Comment Moderation

I’ve been forced to hold comments for admin approval because of jimbo!’s spamming campaign. For some reason, his posts keep getting through the comment filter. I will have to get in touch with WordPress later and see how I can fix this.

Update: I’ve restored the old settings.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Now now Mark, not all us Australians are nuts.

    Just, a quick corrective to Jimbo’s outrageous claims that the Australian ‘movement’ is nothing but B&H gigs. That may be more true for Victoria [which certainly isn’t the case], but in Sydney that is not true whatsoever! Hell, the gigs that are organised in Sydney for the most part are done by those of us that are securing our traditional living space with real activism! Just a few links about what’s been going down lately:

    Check out the Nationalist Alternative website, a group originating from Melbourne. All solid people and they don’t just write articles but actually engage the community directly.

    And we can’t forget this, it’s basically what got BANA started too for all you trivia freaks out there.

    Better yet, ask Dr. Sunic about the Australian scene, he’s more or less part of the gang here!

  2. An amendment to the article “Jeering Crowd Blocks Meeting Of Extreme Right”, for starters the October meeting went through uninterrupted, the antifa got bored and buggered off in the end, and we didn’t meet on the 6th November, we met on another date, so their protest was fruitless.

  3. Note that Linder thinks that he is the only one in “the movement” who has it right. He wants to make himself fuhrer. Linder is never going to be able to work with anyone else or be and an effective activist because its all about him.

  4. Once again Linder proves that he’s a treasonous piece of shit. As if there was any doubt by now. His picture should next to a definition of sociopath. It’s all about him, he’s in it for himself.

    The good thing is that he’s self-destructing as we speak. The guy is radioactive.

    Alex Linder = Richard Warman.

  5. This has pretty much convinced me that what passes in cyberspace for W.N. is chock full of sociopaths who are very busy infighting and destroying each other.

    My posting days are over on W.N. blogs and forums, I can think of a thousand more productive ways of spending my time.

    Good bye and good luck!


  6. Linder is shunned so he posts personal info. Did he get this from Miller? Then Giles sends emails off to the Secret Police. What needs to happen to people like that?

  7. What a revolting development. Linder has gone off the deep end. And what a lowdown hypocrite! He’s banned many people for posting the real names of WNs.

    I’m much closer to Linder’s beliefs on jews and a WN state than most people here but this isn’t about beliefs, it’s about character.

    Linder is no different than an anti who, when they’re losing an argument with a WN, posts the WN’s photo and phone number.

    By the way, on his own blog Linder deleted the post asking him if he’d be able to carry out his plan to exterminate the jews himself.

    For once I’m in agreement with Braun. Linder is a sociopath.

  8. ” I noticed he is working overtime for the feds on Christmas attacking Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson.”

    It should be duly noted that Greg Johnson ‘names the Jew’ so should have passed muster with Linders own ‘litmus tests’ but now Linder is going psycho-hose-beast apparently and the new litmus test is extermination-ism. Wow, that is an insane change.

    All of this is very unnecessary as the solution has already been arrived at by Ezra Pound and Eustace Mullins!

    Non-violent formula for controlling the Jews:

  9. I’m glad to see people finally waking up to what I’ve known for a while now, what would otherwise be obvious and indefensible except when people have their egos involved and their ideological blinders on. I’ll take that as a Christmas present, thanks.

    As Robert said, cui bono? All the signs are there. His past associations, his current associations… attacking productive pro-white leaders… his rhetorical style, like that of Hal Turner and other agent provocateurs, it’s completely over the top. Some think that’s a positive, it’s a sign of leadership, a real trailblazer. But really, who else is doing a better job of making white racialism look bad, looking like what the Left says it is, immoral and sociopathic. Only Christian Identity is even close to Linder. The conservatives are said to be used as a distraction, but the lunatic fringe can just as easily be compromised.

    FB, I understand your sentiments, I have similar thoughts about the situation. Perhaps you need a break and time to reflect. I enjoy reading your perspective and it’s nice to see a person with an independent mind instead of all the backslapping Lindrones.

  10. What Linder hopes is that by outing you, you’ll become so alienated in society that the only thing you’ll have to turn to is the vanguard.

    The only people who will care are overbearing parents.

  11. ” Only Christian Identity is even close to Linder. ”

    Whoa hold on, lets not insult Christian Identity here!

    There is a broad swath of Identity adherents who are more into Survivalism and building compounds out in the woods (like Pastor Butler of Aryan Nations did) where they can pretty much mind their own business away from the hustle and bustle of Jewish money-men and black drug pushers polluting the Urban Zones.

    One could go so far as to say that Dual-Seedliner-Mega-Identitarian ‘Mad’ Marty is actually an extroverted outlier of Christian Identity!

    Just trying to be fair is all. 🙂

  12. Spock,

    I’m pleased to see that this little blog has drawn the attention of your anti-racist group. If I recall correctly, Leonard Zeskind recently spoke before your organization. I’ve been following his activities since I read his book.

    Put in a good word for us. Zeskind will probably find our discussions to be of some professional interest.

  13. Unbelievable. I really don’t know what to say about this without adding substantially to the mud-slinging. The allegation that the Kook of Kirksville works for the other side might be more accurate than some people are willing to admit. On the other hand, what does HW have to fear? Just what does AL hope to gain by this action?

    FB wrote: This has pretty much convinced me that what passes in cyberspace for W.N. is chock full of sociopaths who are very busy infighting and destroying each other.

    Yes, that pretty much sums it up. It’s rarely about ideas. It’s always about posturing, pissing matches, and personalities,.

  14. I posted a few comments. I decided later to delete them. It is better to move on to other topics. We’ve had more than enough discussion about toxic personalities in our movement.

  15. You can explain these toxic personalities two ways :
    1) Ian Jobling is right about human behavior. Humans don’t naturally act in the interest of perceived racial groups. Even so-called pro-whites rip each other to shreds.
    2) They are FBI informants.

    I think 1 is true and I’m not sure if 2 is true.

  16. I noticed earlier that Alex Linder has left Jared Taylor a real tasteful Christmas message on the VNN mainpage. My own Christmas present was an attempt to out me. It just goes to show you who we are dealing with here.

  17. Kane,

    There was an important difference. I consider myself a reasonable and moral person. When I saw the abuse you were taking, I started to sympathize with you.

    I’m very approachable. I have demonstrated time and again that I am willing to talk to anyone. I’m also willing to change my opinions in light of new evidence. If anything is true, I have been too tolerant and have shown bad judgement in placing my trust in others.

    Psychopaths don’t think like we do. They don’t have sympathy for their fellow man. They take pleasure in inflicting harm upon others. A psychopath doesn’t experience guilt or remorse.

  18. Jim Giles has now issued apologies to GJ on his website.

    This whole episode resembles a soap opera. Tabloid White Nationalism!

  19. HW- Your blog did come up as a ping back when we posted our article about Zeskind . He is an intelligent writer and a more than competent anti-racist contributor.
    The event we met him at was at a local DC bookstore where he did a talk and book signing.

    So, yes, we have been aware of your blog almost as long as you have ours.

    But, that is not why the posted the comment on here.

    For our reasons we have concerns about what this new comer radio guy “Giles” is up to.
    Why is he so tight with Linder? Why does he also have people from our side on his shows? And, are we looking at another Hal Turner?

    His recent call for ethnic exterminations sounds baiting.

    Linder’s recent attacks on you, Taylor and TOQ are also interesting and baffling. And, do they have a connection to Giles?

    We at the collective have our mission and you and your movement have yours and that is on opposite ends of the issues of race and multiculturalism.

    We don’t have to try to pretend friends, but, if we are all being played by this guy Giles there is a common goal in seeking transparency of the situation.

    Peace and Merry Christmas to all,

    The Lady Liberty’s Lamp Collective.

  20. I see that Investigator Varg is digging up old posts of mine. The ones he has cited are from October 2001. I was 20 years old at the time, a college student goofing off on the internet, someone who was watching FOX News, posting on, and reading David Horowitz.

  21. Varg forgot to mention the part about my old associates hijacking my own forum, banning me from it, and then harassing and defaming me for months.

    He forgot to mention the part that Kane was furious about being outed and how VNN Forum was used to expose his real identity.

    He also had nothing to say about the fact that the guy who was hacking into emails and harassing people in real life (Ixabert) was told to knock it off and was banned for that reason. That fact is always convienently excised from the story.

  22. 1.) Varg is spreading the lie that Greg Johnson is a homosexual. This is false. Greg has chosen not to respond to the scum over at VNN Forum for the same reason Jared Taylor has always ignored them. It is déclassé to lower yourself to their level and engage them in their pig sty of a forum.

    2.) Varg is saying that Greg Johnson, the editor of TOQ Online, is the Greg Johnson from Atlanta on that MySpace page. He is not. I’ve met Greg Johnson in real life several times. That’s not him. Everyone who knows Greg Johnson has said that is not him.

  23. The irony should be clear: denouncing one’s opponent as a “racist,” an “informant,” an “agent provocateur,” a “Nazi,” an “anti-Semite,” a “fag,” a “psychopath,” are all ways one shames one’s opponent into submission, and failing that one’s opponent is relegated to the “fringe” on unpersons. It is about manipulating the moral (actually status conscious) sensibilities of others in an attempt to gain power. The physical liquidation of one’s opponents is only an extension of the process. If not that, then what is it?

  24. 1) Ian Jobling is right about human behavior. Humans don’t naturally act in the interest of perceived racial groups. Even so-called pro-whites rip each other to shreds.

    Linder believes (or at least says such) that he is acting for the interests of the whole. He believes that marginalizing AmRen, TOQ, Occidental Dissent, and anyone else perceived as paleoconservative is necessary for advancing the interests of the whole. So the assertion that this is some sort of proof that GST doesn’t exist is false.

  25. I don’t know what to say.

    “Anti-racist.” I have my own racial views and I was simply promoting them on a free speech forum. They happen to be sophisticated views. I said over and over again that I don’t consider myself to be a rank and file WN and had no interest in interfering with the ranks of WN. I was a racialist, but of a different stripe. How is this trolling? It’s supposed to be a free speech forum. I’m allowed to be a heretic, because the forum in question is a free speech forum.

    I’m trying to stay neutral here but it angers me when people dirt dig and omit half of the story. Look I don’t want anything to do with VNN and want to be left alone unmolested. I’ve never really bothered you. Just stay out of this fight. I didn’t even post a single post until you jumped in and took a side in a fight that didn’t even involve you.

    I’ve apologize to the forum in question when they should be begging me for forgiveness. They should be at my feet BEGGING me to forgive them for what they did to me, and doing something to show they are sorry. Instead, they STILL bash me in the shoutbox on a daily basis. Yet I apologized. I don’t know what to say. Why do you pick so many fights? It isn’t the Jewish question because you pick fights over other stuff too. Just purge the entire kane account, I never wanted to mess with you guys anyways. The cross forum warfare which you scarcely understand caused me to post.

  26. H.W., these are valid points. I think this deserves a post on the front page and not buried in the comments sections. We must warn all people of good faith to feel Alex Linder before they are outed, beaten up, fired, or in jail. He obviously wants all of the above for you.

  27. Jobling is rather speaking about himself. Somehow I don’t think Jobling would be writing this nonsense while he lived in a black neighborhood.

    Israel is a clear example of working for EGI. Jews have set a modern precedent for carving out an ethnostate. Creating a white ethnostate in America would be far easier in comparison.

  28. The non-existence of mental mechanisms by which individuals assortatively associate is belied by the way the vast majority of people actually behave in the world. By that alone Jobling is refuted. Jobling is a liar whose primary interest is protecting Jews, and that includes the status and power of Jews. If indeed Jews are not our implacable racial enemies – in the main, collectively in their decisive impact – I dare anyone to produce evidence to the contrary that can withstand scrutiny.

    It is ironic, that The Shitheads of The Liberty [sic] Lamp very well may denounce “anti-Semitism,” yet also go to bat for freedom and justice for the Palestinians (i.e., self-determination), yet would most likely deny the liberty of freedom of speech to those of European descent in areas touching on race, and would certainly deny same self-determination. What is more, just how will the Palestinian people gain what The Shitheads would deny those of European descent unless Jewish power is significantly broken. And wouldn’t breaking Jewish power be nearly the penultimate act of “anti-Semitism?” And yet these cretins are greeted here in a manner friendly.

    Just what the fuck is going on here? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, even though that enemy would see to it if given the chance that my people would face eventually total racial destruction? To do less would be “declasse?” And anything that is “declasse” must be “cast into the fire” (a metaphor that is itself resonant with political violence)?

    For me it is simple, and self-evidently correct, that my standard is loyalty to blood unto death, for ultimately without the integrity of the blood I lose everything. Perhaps men like Toddard need their lies, but you Hunter?

  29. Iceman, you don’t really have a choice in the matter. H.W. wanted to stay above the fray but sees that that tactic isn’t practical in this instance. You can lie there and accumulate the kicks or you can get up and reply in kind. It’s good for H.W. to at least give his version, as VNNForum presents a rather unflattering picture of him.

  30. In other news, one of Linder’s kook associates who goes by the name of “Chain” has posted the following, probably at the behest of Investigator Varg:

    ^^ “Chain” is claiming these are photos of my mother’s home. I have never lived in Buford, GA or the Atlanta metro area in my entire life. My mother has never lived there either.

  31. Braun, I’m trying to make it clear to everyone who reads that this isn’t my fight and that I’ve pretty much avoided VNN in “non-aggression.”

    I’m trying to let them know that they don’t have to drag me into this fight. My account over there can rep buy can’t post. I even repped the two admins to let them know I want to avoid this.

    If they persist, then we’ll know it isn’t my fault.

  32. Kane is harmless. He is just a middle class kid from Pennsylvania who is fascinated with serial killers. How anyone could compare Kane to a psychopath who advocates genocide boggles the mind.

  33. @hunter
    It should come as no surprise to you that Cobb has jumped on the slander bandwagon. He spends his days, calling people “Jews” “feds” “fags” etc. Always basing his slander on suspicion rather than reality. He is just another gossip whore amongst the “movement” who acts as if the “scene” is some special boys club where you have to fit exactly what he is to be a part of it. These people are not effective in waking white minds to the facts; in fact they continue the dis-unity, with slander attacks of a lot of people. I just can’t figure out if he is naturally this way, filled with character defaults and paranoia, or if it is on purpose..Either way, it is not effective, and only gets the “online” “scene” caught up in gossip, and we become much more like” National Enquirer” readers and “Entertainment Tonight “watchers than political soldiers.

  34. It’s good that some of my controversial content written in my youth was confined to irrelevant small websites which are now destroyed. If quotes can be dug up, nothing can be too damning.

  35. 1.) Investigator Varg continues to insist that the fellow on MySpace is Greg Johnson. I’ve said it isn’t him. Robert Campbell said it isn’t him. Greg Johnson has denied he is the same person, but this sleazeball hasn’t retracted his libel.

    2.) Greg Johnson is not Robert Campbell’s employer.

    3.) I never hacked the passwords of anybody. That was Kane and Daniel Shays. I never read the private emails of anyone. That was Ixabert. The email account Ixabert hacked belonged to a Jewish librarian from Kansas. We decided he was out of control and showed him the door.

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