Dead Branch

“Reichsmarshall” of Radio Werewolf is unhappy with my recent performance on Radio Free Mississippi. I’ve since let friends and family (racialist and non-racialist) listen to my interview. They are pretty much ordinary Alabama folks, racially aware, but not involved in the White Nationalist scene. Consider this a small focus group.

Their universal reaction was that I came across as a decent, sane, normal person – I could be anyone in East Alabama – whereas my interlocutor sounded like a raging psychopath. They got very uncomfortable when Jim Giles started ranting about “cutting throats” and Black Ops in the night and rounding up a legal posse to exterminate the Jews. Several asked why I had agreed to do the interview. I explained that there was no hint of this in previous broadcasts.

The vanguardist fringe is a dead branch. If White Nationalism is anything more than a fantasy ideology, we have to build a political base somewhere. The logical place to start is the Deep South where millions of Whites already hold racialist views. If we can’t win over people like my friends and family, who already agree with us on race, then we are wasting our time. We should just make the best out of our own private lives.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Further to #48 and #49:

    Braun is like the Cargo Cult Islanders who thought if they built imitation runways in the jungles the DC-3s would start landing with their cargoes again. In Braun’s version, if whites enforce an absolute moratorium on any and all criticism of Jews, Jewry will switch from pushing race-replacement to opposing it.

    It’s the Friedrich Braun neo-Cargo Cult strategy. Looks like a real winner.

  2. The other thing Braun does is label anyone who criticizes Jewish group behavior a Holocaust denier, Nazi costume clown, Hitler fetishist and Nazi nostalgic, and foaming-at-the-mouth genocidal anti-Semite who ought to be locked up in prison alongside Alex Linder and Jim Giles, it’s because of you the Jews haven’t come over to supporting white nationalism, until you’re driven out and jailed or hung the Jews will never come over to supporting white nationalism, but the minute you’re gotten rid of the Jews will be over here in a flash joining the white nationalist ranks.

    You get this from Braun no matter what you say. If you say, for example, you’ve noticed the Jews always vote 80% Democrat, or the Jews condemned the Swiss referendum result on minarets, or the Jews are major contributors to the Democrat and Republican Parties, or you’re not the world’s biggest Barry Manilow or Adam Sandler fan, then you’re a Holocaust denier, Nazi costume clown, Hitler fetishist and Nazi nostalgic, and foaming-at-the-mouth genocidal anti-Semite who ought to be locked up with Alex Linder and Jim Giles and it’s because of you the Jews haven’t come over to supporting white nationalism and until you’re driven out and jailed or hung the Jews will never come over to supporting white nationalism, but the minute you’re gotten rid of the Jews will be over here in a flash joining the white nationalist ranks.

  3. From Wiki:

    A cargo cult is a type of religious practice that may appear in traditional tribal societies in the wake of interaction with technologically advanced cultures. [For Braun, the Jews are very technologically advanced] The cults are focused on obtaining the material wealth (the “cargo”) of the advanced culture [for Braun, the material wealth or “cargo” of the advanced culture, i.e. of the Jews, is their support for white nationalism: that’s what he’s focused on obtaining] through magical thinking and religious rituals and practices [For Braun this magical thinking and these religious rituals amount to banning any and all commentary critical of Jews — he thinks that’ll work], believing that the wealth was intended for them by their deities and ancestors.

    Cargo cults developed primarily in remote parts of New Guinea and other Melanesian and Micronesian societies in the southwest Pacific Ocean, beginning with the first significant arrivals of Westerners in the 19th century. Similar behaviors have, however, also appeared elsewhere in the world. [Right, in Canada for instance]

  4. “It’s the Friedrich Braun neo-Cargo Cult strategy. Looks like a real winner.”

    “or you’re not the world’s biggest Barry Manilow or Adam Sandler fan, then you’re a Holocaust denier, …

    LMFAO, good one’s Fred! 😀

  5. I would like to see more discussion of the burgeoning European Nationalist music scene, including bands such as:

    *Von Thronstahl
    *Death in June
    *Der Blutharsch

  6. On testing the validity of the “False Dichotomy Friedrich’ Braun neo-Cargo Cult’ strategy’s” hypothesis, just consider this –

    “If you want to IDENTIFY the REAL RULERS of any society, simply ask yourself this question: WHO is it that I CANNOT CRITICIZE?” 😉

  7. “Again, FB, not wearing nazi costumes or calling for genocides does not mean we can’t speak honestly about Jewish influence. You’re setting up a ridiculous false choice.”

    I never said that one should not speak about the Zhoos. I did say that blaming the Zhoos for all your ills makes you sound like the Negroes you despise who fault “the Man” for all their misfortunes and shortcomings.

    ” Saying things like that Avigdor Lieberman(a Jewish Supremacist who is not part of the pro-white movement or likely to have any sympathy for the racial interests of white people) should be invited to the Amren conference, but that Bruno Gollnisch(a long time dedicated racial nationalist) shouldn’t be makes me question your seriousness. You seem to be saying outrageous things to get attention.”

    You know nothing of French politics. First, The Front National is not a racialist party. Secondly, Bruno Gollnisch is not a “racial nationalist”, as he’s married to an Asian woman with whom he has children – some racial nationalist!

    Yes, I would rather have a genuine racialist like Liberman than a race-mixer like Gollnisch. As well, in a spirit of international comity among racialists, I would have no problem with maintaining good relations with Japanese racialists, Hindu nationalists, etc.

    I just can’t be bothered to address Scrooby Jew’s customary insults, ad hominems, and bullying. That’s Scrooby Jew’s modus operandi on these blogs – a shrill 40 something fat Jewish male who can’t debate without getting personal.

  8. “…That’s Scrooby Jew’s…”

    “…address Scrooby Jew’s…”

    Gee, Mr. Braun sure sounds like one raging ‘antisemite’ to me!

  9. “I would like to see more discussion of the burgeoning European Nationalist music scene, including bands such as:

    *Von Thronstahl
    *Death in June
    *Der Blutharsch

    Yeah, here’s my commentary: garbage, garbage, garbage, and garbage. If you want to get in touch with your European roots, listen to classical music and folk music, not modern “heavy metal” and “rock” trash.

  10. Well the warfare had a late start but there it is.

    What happened to VNN’s policy on outing people? More of Lindro’s pathological hypocrisy.

  11. Hunter went for the entire interview, he didn’t hang up as some others advised he should have done. So he didn’t shrink or run away, he held strong.

    Not wanting to be around abusive and mentally disturbed people is not a sign of weakness. Unless you are either like that yourself or some kind of masochist, you avoid those people.

    I think Hunter was on the fence about the value of the lunatic fringe, and he got a good personal dose of it to give him a better perspective. He already had the intellectual reason, now he has the emotional one too. He made the right decision.

  12. My attitude on homosexuality is utterly conventional:

    1.) I don’t hate homosexuals.
    2.) I believe homosexuals should have all the rights of other citizens.
    3.) I don’t support gay marriage.
    4.) I don’t support gay pride parades.
    5.) I don’t support making an identity out of homosexuality.

    ^^ That’s pretty much what everyone believes in the South.

  13. I consider myself a “paleoconservative”. I am not a white nationalist or an anti-semite, and fall somewhere between Brimelow/Sailer/Derbyshire on most race issues. I stop by this site fairly regularly, as I enjoy Mr. Wallace’s writing, and “knew” him (very) slightly at the old Lyceum/Phora boards (I was W.T. Sherman). It was in researching my pro-Union arguments against Wallace’s pro-Confederacy arguments that I realized that I was in the wrong, and he was in the right. I do not expect Mr. Wallace to recall these exchanges, as they were rather insignificant as far as those forums were concerned (and utterly so in the grand scheme of things), but they played a significant role in the development of my own personal political philosophy.

    As a paleoconservative with traditionalist leanings I am, perhaps, the sort of person you fellows might need to sway in order to advance your movement. I can say without reservation that Mr. Wallace’s methods and style are infinitely more persuasive than those of Mr. Giles or Linder. It’s rather absurd that anyone even needs to point out that a genocide platform will never, ever have wide appeal. I literally recoiled in revulsion at Mr. Giles’ advocacy of genocide, at his bullying, and at his thick-headedness. Apart from that, these assertions that Mr. Wallace was “manhandled” are absolutely ridiculous. I was amazed at the patience he showed. It was like listening to an adult argue with a misinformed but adamant child. Giles never really considered the fundamental point Mr. Wallace kept making – your movement can make no progress if it does not expand, and if it pushes an exterminationist platform it will not only fail to expand, it will contract into a hard core of sociopaths and miscreants that will repel every decent, moral American. Well-adjusted human being instinctively recoil from mass murder. Every rant Giles made, every question he asked, failed to take this into account. It was irritating that Mr. Wallace had to keep reiterating this very fundamental, universally understood point. I think the interview was a good thing, in that it helped expose Giles as the genocidal psychopath he clearly is. Keep in mind, though, that at some point the SPLC is going to argue that “even the WN Hunter Wallace, of Occidental Dissent, concedes that ‘extreme anti-Semitism within the White Nationalist movement promoted by genocidal maniacs is a serious problem’ Please send money so we can combat this very serious threat”.

    What I would like to ask Mr. Wallace is this: why is it, do you think, that the White Nationalist movement attracts, and has seemed to always attract, genocidal sociopaths? Does that say anything about White Nationalism itself? Please excuse me for being presumptuous and/or impertinent, but I think these are questions that need to be considered carefully.

  14. S.L. Toddard/W.T. Sherman,

    Good to see you again! I clearly remember you from the old forum days. I remember all the epic debates we had on the Civil War. Lately, I have been reading Thomas Wood’s new book, Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815. It is a refreshing change of pace from arguing with all these lunatics on the internet. I plan on writing a review in a few days.

    Why is White Nationalism infested with psychopaths? I’ve been wondering the same thing. Here are the rough outlines of my answer:

    1.) The concepts of “morality” and “respectability” have been abused in the mainstream. The people who travel in WN circles (myself included) have become quite jaded. They are not as quick to condemn others because they have been condemned themselves for holding politically incorrect beliefs.

    2.) The moral stigma attached to WN deters most normal people from joining our ranks. It is not a deterrent to kooks and sociopaths who don’t attach any value to moral considerations.

    3.) A failure of leadership. There is no dominant organization in the movement that can impose a moral litmus test and exclude these people.

    4.) The taboo on these issues in the mainstream. WNs find their concerns ignored. No one is willing to speak to them. There is no political or cultural outlet for their energies. As a consequence, they grow more and more radical and some end up losing control.

  15. I’m not so sure WN has any more sociopaths than black nationalism, Jewish nationalism, or any other. Sociopaths are attracted to power and enjoy manipulating others, so they do tend to rise to prominent positions of authority.

    I have noticed a difference in tone when comparing European nationalism to American nationalism. Americans seem to have more of these fringe groups speaking for them. Such is Kemp’s point.

  16. I coughed up coffee cake all over myself at the cargo cult analogy!

    Admiral is right about IRL vs. OL WN activists. I’ve been all over the state networking with folks and haven’t seen any of the batshit crazy nonsense that’s the norm online.

  17. 68 S.L. Toddard
    When an unresolved issue of survival, has not been dealt with by an enervated society, when a societies rulers abdicate their duty or their office is purchased by other interests….it eventually falls into the hands of the dispossessed, as it’s last chance.
    This has always been a thread at the center of our civilization. Jesus never sat with priests and princes to break bread. He sat with the sinners, the publicans. the sick, the insane and the whores…the dispossessed.
    Bourgeois society, no matter how self satisfied, has never effected change. Their role is continuum….they fear change even if in their own interest…even if they privately long for change.
    The violent insanity of some of the people in this movement, is the insanity of our society. They are products of this society. It is to their credit they don’t spend their maladjusted energies in senseless crime and violence,. In their crude, repulsive manner, they state clearly that things must change

  18. I should have written that second last sentence as ‘they may psend their time in senseleess crime and violence, ‘but’ they state clearly……

  19. I was thinking of getting that E.M Jones book. I’ve read other articles by Jones and I’ve always appreciated the unorthodox Catholic perspective on things. Even if the Roman church I vew with distrust.

  20. it’s one of the challenge we face everyday, there are a lot of hot jewesses out there that get off on the idea of riding a anti-semite like a cowgirl at a rodeo.

  21. 1) In response to posts #60 & #68, the person shown in that photo/online profile, which VNN is purporting to be Dr. Greg Johnson of TOQ, is an entirely different person. Greg Johnson is a common name and this sort of hack and slash “research” is only conducted for one purpose: character assassination. They are pulling out all the stops to discredit TOQ and its editor. The obvious question: Cui bono?

    2) Giles admitted in a broadcast this morning that his father was a bastard, who didn’t know anything about his own father, and thus Jim’s paternal grandfather is unknown to him. There is rich irony in the fact that this depraved character, who believes himself to be some sort of self-styled WN crusader hell-bent on forming a “hardcore nucleus” to eradicate Jews and banish non-Whites from his White homeland, may not even be a White man. His activities only serve to bring us into disrepute, and many of the comments he makes (“We don’t need to be smarter than them [Jews], we just need to identify them and do what needs to be done [kill them]”) sound as if they were written by the ADL. Many have speculated on whether he is being paid or if he’s simply a nut, but the information concerning his family history is potentially very revealing. Is he, purposefully or subconsciously, following the group evolutionary strategy outlined by The Monster of Long Beach?

    3) The Admiral, I am working on an essay on Neofolk and Martial Industrial music, highlighting many of the bands you mentioned. I decided to write it months ago, but I stalled out after writing about 1/2 to 3/4 of it, which is a terrible habit of mine. I know there is growing interest in the subject , so I will make an effort to shore it up.

  22. I never said that one should not speak about the Zhoos. I did say that blaming the Zhoos for all your ills makes you sound like the Negroes you despise who fault “the Man” for all their misfortunes and shortcomings.

    The difference is that Jews and blacks both follow the white man around; both depend on the white man. You couldn’t separate the average “black nationalist” or Jew from whites with a crowbar, whereas Euro ethnopatriots want separation. So scapegoating (a Jewish invention) aside, blacks and Jews have more in common with one another than with whites or WNs or ethnopatriots.

    Oh, and Jews blame whites for everything. They call this “Western Civ 101 & 102,” “American history 101 & 102,” etc. Read The Culture of Critique” lately?

  23. Robert Campbell, look forward to your article. I’m particularly interested in this duo that started in the sixties I’ve heard a little bit about called Changes.

  24. CA,

    Changes is one of my favourite bands. I have been friends with Robert Taylor for several years and I had the pleasure of seeing them in concert on two occasions: once in 2005 with Blood Axis and The Lindbergh Baby (NYC) and once at GERM books (Philly), which also featured an art exhibit. He’s a brilliant artist — a true skald in the finest tradition of the Western troubadour.

    One of the pieces of Bob’s art on display at GERM was an oversized painting of John Brown head with a noose around his neck. I asked him why there were only a few knots, rather than 12 or 13. He replied by saying that it was difficult to acquire the proper hemp rope necessary for the project, that he couldn’t get as much as he needed, and thus he was forced to choose between making a proper noose for John Brown or depicting his head in an appropriately large manner. He chose properly.

  25. I happened to see that appalling smear thread of Greg Johnson at VNNF today. When I checked back later it had been removed. Linder & Co. will learn they can’t unring the bell — that’s lawyer talk. There are consequences for defamation, and, unlike in the recent past, there is now plenty of precedent-setting case law for cyberdefamation.

    Of course the best defense is truth against a lie, but Greg should not ever become defensive in the face of such taunting smears. The fact remains that Linder, with malice aforethought, published today an unqualified, deliberate ‘per se’ libel that was read by third parties, who will attest to such. Those are the necessary elements for bringing an action for defamation, should Greg choose to go on the offensive.

    Reminds me of when one of those other goons, Hal Turner or Bill White — forget which — made a big production of his publishing of what he thought was the personal information of some perceived enemy, wishing harm would visit that individual, only to find out later he had published the wrong person’s name and address. Consequences. White and Turner are right where they belong.

    Thing is, I had “varg’s” thread reduced in another window and simply printed it out. Should Greg want this hard copy screen shot of “varg’s” malicious smear at VNNF let me know. Always glad to assist in snaring famicidal maniacs.

  26. Personally, I hope this “unrestricted warfare” from their camp will continue. I thought about striking back the other day, but changed my mind. For now, it is better to give them time to break as many laws as possible.

  27. “Gee, Mr. Braun sure sounds like one raging ‘antisemite’ to me!”

    I’m following Linder’s injunction to “name the Jew!” As a Linder groupie, Scrooby understands.

  28. Did any of the people who think they are clever anti-semites consider that the best way to bring “crazy Jews” into disrepute is to genuinely extend them a hand. When they shout “Nazi” at the top of their lungs, it makes them look stupid. Like why the hell are you bashing someone who is supporting you?

    Not that all Jews are crazy.

  29. “I’m following Linder’s injunction to “name the Jew!” …

    So now you are a Linderite, eh?

    You know what, the way you absolutely obsess over Fred Scrooby’s alleged ancestry is beginning to make me question whether YOU are really ‘the/a JEW’ here?!?

    I mean, it seems as if it’s a real serious case of *projection* on your part there, especially coupled with your absolute devotion to Judonia and Zion that would make even a West Bank ‘settler’ blush.

    Freddy Braunstein, get your priorities straight!

  30. “Personally, I hope this “unrestricted warfare” from their camp will continue. I thought about striking back the other day, but changed my mind. For now, it is better to give them time to break as many laws as possible.”
    If you planned this disruption, it was brilliant. It would be an a+ in my disruption strategy book.

    I don’t think you did though.

  31. My prediction: I expect FB will end up an anti-racist cognitive elitist with zero tolerance for opponents of white mulattoization as he now so passionately demonstrates zero tolerance for Jewry-critique and zero tolerance for those he views as Nazi-symps. In other words he’s going to go all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum from where he started.

  32. Part of it will be that he’ll endorse the CvH view that Germans only got what they deserved in cities like Dresden and Hamburg, and in the Red Army atrocities in East Prussia.

  33. “Why is White Nationalism infested with psychopaths?”

    All volunteer organizations are infested. It’s not peculiar to WN, or either of the WAs. Churches have bunches of them. Teacher associations are loaded with them. Lions & Rotarian clubs have their own special mix of the crazed and the alcoholic.

    In fact, there are so many deficient personalities around that employers typically have what they call a “sanity check” before offering a position or, at the very least, requiring a 90 day probation period. Lunch prior to the offer with a trusted employee is an unavoidable benchmark in seeking to sort the sane from the mildly disturbed, the neurotic, and the psychotic.

    Any volunteer organizer needs to be very aware of the psychopathic personality. It’s not a white thing, it’s a human thing. And never forget that half of us white guys have IQs below 100 — that is, half of us have a less than stellar grasp on logic and reasoning anyway.

    By the way, there are litmus tests.

  34. “Can someone see whether Observer isn’t in fact fat Jew Scrooby?”

    Can someone see whether Friedrich be Braunstein is in fact fat Jew Abe Loxman?

  35. HW ~ For now, it is better to give them time to break as many laws as possible.

    Damn, I hope you haven’t been, er, compromised.

  36. I don’t agree with a lot of what Braun is saying and think some of his personal attacks (including on Scrooby) are out of line but I don’t think he is deteriorating into the mendaciousness and self-obsession of CvH.

    I think we should critique his views rather than throw personal insults at him in reply. As far as I am concerned, he is still on our side, we just disagree on approach/tactics.

    I agree with Braun that there are a lot of defective personalities that need to be purged. If we can’t clean our own house, we can’t expect to get very far.

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