Scott Brown Wins

Scott Brown (R) has defeated Martha Coakley (D) to win Ted Kennedy’s old seat. This means the Democrats have lost their filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Normally, I wouldn’t comment on a mainstream race like this, but Brown’s victory has positive implications for White Nationalism.

It means Obamacare (a massive transfer of wealth from Whites to non-Whites) is less likely to get through Congress. Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, a Blue State stronghold, is likely to scare moderate Democrats across the country. They should be less inclined to support a renewed push for “comprehensive immigration reform” in a backlash election year.

Zod-Obama has been brought down a notch or two. Ted Kennedy has been replaced a Tea Party Republican. I would call that a good day.

Note: It is also worth noting that Keith Olbermann’s petulant attacks on Scott Brown as a racist homophobe didn’t work.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, I’m very happy about this too. It would seem that Brown’s election might stop the Democrats’ health care bill, which would be disastrous for our people in many ways.

    Also, this election showed signs of life amongst White Americans in the Northeast. They had to overcome a great deal of cultural prejudice in order to an elect an (R) to assume the “Kennedy seat” (for the purposes of halting the health care bill). Apparently, Coakley’s poll numbers didn’t start tanking until the Christmas fortnight shenanigans that the Democrats pulled in the Senate.

    It’s always encouraging to see the American people act in a way that the establishment never thought was possible.

  2. Ted Kennedy inflicted incredible damage upon the country with that Senate seat. I’ve never been a fan of the Republicans, but I would much rather see it in Scott Brown’s hands.

  3. It goes without saying that the Republicans are next to worthless; however, the Democrats have proven to be more mendacious than even I thought possible. Obama’s legislative trifecta of health care reform, cap-and-trade, and amnesty would’ve done incalculable damage to our people if successfully passed.

    Our position is that of a waiting game. The current political system is in the process of collapsing as many of our people are starting to question the legitimacy of the government in D.C. Unfortunately, this process will have to continue for a while longer before a truly revolutionary movement is possible. This means that our task is twofold; (1) White Nationalism needs to continue the process of becoming a mature movement that has a serious critique of the present order along with its own alternative, leaving its fringe conspiratorial past behind; (2) we must minimize the damage done to our nation in this interregnum before the current political order collapses.

  4. This is a victory for implicit whiteness. Massachusetts is 80% white. If the other northeastern white strongholds start turning on the diversity party it will cripple the anti-white agenda. If we can get an immigration moratorium we can postpone the US becoming a white minority country indefinitely.

  5. Just watched Browns victory on Fox News.

    I was stunned to see Karl Rove, who Keith Olbermann has described as resembling Heinrich Himmler, on there as well. During Browns victory speech a massive crowd of ONLY WHITE PEOPLE was behind him.

    The entire spectacle reminded me of a Nuremberg Rally.

    Has the time come for Whites to rejoin the conservative republicans?

    Thomas W. Chittum predicted Democrats would be party of coloreds and Republicans the party of Whites, is this NOW True?

  6. Judging by what I saw and heard on the ground before the election, I was calling it for him if the turnout was normal or higher than average. In almost every neighborhood I’ve worked in for the last few months Brown signs outnumbered Martha signs two to one.

    Whocares if one Jogbot beats another?

    It can be significant. The people have turned their collective back on Kennedy while his body was still warm. It is an encouraging sign. I don’t know if you are from or have lived in New England but they are a big deal out here and for somebody who was trying to lay claim to that legacy and capitalize on the Kennedy style to go down so spectacularly is a positive even if the victorious candidate isn’t a White Nationalist. It is a symbolic victory.

  7. These minor right-wing victories have always seemed to me like band-aids over arterial bleeding. But I gueeeeess it’s good darkies (and I) won’t be getting health care.

  8. But I gueeeeess it’s good darkies (and I) won’t be getting health care.

    Technically it is. Iatrogenic illness is probably the number one cause of death in this country according to the studies I can get my hands on. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure my friend. If it just so happens that you stupidly don’t prevent yourself from walking through the walk neighborhood late at night, there isn’t a hospital in the country that won’t pull out the bullet and stitch you up. If you don’t wanna pay, give em a fake name and tell them you don’t have your identification.

  9. This is not a positive development for White Nationalism. It is but one more excuse for the target audience of this blog – the upper middle-class – to dither in the purgatory of faux-respectability, irresolution and loyalty to a system that is anti-White genocidalist in its effects. Worse is better. And to think the raw, ruddy and sanguinary Jim Giles is relegated to the ranks of the unpersons as he cares for his elderly grandfather when the ‘respectable’ would have long since sent said to the bed-sore factory. To hell with them.

  10. I’m glad that Ted Kennedy and his seniority are gone. I also find the argument dubious that some benefit would have accrued to White Nationalism had he lingered on another twenty years. It is far more likely that nothing much would have changed in the state.

    How could Ted Kennedy have possibly been more awful than he already was? What would it have taken for Massachusetts voters to turn against him? He was already a supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, the DREAM Act, affirmative action, and multicultualism.

    I’ve been hearing the “worse is better” argument for years. It has become a WN truism like “the collapse.” As a matter of fact, at least in my experience, worse is usually worse. Even the election of a black president hasn’t changed our fortunes all that much.

  11. The Democrats in Massachusetts made fun of Brown for riding around the state in his pickup truck:

    That seat, held for nearly half a century by Mr. Kennedy, the liberal lion of the Senate, will now be held for the next two years by a Republican who has said he supports waterboarding as an interrogation technique for terrorism suspects, opposes a federal cap-and-trade program to reduce carbon emissions and opposes a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants unless they leave the country.

    According to this article, Brown opposes amnesty for illegal aliens.

  12. “The Democrats in Massachusetts made fun of Brown for riding around the state in his pickup truck”

    Ah yes, Amerkwa. Another day, another empty-suit politician trying to act ‘working class,’ a bought politicrat grinning and ‘prole-ing it up’ for the teevee cameras in his shiny new Ford truck for all the state to see.

    And like Mr Uh above, I don’t have health insurance either…and like many millions of other young Americans I also have too much student loan debt and other college-incurred debt holding me back financially and socially with no chance to pay it all off anytime soon because of our half-collapsed economy, bad job market, stagnant wages, etc. Yeah, being poor and health-insuranceless ain’t fun, though luckily I have no major health problems that I know of (knock on wood) and I can (maybe?) get those student loans deferred for a little while at least.

  13. Admittedly, I don’t know much about Obamacare. It is my understanding that it will force you to pay for health insurance. The public option that aroused so much controversy was voted down in the Senate.

  14. HW:”I have lots of racialist friends who listen to Jim Giles. They tune into his show for the train wreck effect. He is a joke to them.”

    I need to tune in to Giles’ show more often — a lack of time lately hasn’t allowed me to do so.

    The last show I heard he was still railing endlessly about Blacks (on and on and on about “they will rob, rape, and kill you”), detailing gruesome crimes, and saying that he wasn’t going to yell anymore because he was losing his voice and some screamfest of his really made his ears hurt…and also screaming at his dogs of course, and taking a “sip a’ coffee.”

    But Giles’ ability to go on for 2+ hours extemporaneously (no breaks-just continuous speaking) is very impressive for sure — no modern media person, TV talking head, radio personality, and/or politician can match Giles in that way, none I have seen at least.

    I’m still not sure if he is for real or just a FED agent rat, but if he is for real he is definitely good, a very good speaker and a budding Limbaugh-like figure of the Amurrikan ‘White Money Movement.’

  15. “It my understanding that it will force you to pay for health insurance.”

    Yeah, that is what one of my younger brothers told me, and he was very pissed about that – he is also health insurance-less, which is especially bad for him since he is a freelance construction worker and handyman, and blue-collar workers especially need HI because the odds of being hurt on the job are of course much higher.

  16. Commenter #66 ‘WhiteCon1488’ — cut out that Hitler/Nazi “1488” garbage…just how old are you, dude? Still in middle school or something? If not age-wise then at least in spirit, eh?

    Or are you just a Jew or anti-racist/anti-White scumbag commenting here under that “1488” name just to make this website look bad in the eyes of potential readers, associating this website with Hitler worship and long-gone/un-American German National Socialism? If so, don’t do that anymore.

  17. That is not surprising. As most cannot penetrate beyond presentation. Unfortunately this seemingly also applies to those with PhDs. What is even more disturbing, is that this congenital incapacity for insight is so often accompanied by twittish fits of giggling that reveal the boorishness – to those with eyes to see – of those that conflate style and substance. Not something to be proud of, or to imply that one is proud of, I should think. Then there is the question of who is the better man: the man whose commitment shall never waiver or the man who will break if the winds blow too hard against him and/or the smell of that gust is foul. Of course the answer should be obvious, but, again, unfortunately not to most, most of the time.

  18. Scott Brown gives the standard line on immigration. Legal immigration is wonderful and the Diversity is our strength garbage. You can see it on his web page under “issues.” He is just another plastic White male ready to sell us down the river.

    We had this same thing happen in Maryland. The liberal democrat Kennedy screwed up like Coakley and Robert Ehrlich got elected. He was a Brown type giving out the charm and the Republican talking points. Good looking, good personality, etc. What happened in Maryland? Four years later he was out and the leftists are back in control. Nothing changed for me and nothing changed for Maryland.

  19. Captainchaos,

    You didn’t answer my question. What would it take for Massachusetts voters to throw Ted Kennedy under the bus and convert en masse to White Nationalism? Electing a negro president under the “worse is better” theory hasn’t changed our political fortunes in the Bay State.

  20. Yeah, I vaguely remember Giles associating Blacks with hyenas in a broadcast a couple weeks ago or something.

    That comparison is actually an insult to hyenas since they are actually some of the most socially intelligent land mammals in Africa and even on the entire Earth.

    Jews are more like hyenas, much more so than Blacks:

    In the animal kingdom, I would say that Blacks most resemble … ah, nevermind. Camels maybe? –

  21. Of course Scott Brown is a phony conservative who will sell out his race. We need to be working toward a scenario where the Left is forced into running candidates like Brown as our opposition. Move the goal posts.

  22. to be Frank, I’ve never really liked Massachusetts or its denizens – the Massachusetts people I’ve met have all been rather vicious, rude, and petty types, and they’ve always seemed to me like a bunch of Yankee-Judean far-left sellouts and shortsighted aracial turncoats who seem like they would sell out White America if the FEDs just bought them an expensive apartment in (very segregated: not Black friendly) center-city Baaahston and gave them a lifetime supply of Sam Adams beer.

    The few people I’ve met from the western parts of MA (often more working-class) seemed a lot better than the ultra-left snooty coastal types though.

    Very little of the original WASP/Puritan stock seems to be left in much of MA — the Irish, Czechs, Slavs, Jews, Blacks, and all of the rest have clearly taken the state. The rich Jews in MA also seem to have intermarried with a lot of the prominent WASP families up in those New England parts, too. Damn shame.

  23. “We need to be working toward a scenario where the Left is forced into running candidates like Brown as our opposition. Move the goal posts.”


  24. However, I’d be less than honest if I didn’t concede there is a humorous aspect to the earnestness with which Giles puts forward his often unnecessarily crude formulations which should be anticipated as having the opposite of the intended effect with many. Of course Bowery seems to think it is a useful approach, ‘speaking truth to the amygdala’, or some such. So who knows?

  25. Also, MA is far too crowded – there are over 6.5 million people crowded in to that tiny little state. They must be stacked up on each other the poor things.

    Crowding amongst humans, animals, and so on has been scientifically shown to induce severe stress – maybe that is why so many Yanks from the big Northern cities and suburbs are so damn rude and irritable all the time?

    Anyhow, I would welcome any and all good-natured WASPs from New England to come on down to the still mostly Anglo Southland sometime to live and escape the crushing non-White crowds and decadent ultra-liberalness of that part of the nation.

  26. “’speaking truth to the amygdala’”

    Hell yeah — stirring up WHITE RAGE: we need more of it.

    As I wrote in a recent post, we need to work to revive the SURVIVAL INSTINCTS of Whites now. Petty intellectuality will only get us so far, especially since the USA is rather anti-intellectual — however, there is a deep and still deepening current of uncertainty, fear and WHITE RAGE which is currently coursing through the veins of White race that is not too far below the surface: those who are able to tap in to this compounding WHITE RAGE and channel it in constructive directions in the coming years will have a movement on their hands.

  27. I’m left with the well-worn ‘answer’ that White people haven’t yet suffered enough. For White leftists for whom their commitments are a function of their faith instincts, I don’t know that that point will ever come. The faithists of the Northeast are of Puritan stock, the force, er, I mean the faith gene, is strong with them. The Irish of Boston could well pivot on a dime, given the right push. They were none too pleased with forced busing not so long ago in terms of the life of a nation. Those are the kind of people who speak in private in ways that well might make Giles blush, I do know that.

  28. “I’m left with the well-worn ‘answer’ that White people haven’t yet suffered enough.”

    Yup, that’s exactly right. We still eat plenty (most of us), still have houses, cars, plenty of clothes, lots of gadgets, etc. Not enough personal suffering yet: compare this to the rampant death, starvation, people freezing in the cold, and general economic misery which wracked Europe periodically for centuries, even in to the 20th Century of course.

    But the Jews and their minions are economically strangling the USA and other White nations too (UK, Ukraine, Spain?, France?, Germany?, etc) – it is only a matter of time now before the WHITE RAGE explodes again as we continue to slide more deeply in to Jew-induced economic depression. More and more Whites are just broke, credit maxed out, major personal stress, a bleak looking future. Is 2012 when the shit hits the fan?

    Rootless and highly dangerous Jewish plutocrats basically control the entire macroeconomy of the USA, America’s entire money supply, credit supply, much international trade, even a lot of the food distribution system, etc – as in the past, the Judeoplutocracy will they attempt to stir up wars, social unrest, ethnic/racial tensions, and so on by cutting off the money flow/credit supply in the near-future? Yes, I think they will in an attempt to provoke more wars in seeking to kill off as many Whites as they can just as they did in the 20th Century. Wars also promote mega-commerce and further fatten the pockets of Jew weapon dealers.

  29. There is a counterpoint to White rage, WP. That is of course non-White rage. Whenever I go thread crashing on especially Jewish blogs I try to get inside their heads, to keep them off balance. Making at times cryptic threats but also offering potential conciliation. One side of the fence or the other, which will it be? Making a muted defense of NS, but in an eloquent and informed manner, the gentleman concealing the barbarian, the iron fist in the velvet glove, is an interesting experiment.

  30. Have the Republicans purged their ranks of Jews, self-styled “neo”conservatives?

    If so, we have a chance!

    More importantly, can we water a seed in the soil of the white left that were it not for the Jews*, they would be ascendant? I don’t think it’s necessary to consciously convince them, just as long as the level of mistrust is there on a subconscious, biological level.

    * Geithner, Summers, Axelrod, Emmanuel, Bernanke, ad nauseum… and the seed is already there, in my opinion

  31. With all due respect, the idea that we can corner the Left into running someone like Brown as our opposition is completely unrealistic.

    As best I can tell, HW’s point of view here is that we can move the center in our direction by injecting our ideas into mainstream discourse while exploiting the Overton window. This is a strategy for influencing the mainstream along radical lines (relative to the ideological starting point) over an extended period of time. Moreover, we know that it’s a winning strategy because it has been successfully used by the radical Left to transform America over the last century.

    The problem with this strategy is that it requires, as a prerequisite, control of those instruments of mass propaganda (e.g. media, entertainment, education). The story of how the conservative movement failed against the Left is (at least partially) the story of how the Left used these institutions to shape mainstream discourse in their direction (using the Overton window) while the conservatives frittered away the natural political advantages that they had at the outset.

    Now for the obvious, our movement does not control those instruments of mass propaganda. No one who even faintly resembles us is allowed to control those institutions. The Left is not about to let its opposition do to them what they did to us. End of story.

  32. notuswind:”The problem with this strategy is that it requires, as a prerequisite, control of those instruments of mass propaganda (e.g. media, entertainment, education).”

    The internet is making a huge difference in terms of lessening Jewish/leftist control of the mass-media, entertainment, and so on. That is a major bright spot, and it is the future: the Jewish mass-media is slowly but surely dying in the USA as the internet overtakes it.

    Education though is still almost entirely controlled by multiracial-pushing leftists in very many U.S. states, especially blue coastal states — the best way to get around that is to send your kids to a private school and/or homeschool them. Also make sure to screen the colleges of their choice carefully, and do not let them attend a big anonymous communistic state-college if you can help it, or a major urban-leftist college, etc. A smaller college or university in a rural or suburban majority White area, especially if it is at least loosely Christian affiliated, is much preferable to almost all other options unless your teenager is particularly strong willed and thinks he/she will be able to fend off 4-5+ years of far-leftist multiracial neo-communist propaganda spewed at them from the professor’s pulpit, the too common degeneracy of modern youth, more common race mixing, overuse of drugs/alcohol, etc.

  33. We can leverage technological innovations to reach the masses with alternative media. The Brown victory is a good example of this, as Michael Steele ‘n pals sat back in stupefied bewilderment as a swarm of MeetUp groups descended on Boston, one neighborhood at a time. People made their own signs with markers and cardboard.

    Scott, who’s nothing to get excited about, just drove around in his stupid pickup truck and looked pretty (literally, he’s a male model). It’s not who won or who lost here that’s important. It’s that a new machine has just become a credible force in national politics. It’s a machine comprised almost entirely of White gentiles operating independently of and in opposition to the “mainstream” media and the “mainstream” political parties.

    Rand Paul is doing the same thing with the same machine in Kentucky, with incredible results. He’s literally blowing away all of the competition…without compromising his paleolibertarian message. That’s huge. This machine is something we need to be excited about, infiltrating, and influencing.

    As Jewish institutions get more aggressive and serious about defending their turf, the racial dimension will come to the fore and we’ll have an opportunity to frame the struggle accurately. It’s like some of y’all want to sit there and wait for the fight to come to us. As for me, I’m going where the fight is and dragging it over here.

  34. WP and Wiki,

    As best I can tell, the internet, when taken as a whole, is something of a disorganized mess and not ideally suited to be an instrument of mass propaganda nor as a means of exploiting the Overton window. Things will have to be more centrally controlled in order for that to happen (and such a change might not work in our favor anyway).

    In fact, the great benefit of the internet to us is that it has the opposite effect; the internet makes it harder to shape mainstream discourse because it gives a space where people can secretly disagree with what they’re being told.

    The Left’s game is to use the instruments of mass propaganda to force their ideas upon the public while simultaneously identifying and punishing anyone of significance who disagrees with them. If successful, this strategy will initially create a veneer of outward conformity which is then supported over time by the natural social forces of group conformity. Orwell gave a perfect picture of what this can look like in his classic novel, “1984”. However, this strategy does have at least one weakness in that it has been demonstrated that the forces of group conformity breakdown when the unanimity of the group is punctured, which is just a complicated way of saying that we’re more likely to go along with the group when it seems that everyone else is doing so (see the Asch conformity experiments if you don’t believe me). It is in this way that the internet aids our cause, it allows us to puncture the unanimity of mainstream discourse on matters of race (and other things) while simultaneously avoiding the social costs that typically go along with our dissident views. The feedback loop created by those social forces of group conformity that sustain Orwell’s world is broken by the internet.

  35. Whenever I go thread crashing on especially Jewish blogs I try to get inside their heads, to keep them off balance. Making at times cryptic threats but also offering potential conciliation. One side of the fence or the other, which will it be? Making a muted defense of NS, but in an eloquent and informed manner, the gentleman concealing the barbarian, the iron fist in the velvet glove, is an interesting experiment.


    Good stuff! That’s mind warfare! Now imagine replicating this much more broadly.

    The mind doesn’t readily distinguish between reality and acting. One could theoretically go out in the world, with one pretending to be a Jew, and one a WN, and argue with each other, for the sake of the “audience.” Put on a little bit of ideological theater, with a “fake Jew” to speak for their side.

    Maybe we should make some youtube videos, in a format similar to the 80’s movie, “My dinner with Andre.” High school buddies meet up 20 years later, a Jew and the other one who had become a WN, and the Jew had googled him and found out, and asks him about it.

    Who wants to write this screenplay? I know someone who knows how to make professional movies. Two actors sitting at a table in a restaurant would be the lowest budget movie ever.

  36. Hunter, I agree with you. Worse is always worse. Look at South Africa. It can’t get any worse there. Are South African Whites fighting back yet? White Americans are being replaced in their own nation. They are being killed, robbed, and raped. Yet we still have no political movement.

    The conditions and suffering of a people are meaningless. It is the consciousness of a people that determines their actions. Right now, the Jews are using the mass media to tell us what to think and keep us from developing our own consciousness. This is why we haven’t turned against the status quo yet.

    I outlined these thoughts in my “Why we need a vanguard” essay.

  37. If you don’t wanna pay, give em a fake name and tell them you don’t have your identification.

    Of course.

    As a matter of fact, at least in my experience, worse is usually worse

    Amen. WNs imagine they’re endowed with superpowers other whites are not, which will enable them to float above the morass and take control of the whole universe when it “collapses”. In reality we’d all be very uncomfortable. Life is extraordinarily dramatic in the overheated WN imagination.

    No, can’t afford insurance. Have never had. Fortunately I’ve always had perfect health (minus an appendectomy), eat well and now exercise regularly.

    the Irish, Czechs, Slavs, Jews, Blacks, and all of the rest have clearly taken the state.

    Just following my own perception, I’d make that Blacks, Russians, Mexicans, dinks, then the rest. Not too different from NYC.

  38. Who wants to write this screenplay?

    For a guy who’s full of apparently good, but really clownish ideas, that one is actually a very, very good idea. Silver can play the Jew.

  39. Whatever backlash might have happened in South Africa it was prevented by the existence of an escape hatch for the hundreds of thousands of Whites who didn’t want to live under the ANC, they either fled to a different part of the Anglosphere or they went to the Netherlands.

    I submit that if the escape hatch of emigration didn’t exist for South African Whites we would’ve witnessed a real backlash in that country.

  40. Uh thinks I’m a bad guy because I like to fuck with the Jews on the Internet. Like I’m Dzerzhinsky or something. 🙁

  41. In any event, a similar escape hatch doesn’t exist for White Americans (like it did for White South Africans) because there’s too many of us.

  42. For White leftists for whom their commitments are a function of their faith instincts, I don’t know that that point will ever come. The faithists of the Northeast are of Puritan stock, the force, er, I mean the faith gene, is strong with them. The Irish of Boston could well pivot on a dime, given the right push.

    Yes, I’m sure the Irish, who produced Ted Kennedy, will easily be swayed to our side, while the old Americans in the Northeast, who produced Lothrop Stoddard and Madison Grant, are resolute anti-white leftists who cannot be persuaded.

    CC’s claims are on par with his attempt to associate Takimag with WASPs.

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