Review: Caprica Pilot

CapricaI just caught the pilot episode of Caprica on DVD. It has been out for about a year now. The premiere is tonight at 9 EST on the SyFy Channel. I found it promising enough to plan on tuning into the series. This is highly unusual as I rarely watch television for anything but the news.

For those who never watched Battlestar Galactica, the prequel “Caprica” is a sci-fi series set on a planet in a distant part of the galaxy. The human race lives there with technology that is a few decades more advanced than our own. The show revolves around Daniel Graystone, a White cybernetics genius, and Joseph Adama, a lawyer/gangster and the father of Commander William Adama of BSG fame. Graystone creates a race of machines called the Cylons who rebel in the future and wipe out human civilization. “Caprica” tells the story of how all this came about.

Zoe Graystone, Daniel’s daughter, is a child prodigy who grows up in a technologically advanced, but spiritually empty liberal society. Like many privileged White youth her age, Zoe uses her “holoband” to go to a virtual reality world where all forms of degeneracy are indulged: orgies, raves, drugs, mutilation, human sacrifice, etc. Eventually, Zoe and her friends become alienated from the degenerate youth culture of Caprica and rebel by becoming radical monotheists.

As a chip off the old block, Zoe modifies her “avatar” with an ingenious computer program that essentially copies her soul. She plans on moving to Gemenon (another one of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol) to join her co-religionists, but dies in an explosion on a train when her suicide bomber friend blows himself up. Joseph Adama’s wife and daughter are also killed on the train. The death of their daughters devastate Daniel Graystone and Joseph Adama who meet and become friends. Daniel finds out about Zoe’s avatar and in his grief attempts to resurrect his daughter in a robotic body. He succeeds and Zoe becomes the first Cylon.

From a purely aesthetic point of view, I enjoyed the Caprica pilot. It has an interesting retro vibe to it. Men wear nice suits, overcoats, and fedoras. Caprica City is a clean and healthy place. Zoe attends a White private school. Her parents are White professionals. Her father is a White technological genius. Minus a few obligatory examples of diversity, “Caprica” is not unlike the futuristic White world that we envision.

The racial fly in the soup is Joseph Adama’s character and story arc. Adama is a Tauron immigrant on Caprica. I got the impression that much will be made of the rustic Taurons being victims of racial prejudice by the Anglo/White Capricans. Adama’s gangster brother is also involved in a gay marriage. The loose metaphor at work here is obviously that the Taurons are like Hispanics in America. In Battlestar Galactica, the Taurons weren’t depicted as a separate race or ethnicity. Admiral Helena Cain, the White commander of the Pegasus, was from Tauron.

I hope Caprica doesn’t turn out to be insufferably PC like Star Trek. On a positive note, the show is only quasi sci-fi, so it will probably attract a wider audience. Caprica depicts a society a lot like our own. I didn’t notice much of a geek factor. I’m also encouraged by the fact that the Taurons were depicted as criminals and Caprican liberalism was shown to be degenerate. We’re told in the beginning that this is what Caprica was like “before the fall.”

For now, I will be watching. If Caprica sticks to exploring the implications of artificial intelligence, it could be a popular and fascinating show.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It does sound interesting and promising. I have been hearing good things about Battlestar Galactica for years but haven’t had time to get around to it yet. I wish I could avoid supporting anything put out by Hollywood, but the simple fact is a lot of what they put out is good. I downloaded the first episode of Dexter the other day and ended watching the whole series even though the premise of the show is laughably far fetched. Best writing on TV by a mile.

  2. I can’t help but notice the etymology of the name “Caprica,” like “capricious.” That is certainly a fitting word for liberal society.

  3. “Caprica” comes from Capricorn. The planet Caprica is one of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol which are all named after the Zodiac constellations. The other colonies are Tauron, Leonis, Scorpia, Aquaria, Aerilon, Canceron, Gemenon, Libran, Picon, Sagittaron, and Virgon. Supposedly, they will all be depicted in the new series.

  4. My father was big time into sci-fi so i guess a bit of that rubed off on me.
    Battle Star was a good show I thought. Since we dont have TV, I’ll wait to download or rent Caprica.
    I would call sci-fi pure “escapism”, as alot of the ideas of sci-fi, have come become reailty. And also brings new ideas to Science.
    But all Sci-fi does seem to be filled with the idea of a Multi-culti future being a good thing.

  5. Part of the appeal is also the much better acting, especially Eric Stoltz who is very talented and accomplished.

    I am looking forward to the series but also suspect that the diversity and propaganda will become unbearable.

    I recently watched 2012, and the CGI and action sequences were incredible, but the diversity and political agenda were so blatant and ridiculous it was disgusting.

  6. One Post…and a follow-up:

    Caught the last hour of the first showing; not bad.

    I used to love the true essence of ‘mental flight’, paired with superlative philosophy and essential morality; however, as was the case with I Asimov, R. Bradbury, Andre Norton, and F. Herbert, the elemental constructs remained, in extremis, the natural intellectual pursuits of our Racial imperatives. As time progressed, so did the psychological implications and the long reach of this familiar racial ‘flight of fancy’ to be used against us and our future children.

    Psy-Ops really does exist, as a legitimate science.

    One remark, fifteen minutes into this series: The Gods and God are at odds; the Army of the One (an oblique reference to radical Christianity and, I assume, meaning the wholesome and Racially based ‘monotheism’ of our ancestors) is pitted against the State conception of Polytheism…a more naturally intrinsic mode of spirituality.

    Our enemies know how we act and do, seemingly teasing us with ability and motive, but no fruition; this is the typical Hegelian dialectics, but used by the masters of deceit – just as the Taurons(?).

    These attempts at a new, or redrawn philosophy is always problematic, and I am not certain how much is good or bad, relative to its importance in developing a proper and revolutionary mindset.

    Thanks, Hunter, for the heads-up and nice cover review.

  7. Taurons – Warrior Class, polytheistic:

    What do we make of this, as juxtaposed against what ‘white culture’ has become?

    Is this some new birth of a One God, One Nation, One Leader inspiration? Moreover: whose god, nation and leader?

  8. Smut. What does this have to do with “Western Racial and Cultural Preservation”? Why dont you just tell people to watch MTV?

  9. I only caught the first part of the pilot (apparently I missed the part where Joseph’s brother had a husband), but to me the Taurons seemed to play equally on the Italian immigrant experience (Hispanics aren’t the only ones who Anglicized their names), if only because they’re associated with a powerful crime syndicate.

    In any event, I thought some of the acting was horrid. The opening scenes with the Graystones were particularly unbearable.

  10. “Millions of Whites still watch television. I don’t watch to preach to a small group of ideologues who hermetically seal themselves off from the mainstream.”

    Hunter has a point, it is very wise to stay up on pop-culture.

  11. I try to keep myself informed of current culture but television is just so damned boring. Plus they have gradually increased the number of commercials over the years so that an hour of television programming contains 20+ minutes of commercials. It’s the same reason I rarely listen to the radio anymore.

  12. “Greg Johnson and **** ****** will tell you that movie reviews draw more attention from non-racialists than anything else we write about.

    Should be obvious, they’re very mainstream topics.

    Plus they have gradually increased the number of commercials over the years so that an hour of television programming contains 20+ minutes of commercials. It’s the same reason I rarely listen to the radio anymore.

    I agree, but there’s a way around that.

    Taurons should be played by Italians. 20-30 years ago they would have used European ethnic groups as archetypes instead of non-Whites.

  13. I don’t want to preach to a small group of ideologues who hermetically seal themselves off from the mainstream.

    That’s basically what’s going on here and elsewhere, but you’ve made a positive move denouncing and distancing yourself from some of the cancers, though some still comment here and praise themselves with sock puppets.

    Changing the mainstream and appealing to the masses is the right strategy.

  14. They just have to ruin everything, they can’t help themselves. They’re remaking our history and mythology.

    I’m surprised they didn’t get Dwayne “The Crack Rock” Johnson to be Conan. This Jason Momoa is similar, some hapa with dreadlocks. “His father was a Native Hawaiian and his mother was of German, Irish, and Native American ancestry.”

    At least they’re doing Red Sonja right and putting the Celtic bombshell Rose McGowan as the lead.

  15. Ironically the new Conan is supposed to be more faithful to Howard’s books. The actor portraying Conan is the exact opposite. Conan and his people are similar to the Picts, fierce Celtic barbarians who unknowingly descend from the previous Atlantean civilization. He is described in the books as dark-haired, blue-eyed with fair but tanned skin from exposure. He was in a way an alter ego of Howard, who was a dark-haired Celt himself.

    Howard also wrote a short story called The Last White Man in the 60s, during the Civil Rights Movement, about how blacks came to dominate weak civilized White men, but Whites were rescued by a Viking-like White hero.

    Let there be no doubt, Robert E. Howard was one of us.

    In a letter to H. P. Lovecraft, Howard talks about a rancher who was investigated for the murder of a Mexican. “[…] just why so much trouble was taken about a Mexican I cannot understand.” In reference to a trial in Honolulu where native Hawaiians were accused of rape, Howard wrote, “I know what would have happened to them in Texas. I don’t know whether an Oriental smells any different than a nigger when he’s roasting, but I’m willing to bet the aroma of scorching hide would have the same chastening effect on his surviving tribesman.” There is also a conversation between Howard and Novalyne Price that is remembered in her memoir on Howard. Howard tells Novalyne, “[…] I guess you know if a Negro is found on the streets after dark in Coleman, Santa Anna, and several other towns around here, they run him out of town. Chances are they might tar and feather him.” When Novalyne reacted negatively, Howard returned, “Let me tell you something, girl, that you don’t seem to know. Those people come from a different line. They have different blood – ”

  16. This is an awesome show. You guys hit the nail on the head. Fantasy is the way to go and if we keep blogging about it will become even more ‘fantastical!’ I don’t even want the gangsters to be different. If it can’t be real let’s live vicariously through our minds and through the TV. Reality is not worth dwelling about and trying to solve issues in a mature way.

  17. Jorlop,
    Engaging popular culture isn’t fantastical. It’s practical.

    Members of our blogging collective are confronting antis on the street, exposing truly devastating intel on the enemies, and hosting workshops of as many as two dozen White Advocates coming together IRL. And that’s just in the last week alone.

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