About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Happy Yule to everyone! Enjoy your winter festivities, and may the new year bring you success and happiness!

    HW, I think you’ve made a breakthrough and you can begin the new year with a fresh and more productive start.

    Best wishes,


  2. Merry Christmas and Happy Yule everyone. Doing not overly much today besides the usual reading. At some point this afternoon I will pick an old friend up and walk downtown to a diner for a glass of wine and traditional turkey dinner.

  3. Iceman: “What will I preach? Anti-religion!”

    He speaks with the pride of a swollen liberal (the “in,” gnostic religion). How dastardly, how nouveau, what a rebel! I want first dibs on your challenging memoirs. Give us everything, with your secret nothing!

    To my Western and/or Christian Brothers/Sisters, Merry Christmas. Mike

  4. Merry Christmas Hunter.Merry Christmas all.

    I’ll be losing money playing online poker all day. And drinking expensive French and Italian wines to excess,which I can’t afford.

    Not very smart,am I?

  5. Happy Christmas/AVE SOL INVICTVS/Happy Yule, Hunter and co.

    On Christmas day [so yesterday] mum’s parents and brother + wife and kids come to our place for lunch, my uncle lives up in the Blue Mountains so no one can be bothered go there for the day! On Boxing Day [so today] we go to dad’s parents’ property on the south coast in a place called Berry, very lovely rural area, though it’s a tourist attraction. That’s a two hour drive from Sydney. Grandma cooks up a banquet befitting a king! Their house is built on a hill that overlooks a few beaches and we see the yachts that are in the Sydney to Hobart race.

  6. Belated Merry Christmas to all! I made hand-knit items for family and friends. 🙂 Santa brought me some new winter tires (needed them!). Spent the day making and eat good food — and shovelling snow. But not, necessarily, in that order.

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