Avatar and Anti-Racism

“Hernan and Andrew” have a review of Avatar over at Racism Review. They draw valid comparisons between Avatar and Dances With Wolves and The Last Samurai. In all three of these movies,a white hero who leads people of another color in a struggle of liberation presents whites a pleasing images of themselves as saviors rather than oppressors.” “Hernan and Andrew” describe Avatar as “another fantasy solution to white guilt in which the white hero crosses over and pretends to be black or native American.”

It is important to observe here that “Hernan and Andrew” are opposed to the White race traitor who leads the Pandorans to victory. In their racial narrative, Whites are evil by definition, non-Whites are inherently good. Whites cannot be absolved of their racial guilt by their actions. There is nothing a White person can do to overcome the moral stain of being born with pale skin. Going native, marrying a non-White, joining the tribe, taking up arms against White oppressors … none of this is sufficient.

I find this highly refreshing. I’m pleased to see anti-racists finally laying the anti-White card on the table. White people need to realize that anti-racists hate them for who they are, not for what they do.

@Antisemitica : The Jews and Obamacare

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I am uneasy with this motiff of white people as “Christ figures” for non-whites or “the other.” It’s common in literature, ranging from Dances with Wolves to Schindler’s List. It’s this kind of thinking that makes us think we need to bring book bags, paint schools, and import democracy to places like Afghanistan rather than finding and killing the people who did us harm and leaving the place in ruins for a generation. It’s true anti-racists can’t be assuaged; they hate white people and that is why they are not anti-racist but instead anti-white, as evidenced not least by anti-white racist affirmative action policies. The theme running through all multiculti diversity leftist culture is that everyone can and should think tribally but whites. This is a policy of mass suicide and cultural annhilation. While we can be broad-minded and magnaminous in moments of calm and quiet and peace, whites can and should think tribally as a matter of self-defense if forced to. We are the carriers of our native civilization, and we alone can rule it justly and well, both for ourselves and for anyone else that happens to be living here.

    Here’s something I wrote on this not too long ago:


  2. Along these lines, I think the decline of the Western is a sign of our lack of confidence as a people. The only thing we typically learn of our past nowadays, particularly in film, is that slaves and Jews had it bad, we were evil and racist, the Catholic Church is corrupt and phony, and we did nothing good or heroic or admirable for anyone but were instead a double-crossing scheming race. Hollywood Projection to say the least. Even our war movies, since Vietnam at least, are full of self-doubt, with war is all bad pacifist nonsense. Consider that little translator anti-hero in Saving Private Ryan. Pathetic.

    Similarly mistaken is the idea that no one in the past had any appreciation for any of the moral complexity involved in these episodes. That only today to we realize that some injustice was involved. This is just false. Lots of white people knew back in the day that many Indians got screwed, were wrongly lumped in with bandit tribes like the Commanche, and that there was something inherently tragic about manifest destiny. But from this they honored the pagan warrior virtues of the Indian, named sports teams after their tribes, and gave him reservations, which were more than just and adequate compared to the treatment of conquered peoples in every other time in history. Whites did not decide they needed to annihilate themselves as a people. This is a modern invention. Indeed, this is a self-serving invention of a particularly clever and disloyal tribe living among us.

  3. We’ve always had an adversarial WASP counterculture in America. There have always been people who bitterly protested the mistreatment of the Indians, who opposed slavery, who opposed Christianity, who opposed the Mexican War, who denounced “racial prejudice” before it became known as “racism,” who looked down on the rubes in the countryside, who advocated genteel cosmopolitanism, who were fierce critics of American imperialism in the Philippines, Hawaii, and Latin America, and so on. This type of social criticism has always gone on within the American in-group. Until recently, it never had a suicidal tinge.

    The crucial difference between the Old America (1789 to 1954) and the New America (1954 to 2010) is the ethnic, racial, and religious composition of the ruling class. The old WASP elite was displaced and overthrown in the mid-twentieth century by Jews and White ethnics. These people have no roots in the American past. Their ancestors didn’t fight in the Revolution or Civil War. They didn’t settle New England or Virginia. They weren’t the pioneers on the Great Plains. It was always a mistake to assume they would assimilate into our culture and carry on our traditions.

    Although they are now the ruling class, many of these people (the Jews, in particular) still see themselves as “outsiders.” They identify with other racial minorities whom they perceive to be “outsiders”: Asians, Hispanics, negroes, homosexuals, women. From their perspective, “the Other” or the out-group are the White Christians out in Middle America and the South. They look upon ordinary White Americans with the same eye that the original White settlers saw the Cherokee.

  4. Don’t forget Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino.” Yecch!

    Hernan and Andrew better watch out what they wish for! The “Whites as Saviors” theme was how they emotionally bribed Whites into working against their own kind. Think of the Whites in the affluent society of the 1970’s, who didn’t laugh at Sally Struthers’ appeals to “save a child in Africa.”

    The underlying assumption that the anti-racists have benefited from for decades has been the “share our strength” meme. Whites who say, “Let’s take care of our own, FIRST” will not listen to, or approve funding for, the likes of Hernan and Andrew. Isn’t it amusing how short-sighted the antis really are? They have their own “Turner Diaries” type fantasies of using the masses of coloreds to over-run us and create a “workers of color paradise.” White nationalists have gotten past the “fantasy phase,” and become ideological adults. Anti-racists are still ideological children.

  5. While some white ethnics have gone the way of the Kennedys, I believe Catholics and Jews to some extent have been at war for America’s soul since the 1930s and particularly since the 1960s. They have both been fighting for power in the void left by WASPs. This is true in politics, economics, and elsewhere. White ethnics–including Scots Irish–can cooperate and are natural allies, and have long been part of the Al Smith Democratic coalition pre-FDR.

    Whereas the patriotism, fears, and self-respect of the white ethnics led them right, the Jews have gone further left, particularly since the 1960s, and the fissure beween the white ethnic and Jewish components of the FDR coalition has persisted. This is what led the GOP to become more culturally conservative (at least in rhetoric) rather than a mere socially liberal vehicle for the business class, as it was under Eisenhower. Nixon understood this and exploited this, and Reagan did so in spades. The policy victories have been few, of course, and the new suburban, guilty-WASP megachurch Christianity of George W. Bush has started to coopt the spirit of the formerly irrasicible snake-handling Calvinists and abortion-clinic-bombing Buchananite Chatolics.

    The GOP’s post-Nixon grouping has been an uneasy coalition, beause those white ethnics are third way types by nature: skeptical of certain aspects of capitalism, tribal, fearful of blacks, morally austere, middle and working class, tough on crime, and contemptuous of affirmative action whether from blacks (whom they have surpassed though with fewer linguisitc and other advantages 3 or 4 generations ago) and from guilty whites, whom they cannot relate to at all since most have been striving for 3 or 4 generations and see no reason to feel guilty.

  6. The White ethnics are assimilating and intermarrying. They are becoming White. Their voting patterns reflect this. In a few generations, they will have lost all distinctiveness aside from their Catholicism. E. Michael Jones spoke about this in a recent interview.

    The Jews remain a hostile elite. They have not assimilated. They are the richest ethnic group in America, but vote like negroes. Compare early Hollywood films to the garbage they put out now. In recent years, their attack on Middle America has escalated.

  7. Not only are they assimilating, and I agree they are, but they are doing so in a way less self-destructive and guilt-ridden than the old Patrician WASPs. They’re forming a distinct, self-confident subgroup of whites. Not Jewish, not guilty/decadent WASPy, but patriotic, self-confident, and the like. Not all, of course, but the Buchananite strain is strong among us.

  8. White people need to realize that anti-racists hate them for who they are, not for what they do.

    Language is important. Whites need to realize that anti-racists hate us for who we are, not for what we do. Among the things some of us do, even if unconsciously, is talk about ourselves as “them”. Another is to avoid or shit on the word White, or the capitalization of it. None of that helps either.

  9. If you watch the votes in Congress on any of the Jewish agenda items, including immigration, you will see that the Roman Catholics and Jews vote as a unit.

    You can’t argue with that! LOL.

  10. The same Tancredo who said a black man can represent whites as well as a white man. The same Tancredo who threatened legal action against Byron Jost for including him in his documentary film exposing the effects of illegal immigration.

  11. The White ethnics are assimilating and intermarrying. They are becoming White. Their voting patterns reflect this. In a few generations, they will have lost all distinctiveness aside from their Catholicism. E. Michael Jones spoke about this in a recent interview.

    It’s already happened, “white ethnics” -except maybe for a few Guidos-see identification with the Old Country as archaic and at least mildly embarrassing. What is more, Catholics now wear their religion very lightly-they have nothing like the religiosity of born-again Bible Belters. I don’t see Catholicism as a source of much “distinctiveness” for rank-and-file American Catholics. It would be odd if it were otherwise since the Church has become
    rather weak tea after Vatican 2 and the Sixties cultural revolution with the attendant collapse of vocations.It’s really a wholly different institution from what it was in the day of Joe McCarthy and Bishop Fulton J.Sheen.It’s become Americanized, liberalized and homosexualized.

  12. The same Tancredo who said a black man can represent whites as well as a white man.

    If he’s said otherwise he’d might as well have joined Marcus Epstein in a cave somewhere.

  13. Tancredo is a mixed bag. He stood his ground against a rioting crowd of leftoids & mestizos down in North Carolina a few months ago. That took courage.

    You are aware of the mestizo invasion of the Carolinas?

    Btw, Tancredo is a Protestant. LOL.

  14. ”The Jews remain a hostile elite. They have not assimilated. They are the richest ethnic group in America but vote like negroes. Compare early Hollywood films to the garbage they put out now. In recent years, their attack on Middle America has escalated.” ( — HW #6)

    “They have not assimilated.” No they haven’t, that’s right, they’ve absimilated. That’s why they’re more hostile than their Jewish-immgrant grandfathers and greatgrandfathers were just off the boat. That’s why their attack on Middle America has escalated.
    Absimilate is a word coined by the Derb in his new book. See definition here: http://vdare.com/sailer/091115_derbyshire.htm (to get right to it, scroll three-fourths of the way down).

  15. Absimilation is why no matter how congenial particular Jews may be to our way of life, they still shouldn’t live among us: their Jewish children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will, through the process of Jewish absimilation, be hostile, extremely so, hostile with a passion, with a vengeance, with singleminded dedication — like the ones we see all around us today everywhere we look, who are the grandchildren of Jews who kissed the ground at Ellis Island they were so happy to arrive here. Even if we straighten things out in our generation (which remains to be seen), do we want to saddle our children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren with that sort of hostile Jewish element all over again, gaining power in society again, and overwhelming again all that consitutes Euro-race normalness/health/happiness in their future generation? No.

    So let’s separate, Jews in their country, we in ours. Why live together if all we do is make one another miserable?

  16. The problem Roach has is that he is a dissident (ie, fringe) Catholic. He, Jones, etc., are on the fringes, and are nowhere near the mainstream. The mainstream is Pelosi / Kennedy / Biden / Feminism / Judaizing / Faggotry / Leftism. Why, I believe Satan himself, undisguised, could be a member in good standing in the Catholic church. So Roach isn’t representative of Catholics, though I wish he were.

  17. Did someone tell you to remove that post, Hunter? You should be free to post what you want on your own blog. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

  18. We’ve always had an adversarial WASP counterculture in America. There have always been people who bitterly protested the mistreatment of the Indians, who opposed slavery, who opposed Christianity, who opposed the Mexican War, who denounced “racial prejudice” before it became known as “racism,”

    This fact escapes people who dwell on the Jews. The first record of protest against slavery in America was from German Mennonites.

  19. By the way, Israel’s obviously not big enough to receive all Jews (if you subtract the uninhabitable Negev desert, Israel’s remaining habitable land is half the size of Connecticut) and it’s understandable that Jews might not want to relocate to Biro in eastern Siberia on the Chinese border (Biro being the other “Jewish ethnostate” which Jews could move to in vacating Euro-race countries). I advocate giving Jews a piece of the U.S. big enough to accommodate the U.S.’s twelve million Jews, on condition they vacate the rest.

  20. ‘Hernan & Andrew’ may have enlightened us a little as far as their obvious anti-White animus, but the subversive ‘moral’ of the story in these types of movies is still the same. Namely, to gull the gullible White masses with fantasies of paternal White noblesse oblige. It’ s the same leitmotiv as the insidious White African Queen Complex: the altruistic White do-good-er enlightening and ‘uplifting’ the poor, disadvantaged, yet somehow “equal” Negroes. Needless to say, having witnessed the reaction first hand, the Negroes don’t take kindly to seeing Tarzan manhandle throngs of jungle bunnies, or benighted White saviors pretending to lead the darkos. The naive, intellectually circumcised Whites may buy into this Jewish peddled cultural distortion, but the Negroids aren’t fooled.

  21. Hunter, that was quite a lengthy post with links to have second thoughts about. I suspect you have a lot of peer pressure trying to control you. I enjoyed reading it and I agree with you. I don’t consider those people a productive part of the movement so I have no reservation in criticizing them.

    Disliking whiny, hypocritical mischlings is no more of a flame than disliking quadroons pretending to be white nationalists like Leo Felton. I don’t consider either of these white or my ingroup.

  22. The theme of Avatar could just as easily be reconstructed in a way to show mult-racial imperalists attacking a homogenous white culture, as is the current trend. Whites are the ones currently under threat, not the natives. But I don’t think we’ll see that movie.

  23. Hmmmm….let’s see:

    We have some ambiguous, politically servile, techno-imperative attempt at ‘saving the world’, with lengthy observations of what is good and bad about this effort for our Western People’s…not bad if we just want to brush up on our key strokes.


    How about some of the techno-liberated amongst us, especially the Video masters, Audio masters, and the collage of assembled writers here, and elsewhere, putting together a Quality, visually stunning portrayal of the lives of some of our historically known White Nationalists personalities; for instance:


    William L. Pierce
    Richard Girnt Butler
    Louis Beam
    Thomas Metzger
    Robert E. Miles
    William Potter Gale
    Ernst Zundel
    David Irving
    Robert J. Mathews
    David E. Lane
    Mike Norris

    Feature Films:

    Story of The Order – Programmes, direct action, legacy
    33/5 vs. Modern Klan – Methodology and function
    Georg Lincoln Rockwell – Political Life and Legend
    Committee of the States – Modern experiment with revolution and ideology
    Story of Aryan Nations – Inception to demise
    White Nationalists – The victim status and persecution of white communities by the ADL, government agenda, and financial community leverage:

    Aryan Nations
    National Vanguard
    Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord (CSA)

    Let’s get busy…next years Avatari waits, in vitro.

  24. Of Catholics who actually go to Church, I’m not that fringe. It seems like of self-identified Catholics, it’s slightly right of the American center on average with a large hardcore right wing and reasonably large leftwing vying for control. The older 60s-era leadership is probably to the left of the congregants, who are almost uniformly and strongly pro-life and culturally conservative. Most super-liberal Catholics just leave the Church and don’t influence it. The tone varies a lot by diocese, but EWTN is probably closer to the mainstream Catholic than, say, Commonweal. I agree, though, there’s lots of problems in the Catholic Church, no two ways about it.

  25. Roach, what’s your take on why the Vatican opposed the minaret ban? Why do they want tiny Switzerland and Europe along with it flooded with Moslem minarets? I’ve seen a theory that they think the game is already up for Christianity, that Islam will replace it, and are either jockeying for a position at the winner’s table or hoping to merge with it before their own final collapse, merge in the way some have hoped for a merger between Rome and the Anglicans and/or Rome and the Eastern Orthodox. If it’s none of the above, why does the Vatican support Europe’s Islamization?

  26. There have always been people who bitterly protested the mistreatment of the Indians

    Whites far, far removed from the frontier. Distance is the great distorter of upper class vision. The same people who celebrate multi-culturalism and utilize the negro-cum-social critic as a literary device are safely removed from the battlefield wherein the alleged mistreatment is perpetrated.

    They aren’t real Indians and Negros that these douchebags play their violins for, but caricatures. They aren’t protesting removal and gentricfication but their own irrelevancy.

  27. The problem isn’t you as a Roman Catholic personally, the problem is with your elected Roman Catholic politicians who are allied with the Jews in Congress.

    This is real world politics.

  28. Look, humanity towards all men is one of the central tenets of the western soul.
    The Jews didn’t invent it to destroy us. Our enemies use what is best in us, against us. This is a was they make themselves indispensable. To remove this component is to gravely wound ourselves. Remove the enemy, the inhumane, and leave the humanity.

    Also, these claims original WASPs were corrupted by white ethnics (what are those?) is nonsense. WASP’s have been the jews golem from before the Revolution.

  29. Look, humanity towards all men is one of the central tenets of the western soul.


    The Jews didn’t invent it to destroy us. Our enemies use what is best in us, against us.


  30. As much as it pains for me (as a former trad Catholic) to state this, the Vatican identifies with pious Muslims more than with secular Europeans.

    To a certain kind of Catholic, as with Protestants and liberals, biology/race and culture are meaningless.

    White Nationalists and Jews know better.

  31. Fred, on the minaret business, I think the Vatican folks who’ve spoken against it have two motives. Some are typical European liberals. In addition, I think they know how secularist and reflexively anti-religion much of Europe is, so they think being even-handed in their condemnations of state interference with religion is the lesser of two evils. I haven’t looked into the Vatican position on this too closely. I support the Swiss obviously.

  32. Mark

    The first record of protest against slavery in America was from German Mennonites.

    And if we had listened to those German Mennonites we wouldn’t be having these problems.


    humanity towards all men is one of the central tenets of the western soul. The Jews didn’t invent it

    We don’t have to become Jews to defeat them, if fact we can’t.

  33. Look, humanity towards all men is one of the central tenets of the western soul.

    You sound like a damned hippy. The history of the West is one of brutality, conquest, and glory. And that’s something we should celebrate.

  34. You sound like a damned hippy. The history of the West is one of brutality, conquest, and glory. And that’s something we should celebrate.

    And you sound like a damned silly fantasist.

  35. I’m pretty handy with video and have been kicking around the idea of doing some WN bios and/or videos dealing with the modern WN movement. I’ve started a couple of scripts but have had a hard time finding the right tone. If anyone wants to take a whack at scripting I might be able to make the video a reality, and of course I’ll pass along what I worked up if you’d like to see that as well.

    I can also direct you to where you can see some of my video work online but I’d rather do that via email.

    Also, to agree with Roach it seems to me there is a massive disconnect between rank and file Catholics and their leaders, then again where don’t we see that in the West these days?

  36. Anyone who denies the quest towards the universal and the concern for justice as a central defining feature of European civilization is retarded. Even in slavery and the conquest of Africa, there was mmuch talk of bringing civiliation and the moral right of the wiser to rule the duller and of the Christian to rule and tutor the pagan.

  37. Hmm, I didn’t get that at all from the movie Avatar. What I took from it was a person that was fighting against an insane, out of control Military Industrial Complex. I think that Cameron nailed our future with that movie.

  38. Yes, we need to strike a balance between our people’s innate sense of fairness and morality with a muscular sense of identity. In the present era we have been deceived into believing that the two are mutually incompatible, which was probably made possible by the [traumatic] fratricidal wars of the 20th century.

    Of course we are going through, and are about to go through, something equally traumatic that will probably swing the pendulum back in our direction. Few will enjoy the dissolution that will come as a consequence of our civilization abandoning its identity. There are political laws of gravity that no group can defy forever.

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