A Christmas Thought

I’m currently reading Thomas Wood’s Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815. It is part of the new Oxford History of the United States series. In a few days, I plan on writing a review from a racialist perspective.

Here’s what has struck the most: George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Knox were conscientious men. They knew that White settlers were enroaching on Indian land, but they went out of their way to save the Indians. Although they were White racists by modern standards, the Founders believed the Indians had some basic rights which should be respected.

In the words of Henry Knox, “The Indians being the prior occupants possess the right of the Soil. It cannot be taken from them unless by their free consent, or by the right of Conquest in case of a just War – To dispossess them on any other principle would be a gross violation of the fundamental Laws of Nature and of that distributive justice which is the glory of a nation.” Knox went on to say that exterminating the Indians “would stain the character of the nation.”

I haven’t seen the slightest concern for the rights of Anglo-American natives by our new ruling class. They aren’t willing to entertain the idea of setting aside “reservations” for White people in the new multiracial America. These people have no respect whatsoever for our culture and traditions. We are demonized for even acknowledging we have a racial identity.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I haven’t seen the slightest concern for the rights of Anglo-American natives by our new ruling class.” ( — from the log entry)

    Or for the rights of U.S. Red Indians. If the whites no longer want the country it goes back to the Indians, not the imported Third Worlders. But no, the white élites are giving it to imported Third Worlders (without a peep of protest from the U.S. Indians, which is a bit strange).

    If I had my druthers I’d undo race-replacement of whites of course, getting that straightned out first and foremost and the clock on that turned back to something like 1950 if not 1850, 1750, or 1650 (my own preference being 1650).

    When that was all taken care of I’d set about giving the North American Red Man (who is btw a different race from the Mexican Red Man) big chunks of U.S. land — say, twice Montana for example, and in the East, the whole upper half of New York State to the Canadian border.

    Why? Because the North American Red Man is going to go extinct pretty soon unless he gets his own country. I say give him one. We defeated him. That was enough punishment for him to have to endure for three hundred years. Now we have to genocide him into the bargain? I say no.

    The other thing I sympathize with is something I’ve seen a number of people say, for example “Jupiter” who posts now and than at MR.com and a few others: I have nothing against the pre-1965 Negroes and their descendants being here. They were here as slaves before the Pilgrims (the first of them arriving at Jamestown). They never asked to be brought over but over they came and have been part of this land. I wouldn’t chase them anywhere. I’d leave them alone where they are.

  2. Comment #1: I was just about to say the same thing you said- regarding the US government mistreating us Whites and the Oranges/Reds, Fred. They won’t care seeing Whites, Oranges, and Reds go extinct.

    I also agree with the assertion that “If it’s not our land to restrict immigration on, then it’s not our land to bring massive immigration of 3rd party races either!”

    And, to an extent, I agree with you on African-Americans with Slave roots in North America. I guess I take a middle/compromise position between both extremes-kick all of them out or keep all of them here. I support their right to a representative presence with, say their best half or so staying in North America, and their deliberate degenerates leaving. And to be fair, I support kicking out the worst (pedophiles, impulsive rapists, etc.) of our race too.

  3. My main concern to begin with was actually Brown Hispanics. They are the ones about to race-replace us, not Blacks. they former is reproducing much faster than even the latter.

    I hear Hispanics are already estimated to be 10% or more in states like South Carolina and Maryland! The Black percentage is hardly moving, if not decreasing. The misconception is that Blacks will take the Southeast. The reality is that Browns (Hispanics and Southeast Asians) will be the ones to inherit the American Southeast and the Mid-Atlantic, if current trends are not changed.

  4. What is needed of you now Hunter is nothing more than to thy own self be true. You are a good man, I heard it in your voice, and as indicated by the spontaneity of your responses to Giles’ probing. In addition to that, your analysis and incites are brilliant. That is what has garnered the following you have and has advanced your fortunes with the circle of comrades you now call your own. But you are no Leader, I heard that too. Nor is MacDonald. There should be no shame in that. Loyalty is served by doing for our people as best one can as one is equipped. Yet loyalty in that vein is also not achieved by leading our people further into darkness as is the case with Jobling. Leave the Machiavellian jockeying to Linder. The path of the Leader is a lonely one that is not rightly commended to a good and gentle man, for if in the end victory must come at all costs, whatever they may be, and in this case it must, then ruthlessness may well be required. That is not your path.

  5. 1.) I clearly and unambiguously said in the interview that I don’t have the slightest desire to become the leader of the White Nationalist movement.

    2.) Alex Linder is not a leader. He is a marginal and divisive figure in the White Nationalist movement. I don’t know of anyone who wants to associate with him. He doesn’t have a following outside of his small circle of hardcore supporters at VNN Forum.

    3.) I’m finished with Jim Giles and Alex Linder. I want to move on to other topics.

    4.) David Duke and Jared Taylor are our leaders.

  6. I’ll let this be my final statement here on the matter, consistent with your wishes. I did not say Alex Linder is the Leader, but implied, and this is clearly the case, that he wishes to gain for himself a leadership role. The role of leadership, or indeed of the Leader, is achieved by a Darwinian process of gaining the confidence and loyalty of a critical mass of followers whereby no other faction is capable of contesting the exercise of decisive power; just as Hitler explained. I too doubt Linder has the mettle to achieve that, but so too Taylor, of course for different reasons. The case of Duke is more interesting, but sadly I think the arc of his career is on the descent. That said, Linder is insightful and entertaining. He is useful, if not of use to all (of course that is what you thought to begin with, before it really registered with you emotionally that at a rock bottom level Linder really does want to exterminate the Jews, Greg Johnson was of the same mind, yet if I read the man aright the reality of Linder’s desire registered with him all to well, and yet he proceeded). He is absolutely correct in that there is no way out but through the Jews, for to free our people Jewish power must be successfully contested. Note that does not as a matter of iron necessity entail their extermination. Although I’m sure the Jews are well aware they tread a dangerous path.

    Btw, Giles has apologized to Johnson.

  7. I haven’t seen the slightest concern for the rights of Anglo-American natives by our new ruling class.

    Worse. They’re quite openly very concerned about squashing White “hate” and “racism”.

  8. “Although they were White racists by modern standards, the Founders believed the Indians had some basic rights which should be respected.”

    Yes, the basic intention seems to have been to gain land by Trading with Injuns. Even if it was only for some beads or what not, at least one was not just nakedly stealing something in the way some Talmudic Jew might like with Palestinian land saying ‘Yahweh says so, its here on this piece of paper!’

    “Loyalty is served by doing for our people as best one can as one is equipped. ”

    Almost every movement needs Ideologues and Intellectuals to help set up and flesh out certain aspects:

    Communism had Marx and Lenin.

    National Socialism had Guido von List, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, and Alfred Rosenberg.

    Italian Fascism had Giovanni Gentile.

    Radical Traditionalism has Rene Guenon and Baron Julius Evola.

    There is a role for Egg-heads in the proto-movement of White Nationalism!!!!

  9. Good point about Anglos.

    I used to think David Duke was crazy, but now I realize he’s actually pretty moderate and in fact much more reasonable on the Jews considering the circumstances, his audience and the fact some Jews really do organize to fight racial awareness. I still consider myself “friendly to Jews” but David Duke is a relief after seeing some of the crazy people on the internet who either compare everyone to Hitler in a paranoid nazi hunt or foam at the mouth bashing every Jew instead of specific Jews. I honestly don’t think he’s that extreme.

    That said, it isn’t my style to harp on the Jews so much and I prefer other writers. I don’t view myself as being lead but being guided by intellectuals who help me to think for myself. A number of thinkers do this.

  10. In the spirit of this most beautiful holy-day in the Western world, I thought y’all would appreciate this most encouraging (true) story and video clip, when in the beginning of WW1, European soldiers from the various nations in the conflict, came together and put aside their relatively minor differences and saw and respected each other as White, Christian men.

    At least for that Christmas on the fields of Flanders in trenches of 1914, was their a respite to the bankster-inspired genocide that enveloped Europa and her high civilization, of WE today are still feeling and suffering from the fallout.

    Let us hope and pray that WE TODAY in the West hopefully see through the lies and deceits of Mystery Babylon, and her horrid, poverty-inducing *Debt-Usury* system .. a system which strangles the lifeblood of nations and peoples and puts them on an inevitable road to perpetual conflict and war … mendaciously disguised as a road to ‘prosperity’ and perpetual ‘peace’!




    “Shortly after ‘Stand down’ next morning ‘C’ Company Commander was informed that a German Officer wishes to speak to him in ‘No man’s land’. On going out he found a very polite and spotless individual awaiting him, who, after an exchange of compliments, informed him that his Colonel had given orders for a renewal of hostilities at mid-day and might the men be warned to keep down, please? ‘C’ Company Commander thanked the German Officer for his courtesy, whereupon, saluting and bowing from the waist, he replied,

    ‘…We are Saxons; you are Anglo Saxons; word of a gentleman is for us as for you. …”


    *May there never, ever, EVER again be a fratricidal, genocidal war of European against European!*

    See you in Flanders fields, 2014.



  11. I’ve seen photos of Hoffmeister. I have heard his voice. If memory serves, I heard FB’s voice one time on Yahoo Messenger. They are not the same person. They come to this website from different countries.

  12. Although they were White racists by modern standards, the Founders believed the Indians had some basic rights which should be respected.

    In the words of Henry Knox, “The Indians being the prior occupants possess the right of the Soil. It cannot be taken from them unless by their free consent, or by the right of Conquest in case of a just War – To dispossess them on any other principle would be a gross violation of the fundamental Laws of Nature and of that distributive justice which is the glory of a nation.” Knox went on to say that exterminating the Indians “would stain the character of the nation.”

    “Basic rights”?

    “right of the Soil”?

    “right of Conquest”?

    “just War”?

    “Laws of Nature”?

    “distributive justice”?

    Is it any wonder that a polity innocently founded on sentimental vapors, and inextricably attached thereto (as in, z.B., the groundless putative “rights” of Whites), now finds itself in the hands of the master manipulators of metaphysical nonsense?

  13. I haven’t seen the slightest concern for the rights of Anglo-American natives by our new ruling class. They aren’t willing to entertain the idea of setting aside “reservations” for White people in the new multiracial America. These people have no respect whatsoever for our culture and traditions. We are demonized for even acknowledging we have a racial identity. (“Hunter Wallace”)

    Sounds like our new ruling class needs to be given a time-out to carefully reflect upon how what they are doing, and what they are not doing, are not nice things and that they should try to be nicer and more considerate of others in the future.

  14. I’m familiar with the writings of both Washington, and Jefferson, and I don’t know where you came up with the idea that Washington, and Jefferson saw the Indians as anything other than natural savages i.e. bears, mountain lions, wolves etc.

    We forget how primitive, and, bloodthirsty the Indians were in early America.

    Btw, all this intellectual firepower here, and no one knows of Bacon’s Rebellion! Not the rainbow version now being foisted on the unsuspecting either. LOL.

  15. As far as Jerrod Taylor goes, he strikes me as just another Ivy League elitist. Pardon me Shlomo, can you spare some Grey Poupon.

    Whites now make up less than 20% of the Ivy League student body if you subtract the Jews according to most sources.

  16. I know Constantin fairly well, having spent a day with him, and have never thought that FB was a sockpuppet of his. I don’t think Constantin could easily disguise his style. (Which is a compliment.)

  17. Regarding the purported statements of Knox: if indeed true, what he said is a classic reflection of the duplicity and hypocrisy that typifies the classic Anglo mindset. A confused mental well, that Grimoire and I have occasionally probed. A mindset with a deep ambivalence that is torn between Darwinian survival and territorial expansionary instincts, and a strong, ingrained sense of morality and altruism. (As a sidebar here, Washington once said to one of his generals, probably after the pyrrhic death of his friend Col. Crawford in Upper Sandusky, “exterminate the savages”. The grand daddy of American ‘democracy’, calling for genocide! This statement and its source was once displayed in the museum at the Tippecanoe battlefield in Indiana. Years after visiting this battle site, I tried to get that information, but the new museum curator claimed ignorance of any prior displayed document).

    To continue, and directly to the point, this muddled thinking didn’t prevent the Anglo ‘Conquest of a Continent’, as Madison Grant put it, but it does help explain how we have arrived at the point where these deep seated liberal emotions became unhinged, and grossly exploited by alien ‘others’, to the point where we are now self-destructing as a real flesh and blood people. An induced racial suicide, by our own enigmatic, identity denying, Anglo ethnic group, that has come full circle.

  18. I’m reading about the Washington administration now. He was opposed to the White settlers who were engaging the Indians in indiscriminate warfare in the old Northwest. Henry Knox was Secretary of War under Washington.

  19. To continue, and directly to the point, this muddled thinking didn’t prevent the Anglo ‘Conquest of a Continent’, as Madison Grant put it, but it does help explain how we have arrived at the point where these deep seated liberal emotions became unhinged, and grossly exploited by alien ‘others’, to the point where we are now self-destructing as a real flesh and blood people. An induced racial suicide, by our own enigmatic, identity denying, Anglo ethnic group, that has come full circle. (“Junghans”)

    We’ve got a lot on our side. Reality is on our side. The facts are on our side. The evidence is on our side. One of the main things that we have to overcome is the Neptune Effect. Once we do, we should be able to build momentum quite rapidly. Remember, we aren’t trying to impose an unworkable utopia on people, or some sort of bizarre scheme. We just wish to live as whites, free from the murder, rape and dispossession that confronts us in a multiracial sewer. Hardly utopian or unworkable. (“Trainspotter”)

  20. Only recently the story of how one of Washington’s Indians, to his horror, killed and then ate the brains of a captured French officer…

  21. So – can one extirpate these fatuous, suicidal, liberal sentiments (evidenced now in appeal to groundless white “rights” which may be arbitrarily opposed, and be preempted by, other and putatively superior “rights”) by nonsensically appealing to the childish, effeminate, and slavish notion of metaphysical “rights”?

    [One takes heart from the absence of such an appeal in Trainspotter’s latest exhortation.]

  22. They’re almost certainly not the same guy. Von Hoffmeister comes off as much less “serious” than braun. The personality is not the same.

    I don’t think von hoffmeister is playing a double game, but he likes to joke around.

  23. WNism needs more “Ivy League elitists” willing to take a leadership role, and far fewer backwoods philosphers, trailer trash, i-gurus, and basement-dwelling sociopaths.

  24. WNism needs more “Ivy League elitists” willing to take a leadership role, and far fewer backwoods philosphers, trailer trash, i-gurus, and basement-dwelling sociopaths.

    And I’d eliminate the populists and moralists and puritans and inquisitors.

    Any other candidates for defenestration?

  25. …it does help explain how we have arrived at the point where these deep seated liberal emotions became unhinged, and grossly exploited by alien ‘others’, to the point where we are now self-destructing as a real flesh and blood people

    Cheap self-enoblement and self-righteousness, obtained through the mainlining, by the declasse’ and degenerate, of putative “moral” superiority, inflate the ego and soothe the conscience, as does a drug.

    So – pusher or junkie – where lies the blame and the solution?

  26. Did you notice that less than 20% (some say 18%) of you Ivy League types are White? Unless you count Jews as White. LOL. If you are a Jew, at best you are marginally White, depending on the number of times your ancestors broke the Jew marriage taboo and had sex with White Europeans. LOL.

    I guess that’s why the term Jew bastard has always been a popular discription of the Jews.

  27. “And I’d eliminate the populists and moralists and puritans and inquisitors.” – NN

    What is ironic is that they’re the ones always claiming ‘the dregs’ (i.e. those they don’t like, who offend their sensibilities, who don’t submit to the overbearing posturing, etc) are the source of disunity. “If we could just get rid of those freaks, dammit, we’d…blah blah blah.” Introspection is as foreign to them as it is to Jews. Such hypocrisy.

  28. “And I’d eliminate the populists and moralists and puritans and inquisitors.”

    NN your posts always come across as profoundly negative and I don’t quite get where you are coming from.

    Curious, besides Nietzsche are there ANY other White Nationalist-type figures that you admire and can point to as a role model/ Hero/ How a dude should be?

    William Gayley Sampson?

    Ragnar Redbeard?

    Perhaps you could answer on your own Blog if you would like.

  29. Admiral:”WNism needs more “Ivy League elitists” willing to take a leadership role, and far fewer backwoods philosphers, trailer trash, i-gurus, and basement-dwelling sociopaths.”

    The USA has been headed (at the macro-level) by a corrupt and heavily Jewish (or at least Judaized) Ivy League elite since at least the 1960s now. How have we fared since that time?

    Though Chris Hedges is an aracial leftist, he is correct when he wrote about a year ago that America’s supposed “best and brightest” have led us off a cliff, servile Ivy League Whites in collusion with corrupt Ivy League Jews who control the nation’s money: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20081208_hedges_best_brightest/ – “The collapse of the country runs in a direct line from the manicured quadrangles and halls in places like Cambridge, Princeton and New Haven to the financial and political centers of power. The nation’s elite universities disdain honest intellectual inquiry, which is by its nature distrustful of authority, fiercely independent and often subversive.”

    Pro-White populism directed at the White American masses is the only way forward, populism headed by a true White American elite that is untainted by Ivy League posturing, monetary corruption, Judaized cosmopolitanism, and utter servility toward international Jewry.

  30. NN your posts always come across as profoundly negative and I don’t quite get where you are coming from.

    Please consult “superhuman,” if you have not already done so. There is so much to say on the point that would burden the thread beyond reason.

    Curious, besides Nietzsche are there ANY other White Nationalist-type figures that you admire and can point to as a role model/ Hero/ How a dude should be?

    Strictly speaking, no I have not. I am amazed at the precociousness of the young Marshall Lentini, however.

  31. Pro-White populism directed at the White American masses is the only way forward, populism headed by a true White American elite that is untainted by Ivy League posturing, monetary corruption, Judaized cosmopolitanism, and utter servility toward international Jewry. (WP)

    What would be different about a second attempt, following the miserable failure of the first?

  32. NeoNietzsche
    What would be different about a second attempt, following the miserable failure of the first?


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