The R.E.A.L. Tragedy

A response to Jeffrey Imm and R.E.A.L.

Growing up in the 1990s, I found myself pondering all sorts of mysteries as a teenager: why did my black classmates consistently receive lower test scores; why were black students always in the lower track courses; why did people on television claim that blacks were as smart as Whites; why did blacks act in such a peculiar way; why were the smart White kids herded into the same schools with black thugs and drug dealers. I didn’t get it. Something didn’t feel right.

The inclusion of blacks at my school always bothered me. It struck me as an obstacle to my education. Blacks often assaulted the White kids in the school cafeteria. They sold drugs in school. They disrupted the classroom. They didn’t show any interest in their studies. Their sordid underclass culture rubbed off on the poorer Whites. My teachers were constantly forced to waste their time catering to the lowest common denominator. It was one long farce from kindergarten to graduation.

When I arrived at college, I was catapulted into a whole different world. Suddenly, there were lots of bright people around me with similar interests. A magic filter whisked away all the troublesome blacks who took up space in high school. In their place, I had an enormous college library to mine with thousands of books that interested me. I had a slew of courses that I could take to satisfy my intellectual curiosity. There was no comparison between my new segregated environment and my old integrated one.

I plunged in head first. When I emerged five years later, I was a different person. I had come to realize that my generation was the subject of a cruel liberal experiment in social engineering. In the name of “equality,” a small group of federal judges and ideologues had overthrown Alabama’s segregated school system and forced raw negroes into the White schools. This was done solely to uplift the negro, not to improve the White schools. Integration was based on the flawed premise that segregated schools were the cause of black academic underperformance.

Fifty years later, the segregationists have yet to be vindicated. The racial gap in average test scores failed to disappear in the integrated schools. It has stubbornly persisted into the Obama presidency. The traditional social problems of the black underclass (illegitimacy, vulgarity, drug abuse, violence, indolence, teen pregnancy) were imported into the White schools where they became a common problem. America’s public schools once inspired envy throughout the Western world. Thanks to our growing black and mestizo population, they now rank near the bottom.

The segregationists were right about other things. Theodore Bilbo had predicted that the end of segregation would unleash a tidal wave of black-on-white violent crime. Even Bilbo though couldn’t imagine that the day would come when negroes would rape over 35,000 white women per year in the United States. This was unknown in the Jim Crow South. Interracial crime is a one way street. Whites are overwhelmingly the victims of murders, thefts, rapes, and assaults by negroes, not the other way around. Even when blacks murder, rape, and steal from other blacks, White taxpayers incur the costs of their incarceration. This is another unsavory aspect of Martin Luther King’s so-called “dream” that is deliberately ignored in the mainstream.

Why do Whites accept inferior schools? Why do they endure unbearable levels of interracial violent crime? Why do they put up with racial discrimination in the form of affirmative action? Why do Whites accept an immigration policy which displaces them from their neighborhoods and reduces their political power? Why do Whites accept the redistribution of their wealth to non-Whites?

Let’s travel further in this vein: Why do Whites accept the degeneration of their culture? Why do Whites accept the spread of poverty, disease, filth, and ignorance in their midst? Why do Whites accept economic underdevelopment? Why do Whites accept the surrender of their culture and identity to placate hostile minorities? Why do Whites think their displacement in their native lands is a good thing? Why do Whites confuse decline with progress?

From a perspective of self interest, White racial suicide doesn’t make any sense. It becomes explicable though in the light of ideology and altruism. Our enemies have twisted Christianity and republicanism to justify our demise as a people. The intellectual fraud they have perpetrated doesn’t stand up to close historical scrutiny. The real impulse to annihilate Whites comes from outside both of these traditions.

Two centuries ago, Whites didn’t have these debates. Republicanism and Christianity flourished alongside a vigorous racial nationalism. Slavery was a contentious issue, but Whiteness itself wasn’t attacked by even the most radical egalitarians. No one believed that “liberty” and “equality” mandated or required the demographic submersion of America’s White majority. If a Christian minister or priest had invoked “love” to justify the racial displacement of his flock, they would have laughed him out of church. They probably would have tarred and feathered him to boot.

The attack on Whiteness began in the twentieth century. It came from three primary sources: Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists. More often that not, blacks and Jews mingled in the same radical fringe. It was an extremely secular milieu. Collectively, they dreamed of overthrowing the bourgeoisie republican order and replacing it with a classless Marxist utopia in which all racial and social distinctions would be abolished.

The Soviet Union was the first European nation to permanently incorporate this revolutionary ideal into law. In the 1920s, the USSR became a mecca for radical black intellectuals alienated from America. In the United States, the Communist Party USA was the only political party that fully championed the colorblind ideal that gradually triumphed after the Second World War. It was instructed to unfurl the banner of racial equality by the Comintern. Within the CPUSA, the Moscow party line was controversial, as it tended to alienate White working class voters.

This is a rich story that no one has completely told. The term “racism” made its debut on the Marxist fringe in the 1920s, entered American public discourse in the 1930s, and penetrated the mainstream in the 1940s. The Civil Rights Movement had close ties to communism in its earliest years. The U.S. dismantled Jim Crow largely because of the appeal of communism in the Third World. The ruling class neutralized the racial threat of Soviet communism (the possibility of a black fifth column) by mainstreaming the Soviet racial ideal here in America.

The spearhead of anti-racism hasn’t changed in our own times. It is still composed of Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists. The common thread uniting them is communism, atheism, and hatred of Whites. They have since moved on to creating a new radical discourse about “white privilege” and new forms of subversion like “critical race theory.” These ideals are then smuggled into the mainstream through left-wing front groups as the newest form of Christianity and republicanism.

This is where Comrade Jeffrey enters the picture. His apparent role is to put words into the mouth of Jesus Christ or Thomas Jefferson that were never spoken. The true progenitors of his ideal can trace their footsteps back to Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. He doesn’t want you to find that out though.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW,

    This is an incredible entry because the historical sweep that you provide comes across as both comprehensive and compelling. Bravo!

  2. “America’s public schools once inspired envy throughout the Western world. Thanks to our growing black and mestizo population, they now rank near the bottom.”

    Does anyone have any numbers demonstrating where on that scale America would rank if we exclude black and mestizo scores?

  3. Hunter,

    I think you meant “The integrations have not yet been vindicated.” The segregationists have been vindicated (proven right) all along.

    Great essay! I agree with notuswind’s comment above completely!

  4. My Russian friends who were actually born in the homeland told me that the anti-racist party line was not accepted by the majority of Slavs. They had to swallow it for the sake of staying on the good side of the government. However after Stalinism, in the days of Khrushchev and especially Brezhnev these policies were embraced with much less fervor and Russian nationalism made a strong resurgence. Basically by the end of WWII the ideological fanaticism of communism was running out of steam, though as we all know it asserted itself strongly in our neck of the woods around the same time.

  5. Great job. That is a valuable and illustrative short essay. Keep up the good work. And if you can ever find the time to take on a long term project, I’d suggest you write a book exploring these themes in greater detail.

  6. You were really rolling until you got to this point…”The attack on Whiteness began in the twentieth century. It came from three primary sources: Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists.”

    The primary source is the Yankee. Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists are simply the tools the Yankee uses to oppress the rest of the White race. The Yankee used “freeing” the Negro as justification to invade and pillage the South in the 19th century, and, in the 20th century, the Yankee used “integration” of the Negro to destroy White ethnic neighborhoods in the North.

  7. Your entry underscores an aspect of race relations that is purposely suppressed. Anti-racists advance their agenda by insinuating that whites have some innate, congenital hatred of blacks, rather than allowing that whites are simply reacting (quite legitimately) to black behavior and culture and the deletorious effects they inevitably produce. This type of personal attack silences whites and causes them to acquiesce in the destruction of their societies rather than risk being accused of bigotry. But as your experience (and everyone else’s) reveals, the cultural precedes the personal.

  8. why did my black classmates consistently receive lower test scores; why were black students always in the lower track courses; why did people on television claim that blacks were as smart as Whites; why did blacks act in such a peculiar way; why were the smart White kids herded into the same schools with black thugs and drug dealers. I didn’t get it. Something didn’t feel right.

    Why are blacks superior to whites? This is the common wisdom. “Everyone knows” blacks are every bit as capable as whites mentally, and superior physically, ergo they’re superior to whites. How is that okay?

  9. Excellent piece here. I had similar experiences attending a ~50% negro public middle school, though luckily I was able to attend a ~95% white private HS.

    The most important part of this is that you’re writing in a specifically American WN context that is no doubt intellectually sound, but at the same time can appeal to average whites. I’m sick of many WNs complicating things by dragging in anti-Christianity, National Socialism, Neopaganism, obscure European intellectuals, anti-Republicanism, anti-Capitalism, Third Reich daydreaming etc.

    Keep it simple but not too simple. American, Christian (at least not anti-Christian), family values– give us back our White Christian Republic!

  10. I would love to write a few books charting the rise and fall of the White Republic. The notes in the American Racial History Timeline are the primitive precursor of a series of essays on the topic.

  11. Great essay. I know exactly what you are talking about. In elementary school, I had to ride a school bus with 99% blacks. Me and another guy were the only White kids on the bus.

    The school I went to was a liberal project. They shipped blacks from the government housing project into a White school all the way across town. I lived near the black projects and was included into their district instead of going to a school that was closer to my house.

    Jeffrey Imm has probably never lived around real blacks in his life. I can tell by the laughable BS he runs.

  12. You are making too much out of this Imm guy, he ain’t that important. Matter of fact he’s insignificant compared to the real players.

  13. For all I know, Travis himself is a Jew.

    Trolls infest this blog, attempting to turn white against white: South against North, Elite against working class, Catholic against Protestant.

    If we fall into this trap, we won’t be able to defend ourselves from the malice of our bitterest enemies.

  14. Why can’t it be both? White liberals are and always have been bent on racial suicide, and Jews are helping move the process along.

  15. One has to admit that the mixing of whites with blacks etc. has everything to do with the concept of “Jobs Americans Won’t Do.”

    Don’t blame that one on the Jews.

  16. “Why are blacks superior to whites? This is the common wisdom. “Everyone knows” blacks are every bit as capable as whites mentally, and superior physically, ergo they’re superior to whites. How is that okay?”

    Very true. This was one of the first contradictions in anti-white doctrine that I noticed as a very young child, perhaps the first. I distinctly remember thinking about it in elementary and middle school. I suspect that it had a significant impact on my early recognition that liberalism/race-mixing was a dishonest and malevolent force as opposed to the compassionate movement that it always purports to be.

    The following exchange with a non-intellectual lemming might be interesting:

    Lemming: All racial groups are the same.
    White Nationalist: What about in terms of intelligence?
    Lemming: Absolutely! The same.
    White Nationalist: What about in terms of sports? Are all groups the same, at say, sprinting? Chinese the same as blacks?
    Lemming: Uhhhh…….
    White Nationalist: (Geez, a million possibilities. Here is one):
    So let me get this straight. You’ve let them teach you that blacks are equal to you in all ways, except that blacks are better than you are? That they are superior to you? What was that book by Orwell? “It appears that some animals are more equal than others.”

    Frankly, I would find it hard to stomach the above conversation, but it might plant a seed in a lemming or two. Even if he can’t come all the way around, he will sense that the politically correct establishment is lying to him. As I’ve said before: undermine, undermine, undermine. For every WN convert, we need a dozen opponents demoralized or weakened in their anti-white, hate filled faith.

  17. Excellent piece! I’m sure many of us could write up a similar entry with very little variance of facts.

    I think most of our peers ask themselves these same questions, but they quickly lose interest in pursuing the matter out of a very justifiable fear that their inquiries will be met with scorn, moral opprobrium (both feigned and legitimate, but primarily the former, which makes it even sadder) and character assassination.

    It requires a concerted effort to truly delude yourself into accepting egalitarian abstractions, which are rendered prima facie absurd by daily experience, but it requires even greater effort, combined with courage, to stand up against it in any meaningful way.

    I don’t share your esteem for republicanism and Christianity, but I won’t digress on this topic. Hunter, I wonder about your opinion on this excerpt from Imperium:

  18. “Travis means “Yankees” as in progressive Protestant Northerners.”

    Yes, of course. Edward Banfield uses this term “Judeo-Puritian” to describe them. They are progeny of the Judaizer Oliver Cromwell and his New Model Army. They were Whigs when White Southerners and Roman Catholic Ethincs in the North were Democrats (“Rum, Romanism,& Rebellion”). They are Calvinist to the core, even if they no longer believe in the risen Christ. They believe they are the Elect. If anyone is under the illusion that they will ever unite with the rest of White America, you are mistaken.

  19. I’m sick of many WNs complicating things by dragging in anti-Christianity, National Socialism, Neopaganism, obscure European intellectuals, anti-Republicanism, anti-Capitalism, Third Reich daydreaming etc.

    Keep it simple but not too simple. American, Christian (at least not anti-Christian), family values– give us back our White Christian Republic! – ski

    Let me put it this way, and I’ll try to be as polite as possible: A large number of White racialists do not want to live in a White Christian Republic; I and many others would be in fact willing to fight not to. Religious beliefs ought to be kept to the private sphere, regression to the days of Christian hegemony is just as undesirable as the current situation in my opinion.

  20. There were always a lot of good White men in the North. In the Antebellum era, the best region of the country was the Border North and Border South where the general sentiment was in favor of deporting negroes to Africa. This was opposed in Lower South states like South Carolina as abolitionism and in the New England in states like Massachusetts as inhumane.

  21. “Religious beliefs ought to be kept to the private sphere, regression to the days of Christian hegemony is just as undesirable as the current situation in my opinion.”

    That doesn’t make sense. I’d tolerate 19th Century levels of Christianity just to increase the Birthrate and get Pornography banned.

    Nothing says we’d go back to the Middle Ages, where every once in a while you had to pretend to be a Christian to avoid the Stake.

    Science and Darwins Theory have made going back to that a complete impossiblity.

  22. “There were always a lot of good White men in the North. In the Antebellum era, the best region of the country was the Border North and Border South where the general sentiment was in favor of deporting negroes to Africa.”

    You are correct. But those men were not Yankees, and they ended up fighting each other (600,000 White men died) so that the Union could be preserved. Cui bono?

    For the record, I’m not a troll. I hear to learn and join the discussion. At this point, I’m not fully convince that Nationalism of any kind will benefit the White race.

  23. “the Yankee used “integration” of the Negro to destroy White ethnic neighborhoods in the North.”

    Finally someone has stated the obvious. Intra ethnic emnity is the single greatest cause of White decline. WASPS are the single greatest source of this emnity.

  24. The primary source is the Yankee. Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists are simply the tools the Yankee uses to oppress the rest of the White race.

    No. Why don’t you head over to Chronicles? I’m sure you would enjoy reading Thomas Fleming and Clyde Wilson attacking Yankees and Puritans and blaming them for almost everything under the sun.

    the Yankee used “integration” of the Negro to destroy White ethnic neighborhoods in the North

    The “Yankee” was driven out of many Northern cities by immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. The race-replacement that shall not be named.

  25. Finally someone has stated the obvious. Intra ethnic emnity is the single greatest cause of White decline. WASPS are the single greatest source of this emnity.

    This touches on the problem with white nationalism. Most white Americans are of Northwestern European descent. A historic American nationalism that seeks to secure the interests of founding stock Americans would likely be more potent and have a greater chance for success than pan-Europeanism.

    Italian-Americans like Euro who ooze hostility toward those of Northwestern European descent, those who comprise the founding stock of America, are a great example of why the 1924 Immigration Act ought to have been passed several decades earlier.

  26. Excellent post Hunter — one of your best here in a while (though you’ve definitely been penning some great ones over on ‘Antisemitica’ lately too).

    I will hopefully respond more to the specifics or your post tomorrow when I have more time on my hands (my personal time for web-browsing, writing, and commenting has been in very short supply lately), but I echo what Andrew Anderson wrote above…when are you going to start writing your first book? Do you have any plans to do so? Do you think that you can write your first book before you turn 30? If you have some free-time on your hands nowadays this is your chance to start systematizing your thoughts and ideas about the racial problems currently plaguing the USA (or White nations in general if you’d prefer to tackle an even wider subject). Or if you aren’t up to writing a full-length book, how about a long sequential collection of the particularly concise and hard-hitting essays you are known for?

    I for one would like to see many more erudite White nationalist thinkers such as yourself seriously propose (in book and/or extended essay/serial-essay format) their preferred solutions to the racial problems which are currently plaguing so many White nations — these are seriously profound and extremely complex ideas and issues which are more befitting of a book or collection of serious essays instead of just blog posts which are often entirely subsumed and mostly forgotten by the ever-expanding internet and its often fickle readers in a week or two. Now, don’t get me wrong: your blog has surely done a helluva lot to racially wake up many people (including myself) to the myriad of racial dangers and problems facing Whites, but now the more serious amongst us must truly begin to move beyond the stage of being ‘mere essayists’ and in to the deeper phase of the systematizing of the racial problems — after this we can then begin to present our proposed solutions to the racial problems dragging us down and hopefully, not too soon after that, begin to act on our preferred solutions. I know this is a very large burden to place on the lives and minds of people who are still in their 20s or 30s, people with families and jobs and homes and reputations and so on, but we racially-cognizant White Americans in particular must act within the next 10-20 years or else…we pro-White activists are the only ones standing up against the impending White semi-extinction, and if we back down or fail then may God help us all.

    Nearly all of the ‘regulars’ here know all about the main racial problems — they are daily pasted on dozens if not hundreds of pro-White blogs and websites now: Black crime, Jewish perfidy, Hispanic colonization of the USA/Muslim colonization of Europe, the long-term demographic threat of the Asian diaspora in White nations, miscegenation, White birth-rates, etc etc — but not enough of us are proposing true common-sense solutions to them; too many of us just continue to dwell endlessly on the problems without ever prosposing and acting upon our agreed-upon solutions — we ruminate endlessly about the problems without looking forward to the eventual solutions we would seek to implement if we had the power and organization to do so. So, I suppose I am just wondering: what are your solutions to the Race Problem, Hunter?

    In the USA, the writer-activists Grant, Stoddard, Bilbo, and many others identified the main problems faced by Whites many decades ago — now it is up to us to formulate the solutions to said problems in a rational, reasonable, and methodical manner: then we will attempt to put them in to action as groups like the A3P Party and others are currently trying to do.

    The time of tarrying is rapidly drawing to a close — it is now or never, y’all: identify the problems (again, this is already been done many times over), propose the solutions and come to a general agreement about them (form a basic consensus), and finally organize and act to implement the agreed-upon solutions. The time is now or never.

  27. Italian-Americans like Euro who ooze hostility toward those of Northwestern European descent, those who comprise the founding stock of America, are a great example of why the 1924 Immigration Act ought to have been passed several decades earlier.

    I don’t think ‘Euro’ is anti-NW Euro at all.

    He seems to just have somewhat different mannerisms in the way he goes about expressing himself.

    In other words, it’s an issue of style rather than substance.

  28. Travis:”You were really rolling until you got to this point…”The attack on Whiteness began in the twentieth century. It came from three primary sources: Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists.” … The primary source is the Yankee.”

    The problem is not necessarily the Yankee per-se, as attitudes constantly change and shift from generation to generation — the problem is the Jewish-British-Yankee Empire in general.

    The fact is that far too many Yanks became deeply inculcated with Jewish idea(ls) during the 19th-20th Centuries for a myriad of reasons — you said so yourself with the “Judeo-Puritan” quip. They have become Judaized, they are ‘Judaizers’ as you wrote. This is not necessarily isolated to the Northern USA though — it makes perfect sense that many Brits have been deeply infected as well considering the Yanks descend from them. Maybe the long lingering residue of Jewish blood which steadily flowed in to the UK after the traitor Cromwell let them flood back in there during his time has something to do with it?

    The worldwide tripartite alliance which is steadily leading the White race in to the dustbin of history is a particularly lethal combination of the international Jewish plutocracy (head managers/shadow elite), the sell-out British race-traitor imperialists (middle-managers for the Empire), and the often ignorant Yanks/Americans in general (who are the cannon-fodder and mega-consumers who do most of the grunt work in propping up the usurocratic/Judeoplutocratic British-Jewish-Yankee Empire).

  29. The problem is not necessarily the Yankee per-se, as attitudes constantly change and shift from generation to generation — the problem is the Jewish-British-Yankee Empire in general.

    The fact is that far too many Yanks became deeply inculcated with Jewish idea(ls) during the 19th-20th Centuries for a myriad of reasons — you said so yourself with the “Judeo-Puritan” quip. …

    Great points WP.

    *I believe this was also the gist of what ‘Euro’ was trying to convey, MGLS.

  30. A historic American nationalism that seeks to secure the interests of founding stock Americans would likely be more potent and have a greater chance for success than pan-Europeanism.

    Doubtful. The majority of white Americans see themselves simply as white. Those that don’t identify with their particular ethnic group. Groupings like NW European, Southern European, or Eastern European are the most artificial and least popular of all among white Americans. And those that self-identify as white nationalists vastly outnumber those that self-identify as Nordicists among the internet racialist community.

    99% of the intra-European ethnic animosity that I see comes from people like MGLS. It just doesn’t exist on the ground in my experience.

  31. ME:”The worldwide tripartite alliance which is steadily leading the White race in to the dustbin of history is a particularly lethal combination of the international Jewish plutocracy (head managers/shadow elite), the sell-out British race-traitor imperialists (middle-managers for the Empire), and the often ignorant Yanks/Americans in general (who are the cannon-fodder and mega-consumers who do most of the grunt work in propping up the usurocratic/Judeoplutocratic British-Jewish-Yankee Empire).”

    In reference to my above statement, the only remaining people who can likely bring down the international Jewish plutocracy are the people currently living on the inside of it, those who are in the ‘belly of the beast,’ i.e. racially-aware Whites like us in the USA and the UK (the power-bases of Jewry) who will hopefully stand up and resist sometime in the near-future — though it may seem preposterous at this point, the remaining racially nationalistic people, groups, and elements within the USA, in alliance with ethno-nationalistic parties and groups in the UK (BNP, etc), are our best hope for restoring the Western Order and saving the White race from near-extinction. Once the international Jewish plutocracy is excised from the racial body of the USA and the UK it is game over for them because they’ll have no where else to go, they’ll have no other nations to leech off of…that is why they’ll fight the coming White racial resurgence in the USA and the UK tooth and nail, maybe even with hyper-murderous Soviet-style tactics, fake revolutions, planned/intentional economic collapses, the weaponization of food and energy (as Kievsky has discussed), etc.

    Once we remaining pro-White Americans and Brits are able to get the ever-meddlesome vampire-squid kike parasites off our backs, only then can we begin to restore the healthy racial, political, social, and economic order in our nations and hopefully assist in doing so elsewhere in the White world as well.

  32. Good, sound, incisive thinking and writing there, HW. I think that a lot of the story has been told already, and the vital information is out there, but is mainly contained in earlier suppressed books. The Cult of Equality by Stuart Landry comes to mind here, if you haven’t had a chance to read it. We simply need to access and read the key works on the subject matter. White Preservatonist’s idea of a bibliographical listing of relevant works on race and history, is an excellent idea to further the dissemination of this collective knowledge.
    Regarding the time frame of Anglo America’s descent into the mental sociopathy of race denial, this is something that is surely enigmatic and debatable. Essentially, White Americans have come to believe their own ‘equality’ propaganda, and this ideological racial poisoning has deep and complex roots in the spiritual and philosophical mindset of White America. Unlocking this duplicitous racial pathos is the key to understanding the ambivalent White psyche. We are stewing in our own juice; the racial aliens have only turned up the heat.

  33. It’s important we don’t divide ourselves, as in Northeast vs. Southeast or Northwest Europeans vs. every other European, etc. We White Americans must unite, if we are to survive.

    We don’t need to make the fancy Jews’ job (of dividing us) any easier.

  34. Excellent piece Mr. Wallace.

    It is encouraging to see the solidarity on the site and the inter-solidarity between OD and Amren over the “Jewery Imm” incident, although it is still very disheartening that JT continues to refuse to name the Jew. Maybe this incident will push him the “OD” way. Or maybe OD can fill the void, Amren maybe losing a following.
    They are losing me.

    I have been a regular reader and poster of Amren for a few years, been following this blog for a few months and have posted here a couple of times before. I recently turned a friend onto OD as well. I have become more and more disinterested with Amren, they seem to be getting more politically sensitive over there, I have never even tried to identify the Jew, but any comment it seems that may even insinuate that someone is behind our multi-cult nightmare is quickly censored. I am reading here more and more.

    I was around for the Linder fiasco, and had only just learned his name a few weeks before, and am glad I caught the whole dilema that exposed him for the nut he as. Although I have been a race realist for several years, it has only been in the last half a year or so that I have seriously began my education as to the viablility of the WN movement. In my opinion to date, HW is the best authority with mainstream appeal that I have encountered within the movement. Informed, articulate, but still down to earth and realistic. His Jim Giles interview formed much of my opinion of him.

    To post #38, WP, excellent post as well. I asked on the site a couple of times when were the “Jew Identifying” WNists going to organize and have a conference. I didn’t get into the analysis at all of my point of view as you did, but I can’t disagree with a word that you wrote. Well said. This movement needs to begin to physically organize and unite as the work is much and the time is short.

  35. The corporates and their enforcers, the government know that whites as consumers, will continue to consume, thus the corporates can throw whatever they like into the process of socially engineering the corporate’s consumer base. If the white people ever banded together as consumers they could place economic sanctions on the profits that the corporates take in thus establishing a political control against the many changes we have seen that we do not agree with. This could be done globally and should be. The consumer has a voice if they organize in mass. A political voice!

  36. Re: Yankees

    I’m guessing Travis is referring to the belt of Yankees that stretched from the Western Reserve in Ohio through the Burned Over District in New York into New England.

  37. I always liked what Cromwell said, there would only be a Roman Catholic restoration in England over his dead body.

    As far as Cromwell letting the Jews into England, or even more so giving the Jews legal status, that’s a lie!

    The Jews had no legal status in England until the 19th Century during the reign of Queen Victoria.

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