Buchanan on White Voters

At Takimag, Pat Buchanan points out that White voters are flocking back to the GOP, and says this explains the recent string of Republican victories in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. The GOP is winning again because Obama is losing his image as a colorblind messiah and has failed to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs. His push for healthcare reform has also exposed him as another run of the mill tax and spend liberal.

The political behavior of Whites challenges the “worse is better theory.” White voters haven’t flocked from a moribund GOP to the Democrats to White Nationalism. On the contrary, they are going back to the Republicans because there is no viable White Nationalist alternative. Unless you count the uptick of hits on our websites, the election of a black president and an economic depression hasn’t produced any tangible benefit for our movement, sad as it is to say.

See also:

Elliott Abrams: Haiti Needs Colonies

ADL Attacks Limbaugh

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m not sure if worse is necessarily better but as political conditions worsen it’s forcing the white masses to finally react even tough it’s just baby steps at this point. According to Newton’s law of motion, every action results in an equal and opposite reaction and Bush’s incompetence coupled with Obama’s radicalism has helped spur the tea party movement comprised of no less than 90% whites.

    The Jewish left has tried every trick and used every smear tactic available even labeling tea partiers racists and nazis….imagine that. Yet the tea parties are only growing and becoming more popular. So now it seems the strategy is to infiltrate the movement with neo-con heavies like Sarah Palin and Joe Farah from World Net Daily. This is only the start. The objective is now to neuter the tea party and file down its sharp edges so that it isn’t a threat to Jewish interests or the anti-Western globalist agenda. Lenin always said that if you can’t defeat a movement then lead it.

    I predict that before long the tea party will be only a few centimeters to the right of the Republican party on the political spectrum. Any differences that remain will be one of degree not kind and will just provide more political drama and ratings for FOX News.

  2. Modern White youth are led astray by their own lusts and desires.

    No. They’re led astray by the serpent appealing to their lusts. Even as a Christian, bent on holding commoners responsible for their sins, you should know that. But the serpent negates free will, so blame falls on the hapless commoners.

  3. They’re led astray by the serpent appealing to their lusts.

    The book of James disagrees. Adam entered the fallen state before he even ate of the fruit. Sin preceded the Serpent.

    But the serpent negates free will, so blame falls on the hapless commoners.

    Libertarian free will destroys the seat of moral accountability. If man could have done otherwise at any given moment then he is no longer responsible for his actions since they become accidental happenstance.

  4. Uh is a strange mixture of telluric moralism and happy-go-lucky hedonism, he moralizes against those that would deny him his hedonism, and pursues hedonism to dull the pain of the world not conforming to moralism. I guess he contains multitudes.

  5. Look at the masters of media: Hollywood, MTV, SPLC, One Persons Project, ADL, JDL, NAACP, etc. They are winning the propaganda war even though they are destroying the culture and society that allowed them to thrive.

    Look at the consumers of media. They create the demand.

  6. danielj
    The technology itself ensures that the propaganda is ineffective. It makes people trivial and passive and annihilates the man in the process of receiving the message.

    That’s just what the jews want. Every white man an annihilated man.

  7. That’s just what the jews want. Every white man an annihilated man.

    The Jews aren’t immune. Nobody is. The rot is pervasive.

    Heroin increases demand for itself.

    Heroin is an inanimate object.

  8. danielj,
    The Orthodox Jews are pretty much immune. There’s this wider circle of secularized and integrated “Jews” who identify as Jews yet more or less fail to exhibit the habits and customs which immunize them to modernity. With any group evolutionary strategy, there’s an inevitability that a certain subset will drop out each generation. At the very worst for them, the Ashkenazi Jews which are so notoriously overt and engaged with Western Civilization will breed out and fail to breed, to be replaced in their habitat by Syrian, Persian, and other Jews who can prove capable of maintaining the GES.

    It’s evolution in action.

  9. The Orthodox Jews are pretty much immune.

    True. They exemplify perfectly the struggle between wider acceptance and sect puritanism that I was getting at earlier.

    There’s this wider circle of secularized and integrated “Jews” who identify as Jews yet more or less fail to exhibit the habits and customs which immunize them to modernity.

    Agreed. I think these are the Jews that have the power though so I look forward to and embrace their steady evaporation and dilution into the white gene pool since it seems we can’t find a way to kick them out or sterilize them. It seems genetic assimilation is the only way to neutralize the threat they pose. As they interbreed they will cease being a base of power from which the Orthodox and the Israelis can launch their assault.

  10. Clear, analytical, visionary thinking there Trainspotter. The system is indeed self-destructing, or “in effect, eating itself”, as you say. It really is a malignant form of economic, social and political cannibalism that is unfolding before us, and in fact, engulfing us all. A system of state sponsored dysgenics that is rapidly killing itself. The high likelihood of a devastating debt liquidation crisis. A White cargo cult that is about to see the cargo supply diminish, and living standards severely eroded. No more toys for adult tots to play with. Real time economic funk. The day of racial reckoning writ large.

    The White ‘wabbits’ are starting to feel like the prey that they are, and this is manifesting itself in the ‘tea party’ unrest. Mr. Dithers has noted that the enemy within knows what they have wrought, and if the ‘tea party’ phenomenon shows signs of staying power, they will co-opt it with the likes of Sarah Palin and other ‘Shabbos Goyim’. Anglo America is facing a great racial denouement, so what’s to be done? Well, let’s help grease the skids, and agitate, agitate, agitate.

  11. What about infiltrating the tea party movement? Dropping some subtle, soft-sell WN propaganda on them. Not just message boards and forums, but actual rallies, town-halls etc… It seems to me that a huge, implicitly white, politically active group is waiting to be led. It would be a shame if this opportunity was seized upon solely by Ron Paul neo-cons and Palin’s Israel genuflection. Definitely some “boots on the street” possibilities there at the TP gatherings.

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