Dead Branch

“Reichsmarshall” of Radio Werewolf is unhappy with my recent performance on Radio Free Mississippi. I’ve since let friends and family (racialist and non-racialist) listen to my interview. They are pretty much ordinary Alabama folks, racially aware, but not involved in the White Nationalist scene. Consider this a small focus group.

Their universal reaction was that I came across as a decent, sane, normal person – I could be anyone in East Alabama – whereas my interlocutor sounded like a raging psychopath. They got very uncomfortable when Jim Giles started ranting about “cutting throats” and Black Ops in the night and rounding up a legal posse to exterminate the Jews. Several asked why I had agreed to do the interview. I explained that there was no hint of this in previous broadcasts.

The vanguardist fringe is a dead branch. If White Nationalism is anything more than a fantasy ideology, we have to build a political base somewhere. The logical place to start is the Deep South where millions of Whites already hold racialist views. If we can’t win over people like my friends and family, who already agree with us on race, then we are wasting our time. We should just make the best out of our own private lives.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “My prediction: I expect FB will end up an anti-racist cognitive elitist with zero tolerance for opponents of white mulattoization as he now so passionately demonstrates zero tolerance for Jewry-critique and zero tolerance for those he views as Nazi-symps. In other words he’s going to go all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum from where he started.”

    Scrooby Jew exaggerates a hundred fold my position in order to better knock it. Not only is he exaggerating, he’s out right lying: where did I say anything about Dresden or Jews being above criticism? No matter for Jew Scrooby! This type dishonesty is Scrooby Jew’s stock in trade on these blogs. Scrooby Jew is so far gone that he thinks Linder and Giles genocidal solution is legitimate discourse – as they surely don’t mean it! According to mendacious Scrooby Jew because I reject a, I must also reject b, c, d, e, and f. Scrooby is psychologically and morally comfortable with the most radical kind of anti-Semitism imaginable. What does that say about Scrooby? Personally I think Scrooby is a moral leper that should be isolated, ostracized, and denounced. He has indoctrinated himself into the most extreme form of anti-Semitism around and lost all moral bearings. He inhabits now a parallel moral universe. We must say clearly that don’t want anything to do with warped sickos like Scrooby. We have no alternative. These defective, demented freaks leave us no choice. Our silence will only be interpreted as tacit approval.

    Every single successful nationalist party in Europe – including hardcore B.N.P. – has adopted my approach to the J.Q., but to Scrooby and other fanatical anti-Semites that’s tantamount to a betrayal! Ideological purity on the J.Q. – as interpreted by them – is all that matters, not concrete results on the ground for our people! If holding on to anti-Semitism means endless political marginality and impotence, then by God they’re more than willing to pay the price! These ayatollahs would rather go down with the anti-Semitic ship.

  2. “I mean, it seems as if it’s a real serious case of *projection* on your part there, especially coupled with your absolute devotion to Judonia and Zion that would make even a West Bank ’settler’ blush.

    Freddy Braunstein, get your priorities straight!”

    Is Nick Griffin also a traitor and a devotee to Zion and Judonia?

    Note that the radical, fanatical anti-Semites flooding this Web site don’t offer any real criticism, it’s just personal name calling. Jew-lover, Zionist, etc. This confirms my hypothesis that the most extreme anti-Semites also happen to be the dumbest, potentially murderous, psychological primitives.

  3. “I consider myself a “paleoconservative”. I am not a white nationalist or an anti-semite, and fall somewhere between Brimelow/Sailer/Derbyshire on most race issues.”

    How ya doin’ there Toddard, long time no read.

    “As a paleoconservative with traditionalist leanings I am, perhaps, the sort of person you fellows might need to sway in order to advance your movement.”

    You mean if we try hard enough, pour enough sugar on top of it, maybe even a cherry too, you might, oh, you just might, allow us the singular pleasure of unburdening you of what amounts to your race treason; the flattering of your refined sensibilities being the all important substitute for, you know, actually loyalty to blood? You little flirt.

    “I can say without reservation that Mr. Wallace’s methods and style are infinitely more persuasive than those of Mr. Giles or Linder.”

    Ah, c’mon. Everyone with a shred of circumspection has his ‘dark night of the soul’ in which he ponders the fundamental barbarous absurdity of life and concludes he can only proceed ‘but by the grace of…’. But then he catches himself in realizing it was all a melodramatic fit of self pity tinged with narcissism. I mean, am I the only one who finds Giles’ broadcasts to be a delightful bit of black comedy whose leitmotif is a not so lite Southern Gothic? And a tad cathartic to boot? Any takers? Oh well, you once referred to me as a “feces-flinging simian.” Maybe you’re right, maybe I’m wrong. Here’s to you, Chief.

  4. ”he’s [Scrooby is] out right lying: where did I say anything about Dresden […]? […] According to mendacious Scrooby Jew because I reject a, I must also reject b, c, d, e, and f.” ( — FB)

    I was making a prediction: you will end up a hard-line aracial cognitive elitist. Already strongly pro-eugenics and anti-Christianity, all of that combined will see you emerge over the next two or three years as a sort of Godless Capitalist with CvH’s views on Germany and WW II, namely Germany got what it deserved in Dresden, E. Prussia, and the Morgenthau-ordered lopping off and savage ethnic cleansing of its eastern one-third, and all the rest of it.

    ”Scrooby Jew exaggerates a hundred fold my position in order to better knock it. Not only is he exaggerating, he’s out right lying: where did I say anything about […] Jews being above criticism?” ( — FB)

    But I’ve asked you a million times what, exactly, you objected to in people’s criticism of Jewry, what exactly are the limitations on it which you demand, and never once have you replied with an explanation. All you are willing to do each time I ask is spout your “effeminate oddball Jew Scrooby is a foaming anti-Semite, the biggest lunatic and Nazi fetishist on the net, who should be [etc. etc. etc.].” But never an answer. So blame yourself if people misunderstood your postion vis-à-vis Jewry-critique. Here, I’ll ask again: what, exactly, do you want changed in regard to the subject of Jewry-critique while you’re anxiously looking up in the sky waiting for the DC-3s to land? What, exactly, will in your opinion scare away the DC-3s from coming in for a landing on the “don’t criticize the Jews” landing strip you’ve cleared in the jungle? What are we supposed to avoid saying while you’re waiting for the planes and hoping no one will frighten them away? The truth? We’re supposed to avoid saying the truth? How much of it must we avoid? Every last bit? Can we say things like they control Hollyweird and are the obvious reason it churns out that anti-white shit that it does? They own the Democratic Party and strongly influence the Republican? They all, all except the JDL press release you linked, denounced the Swiss minaret ban? Everywhere you look they ferociously support excessive incompatible immigration with a singleminded aggressiveness normally seen only in entities that are on a war footing (except Lawrence Auster and the Jewish Task Force who have zero power, zero influence, and zero money, so it makes zero practical difference if that infinitessimal fraction, namely Jews who are sane, is on your side or not)? I mean, what exactly are we not permitted to say according to you lest we qualify as raging foaming drooling “anti-Semites”? How much of the blindingly obvious truth must one consciously suppress in order not to be an “anti-Semite” while waiting for the DC-3s to land their cargo?

    ”Scrooby Jew is so far gone that he thinks Linder and Giles genocidal solution is legitimate discourse – as they surely don’t mean it!” ( — FB)

    I replied to you here: .

    Later, as I remember, I said I had concluded that Linder’s call for “exterminating” the Jews was mere rhetoric (I won’t hunt up the exact link because I don’t want this comment not to post), but I don’t know Linder’s views well (though I like most of what I’ve seen): I don’t know the man and I agree that if you’ve been reading him regularly for six years you know him better than I. If he is serious about that in his own mind I view it as irrelevant to The Cause: it’s a non-issue for me, no one’s going to exterminate any group in the sense you say Linder means, and Linder’s going to get himself shunned by foolishly using that rhetoric whether or not he believes it himself. That’s all. White people have to get themselves out of the race-replacement mess the normal sane christian way without thinking about “exterminating” any group. That’s doable: they have to start doing it. Period. Regarding Giles, you shouldn’t pull things out of a hat, FB: I haven’t commented on him, not one word, since the sudden change in his behavior that coincided with the Hunter Wallace interview.

    ”Scrooby is psychologically and morally comfortable with the most radical kind of anti-Semitism imaginable.” ( — FB)

    I’ve responded to that charge multiple times at MR and OD. To take one example, my first comment in the recent MR thread titled “Friedrich Braun on the Other Approach to Jewry” (I’m not including a link because this comment won’t post with a second link in it).

    ”Every single successful nationalist party in Europe – including hardcore B.N.P. – has adopted my approach to the J.Q.” ( — FB)

    Good. I’ve already responded to this as well: when you’re advising some group running for office and out on the campaign stump tell them to adopt your approach to the JQ. I agree completely. We here aren’t out on the campaign stump. We’re engaged in a very necessary process of thrashing out the truth of the matter in the only place left us where that process can take place in public, the (fill in the blank) _____ having closed off every other public avenue to discussion. This gets back to the question of exactly what you demand in terms of everyone shutting up about the Jews. You seem to demand that absolutely nothing be said about any aspect of it anywhere, whether while out stumping on the campaign trail or while commenting on a blog trying to get at the underlying truth of the issue. That’s how it seems, then when you’re criticised for it you flip. If that is your position, you can 1) go take a running leap, and 2) stop the sniveling cry-baby act when called on it.

    ”Note that the radical, fanatical anti-Semites flooding this Web site don’t offer any real criticism, it’s just personal name calling. Jew-lover, Zionist, etc. This confirms my hypothesis that the most extreme anti-Semites also happen to be the dumbest, potentially murderous, psychological primitives.” ( — FB)

    There’s not a person on the internet who knows you who wouldn’t label that an instance of the pot calling the kettle black: mere deaf, dumb, outrageous, knee-jerk reflexive, loud, repetitive name-calling is 99.9999999999% of what you do, FB. The whole world knows it. You’re known for it all over the internet. You just did it right there in that quote.

  5. “Note that the radical, fanatical anti-Semites flooding this Web site don’t offer any real criticism, it’s just personal name calling. Jew-lover, Zionist, etc. This confirms my hypothesis that the most extreme anti-Semites also happen to be the dumbest, potentially murderous, psychological primitives.”

    Happy hanukkah Freddy Braunstein!

  6. Hunter, what you have said and done was the right thing. It’s only natural that the scumbags, psychopaths and idiots now rave about it, and your standing up against them makes them look even more scum-baggy, psychopathic and idiotic than ever, if that was possible. Thanks for that as well.

  7. Jim Giles is not the leader of the Vanguard wing of WN so it’s far from dead. The vanguardist approach still has its place and will gain currency as more and more whites get displaced and victimized by violent non-white minorities. Being a vanguard supporter doesn’t entail dressing up in a nazi or klan costume and acting immature; activists with the Pierce led NA dressed in formal or semi-formal attire and acted respectably while speaking the unvarnished truth on the JQ and race.

    Mainstreamers have a tendency to parse their words to prove how nice and inoffensive they are. This strategy has its place but revolutions are not won by softies and timid souls.

  8. This Jim Giles is a nut. He has more respect for Mark Potok than white american patriots in his interviews. Using Tim Wise, Mark Potok and SPLC to discredit David Duke and others is stupid. There is too many people like Giles, Linder, nazi clown NSM in the nationalist movement in American.

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