Bob Whitaker’s mantra is working

For those who don’t know about Bob’s mantra, here’s the link to the extended version:

Here’s the short version;

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

I see the mantra on comment boards everywhere, and so I urge readers of this post to make sure to put the mantra on at least a couple of comment boards a week.  There’s a huge contingent of discontented, racially aware Whites who are not part of the WN movement.  We want them to start repeating the mantra.  At this link I spotted the elusive Bobmantra:

And here’s a couple of white haters who find the mantra rather frightening:

Posted by Faye Kane on December 28, 2009 at 3:17 AM | Report this comment

This crock was cooked up by a parent representative who has no freaking idea how the school actually runs itself. The reality is that students at BHS all take science courses regardless of ethnic background. Cutting them would hurt EVERYONE. By all means try to help disadvantaged students but shrinking curriculum is not the way to do it.

Also the racist morons in this comment section harping about whites being inherently superior or the right-wing racist myth about anti-racism being ‘anti-white’ need to remove their heads from their posteriors post-haste.
Posted by Some Fella on December 28, 2009 at 4:01 AM | Report this comment

“The unabashed racism in these comments is absolutely disgusting”

I think the worst and most insidious popular form of racism these days is to claim that being anti-racist is ‘anti-white.’ It’s a horrible and cowardly way of sneaking in one’s prejudice by projecting it onto the victims and critics of prejudice. Rather than debate someone on even terms to work towards a solution benefitting everyone let’s mislabel the opponents of racism ‘racists.’ If we’re Glenn Beck we can even claim that a half-caucasian president largely raised by 2 loving caucasian parents is a ‘racist’ who ‘hates white culture.’

It’s absolutely disgusting to see openly racist attitudes pretending to claim that their victims are the ‘real racists.’ It’s cowardly, pathetic, insidious, and a divisive cancer on dialogue regarding seeking cooperative solutions for fighting against racism. It does wonders to sell books and boost ratings for racists like Glenn Beck though. And it makes me want to puke.


  1. To expand it, the idea is to critique the regime using only the regime’s logic, and a dash of implicit whiteness. E.g., what’s “tolerant” about turning western history into a tale of white men in black hats? What’s “anti-racist” about letting blacks say nigger, but condemning whites for the same? What’s “loving” about bringing hordes of non-whites into close proximity to inherently racist, oppressive whites? Where’s the “social justice” in giving a black African fresh off the boat “affirmative action” over a Czech gent fresh off the boat? Where’s the “justice” in collectively punishing whites for the sins of the ancestors, but forbidding collectively rewarding them for the good deeds of same? What’s “courageous” about some white guy with 99% white friends getting a social leg up on another white guy via heresy charges? What’s “civil” about a society that’s on an obvious downward trend into incivility and only strives for “civility” on behalf of protected groups? What’s “polite” about a taboo on any non-official term for non-whites, with whites as fair game? What’s “anti-racist” about a culture that attaches white-maleness to words like “bigot,” “racist,” and “hater”?

  2. I think the collective guilt thing is a big ole chink in their armor. We’re simultaneously imparted collective, inherited racial guilt, and forbidden collective, inherited racial identity, much less pride or merit. It’s got “cognitive dissonance” written all over it.

  3. They also don’t seem to appreciate a bit of cynical deconstruction, leftist-style. E.g., mocking them for the obvious parallels between them and inquisitors/witch-burners.

  4. Svigor — your comments above are good, but only if one is in an “intellectual discussion” and arguing about the situation in a “rational” manner.

    The underpinning POWER in using the Mantra, or one of its derivatives is to NOT argue, NOT discuss, NOT “reason”, but JUST make a point … a “Talking Point”.

    When called a “racist” in any discourse situation, the answer is:
    In your OPINION I’m (or that idea) is a “racist”.
    You’re just saying that because I’m white.
    “Anti-racism” is just a code-word for Anti-white.
    That’s the first stage. It will put a burr under their saddle. Some will ask WHY it’s a code-word. That’s where the second stage of the response has to kick in. Depending on how the interlocutor “came back” at you, it will look something like this:

    Nobody is saying all Black countries should be flooded with non-Blacks, given free health-care, welfare, education & etc. at black expense, and encouraged to intermarry with blacks to breed blacks out of existence.

    Nobody is saying all (fill in the blank) countries should be flooded with non-(fill in the blank), given free health-care, welfare, education & etc. at black expense, and encouraged to intermarry with (fill in the blank)s to breed (fill in the blank)s out of existence

    No, this is happening to ALL White countries and ONLY White countries.
    It’s only being supported by politicians in White countries
    It’s only harming White children.

    The second part basically outlines that the “universalism” of the anti-racists is a fraud, because nobody DARES to prescribe the “anti-racist” medicine for other countries. That would be “racist”. It’s ONLY happening to Whites. And that’s why it’s genocidal.

    It’s that second part, when posted after the first one, which REALLY drives them up a wall. Don’t forget it!

  5. For more on “Talking Points”, go to and listen to all of the first 24 broadcasts, in order. If you just “hunt and peck”, it won’t make sense. And be patient with Horus’ machine-gun fast delivery: he’s not “arguing a point”, but giving YOU points to repeat. Repeaters.

    I’ve listened to the shows at least 2x each because there’s a LOT more in them than first meets the ear.

  6. Great posts, Svigor, especially 6 and 7.

    Collectively punished for alleged past misdeeds, but certainly not praised or rewarded for the many accomplishments of our race.

  7. The skin on my toes is more like rhino-hide. Apologies for thinking? We don’t need no stinkin’ apologies.

  8. Old Raven
    No, this is happening to ALL White countries and ONLY White countries.
    It’s only being supported by politicians in White countries
    It’s only harming White children.


    It was this realization, more than anything else, that woke me from my paleocon slumber.

    The Mantra bears repeating.

  9. The mantra is useful when the discussion is a civil one. But there are definite limits to how far these kinds of discussions can go.

    Non-Whites really do want to genocide us. They want to kill us. The logic of the rifle–not of the debate–is the only thing that will check these vermin.

    And the majority of Whites, I’m afraid, are going to be immune to appeals to common sense, fairness, and normal morality when it comes to race. They won’t “get it” until it’s too late, until their loved ones are lying bleeding in the streets or their children are raped or worse in the schools.

  10. Mithril wrote, “The mantra is useful when the discussion is a civil one. But there are definite limits to how far these kinds of discussions can go.”

    If one is using Talking Points as a part of a “discussion” and explaining things, you’d be partially right. By having a conversation about the pros and cons of using Mantra-Think in this thread, the discourse is about determining the utility of the Mantra. This is entirely DIFFERENT than actually projecting Talking Points into discourse.

    White Rabbit Talking Points were designed to STOP the haggling and discussing, and insert a thought which resonates. When enough people “get resonant” on the “Genocide” thing, stuff happens. The final goal, imho is not to have to resort to guns/etc., but to crash the anti-white discourse-sphere, to POISON it as HW might say, with resonance which shakes the whole damned thing to pieces. More powerful than guns/etc …. when done the right way, at the right time, and with the right people “listening in”. IMHO …

  11. For those here who might like to play with Talking Points, go to and read an out-n-out bashing of Dr. Kevin MacDonald. Check out the comments and you’ll see Talking Points being inserted.

    Note that at the top of the article is the notice saying ….
    “First in a three-part series this week about the grand circle jerk that is the Orange County white-power movement…”

    Opportunity for practice is knocking at your door.

  12. Brilliant to see The Mantra in action and stumping the anti-white crowd. The beauty of using it online is that one can just unload it and not post anything else and just let it resonate with the non-WN white. Has anyone white rabbited it in public? If so, what were the results? Some comrades and I plan to do so in pubs and clubs. There’s only so much recruiting one can do off the net and stickering/postering.

    This article may be of interest to some here.

  13. I’ve used another simple talking point to separate the enemy from their useful idiots:

    “You just don’t like White people.”

    The enemy may try to ignore this, but with very little prompting will eventually respond with venom and ridicule. Pulling their animus out in the light reveals (to the audience) their “hate” rhetoric for the psychological projection it is. You can make exactly that point right after they get done telling everyone how horrible Whites are.

    The enemy’s White useful idiots generally respond by becoming defensive. Many get the point quickly enough, though some may take a bit of prodding along the lines Svigor suggests. They don’t realize it but their instincts and moral outrage has been hijacked and misdirected. Kevin Macdonald refers to the general mechanism as “altruistic punishment”. You don’t need to explain the details to them until later, if ever. What’s important for you to know is that the energy misguided Whites put into hating their own kind can be redirected outward again, where it belongs. The programmed can be deprogrammed using the regime’s own logic. Point out the inconsistencies, the hypocrisy, and the sheer malevolence of those who preach against White “intolerance” and “hate” and don’t apply the same rules to anyone else.

  14. “You just don’t like White people” is especially useful in verbal encounters. It’s so simple, yet it unmasks the people who really don’t, and makes the rest think critically about something they’re encouraged a dozen times a day in a dozen ways they must not. Like Horus the Avenger says, it makes them “feel funny about feeling funny about being White”.

  15. The skin on my toes is more like rhino-hide. Apologies for thinking? We don’t need no stinkin’ apologies.

    Yeah but my first post was sorta taking the idea and running with it, but it’s someone else’s idea and I’m not even familiar with it (I plan to download all the white rabbit stuff soon).

    Non-Whites really do want to genocide us. They want to kill us. The logic of the rifle–not of the debate–is the only thing that will check these vermin.

    And the majority of Whites, I’m afraid, are going to be immune to appeals to common sense, fairness, and normal morality when it comes to race. They won’t “get it” until it’s too late, until their loved ones are lying bleeding in the streets or their children are raped or worse in the schools.

    So what’s the upshot? We have to start shootin’? Count me out. If my race won’t wake up, I’ll let it die. I’m not getting myself killed for people who hate me and what I stand for. I’ve got better things to do with my life.

  16. The enemy’s White useful idiots generally respond by becoming defensive.

    Yep. When their programming fails (you don’t shrink, but grow in the face of heresy charges) they fall apart. This is a good way to sort the useful idiots from the “active ingredients.”

  17. “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

    Which is why Bob correctly points out that pro-whites should never do the anti-whites a favor by referring to them as “anti-racists”. I still see “anti-racist” used, minus the scare quotes, at this site.

  18. I guess I must be a racist then. I’m an anti, or at least I try to be, but by my own definition, not theirs. And yeah, mainstream anti-racism is the shit, and there’s nothing in it for non masochistic Whites. So most of the time, yeah, anti-racism means anti-White, de facto, because, yeah, only Whites can be racist. As long as only Whites can be racist, of course anti-racist means anti-White.

    If these buttheads don’t like it, they can change their definition of racism to a less insane one for starters.

    It’s good people are hammering them with this. Mainstream antis are FOS on so many levels it’s not even funny. They need to be challenged on some of their contradictions.

  19. Sorry Mr. Lindsay, how do I do that? A URL tag?
    I’ll make my links clickable if you’ll go post in defense of Whites at Arellano’s article. Deal?

  20. Just discovered Bob Whitaker and the mantra a few weeks ago, and it’s great. Also recommend White Rabbit Radio.

    “You just don’t like White people” – I’ve been saying that one for years. It seems obvious a lot of people do, even some Whites.

  21. If anti-Racist wasn’t a codeword for anti-White

    There would be no problem.

    So obviously the mantra is correct.

  22. White collective guilt & white privilege r just code words for white profiling. Heresy if directed at nonwhites but profiling is applauded by both liberals & respectable conservatives when directed at whites. When you have been targeted for GENOCIDE like whites have then being dine grated & falsely accused as a collective whole of being RACISTS, well that’s just part of the whole WHITE GENOCIDE package.

  23. The reasons why anti whites hate white people is that we created everything that constitutes high technology and culture. We have the best warriors and the prettiest women. Our one fault is that through our sense of justice and fairness we give our inferiors the benefit of the doubt and let those that hate us into our societies.
    This we must remember to guard against for it is treason against our race.

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