anti-Semitism” first and foremost, but also combined other forms of “anti-Semitism” which have proven effective in the past: sociocultural, religious, economic, political, philosophical, and so on.

    There was a bit of discussion of this topic of ‘occult warfare’ by ‘Kievsky’ and others in the following comments to Braunsteinberg’s pathetic philo-Semitic pleading @

  14. Junghans:”Yes, it is a spiritual struggle of inimical racial souls; based on genetic/racial dynamics.”

    This matches up with what I now recall Spengler writing in his DECLINE that the main reason for the hostility between Jews and Europeans seems to be that their race-specific cultural/civilizational cycles, phases, or ‘rhythms’ are out-of-sync, because Jewish/Arabian culture rose and subsequently declined before Western culture did, so that Jews were on the decline whilst Western/European culture was on-the-rise (beginning in about 1,000 AD or so), and as such there was a major cultural and race-soul disharmony between the civilizational phases of the two groups as a result.

    Spengler wrote:

    “While the Jews were almost fellaheen, the Western peoples were still almost primitives. There was mutual hate and contempt, due not to race-distinction [modern genetics and racial research since Spengler’s time seems to disprove that], but to difference of phase. Into all of the hamlets and country-towns the [wandering and rootless] Jewish Consensus built its essentially megalopolitan–proletarian–ghettos. The Judengasse is a thousand years in advance of the Gothic town. Just so, in Jesus’ day, the Roman towns stood in the midst of the villages on the Lake of Genesareth.” [here Spengler alludes to the fact that the enterprising and internationalist Romans of the Empire were the ‘Jews’ of sorts, or international market dominant minority, amongst the then primitive Jews/Hebrews of the Levant around 2,000+ years ago].”

  15. In some comments, with me using the pseudonym of ‘Theo Tiefwald’ over on some Jew’s blog, I recently argued that the only reason Jews are still a viable racial-cultural group is that they’ve been stealing the genes of White Westerners in order to keep riding the cultural and civilizational wave of The West long after the true high culture of the Jews had waxed and waned; I wrote:

    “Since the end of the Jewish diaspora High Culture of Iberia and the Mediterranean circa 1500 (mass-expulsions from Spain/Portugal or forced conversion to Christianity: take your pick) Jews have been nothing more than parasitic ‘piggy backers’ riding on the coat-tails of The West, stealing White/European genes (and money too, of course) when they could to keep them afloat and up-to-par in a civilizational sense. –

    In other words, I propose that Jews are ‘gene vampires’ of sorts who are trying to keep themselves afloat long after their own high culture declined and they should’ve then disappeared in to the larger pool of humanity, kind of ‘hibernating’ or going dormant again until it was again their historical turn to rise to national, cultural, and racial/ethnic prominence. In that aforementioned thread I also wrote:

    “The Ashkenazi phenomenon of the 19th-20th centuries was nothing more than a kind-of Jewish cultural ‘aftershock,’ and VERY destructive aftershock at that – and it likely only happened because of the infusion of White/European blood which the Ashkenazim received since they were liberated from their ghettos, the thieving of good European/Western blood for Jewish enrichment.”

    It’s funny, me being a raging “anti-Semite” and all who has to teach these arrogant Ashkenazi ignorants a lot about Jewish and especially Sephardic history; the vast majority of modern Ashkenazi Jews, even many Jewish scholars and historians, know nothing at all about the true Jewish High Culture or Jewish Golden Age which occurred amongst the Iberian and Mediterranean Sephardim circa 500-1500AD, as they are trying to compare or construe the insanely destructive actions of the Ashkenazim in the 20th Century West, the USSR, etc as some kind of Ashkenazi ‘Golden Age,’ which is just laughably stupid and dishonest.

  16. Yockey on spiritual warfare:

    Napoleon knew, and the West still knows, the primacy of the spiritual in warfare. The soil of Europe, rendered sacred by the streams of blood which have made it spiritually fertile for a millennium, will once again stream with blood until the barbarians and distorters have been driven out and the Western banner waves on its home soil from Gibraltar to North Cape, and from the rocky promontories of Galway to the Urals.

    This is promised, not by human resolves merely, but by a higher Destiny, which cares little whether it is 1950, 2000, or 2050. This Destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service.

    Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
    (What does not destroy me makes me stronger.)

  17. Hunter:

    Jamie Kelso would like to give you some free, casual, and honest Air time:

    Call: 561 351-4424 (with permission)

    No planned session, whatever comes up in conversation.

  18. “It’s funny, me being a raging “anti-Semite” and all who has to teach these arrogant Ashkenazi ignorants a lot about Jewish and especially Sephardic history; the vast majority of modern Ashkenazi Jews, even many Jewish scholars and historians, know nothing at all about the true Jewish High Culture or Jewish Golden Age which occurred amongst the Iberian and Mediterranean Sephardim circa 500-1500AD, as they are trying to compare or construe the insanely destructive actions of the Ashkenazim in the 20th Century West, the USSR, etc as some kind of Ashkenazi ‘Golden Age,’ which is just laughably stupid and dishonest.”

    Interesting hypothesis, as always, White Preservationist.

    Regarding your theory of ‘gene thievery’, did you know that even Lev Bronshtein, otherwise known as ‘Trotsky’, the greatest mass-murdering Ashkenazi-Khazar that ever lived, married a ‘shiksa’, Natalia Sedova, who had a son Leon — who was the daughter, and grandson, respectively, of Slavic ethnic Russian Arctic explorer Georgiy Sedov:


    Compare the two phenotypes:

    Picture of (the repulsive) Trotsky:

    Picture of son Sedov:


    It bears out your hypothesis, WP!

  19. @Junghans
    I went back to ‘Blood and Politics’, saw your question. started to answer. developed a summary, way too long, so I shortened it and posted it there….Your question is a serious subject that needs to be answered very carefully and respectfully. I’ve studied the contradictions between recorded history and consensus history (which is primarliy of British origin) for years, comparing hundreds of books, documents and made books upon books notes. But i’ve not yet systemized, even mentally how to properly encapsulate it. So it’s difficult for me to deal with it because I feel I would start writing, with all the incumbent re-research and not stop untill it is definatively organised. So at this time i must confess a certain degree of cowardice in dealing with the subject – afraid of all the work, afraid i would not stop if i started.

  20. Some of the same frustrations and questions you have (re: why so many of the leftist jews seem hell-bent on destroying White European culture, civilization and peoplehood) are ones I have also shared for many years.

    Maybe because I am only half-Jewish, I wasn’t raised/born with the “rule book” that fullblood Jews were given (and it sure seems there was one given!)…and so I don’t understand why they are so driven to destroy anything of White Christian European origin.

    I asked a Jewish conservative about this, and he said that he thinks its because in Europe, Jews were the only minority for so long, that they stood out, and were persecuted.

    He thinks that they have an obsessive drive to bring any and all minorities into America so they will no longer be the only one, and can blend in with the crowd…and so that there is a greater chance that one or more of the other minorities will get “picked on”, and not them.

    When he told me this it reminded me of what a South African Jewish woman I used to know once said to me, when I asked her what she thought of apartheid when she was growing up in SA. She said, “We (Jews) just figured if the Afrikaners were hassling the blacks, that meant they would leave us alone.”

    I suspect he’s right about this reason, but maybe there is also some desire for revenge against Europeans (assuming they view America as simply an extension of Europe.)

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