Buchanan on White Voters

At Takimag, Pat Buchanan points out that White voters are flocking back to the GOP, and says this explains the recent string of Republican victories in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. The GOP is winning again because Obama is losing his image as a colorblind messiah and has failed to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs. His push for healthcare reform has also exposed him as another run of the mill tax and spend liberal.

The political behavior of Whites challenges the “worse is better theory.” White voters haven’t flocked from a moribund GOP to the Democrats to White Nationalism. On the contrary, they are going back to the Republicans because there is no viable White Nationalist alternative. Unless you count the uptick of hits on our websites, the election of a black president and an economic depression hasn’t produced any tangible benefit for our movement, sad as it is to say.

See also:

Elliott Abrams: Haiti Needs Colonies

ADL Attacks Limbaugh

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We need to build an political infrastructure and argue more effectively for our cause. We also need to be realistic about time lines. This is a project that will take at least decades to come to fruition. We have to be psychological prepared to fight for our survival forever. The struggle for survival never ends.

  2. “We have to be psychological prepared to fight for our survival forever. The struggle for survival never ends.” ( — ATBOTL)

    Correct. If we were to gain some sort of significant victory the Jews would launch another “Sixties” twice, five times, ten times as aggressive and as long as it took till they overthrew us again. The only reason the “Sixties” came to an end somewhere around 1972 or ’73 was the Jews saw they had won and the rest would be a mopping-up operation. So they stopped active operations. If we ever actually won anything that put us back in power such that we could start dismantling some of this crap the Jews would start all over again using every ounce of their strength, this time with even more stirring up of Negro violence, even more white “Weathermen” bombing cells, even more terrorism, intimidation, an even more total, overwhelming psyops war against whites via the media, etc. You’d see terrorism directed against us much worse than al Qaeda, the Shining Path, Che Guevara, the Irgun, the Stern gang, or Pol Pot. When that time comes we are going to have to 1) get white women under control with a strong hand because otherwise the first thing white women do is side with the Jews against us, by itself forming an absolutely devastating fifth column right in the heart of our efforts, 2) get white college kids under control, ditto — take zero, absolutely zero crap from white college kids or white women, 3) and be ready and willing to fight a battle for our racial survival against a totally determined and very able and strong Jewish adversary.

    The Jews are never going to give our race peace in this country, or in Europe, or anywhere in the Eurosphere. Never. We are going to have to accept that the cost of our racial survival will be strong unwavering vigilance into the foreseeable future and likely beyond. The Jews have latched onto us. We would have preferred they latch onto the Chinese or the Subcons or whoever else but they’ve latched onto us. We defend ourselves or we perish as a race. It’s that simple. It’s not as if, “Once the battle is over and we’ve won, it’s smooth sailing again forever, peace has arrived, it’s the 1950s again for the rest of time, we’re home free at last.” It’s not like that. The Jews never saw their 1945 victory over the white race as “the end of the struggle.” That’s why we have an anti-Nazi propaganda war still being waged by the Jews as vigorously as during the war, even more so. Why do we have an anti-Nazi propaganda film coming out of Hollywood every five minutes as if the war is still on two generations after the war was won and the Nazis ground into dust, why do we have non-stop all-Hitler-all-the-time programming on the obviously Jewish-owned History Channel, why have the Jews deployed all their influence and coercion to see that our kids’ amygdalas are steeped in Holocau$tianity from birth on up, and all the rest of it? Why? Isn’t that war against the Nazis over and done with long ago? Isn’t it ancient history? No, it isn’t. Because the Jews understand there is no rest from the struggle, the shooting may have stopped but the struggle goes on otherwise at any time they could be overthrown. The Jews have been on a tribal war footing since Bonaparte. That’s been their normal tribal state for two centuries. In some ways longer, actually. We’re going to have to maintain a war footing too. It’s hard but doable: both we and the Russians did it, stayed on a war footing, for the duration of the Cold War; the Prussians did it, maintained a constant war footing, from before Frederick the Great in the 1700s till the Jewish conquest and annihilation of Prussia from the map and extinguishing of the Prussian people, 1945-47. The Americans on the slowly-westward-moving frontier maintained a constant war footing against the Indians for three centuries. It can be done. Especially if one’s racial survival depends on it.

  3. The Democrats lost in MA because Whites there already have health care and the Dems foolishly set back and let the Right paint Health care reform as a tax on the middle class. The Democrats are now is serious danger. The party is literally imploding as the progressive left abandons it. Just check out forums like Democratic Underground to see the anger.

    The Democrats if they wish to survive have to move radically to the left. They should pass a comprehensive Health Care bill with a single payer option right away. Buchanan is lying when he says that the fast majority of uninsured are minorities. They’re not, the vast majority of uninsured are White.

    The Democrats should make it very clear that only the very wealthy will see large tax increases including a Tobin Tax on Banks to fund the reform. They should then pass legislation to end all Free Trade treaties with the Third world. End the wars immediately and reform if not abolish the Federal Reserve. (The progressives hate the Fed as much as the Libertarians). They should also as a matter of urgency re-introduce the fairness doctrine to challenge the neocon control of the media and pass Card Check. If the Democrats do all the above they would wipe the floor with the Republicans in all future elections and Whites in the millions would flock en masse to the Democratic party.

  4. Worse is better because it drives more people to consider racialist views. Some of them will come to see race as the central issue, and when enough do so a critical mass will be reached and a ‘viable’ (perceived as such, whether or not it in fact is) WN political alternative will emerge. I’m not saying you need things to get worse, or that you should rely on things getting worse, but it helps more than it hurts when they do.

  5. Buchanan is of course very good; I don’t need to spell out the reasons why. (I disagree with Linder’s “career girls” condemnation of him, Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, and the others he’s been going after, and I’ve already posted my reasons for disagreeing, posting them somewhere at OccidentalDissent.com I believe — and Linder’s replied, either at OD or MR.) But one thing Buchanan did just “sticks in my craw” as the redneck expression goes, and try as I might I’ve never been able to understand it, or forget it, or forgive him for it: his endorsement of Bush for president in 2004.

    There’s something very very very wrong with him for doing that. One is tempted to say he can never be trusted after that — but in fact nobody can really be “trusted” completely, as the world learned after William F. Buckley sold out to the Manhattan Jews and became a fully-fledged advocate of forced race-replacement. You can’t “trust” anybody, you can only say whether or not you agree with someone at a given specific moment. But there’s a deep flaw somewhere inside Buchanan, it may be because of his Catholicism, I don’t know — the man is damaged goods ever since he made that Bush endorsement, the worst mistake he ever made in his life.

  6. That’s for sure, Fred. Buchanan’s endorsement of Bush in 04, plus his choice of Negroes and tards for VP running mates, shows he’s got a loose wire somewhere.

  7. On balance, Junghans, I see him as very good of course, but with a deep, serious flaw somewhere, I don’t know where, as manifested in that absolutely inexcusable Bush endorsement in 2004 after everyone knew the sort of filthy vile scum Bush was, with no man in history more deserving of arrest and trial on any number of capital charges. I don’t mean to ignore or diminish the huge good Buchanan has done, for example the books he’s written sounding the alarm on white-race demographic slide to oblivion which are now some of our side’s pillars. But again, that Bush endorsement cannot ever be forgotten or forgiven — or even comprehended.

  8. Put it this way: were our side to win big, Buchanan — all the books he’s written notwithstanding — could never be trusted with a position in the government because at any moment he could inexplicably turn traitor, offering his support, completely out of the blue, to our staunchest opponents. The problem could be his devout Catholicism: Vatican influence keeping him from fully appreciating what has to be accomplished.

  9. “The political behavior of Whites challenges the “worse is better theory.” White voters haven’t flocked from a moribund GOP to the Democrats to White Nationalism. On the contrary, they are going back to the Republicans because there is no viable White Nationalist alternative.”

    According to your own logic the reason Whites are going back to the Republikwans is because they associate the policies that are screwing them over more so with the Democraps, i.e., for Republicunts worse IS better. Of course we all know the Republishits will direct the implicit White angst of the lemmings down a useless path. So…when dissatisfaction sets in sufficiently with both parties the time will be ripe for WN, and that time is approaching.

  10. Right. Pat Buchanan is an Irish Roman Catholic blowhard of the worst type. Buchanan is out to fill his own pockets, and he’s not a smart enough politician to spread it around. If he did spread some cash around you could have White political efforts in most key States.

    A smart politician does two things, he keeps his promises, and he spreads the cash around.

  11. A bit off topic but this could really go almost anywhere at OD, so I’ll stick it in here if I may: the Captain has directed our attention to a new Australian site devoted to questioning current official Australian government policy of extinguishing the white race. Instead of linking the site, I’ll link to a comment of mine mentioning it, because OD.com’s software is such that this comment won’t post if I put more than one link in it, and I want to put two links to videos. Here’s my comment, which is self-explanatory and contains the two links:

    http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/blogosphere_abuzz_cvh_now_famous/#c87746 .

    Those two videos on the broad topic of women’s participation in so-called “White nationalism” (a term I dislike) are absolutely the best I’ve ever seen in my life. The Captain is correct. They should be spread around the internet as widely as possible. Please view them both and spread them. Thanks.

  12. Pardon my rather rough usage of French above, but I’m angling for bourgeois respectability now, I’m sure my grasp of the Gallic tongue will improve with time.

  13. It is the case that whites are, to a degree anyway, flocking to the GOP. But there is flocking, and then there is flocking. I don’t see any real passion for the GOP, I don’t see that old GOP pride. Lots of people vote Republican, but very few seem to actually *like* the GOP. It’s not a pro-Republican vote, rather it’s an anti-Democrat vote.

    The real problem is systemic. The system as a whole will continue to lose legitimacy, for the simple reason that it will continue to operate on false assumptions no matter which party runs the show. Even in the aftermath of the Massachusetts debacle for the Democrats, we still see them trying to spin it off as just a matter of Coakley running a bad campaign. Virginia? New Jersey? Weak candidates all, don’t ya know? Yes, weak candidates, much like the Soviet Union had year after year of “bad weather” to explain its consistently poor harvests, even in traditionally breadbasket areas.

    The Republicans seem no better at learning fundamental lessons. Buchanan’s article must seem genuinely puzzling to them. We see how Republicans can win victory after victory by increasing their percentage of the White vote. It’s as simple as 2+2=4. They can even win in Massafrickinchusetts. But we all know what they will do instead: appeal to blacks and Hispanics, and remain slaves to corporate interests at the expense of literally millions of working class white voters throughout the Northeast and Midwest. LOL!

    The system has its own *logic*, and that logic is built entirely upon falsehoods and absurdities. It will fail.

    These are just two small examples of a system that simply cannot learn from reality. There are many, many others. Its response to an economic crisis brought about in large measure by an overload of unsustainable debt? Get that credit flowing…we need more loans! Oh, and while we’re demanding for private citizens to go into even more debt, let’s help the process along by adding trillions more to the public debt. Yep, that’s the ticket.

    Not a peep about restoring our productive capacity as a nation, or a finanical system based on real productivity and wealth generation. Not a peep. No, let’s just keep offshoring the good jobs and productive capacity, importing the Third World, going into even more unsustainable debt…that’ll work won’t it? Isn’t that what made America great?

    The system is, in effect, eating itself.

    Which, from our standpoint, is good. The system will continue to lose legitimacy. Sure, the Republicans will get to savor some sweet days every now and again, but as they are no more able to right this ship than their opponents, it won’t matter. They will increasingly (and obviously) be unable to deliver, and the downward spiral of system legitimacy will continue apace. We need BOTH parties discredited. That’s happening.

    And that’s the point: loss of system legitimacy. We’re playing for all the marbles, folks. Or, at least, if we got our act together we COULD play for all the marbles. Give it some more time. Realistically, there isn’t going to be a viable White Nationalist alternative until system legitimacy declines even more. It would be nice if we already had a shiny, new, viable WN alternative today, but that’s probably putting the cart before the horse. Again, give it a little more time (of course, there are lots of things we could/should do to speed this process up, but that’s another story).

    Now, all of this would happen whether Obama got elected or not. Yet, Obama has given has given us a very nice gift. America, for the first time in my life, is able to (figuratively speaking) kick a black dude in the nuts. After decades of propaganda in which the saintly Morgan Freeman, or the supposedly dashing Denzel or Will Smith provided sage counsel to hapless whites (when they weren’t saving the world, protecting white families, and being all around great guys), Americans finally get to see the real thing, what really happens when a black gets to run things: things just suck. There is no miracle, no wise and all knowing Negro to guide them. Just an empty suit who can correctly pronounce “ask.”

    I saw that under 30 voters cast their ballot overwhelmingly for Brown, by margins of two to one or more. Amongst young white voters, the margin would have been even higher. This is the same demographic that cheered Obama on while gazing at him with puppy dog eyes. Already, the ingrates are jumping ship. Hilarious.

    Point is, the myth of black superiority, so carefully cultivated by our largely Jewish media masters, is crumbling right before our eyes. Obama is the perfect foil. I almost feel sorry for the tragic mulatto. Almost, but not quite. He’s in way over his head. But hey, you play…you pay. His rise to prominence was completely undeserved, and so even if some of the kicks in the nuts that he is taking/going to take are also undeserved, there is a certain symmetry on display, a certain poetic justice. And it is sweet. Kick away! Every kick weakens the myth of the wise and all knowing Negro. For right now, don’t even bother pushing WN on the clerk you talk to at the 7-11. Just get him comfortable pissing on the Magic Negro.

    The great thing is that, after this most recent chastening of our Tragic Mulatto, he won’t be able to pull a Bill Clinton and just go back to the center. Whether he will try or not is almost immaterial, as it won’t work. The condition of the system is simply too dire, and its ability to successfully confront the massive challenges that are before it is too weak. Any way you look at it system legitimacy is going to decline, and Obama will take more and more punishment.

    A lot of other myths are or will be crumbling soon as well, and how sweet it is. All of this against a backdrop of declining system legitimacy that will provide a short term benefit to the Republicans, but which ultimately will destroy them as just another part of a failed system . As the blacks sing in the commercials, “I’m loving it!”

  14. Only Limbaugh knows why he decided to commit professional hara kari by mentioning Jews and banks. He was getting somewhere by honing his criticism on Negroes and Obama and immigration, and he threw it all to the dogs by going after Jews as well who will now eat him for breakfast.

  15. But I thought it wasn’t true that the Jews controlled anything, FB? I thought we were doing it all to ourselves, with the Jews mere innocent bystanders? Wasn’t that it? So what in the world should Limbaugh have had to be afraid of in mentioning the Jews? I can’t think of a thing!

  16. I actually agree with the substance of some of Linder’s critiques of Buchanan and Taylor. It’s his tone, quarrelsomeness and the ineffectiveness of his strategy that I object to.

    FB is an imbecile to suggest that 1.) Limbaugh was criticizing Jews — he was trying to suck up to them in those comments and 2.) that he was “getting somewhere.” How can we take anyone seriously who first fetishized German National Socialism as the solution to everything, and now does the same with slavish, patently insincere philo-Semitism?

    Doesn’t everyone remember the “Republican Revolution” of 1994 and Rush Limbaugh’s prominent role in it? I can’t believe that anyone who considers himself pro-white and is intellectual enough to read obscure blogs like this would think that Rush Limbaugh style conservatism is a viable path for advancing white interests. We have been though this so many times before — 1968, 1980, 1994, 2000 — how many times does it take to learn the lesson that “racially coded” reactionary conservatism, once in power, will not lift a finger to save us?

    Nothing happening politically right now is anything to cheer about. Started getting excited when the national GOP leadership adopts explicitly pro-white policies. Until the party platform calls for ending non-white immigration, the GOP is not on our side.

    I think that the economic and demographic situations will have worsen considerably before there is any large scale movement towards white nationalism. What we need to do now is organize the not insubstantial number of Americans who are white nationalists already. We need national level organizations, local activism in the most promising area and a network of media and think tanks.

  17. Whites are going back to the Republicans because White Nationalists haven’t produced a viable alternative. When the Whig Party disintegrated, Northern voters flocked into the Free Soil Party, American Party, and Republican Party.

  18. Let’s apply the “worse is better” theory to Massachusetts. Ted Kennedy got elected to the Senate in the 1960s. He used that Senate seat for 47 years to push ever more destructive legislation. He held on to it until he drew his last breath. The racial situation for Whites in Massachusetts got progressively worse for half a century, but White Nationalism never went anywhere.

  19. I think I’ve turned the corner on “worse is better.” I used to think there was a lot of merit, but increasingly think otherwise. Now I think “hold the enemy off as we awaken our kin” is a better motto. The proliferation of information is our friend. It would be best for us to do what little we can to staunch the bleeding while the proliferation of information works for us.

    In short, it’s bad enough already. Now we need to work on making sure the tree falling in the forest makes a sound.

  20. These are just two small examples of a system that simply cannot learn from reality.

    Sooo true. It couldn’t be more apparent that the USA is on a trajectory toward “failed state” and they’ve outlawed navigational skills, LOL.

  21. A black president and the worst recession since the Great Depression produced an uptick of hits on our websites. It makes you wonder what the “worse is better” theory will require for White Nationalists to finally triumph. I’m increasingly of the view that nothing short of a Peak Oil collapse of industrial civilization will suffice. Even that might not be enough.

  22. Scroob, I don’t like “WN” either. It sucks, really. I like ethnopatriot because it’s self-explanatory and has a word with positive connotations, “patriot,” woven in. I like “patrist” better because it’s a) fresh (so it can be ours) and b) rolls off the tongue (like “fascist”; sure “fascist” has a negative connotation but it’s short, powerful, rolls off the tongue and has a good sound to it), but it’s obscure and would need wide adoption to be effective.

    I know you prefer “normal” and the like but brand recognition is worth the while, I think.

  23. You guys need to listen to what the Left says about us. The Left is basically saying that a White Awakening is happening now, and I tend to agree.


    This show is dull as watching paint dry for the first part, while you listen to nasally leftists constantly repeat the term “grassroots organizing” when it’s precisely the opposite. They are more like America’s “putting green.” They complain that they can’t get public enthusiasm for their ideas.

    Then Laura says with some fear, or perhaps excitement, says, “One group that is having no problem organizing . . . is the White nationalist movement.”

    The Tea Party and Ron Paul people are reading us. It’s getting around. These things take time.

    It’s like waiting for beer to ferment. That’s what we have right now, radical social ferment. It’s going to ferment into something we like, I assure you.

    We have to learn that learning is the Mind Weapon though. We can take this Mind Weapon and get what we want. We are the weapon.

    The first practice of NLP is to “model” people who are really good at something. Richard Bandler interviewed pro golfers and asked them to describe what they felt, and they said the distance from the tee to the hole contracted, and became really close. Then they stole this idea and made a movie with Will Smith called “Bagger Vance.”

    I know someone who is a lifelong nerd, a modern Francis Bacon, and after several years I’ve begun to be able to “model” him.

    He does well, because we live in an era where the cognitive elite are the one group with job security. At a certain level of knowledge, there’s always a paying job for you.

    Depression-Globalism forces us to greater accomplishment, than the age of the company man and the union man. It forces us to fight to survive.

    The US is not a country any more, just a brand. Everyone that immigrates is just “buying into the brand.” What we thought we owned, it turned out we were only renting, and the lease is up.

    Forcing us to struggle will force many of us to strive to be cognitive elite. This will be the best thing that could happen.

    Some people claim that “evolving” means “we become Jews.” Nothing could be further from the truth. An evolutionary adaptation doesn’t necessarily mean turning into the thing you are adapting to.

    We will have to evolve into a culture that values learning. We once had that, and we can get it back.

  24. Of course they are flocking back to the GOP. They have two parties to vote for. So, when they go to the voting booth they have a Democrat hack or a Republican hack to vote for. So this time they are choosing the Republican hack for another round of total failure. What other options are they given?

    The tea party was always a GOP movement. It is another rehash of the “taking back the party” for “smaller government and free market principles.” Americans are nothing if not gullible for free market capitalism. It is one of their downfalls and might be our undoing. Of course, it is going to fail again and the ball will be handed back to the Democrats when they do.

    This is going to continue until a viable movement is created.

    WN has no viable organizations or parties to “flock” to. What are the people supposed to do? The only people on the ballots are GOP or Democrat candidates.

  25. “But I thought it wasn’t true that the Jews controlled anything, FB?”

    I never said that Jews didn’t control anything, you haven’t been paying attention. On the contrary, I’ve always maintained that Jews indeed control everything and that’s why any resistance is equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. And then what? Unlike Linder, I believe that something in the MSM is better than nothing. Limbaugh will soon be taken off the air if he keeps it up. I’m being practical. One must do what can be done and not dream of impossible scenarios. Going after Jews or even mentioning them is a loser. Period. As a wise man said: The Jews don’t exist for me, they are like the Eskimo.

  26. It’s indisputable that whites are rejecting Obama and his radical agenda but I suspect for all the wrong reasons. I believe opposition to Obama is rooted more in economic concerns rather than race which is disconcerting. Sometimes I don’t know if white Americans will ever “get it” when it comes to our intractable race problem of which Obama is playing a central role.

    That white nationalism can never seem to capitalize on political turmoil is no surprise but this failure cannot be laid at the feet of the so called vanguard wing of WN. Since the death of William Pierce and the incarceration of Matt Hale that brand of WN has been faced with a leadership vacuum and unable to accomplish very much. If mainstream type WN is our salvation then it’s time they prove their worthiness.

    Actually “worse is better” is vindicated with the recent election of Republicans. The Republican party is headed by a clownish black man, is in state of disarray and identity crises yet whites are so turned off by Obama’s extreme leftism and radicalism that people are choosing Repubs as the lesser of two evils. Obama has unwittingly saved the Republican party from itself despite the party turning their collective backs on their white base all throughout the Bush presidency.

  27. There seems to be some dissension within Jewry’s ranks about how to handle Limbaugh. Norman Podhoretz himself quickly stepped forward to defend Limbaugh after Foxman’s attack. I’m not sure what that means.

  28. “A black president and the worst recession since the Great Depression produced an uptick of hits on our websites. It makes you wonder what the “worse is better” theory will require for White Nationalists to finally triumph.”

    For me, the “worse is better” theory does not mean that there will be a direct, immediately verifiable correlation between things getting “worse” and the star of white nationalism rising. I don’t think it works that way.

    Instead, what we are seeing is a gradual loss of legitimacy of the system as a whole. This is taking many, many forms. It assumes a highly personalized form with Obama as his setbacks help to break down the myth of the saintly, all knowing and wise Negro. It assumes a broader form when Jewish perfidy is subject to substantive criticism, as the Jewish role in everything from our vile popular culture, wars for Israel, and financial shenanigans (both “legal” and illegal) becomes more broadly appreciated.

    It assumes a still broader and deeper form as it becomes more and more apparent that a system based on globalization, multiracialism, and financial scams simply can’t deliver the quality, stability, or prosperity that it promised. Still deeper, when the system is revealed to be a hollow shell game that can’t deliver culturally, much less spiritually. The loss of system legitimacy, unlike the path to heaven, is not narrow. It is broad, deep and multifaceted.

    This process takes time. It is just getting underway and has by no means reached its destination. The ugliness of the system is becoming more apparent by the month. The long years of drift and apathy are coming to an end. Things are happening now that could not have been imagined in the nineties and early aughts.

    Also, worse is better is an oversimplification. It should not be taken too literally. For example, to me, the truth of worse is better doesn’t mean that literally ALL things “worse” are therefore “better.” Sometimes worse is just plain worse. The kind of “worse” that we want is that which tends to undermine system legitimacy without doing fatal damage to us.

    Obama’s failures are great for us, as are many of the more fundamental failures of the system.

    But some things come at too high a price. For example, the continued importation of millions of non-whites. Yes, millions of additional non-whites will tend to drag the system down, BUT they also give the system its demographic foot soldiers and make it that much harder for us to reclaim our white lands even when the system fails. Way too much of a tradeoff for my tastes. It’s good/bad for the system, and bad/bad for us. I don’t like that math. So when it comes to something of this nature, then Svigor’s formulation nails it: “hold the enemy off as we awaken our kin.”

    But most of the “worse is better” outcomes don’t have those terrible implications for us. Instead, the system will bear the burden, and will suffer the loss of legitimacy. And that’s just swell with me.

    So, in my view worse is most certainly better, but there are important exceptions and qualifications. And remember, no revolution before its time.

  29. Worse may be better or it may not, but what’s the action item?

    If one believes that worse is better, is it then appropriate to do nothing while things get worse for our people?

    Is it then appropriate to actually work to make things worse for our people?

    It seems that a lot of people who parrot the phrase seem to be implying that.

    I agree with it to a limited extent, in the spirit that Rahm says “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Every time things get worse, we have an opportunity to reach and awaken more Whites. But these are opportunities that we squander.

  30. “What does that say about us? Why would we proselytize those so easily swayed?”

    Look, these under 30’s have been subject to the most extensive brainwashing campaign in human history. No other population in history has experienced anything quite like it. Further, they were offered an absolutely shitty choice by the Republicans. Eight years of an awful Bush administration, followed by McCain? I mean, come on.

    Point is, I wouldn’t make too much of their foolishness. And keep in mind that, despite the massive and seamless brainwashing, despite the terrible job that the Bush administration did and the horrible candidate that McCain was, most whites still wouldn’t vote for Obama. Even amongst the under 30’s, Obama may have won a majority, but not by much. If we take the various Jews and other mystery meat that were undoubtedly counted as “white” by the pollsters, he might not have had a majority amongst young whites, the ones who have gotten the full dose of the propaganda machine.

    Frankly, not that I am any fan of the Republicans, I find the numbers encouraging under the circumstances. If race didn’t matter, Obama should have won by a helluva landslide. Among whites, he most assuredly did not. In fact, he lost by a landslide.

    Also, keep in mind that the goal is not merely to proselytize, but to undermine your opponent’s faith. It is good news that a large chunk of erstwhile Obama supporters have had their puppy dog enthusiasm smacked hard by reality, whether or not they ultimately become WN. Sure, I’d rather have a supporter, but if I can’t have that, I’ll take a less confident and less committed opponent. So yes, proselytize, proselytize, proselytize. But also: undermine, undermine, undermine. Our opponents understand this. Why can’t we? Let the good times continue!

  31. “Worse may be better or it may not, but what’s the action item?”

    The action item is to spread one’s ideas and, to the extent possible, organize – while always seeking to undermine the legitimacy of your opponent and the faith of his supporters. Which, really, is always the action item from the revolutionary perspective.

    It’s just that there will be more opportunity as the dominant system loses legitimacy, and faith in the old order weakens. Just think of it as a more fertile field. You don’t just sit back, you still have to plow it.

  32. Look, these under 30’s have been subject to the most extensive brainwashing campaign in human history. No other population in history has experienced anything quite like it. Further, they were offered an absolutely shitty choice by the Republicans. Eight years of an awful Bush administration, followed by McCain? I mean, come on.

    No they haven’t been subjected to the most extensive brainwashing campaign in history. There have been others more extensive and on equal or larger scales. In fact, the entire political history of the last century is a testament to the falsity of your assertion. If the people are capable of being brainwashed, perhaps they are dispensable? That was my ultimate point.

    Politics isn’t my concern and I don’t give a shit who people vote for. What concerns me, is that all the people I know are basically amount to stacked shit. I reject the entire idea that we need to capture government or to convince the sheeple to capture government. My hope is that white men and women become heroes.

    All that said, it is encouraging and I’ve went on record as such. However, it isn’t the big picture.

    Point is, I wouldn’t make too much of their foolishness.

    Never, ever, underestimate the power of human stupidity. Never, ever, be truly hopeful when stupidity supervenes on democracy with virtually no check or restraint.

    I don’t give a damn if the people vote Alex fucking Linder into office if they remain what they are. The battle is for the soul and not for the White House.

    Sure, I’d rather have a supporter, but if I can’t have that, I’ll take a less confident and less committed opponent.

    Hmmm… I disagree. I despise the lukewarm in any form. They tend to introduce chaos and unpredictability into systems. Orestes Brownson said that “Nothing is… …more nauseating than to be lukewarm.” He preferred a life that would “Give us, we say, open, energetic, uncompromising enemies, or firm, staunch friends, who will take their stand for the truth,… to live with it or die with it; and not your half and half men.”

    I prefer we goad people into fighting over the transcendent. rather than their representatives. Politics is household management and a perfect career path for women and slaves.

  33. “There have been others more extensive and on equal or larger scales. In fact, the entire political history of the last century is a testament to the falsity of your assertion.”

    Believe what you want, but my take on history is quite different. There has never been a generation subject to the constant level of media brainwashing as the current generation of young whites. The technology only recently existed to even attempt it. We see, even in the totalitarian communist countries of the last century, the brainwashing was not nearly as pervasive or effective. Their propaganda was clumsy and poorly done.

    In contrast, now it is superbly done and weaves into every fabric of society, from MTV to the classroom to the JC Penny circular in the newspaper. It’s everywhere, and it’s precise. The propagandists that we face are infinitely more talented and honed than the boilerplate that the Soviets turned out. But again, believe what you want. If you care to point out specific examples, then fine. But merely asserting that the “entire political history of the last century” is a testament to the falsity of my assertion doesn’t cut it.

    “If the people are capable of being brainwashed, perhaps they are dispensable? That was my ultimate point.”

    If that’s your point, then they are certainly dispensible. Why? Because they are clearly capable of being brainwashed, at least to a degree. But your point is absurd. How many people on this board emerged fully awakened from the womb? How many were not brainwashed and misled, at least to a degree? The battle of ideas is our battle, not surrendering to the propagandist because he managed to do his job.

    “What concerns me, is that all the people I know are basically amount to stacked shit.”

    Somehow, I’m not surprised.

    “All that said, it is encouraging and I’ve went on record as such. However, it isn’t the big picture.”

    I don’t know of any WN who claimed it was. Are you implying otherwise?

    “The battle is for the soul and not for the White House.”

    I agree with this. Are you implying otherwise?

    “Hmmm… I disagree. I despise the lukewarm in any form. They tend to introduce chaos and unpredictability into systems.”

    If you don’t understand the importance of demoralizing the enemy, as he has successfully demoralized whites, then your understanding of this fight is extremely limited.

    “I prefer we goad people into fighting over the transcendent. rather than their representatives. Politics is household management and a perfect career path for women and slaves.”

    Agreed in spirit, but in practice politics has been a perfect career path for our lords and masters. Given the lack of understanding of revolutionary politics that is so evident amongst WN, it is not surprising how this came about.

  34. Good remarks by Danielj – my response:

    No they haven’t been subjected to the most extensive brainwashing campaign in history. There have been others more extensive and on equal or larger scales.

    As TS says, no previous brainwashing had the technological logistics for scale that the current one does. I’d be interested to hear your examples in any case.

    The problem with the Pavlovian approach is that no matter the mantra, if the senses do not confirm what is said eventually skepticism sets in, even in people of low intelligence.

    If the people are capable of being brainwashed, perhaps they are dispensable? That was my ultimate point.

    Careful dj, that sort of thinking might make you a “sociopath.” Anyway it’s a valid point in my opinion, esp considering that brainwashed folk are threats to a greater good.

    I don’t give a damn if the people vote Alex fucking Linder into office if they remain what they are. The battle is for the soul and not for the White House.

    If I didn’t believe he is a Federal asset but rather was sincere in his beliefs, I’d agree with you.

    My hope is that white men and women become heroes

    Politics is household management and a perfect career path for women and slaves.

    I see what you mean. It wasn’t always the way you paint it though. Me, I long for the way it was in the old days when politics and heroics were one and the same.

    Never, ever, underestimate the power of human stupidity. Never, ever, be truly hopeful when stupidity supervenes on democracy with virtually no check or restraint.

    True, but then:

    I despise the lukewarm in any form.

    From realism to wishful thinking. The lukewarm are a constant in our situation.

  35. Trainspotter,

    Very well said in all your posts. I would love to hear someone substantiate the assertion that there is another generation of people so brainwashed to hate their own people as the young whites of today.


    I am 46 and only woke up about five years back. Every $#!^%* institution that I turned to for fish handed me a serpent and when I needed bread gave me a rock. The average man when given shit long enough by people in authority over him will eventually twist his mind into believing it’s chocolate ice cream. The scale of the betrayal is beyond the grasp of all but a select few.

    Most whites are understandably lost, though few – as is the case in all of history – are potential revolutionaries. The mass is and always will be lukewarm. They will never be disciples in any meaningful cause. But the confidence they have in the current system must continue to be undermined both from its own self-destructive wiring as well as from the awakened.

    A needed precursor is to get ever increasing numbers from the mass to no longer actively support the beast.

  36. “A needed precursor is to get ever increasing numbers from the mass to no longer actively support the beast.”

    Exactly. This is the strategy our enemies used on us. They didn’t convert all of the whites into worshippers of the multicult. They didn’t need to, and didn’t even try. Instead, they converted where they could, and worked hard to demoralize the masses of whites that they couldn’t convert. It worked. They gradually weakened the resolve of whites to defend their own interests, culture and future as a people. Such whites were not converted, but they were effectively neutralized. Just Revolutionary Politics 101.

    As just one very small example, take the character of Archie Bunker. The early Soviet propagandists would have never created such a character. They would have just pushed slogans that demanded one to “Believe X.” Or, if they did create such a fictional character, they would have made him unbelievably evil. It wouldn’t have worked.

    But our modern propagandists? They’ve learned a thing or two. Don’t beat people over the head (until you’ve already softened them up a great deal). Sneak up on them. Demoralize them. Undermine their belief system, and make it fun! Wrap it up in entertainment. Start with a character that the audience can identify with, and gradually move him (and therefore the audience) in your direction.

    Arch is the loveable fool, the guy who is to be laughed at and not taken seriously. And, ever so slowly, good hearted Arch becomes more and more liberal over time. Most importantly (I believe it was Yggdrasil that pointed this out), Arch never does anything more than bitch and drink another beer. He never reaches for his guns, never organizes his neighbors, never really DOES anything about his beliefs. So even the people who remain steadfast Archie fans see that there is nothing to be done OTHER than bitch on their sofas. They have not been converted, but they have been neutralized.

    Now, in 2010, you couldn’t even have a loveable mainstream character like Archie. No way. The Archie character, and countless others like him, have served their purpose. He demoralized the very people that laughed and guffawed through each episode, even the ones who actively rooted for Archie and hated Meathead. Gradually the propagandist moves the target left.

    If Archie was exposed to an interracial couple, he would react. He would not like it…at first. But he really wouldn’t do anything about it other than make an ass of himself, and ultimately accept it. Who knows, in time he might become godfather to a little halfrican?

    As the target moves Left, the post-Archie character reaches the point where he just doesn’t react at all to an interracial couple. He shows neither approval nor disapproval. To him, interracial is just normal, an unremarkable part of the landscape. Maybe he even tolerates a buffoonish Archie type sidekick who makes it clear that he doesn’t approve, but the audience can see that the lead character is not “prejudiced,” only the lowly sidekick is. There are countless examples of this phase of propaganda (and it is still used today), but I distinctly remember some Rocky sequals where this particular strategy was used effectively.

    Then the even newer character reaches the point where he actively approves of the relationship, and will aggressively condemn as racist scum anyone who even hints at a whiff of disagreement. And so it goes. Now the propagandist is willing to beat the audience over the head, no more soft sell.

    We’ve come a long way from Archie.

    Again, the goal is not necessarily to convert, but to demoralize over time. Back in the eighties, you had the Negro buddy or sidekick. Just harmless friends, never a hint of miscegenation. Then in the nineties you start to get more and more interracial couples in the background scenes. Not actors, just extras. Then the interracial couple is brought further to the forefront with minor characters. The leads are fine with it, but they don’t engage in miscegenation themselves. And then, in time, major characters. And finally, of course, the lead actors.

    Over a period of approximately forty years, the propagandist has always been able to move the ball further downfield. He starts where people are, softens them up, and then moves the ball further again. Rinse and repeat. In doing so, he creates a powerful sense in the white mind of the inevitability of multiracialism and miscegenation. That it is normal and proper, but most importantly inevitable.

    This is just one strategy amongst thousands, far more sophisticated than anything the totalitarian propagandists were trying to pull seventy years ago. And it’s nothing but a frickin sitcom.

  37. It’s hilarious that Friedrich Braun is telling other people to be civil. ATBOTL is correct. Braun is an imbecile if he thinks Limbaugh was “going after Jews.” Limbaugh was fawning over Jews, saying he couldn’t understand why they are liberals (just like Limbaugh and his fellow conservatives think blacks, Hispanics, and other non-whites ought to be “natural conservatives”), calling Norman Podhoretz “brilliant,” and accusing Obama of being anti-Jewish for going after bankers.

  38. Indeed. I don’t think FB understood what Limbaugh was doing. He was defending Jews, not attacking them. It just so happened that Limbaugh, as a non-Jew, didn’t understand that even mentioning the historical role of Jews in finance would upset them and result in a knee-jerk accusation of antisemitism from the ADL. Limbaugh is likely incredibly perplexed and very sorry for saying something that he never intended to be upsetting.

    But to say he is “going after” Jews is downright absurd. Limbaugh has spent his entire career being a cheerleader for Israel and prominent neocon Jews as well as criticizing antisemites.

    FB for some reason sees fit to characterize this as an attack while any reasonable person who listened to his words would realize he was doing quite the opposite. This is a typical trait of philosemites and paranoid Jews.

  39. Foxman is a true master of his craft, unlike the hustling weasels over at $PLC. He doesn’t give a shit what the other words in the sentence were, he just knows that Rush used “Jew” and “banker” in the same sentence on his popular and influential show.

    That’s the problem.

    Gentiles aren’t allowed to approach the JQ outside of prescribed templates. It doesn’t matter what way they approach it. The old film The House of Rothschild (all should see it) is a good example of something which was sympathetic to Jews but would not be acceptable in contemporary society.

  40. Trainspotter, you are as astute as usual.

    American liberalism has produced better propaganda than the Soviets ever could. American propaganda even stages ‘revolutions’ against the ‘status quo’ like the 1960s cultural implosion. This was and is portrayed as a grassroots rebellion against the status quo, when it was in reality organized by the elites to displace the middle class Whites who built this nation!

    Politics in America is a poorly staged show. You have your good characters like Obama and your bad ones like Nixon and Bush. But even the bad characters are still reading the lines fed to them by some Jew running a teleprompter.

    And the audience eats it up.

  41. Trainspotter quote:
    “Believe what you want, but my take on history is quite different. There has never been a generation subject to the constant level of media brainwashing as the current generation of young whites. The technology only recently existed to even attempt it. We see, even in the totalitarian communist countries of the last century, the brainwashing was not nearly as pervasive or effective. Their propaganda was clumsy and poorly done.”

    Train you are exactly right. The West has been corrupted, undermined, and infected with bad propaganda. To not believe that TV, movies, etc do not work is to say that advertising is a waste of money. We KNOW from years of research at all leading universities HOW to change, manipulate, and motivate the masses AND individuals with key words, phrases, colors, images, and presentation. It is not black magic. No organization, no movement, will rise to any level of critical mass until they learn how to effectively use modern technology and the media to their advantage.

    Look at the masters of media: Hollywood, MTV, SPLC, One Persons Project, ADL, JDL, NAACP, etc. They are winning the propaganda war even though they are destroying the culture and society that allowed them to thrive.

    Look at OUR media: Vdare, AR, TOO, OD, VNN, DD, SF, etc. Though there is very good information and we enjoy reading and supporting these endeavors, tell me which is most effective at stirring people to action not only in words and thoughts but with their pocket books?

    No organization will have any significant impact on any society until it learns how to leverage modern media to its advantage. No matter how noble, how pure, or how true.

    This is a war of the mind and spirit and emotions of white men. It is not a math quiz where a rational, precise, answer will solve the problem.

    Our good people at AR, Vdare, TOO, etc are the start of a war that can only be won through the escalation of propaganda that stirs the hearts and passions of White Men to action.

    Sherwood Smith

  42. Believe what you want, but my take on history is quite different. There has never been a generation subject to the constant level of media brainwashing as the current generation of young whites.

    All of human history belies this assertion. There are practically no restraints on human freedom in the modern world. You are entirely free to accept or reject any ‘propaganda’ you wish. One can buy and sell in the market no matter what one’s personally held convictions entail. The modern state is hardly engaged in a propaganda war against the people. Non-state actors like the National Ad Council are surely harmless entities.

    The propaganda isn’t any better, people are just more stupid. You all see right through the “propaganda” now right? I suspect people here (most of us here being of high intelligence) are only saying that the propaganda is spectacular to excuse former idiocy. It bothers you that you bought the lie for so long when Joe six pack knew all along about racial differences. Well, I for one don’t have a problem admitting I was dumb. I wasn’t brainwashed but dumb. We should only use the terms ‘brainwashed’ and ‘propaganda’ analogically since they don’t describe the situation properly.

    Modern White youth are led astray by their own lusts and desires. Nobody is putting a gun to anybody’s head either literally, or metaphorically through intense propaganda.

    The technology only recently existed to even attempt it.

    The technology itself ensures that the propaganda is ineffective. It makes people trivial and passive and annihilates the man in the process of receiving the message. People are apathetic and nonplussed about pretty much everything. They aren’t dedicated consumers of propaganda as such but servants of self exclusively. If, incidentally, they are forced to sit through a couple commercials to get what they want, they will endure it only temperamentally and in highly agitated spirits.

    It’s everywhere, and it’s precise.

    If it’s everywhere, it’s nowhere. Ubiquity generates boredom.

    The propagandists that we face are infinitely more talented and honed than the boilerplate that the Soviets turned out.

    Nope. They actually overthrew governments and installed dictators over a fifth of the world’s land mass. They enlisted the rest of the world to destroy their enemy in WWII.

    “All that said, it is encouraging and I’ve went on record as such. However, it isn’t the big picture.”

    I don’t know of any WN who claimed it was. Are you implying otherwise?

    “The battle is for the soul and not for the White House.”

    I agree with this. Are you implying otherwise?

    No I wasn’t trying to imply that you disagreed.

    Look, either the truth is on our side and we can dispense with propaganda proper or it isn’t. If the truth is on our side, I don’t want people who are so easily swayed in our camp. I’m not saying anybody had to born ‘awakened’ but that there are two kinds of people in the world and a majority of them are worthless as far as causes go.

  43. As TS says, no previous brainwashing had the technological logistics for scale that the current one does. I’d be interested to hear your examples in any case.

    You don’t need technology. Priests and Shamans did the trick for thousands of years. British subjection of Indians took light skin and a couple of boomsticks. People have a need to be internally ordered and to mirror the order inherent in the cosmos and we need simply to supply that need. The organizing force (or ethos maybe?) in the world today is perhaps more focused on individual psychology and personal wish fulfillment over collective psychology but I’m not certain that this makes it more effective. I think it is more like a “stop-gap” and that it is barely capable of holding of disorder and strife, ennui and anomie at bay and barely capable of maintaining individual psychological continuity and incapable of enabling people to rise to challenges that require collective efforts. The past, in contrast, is replete with stories of men who stood at the Hot Gates, Christian and Pagan martyrs who died proudly and defiantly and groups who braved horrible conditions in faraway lands on behalf of a moral vision with extreme fervor and religious zeal. Today’s propaganda might not even be able to save the system, let alone create men and women willing to die for it.

    Careful dj, that sort of thinking might make you a “sociopath.” Anyway it’s a valid point in my opinion, esp considering that brainwashed folk are threats to a greater good.

    Despite the desperate need for force and coercion in organizing and sustaining personal and interpersonal development most people are averse to the idea since they’ve absorbed expansive ideas of what human freedom entails so egalitarianism wins by default.

    I saw draw lines in the sand and don’t waste time casting your pearls before swine or expend energies on salvaging what is not salvageable.

    It wasn’t always the way you paint it though.

    I meant, as you meant, that things were different in the distant past and they don’t have to be as they are now. We don’t need ‘respectability’ (bourgeois respectability that is so easily lampooned by the Captain and others) as defined by the now dominant but we need to be worthy of respect. I see a clear difference between the two.

    The lukewarm are a constant in our situation.

    Yes but I think we can ignore them and not waste precious resources on them.

    It is really an age-old dilemma that all radicals face. Do we soften the message, broaden our membership and decrease the zealotry of the committed or stay a small and militant sect constantly at strife and at risk of further fracture but full of ardency and a passionate intensity for real change?

  44. The scale of the betrayal is beyond the grasp of all but a select few.

    Count yourself lucky to be amongst the few. Act accordingly.

    They will never be disciples in any meaningful cause.

    Exactly. All I’m saying is that we should learn to differentiate between the two types.

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