The R.E.A.L. Tragedy

A response to Jeffrey Imm and R.E.A.L.

Growing up in the 1990s, I found myself pondering all sorts of mysteries as a teenager: why did my black classmates consistently receive lower test scores; why were black students always in the lower track courses; why did people on television claim that blacks were as smart as Whites; why did blacks act in such a peculiar way; why were the smart White kids herded into the same schools with black thugs and drug dealers. I didn’t get it. Something didn’t feel right.

The inclusion of blacks at my school always bothered me. It struck me as an obstacle to my education. Blacks often assaulted the White kids in the school cafeteria. They sold drugs in school. They disrupted the classroom. They didn’t show any interest in their studies. Their sordid underclass culture rubbed off on the poorer Whites. My teachers were constantly forced to waste their time catering to the lowest common denominator. It was one long farce from kindergarten to graduation.

When I arrived at college, I was catapulted into a whole different world. Suddenly, there were lots of bright people around me with similar interests. A magic filter whisked away all the troublesome blacks who took up space in high school. In their place, I had an enormous college library to mine with thousands of books that interested me. I had a slew of courses that I could take to satisfy my intellectual curiosity. There was no comparison between my new segregated environment and my old integrated one.

I plunged in head first. When I emerged five years later, I was a different person. I had come to realize that my generation was the subject of a cruel liberal experiment in social engineering. In the name of “equality,” a small group of federal judges and ideologues had overthrown Alabama’s segregated school system and forced raw negroes into the White schools. This was done solely to uplift the negro, not to improve the White schools. Integration was based on the flawed premise that segregated schools were the cause of black academic underperformance.

Fifty years later, the segregationists have yet to be vindicated. The racial gap in average test scores failed to disappear in the integrated schools. It has stubbornly persisted into the Obama presidency. The traditional social problems of the black underclass (illegitimacy, vulgarity, drug abuse, violence, indolence, teen pregnancy) were imported into the White schools where they became a common problem. America’s public schools once inspired envy throughout the Western world. Thanks to our growing black and mestizo population, they now rank near the bottom.

The segregationists were right about other things. Theodore Bilbo had predicted that the end of segregation would unleash a tidal wave of black-on-white violent crime. Even Bilbo though couldn’t imagine that the day would come when negroes would rape over 35,000 white women per year in the United States. This was unknown in the Jim Crow South. Interracial crime is a one way street. Whites are overwhelmingly the victims of murders, thefts, rapes, and assaults by negroes, not the other way around. Even when blacks murder, rape, and steal from other blacks, White taxpayers incur the costs of their incarceration. This is another unsavory aspect of Martin Luther King’s so-called “dream” that is deliberately ignored in the mainstream.

Why do Whites accept inferior schools? Why do they endure unbearable levels of interracial violent crime? Why do they put up with racial discrimination in the form of affirmative action? Why do Whites accept an immigration policy which displaces them from their neighborhoods and reduces their political power? Why do Whites accept the redistribution of their wealth to non-Whites?

Let’s travel further in this vein: Why do Whites accept the degeneration of their culture? Why do Whites accept the spread of poverty, disease, filth, and ignorance in their midst? Why do Whites accept economic underdevelopment? Why do Whites accept the surrender of their culture and identity to placate hostile minorities? Why do Whites think their displacement in their native lands is a good thing? Why do Whites confuse decline with progress?

From a perspective of self interest, White racial suicide doesn’t make any sense. It becomes explicable though in the light of ideology and altruism. Our enemies have twisted Christianity and republicanism to justify our demise as a people. The intellectual fraud they have perpetrated doesn’t stand up to close historical scrutiny. The real impulse to annihilate Whites comes from outside both of these traditions.

Two centuries ago, Whites didn’t have these debates. Republicanism and Christianity flourished alongside a vigorous racial nationalism. Slavery was a contentious issue, but Whiteness itself wasn’t attacked by even the most radical egalitarians. No one believed that “liberty” and “equality” mandated or required the demographic submersion of America’s White majority. If a Christian minister or priest had invoked “love” to justify the racial displacement of his flock, they would have laughed him out of church. They probably would have tarred and feathered him to boot.

The attack on Whiteness began in the twentieth century. It came from three primary sources: Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists. More often that not, blacks and Jews mingled in the same radical fringe. It was an extremely secular milieu. Collectively, they dreamed of overthrowing the bourgeoisie republican order and replacing it with a classless Marxist utopia in which all racial and social distinctions would be abolished.

The Soviet Union was the first European nation to permanently incorporate this revolutionary ideal into law. In the 1920s, the USSR became a mecca for radical black intellectuals alienated from America. In the United States, the Communist Party USA was the only political party that fully championed the colorblind ideal that gradually triumphed after the Second World War. It was instructed to unfurl the banner of racial equality by the Comintern. Within the CPUSA, the Moscow party line was controversial, as it tended to alienate White working class voters.

This is a rich story that no one has completely told. The term “racism” made its debut on the Marxist fringe in the 1920s, entered American public discourse in the 1930s, and penetrated the mainstream in the 1940s. The Civil Rights Movement had close ties to communism in its earliest years. The U.S. dismantled Jim Crow largely because of the appeal of communism in the Third World. The ruling class neutralized the racial threat of Soviet communism (the possibility of a black fifth column) by mainstreaming the Soviet racial ideal here in America.

The spearhead of anti-racism hasn’t changed in our own times. It is still composed of Jewish academics, black intellectuals, and Marxists. The common thread uniting them is communism, atheism, and hatred of Whites. They have since moved on to creating a new radical discourse about “white privilege” and new forms of subversion like “critical race theory.” These ideals are then smuggled into the mainstream through left-wing front groups as the newest form of Christianity and republicanism.

This is where Comrade Jeffrey enters the picture. His apparent role is to put words into the mouth of Jesus Christ or Thomas Jefferson that were never spoken. The true progenitors of his ideal can trace their footsteps back to Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. He doesn’t want you to find that out though.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The socialist, multicult, insolvent regime that lies decades in the future will be antithetical to those very same White Christians, great numbers of whom will not want to be a part of such, and can be expected to seek a separation. The core of the military/police complex will also be formed of White Christians, who can not be expected to carry out the authoritarian measures that would be needed to prevent secession.

    You’ve forgotten to take account of disruptive and ultimately dominant barbarian intrusion, in this replay of the Fall of the Roman Empire. The Mormons are not the only ones to have thought of keeping long-term operational plans a secret.

  2. “I regard Amren as a wonderful way to introduce WN to the queasy, the querrulous, and the neophyte. All things, in their season……American Renaissance is not as SKEERY as other sources. ”

    Good job!

    Amren is the best introductory and intermediate venue! If someone doesn’t care about Racial Issues in the first place, why on Earth would they ever begin to care about the Jewish Question?

    Besides Taylor has pointed out the HARD TRUTH that it is indeed Whites own inherent ‘liberalism’ that has led us down this path. (He even recently mentioned this on his interview with Jim Giles, go back and listen to it.) Blacks, Mestizos, Jews, are just symptoms of degeneration. A healthy organic community would have booted these undesirables out long ago. Well we still have a chance with White Nationalism!

  3. Logic and history of political economy:

    When political entities reach the imperial stage of their evolution, their executive power is no longer, if it ever was, subject to authentic general popular election. Administrative unity and continuity becomes the paramount concern of such a political entity, having achieved its unity through constant and debilitating resort to war, and this arrangement is not consistent with having to measure and appeal to fractious public sentiment that lends itself to further instances of civil and foreign conflict. (Secessionists take note)

  4. Doubtful. The majority of white Americans see themselves simply as white. Those that don’t identify with their particular ethnic group. Groupings like NW European, Southern European, or Eastern European are the most artificial and least popular of all among white Americans.

    Yes, of course most white Americans see themselves as white and not as as “NW European.” However, this raises the question of what white Americans consider to be “white.” Most white Americans are of Northern European descent and do not live around large numbers of Southern Europeans, who are concentrated in the Northeast and a few other areas.

    There is a “White American” ethnic group, which consists of the descendants of the colonists and the Northern European derived people who have assimilated into the white American stock. The Southern European ethnics are not part of this stock; both they and NW European descended Americans see them as distinct.

    And those that self-identify as white nationalists vastly outnumber those that self-identify as Nordicists among the internet racialist community.

    And what have the “pan-Aryan” white nationalists accomplished? The last successful racialist movement in this country was one of founding stock Americans seeking to safeguard their interests. The 1924 Immigration Act favored immigration from Northwestern Europe.

    99% of the intra-European ethnic animosity that I see comes from people like MGLS.

    This is typical. Hostile European ethnics like Euro spew venom toward “WASPs,” “Yankees,” and “Puritans,” and that is not seen as having anything to do with ethnic conflict. Then a “Nordicist” like me responds, and “Nordicists” get blamed for intra-European ethnic animosity.

    If the pan-European coalition is so brittle that it can only be maintained by silencing the “Nordicists,” this suggests pan-Europeanism might not be the best strategy.

  5. “Various Jews made begging petitions to Oliver Cromwell to get him to revoke the Edict of Expulsion; but Cromwell, being only a commoner, could not revoke a royal edict and knew this. In February 1658 Cromwell is said to have made an oral commitment to Antonio Fernandes Cavajal, the leader of the Jews (buried under the name of Abraham in the Jews’ cemetery, London 1659), assuring his protection. This was in defiance of the recommendations of the council that the Jews should only be permitted the standing of ordinary aliens. This is the situation today.” — lecture by Lucien Wolf to the Jews College Literary Society in 1877.

    ” Manasseh [ben Israel] returned to Holland in October 1657, deeply distressed at what he considered to be the failure of his mission. Cromwell remained on friendly terms with him and granted him a pension of £100 a year. Although Edward I’s edict of expulsion was not formally revoked as Manasseh had hoped, the resumption of Jewish worship achieved the same practical result. The edict has actually not been revoked to this day.” — Joan Comay,Who’s Who in Jewish History After the Period of the Old Testament, 1974.

  6. [on Amren avoiding the JQ]

    If someone doesn’t care about Racial Issues in the first place, why on Earth would they ever begin to care about the Jewish Question?

    Sorry, but this doesn’t work as a law for me. I was pretty much raised a race-realist but I became an ethnopatriot because of the JQ. Maybe this is the exception that proves the rule, but I still think it’s just one way to skin a cat.

    I think this way because no other group is as malfeasant as Jews. A big problem getting whites to behave sensibly is that they’re convinced they aren’t supposed to believe in race or its importance, right? Well, it’s hard to maintain the illusion that something has no value when you catch someone in your backyard trying to destroy or steal it. Blacks don’t do this. Jews do. Point out someone trying to destroy something and you prove not only that he’s your enemy, but that the something in question has value. Suddenly you start caring about that something, thinking and learning about its value, etc.

    I think JT’s policy is right for JT and Amren (and I think there’s room for others beneath the umbrella of “gateway ethnocentrism”). I don’t think the chain of causation (care about race>notice the Jews) is axiomatic.

  7. @Ben

    There was NO law passed during Cromwell’s time allowing the Jews into England. That’s antique papist propaganda. The Jews had no legal or political standing in England until the time of Queen Victoria. Understand. That’s over 200 years after Cromwell!

  8. Also note that nuclear weapons make it possible to exterminate large and defenceless populations under false pretenses and with relative celerity and economy, should they prove contumacious in their captivity. (NN)

    Organized Jewry is also prone to wantonly killing off masses of people who oppose them if it suits them in the wars, revolutions, famines, and so on which they foment: see history of Europe and the USSR during the 20th Century, Israel’s endless wars, America’s 21st Century wars in the Middle East for Jewry and Israel, etc etc. (WP)

    Yes, let us bring many more White babies into this world.

  9. NeoNietzsche,

    The less White people there are in the future, the more likely anti-White genocide is to occur.

    99% of the important Genocides in history have been directed against small minorities, such as the Armenians in Turkey, the Whites in Zimbabwe, the Jews in Germany, the Ukrainians in the Soviet Union, the Afrikaaners in South Africa, etc.

    What are you, some kind of goddamned fatalist?

  10. MGLS writes:

    If the pan-European coalition is so brittle that it can only be maintained by silencing the “Nordicists,” this suggests pan-Europeanism might not be the best strategy.

    Svigor writes:

    Point out someone trying to destroy something and you prove not only that he’s your enemy, but that the something in question has value.

    The best strategy for everyone in the coalition is to direct their attention and exertions against those who are trying to destroy each and every part of the coalition.

    As an Anglo-Saxon who didn’t much like Germans once said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

  11. The less White people there are in the future, the more likely anti-White genocide is to occur.

    You are sadly mistaken. You will not fuck your way to racial salvation.

    The Jew is the latest illustration of the Iron Law and the Rightly Understood Interest of a qualitatively superior minority in mastering an inferior, slavish majority.

    If the stupid goyim do not grow up and understand *how and why* they have been mastered and where their true peril lies, they will perish from the Earth, no matter their numbers.

  12. “If the stupid goyim do not grow up and understand *how and why* they have been mastered and where their true peril lies, they will perish from the Earth, no matter their numbers.”

    That doesn’t contradict what I said.

    There’s a certain numerical limit beyond which Whites waking up won’t do them any good, and the further off in time that numerical limit is, the greater the probability that Whites will wake up before it is too late.

    It’s like if you were a drug addict and you got cancer, would you take the attitude that there would be no use getting treatment for the cancer because the drug addiction will just kill you anyway?

    That would be profoundly stupid, as getting treatment for the cancer will buy you time, time that greatly increases the chances that you’ll get over the addiction.

    In the same way getting treatment for terminally low birthrates buys Whites time, time that greatly increases the chances that we’ll get over our addiction to a head in the sand attitude.

    Also, Reproduction buys the White Race precious time to experience useful biological and cultural evolution that will make it far more likely that Whites will take control of their own destiny once more.

    How hard is that to understand?

  13. That doesn’t contradict what I said.

    It does – in that the implication of your statement is that *greater* numbers *lessen* the possibility of genocide (under any reasonable projection of future numbers more or less)

    There’s a certain [lower] numerical limit beyond which Whites waking up won’t do them any good,…

    A limit so removed from potential as to be absurd for other than academic exercise. What is the percentage of the population of our master class?

    …and the further off in time that numerical limit is, the greater the probability that Whites will wake up before it is too late.

    The two developments are, to the contrary, inversely related. The more quickly a peril approaches, the more noticeable and motivational it is. Boiled Toad principle.

    It’s like if you were a drug addict and you got cancer, would you take the attitude that there would be no use getting treatment for the cancer because the drug addiction will just kill you anyway?

    I do not find the analogy apt.

    That would be profoundly stupid, as getting treatment for the cancer will buy you time, time that greatly increases the chances that you’ll get over the addiction.

    To adopt your analogy – we do not have, and are not at risk of, “cancer”. There are more than enough Whites on the continent to assure that the risks of small minority status and consequent genocide are minimal to non-existent before other peril sees to our elimination. Consult “superhuman,” as it pertains, on the point.

    The challenge faced is one of quality – not quantity. We do not live in an authentic democracy that would allow greater numbers of Nationalists to prevail in an electoral contest, as in the good old days of Weimar. We cannot raise barbarians to be equipped with home-made weapons in armed masses hoping to prevail in combat, a’la Herman the German in the Teutoburger Wald.

    Also, Reproduction buys the White Race precious time to experience useful biological and cultural evolution that will make it far more likely that Whites will take control of their own destiny once more.

    The contrary development seems far more likely.

    How hard is that to understand?

    Very easy to understand – but not very credible.

  14. “I’m an actions-have-consequences kind of guy.”

    Actions have consequences, we just don’t know for sure what they are yet.

    “For sure”?

    No, we don’t know “for sure”.

    But we have reasonable expectations based upon a sense of probable future developments derived from the patterns of the past. Such is science – as opposed to faith and hope.

  15. NeoNietzsche writes:

    “…The Jew is the latest illustration of the Iron Law and the Rightly Understood Interest of a qualitatively superior minority in mastering an inferior, slavish majority.
    If the stupid goyim do not grow up and understand *how and why* they have been mastered and where their true peril lies, they will perish from the Earth, no matter their numbers…”

    This is the most important comment on the entire thread.

    Neo succinctly and clearly states exactly what has happened to us–our culture, media, government and K-12 educational system have been hijacked and conquered by a tiny minority who hide among us in plain sight and work only in their own interests, not ours. Our numbers do not matter–understanding, followed by action are what matters if we are to survive as a people and wrest our country away from ZOG–although at this point I feel it is far too late.

    They’ve conquered us to the point where we even send our precious young sons 9,000 nautical miles away to fight their wars, to protect their people, in their interests, not our own. Meanwhile, their sons sit in seats at Harvard and Princeton–places that have locked out our own White sons–while your sons are sent home in body bags.

    The Internet is our best defense–it is no wonder the hostile elites are hell-bent on censoring it, it is our only source of non-statist, non-controlled news.
    It is as important as the Printing Press, perhaps as important as the Written Word itself.

    The very best, most informative source I have ever read on the ZOG stranglehold on the US and how it came to be is Kevin MacDonald’s The Culture of Critique–downloadable for free:

    The importance of this books cannot be underestimated.

    Tell everyone you know and care about–it is easy to overcome their limp-wristed arguments with non-refutable, hard facts. Oh–and tell those you care about to start stocking up on supplies such as food, potable water, fuel, anything they might need for at least three months (some say a year!) when the food riots start up after the economy collapses (as planned).


  16. NeoNietzsche
    Also note that nuclear weapons make it possible to exterminate large and defenceless populations under false pretenses and with relative celerity and economy, should they prove contumacious in their captivity.

    Jews don’t have the courage to use nukes to exterminate whites. That would be far too dangerous. There’s always a chance that one of the remaining white majority nations might strike Israel in retaliation. Jews are audacious in their evil but they’re sneak thieves, bold, open violence is anathema to the tribe of rats. And to nuke millions of whites would create risks even beyond revenge, it would poison the earth.

    So, contra NeoNietzsche, having a large, difficult to exterminate white population is effective insurance against genocide.

  17. “A limit so removed from potential as to be absurd for other than academic exercise.”

    It’s a question of relative numbers. Look at South Africa! Their extinction isn’t nearly inevitable due to purely numerical factors, but rather because their numbers are too low in the context of how many racial enemies they have surrounding them.

    “The two developments are, to the contrary, inversely related. The more quickly a peril approaches, the more noticeable and motivational it is. Boiled Toad principle.”

    While there’s some merit to that view, you’re ignoring principles from probability like the law of large numbers.

    There has been a great deal of flux in the degree of Ethnocentrism exhibited by Whites over the last 200 years, much of it being random in nature, and even now there’s flux that is under random influence. And more importantly, the non-random influences on White Ethnocentrism exhibits a great deal of unpredictable variability.

    It the same way that there’s more of a chance of higher order intelligence evolving over the course of 100 million years, as opposed to 50 million years, there’s a greater chance that Whites will evolve the critical degree of Ethnocentrism required for survival over the course of 100 years of being viable as anything other than a powerless and despised minority on the North American Continent, as opposed to only 50 years.

    “The challenge faced is one of quality – not quantity. We do not live in an authentic democracy that would allow greater numbers of Nationalists to prevail in an electoral contest, as in the good old days of Weimar. We cannot raise barbarians to be equipped with home-made weapons in armed masses hoping to prevail in combat, a’la Herman the German in the Teutoburger Wald.”

    The weapons wouldn’t have to be homemade, and given the general trend of the US Government weakening, I think the possibility of good old fashioned Racially Motivated war of Secession, where greater number of Whites will lead to a greater chance of victory for our side, is FAR greater than you seem to think.

    Don’t forget that we have a common interest with Osama Bin Laden and his yet unnamed successors: That the Anti-White and Anti-Arab American Government be wiped off the face of the earth.

    A lot of the Anti-Government heavy lifting, bloodshed-wise, will be bourne by Muslims seeking to destroy their enemy in his own house.

    Ever read the Turner Diaries? In real life the protagonists wouldn’t have to be White, so long as they shared the same enemy and the same general motive.

    “Also, Reproduction buys the White Race precious time to experience useful biological and cultural evolution that will make it far more likely that Whites will take control of their own destiny once more.

    The contrary development seems far more likely.”

    Speaking to the issue of Biological Evolution at least, you are entirely mistaken.

    Just read these two articles, where I show that the More Ethnocentric States and Most Ethnocentric Major Religion in America are both correlated with higher White Fertility Rates!

    Anyway, if you want to argue that there are things more important than White reproduction, like the cultivation of White Supermen who can lead their brothers to victory, go ahead and be my guest.

    Just don’t argue that Reproduction isn’t important, as such a view defies both logic and common sense.

  18. Hey Nietzsche (I mean you, Neo, your namesake is not here to speak on his own behalf, so I suppose it is your task to speak for him consistent with what is apparently your self assigned role), just what system of rule would you implement that you envision would effect the outcomes necessary to accomplish the ends you desire?

  19. There’s always a chance that one of the remaining white majority nations might strike Israel in retaliation.

    Which of these, or the victim itself, has struck Israel in retaliation for the WTC demolitions?

    Another thought: when Jewry becomes involved in Messianic expectations, as in reducing the goyische kingdoms to rubble in preparation for His Coming, I suspect they worry little about “poisoning the Earth”.

    So, contra NeoNietzsche, having a large, difficult to exterminate white population is effective insurance against genocide.

    You beg your question – but if we look past that little dummheit, we see your predictable resort to a lower-class perspective on the problem, i.e., out-birth ’em rather than out-think ’em. Turn out more gullible little goyim with which to distract and enslave the moronic masses with child care and child support (to the extent that one attends to such things in the trailer park).

    And I now sit here amused that the thought seems to be that “hell, they can kill millions of us and there’ll still be millions of us left for killin’ when they get back around to it. And when they get back around to it, our wimins will have dropped even more of us on the ground – more than they can kill at one time – kinda like the way them rats survive as a race.”

  20. “Turn out more gullible little goyim with which to distract and enslave the moronic masses with child care and child support (to the extent that one attends to such things in the trailer park).”

    Neo, did you do us all the favor to deign to pass on your own exalted genes, or did that too greatly distract you from the superhuman task of single-handedly saving the race?

  21. Hey Nietzsche (I mean you, Neo, your namesake is not here to speak on his own behalf, so I suppose it is your task to speak for him consistent with what is apparently your self assigned role), just what system of rule would you implement that you envision would effect the outcomes necessary to accomplish the ends you desire?

    Military government – since you inquire about the “system”.

    But, as the Populist experience of early last century shows, the *agenda* of the personnel involved is even more important than the *form* of the government employed.

  22. Neo, did you do us all the favor to deign to pass on your own exalted genes, or did that too greatly distract you from the superhuman task of single-handedly saving the race?

    Having that nerve struck seems to have scrambled your grammar and phrasing, Cap’n – but I think I get your point.

    My mother had a difficulty that she passed to one of my brothers, and he to one of my nieces. I have acted responsibly in this regard.

  23. “Military government”

    I can dig it.

    “the *agenda* of the personnel involved is even more important than the *form* of the government employed.”

    I can dig it, there must by a why in addition to a how.

    “Having that nerve struck seems to have scrambled your grammar and phrasing,”

    Ah yes: “Neo, did you do us all the favor to deign to pass on your own exalted genes, or [would doing that have] too greatly distract you from the superhuman task of single-handedly saving the race[, which is why you did not]?”

  24. It’s a question of relative numbers. Look at South Africa! Their extinction isn’t nearly inevitable due to purely numerical factors, but rather because their numbers are too low in the context of how many racial enemies they have surrounding them.

    You confuse the discussion by failing to specify your proxies. If you are prepared to survive, racially, mainly by having too many Whites to wipe out completely, a South African White extinction doesn’t matter – many more Whites will survive elsewhere and you have succeeded, tactically and strategically.

    If you wish to use S.A. whites as a proxy for Whites globally, in making your point, you fail to take account of the radically differing state of the States involved and the global/local distribution of armed force.

    If you wish to use S.A. whites as an instructive proxy for Greater Judean whites, in particular, I again say that other peril will preempt your imagined eventual reduction of Whites to hostage status and risk of elimination.

  25. It the same way that there’s more of a chance of higher order intelligence evolving over the course of 100 million years, as opposed to 50 million years, there’s a greater chance that Whites will evolve the critical degree of Ethnocentrism required for survival over the course of 100 years of being viable as anything other than a powerless and despised minority on the North American Continent, as opposed to only 50 years.

    “Greater” in the sense that a mil is greater than a micron.

    And there’s a problem with hope for the emergence of the “Ethnocentrism required for survival” that merely begs the question of whether such Ethnocentrism, as it “evolves,” will be of the quality that indeed lends itself to survival. I find the lower-caste notions as to what is required to that end to reflect disappointing prospects involving a version of Ethnocentrism that does not emphasize quality over quantity.

  26. The weapons wouldn’t have to be homemade, and given the general trend of the US Government weakening, I think the possibility of good old fashioned Racially Motivated war of Secession, where greater number of Whites will lead to a greater chance of victory for our side, is FAR greater than you seem to think.

    Tell us about the origins and aftermath of “good old fashioned Racially Motivated war[s] of Secession,” please.

  27. Also, Reproduction buys the White Race precious time to experience useful biological and cultural evolution that will make it far more likely that Whites will take control of their own destiny once more. (Reginald)

    The contrary development seems far more likely. (NN)

    Speaking to the issue of Biological Evolution at least, you are entirely mistaken. Just read these two articles, where I show that the More Ethnocentric States and Most Ethnocentric Major Religion in America are both correlated with higher White Fertility Rates! (Reginald)

    You commit the error, explained above, of indiscriminately equating Ethnocentrism with the promotion of racial survival.

    We learn from the referenced material that which was already in evidence: that the declasse penis-wielder offers no more toward our survival than the provision of more slaves for our masters. Indeed, the multiplication of numbskull bigotry as representative of our position diminishes what little, if any, chance is to be had of influencing someone in a position of power to act in a responsible fashion.

  28. Anyway, if you want to argue that there are things more important than White reproduction, like the cultivation of White Supermen who can lead their brothers to victory, go ahead and be my guest.

    Very kind of you. I reciprocally invite you to entertain yourself at my venue, “superhuman”.

    Just don’t argue that Reproduction isn’t important, as such a view defies both logic and common sense.

    I understand the discussion to be one as to priorities, not alternatives.

  29. NeoNietzsche
    (to the extent that one attends to such things in the trailer park).

    Spoken like a white hating kike.

    Why would someone like you who worships kikes to a degree unheard of even in Rush Limbaugh’s studio and despises whites with a blistering contempt that might give Al Sharpton pause want a white state?

    Your drivel is, as always, worthless, your recommendations a recipe for surrender. We are to await your invocation of a military dictator in silence, lest our repellent nature inspire the scorn of our would be messiah who might then choose to ritually suicide rather than save such utter trailer trash.

    More succinctly, eat my shorts, you pompous ass.

  30. They’ve conquered us to the point where we even send our precious young sons 9,000 nautical miles away to fight their wars, to protect their people, in their interests, not our own. Meanwhile, their sons sit in seats at Harvard and Princeton–places that have locked out our own White sons–while your sons are sent home in body bags. — Bon, ‘From the Land of Babble’ (LOL)

    Ooh, soooooo unfortunately truuuue.

    Harvard Hates Whites—Does America, Too?

    Unz, himself Jewish, noted that at his alma mater, “Asians comprise between 2% and 3% of the U.S. population, but nearly 20% of Harvard undergraduates. Then too, between a quarter and a third of Harvard students identify themselves as Jewish, while Jews also represent just 2% to 3% of the overall population.” Not only was he so blunt about this, he took the step — rare in the mainstream media — of drawing the logical conclusion: “Thus, it appears that Jews and Asians constitute approximately half of Harvard’s student body, leaving the other half for the remaining 95% of America.”

    Of course “our” government is not interested in quantifying the relative decline non-Jewish whites are experiencing, but a few have done this independently. One researcher has used government statistics to graphically demonstrate how whites are penalized at all levels of intelligence when earnings are compared to others in the same IQ cohort. As he concluded, “A bright mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste, and it is the bright White gentile minds that are being denied educational opportunities at significant costs to our country.”

    Unz understood this, too, demonstrating how education levels play out over one’s career. What he found at Harvard about white Christian underrepresentation “is present to a greater or lesser degree at most of our other elite educational institutions: Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley and so on. And partly because these universities act as a natural springboard to elite careers in law, medicine, finance and technology, many of these commanding heights of American society seem to exhibit a similar skew in demographic composition.”

    They won’t even let our precious young son’s be sent even one nautical mile to defend their own nation’s southern border with Marxico!

    Bon, your one of the best writers for Our People… I always love your poetic commentary over at AmRen!

    Welcome to OD! So glad to have you here. 🙂

  31. Spoken like a white hating kike

    More succinctly, eat my shorts, you pompous ass.

    Sorry, OR, but I am so sated by the savor of your incontinent indignation that there’s nothing further you can offer me of pleasure at your expense.

  32. NN:”Also note that nuclear weapons make it possible to exterminate large and defenceless populations under false pretenses and with relative celerity and economy, should they prove contumacious in their captivity.”

    NN is right — with international organized Jewry + Israel now in possession of one of largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the world, not to mention their proxy control of the economy and thus the military (and nuclear weaponry) of the USA and the UK, there is little that can be done to militarily oppose them at this point.

    International Jewry and their allies would murder billions of innocent people without hesitation before they would loosen their grip of macro-control over the USA, the UK, and other nations.

    If they wanted to they could intentionally collapse the economy of any area of the USA or any other nation merely by preventing shipments of energy (oil from the Middle East) from reaching them.

    Those are the facts. The current situation is bleak according to any measure.

  33. Well, I don’t know quite what to say about all this erudite intra-racial white venom. Except that
    1) A Jew would enjoy reading it.
    2) Numbers do matter: Eastern Front, WW II: Nazis better
    organized, but Reds had the numbers. Look who won.
    3) As does organization and leadership of same. Both of which
    are facilitated by keeping the enemy-definition simple: its
    not “Yankees”, or Blacks, or Latinos. Its the Controlling
    Power, by way of money. big media, and fast-talk lawyering:
    organized Jewry. Break the Jew-power, and everything else
    will fall into place.

  34. Kulaks Never Learn:

    Thank you for your kind words.

    I see a number of (former) AmRen posters have landed here–probably because AmRen refuses to discuss or post any issues concerning ZOG hegemony and its destruction of White Americans and their culture. Many of the posts I write referencing Kevin MacDonald are not published; links I include to his site are edited out. AmRen is limited in its scope.

    To understand what is happening to NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS (I see Jupiter is here) and to understand why this is happening–why we Whites are being marginalized, debased, and eliminated in the country we WHITES created for ourselves and our posterity, how and why our culture, academia and government have been hijacked, we MUST have an open forum–a completely open forum– AmRen does not allow this.

    We also must band together to fight off ZOG control of the media and put a halt to the debasement of our people. If we Whites were to debase any other race or ethnic group the way we are debased daily, we would be charged with Hate Speech or Hate Crimes. If we complain about our displacement by non-Whites, we are hypocritically called Nazis and Klansmen. Whites, and only Whites, are expected to happily give up their living space and homelands and hand it over to the dregs of the Third World. I have watched my own home, California, turn into Third World hell.

    We must put a stop to this. But only by understanding ZOG and its motives will we be able to fight back.

    Many posters have left AmRen because it only deals with the symptoms of our downfall and not the core issue: ZOG control and its stranglehold on American culture, government, media, educational system and the incredible harm it is doing to our people.

    At least over here we can cut loose and speak our minds.

    I’ll close with this: I read this on ‘El Skunko’s’ (that’s the name he goes by) site this morning:

    The Question Of Zionist Children In The Conflicts

    When confronted on the appalling lack of military service, the standard answer is these kids are America’s future leaders. A Patrick AFB survey showed Jewish participation at .3% of all armed forces.

    Spread the Word and Tell Everyone You Know.


  35. seadragon:”2) Numbers do matter: Eastern Front, WW II: Nazis better
    organized, but Reds had the numbers. Look who won.”

    In the age of nuclear weaponry, raw numbers matter much less than they did in the years preceding them because in a matter of seconds a few nuclear weapons can now do the ‘fighting’ which in the past took huge armies years to do.

  36. “If you wish to use S.A. whites as an instructive proxy for Greater Judean whites…”

    Yes I do. The intended analogy was primarily to Whites in America, and the probability of their being helpless before Genocide like Whites in South Africa if their relative numbers are allowed to get too low.

    “In particular, I again say that other peril will preempt your imagined eventual reduction of Whites to hostage status and risk of elimination.”

    So you mean to say that if Jews continue to enjoy the position they do now, they will use their Awesome and God like power to Genocide White Americans out of existence before they reach minority status?

    Funny the Jews are struggling to get Obama to get tough on Iran, funny the Jews couldn’t even get their little monkey puppet George W. Bush to attack Iran, and yet they somehow have such total control of the US Government that they can snap their fingers and cause said Government to mass murder THE VERY PEOPLE WHO GIVE THE GOVERNMENT THE MONEY THAT IS THE SOLE BASIS OF ITS POWER.

    For the US Government to kill off Whites would be like a Pimp killing off all his Whores.

    When was the last time a Pimp killed off all his Whores, Neo? Maybe a Pimp will kill off a “trouble making” Whore or two from time to time, but to kill all of them would destroy the whole point of asserting greater control over them.

    Do you really think the American Government would use Nuclear Weapons against its own people, something that has never been done in the 65 year long history of Nuclear Weapons?

    You strike me as taking pessimism to the point of delusion.

    “I find the lower-caste notions as to what is required to that end to reflect disappointing prospects involving a version of Ethnocentrism that does not emphasize quality over quantity.”

    You sell quantity short. Hispanics don’t give a shit about anything else and they’re mopping up the floor with the blood and guts of Elite Whites in California.

    Who controls the Government in Cali, Neo? The high Quality Whites in Silicon Valley or the high quantity Hispanics?

    Look at were the tax money is going, and you’ll see it’s the Hispanics who are in charge.

    Also, Whites are so superier to other races that lower quality Whites are still very often near Gods among men, as compared to even the higher quality representatives of competing races.

  37. “You commit the error, explained above, of indiscriminately equating Ethnocentrism with the promotion of racial survival.”

    The more Ethnocentric do more to promote racial survival than the less Ethnocentric, and less to harm it.

    I admit that until we pound it into the skulls of Ethnocentric Whites that they need to start attacking Legal Immigration, like Rep. Virgil Goode and a few other people like Peter Brimelow have, there’s a crippling limit on how much good Ethnocentric Whites can do.

    But nonetheless there is likely a critical mass of Ethnocentrism that evolution will produce, where the cultural chains put on lower class Whites by Liberal Philosophy will be broken off like the Philistine bands around the arms of Sampson.

    Also, it is crucial to understand that even with Whites being too weakly Ethnocentric, the degree of race treason we’ve seen never could’ve happened without the narcotizing effects of prosperity.

    And prosperity is being washed away, by the very Multicultural Policies promoting by the Jews who have benefited so much from Whites being narcotized.

    Islamic Terrorism will help this denarcotizing process of economic destruction along very nicely

  38. Junghans:”By the way, I think that the first synagogue in N. America was at Newport, R.I., the center of the Jewish run Negro slave & shipping trade.”

    Yes, I have been trying to alert people to that fact for a couple years now. Another major center of Jewish importation of Black-African slaves was in Charleston, SC – which until the early 1800s had the largest Jewish community in all of North America. Slave trading Jews had been present in Charleston for a long time – with a synagogue (Congregation Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim) founded there in the 1740s (with Jews showing up there even earlier). In addition to Newport, RI and Charleston, SC, Jews also brought African slaves in at Savannah, GA as well as New Orleans, LA – among other port cities along the eastern seaboard. They did the same in the Carribbean/West Indies as well as across Latin America, with Recife, Brazil being a main point of importation. Jews have always had a long affinity with port cities. They needed labor, in this case free enslaved African labor, to work all of the mass-agricultural operations they were setting up to grow raw materials for export like sugar, cotton, tobacco, rice, cacao, coffee, and so on to Europe and beyond.

    After examining the evidence, it is clear that international-trading Jews were the people most responsible for the trans-Atlantic African slave trade, which was also an early form of Jewish ‘race-replacement’ of Whites and also a way to slowly mongrelize them.

  39. “Tell us about the origins and aftermath of ‘good old fashioned Racially Motivated war[s] of Secession,’ please.”

    The retirement of the primarily White Baby Boomers will have two effects:

    1. The average American worker will drop sharply in quality, on account of the average American worker becoming less White and more Hispanic, undermining the Economic Growth the US Government so desperately depends on.

    2. The Social Security and Medicare obligations of the US Government will skyrocket compared to where they are now.

    These two things happening at once will force the Federal Government to start a massive campaign of tax increases directed at the remaining States that are mostly White, and therefore still producing a decent amount of Wealth compared to what they consume in Tax Services.

    Note they WON’T be able to raise taxes across the board, as in States like California and Arizona this would lead to MASS STARVATION.

    They’ll instead have to single out the White States and White people to suck their wealth, and this unprecedented assault on Whites will put strong practical pressure on the mostly White States to break free from the Federal Government.

    They will be aided in this goal by the simple fact that you can’t get Americans to risk their lives in the Army without giving them checks so big and fat that it will be beyond the capacity of the financially floundering Us Government to field an Army large enough to win against a large enough number of angry and well armed Whites.

    In the same way that the Southern States quickly took over all American Military Bases in the South once they decided to Secede; these new Secessionist States will easily take over the Military Bases currently on their Territory, along with the Nuclear Weapons these bases might have.

    Note that internal Military Bases are very isolated and poorly guarded things, and there’s recent precedent from the Balkans that they can be taken without much difficulty with the use of lightning strikes in the dead of night.

  40. Reginald – I agree. It’s all about numbers. We can fight over IQ points, later, when the World is White.

    Right now – Eastern Europeans are HIGHLY “racist”, yet perhaps not so book schmart. Racial solidarity, and numbers, count in survival.

  41. NeoNietsche,
    For the sake of discussion, what is your response to this scenario: A small fraction of the White population, 200,000 adults, consisting mainly of your oft described untermensch, are racially awakened and aroused to anger and action. Lets imagine that each underman packs up his broad, brats, bible and belongings onto his rusty pickup truck with shotgun racks full, and heads somewhars for that thar revolooshun. In this example, the unshaven, uneducated, ungainly, unappreciated, unkempt but united and unshakable horde of hillbillies arrives in North Dakota, where they quickly vote to leave the Union, creating a new state, the “United Trailer Park Trash of America” (this would be enough votes for North Dakota to secede).

    How would your advanced techno state, armed to the teeth with the newest weaponry, be able to stop the revolution? Do you think the US would resort to the authoritarian measures need to quell it? The whole world would be watching, including the voters, over half of the voters are female, and most are peace-loving Christians. This is a nation with little stomach for violence within its borders, especially when children are involved. People are sent to jail for long periods for just mistreating animals. A powerful politician using the word “retard” is shocking front page news. The Ruby Ridge fiasco involved just a few casualties, but caused a great deal of anger.

    The common law enforcement and military personnel certainly do not have the stomach for a long term violent campaign against their countrymen. It would also be a very costly operation for a nation that is finding itself in ever-deepening financial difficulties. The Texas polygamy fiasco involved just a few hundred people for a few months, but was very expensive.

    This is also a nation that is extremely vulnerable. A truck with a load of fertilizer is fairly cheap, but can be very destructive. A few of these placed at critical locations would cause massive economic harm without casualties. A continuing campaign of such would be devastating, but extremely difficult to stop.

    I think that you overestimate the powers that be. This is not the highly-organized Germany of Nietzsche’s era, which he seems to refer to. What you see as a super-efficient political entity, I see as a steaming stool of a system, slouching toward Mexico. It must pour increasing energy into thought control, to prevent its White population from realizing the obvious about their displacement. It is a nation on an inevitable path to fiscal ruin and internal turmoil.

    A real secession movement would be very difficult for the United States to deal with. A committed but essentially non-violent movement could be highly effective. And to succeed, it would not need any supermen of vast powers of thought and planning. It just needs a few buck-toothed bubbas with backbone, ignorant of Nietsche but with the will and persistence to make it happen.

  42. So you mean to say that if Jews continue to enjoy the position they do now, they will use their Awesome and God like power to Genocide White Americans out of existence before they reach minority status?

    You might review the discussion and note that I did not assign responsibility for that development. If you will study “superhuman,” this matter will be explained at a length that is not appropriate on this thread.

    You strike me as taking pessimism to the point of delusion.

    Based upon your having jumped to a conclusion not supported by a critical fact.

    “I find the lower-caste notions as to what is required to that end to reflect disappointing prospects involving a version of Ethnocentrism that does not emphasize quality over quantity.”

    You sell quantity short. Hispanics don’t give a shit about anything else and they’re mopping up the floor with the blood and guts of Elite Whites in California.

    And what has been the fate of Elite Jews?

    Who controls the Government in Cali, Neo? The high Quality Whites in Silicon Valley or the high quantity Hispanics?

    Neither. It’s out of control in a death spiral, evidently as it suits High Quality Jews, on balance. Same thing in Iraq.

    Also, Whites are so superier to other races that lower quality Whites are still very often near Gods among men, as compared to even the higher quality representatives of competing races.

    Please define “superier” and explain the implication of your allegation.

  43. The more Ethnocentric do more to promote racial survival than the less Ethnocentric, and less to harm it.

    One would think so, but the evidence to that effect is questionable.

    As has been referenced here and as general observation indicates, Ethnocentrism is correlated and associated with lower-class behavior patterns. This brings it into disrepute with those who have the power to influence events.

  44. Note that internal Military Bases are very isolated and poorly guarded things, and there’s recent precedent from the Balkans that they can be taken without much difficulty with the use of lightning strikes in the dead of night.

    I have long been aware of this fact – as have others.

  45. NeoNietzsche, For the sake of discussion, what is your response to this scenario: A small fraction of the White population, 200,000 adults, consisting mainly of your oft described untermensch, are racially awakened and aroused to anger and action. Lets imagine that each underman packs up his broad, brats, bible and belongings onto his rusty pickup truck with shotgun racks full, and heads somewhars for that thar revolooshun. In this example, the unshaven, uneducated, ungainly, unappreciated, unkempt but united and unshakable horde of hillbillies arrives in North Dakota, where they quickly vote to leave the Union, creating a new state, the “United Trailer Park Trash of America” (this would be enough votes for North Dakota to secede).

    How would your advanced techno state, armed to the teeth with the newest weaponry, be able to stop the revolution?

    Probably at the planning stage. Kidnap and/or kill and/or suborn the organizers.

    But let’s grant the initial demographic success of your “revolution” (secession – not revolution – properly speaking), for the sake of discussion.

    The Greater Judean authorities, in consideration of the facts you adduce, might well be content, pro tempore, to wall off North Dakota and treat it like Snake Plissken’s New York City.

    Eventually, the Pitcairn Island/Lord-of-the-Flies phenomenon, characteristic of the personnel as you have profiled them – in collaboration with desertion from that disorder – would see to the reduction of the redoubt and its return to the fold.

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