2009, In Retrospect

I started off this year in the biggest funk of my online career. From May 2008 to May 2009, I had little interest in blogging or posting to online forums. I took a long overdue vacation. Occidental Dissent was a dead website. It carried on in limbo only because I couldn’t find the time to shut it down. At my lowest ebb, I admitted I had lost all interest in blogging and had decided to fade away.

The last seven months have been a total contrast. silver came along and reignited my interest in writing. Occidental Dissent has since emerged as the leading White Nationalist blog on the internet. I’ve posted almost every day now for seven months. We’re quickly becoming the LRC-style multicontributor site that I envisioned back in October.

My only real goal this year was to stick to writing. I had doubts whether or not I could do this consistently for over six months. That remains my primary goal for next year. I’m also determined not to let internet antagonists derail this project like previous ones. I can’t see that happening. They have already thrown all the mud that was available.

Where were you a year ago? Where do you see yourself a year from now?

@Antisemitica : The Jews and Immigration. This is very important post. I encourage everyone to read it.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thank you so much for all of your efforts and hard work. I know how difficult it is to consistently maintain a high level of quality over an extended period of time.

    Quick question. If you could go back in time, so many years, what advice would you give yourself with respect to your online activities?

  2. To answer the question in your blog post.

    I’ve been awakened for a few years now (courtesy of yourself) and have been spending the past year (politically speaking) awakening my immediate family and friends with some success, a task that has gotten noticeably easier since the election of Obama.

  3. That’s an easy one.

    1.) Don’t waste your time on vBulletin forums. Avoid them like the plague. This is the most important lesson of all. It was the hardest one for me to learn.

    2.) Protect your identity. The WN movement is infested with malicious agent provocoteurs and psychopaths who will do you harm.

    3.) Ignore the destructive individuals who slander you. Don’t let them get to you and derail your projects. Exclude them from your midst. Focus on doing productive things.

    4.) Don’t trust anyone you meet online. Internet relationships are notoriously fragile. If you meet someone online, get to know them real well before you trust them.

    5.) Don’t expect gratitude from others. There are people in the WN movement who will use you, spit on you, and try to destroy you. Don’t expect anonymous people on the internet to share your cultural values.

    I can’t tell you how much money and heartache those five lessons would have saved me.

  4. The main difference between me now and a year ago is that I’m more confident in my views now, trust the government less, and advocate authoritarian economics more.

  5. “Don’t waste your time on vBulletin forums. Avoid them like the plague. This is the most important lesson of all. It was the hardest one for me to learn.”

    Hunter (or anyone else),

    What exactly is a ‘vBulletin’ forum, and why should it be avoided?


  6. Well, congratulations sticking with it. As evidenced by discussions here in the past few weeks this is the best site in terms of quality out there. We’re still a long way from any kind of “solution” (if such is possible in the present context) to our racial ills. But your site is attracting people and that is a heartening sign. A factual and dispassionate approach is central to this I believe. Also the comment section here continues to be a positive, thanks to all those who contribute regularly as we now have a real variety of views.

  7. Going over your points…

    The problem with online forums whether smf, phpbb or vbulletin is that they often are used to abuse their contributers. I’m treated far better on anthro forums, marxist forums, video game forums, etc., but I avoid WN forums like the plague.

    As for identity, I could care less now about being outted. The fact that VNN slammed me was a plus. I took advantage of this and used it to improve my image with mainstream people.

    I sometimes ignore people, but sometimes I let them slander me to boost traffic.

    I don’t trust anyone online in general. The people I trust it’s only moderately. I don’t fully trust anyone.

    I’m getting more gratitude, but that is over charisma and youtube videos. Not over posts I write.

  8. Overall the White Nationalist movement has been in a major slump for the past decade but paradoxically we have a stronger factual case for our cause than ever before. The great experiment in egalitarianism and race-mixing has proven to be a total disaster.

    All we have to do is show this to our fellow Whites and open up a healthy discourse on race and politics. From there it is only a few steps away from organizing ourselves into a political force. Within a few months I’ll (hopefully) become self-employed and maybe create my own website.

  9. Happy New Year.

    HW you have an outstanding site here so please keep it going strong. 2010 will be even better.

    Tonight I’ll be drinking Veuve Clicquot to the continued success of OD and all WNs. Together we will win!

  10. For your contemplation and consideration:

    Excepted from NEW HISTORY of the JEWS
    By Eustace Mullins
    In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D. degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was.

    It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for twelve hundred years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world.

    Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to hold any post in the Empire, nor was he allowed to educate the young. The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Turks after twelve centuries of prosperity, and the Jews have attempted to wipe out all traces of its history.

    Yet its edicts against the Jews were not cruel; in fact, the Jews lived unmolested and prosperously in the empire throughout its history, but here alone the vicious cycle of host and parasite did not take place.

    It was a Christian civilization, and the Jews were not able to exercise any influence. Nor did the Orthodox priests bewilder their congregations with any vicious lies about Christ being a Jew.

    No wonder the Jews want to eradicate the memory of such a culture.

    It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land.

    From the Byzantines, Pound derived his no-violent formula for controlling the Jews.

    “The answer to the Jewish problem is simple,” he said.

    “Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.”

    And this is how simple it is.

    There is no need to kill the Jews. In fact, every pogrom in history has played into their hands, and has in many instances been cleverly instigated by them.

    Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.

    Get the Jews out of education and they can not pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.

    Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.

  11. Sherwood,

    Pound’s conclusions parallel my own. True persecution is not only morally reprehensible, it’s proven to be ineffective and highly prone to blowback. Our prolonged impotence and inactivity have lulled us into this zone where we perceive the problem to be much more difficult than it actually is.

  12. … “Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.

    “Get the Jews out of education and they can not pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.

    “Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.”


    Superb example you offer there! Very inspiring indeed.

    I have always found the Eastern Orthodox Christians to be the most sane when it comes to questions of race and tribe, kith and kin. I am Catholic (Roman) myself, but whenever I have went to an Orthodox mass or service, and spoke with their priests, I have found them so refreshingly level-headed on matters of national borders and sovereignty, and the right of White Christians to have a positive ethnic identity. (As a matter of fact, I worked with several Orthodox clergy and layman in helping to thwart the 2007 Bush-Kennedy-McCain amnesty … they were fantastic in rallying their parishoners to call, fax and lobby Congress. I wish I could say that even a fraction of R. Catholics did the same 🙁 )

    The Orthodox-Byzyntine influence was probably a major reason that Russia under the Romanov’s were a major cultural and economic bulwark against the forces of International Jewry and ‘Mystery Babylon’, and why they could not, from within, undermine or subvert the Russian Empire; so they did all they could, from without, through Judeo-Bolshevism, to undermine and overthrow Nicholas and the Czarist leadership.

    A lesson to be learned here: Tricking the Russians in getting in to what became the First World War by foolishly getting Nicholas to mobilize their army against his first cousin in Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm (or ‘Willy’), was the height of folly, and ultimately opened the door to Kerensky, Lenin and Trotsky; to ultimate disaster and the complete undoing of Russian society and civilization.

    Now we can see why Jews love getting the ‘goyim golem’ to fight their instigated (and bankrolled) wars.

    As a wise man once said – “Wars are the Jews Harvest”. God help us all.

    New Year’s Resolution –


    Happy (Christian) New Year to you all!

  13. Sherwood,

    Pound’s conclusions parallel my own. True persecution is not only morally reprehensible, it’s proven to be ineffective and highly prone to blowback. Our prolonged impotence and inactivity have lulled us into this zone where we perceive the problem to be much more difficult than it actually is.

    I’ve stated something very similar to this many times in many places. Nuremburg style laws for the Jews are more than enough. No banking, law, medicine, education or politics. Real work for them will make us free.

  14. silver came along and reignited my interest in writing.

    I did?

    Well now, whether you meant that positively or not, I’m bound to go to my grave easier knowing I played a role, however teeny, in what great things await.

  15. Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.

    Get the Jews out of education and they can not pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.

    Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.


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