A Vast Transformation

In The New York Times, an AP article claims there was a vast transformation of racial attitudes last year. I haven’t seen any evidence of this. Barack Obama’s popularity has collapsed among White voters. The Republicans are poised to make a comeback in the midterm elections. The White Nationalist movement hasn’t changed a note. Blacks have resumed their traditional alienation from the White majority. The Tea Parties are more popular than the Democratic Party.

Like any other year, 2009 had its defining racial moments: the Sotomayor hearings, Gatesgate, Ricci, and the Tiger Woods affairs. The Left pushed the same old politically correct, multiculturalist line that it has promoted for decades. The Right waffled and surrendered under pressure. The GOP website got a PC makeover. Michael Steele was installed as RNC chairman.

America has long had black mayors, governors, and congressmen. A black president wasn’t the millenarian change that some made it out to be. It was more of the same. President Obama has pushed for wealth redistribution from Whites to non-Whites. Any other black politician would have done the same thing in his place. The only real difference is that the nation-at-large is now being run like the inner cities Whites have abandoned.

Americans are worse off than they were a decade ago. This is unprecedented in American history. The progressive myth is that life is always getting better. But that is not happening anymore. We have finally turned the corner. The United States is in terminal decline.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The only real difference is that the nation-at-large is now being run like the inner cities Whites have abandoned.”

    Like cities that have experimented with black political leadership, when they lacked black majorities–Chicago under Harold Washington and New York under David Dinkens–this could be a time of major discreditment of affirmative action, black competence, and a general demoralization among whites, many of whom were hoping an Obama presidency might make black people chill out and quit being so angry and demanding. In these cities, whites to some extent vote as a block, and blacks have not been given a second bite at the leadership apple.

    My biggest hope is that Obama’s presidency will stress and purify the conservative movement, leading to clarity on issues of culture, the welfare state, demographics, and racism that it has lost in the fog of “compassionate conservatism” under President Bush.

  2. Like any other year, 2009 had its defining racial moments: the Sotomayor hearings, Gatesgate, Ricci, and the Tiger Woods affairs. The Left pushed the same old politically correct, multiculturalist line that it has promoted for decades. The Right waffled and surrendered under pressure. The GOP website got a PC makeover. Michael Steele was installed as RNC chairman.

    This all honestly surprised me about the Obama regime. I really didn’t think they would be so bumblingly overt about it. Obama lost his White fan base with his idiotic attack on the White cop for arresting his elitist black Harvard professors – it was like a gift wrapped up and bow-tied for the right. I really didn’t except them to be so stupid so quickly.

    If Republicans win power in the next election, it will spell the death knell for the White movement. Republicans will not have learned a thing, will immediately whip up pro-war for Israel hysteria, and will blather about our international fight against Islam, the evil religion that is mean to gays and Jews.

    I hope Obama and the Democrats keep winning.

  3. Oh yes, one thing we can be sure about if the GOP wins Congress this year – a nice bipartisan amnesty bill. Republican leaders like McCain will hold hands with Obama to pass it. Thanks, Republicans.

  4. HW:”The only real difference is that the nation-at-large is now being run like the inner cities Whites have abandoned.”

    Yup, American inner-cities lived in solely by hypercapitalist Jews, a few aracial leftist-yuppy Whites (to keep up appearances), plus the Black welfare pawns used for Democrat votes in urban counties to keep permanent control of them: plus other non-White urban detritus used mostly for cheap labor.

    “We have finally turned the corner. The United States is in terminal decline.”

    Goodbye USA — hello USSA!

  5. 2009 was the year the United States officially joined the rest of the (third) world.

    White Americans are an optimistic people so I think for many if not most the reality of the situation has not yet registered. But it will, you can bet on it.

    The Obama administration has been a boon to WNs and we should do all we can to capitalize on its anti-White agenda.

    The Republicans are dead to me. How about you?

  6. The United States is in terminal decline.

    I laugh every time some talking head refers to a “failed state.” As if it isn’t obvious we’re on our way there at a rapid pace.

  7. #6, The Admiral: “The Republicans are dead to me. How about you?”

    Yup, me too, since about two years into the first W Administration — so, since about 2002. At that point in my life I realized they were indistinguishable from the Dems in everything that mattered most.

    #10, Svigor: Yep, failed state and the other one they’re always on about is a rogue state. The U.S. is both: it’s a failed state and it’s a rogue state. That’s what happens to a white country that comes under Jewish hegemony — it gets rapidly changed into both of those.

  8. The world now see Obama’s Third World face as the face of America and its rapid downward spiral into a corrupt and violent Third World shithole where nothing works. It’s so unbelievable to Americans have as their president an anti-White African communist with the improbable name of Barack Hussein Obama. How low has America sunk! I’m amazed that we don’t hear more secessionist talk. Perhaps the Civil War has killed that dream for all eternity?

  9. -I’m amazed that we don’t hear more secessionist talk. Perhaps the Civil War has killed that dream for all eternity?-

    Secessionism is there. Not as outspoken or loud as it first was, but it is there. The Civil War didn’t kill the dream. Plenty of people disengaging themselves.

  10. Re. posts # 10 & 11. You guys must be reading my mind, occupied White America today, fits the failed, rogue state to a ‘T’.

    Incidentally, if you haven’t read Michael C. Piper’s latest book, THE NEW BABYLON, you need to. As the title indicates, he essentially documents who is orchestrating things in the Judeo/Anglo proxy state, and how. The best part, is that he shows how the US has been hijacked and turned into a de facto Jewish colony. A picture of an occupied land and a mentally enslaved people, who act as zombies and drones for the ruling oligarchy, that has essentially turned them into a fully harnessed Anglo Golem. The concluding chapter is, without a doubt, worth the modest price of the book itself, for it is a most incisive synopsis of Gelernter’s very revealing Zionist description of “Americanism”, and its toxic roots.

  11. Hunter,
    You point out some positive signs, Obama’s presidency has indeed nudged European Americans a little towards becoming ethnically aware. However, we should keep in mind that the process of the economic decline of the US is and will be a slow one, taking many decades. At some point in the short term we can expect economic recovery, wages will increase and unemployment will decrease. In the long term, we can expect future economic crises, as social programs become more difficult to sustain with an aging population.

    The process of awakening Whites will also be a slow one. I believe that the economic crises that lie in the future will help to achieve this. It took over 100 years of continued effort by Jewish intellectuals to achieve our modern state of affairs in regard to deracinating and displacing Whites. It will certainly take time and future events to rebuild a White racial consciousness. I guess my point is that we should be careful before announcing that the critical turning point has arrived (it may have, but I think its too soon to tell).

    I envision a future where White racial consciousness continues to build at an accelerated pace (and it is in its bare infancy at this point) in the coming decades, arriving in force probably by mid-century. During the period of infancy, its important to not become demoralized by a seeming lack of progress. Events are moving forward slowly, but it is almost inevitable that White racial consiousness will naturally develop, helped along greatly by writers and activists.

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