Dead Branch

“Reichsmarshall” of Radio Werewolf is unhappy with my recent performance on Radio Free Mississippi. I’ve since let friends and family (racialist and non-racialist) listen to my interview. They are pretty much ordinary Alabama folks, racially aware, but not involved in the White Nationalist scene. Consider this a small focus group.

Their universal reaction was that I came across as a decent, sane, normal person – I could be anyone in East Alabama – whereas my interlocutor sounded like a raging psychopath. They got very uncomfortable when Jim Giles started ranting about “cutting throats” and Black Ops in the night and rounding up a legal posse to exterminate the Jews. Several asked why I had agreed to do the interview. I explained that there was no hint of this in previous broadcasts.

The vanguardist fringe is a dead branch. If White Nationalism is anything more than a fantasy ideology, we have to build a political base somewhere. The logical place to start is the Deep South where millions of Whites already hold racialist views. If we can’t win over people like my friends and family, who already agree with us on race, then we are wasting our time. We should just make the best out of our own private lives.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Anyone talking about genocide, illegal activities, violence or other immoral activities is either a Hal Turner style FBI agent provocateur, or a marginal personality who may as well be one. This issue is well known in political circles, right or left, and it should not be a surprise to anyone. Remember the FBI in the 1960s and how they set up the left and right using these tactics? Let it go, no one takes them seriously. Our job is to openly denounce the nut jobs as often as we have to, and move on.

    What do you friends and family feel about Israeli stealing kidneys from Palestinian children they killed? What do your friends and family think about Jews suing to take down Christmas trees? What do they feel about mass immigration and making Spanish a second official language, or letting Muslims into the military to shoot up soldiers?

    The genocidists are not “the vanguard” they are marginal kooks and FBI informers. Denounce them with extreme prejudice and move on.

  2. “Giles is now going on about creating a “hardcore nucleus.” In other words, a cult that seals itself off from the mainstream and adopts the most extreme positions imaginable.”

    Of course. This is the natural tendancy of men like Giles. We have seen this many times and every time we have seen FBI infiltration and involvement. It end up in either death or long prison sentences.

  3. Hunter,

    I would have hoped this blow up would have soon been passed over as it demonstrates that much of the WN “movement” as it now exists is a circus and freak show that many around here seem to want to perpetuate.

    If you want to continue to poll common folk, “normal” folk, mass-man about what must be done to drag our stupefied race from the brink of the cliff they are teetering over beware if you truly want to change their current path. I would hope the “prize” is what all sincere White Nationalists focus on. In these times one cannot shed all of the baggage the enemy has poisoned discourse with. That’s not to say we walk into their traps either as Giles witlessly does.

    Now I agree that Giles is unhinged and should be avoided and ignored in the future unless he does some unforeseen turnaround. Still, he is not the issue, nor is Linder. If you don’t like them forget about it and move on. A turn-the-other-cheek mentality towards the extreme elements of WN characterizes the best of what I believe is going on in support of our cause and is exemplified by academics, bloggers, and activists like Kevin MacDonald, Guessedworker, David Duke, and Jared Taylor. The personas of Friederich Braun and Alex Linder are in stark contrast; petty, vindictive, and sociopathic. (Linder at least has a lot of positives to partially offset his anti-social personality which is more than can be said of Braun).

    I largely agreed with Reichsmarshall especially where he says…

    “The first troubling thing is that Hunter Wallace, as a result of his being verbally man handled first by Linder on the VNN forum and then by Giles on live radio, is now calling into question his own beliefs. How weak and irresolute can one be if a harsh word can spin your head around on the core fundamental issues facing our race? I would have packed it in a long time ago if all it took was a less than kind word from some of our Kindred.”

    The “manhandling” assertion is ridiculous. Giles was just unhinged. When someone shouts like a loony over the phone or radio there is not much one can do other than listen in a daze or just hang up. But I agree with him on the question that follows. IF you allow this incident to dramatically redirect your opinions and even morality you are being a reactionary at the mercy of the actions of a few manipulators and/or nut cases.

    I completely agree with Reichsmarshall that having more hangups about a theoretical “extermination” of the Jews (fantasy regardless of whether one considers it righteous or warped) than a real destruction of Aryan Man is a moral sickness not a virtue. If you “polled” mass man on this he would doubtless disagree. If even the supposed white blood cells of our race fight as much against a theoretical danger to their worst enemy than they do against a real attack on their own body then the body will die.

    We should not adopt all of Jewry’s approaches but their bifurcated morality is very adaptive and rational.

  4. Overall, there is no one best approach to reach everyone you want to reach. The range of views and awareness are too broad and varied, and change as each person changes. Jared Taylor has his way of reaching his target audience, Peter Brimelow has his, Duke and Linder theirs, und so weiter. To use a military analogy, your readership will represent only one army or tribe among many from various regions. Each tribe wants to fight our common enemies in a different way. Decide on your target audience and commit to it. As you said, you are only one person.

    Keep good relations with other tribes. Though some may be too barbaric for your tastes, some too soft, you must remain diplomatic. The enemy divides us too easily.


  5. I’m actually starting to feel compassion for you Hunter, even though our views differ on many issues. You had know clue the kind of head cases that existed out there, just waiting to pile on you.

  6. Well if you read about psychopaths, and you’ll see this in the wikipedia link, they are usually actually not raging but charming. They trick people. Look at Bundy. He came off as a very nice guy.

  7. That’s right, I say let a hundred crazy flowers bloom. For me, I like Roach and his blog, at first glance. Very interesting discussions, and his center of gravity on the JQ seems closer to mine. I first got interested in white nationalism when checking out the paleocons. I figured since I’m visiting in town I might as well check out the hardcore ghetto. You guys are OK, but as far as intellectual nutrition is concerned, the restaurants in paleoconville are better. Hunter, I’m curious what you think of the paleocons. Sure, they haven’t been successful but so what, neither have the WNs. At least they wouldn’t call you a geek like Reichsmarshall Thor did, they’re all geeks themselves!

  8. All the same you should build bridges with them when you get a chance, and it will come. Unity towards all whites is necessary. An attitude of forbearance and an immunity to the taunts of your lessers is indispensable. This is a war, and you should think of yourself as a warrior. This is politics and you must think like a politician. In a war every soldier counts. In politics every vote counts.

  9. Horus the Avenger asks the “Iron Question”:

    “Are you pro-white, or are you pro white-genocide?”

    Is this question “Vanguardist”? Is this question “Psycho”? Does it matter what label you attach to the Iron Question? Or is the Iron Question just a clear test of which side a person is on …

  10. Well if you read about psychopaths, and you’ll see this in the wikipedia link, they are usually actually not raging but charming.

    Does that remind you of anyone in particular?

  11. I pretty much agree with this Reichsmarshal character:

    Other than denouncing these Occidental Dipshits as frauds , I don’t and won’t take sides in any of this insanity: Metzger hates David Duke, Giles hates Duke and Metzger, David Duke is out for himself, Linder hates pretty much everybody, but has unleashed particular scorn against Jared Taylor, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, and Patrick J. Buchanan(?!) and at the end of the day, we’re no further than when we started. Maybe this is all by design?

    I don’t consider myself a part of the “Movement”. I despise the term, in fact. It’s clear, just from this mini-soap opera, which is but a microcosm of the discord and tribal warfare going on, that there is no “movement”. Any (serious) talk of a “movement” is dead on arrival. It’s an impotent, disjointed, and often times fraudulent paper tiger, much like the “militia” movement. I put absolute zero faith in charlatans, money changers and mad men. A veritable circus side show.

  12. “The personas of Friederich Braun and Alex Linder are in stark contrast; petty, vindictive, and sociopathic. (Linder at least has a lot of positives to partially offset his anti-social personality which is more than can be said of Braun).”

    Garrett has been living for so long in a psychopathic bubble, an inverted world of crazed mass murderers like Linder et al., that to him an abandonment of anti-Semitism as an organizing principle for Whites is a sign of sociopathology. What does it say about Garrett when he views a a moral leper like Linder, a man who all healthy and sane human beings find disgusting and have a duty to reject and quarantine, as possessing redeeming qualities?

    Linder, like Ted Bundy, has no redeeming qualities.

  13. Damn y’all, I guess a whole lot of the dirt is coming out now? Being new to the pro-White American racialist ‘scene,’ this is why I’ve tended to stay mostly detached and aloof from all these petty personal dramas and intrigues as best that I could (just as Hunter mostly did too until rather recently).

    Rampant infighting and petty backbiting everywhere, denunciations all-around, incessant mudslinging — surely we can do much better than this.


  14. The “vanguard” is the first line of real physical contact, so the name is accurate. I would say that most of these men are ready to fight — for real — and are ready to do it right now, even if their leaders might only be rebel-rousers.

    Have you ever hung out with old enlisted soldiers and battle-hardened officers? You’ve got to make allowances for the tough talk. The patriotic fighters are not waiting for bridge builders, they sincerely want to kick some ass and want real leaders to understand and to tell them where and when. Every great general supported these men, led them, channeled their energies productivity, and held them back until they were needed. If anyone here believes he can lead the enlisted men like that, better than Metzger et alii, then do it.

  15. H.W., why do you care what some drooling neo-Nazi with a fetish for death skulls thinks? Your appeal, H.W., is not to them! You must aim to attract the normal White people. This is your target audience. Always keep that in mind. Shedding those worthless dregs is a question of adding by subtracting.

  16. White Preservationist,

    I try to consider it in a positive way. Look at all the easy wins! Since Dr. Pierce died, nobody has done anything creative or constructive.

    It reminds me of Tradition In Action’s motto:
    The most beautiful adventure in the world is ours!

  17. Linder is a joke. The guy hasn’t published jack in years. Nor has he ever written a single book. He’s a worm with a measly Bachelors in Liberal Arts. He doesn’t even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with MacDonald. I wish people would quit putting that lowlife on a pedistal. His inane banterings and banning of people for typos when he himself does them all the time is ludicrous. Many educated people have left VNN over the years to bigger and better things because Alex is an idiot. He knows the jew, great for him, other than that he’s a pinhead.

  18. Garretts and Manns and Igors need be rejected and ostracized, for *our* sakes; and treated like the sociopaths, wannabe mass murderers, and Hitler-fetishists that they are. Until that’s done, we don’t have a chance in Hell of making any inroads with the White masses: White Nationalism will never leave its pariah status and will remain comparable to child pornography in people’s eyes. In their moral objection. No anti-Semitism, Holocaust-denial, Hitler-fetishism, Nazi nostalgia. Those who indulge in this type of rhetoric, should be ostracizes and quarantined, in my opinion, as they harm – wilfully or not – our ethnic genetic interests. Whatever helps our EGI is good and moral, if collaborating with Jews helps it, I’m for it. I’d rather have them as allies.

    “Like an ADL agent, HW can do nothing but smear and poke at strawmen. The guy’s a dishonest, self-righteous, sanctimonious pussy.”

  19. Since the crazies love Nietzsche so much let’s not forget something important he said, “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”

  20. Why not take advantage of the situation? Let’s ask why the FBI employs people like Hal Turner, and others. This should be a mainstream political issue – why is the government promoting hate speech? Why is the FBI supporting radical “pro-White” agents? What exactly is the FBI doing in the White movement, and what role, if any, do the usual suspects like the ADL, SPLC, etc., play?

    This should be really big news. Has the FBI tried to undermine the immigration restriction movement? Isn’t this illegal interference with legitimate political advocacy?

    (Then maybe we can start asking some other related questions, like, say, the various “Muslim terrorist groups” that have been provided fake bombs by the FBI in NYC last year)

    HW, what do your family, friends, and neighbors think about the FBI running some agent like Hal Turner? That seems newsworthy right there. What exactly is going on?

  21. FB wants us to join up with Jews and attack Muslims.

    Where has FB been for the last *decade*? Did he miss the majority of White Americans supporting invading Afghanistan and Iraq? Did he forget that the Republican party is official pro-torturing Muslims? Did he miss the Zionist churches?

    FB keeps acting as if “anti-semites” are holding back White and we should all join with Jews, but of course, the official policy of America, and the Republican party, is to join with Jews and fight for them.

    Do the Jews show any reciprocity? Of course not, Jews don’t do reciprocity. Whites are already working with Jews, and what we have gotten in return in our troops coming home in bodybags – and Jew bankers stealing our money.

    I don’t see how FB’s idea is going to be any different.

  22. How weak and irresolute can one be if a harsh word can spin your head around on the core fundamental issues facing our race?

    This mischaracterization keeps being repeated. Hunter has not gone anti. He simply and rightfully has reconsidered the value of the lunatic fringe. Giles threw a big rock through the Overton Window with a wrapped message, “fuck the intellectuals, get’r done!”

  23. Linder and Giles have been talked to death. The best policy is to ignore them and get on with things. When is the “dynamic silence” going to begin, exactly? I am beginning right now.

  24. Robert Campbell (VNN)
    Rather than attacking our enemies, Giles seems obsessed with attacking TOQ, a publication which he has never read, and its writers, a group of people he has never met. Literally overnight, Giles went from telling Dr. Macdonald that he “reveres him more every day,” to declaring that he, along with everyone else associated with TOQ, has no honour, that his name is mud, and that his work is a waste of time. It’s an interesting coincidence that he did this shortly after Linder declared “unrestricted warfare” on Greg/TOQ.

    No coincidence, Linder instigated all of this. Just another example of his machinations, his “discourse poisoning” bearing black fruit.

  25. From VNN Forum:

    “The attacks on AL are hidden admiration.

    One does not hate the truly impotent. One does not go on and on and on and on.”

  26. I am an increasingly frequent visitor to this site, just getting into racialist matters. I used to be a ‘left wing anti-racist’ making excuses for the non-white communities in my country behaving the way they do while blaming my country’s misdemeanours abroad and calling it divine retribution.
    I saw the typical ‘American South’ white as evil and violent numbskulls – I read ‘Underground to Canada’

    I listened to the Wallace/Giles interview and thought Wallace came over very well: calm and focused and more than capable of answering Giles in a rational/mature manner.

    I’ve also followed Linder and see him as an attention seeker – wants to be a big fish in a small pond I guess.

    I don’t blame Wallace for being somewhat anon – who wants to be associated with Linder and hs ilk?

  27. Giles needs to catch up with American white nationalism. His ideas have already been tried, and people have been killed, bankrupted and sent to prison for it.

    Giles sounds like more like the Christian Identity type. He should have Lindstedt on.

  28. Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.
    Surely some revelation is at hand;
    Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
    The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
    When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi
    Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
    A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
    A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
    Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
    Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
    The darkness drops again; but now I know
    That twenty centuries of stony sleep
    were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?



  29. It’s worth noting HW as long as fools are led astray.

    One could use this reverse psychology concerning any subject. Linder is really a Jew and Jew-lover because he talks about them so much. Maybe he and Giles are really homosexuals because they’re obsessed with the topic. Maybe those who talk about blacks so much really are attracted to them, etc, etc.

    But sure, let’s have a diversity of topics.

  30. Rampant infighting and petty backbiting everywhere, denunciations all-around, incessant mudslinging — surely we can do much better than this.

    This is why I too have stayed away from the “movement,” such as it is, at least online. In real life, I am finding out, this doesn’t happen very often. This is why it’s very important for online WN activism to establish a beachhead in the real world ASAP.

  31. “In my next post, I will write about an emerging branch of the pro-White movement, one that I think we will be seeing more of in the next decade.” ( — HW)

    I assume this refers to Andrew Yeoman and the excellent work he is doing in San Francisco and elsewhere with “BANA.”

  32. I couldn’t help but laugh at Giles’ statement, “Don’t try to be my friend. I don’t have any friends and don’t want any friends. If you try to be my friend you’re suspect.”

  33. [quote]14Hunter Wallace

    I don’t believe in building bridges to psychopaths. I want to reach ordinary, sane, rational, moral people like my family, friends, and neighbors.[/quote]

    Like I have said before, , utilizing words like “vanguardists”, as a construct, has its own problems, as has been around for decades.

    Another Poster has had a consistent approach to all this:

    W. T. Mann

    Anyone talking about genocide, illegal activities, violence or other immoral activities is either a Hal Turner style FBI agent provocateur, or a marginal personality who may as well be one. This issue is well known in political circles, right or left, and it should not be a surprise to anyone. Remember the FBI in the 1960s and how they set up the left and right using these tactics? Let it go, no one takes them seriously. Our job is to openly denounce the nut jobs as often as we have to, and move on.

    What do you friends and family feel about Israeli stealing kidneys from Palestinian children they killed? What do your friends and family think about Jews suing to take down Christmas trees? What do they feel about mass immigration and making Spanish a second official language, or letting Muslims into the military to shoot up soldiers?

    The genocidists are not “the vanguard” they are marginal kooks and FBI informers. Denounce them with extreme prejudice and move on.

    This has been the Way of it for quite awhile; it is only the conservatives, and intellectuals, who never seem to be able to ‘draw the line’, and so these types of individuals continue to inculcate themselves and deconstruct the rest. This is short-sighted cowardice, and this time around, will be rooted out. Good men, tactical men, those who put the interest of our Folk ahead of money and position, were never fully accepted by the intellectuals, because of the other individuals attitude (revolutionary) and action in the ‘streets’.

    This disconnect, this time around, will not be tolerated.


    Giles needs to catch up with American white nationalism. His ideas have already been tried, and people have been killed, bankrupted and sent to prison for it.

    Giles sounds like more like the Christian Identity type. He should have Lindstedt on.

    Forget this Giles…as to the examples above, Sacrifice is part and parcel to this Fight; the only problem I have with it, is that the best men who do go through these rough times, are never given the acclaim for these noble efforts, such as David Eden Lane, truly the White Mandella of this movement but, as was common fare amongst those who fear to tread the real road, kept this Sacrifice swept under the rug. Where were those petitioning the Nobel Prize committee for Mr. Lane’s efforts? Or the attempts to navigate the UN, and position White Nationalists in the world-arena? Only amateurs and sychophants would have failed to address these issues.

    So much for ‘conservative’ mainstreamers.

    Hunter, don’t compete with these others; follow your own wind, but don’t keep trying to ‘out manner’ your opposition. That game, is a loser.

    Courage is what courage does…and even simple men, who strive for a noble purpose, will weather the storm, only, if their courage matches their opposition.

  34. I am new to WN sites, but have bee a regular Amren reader for about 3 years, just started in the past couple of months to investigate other WN sites. I listened to the interview, and forwarded it through sections that were just too dull and boring, so maybe I missed the “fucking pussies” part, but never the less, this Giles sounds to me just to be an over educated redneck that has a love affair with Linder. Linder sparked my interest, sounded somewhat informed and frank upon first listen, and especially liked the fact he identified the Jew, which as you all know, Taylor won’t do and that has always bothered me. But after listening to a couple of his interviews and hearing his extermination rants, and then his ideas that a white nationalist nation would need weekly sacrifices of some of their own to keep people loyal, I realized that he is completely nuts. Mr. Wallace, you sounded very decent, but my white brother, you have to bring it up a notch, you seem to lack confidence. Direct the debate. Inform people, I’m sure you are well informed. Talk about recent hate crimes, name jew judges and what they are doing exactly, draw attention to the latest mulit-cultural disaster, they happen every day my man. That damn interview will ensure that all newcomers, which the movement very much must have, will be turned off completely. Giles repeated the same subject matter at least 10 times in 2 hours and I’m sure you have a wealth of information you could share with us. People will knock Mr. Taylor for not identifying the jew, which he deserves, but he is prepared with facts, stats, etc. in his interview, and if several of you did as such, you wouldn’t have to worry about the jew, because so much light would be shinned on his dirty tricks he would be immobilized. Learn from Mr. Taylor, he has been on MSM media on several occasions.

    Like another poster here, I am an ex-anti racist and liberal but have woken up from the nightmare. There are lots of us, and I think we could be some of the most effective people for the movement, but not a one of us will get involved if it continues like this. Get some passion my man! I’m sure you have it, but you didn’t present it. Like I said, you sounded like a decent individual, and I know it was your first interview and you lack experience, so if that isn’t for you, stay on the site with the books, but don’t let these assholes walk on you man, makes you look like you don’t have a position, which I know you do.

    And when are the jew- identifing W. Nationalists going to have a conference like Amren is having in February to start to physically connect and organize? You cats have got to start moving! I can’t, I have no credibility in the movement and am not recognized, but you and others are Mr. Hunter. Forget those assholes and let’s get to work! You will be supported, people are waiting to see something to put their teeth into, and displays like that interview aren’t it!

  35. And when are the jew- identifing W. Nationalists going to have a conference like Amren is having in February to start to physically connect and organize? You cats have got to start moving!

    I agree. The drawback to sites such as OD is that they lend themselves to posturing and endless over-analysis. Eventually we’re going to have to kick it up a notch. Put up or shut up. WNs are starting to meet on a local basis, and networking at national events. I have met some really decent people this way. The Linderites tend to get filtered out, which is a good thing. I would like to see a WN membership organization for networking, mutual aid, training (e.g., public speaking, firearms, self-defence), and political activism. The Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA) are on the right track.

  36. The Admiral: The Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA) are on the right track.

    Well prepared, Street Activism is, a necessity.

  37. In order to effectively mobilize Southerners for racialism, something is going to have to be done about their loyalty to colorblind conservatism and anti-racist Christianity. We aren’t going to get people to sign up for a white nationalist program if they are still devoted Rush Limbaugh or are followers of Christian Zionism.

    Again, FB, not wearing nazi costumes or calling for genocides does not mean we can’t speak honestly about Jewish influence. You’re setting up a ridiculous false choice. Saying things like that Avigdor Lieberman(a Jewish Supremacist who is not part of the pro-white movement or likely to have any sympathy for the racial interests of white people) should be invited to the Amren conference, but that Bruno Gollnisch(a long time dedicated racial nationalist) shouldn’t be makes me question your seriousness. You seem to be saying outrageous things to get attention.

  38. “Again, FB, not wearing nazi costumes or calling for genocides does not mean we can’t speak honestly about Jewish influence. You’re setting up a ridiculous false choice. …”

    Truer words my friend, truer words!

    ‘*False Dichotomy Friedrich*’ indeed (this should be his moniker).

    ‘ATBOTL’ is one of the most sober, level-headed thinkers and activist in our movement.

  39. ATBOTL, you are very correct about not being able to convert Christian Zionists, but don’t write off all bible believers. I don’t identify as Christian, as I see the non-fire and brimstone variety of the last 60 years to be a total sham and don’t want to be associated with it in any way, but I am a strong bible believer and many white nationalists and potential white nationalists are. If your not, who cares, that doesn’t matter, it is a personal choice, if we are eye to eye on the race issue, anti-multicultural and generally conservative, that is enough for now, we need strength in numbers. Let the details sort themselves out after we have our homeland. I can live in a society with differnent ideologies, we as whites always have and always will, as long as the issues that are destroying us now are not represented, for they are not ideologies, they genocidal agendas. I heard Hunter say he was an atheist yesterday and it is a non-issue for me, that is between him and
    God. Futhermore, I think many can be converted, as racial seperation can be strongly supported by the bible, most have been brainwashed by the mainstream. I would love to have a shot at opening up their eyes to the real truth about God.

    Mark, where do you get the Rebel rant you are refering too, on the download I heard, time ran out and that was it.

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