The R.E.A.L. Tragedy

A response to Jeffrey Imm and R.E.A.L.

Growing up in the 1990s, I found myself pondering all sorts of mysteries as a teenager: why did my black classmates consistently receive lower test scores; why were black students always in the lower track courses; why did people on television claim that blacks were as smart as Whites; why did blacks act in such a peculiar way; why were the smart White kids herded into the same schools with black thugs and drug dealers. I didn’t get it. Something didn’t feel right.

The inclusion of blacks at my school always bothered me. It struck me as an obstacle to my education. Blacks often assaulted the White kids in the school cafeteria. They sold drugs in school. They disrupted the classroom. They didn’t show any interest in their studies. Their sordid underclass culture rubbed off on the poorer Whites. My teachers were constantly forced to waste their time catering to the lowest common denominator. It was one long farce from kindergarten to graduation.

When I arrived at college, I was catapulted into a whole different world. Suddenly, there were lots of bright people around me with similar interests. A magic filter whisked away all the troublesome blacks who took up space in high school. In their place, I had an enormous college library to mine with thousands of books that interested me. I had a slew of courses that I could take to satisfy my intellectual curiosity. There was no comparison between my new segregated environment and my old integrated one.

I plunged in head first. When I emerged five years later, I was a different person. I had come to realize that my generation was the subject of a cruel liberal experiment in social engineering. In the name of “equality,” a small group of federal judges and ideologues had overthrown Alabama’s segregated school system and forced raw negroes into the White schools. This was done solely to uplift the negro, not to improve the White schools. Integration was based on the flawed premise that segregated schools were the cause of black academic underperformance.

Fifty years later, the segregationists have yet to be vindicated. The racial gap in average test scores failed to disappear in the integrated schools. It has stubbornly persisted into the Obama presidency. The traditional social problems of the black underclass (illegitimacy, vulgarity, drug abuse, violence, indolence, teen pregnancy) were imported into the White schools where they became a common problem. America’s public schools once inspired envy throughout the Western world. Thanks to our growing black and mestizo population, they now rank near the bottom.

The segregationists were right about other things. Theodore Bilbo had predicted that the end of segregation would unleash a tidal wave of black-on-white violent crime. Even Bilbo though couldn’t imagine that the day would come when negroes would rape over 35,000 white women per year in the United States. This was unknown in the Jim Crow South. Interracial crime is a one way street. Whites are overwhelmingly the victims of murders, thefts, rapes, and assaults by negroes, not the other way around. Even when blacks murder, rape, and steal from other blacks, White taxpayers incur the costs of their incarceration. This is another unsavory aspect of Martin Luther King’s so-called “dream” that is deliberately ignored in the mainstream.

Why do Whites accept inferior schools? Why do they endure unbearable levels of interracial violent crime? Why do they put up with racial discrimination in the form of affirmative action? Why do Whites accept an immigration policy which displaces them from their neighborhoods and reduces their political power? Why do Whites accept the redistribution of their wealth to non-Whites?

Let’s travel further in this vein: Why do Whites accept the degeneration of their culture? Why do Whites accept the spread of poverty, disease, filth, and ignorance in their midst? Why do Whites accept economic underdevelopment? Why do Whites accept the surrender of their culture and identity to placate hostile minorities? Why do Whites think their displacement in their native lands is a good thing? Why do Whites confuse decline with progress?

From a perspective of self interest, White racial suicide doesn’t make any sense. It becomes explicable though in the light of ideology and altruism. Our enemies have twisted Christianity and republicanism to justify our demise as a people. The intellectual fraud they have perpetrated doesn’t stand up to close historical scrutiny. The real impulse to annihilate Whites comes from outside both of these traditions.

Two centuries ago, Whites didn’t have these debates. Republicanism and Christianity flourished alongside a vigorous racial nationalism. Slavery was a contentious issue, but Whiteness itself wasn’t attacked by even the most radical egalitarians. No one believed that “liberty” and “equality” mandated or required the demographic submersion of America’s White majority. If a Christian minister or priest had invoked “love” to justify the racial displacement of his flock, they would have laughed him out of church. They probably would have tarred and feathered him to boot.

The attack on Whiteness began in the twentieth century. It came from three primary sources: Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists. More often that not, blacks and Jews mingled in the same radical fringe. It was an extremely secular milieu. Collectively, they dreamed of overthrowing the bourgeoisie republican order and replacing it with a classless Marxist utopia in which all racial and social distinctions would be abolished.

The Soviet Union was the first European nation to permanently incorporate this revolutionary ideal into law. In the 1920s, the USSR became a mecca for radical black intellectuals alienated from America. In the United States, the Communist Party USA was the only political party that fully championed the colorblind ideal that gradually triumphed after the Second World War. It was instructed to unfurl the banner of racial equality by the Comintern. Within the CPUSA, the Moscow party line was controversial, as it tended to alienate White working class voters.

This is a rich story that no one has completely told. The term “racism” made its debut on the Marxist fringe in the 1920s, entered American public discourse in the 1930s, and penetrated the mainstream in the 1940s. The Civil Rights Movement had close ties to communism in its earliest years. The U.S. dismantled Jim Crow largely because of the appeal of communism in the Third World. The ruling class neutralized the racial threat of Soviet communism (the possibility of a black fifth column) by mainstreaming the Soviet racial ideal here in America.

The spearhead of anti-racism hasn’t changed in our own times. It is still composed of Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists. The common thread uniting them is communism, atheism, and hatred of Whites. They have since moved on to creating a new radical discourse about “white privilege” and new forms of subversion like “critical race theory.” These ideals are then smuggled into the mainstream through left-wing front groups as the newest form of Christianity and republicanism.

This is where Comrade Jeffrey enters the picture. His apparent role is to put words into the mouth of Jesus Christ or Thomas Jefferson that were never spoken. The true progenitors of his ideal can trace their footsteps back to Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. He doesn’t want you to find that out though.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The “Firelands” of Ohio were “reserved” for Revolutionary War veterans who had thier property “burned” by the British during the American Revolution.

  2. The fact is that far too many Yanks became deeply inculcated with Jewish idea(ls) during the 19th-20th Centuries for a myriad of reasons — you said so yourself with the “Judeo-Puritan” quip.

    Puritanism was picking up ” Jewish idea(ls)” all the way back in the 17th Century. Tikkun olam, in particualr, seemed to make the short trip across the water from Holland to East Anglia.

  3. “I’m sick of many WNs complicating things by dragging in anti-Christianity, National Socialism, Neopaganism, obscure European intellectuals, anti-Republicanism, anti-Capitalism, Third Reich daydreaming etc.

    Keep it simple but not too simple. American, Christian (at least not anti-Christian), family values– give us back our White Christian Republic! – ski”

    Let me put it this way, and I’ll try to be as polite as possible: A large number of White racialists do not want to live in a White Christian Republic; I and many others would be in fact willing to fight not to. Religious beliefs ought to be kept to the private sphere, regression to the days of Christian hegemony is just as undesirable as the current situation in my opinion. (Kasimir Petrenko)

    The one virtue of the present dispensation, from my purely selfish point of view, is that William Jennings Bryan and his numbskull Populists were interdicted, by international Jewry, in their movement toward the Christian theocratization of the continent.

    There’s no surprise in that historic development, of course, since childish Whites seem to be able to commune in little other than one or another version of slave morality, thus requiring one or another version of alien mastery to maintain order amongst themselves.

    But the world *would* have been much better off, following those days, if the Isolationists had then been allowed, by a Populist regime, to keep the country out of the Jews’ slyly-engineered World War to Save Communism.

    However, that redemptive opportunity is long lost, never to be recovered – and a world-sparing remission of a metatasizing Greater Judea can no longer be effected – by erecting an insufferable Thumpers’ regime on the suffrage of a mass of delusional pro-Zionist goyim.

  4. I’ve never seen a “Puritan” church. I don’t think there is such a thing as a “Puritan” church. I have seen the “United Church of Christ”. Is that who you are refering too? Be a little more specific. Or are you refering to Protestant churches that have adopted all, or most of the “universalist” ideas & trappings of the Roman Catholics?

  5. Trainspotter:
    I have posted almost that exact line of reasoning (we are all equal except blacks are better at sports) to highlight the inherent BS in the accepted standard explanations on race at a number of big “Conservative” boards. I know it is making people stop and scratch their heads. I few have said things like: “Woah, I don’t want to go there..”, admitting that even among nominal ‘conservatives’ there are some liberal axioms that may not be questioned.

    I think it is a very productive line of argument to make in discussion.

  6. I’m always amused by WNs who rail against Jewry then indicate that they would just as readily rail against an indigenous power structure. As if their railing against an indigenous elite would be any less impotent than it is against the alien elite. This world belongs to those most willing to organize, sacrifice, mentor, and obey. To quote Idiocracy: lead, follow, or get out of the way.

    There is still time for redemption, NeoNietzsche. You, like so many throughout history, have mistaken the leveraged power for the real power. You fail to realize that power so easily acquired is as easily lost. The only thing stopping the redemption is the lack of a suitable redeemer. There’s still time.

  7. There is still time for redemption, NeoNietzsche. You, like so many throughout history, have mistaken the leveraged power for the real power. You fail to realize that power so easily acquired is as easily lost.

    As it is in driving a herd to market (or off a cliff). The “real power,” which the few attendant cowboys have “leveraged,” is indeed in the herd, and the cowboys’ power is, indeed, easily “lost” to a disorderly and destructive stampede.

    So, in which direction, in other than time-honored service to The Whore and Jewry, in foreign lands, would *you* like to stampede the goyim, “while there’s still time”?

    [BTW, our “Redeemer” has already come and gone – but it takes a lot of hard-won self-education, as opposed to effeminately-acquired faith, to recognize and appreciate that with which we were graced.]

  8. NeoNietzsche,
    I can’t speak for any nation other than my own, the White American nation. Our redeemer died 110 days before Nietzsche was born and his kingdom is poised to cast out the Whores and the Antichrists 110 years after his death. This superman, whose vision and will surpassed Nietzsche’s most feverish tributes, built a machine powerful enough to withstand both our traditional enemies and our modern temptations alike, then laid out a clear path to reclaiming our nation through explicit prophetic instruction.

    Just sayin’.

  9. Wiki,

    1) Are you a Mormon?

    2) Your remark about Nietzsche is symptomatic of a sustenance of the principled inattention to which you earlier made reference.

    3) If #1 is true, you’ve got to be kidding.

  10. I’m not kidding and yes I am; but in a somewhat atypical way that makes it necessary to take the sacrament through gritted teeth. Now that you know I’m not joking, you can explain how I’m being absurd in clear and direct terms. Unless I’ve evoked a tirade about my relative inferiority at Nietzschean exegesis, which I would rather forfeit.

  11. Tom Watson – Cromwell let The Jew back in.

    Always a mistake.

    Haven’t we, of all people, learned this lesson yet?

  12. NeoNietzsche – the Frankfurt School. It IS the Jews. Snap out of it. (Denise)

    Denise – the Bauhaus School. It IS the Jews. Snap out of it. (NN)

    [WTF are you talking about?]

  13. Now that you know I’m not joking, you can explain how I’m being absurd in clear and direct terms. (Wiki)

    How many divisions have the Mormons?

    Your clear and direct answer, please.

  14. @ 67 Denise

    Baloney. That’s antique Roman Catholic propaganda. Cromwell had bigger fsh to fry, like preventing a Roman Catholic restoration to the throne of England, or a Roman Catholic invasion of England.

    Just because some Irish Roman Catholic character loosely affiliated with Notre Dame says it, doesn’t make it true. LOL.

  15. Unless I’ve evoked a tirade about my relative inferiority at Nietzschean exegesis, which I would rather forfeit.

    In lieu of a tirade, let’s just smack your little bottom for speaking whereof you do not know in regard to Nietzsche.

  16. All this Yankee bashing keeps overlooking the turn towards racialism that happened among New England descended intellectuals in the late 19th Century. There isn’t an unbroken line of race treason from abolitionism to the 60’s when the remnants of the WASP upper class embraced radicalism. In between, there was a long period when most the of descendants of the Puritans were explicitly pro-white.

    In the wake of the Civil War, with the abuses of Negroes in power, and then with the migration of Negros to the North, Northern racial attitudes became strongly anti-black. The North allowed the South to reassert white supremacy during that period. Northern WASP elites became obsessed with race and their own racial identity and destiny. These sentiments were nearly universal for decades.

    American Renaissance had some good articles about the American racialist movement back in the 90’s. You could probably find them online if you look.

    What finally did white racial consciousness in was the Jewish lead left, working through the New Deal with the strong support of Southern Whites. Southern Whites also helped the Jews by overwhelmingly supporting our involvement in the two World Wars, while many Northern Whites were opposed. The South was the only part of the country where the America First movement, which essentially believed the same things as modern white nationalists, could not gain significant support.

  17. What finally did white racial consciousness in was the Jewish lead left, working through the New Deal with the strong support of Southern Whites. Southern Whites also helped the Jews by overwhelmingly supporting our involvement in the two World Wars, while many Northern Whites were opposed. The South was the only part of the country where the America First movement, which essentially believed the same things as modern white nationalists, could not gain significant support.

    Yup, that’s us White folk in the Bible Belt – strong and stupid, at yo service.

    Please – tell us what we’uns can do next for God’s Chilin’ !

  18. NeoNietzschean,

    I actually feature a fat White ass, one which will probably continue abusing your uncle’s legacy.

    The LDS movement has six major surviving factions, all but two of which have either been entirely subverted or have become entirely defunct. Those two are the LDS and the FLDS churches. One’s a bit more subverted and one’s a bit more defunct, but neither are entirely subverted or defunct.


  19. AServant – JT has sorta kinda Named the Jew, albeit in oblique and gentlemanly ways. He’s admitted that they are not White.

    Now think about his geographic location. He is literally holed up, in close proximity, to one of the most toxic Jew Spots on Earth – Tel Aviv West, aka DC.

    I regard Amren as a wonderful way to introduce WN to the queasy, the querrulous, and the neophyte. All things, in their season……American Renaissance is not as SKEERY as other sources.

    I just came out as WN to a TP member. I had been acclimating her for months. AR is a very nice place to start folks like her. I told her about this Blog, a few others, and SF. I told her to check out Newslinks, on SF – but I warned her that reading through the sentiments on that site, for an introductory experience, are akin to a non-swimmer jumping into the Atlantic Ocean, during a hurricane.

    AR serves it’s purpose nicely.

  20. @70

    If not Cromwell, who should be held responsible for illegally undermining the expulsion edict of Edward I ( and flooding Albion with Jews?

    Please explain Cromwell’s relationship with Menasseh Ben Israel, which has been very well documented. Here are a couple “mainstream” (and distinctly non-Catholic) references to it:

    An excerpt from the Wiki link is extraordinarily frank in its discussion of the issue. Boiled down into plain English, it frankly asserts: 1) Cromwell is responsible for undermining the (time-honoured and hugely popular) edict of expulsion. 2) He did this because the Jews bought him, and not because of any serious ideological conviction:

    “In 1644, Menasseh met Antonio de Montesinos, who convinced him that the South America Andes’ Indians were the descendants of the lost ten tribes of Israel. This supposed discovery gave a new impulse to Menasseh’s Messianic hopes. But he was convinced that the Messianic age needed as its certain precursor the settlement of Jews in all parts of the known world. Filled with this idea, he turned his attention to England, whence the Jews had been expelled since 1290. He found much Christian support in England. During the Commonwealth the question of the readmission of the Jews was often mooted under the growing desire for religious liberty. Besides this, Messianic and other mystic hopes were current in England. In 1650, there appeared an English version of the Hope of Israel, a tract which deeply impressed public opinion. Oliver Cromwell had been moved to sympathy with the Jewish cause partly by his tolerant leanings, but chiefly because he foresaw the importance for English commerce of the presence of the Jewish merchant princes, some of whom had already found their way to London. At this juncture, Jews received full rights in the colony of Surinam, which had been English since 1650.

    In 1655, Menasseh arrived in London. During his absence, the Amsterdam rabbis excommunicated his student, Spinoza. One of his first acts on reaching London was the issue of his Humble Addresses to the Lord Protector, but its effect was weakened by the issue of William Prynne’s able, but unfair Short Demurrer. Cromwell summoned the Whitehall Conference in December of the same year. Some of the most notable statesmen, lawyers, and theologians of the day were summoned to this conference. The chief practical result was the declaration of judges Glynne and Steele that “there was no law which forbade the Jews’ return to England.” Though nothing was done to regularize the position of the Jews, the door was opened to their gradual return. John Evelyn was able to enter in his diary under the date Dec. 14, 1655, “Now were the Jews admitted.” But the attack on the Jews by Prynne and others could not go unanswered. Menasseh replied in the finest of his works, Vindiciae judaeorum (1656).”

  21. Tom Watson – how on EARTH can you say, “Abalone” to me?

    Cromwell let the Hebes back IN, to England.

    Cod it out.

    Are you in the UK?

  22. Kasimir Petrenko:

    I’m not talking about theocracy, forced conversions or burning at the stake; White Christian Republic means a White Republic with a Christian majority, but also with freedom of religion and equal legal rights for non-Christians.
    America has a tradition of religious freedom I don’t want to destroy, but it also has always had a Christian majority and it seems will continue to have a Christian majority into the near future.

  23. Denise,

    Thanks for the thoughts. I understand JT’s position for why he doesn’t name the Jew as it would immediately end his partial mainstream exposure, but I think in the long run if he keeps at it, it will be the death of him. I can’t tell you exactly when, but I remember reading sometime ago an essay written by him on the site titled, “Jews Alright by Me”, which is the same groveling at their feet that always ends with complete Jew domination that has been happening since the second World War at least. That won’t do.

    I would like to hear Hunter’s thoughts on how and when some sort of physical organizing of the movement could begin, specifically, what conditions are impiding the movement now from this happening, and what conditions would need to present themselves for facilation of organization.

  24. Robert,

    Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Read the information at the link I posted above. Your own “Jewish Virtual Library” link notes:“Historians disagree as to the exact date of the official readmission of Jews to England as well as to whether or not it was Oliver Cromwell who granted it.”

    Under Cromwell, a total of “six Jew families” settled in England. After Charles II assumed power, that number increased by an order of magnitude.

  25. The LDS movement has six major surviving factions, all but two of which have either been entirely subverted or have become entirely defunct. Those two are the LDS and the FLDS churches. One’s a bit more subverted and one’s a bit more defunct, but neither are entirely subverted or defunct. (Wiki)


    LOL. It took me a while, amidst some puzzlement as to the pretext for your remark, to realize that you evidently have never heard of Stalin’s famous question as to the Pope’s assets and to which I alluded in the previous comment with my own clear and direct question to the same “point”:

    “How many divisions have the Mormons?”

  26. n/a,

    I am aware that Wikipedia is unreliable insofar as anyone can edit it; however, the excerpt I pasted with regard to Cromwell/readmission is under-girded by an array of legitimate academic citations.

    While you may feel the issue is in serious dispute, that does not appear to me to be accurate. One very seldomly encounters unanimous consensus on anything among contentious self-styled “experts,” inside the academy or otherwise, but Cromwell’s predilection for Jews, and the subversively treasonous actions he undertook on their behalf, appears to me to be a well-established fact. The information I pasted is congruous with my understanding of European history, about which I like to think I know a thing or two.

    I am open to honest debate on the subject, but it is disingenuous to claim that these well-founded charges against Cromwell are purely the byproduct of some Catholic propaganda cooked up by a nutter at Notre Dame, as post #70 asserts.

  27. @ 76 Robert Campbell

    That’s Jew bullshit from Jew sources. There was no legal or political status given to the Jews by Cromwell.

    The Jews had no political or legal status in England until the reign of Queen Victoria.

  28. Tom,

    Thank you. Your last comment sheds an entirely different light on the matter. I am in awe of your erudition and I can provide no substantive criticism of your iron-clad methodology.

  29. NeoNietzsche,
    If you could suffer my ignorance more patiently, I would appreciate it. You meant divisions as in military divisions, not as in factions. No specific branch of the LDS movement is militarily active at the moment, but the command and control structures are in place.

  30. …a machine powerful enough to withstand both our traditional enemies and our modern temptations alike, then laid out a clear path to reclaiming our nation through explicit prophetic instruction.

    No specific branch of the LDS movement is militarily active at the moment, but the command and control structures are in place.

    Tell us more of of our deliverance in prospect.

    When will the ranks of these skeletal formations be filled with LDS reservists? And I again ask, “how many divisions have the Mormons (in prospect)?” Enough to confront the GJ military that imposes social reconstruction by force, at the command of persons not subject to the public’s control?

  31. If you could suffer my ignorance more patiently, I would appreciate it.

    I’m not sure how to accommodate you, since you fail to try my patience – you succeed, rather, at amusing me.

    But I *will* try to restrain my evident amusement at further exhibitions.

    You will assist me, perhaps, by acquiring the gravitas that a grasp of Nietzsche confers. I prescribe a thorough acquaintance with the contents of “superhuman” and an introductory reading of the Master himself, the First Essay of GM, the self-described “touchstone” of his philosophy .

    Otherwise, you remain intellectually provincial, and liable to the amusement of the more urbane.

  32. The Jews had no political or legal status in England until the reign of Queen Victoria.

    Which is, of course, entirely irrelevant to the discussion. The point is that Cromwell indiscriminately allowed Jewish settlement in Britain. Whether they were “legal” or “illegal” immigrants is beside the point. They were in Britain because of Cromwell’s actions.

    I am aware that Wikipedia is unreliable insofar as anyone can edit it; however, the excerpt I pasted with regard to Cromwell/readmission is under-girded by an array of legitimate academic citations.

    While you may feel the issue is in serious dispute, that does not appear to me to be accurate. One very seldomly encounters unanimous consensus on anything among contentious self-styled “experts,” inside the academy or otherwise, but Cromwell’s predilection for Jews, and the subversively treasonous actions he undertook on their behalf, appears to me to be a well-established fact.

    I’m amazed that anyone here could even conceive of questioning this fact.

  33. NeoNietzsche,
    The relevant question is not, “how many divisions have the Mormons”, but rather “how many wives have the Mormons”. For in the fullness of time, the culture of fertility (Christianity) must inherit North America, as it is demographically more adaptive than infertile ones (such as Nietzschianism). As for the deliverance: although you would no doubt argue that our Democracy is an illusion, it is the number of warm bodies that vote which decide elections. The socialist, multicult, insolvent regime that lies decades in the future will be antithetical to those very same White Christians, great numbers of whom will not want to be a part of such, and can be expected to seek a separation. The core of the military/police complex will also be formed of White Christians, who can not be expected to carry out the authoritarian measures that would be needed to prevent secession.

    PS. Your tone reminds me of Denethor in Lord of the Rings, scoffing at the thought there was any hope.

  34. Mormons fuck with conviction, I see little that Nietzsche or his latter day acolyte could find flaw in.

  35. NeoNietzsche,
    We’ve been through this before. I’ve read Nietzsche extensively, but read him incorrectly.

    I can’t really tell you exactly how I’m going to rescue Western Civilization right out here in this open forum. You should be ashamed of yourself for even asking like that, risking my spilling the beans for the world to see and plan for.

  36. ATBOTL
    The South was the only part of the country where the America First movement, which essentially believed the same things as modern white nationalists, could not gain significant support.

    Not much has changed. The Ron Paul movement which opposed our recent wars for Israel was also weakest in the south.

  37. Re. post #72 & #97 and the ambivalent White South, you guys are right on. The short sightedness of the Whites in this region, as well as in the Midwest (and the so-called red state heartland), is instructive, and revealing. The left coast and New England are different enigmas. How in the hell do we save these people from themselves??

  38. “Save” them from their own fallacies, delusions and self-destructive behavior, if that’s possible, Joe. By the way, I think that the first synagogue in N. America was at Newport, R.I., the center of the Jewish run Negro slave & shipping trade. After Britain received the exclusive slave Asiento in 1713, Cromwell’s “friends” and mentors cashed in big time.

  39. Robert and Ben,

    Again, read the information I have presented: there were (apparently hundreds of) crypto-Jews in England before Cromwell; the increase in the Jewish population of England under Cromwell amounted to a total of about six families; the increase in the Jewish population after Charles II returned to power was much greater.

    As the paper White Preservationist links to puts it:
    According to a popular account of the readmission, the Puritan revolution produced a more favourable
    attitude towards Jews, and in 1656 Cromwell extended an invitation to Dutch Jews to settle in England. In
    fact, no such invitation was issued, and the recognition of the right of Jews to live in the country was not
    achieved through legislation or executive decree.20

    Misinformation has surrounded Cromwell’s policies on the Jews since the time period in question. Royalists sought to benefit by spreading rumors of Jewish influence, and Amsterdam Jews deluded themselves that Menasseh ben Israel’s mission was having the desired effect. But it did not, and Amsterdam Jews ultimately threw their support behind the Royalists and were rewarded for their support after Charles II assumed the throne.

  40. Wiki,

    The relevant question is not, “how many divisions have the Mormons”, but rather “how many wives have the Mormons”.
    For in the fullness of time, the culture of fertility (Christianity) must inherit North America, as it is demographically more adaptive than infertile ones (such as Nietzschianism).

    As I see it, you simply enrich the Cowboys thus by adding cattle to their stockyard. And since the Cowboys’ power is “leveraged,” they need increase their own numbers but minimally, and can resort to shabbaz goyim where their own fruit does not suffice. Also note that nuclear weapons make it possible to exterminate large and defenceless populations under false pretenses and with relative celerity and economy, should they prove contumacious in their captivity.

    As for the deliverance: although you would no doubt argue that our Democracy is an illusion, it is the number of warm bodies that vote which decide elections.

    As between candidates presented by, and in the service of, the Oligarchy. Candidates who have and will employ troops to enforce the social reconstructionist agenda of their unelected masters. This is the history and politico-economic logic of the situation that makes your suggestion that we need more baby factories at work ludicrous. You do not have the time to turn out your masses of pageant judges, even given a positive prospect for such a path to power, and you are thus not being helpful with my self-restraint.

    I can’t really tell you exactly how I’m going to rescue Western Civilization right out here in this open forum. You should be ashamed of yourself for even asking like that, risking my spilling the beans for the world to see and plan for.

    You seemed to be hinting at the prospect of military formations to come, in concession of my point about the necessity therefor. But do forgive me for eliciting your premature exposure of Operation Evening Lands in its infancy.

  41. “By the mid 17th century, England had been without Jews (apart from a few infiltrators posing as Gentiles) for over 350 years, since their banishment by good King Edward I in 1290. This had been inspired by their persistent wrongdoing, including extortionate money-lending and clipping the gold and silver coinage. The banishment had been greeted with universal rejoicing by the thankful English people.

    Cromwell wanted to accede to Jewish appeals for readmission, spiced with financial assistance for his cause, but was sensitive to public opposition to the idea, plentifully shown during an assembly to discuss the subject which he convened. So he abstained from any formal revocation of the banishment, and instead allowed Jews to enter the country on the sly, contrary to the law; and this has remained the position up to today, various parliamentary measures in the past 200 years giving recognition to this return by stealth without ever formally repealing the expulsion.

    From a 1992 issue of Gothic Ripples, published by Colin Jordan

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